feat(algebra/matrix): generalize theorems, define module/ring instances
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1 changed files with 229 additions and 45 deletions
@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
import data.real data.tuple data.fin algebra.field data.list
import data.real data.tuple data.fin algebra.module data.list
open nat tuple eq.ops rat -- list
namespace matrix
definition matrix (A : Type) [field A] (m n : ℕ) := fin m → fin n → A
definition matrix (A : Type) (m n : ℕ) := fin m → fin n → A
definition rvector (A : Type) [field A] (n : ℕ) := matrix A 1 n
definition rvector (A : Type) (n : ℕ) := matrix A 1 n
definition cvector (A : Type) [field A] (m : ℕ) := matrix A m 1
definition cvector (A : Type) (m : ℕ) := matrix A m 1
/-definition val_of_singleton_matrix [coercion] {A : Type} (M : matrix A 1 1) : A :=
M !fin.zero !fin.zero-/
-- useful for testing
definition cvector_of_list {A : Type} [field A] (l : list A) : cvector A (list.length l) :=
definition cvector_of_list {A : Type} (l : list A) : cvector A (list.length l) :=
λ i j, list.ith l (fin.val i) !fin.val_lt
definition rvector_of_list {A : Type} [field A] (l : list A) : rvector A (list.length l) :=
definition rvector_of_list {A : Type} (l : list A) : rvector A (list.length l) :=
λ i j, list.ith l (fin.val j) !fin.val_lt
variable {A : Type}
variable [linear_ordered_field A]
variables {m n k : ℕ}
definition col_of (M : matrix A m n) (j : fin n) : cvector A m := λ a b, M a j
@ -29,16 +31,16 @@ definition r_ith (v : rvector A n) (i : fin n) := v !fin.zero i
definition c_ith (v : cvector A m) (i : fin m) := v i !fin.zero
definition nonneg (M : matrix A m n) := ∀ i j, M i j ≥ 0
definition nonneg [weak_order A] [has_zero A] (M : matrix A m n) := ∀ i j, M i j ≥ 0
definition r_dot (u v : rvector A n) := Suml (fin.upto n) (λ i, r_ith u i * r_ith v i)
definition r_dot [semiring A] (u v : rvector A n) := Suml (fin.upto n) (λ i, r_ith u i * r_ith v i)
definition c_dot (u v : cvector A m) := Suml (fin.upto m) (λ i, c_ith u i * c_ith v i)
definition c_dot [semiring A] (u v : cvector A m) := Suml (fin.upto m) (λ i, c_ith u i * c_ith v i)
-- generalize this to transpose and remove coercion
definition cvector_of_rvector [coercion] (u : rvector A n) : cvector A n := λ i j, u !fin.zero i
definition mul (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n k) : matrix A m k :=
definition mul [semiring A] (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n k) : matrix A m k :=
λ (a : fin m) (b : fin k), c_dot (cvector_of_rvector (row_of M a)) (col_of N b) -- why doesn't coercion work?
