Improve comments
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 34 additions and 20 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "rc.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Actual implementation of operator_info */
struct operator_info::imp {
void dealloc() { delete this; }
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct operator_info::imp {
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(cons(op, list<name>())) {}
imp(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, fixity f, unsigned p):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(it2list<name, name const *>(parts, parts + num_parts)) {
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(copy_to_list<name const *, name>(parts, parts + num_parts)) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 0);
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ static name g_eq_name("=");
static char g_normalized[256];
/** \brief Auxiliary class for initializing global variable \c g_normalized. */
class init_normalized_table {
void set(int i, char v) { g_normalized[static_cast<unsigned>(i)] = v; }
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
namespace lean {
\brief Return unit if <tt>num_args == 0<\tt>, args[0] if <tt>num_args == 1<\tt>, and
<tt>(op args[0] (op args[1] (op ... )))<\tt>
\brief Return unit if <tt>num_args == 0</tt>, args[0] if <tt>num_args == 1</tt>, and
<tt>(op args[0] (op args[1] (op ... )))</tt>
expr mk_bin_op(expr const & op, expr const & unit, unsigned num_args, expr const * args);
expr mk_bin_op(expr const & op, expr const & unit, std::initializer_list<expr> const & l);
@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ expr mk_not_fn();
inline expr mk_not(expr const & e) { return mk_app(mk_not_fn(), e); }
inline expr Not(expr const & e) { return mk_not(e); }
/** \brief Return the Lean forall operator. It has type: <tt>Pi (A : Type), (A -> bool) -> Bool<\tt> */
/** \brief Return the Lean forall operator. It has type: <tt>Pi (A : Type), (A -> bool) -> Bool</tt> */
expr mk_forall_fn();
/** \brief Return the term (Forall A P), where A is a type and P : A -> bool */
inline expr mk_forall(expr const & A, expr const & P) { return mk_app(mk_forall_fn(), A, P); }
inline expr Forall(expr const & A, expr const & P) { return mk_forall(A, P); }
/** \brief Return the Lean exists operator. It has type: <tt>Pi (A : Type), (A -> Bool) -> Bool<\tt> */
/** \brief Return the Lean exists operator. It has type: <tt>Pi (A : Type), (A -> Bool) -> Bool</tt> */
expr mk_exists_fn();
/** \brief Return the term (exists A P), where A is a type and P : A -> bool */
inline expr mk_exists(expr const & A, expr const & P) { return mk_app(mk_exists_fn(), A, P); }
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ public:
expr_kind kind() const { return static_cast<expr_kind>(m_kind); }
unsigned hash() const { return m_hash; }
\brief Exprs for encoding formulas/expressions, types and proofs.
@ -197,9 +196,7 @@ public:
level const & get_level() const { return m_level; }
\brief Base class for semantic attachment cells.
