fix(tests/lean/run/finset): adjust test to recent changes to the

standard library
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Leonardo de Moura 2015-07-19 11:16:42 -07:00
parent 92f8eb173b
commit 5112232d6d

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace finset
{intro yinxxs, apply (or.elim ( !mem_cons_iff yinxxs)),
intro yeqx, rewrite -yeqx at xin, exact ( (ih y) xin),
intro yeqxs, exact ( (ih y) yeqxs)},
{intro yinnrep, show y ∈ x::xs, from or.inr (' (ih y) yinnrep)}
{intro yinnrep, show y ∈ x::xs, from or.inr (iff.mpr (ih y) yinnrep)}
intro xnin, rewrite (if_neg xnin),
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace finset
intro yinxs, show y ∈ x:: norep xs, from or.inr ( (ih y) yinxs)},
{intro yinxnrep, apply (or.elim ( !mem_cons_iff yinxnrep)),
intro yeqx, rewrite yeqx, apply mem_cons,
intro yinrep, show y ∈ x::xs, from or.inr (' (ih y) yinrep)}
intro yinrep, show y ∈ x::xs, from or.inr (iff.mpr (ih y) yinrep)}
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace finset
assume h₁ a ainl₁, (h₁ a) ainl₁
theorem sub_of_eqv_right {A : Type} {l₁ l₂ : list A} : l₁ ~ l₂ → l₂ ⊆ l₁ :=
assume h₁ a ainl₂,' (h₁ a) ainl₂
assume h₁ a ainl₂, iff.mpr (h₁ a) ainl₂
definition sub_of_cons_sub {A : Type} {a : A} {l₁ l₂ : list A} : a :: l₁ ⊆ l₂ → l₁ ⊆ l₂ :=
assume s, take b, assume binl₁, s b (or.inr binl₁)
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ namespace finset
intro inl₃l₄,
apply (or.elim (mem_or_mem_of_mem_append inl₃l₄)),
intro inl₃, exact (mem_append_of_mem_or_mem (or.inl (' (r₁ a) inl₃))),
intro inl₄, exact (mem_append_of_mem_or_mem (or.inr (' (r₂ a) inl₄)))
intro inl₃, exact (mem_append_of_mem_or_mem (or.inl (iff.mpr (r₁ a) inl₃))),
intro inl₄, exact (mem_append_of_mem_or_mem (or.inr (iff.mpr (r₂ a) inl₄)))