infix `⬝` := mul
@ -70,7 +72,13 @@ theorem col_of_cvector (v : cvector A m) : col_of v !fin.zero = v :=
rewrite (fin_one_eq_zero y)
theorem Suml_assoc {B C : Type} (la : list B) (lb : list C) (f : B → C → A) :
theorem row_of_ith (M : matrix A m n) (x : fin m) (y : fin n) : (row_of M x) !fin.zero y = M x y :=
theorem col_of_ith (M : matrix A m n) (x : fin m) (y : fin n) : (col_of M y) x !fin.zero = M x y :=
theorem Suml_assoc [semiring A] {B C : Type} (la : list B) (lb : list C) (f : B → C → A) :
Suml la (λ a, Suml lb (λ b, f a b))
= Suml lb (λ b, Suml la (λ a, f a b)) :=
@ -95,7 +103,7 @@ theorem length_cons_pos {A : Type} (h : A) (tt : list A) : 0 < list.length (list
apply !list.cons_ne_nil H'
theorem big_sum_dist_left (a : A) {T : Type} (f : T → A) (l : list T) :
theorem big_sum_dist_left [semiring A] (a : A) {T : Type} (f : T → A) (l : list T) :
a * Suml l f = Suml l (λ k, a * f k) :=
induction l with h tt ih,
@ -103,7 +111,7 @@ theorem big_sum_dist_left (a : A) {T : Type} (f : T → A) (l : list T) :
rewrite [*Suml_cons, left_distrib, ih]
theorem big_sum_dist_right (a : A) {T : Type} (f : T → A) (l : list T) :
theorem big_sum_dist_right [semiring A] (a : A) {T : Type} (f : T → A) (l : list T) :
Suml l f * a= Suml l (λ k, f k * a) :=
induction l with h tt ih,
@ -111,7 +119,7 @@ theorem big_sum_dist_right (a : A) {T : Type} (f : T → A) (l : list T) :
rewrite [*Suml_cons, right_distrib, ih]
theorem Suml_nonneg_of_nonneg {T : Type} (l : list T) (f : T → A)
theorem Suml_nonneg_of_nonneg [ordered_semiring A] {T : Type} (l : list T) (f : T → A)
(H : Π (i : ℕ) (Hi : i < list.length l), f (list.ith l i Hi) ≥ 0) : Suml l f ≥ (0 : A) :=
induction l with h tt ih,
@ -135,7 +143,7 @@ theorem Suml_nonneg_of_nonneg {T : Type} (l : list T) (f : T → A)
exact add_nonneg Hh Htt
theorem Suml_le_of_le {T : Type} (l : list T) (f g : T → A) (H : ∀ t : T, f t ≤ g t) :
theorem Suml_le_of_le [ordered_semiring A] {T : Type} (l : list T) (f g : T → A) (H : ∀ t : T, f t ≤ g t) :
Suml l f ≤ Suml l g :=
induction l,
@ -146,7 +154,7 @@ theorem Suml_le_of_le {T : Type} (l : list T) (f g : T → A) (H : ∀ t : T, f
theorem inner_sum_assoc {S T : Type} (l1 : list S) (l2 : list T) (f : S → A) (g : S → T → A) :
theorem inner_sum_assoc [semiring A] {S T : Type} (l1 : list S) (l2 : list T) (f : S → A) (g : S → T → A) :
Suml l1 (λ s, f s * Suml l2 (λ t, g s t)) = Suml l1 (λ s, Suml l2 (λ t, f s * g s t)) :=
@ -155,34 +163,36 @@ theorem inner_sum_assoc {S T : Type} (l1 : list S) (l2 : list T) (f : S → A) (
rewrite big_sum_dist_left
-- clean this up...
theorem dot_mul_assoc (y : rvector A m) (M : matrix A m n) (x : cvector A n) :
y ⬝ (M ⬝ x) = (y ⬝ M) ⬝ x :=
theorem Suml_distrib [semiring A] {S : Type} (l : list S) (f : S → A) (a : A) :
Suml l (λ x, f x * a) = (Suml l f) * a :=
induction l,
{rewrite [*Suml_nil, zero_mul]},
{rewrite [*Suml_cons, right_distrib], congruence, assumption}
theorem m_mul_assoc [semiring A] {o p : ℕ} (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n o) (O : matrix A o p) :
M ⬝ (N ⬝ O) = (M ⬝ N) ⬝ O :=
rewrite ↑mul,
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite [fin_one_eq_zero x_1, fin_one_eq_zero x_2, ↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, *row_of_rvector, *col_of_cvector],
rewrite [inner_sum_assoc, Suml_assoc],
apply funext,
intro b,
unfold cvector_of_rvector,
rewrite big_sum_dist_right,
apply funext,
intro b,
unfold row_of, unfold col_of,
rewrite *mul.assoc
rewrite [↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, ↑row_of, ↑cvector_of_rvector, ↑col_of, inner_sum_assoc, Suml_assoc],
congruence, apply funext, intro,
rewrite -Suml_distrib,
