feat(library/data/hf): add hf.powerset

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Leonardo de Moura 2015-08-13 08:49:15 -07:00
parent 6bec3ba58b
commit 51c48277c8
2 changed files with 38 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -443,14 +443,13 @@ begin
theorem subset_of_mem_powerset {s t : finset A} (H : s ∈ powerset t) : s ⊆ t :=
by rewrite mem_powerset_iff_subset at H; exact H
iff.mp (mem_powerset_iff_subset t s) H
theorem mem_powerset_of_subset {s t : finset A} (H : s ⊆ t) : s ∈ powerset t :=
by rewrite -mem_powerset_iff_subset at H; exact H
iff.mpr (mem_powerset_iff_subset t s) H
theorem empty_mem_powerset (s : finset A) : ∅ ∈ powerset s :=
by rewrite mem_powerset_iff_subset; apply empty_subset
mem_powerset_of_subset (empty_subset s)
end powerset
end finset

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@ -364,4 +364,39 @@ begin unfold [subset, image], intro h, rewrite *to_finset_of_finset, apply finse
theorem image_union (f : hf → hf) (s t : hf) : image f (s t) = image f s image f t :=
begin unfold [image, union], rewrite [*to_finset_of_finset, finset.image_union] end
/- powerset -/
definition powerset (s : hf) : hf :=
of_finset (finset.image of_finset (finset.powerset (to_finset s)))
notation [priority hf.prio] `𝒫` s := powerset s
theorem powerset_empty : powerset ∅ = insert ∅ ∅ :=
theorem powerset_insert {a : hf} {s : hf} : a ∉ s → powerset (insert a s) = powerset s image (insert a) (powerset s) :=
begin unfold [not_mem, mem, powerset, insert, union, image], rewrite [*to_finset_of_finset], intro h,
have (λ (x : finset hf), of_finset (finset.insert a x)) = (λ (x : finset hf), of_finset (finset.insert a (to_finset (of_finset x)))), from
funext (λ x, by rewrite to_finset_of_finset),
rewrite [finset.powerset_insert h, finset.image_union, -*finset.image_compose,↑compose,this]
theorem mem_powerset_iff_subset (s : hf) : ∀ x : hf, x ∈ powerset s ↔ x ⊆ s :=
intro x, unfold [mem, powerset, subset], rewrite [to_finset_of_finset, finset.mem_image_eq], apply iff.intro,
suppose (∃ (w : finset hf), finset.mem w (finset.powerset (to_finset s)) ∧ of_finset w = x),
obtain w h₁ h₂, from this,
begin subst x, rewrite to_finset_of_finset, exact iff.mp !finset.mem_powerset_iff_subset h₁ end,
suppose finset.subset (to_finset x) (to_finset s),
assert finset.mem (to_finset x) (finset.powerset (to_finset s)), from iff.mpr !finset.mem_powerset_iff_subset this,
exists.intro (to_finset x) (and.intro this (of_finset_to_finset x))
theorem subset_of_mem_powerset {s t : hf} (H : s ∈ powerset t) : s ⊆ t :=
iff.mp (mem_powerset_iff_subset t s) H
theorem mem_powerset_of_subset {s t : hf} (H : s ⊆ t) : s ∈ powerset t :=
iff.mpr (mem_powerset_iff_subset t s) H
theorem empty_mem_powerset (s : hf) : ∅ ∈ powerset s :=
mem_powerset_of_subset (empty_subset s)
end hf