feat(library/data/nat): make nat an instance of comm_semiring

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Jeremy Avigad 2014-12-23 19:46:48 -05:00
parent 486bc321ff
commit 5bc6dd84cf
7 changed files with 88 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ section comm_semiring
... = b * e : H₃
... = c : H₄)))
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd {H : 0 | a} : a = 0 :=
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd {a : A} (H : 0 | a) : a = 0 :=
dvd.elim H (take c, assume H' : 0 * c = a, (H')⁻¹ ⬝ !zero_mul)
theorem dvd_zero : a | 0 := dvd.intro !mul_zero

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@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ context port_algebra
@algebra.dvd.elim _ _
theorem dvd.refl : ∀a : , a | a := algebra.dvd.refl
theorem dvd.trans : ∀{a b c : } (H₁ : a | b) (H₂ : b | c), a | c := @algebra.dvd.trans _ _
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd : ∀(a : ) {H : 0 | a}, a = 0 := @algebra.eq_zero_of_zero_dvd _ _
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd : ∀{a : } (H : 0 | a), a = 0 := @algebra.eq_zero_of_zero_dvd _ _
theorem dvd_zero : ∀a : , a | 0 := algebra.dvd_zero
theorem one_dvd : ∀a : , 1 | a := algebra.one_dvd
theorem dvd_mul_right : ∀a b : , a | a * b := algebra.dvd_mul_right

