feat(frontends/lean): parse and pretty print sigma types
This commit also fixes some bugs in the implementation of Sigma types. Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 139 additions and 49 deletions
@ -519,6 +519,8 @@ order for the change to take effect."
("fun" . ("λ"))
("X" . ("⨯"))
;; Primes.
("'" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "′″‴⁗"))
@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <limits>
namespace lean {
constexpr unsigned g_arrow_precedence = 25;
constexpr unsigned g_cartesian_product_precedence = 25;
constexpr unsigned g_app_precedence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ void parser_imp::parse_def_core(bool is_definition) {
auto p = pos();
type_body = save(mk_placeholder(), p);
pre_type = mk_abstraction(false, parameters, type_body);
pre_type = mk_abstraction(expr_kind::Pi, parameters, type_body);
if (!is_definition && curr_is_period()) {
pre_val = mk_abstraction(true, parameters, mk_placeholder());
pre_val = mk_abstraction(expr_kind::Lambda, parameters, mk_placeholder());
} else {
check_assign_next("invalid definition, ':=' expected");
expr val_body = parse_expr();
pre_val = mk_abstraction(true, parameters, val_body);
pre_val = mk_abstraction(expr_kind::Lambda, parameters, val_body);
auto r = m_elaborator(id, pre_type, pre_val);
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ void parser_imp::parse_variable_core(bool is_var) {
check_colon_next("invalid variable/axiom declaration, ':' expected");
expr type_body = parse_expr();
pre_type = mk_abstraction(false, parameters, type_body);
pre_type = mk_abstraction(expr_kind::Pi, parameters, type_body);
auto p = m_elaborator(pre_type);
expr type = p.first;
@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ void parser_imp::parse_builtin() {
check_colon_next("invalid builtin declaration, ':' expected");
expr type_body = parse_expr();
auto p = m_elaborator(mk_abstraction(false, parameters, type_body));
auto p = m_elaborator(mk_abstraction(expr_kind::Pi, parameters, type_body));
check_no_metavar(p, "invalid declaration, type still contains metavariables after elaboration");
type = p.first;
@ -594,6 +594,17 @@ expr parser_imp::parse_arrow(expr const & left) {
return save(mk_arrow(left, right), p);
/** \brief Parse <tt>expr '#' expr</tt>. */
expr parser_imp::parse_cartesian_product(expr const & left) {
auto p = pos();
mk_scope scope(*this);
// The -1 is a trick to get right associativity in Pratt's parsers
expr right = parse_expr(g_cartesian_product_precedence-1);
return save(mk_cartesian_product(left, right), p);
/** \brief Parse <tt>'(' expr ')'</tt>. */
expr parser_imp::parse_lparen() {
auto p = pos();
@ -708,39 +719,46 @@ void parser_imp::parse_definition_parameters(parameter_buffer & result) {
\brief Create a lambda/Pi abstraction, using the giving binders
and body.
