Add operator_info
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 279 additions and 37 deletions
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
add_library(frontend frontend.cpp)
add_library(frontend frontend.cpp operator_info)
target_link_libraries(frontend ${LEAN_LIBS})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "operator_info.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "options.h"
namespace lean {
struct operator_info::imp {
void dealloc() { delete this; }
fixity m_fixity;
associativity m_assoc; // Relevant only for infix operators.
unsigned m_precedence;
list<name> m_op_parts; // operator parts, > 1 only if the operator is mixfix.
list<name> m_names; // internal names, > 1 only if the operator is overloaded.
imp(name const & op, fixity f, associativity a, unsigned p):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_assoc(a), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(cons(op, list<name>())) {}
imp(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, fixity f, unsigned p):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_assoc(associativity::None), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(it2list<name, name const *>(parts, parts + num_parts)) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 0);
imp(imp const & s):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(s.m_fixity), m_assoc(s.m_assoc), m_precedence(s.m_precedence), m_op_parts(s.m_op_parts), m_names(s.m_names) {
operator_info::operator_info(imp * p):m_ptr(p) {}
operator_info::operator_info(operator_info const & info):m_ptr(info.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
operator_info::operator_info(operator_info && info):m_ptr(info.m_ptr) { info.m_ptr = nullptr; }
operator_info::~operator_info() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
operator_info & operator_info::operator=(operator_info const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(operator_info, s); }
operator_info & operator_info::operator=(operator_info && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(operator_info, s); }
void operator_info::add_internal_name(name const & n) { lean_assert(m_ptr); m_ptr->m_names = cons(n, m_ptr->m_names); }
bool operator_info::is_overloaded() const { return m_ptr && !is_nil(m_ptr->m_names) && !is_nil(cdr(m_ptr->m_names)); }
list<name> const & operator_info::get_internal_names() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_names; }
fixity operator_info::get_fixity() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_fixity; }
associativity operator_info::get_associativity() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_assoc; }
unsigned operator_info::get_precedence() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_precedence; }
name const & operator_info::get_op_name() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return car(m_ptr->m_op_parts); }
list<name> const & operator_info::get_op_name_parts() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_op_parts; }
operator_info operator_info::copy() const { return operator_info(new imp(*m_ptr)); }
operator_info infixr(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Infix, associativity::Right, precedence));
operator_info infixl(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Infix, associativity::Left, precedence));
operator_info prefix(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Prefix, associativity::None, precedence));
operator_info postfix(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Postfix, associativity::None, precedence));
operator_info mixfixl(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixl, precedence));
operator_info mixfixr(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixr, precedence));
operator_info mixfixc(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixc, precedence));
static char const * g_arrow = "\u21a6";
format pp(operator_info const & o, options const & opt) {
format r;
switch (o.get_fixity()) {
case fixity::Infix: r = format(o.get_associativity() == associativity::Left ? "Infixl" : "Infixr"); break;
case fixity::Prefix: r = format("Prefix"); break;
case fixity::Postfix: r = format("Postfix"); break;
case fixity::Mixfixl:
case fixity::Mixfixr:
case fixity::Mixfixc: r = format("Mixfix"); break;
r += space();
if (o.get_precedence() != 0)
r += format{format(o.get_precedence()), space()};
switch (o.get_fixity()) {
case fixity::Infix: case fixity::Prefix: case fixity::Postfix:
r += pp(o.get_op_name(), opt); break;
case fixity::Mixfixl:
for (auto p : o.get_op_name_parts()) r += format{pp(p, opt), format(" _")};
case fixity::Mixfixr:
for (auto p : o.get_op_name_parts()) r += format{format("_ "), pp(p, opt)};
case fixity::Mixfixc: {
bool first = true;
for (auto p : o.get_op_name_parts()) {
if (first) first = false; else r += format(" _ ");
r += pp(p, opt);
list<name> const & l = o.get_internal_names();
if (!is_nil(l)) {
r += format{space(), format(g_arrow)};
for (auto n : l) r += format{space(), pp(n, opt)};
return r;
format pp(operator_info const & o) {
return pp(o, options());
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, operator_info const & o) {
out << pp(o);
return out;
@ -6,22 +6,29 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include "name.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "format.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Operator fixity.