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
Basic operations on the natural numbers.
import logic.connectives data.num algebra.binary
import logic.connectives data.num algebra.binary algebra.ring
open eq.ops binary
@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ induction_on n
(take m IH, or.inr
(show succ m = succ (pred (succ m)), from congr_arg succ !pred.succ⁻¹))
--theorem eq_zero_or_exists_eq_succ (n : ) : n = 0 ∃k, n = succ k :=
--or_of_or_of_imp_of_imp (eq_zero_or_eq_succ_pred n) (assume H, H)
-- (assume H : n = succ (pred n), exists.intro (pred n) H)
theorem succ.inj {n m : } (H : succ n = succ m) : n = m :=
no_confusion H (λe, e)
@ -106,13 +102,6 @@ have general : ∀m, P n m, from induction_on n
cases_on m (H2 k) (take l, (H3 k l (IH l)))),
general m
(assume Hm : m = 0, Hm⁻¹ ▸ (H2 k))
(take l : , assume Hm : m = succ l, Hm⁻¹ ▸ (H3 k l (IH l)))),
general m
/- addition -/
theorem add.right_id (n : ) : n + 0 = n :=
@ -150,9 +139,6 @@ induction_on m
theorem succ_add_eq_add_succ (n m : ) : succ n + m = n + succ m :=
!add.succ_left ⬝ !add_succ⁻¹
-- theorem add.comm_succ (n m : ) : n + succ m = m + succ n :=
-- !succ_add_eq_add_succ⁻¹ ⬝ !add.comm
theorem add.assoc (n m k : ) : (n + m) + k = n + (m + k) :=
induction_on k
(!add.right_id ▸ !add.right_id)
@ -169,8 +155,6 @@ left_comm add.comm add.assoc n m k
theorem add.right_comm (n m k : ) : n + m + k = n + k + m :=
right_comm add.comm add.assoc n m k
-- ### cancelation
theorem add.cancel_left {n m k : } : n + m = n + k → m = k :=
induction_on n
(take H : 0 + m = 0 + k,
@ -205,19 +189,12 @@ eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero_right (!add.comm ⬝ H)
theorem add.eq_zero {n m : } (H : n + m = 0) : n = 0 ∧ m = 0 :=
and.intro (eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero_right H) (eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero_left H)
-- ### misc
theorem add_one (n : ) : n + 1 = succ n :=
!add.right_id ▸ !add_succ
theorem one_add (n : ) : 1 + n = succ n :=
!add.left_id ▸ !add.succ_left
-- TODO: rename? remove?
-- theorem induction_plus_one {P : nat → Prop} (a : ) (H1 : P 0)
-- (H2 : ∀ (n : ) (IH : P n), P (n + 1)) : P a :=
-- nat.rec H1 (take n IH, !add.one ▸ (H2 n IH)) a
/- multiplication -/
theorem mul_zero (n : ) : n * 0 = 0 :=
@ -228,7 +205,7 @@ rfl
irreducible mul
-- ### commutativity, distributivity, associativity, identity
-- commutativity, distributivity, associativity, identity
theorem zero_mul (n : ) : 0 * n = 0 :=
induction_on n
@ -291,12 +268,6 @@ induction_on k
... = n * (m * l + m) : mul.left_distrib
... = n * (m * succ l) : mul_succ)
theorem mul.left_comm (n m k : ) : n * (m * k) = m * (n * k) :=
left_comm mul.comm mul.assoc n m k
theorem mul.right_comm (n m k : ) : n * m * k = n * k * m :=
right_comm mul.comm mul.assoc n m k
theorem mul.right_id (n : ) : n * 1 = n :=
n * 1 = n * 0 + n : mul_succ
@ -323,4 +294,43 @@ cases_on n
... = succ (succ n' * m' + n') : add_succ)⁻¹)
section port_algebra
open algebra
protected definition comm_semiring [instance] : algebra.comm_semiring nat :=
algebra.comm_semiring.mk add add.assoc zero add.left_id add.right_id add.comm
mul mul.assoc (succ zero) mul.left_id mul.right_id mul.left_distrib mul.right_distrib
zero_mul mul_zero (ne.symm (succ_ne_zero zero)) mul.comm
theorem mul.left_comm : ∀a b c : , a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := algebra.mul.left_comm
theorem mul.right_comm : ∀a b c : , (a * b) * c = (a * c) * b := algebra.mul.right_comm
definition dvd (a b : ) : Prop := algebra.dvd a b
infix `|` := dvd
theorem dvd.intro : ∀{a b c : } (H : a * b = c), a | c := @algebra.dvd.intro _ _
theorem dvd.ex : ∀{a b : } (H : a | b), ∃c, a * c = b := @algebra.dvd.ex _ _
theorem dvd.elim : ∀{P : Prop} {a b : } (H₁ : a | b) (H₂ : ∀c, a * c = b → P), P :=
@algebra.dvd.elim _ _
theorem dvd.refl : ∀a : , a | a := algebra.dvd.refl
theorem dvd.trans : ∀{a b c : } (H₁ : a | b) (H₂ : b | c), a | c := @algebra.dvd.trans _ _
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd : ∀{a : } (H : 0 | a), a = 0 := @algebra.eq_zero_of_zero_dvd _ _
theorem dvd_zero : ∀a : , a | 0 := algebra.dvd_zero
theorem one_dvd : ∀a : , 1 | a := algebra.one_dvd
theorem dvd_mul_right : ∀a b : , a | a * b := algebra.dvd_mul_right
theorem dvd_mul_left : ∀a b : , a | b * a := algebra.dvd_mul_left
theorem dvd_mul_of_dvd_left : ∀{a b : } (H : a | b) (c : ), a | b * c :=
@algebra.dvd_mul_of_dvd_left _ _
theorem dvd_mul_of_dvd_right : ∀{a b : } (H : a | b) (c : ), a | c * b :=
@algebra.dvd_mul_of_dvd_right _ _
theorem mul_dvd_mul : ∀{a b c d : }, a | b → c | d → a * c | b * d :=
@algebra.mul_dvd_mul _ _
theorem dvd_of_mul_right_dvd : ∀{a b c : }, a * b | c → a | c :=
@algebra.dvd_of_mul_right_dvd _ _
theorem dvd_of_mul_left_dvd : ∀{a b c : }, a * b | c → b | c :=
@algebra.dvd_of_mul_left_dvd _ _
theorem dvd_add : ∀{a b c : }, a | b → a | c → a | b + c := @algebra.dvd_add _ _
end port_algebra
end nat

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: data.nat.bquant
Author: Leonardo de Moura
Show that "bounded" quantifiers: (∃x, x < n ∧ P x) and (∀x, x < n → P x)
@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ without assuming classical axioms.
More importantly, they can be reduced inside of the Lean kernel.
import data.nat
import data.nat.order
namespace nat
definition bex (n : nat) (P : nat → Prop) : Prop :=

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@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad
import .basic .order .sub .div
import .basic .order .sub .div .bquant