expr parser_imp::mk_abstraction(bool is_lambda, parameter_buffer const & parameters, expr const & body) {
expr parser_imp::mk_abstraction(expr_kind k, parameter_buffer const & parameters, expr const & body) {
expr result = body;
unsigned i = parameters.size();
while (i > 0) {
pos_info p = parameters[i].m_pos;
if (is_lambda)
result = save(mk_lambda(parameters[i].m_name, parameters[i].m_type, result), p);
result = save(mk_pi(parameters[i].m_name, parameters[i].m_type, result), p);
switch (k) {
case expr_kind::Lambda: result = save(mk_lambda(parameters[i].m_name, parameters[i].m_type, result), p); break;
case expr_kind::Pi: result = save(mk_pi(parameters[i].m_name, parameters[i].m_type, result), p); break;
case expr_kind::Sigma: result = save(mk_sigma(parameters[i].m_name, parameters[i].m_type, result), p); break;
default: lean_unreachable(); break;
return result;
/** \brief Parse lambda/Pi abstraction. */
expr parser_imp::parse_abstraction(bool is_lambda) {
expr parser_imp::parse_abstraction(expr_kind k) {
mk_scope scope(*this);
parameter_buffer parameters;
check_comma_next("invalid abstraction, ',' expected");
expr result = parse_expr();
return mk_abstraction(is_lambda, parameters, result);
return mk_abstraction(k, parameters, result);
/** \brief Parse lambda abstraction. */
expr parser_imp::parse_lambda() {
return parse_abstraction(true);
return parse_abstraction(expr_kind::Lambda);
/** \brief Parse Pi abstraction. */
expr parser_imp::parse_pi() {
return parse_abstraction(false);
return parse_abstraction(expr_kind::Pi);
/** \brief Parse Sigma type */
expr parser_imp::parse_sig() {
return parse_abstraction(expr_kind::Sigma);
/** \brief Parse exists */
@ -825,6 +843,8 @@ expr parser_imp::parse_type(bool level_expected) {
return save(Type(), p);
} else if (curr() == scanner::token::Arrow) {
return parse_arrow(save(Type(), p));
} else if (curr() == scanner::token::CartesianProduct) {
return parse_cartesian_product(save(Type(), p));
} else {
return save(mk_type(parse_level()), p);
@ -936,6 +956,7 @@ expr parser_imp::parse_nud() {
case scanner::token::LeftParen: return parse_lparen();
case scanner::token::Lambda: return parse_lambda();
case scanner::token::Pi: return parse_pi();
case scanner::token::Sig: return parse_sig();
case scanner::token::Exists: return parse_exists();
case scanner::token::Let: return parse_let();
case scanner::token::IntVal: return parse_nat_int();
@ -968,6 +989,7 @@ expr parser_imp::parse_led(expr const & left) {
switch (curr()) {
case scanner::token::Id: return parse_led_id(left);
case scanner::token::Arrow: return parse_arrow(left);
case scanner::token::CartesianProduct: return parse_cartesian_product(left);
case scanner::token::LeftParen: return mk_app_left(left, parse_lparen());
case scanner::token::IntVal: return mk_app_left(left, parse_nat_int());
case scanner::token::DecimalVal: return mk_app_left(left, parse_decimal());
@ -997,6 +1019,7 @@ unsigned parser_imp::curr_lbp() {
case scanner::token::Arrow : return g_arrow_precedence;
case scanner::token::CartesianProduct: return g_cartesian_product_precedence;
case scanner::token::LeftParen: case scanner::token::IntVal: case scanner::token::DecimalVal:
case scanner::token::StringVal: case scanner::token::Type: case scanner::token::Placeholder:
return g_app_precedence;
@ -292,14 +292,16 @@ private:
expr parse_expr_macro(name const & id, pos_info const & p);
expr parse_led_id(expr const & left);
expr parse_arrow(expr const & left);
expr parse_cartesian_product(expr const & left);
expr parse_lparen();
void parse_names(buffer<std::pair<pos_info, name>> & result);
void register_binding(name const & n);
void parse_simple_parameters(parameter_buffer & result, bool implicit_decl, bool suppress_type);
expr mk_abstraction(bool is_lambda, parameter_buffer const & parameters, expr const & body);
expr parse_abstraction(bool is_lambda);
expr mk_abstraction(expr_kind k, parameter_buffer const & parameters, expr const & body);
expr parse_abstraction(expr_kind k);
expr parse_lambda();
expr parse_pi();
expr parse_sig();
expr parse_exists();
expr parse_let();
expr parse_type(bool level_expected);
@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ static format g_assign_fmt = highlight_keyword(format(":="));