congruence, apply funext, intro,
rewrite mul.assoc
theorem cvector_of_rvector_nonneg_of_nonneg {u : rvector A n} (Hu : nonneg u) : nonneg (cvector_of_rvector u) :=
theorem cvector_of_rvector_nonneg_of_nonneg [weak_order A] [has_zero A] {u : rvector A n} (Hu : nonneg u) :
nonneg (cvector_of_rvector u) :=
λ i j, !Hu
theorem c_ith_cvector_of_rvector_eq_c_ith (u : rvector A n) (i : fin n) :
c_ith (cvector_of_rvector u) i = r_ith u i :=
theorem c_dot_nonneg_of_nonneg (u v : cvector A m) (Hu : nonneg u) (Hv : nonneg v) : c_dot u v ≥ 0 :=
theorem c_dot_nonneg_of_nonneg [ordered_semiring A] (u v : cvector A m) (Hu : nonneg u) (Hv : nonneg v) :
c_dot u v ≥ 0 :=
unfold c_dot,
apply Suml_nonneg_of_nonneg,
@ -192,14 +202,16 @@ theorem c_dot_nonneg_of_nonneg (u v : cvector A m) (Hu : nonneg u) (Hv : nonneg
apply Hv
theorem row_of_nonneg_of_nonneg {M : matrix A m n} (HM : nonneg M) (i : fin m) : nonneg (row_of M i) :=
theorem row_of_nonneg_of_nonneg [weak_order A] [has_zero A] {M : matrix A m n} (HM : nonneg M) (i : fin m) :
nonneg (row_of M i) :=
λ a b, !HM
theorem col_of_nonneg_of_nonneg {M : matrix A m n} (HM : nonneg M) (i : fin n) : nonneg (col_of M i) :=
theorem col_of_nonneg_of_nonneg [weak_order A] [has_zero A] {M : matrix A m n} (HM : nonneg M) (i : fin n) :
nonneg (col_of M i) :=
λ a b, !HM
theorem mul_nonneg_of_nonneg (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n k) (HM : nonneg M) (HN : nonneg N) :
nonneg (M ⬝ N) :=
theorem mul_nonneg_of_nonneg [ordered_semiring A] (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n k)
(HM : nonneg M) (HN : nonneg N) : nonneg (M ⬝ N) :=
unfold mul,
@ -213,7 +225,7 @@ theorem mul_nonneg_of_nonneg (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n k) (HM : nonneg
One direction of Farkas' lemma
theorem farkas_rl (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
theorem farkas_rl [ordered_semiring A] (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
(H : ∃ y : rvector A m, nonneg (y ⬝ M) ∧ (y ⬝ b) !fin.zero !fin.zero < 0) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, nonneg x ∧ M ⬝ x = b :=
@ -222,10 +234,10 @@ theorem farkas_rl (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
cases Hx with Nx Mxb,
cases H with y Hy,
cases Hy with NA Nmyb,
rewrite [-Mxb at Nmyb, dot_mul_assoc at Nmyb],
rewrite [-Mxb at Nmyb, m_mul_assoc at Nmyb],
apply not_le_of_gt Nmyb,
apply mul_nonneg_of_nonneg,
repeat assumption
exact NA, exact Nx -- why doesn't assumption work here?
@ -234,7 +246,7 @@ theorem farkas_rl (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
If you can find a nonnegative row vector c such that c ⬝ M = 0 and c ⬝ b < 0,
then the system M ⬝ x ≤ b is unsat.
theorem farkas_rl' (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
theorem farkas_rl' [ordered_semiring A] (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
(H : ∃ c : rvector A m, nonneg c ∧ c ⬝ M = (λ x y, (0 : A)) ∧ (c ⬝ b) !fin.zero !fin.zero < 0) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, ∀ i, (M ⬝ x) i !fin.zero ≤ c_ith b i :=
@ -244,7 +256,7 @@ theorem farkas_rl' (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
cases Hc with Hcn Hc,
cases Hc with HcM Hcb,
have H : c ⬝ (M ⬝ x) = (λ a b, 0), begin
rewrite [dot_mul_assoc, HcM, ↑mul],
rewrite [m_mul_assoc, HcM, ↑mul],
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite [fin_one_eq_zero, row_of_rvector, ↑c_dot],
have Hz : (λ i, c_ith (cvector_of_rvector (λ (x : fin 1) (y : fin n), 0)) i * c_ith (col_of x x_2) i)
@ -271,6 +283,24 @@ theorem farkas_rl' (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m)
exact not_lt_self _ HZ
An alternate form of the above.