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
--- Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
--- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
--- Author: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- div.lean
-- ========
-- This is a continuation of the development of the natural numbers, with a general way of
-- defining recursive functions, and definitions of div, mod, and gcd.
Module: data.nat.div
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
This is a continuation of the development of the natural numbers, with a general way of
defining recursive functions, and definitions of div, mod, and gcd.
import data.nat.sub logic
import algebra.relation
@ -251,22 +252,23 @@ have H1 : (n * 1) div (n * 1) = 1 div 1, from div_mul_mul H,
-- Divides
-- -------
definition dvd (x y : ) : Prop := y mod x = 0
infix `|` := dvd
-- definition dvd (x y : ) : Prop := y mod x = 0
theorem dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero {x y : } : x | y ↔ y mod x = 0 :=
iff.of_eq rfl
-- infix `|` := dvd
theorem dvd_imp_div_mul_eq {x y : } (H : y | x) : x div y * y = x :=
-- theorem dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero {x y : } : x | y ↔ y mod x = 0 :=
-- iff.of_eq rfl
theorem mod_eq_zero_imp_div_mul_eq {x y : } (H : x mod y = 0) : x div y * y = x :=
x = x div y * y + x mod y : div_mod_eq
... = x div y * y + 0 : {mp dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero H}
... = x div y * y + 0 : H
... = x div y * y : !add.right_id)⁻¹
-- add_rewrite dvd_imp_div_mul_eq
theorem mul_eq_imp_dvd {z x y : } (H : z * y = x) : y | x :=
theorem mul_eq_imp_mod_eq_zero {z x y : } (H : z * y = x) : x mod y = 0 :=
have H1 : z * y = x mod y + x div y * y, from
H ⬝ div_mod_eq ⬝ !add.comm,
have H2 : (z - x div y) * y = x mod y, from
@ -297,69 +299,34 @@ show x mod y = 0, from
... = 0 * y : H6
... = 0 : zero_mul)
theorem dvd_iff_exists_mul (x y : ) : x | y ↔ ∃z, z * x = y :=
(assume H : x | y,
show ∃z, z * x = y, from exists.intro _ (dvd_imp_div_mul_eq H))
(assume H : ∃z, z * x = y,
obtain (z : ) (zx_eq : z * x = y), from H,
show x | y, from mul_eq_imp_dvd zx_eq)
theorem dvd_of_mod_eq_zero {x y : } (H : y mod x = 0) : x | y :=
dvd.intro (!mul.comm ▸ mod_eq_zero_imp_div_mul_eq H)
theorem dvd_zero {n : } : n | 0 :=
zero_mod n
theorem mod_eq_zero_of_dvd {x y : } (H : x | y) : y mod x = 0 :=
dvd.elim H (
take z,
assume H1 : x * z = y,
mul_eq_imp_mod_eq_zero (!mul.comm ▸ H1))
-- add_rewrite dvd_zero
theorem dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero (x y : ) : x | y ↔ y mod x = 0 :=
iff.intro mod_eq_zero_of_dvd dvd_of_mod_eq_zero
theorem zero_dvd_eq (n : ) : (0 | n) = (n = 0) :=
mod_zero n ▸ eq.refl (0 | n)
theorem dvd.decidable_rel [instance] : decidable_rel dvd :=
take m n, decidable_of_decidable_of_iff _ (!dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero⁻¹)
-- add_rewrite zero_dvd_iff
theorem dvd_imp_div_mul_eq {x y : } (H : y | x) : x div y * y = x :=
mod_eq_zero_imp_div_mul_eq (mod_eq_zero_of_dvd H)
theorem one_dvd (n : ) : 1 | n :=
mod_one n
-- add_rewrite one_dvd
theorem dvd_self (n : ) : n | n :=
mod_self n
-- add_rewrite dvd_self
theorem dvd_mul_self_left (m n : ) : m | (m * n) :=
-- add_rewrite dvd_mul_self_left
theorem dvd_mul_self_right (m n : ) : m | (n * m) :=
-- add_rewrite dvd_mul_self_left
theorem dvd_trans {m n k : } (H1 : m | n) (H2 : n | k) : m | k :=
have H3 : n = n div m * m, from (dvd_imp_div_mul_eq H1)⁻¹,