static format g_geq_fmt = format("\u2265");
static format g_lift_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("lift"));
static format g_inst_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("inst"));
static format g_sig_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("sig"));
static format g_cartesian_product_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("#"));
static format g_cartesian_product_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2A2F"));
static name g_pp_max_depth {"lean", "pp", "max_depth"};
static name g_pp_max_steps {"lean", "pp", "max_steps"};
@ -471,7 +474,9 @@ class pp_fn {
return op.get_precedence();
} else if (is_arrow(e)) {
return g_arrow_precedence;
} else if (is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e) || is_let(e) || is_exists(e)) {
} else if (is_cartesian(e)) {
return g_cartesian_product_precedence;
} else if (is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e) || is_let(e) || is_exists(e) || is_sigma(e)) {
return 0;
} else {
return g_app_precedence;
@ -821,6 +826,14 @@ class pp_fn {
return pp_scoped_child(e, depth, g_arrow_precedence);
result pp_cartesian_child(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
return pp_scoped_child(e, depth, g_cartesian_product_precedence + 1);
result pp_cartesian_body(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
return pp_scoped_child(e, depth, g_cartesian_product_precedence);
template<typename It>
format pp_bnames(It const & begin, It const & end, bool use_line) {
auto it = begin;
@ -899,6 +912,13 @@ class pp_fn {
result p_rhs = pp_arrow_body(abst_body(e), depth);
format r_format = group(format{p_lhs.first, space(), m_unicode ? g_arrow_n_fmt : g_arrow_fmt, line(), p_rhs.first});
return mk_result(r_format, p_lhs.second + p_rhs.second + 1);
} else if (is_cartesian(e) && !implicit_args) {
result p_lhs = pp_cartesian_child(abst_domain(e), depth);
result p_rhs = pp_cartesian_body(abst_body(e), depth);
format r_format = group(format{p_lhs.first, space(), m_unicode ? g_cartesian_product_n_fmt : g_cartesian_product_fmt,
line(), p_rhs.first});
return mk_result(r_format, p_lhs.second + p_rhs.second + 1);
} else {
unsigned arrow_starting_at = get_arrow_starting_at(e);
buffer<std::pair<name, expr>> nested;
@ -909,11 +929,11 @@ class pp_fn {
format head;
if (!T && !implicit_args) {
if (m_unicode) {
head = is_lambda(e) ? g_lambda_n_fmt : g_Pi_n_fmt;
head_indent = 2;
head = is_lambda(e) ? g_lambda_n_fmt : (is_pi(e) ? g_Pi_n_fmt : g_sig_fmt);
head_indent = is_sigma(e) ? 4 : 2;
} else {
head = is_lambda(e) ? g_lambda_fmt : g_Pi_fmt;
head_indent = is_lambda(e) ? 4 : 3;
head = is_lambda(e) ? g_lambda_fmt : (is_pi(e) ? g_Pi_fmt : g_sig_fmt);
head_indent = is_pi(e) ? 3 : 4;
format body_sep;
@ -1123,6 +1143,7 @@ class pp_fn {
case expr_kind::Value: r = pp_value(e); break;
case expr_kind::App: r = pp_app(e, depth); break;
case expr_kind::Lambda:
case expr_kind::Sigma:
case expr_kind::Pi: r = pp_abstraction(e, depth); break;
case expr_kind::Type: r = pp_type(e); break;
case expr_kind::Let: r = pp_let(e, depth); break;
@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ static name g_placeholder_name("_");
static name g_have_name("have");
static name g_using_name("using");
static name g_by_name("by");
static name g_sig_name("sig");
static name g_tuple_name("tuple");
static name g_proj_name("proj");
static name g_cartesian_product_unicode("\u2A2F");
static name g_cartesian_product("#");
static char g_normalized[256];
@ -205,6 +210,12 @@ scanner::token scanner::read_a_symbol() {
return token::Let;
} else if (m_name_val == g_in_name) {
return token::In;
} else if (m_name_val == g_sig_name) {
return token::Sig;
} else if (m_name_val == g_tuple_name) {
return token::Tuple;
} else if (m_name_val == g_proj_name) {
return token::Proj;
} else if (m_name_val == g_placeholder_name) {
return token::Placeholder;
} else if (m_name_val == g_have_name) {
@ -236,6 +247,8 @@ scanner::token scanner::read_b_symbol(char prev) {
m_name_val = name(m_buffer.c_str());
if (m_name_val == g_arrow_name)
return token::Arrow;
else if (m_name_val == g_cartesian_product)
return token::CartesianProduct;