/** \brief Base class for semantic attachment cells. */
class value {
void dealloc() { delete this; }
@ -214,7 +211,6 @@ public:
virtual format pp() const = 0;
virtual unsigned hash() const = 0;
/** \brief Semantic attachments */
class expr_value : public expr_cell {
value & m_val;
@ -332,9 +328,13 @@ inline name const & let_name(expr_cell * e) { return to_let(e)->get
inline expr const & let_value(expr_cell * e) { return to_let(e)->get_value(); }
inline expr const & let_body(expr_cell * e) { return to_let(e)->get_body(); }
/** \brief Return the reference counter of the given expression. */
inline unsigned get_rc(expr const & e) { return e.raw()->get_rc(); }
/** \brief Return true iff the reference counter of the given expression is greater than 1. */
inline bool is_shared(expr const & e) { return get_rc(e) > 1; }
/** \brief Return the de Bruijn index of the given expression. \pre is_var(e) */
inline unsigned var_idx(expr const & e) { return to_var(e)->get_vidx(); }
/** \brief Return true iff the given expression is a variable with de Bruijn index equal to \c i. */
inline bool is_var(expr const & e, unsigned i) { return is_var(e) && var_idx(e) == i; }
inline name const & const_name(expr const & e) { return to_constant(e)->get_name(); }
inline value const & to_value(expr const & e) { return to_value(e.raw()); }
@ -13,21 +13,25 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "hash.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Base class for representing universe level cells. */
struct level_cell {
void dealloc();
level_kind m_kind;
level_cell(level_kind k):m_rc(1), m_kind(k) {}
/** \brief Cell for universe variables. */
struct level_uvar : public level_cell {
name m_name;
level_uvar(name const & n):level_cell(level_kind::UVar), m_name(n) {}
/** \brief Cell for representing the universe <tt>l + k</tt>, where \c l is a level and \c k a unsigned integer. */
struct level_lift : public level_cell {
level m_l;
unsigned m_k;
level_lift(level const & l, unsigned k):level_cell(level_kind::Lift), m_l(l), m_k(k) {}
/** \brief Cell for representing the universe <tt>max l_1 ... l_n</tt>, where <tt>n == m_size</tt>. */
struct level_max : public level_cell {
unsigned m_size;
level m_levels[0];
@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ void for_each(F & f, context const * c, unsigned sz, expr const * es) {
namespace occurs_ns { struct found {}; }
namespace occurs_ns {
/** \brief Auxiliary struct used to sign (as an exception) that an occurrence was found. */
struct found {};
bool occurs(name const & n, context const * c, unsigned sz, expr const * es) {
auto visitor = [&](expr const & e, unsigned offset) -> void {
if (is_constant(e)) {
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ bool is_convertible(expr const & expected, expr const & given, environment const
return is_convertible_core(e_n, g_n, env);
/** \brief Auxiliary functional object used to implement infer_type. */
struct infer_type_fn {
typedef scoped_map<expr, expr, expr_hash, expr_eqp> cache;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static void tst1() {
static void tst2() {
std::vector<int> a{10, 20, 30};
list<int> l = it2list<int>(a.begin(), a.end());
list<int> l = copy_to_list(a.begin(), a.end());
std::cout << l << "\n";
lean_assert(head(l) == 10);
lean_assert(head(tail(l)) == 20);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static void tst2() {
static void tst3() {
int a[3] = {10, 20, 30};
list<int> l = it2list<int, int*>(a, a+3);
list<int> l = copy_to_list<int*, int>(a, a+3);
std::cout << l << "\n";
lean_assert(head(l) == 10);
lean_assert(head(tail(l)) == 20);
@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "debug.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Very similar to std::vector, but stores elements on the
system stack when collection has less than \c INITIAL_SIZE.
This collection is useful when writing functions that need
temporary storage.
template<typename T, unsigned INITIAL_SIZE=16>
class buffer {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <string>
namespace lean {
/** \brief Base class for all Lean exceptions */
class exception : public std::exception {
std::string m_msg;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
virtual ~exception() noexcept;
virtual char const * what() const noexcept;
/** \brief Exception produced by a Lean parser. */
class parser_exception : public exception {
unsigned m_line;
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
namespace lean {
\brief Basic list template.
Remark: == is pointer equality.
template<typename T>
class list {
@ -66,6 +64,7 @@ public:
friend bool operator!=(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return !(l1 == l2); }
/** \brief List iterator object. */
class iterator {
friend class list;
cell const * m_it;
@ -119,7 +118,8 @@ template<typename T> unsigned length(list<T> const & l) {
return r;
template<typename T, typename It> list<T> it2list(It const & begin, It const & end) {
/** \brief Return a list containing the elements in the subrange <tt>[begin, end)</tt>. */
template<typename It, typename T = typename It::value_type> list<T> copy_to_list(It const & begin, It const & end) {
list<T> r;
auto it = end;
while (it != begin) {
Add table
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