have H4 : k = k div n * (n div m) * m, from calc
k = k div n * n : dvd_imp_div_mul_eq H2
... = k div n * (n div m * m) : H3
... = k div n * (n div m) * m : mul.assoc,
mp (!dvd_iff_exists_mul⁻¹) (exists.intro (k div n * (n div m)) (H4⁻¹))
theorem dvd_add {m n1 n2 : } (H1 : m | n1) (H2 : m | n2) : m | (n1 + n2) :=
have H : (n1 div m + n2 div m) * m = n1 + n2, from calc
(n1 div m + n2 div m) * m = n1 div m * m + n2 div m * m : mul.right_distrib
... = n1 + n2 div m * m : dvd_imp_div_mul_eq H1
... = n1 + n2 : dvd_imp_div_mul_eq H2,
mp (!dvd_iff_exists_mul⁻¹) (exists.intro _ H)
theorem dvd_add_cancel_left {m n1 n2 : } : m | (n1 + n2) → m | n1 → m | n2 :=
theorem dvd_of_dvd_add_left {m n1 n2 : } : m | (n1 + n2) → m | n1 → m | n2 :=
case_zero_pos m
(assume (H1 : 0 | n1 + n2) (H2 : 0 | n1),
have H3 : n1 + n2 = 0, from (zero_dvd_eq (n1 + n2)) ▸ H1,
have H4 : n1 = 0, from (zero_dvd_eq n1) ▸ H2,
have H3 : n1 + n2 = 0, from eq_zero_of_zero_dvd H1,
have H4 : n1 = 0, from eq_zero_of_zero_dvd H2,
have H5 : n2 = 0, from calc
n2 = 0 + n2 : add.left_id
... = n1 + n2 : H4
... = 0 : H3,
show 0 | n2, from H5 ▸ dvd_self n2)
show 0 | n2, from H5 ▸ dvd.refl n2)
(take m,
assume mpos : m > 0,
assume H1 : m | (n1 + n2),
@ -373,10 +340,11 @@ case_zero_pos m
... = n1 div m * m + n2 div m * m : add.comm
... = n1 + n2 div m * m : dvd_imp_div_mul_eq H2,
have H4 : n2 = n2 div m * m, from add.cancel_left H3,
mp (!dvd_iff_exists_mul⁻¹) (exists.intro _ (H4⁻¹)))
have H5 : m * (n2 div m) = n2, from !mul.comm ▸ H4⁻¹,
dvd.intro H5)
theorem dvd_add_cancel_right {m n1 n2 : } (H : m | (n1 + n2)) : m | n2 → m | n1 :=
dvd_add_cancel_left (!add.comm ▸ H)
dvd_of_dvd_add_left (!add.comm ▸ H)
theorem dvd_sub {m n1 n2 : } (H1 : m | n1) (H2 : m | n2) : m | (n1 - n2) :=
@ -385,7 +353,7 @@ by_cases
show m | n1 - n2, from dvd_add_cancel_right (H4 ▸ H1) H2)
(assume H3 : ¬ (n1 ≥ n2),
have H4 : n1 - n2 = 0, from le_imp_sub_eq_zero (lt_imp_le (not_le_imp_gt H3)),
show m | n1 - n2, from H4⁻¹ ▸ dvd_zero)
show m | n1 - n2, from H4⁻¹ ▸ dvd_zero _)
-- Gcd and lcm
-- -----------
@ -471,7 +439,7 @@ gcd_induct m n
assume npos : 0 < n,
assume IH : (gcd n (m mod n) | n) ∧ (gcd n (m mod n) | (m mod n)),
have H : gcd n (m mod n) | (m div n * n + m mod n), from
dvd_add (dvd_trans (and.elim_left IH) !dvd_mul_self_right) (and.elim_right IH),
dvd_add (dvd.trans (and.elim_left IH) !dvd_mul_left) (and.elim_right IH),
have H1 : gcd n (m mod n) | m, from div_mod_eq⁻¹ ▸ H,
have gcd_eq : gcd n (m mod n) = gcd m n, from (gcd_pos _ npos)⁻¹,
show (gcd m n | m) ∧ (gcd m n | n), from gcd_eq ▸ (and.intro H1 (and.elim_left IH)))
@ -490,7 +458,7 @@ gcd_induct m n
assume H1 : k | m,
assume H2 : k | n,
have H3 : k | m div n * n + m mod n, from div_mod_eq ▸ H1,
have H4 : k | m mod n, from dvd_add_cancel_left H3 (dvd_trans H2 (by simp)),
have H4 : k | m mod n, from nat.dvd_of_dvd_add_left H3 (dvd.trans H2 (by simp)),
have gcd_eq : gcd n (m mod n) = gcd m n, from (gcd_pos _ npos)⁻¹,
show k | gcd m n, from gcd_eq ▸ IH H2 H4)

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@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ The natural numbers.
* [basic](basic.lean) : the natural numbers, with succ, pred, addition, and multiplication
* [order](order.lean) : less-than, less-then-or-equal, etc.
* [bquant](bquant.lean) : bounded quantifiers
* [sub](sub.lean) : subtraction, and distance
* [div](div.lean) : div, mod, gcd, and lcm