return token::Id;
@ -255,6 +268,8 @@ scanner::token scanner::read_c_symbol() {
m_name_val = name(m_buffer.c_str());
if (m_name_val == g_arrow_unicode)
return token::Arrow;
if (m_name_val == g_cartesian_product_unicode)
return token::CartesianProduct;
else if (m_name_val == g_lambda_unicode)
return token::Lambda;
else if (m_name_val == g_pi_unicode)
@ -442,12 +457,15 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, scanner::token const & t) {
case scanner::token::IntVal: out << "Int"; break;
case scanner::token::DecimalVal: out << "Dec"; break;
case scanner::token::StringVal: out << "String"; break;
case scanner::token::Eq: out << "=="; break;
case scanner::token::Assign: out << ":="; break;
case scanner::token::Type: out << "Type"; break;
case scanner::token::Sig: out << "sig"; break;
case scanner::token::Proj: out << "proj"; break;
case scanner::token::Tuple: out << "tuple"; break;
case scanner::token::Placeholder: out << "_"; break;
case scanner::token::ScriptBlock: out << "Script"; break;
case scanner::token::Have: out << "have"; break;
case scanner::token::CartesianProduct: out << "#"; break;
case scanner::token::By: out << "by"; break;
case scanner::token::Ellipsis: out << "..."; break;
case scanner::token::Eof: out << "EOF"; break;
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ class scanner {
enum class token {
LeftParen, RightParen, LeftCurlyBracket, RightCurlyBracket, Colon, Comma, Period, Lambda, Pi, Arrow,
Let, In, Exists, Id, CommandId, IntVal, DecimalVal, StringVal, Eq, Assign, Type, Placeholder,
Have, By, ScriptBlock, Ellipsis, Eof
Sig, Tuple, Proj, Let, In, Exists, Id, CommandId, IntVal, DecimalVal, StringVal, Assign, Type, Placeholder,
Have, By, ScriptBlock, Ellipsis, CartesianProduct, Eof
int m_spos; // position in the current line of the stream
@ -297,6 +297,10 @@ bool is_arrow(expr const & t) {
bool is_cartesian(expr const & t) {
return is_sigma(t) && !has_free_var(abst_body(t), 0);
unsigned get_depth(expr const & e) {
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Type:
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ inline bool is_sigma(expr_cell * e) { return e->kind() == expr_kind::Sigma
inline bool is_type(expr_cell * e) { return e->kind() == expr_kind::Type; }
inline bool is_let(expr_cell * e) { return e->kind() == expr_kind::Let; }
inline bool is_metavar(expr_cell * e) { return e->kind() == expr_kind::MetaVar; }
inline bool is_abstraction(expr_cell * e) { return is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e); }
inline bool is_abstraction(expr_cell * e) { return is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e) || is_sigma(e); }
inline bool is_var(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Var; }
inline bool is_constant(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Constant; }
@ -444,11 +444,12 @@ inline bool is_app(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::App;
inline bool is_lambda(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Lambda; }
inline bool is_pi(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Pi; }
bool is_arrow(expr const & e);
bool is_cartesian(expr const & e);
inline bool is_sigma(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Sigma; }
inline bool is_type(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Type; }
inline bool is_let(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::Let; }
inline bool is_metavar(expr const & e) { return e.kind() == expr_kind::MetaVar; }
inline bool is_abstraction(expr const & e) { return is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e); }
inline bool is_abstraction(expr const & e) { return is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e) || is_sigma(e); }
// =======================================
// =======================================
@ -477,6 +478,7 @@ inline expr mk_pi(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e) { return expr(
inline expr mk_sigma(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e) { return expr(new expr_sigma(n, t, e)); }
inline bool is_default_arrow_var_name(name const & n) { return n == "a"; }
inline expr mk_arrow(expr const & t, expr const & e) { return mk_pi(name("a"), t, e); }