Prefix: ID _
Infix: _ ID _ (can be left or right associative)
Postfix: _ ID
Mixfix_l: ID _ ID _ ... ID _
Mixfix_r: _ ID _ ID ... _ ID
Mixfix_c: ID _ ID _ ... ID _ ID
Mixfixl: ID _ ID _ ... ID _ (has at least two parts)
Mixfixr: _ ID _ ID ... _ ID (has at least two parts)
Mixfixc: ID _ ID _ ... ID _ ID (has at least two parts)
enum class fixity { Prefix, Infix, Postfix, Mixfix_l, Mixfix_r, Mixfix_c };
enum class fixity { Prefix, Infix, Postfix, Mixfixl, Mixfixr, Mixfixc };
enum class associativity { Left, Right };
enum class associativity { Left, Right, None };
\brief Data-structure for storing user defined operator
information. This information is used during parsing and
class operator_info {
struct imp;
imp * m_ptr;
@ -31,50 +38,65 @@ public:
operator_info(operator_info && info);
operator_info & operator=(operator const & o);
operator_info & operator=(operator&& o);
operator_info & operator=(operator_info const & o);
operator_info & operator=(operator_info && o);
operator_info infixl(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info infixr(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info prefix(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info postfix(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info mixfixl(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
operator_info mixfixr(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
operator_info mixfixc(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
friend void swap(operator_info & o1, operator_info & o2) { std::swap(o1.m_ptr, o2.m_ptr); }
friend operator_info infixl(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
friend operator_info infixr(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
friend operator_info prefix(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
friend operator_info postfix(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
friend operator_info mixfixl(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
friend operator_info mixfixr(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
friend operator_info mixfixc(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
/** \brief Associate an internal name for this operator. */
void add_internal_name(name const & n);
/** \brief Return true iff the operator is overloaded. */
bool is_overloaded() const;
\brief Return the list of internal names for this operator.
The list has size greater than 1 iff the operator has been overloaded.
When the operator is overloaded, the first internal name is
the temporary name to be used during parsing (before elaboration).
\brief Return the list of internal names for this operator.
The list has size greater than 1 iff the operator has been
Internal names are the real names used to identify the operator
in the kernel.
list<name> const & get_internal_names() const;
/** \brief Return the operator fixity. */
fixity get_fixity() const;
/** \brief Return the operator associativity. */
associativity get_associativity() const;
/** \brief Return the operator precedence. */
unsigned get_precedence() const;
list<name> const & get_op_parts() const;
/** \brief Return the operator name. For mixfix operators the result corresponds to the first part. */
name const & get_op_name() const;
/** \brief Return the operators parts. */
list<name> const & get_op_name_parts() const;
/** \brief Return a copy of the operator. */
operator_info copy() const;
#if 0
fixity m_fixity;
associativity m_assoc; // Relevant only for infix operators.
unsigned m_precedence;
list<name> m_op_parts; // operator parts, > 1 only if the operator is mixfix.
list<name> m_names; // internal names, > 1 only if the operator is overloaded.
