feat(library/data): define 'nat.addl' addition using recursion on the first argument, prove it to be equivalent to 'add', and use it to define vector.append
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@ -40,6 +40,36 @@ definition add (x y : ℕ) : ℕ :=
nat.rec x (λ n r, succ r) y
notation a + b := add a b
definition addl (x y : ℕ) : ℕ :=
nat.rec y (λ n r, succ r) x
infix `⊕`:65 := addl
theorem addl.succ_right (n m : ℕ) : n ⊕ succ m = succ (n ⊕ m) :=
nat.induction_on n
(λ n₁ ih, calc
succ n₁ ⊕ succ m = succ (n₁ ⊕ succ m) : rfl
... = succ (succ (n₁ ⊕ m)) : ih
... = succ (succ n₁ ⊕ m) : rfl)
theorem add_eq_addl (x : ℕ) : ∀y, x + y = x ⊕ y :=
nat.induction_on x
(λ y, nat.induction_on y
(λ y₁ ih, calc
zero + succ y₁ = succ (zero + y₁) : rfl
... = succ (zero ⊕ y₁) : {ih}
... = zero ⊕ (succ y₁) : rfl))
(λ x₁ ih₁ y, nat.induction_on y
succ x₁ + zero = succ (x₁ + zero) : rfl
... = succ (x₁ ⊕ zero) : {ih₁ zero}
... = succ x₁ ⊕ zero : rfl)
(λ y₁ ih₂, calc
succ x₁ + succ y₁ = succ (succ x₁ + y₁) : rfl
... = succ (succ x₁ ⊕ y₁) : {ih₂}
... = succ x₁ ⊕ succ y₁ : addl.succ_right))
definition of_num [coercion] [reducible] (n : num) : ℕ :=
num.rec zero
(λ n, pos_num.rec (succ zero) (λ n r, r + r + (succ zero)) (λ n r, r + r) n) n
@ -116,21 +116,18 @@ namespace vector
map2 f (h₁ :: t₁) (h₂ :: t₂) = f h₁ h₂ :: map2 f t₁ t₂ :=
definition append_core (w : vector A m) (v : vector A n) : vector A (n + m) :=
definition append (w : vector A n) (v : vector A m) : vector A (n ⊕ m) :=
rec_on w
(λ (a₁ : A) (m₁ : nat) (v₁ : vector A m₁) (r₁ : vector A (n + m₁)), a₁ :: r₁)
(λ (a₁ : A) (n₁ : nat) (v₁ : vector A n₁) (r₁ : vector A (n₁ ⊕ m)), a₁ :: r₁)
theorem append_vnil (v : vector A n) : append_core nil v = v :=
theorem append_nil (v : vector A n) : append nil v = v :=
theorem append_vcons (h : A) (t : vector A n) (v : vector A m) :
append_core (h :: t) v = h :: (append_core t v) :=
theorem append_cons (h : A) (t : vector A n) (v : vector A m) :
append (h :: t) v = h :: (append t v) :=
definition append (w : vector A n) (v : vector A m) : vector A (n + m) :=
eq.rec_on !add.comm (append_core w v)
definition unzip : vector (A × B) n → vector A n × vector B n :=
nat.rec_on n
(λ v, (nil, nil))
@ -183,7 +180,8 @@ namespace vector
theorem length_append (v₁ : vector A n) (v₂ : vector A m) : length (append v₁ v₂) = length v₁ + length v₂ :=
calc length (append v₁ v₂) = length v₁ ⊕ length v₂ : rfl
... = length v₁ + length v₂ : add_eq_addl
-- Concat
-- ------
Add table
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