inline expr mk_cartesian_product(expr const & t, expr const & e) { return mk_sigma(name("a"), t, e); }
inline expr operator>>(expr const & t, expr const & e) { return mk_arrow(t, e); }
inline expr mk_let(name const & n, optional<expr> const & t, expr const & v, expr const & e) { return expr(new expr_let(n, t, v, e)); }
inline expr mk_let(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, expr const & e) { return mk_let(n, some_expr(t), v, e); }
@ -692,9 +694,6 @@ template<typename F> expr update_abst(expr const & e, F f) {
return e;
inline expr update_abst(expr const & e, expr const & new_d, expr const & new_b) {
return update_abst(e, [&](expr const &, expr const &) { return mk_pair(new_d, new_b); });
template<typename F> expr update_let(expr const & e, F f) {
static_assert(std::is_same<typename std::result_of<F(optional<expr> const &, expr const &, expr const &)>::type,
std::tuple<optional<expr>, expr, expr>>::value,
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/sexpr/options.h"
#include "kernel/update_expr.h"
#include "kernel/normalizer.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/expr_maps.h"
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ class normalizer::imp {
expr new_d = reify(normalize(abst_domain(e), s, k), k);
m_cache.clear(); // make sure we do not reuse cached values from the previous call
expr new_b = reify(normalize(abst_body(e), extend(s, mk_var(k)), k+1), k+1);
return update_abst(e, new_d, new_b);
return update_abstraction(e, new_d, new_b);
} else {
// We use the following trick to reify a metavariable in the context of the value_stack s, and context ctx.
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ expr replace_visitor::visit_pi(expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
return visit_abst(e, ctx);
expr replace_visitor::visit_sigma(expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
return visit_abst(e, ctx);
expr replace_visitor::visit_let(expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
@ -318,8 +318,12 @@ class type_checker::imp {
freset<cache> reset(m_cache);
t2 = check_type(infer_type_core(abst_body(e), new_ctx), abst_body(e), new_ctx);
if (is_pi(e) && is_bool(t2))
if (is_bool(t2)) {
if (is_pi(e))
return t2;
t2 = Type();
if (is_type(t1) && is_type(t2)) {
return save_result(e, mk_type(max(ty_level(t1), ty_level(t2))), shared);
} else {
@ -53,11 +53,20 @@ expr update_pi(expr const & pi, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
return mk_pi(abst_name(pi), d, b);
expr update_abstraction(expr const & abst, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
if (is_lambda(abst))
return update_lambda(abst, d, b);
expr update_sigma(expr const & sig, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
if (is_eqp(abst_domain(sig), d) && is_eqp(abst_body(sig), b))
return sig;
return update_pi(abst, d, b);
return mk_sigma(abst_name(sig), d, b);
expr update_abstraction(expr const & abst, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
switch (abst.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Lambda: return update_lambda(abst, d, b);
case expr_kind::Pi: return update_pi(abst, d, b);
case expr_kind::Sigma: return update_sigma(abst, d, b);
default: lean_unreachable();
expr update_let(expr const & let, optional<expr> const & t, expr const & v, expr const & b) {
@ -23,11 +23,17 @@ inline expr update_app(expr const & app, buffer<expr> const & new_args) { return
expr update_lambda(expr const & lambda, expr const & d, expr const & b);
\brief Return a pi expression based on \c pi with domain \c d and \c body b.
\brief Return a Pi expression based on \c pi with domain \c d and \c body b.
\remark Return \c pi if the given domain and body are (pointer) equal to the ones in \c pi.
expr update_pi(expr const & pi, expr const & d, expr const & b);
\brief Return a Sigma expression based on \c sig with domain \c d and \c body b.
\remark Return \c sig if the given domain and body are (pointer) equal to the ones in \c sig.
expr update_sigma(expr const & sig, expr const & d, expr const & b);
\brief Return a lambda/pi expression based on \c abst with domain \c d and \c body b.
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