operator_info infixl(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info infixr(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info prefix(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info postfix(name const & op, unsigned precedence);
operator_info mixfixl(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
operator_info mixfixr(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
operator_info mixfixc(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence);
inline operator_info mixfixl(std::initializer_list<name> const & l, unsigned precedence) { return mixfixl(l.size(), l.begin(), precedence); }
inline operator_info mixfixr(std::initializer_list<name> const & l, unsigned precedence) { return mixfixr(l.size(), l.begin(), precedence); }
inline operator_info mixfixc(std::initializer_list<name> const & l, unsigned precedence) { return mixfixc(l.size(), l.begin(), precedence); }
class options;
format pp(operator_info const & o, options const &);
format pp(operator_info const & o);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, operator_info const & o);
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontend.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "operator_info.h"
#include "test.h"
using namespace lean;
@ -17,8 +18,38 @@ static void tst1() {
static void tst2() {
operator_info op1 = infixl(name("and"), 10);
operator_info op2 = infixr(name("implies"), 20);
lean_assert(op1.get_precedence() == 10);
lean_assert(op1.get_associativity() == associativity::Left);
lean_assert(op1.get_fixity() == fixity::Infix);
operator_info op3 = infixl(name("+"), 10);
op3.add_internal_name(name{"Int", "plus"});
op3.add_internal_name(name{"Real", "plus"});
std::cout << op3.get_internal_names() << "\n";
lean_assert(length(op3.get_internal_names()) == 2);
operator_info op4 = op3.copy();
op4.add_internal_name(name{"Complex", "plus"});
std::cout << op4.get_internal_names() << "\n";
lean_assert(length(op3.get_internal_names()) == 2);
lean_assert(length(op4.get_internal_names()) == 3);
lean_assert(op4.get_fixity() == fixity::Infix);
lean_assert(op4.get_op_name() == op3.get_op_name());
lean_assert(prefix("tst", 20).get_fixity() == fixity::Prefix);
lean_assert(postfix("!", 20).get_fixity() == fixity::Postfix);
lean_assert(length(mixfixl({"if", "then", "else"}, 10).get_op_name_parts()) == 3);
lean_assert(mixfixc({"if", "then", "else", "endif"}, 10).get_fixity() == fixity::Mixfixc);
std::cout << mixfixc({"if", "then", "else", "endif"}, 10).get_op_name_parts() << "\n";
std::cout << op4 << "\n";
std::cout << op2 << "\n";
std::cout << mixfixc({"if", "then", "else", "endif"}, 10) << "\n";
int main() {
// continue_on_violation(true);
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <vector>
#include "list.h"
#include "test.h"
using namespace lean;
@ -21,8 +22,30 @@ static void tst1() {
std::cout << l << "\n";
static void tst2() {
std::vector<int> a{10, 20, 30};
list<int> l = it2list<int>(a.begin(), a.end());
std::cout << l << "\n";
lean_assert(head(l) == 10);
lean_assert(head(tail(l)) == 20);
lean_assert(head(tail(tail(l))) == 30);
lean_assert(length(l) == 3);
static void tst3() {
int a[3] = {10, 20, 30};
list<int> l = it2list<int, int*>(a, a+3);
std::cout << l << "\n";
lean_assert(head(l) == 10);
lean_assert(head(tail(l)) == 20);
lean_assert(head(tail(tail(l))) == 30);
lean_assert(length(l) == 3);
int main() {
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
@ -50,6 +50,22 @@ public:
friend list const & tail(list const & l) { lean_assert(!is_nil(l)); return l.m_ptr->m_tail; }
friend bool operator==(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return l1.m_ptr == l2.m_ptr; }
friend bool operator!=(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return l1.m_ptr != l2.m_ptr; }
class iterator {
friend class list;
cell const * m_it;
iterator(cell const * it):m_it(it) {}
iterator(iterator const & s):m_it(s.m_it) {}
iterator & operator++() { m_it = m_it->m_tail.m_ptr; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
bool operator==(iterator const & s) const { return m_it == s.m_it; }
bool operator!=(iterator const & s) const { return !operator==(s); }
T const & operator*() { lean_assert(m_it); return m_it->m_head; }
iterator begin() const { return iterator(m_ptr); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(nullptr); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> cons(T const & h, list<T> const & t) { return list<T>(h, t); }
@ -81,4 +97,14 @@ template<typename T> unsigned length(list<T> const & l) {
return r;
template<typename T, typename It> list<T> it2list(It const & begin, It const & end) {
list<T> r;
auto it = end;
while (it != begin) {
r = cons(*it, r);
return r;
Add table
Reference in a new issue