feat(hott/homotopy): additions to sphere and susp, improve quaternionc_hopf

This commit is contained in:
Ulrik Buchholtz 2016-03-10 19:53:42 -05:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 7e8ba1440f
commit 5257e282aa
3 changed files with 32 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -103,17 +103,14 @@ namespace hopf
@h_space_equiv_closed (join S¹ S¹)
(cd_h_space (S -1.+1) circle_assoc) (S 3) (join.spheres 1 1)
/- once we know that connectivity is downward closed,
we can replace this with an appeal to is_conn_sphere -/
definition is_conn_sphere_three : is_conn 0 (S 3) :=
fapply is_contr.mk,
{ exact tr (north : sphere -1.+2.+2) },
{ intro x, induction x with x,
induction x with x,
{ reflexivity },
{ apply ap tr, exact merid (north : sphere -1.+2.+1) },
{ apply is_prop.elimo }, }
have le02 : trunc_index.le 0 2,
from trunc_index.le.step
(trunc_index.le.step (trunc_index.le.tr_refl 0)),
exact @is_conn_of_le (S 3) 0 2 le02 (is_conn_sphere 3)
-- apply is_conn_of_le (S 3) le02
-- doesn't find is_conn_sphere instance
local attribute is_conn_sphere_three [instance]
@ -125,4 +122,3 @@ namespace hopf
end hopf

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@ -87,6 +87,13 @@ namespace sphere_index
definition succ_sub_one (n : ) : (nat.succ n)..-1 = n :> ℕ₋₁ :=
definition add_sub_one (n m : ) : (n + m)..-1 = n..-1 +1+ m..-1 :> ℕ₋₁ :=
induction m with m IH,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact ap succ IH }
definition succ_le_succ {n m : ℕ₋₁} (H : n ≤ m) : n.+1 ≤[ℕ₋₁] m.+1 :=
by induction H with m H IH; apply le.sp_refl; exact le.step IH

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@ -193,25 +193,33 @@ end susp
namespace susp
open pointed
variables {X Y Z : pType}
definition pointed_susp [instance] [constructor] (X : Type) : pointed (susp X) :=
definition pointed_susp [instance] [constructor] (X : Type)
: pointed (susp X) :=
pointed.mk north
end susp
definition psusp [constructor] (X : Type) : pType :=
pointed.mk' (susp X)
open susp
definition psusp [constructor] (X : Type) : pType :=
pointed.mk' (susp X)
namespace susp
open pointed
variables {X Y Z : pType}
definition psusp_functor (f : X →* Y) : psusp X →* psusp Y :=
{ intro x, induction x,
apply north,
apply south,
exact merid (f a)},
{ reflexivity}
{ exact susp.functor f },
{ reflexivity }
definition is_equiv_psusp_functor (f : X →* Y) [Hf : is_equiv f]
: is_equiv (psusp_functor f) :=
susp.is_equiv_functor f
definition psusp_equiv (f : X ≃* Y) : psusp X ≃* psusp Y :=
pequiv_of_equiv (susp.equiv f) idp
definition psusp_functor_compose (g : Y →* Z) (f : X →* Y)
: psusp_functor (g ∘* f) ~* psusp_functor g ∘* psusp_functor f :=