theorem farkas_rl'' [ordered_semiring A] (M : matrix A m n) (b : cvector A m) (c : rvector A m)
(Hcnn : nonneg c) (HcM : ∀ (x : fin n), (c ⬝ M) !fin.zero x = 0) (Hcb : (c ⬝ b) !fin.zero !fin.zero < 0) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, ∀ i, (M ⬝ x) i !fin.zero ≤ c_ith b i :=
apply farkas_rl',
existsi c,
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite fin_one_eq_zero,
apply HcM,
open list
definition decidable_quant [instance] (P : fin n → Prop) [∀ k, decidable (P k)] : decidable (∀ k, P k) :=
@ -287,6 +317,162 @@ definition matrix_decidable_eq [instance] [decidable_eq A] : decidable_eq (matri
decidable.inr (begin intro Heq, apply H, intros, congruence, exact Heq end)
section matrix_arith_m_n
definition m_add {A : Type} [has_add A] {m n : ℕ} (B C : matrix A m n) : matrix A m n :=
λ x y, B x y + C x y
definition m_neg {A : Type} [has_neg A] {m n : ℕ} (B : matrix A m n) : matrix A m n :=
λ x y, -B x y
definition m_smul {A : Type} [has_mul A] {m n : ℕ} (c : A) (B : matrix A m n) : matrix A m n :=
λ x y, c * B x y
definition m_left_module [instance] [reducible] (A : Type) [ring A] (m n : ℕ) : left_module A (matrix A m n) :=
fapply left_module.mk,
{exact m_smul},
{exact m_add},
{intros, unfold m_add, repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite add.assoc},
{exact λ a b, 0},
{intros, unfold m_add, repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite zero_add},
{intros, unfold m_add, repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite add_zero},
{exact m_neg},
{intros, rewrite [↑m_neg, ↑m_add], repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite add.left_inv},
{intros, unfold m_add, repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite add.comm},
{intros, rewrite [↑m_smul, ↑m_add], repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite left_distrib},
{intros, rewrite [↑m_smul, ↑m_add], repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite -right_distrib},
{intros, unfold m_smul, repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite mul.assoc},
{intro, unfold m_smul, repeat (apply funext; intro), rewrite one_mul}
end matrix_arith_m_n
theorem false_of_fin_zero (x : fin 0) : false :=
have t : empty, from equiv.fn (fin.fin_zero_equiv_empty) x,
empty.induction_on (λ c, false) t
section matrix_arith_square
open fin
definition sq_matrix_id (A : Type) [has_zero A] [has_one A] (m : ℕ) : matrix A m m :=
λ x y, if x = y then 1 else 0
theorem Suml_map {A B C : Type} [add_monoid C] (l : list A) (f : A → B) (g : B → C) :
Suml (list.map f l) g = Suml l (λ a, g (f a)) :=
induction l,
rewrite Suml_nil,
rewrite [list.map_cons, *Suml_cons, v_0]
-- this is annoying!
theorem b_vec_dot {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (k : fin m) (f : fin m → A) :
Suml (upto m) (λ j, (f j) * if j = k then 1 else 0) = f k :=
induction m,
apply false.elim (false_of_fin_zero k),
rewrite [upto_succ, Suml_cons],
cases decidable.em (maxi = k) with Heq Hneq,
{rewrite [if_pos Heq, -Heq, mul_one, -add_zero (f maxi) at {2}],
have H : (λ a_1 : fin a, f (lift_succ a_1) * ite (lift_succ a_1 = maxi) 1 0) = (λ a_1, 0), begin
apply funext,
intro b,
rewrite [if_neg lift_succ_ne_max, mul_zero]
rewrite [Suml_map, H, Suml_zero]},
{rewrite [if_neg Hneq, mul_zero, zero_add, Suml_map],
note Hlt := lt_max_of_ne_max (ne.symm Hneq),
have Hfk : f k = f (lift_succ (fin.mk (val k) Hlt)), begin
induction k with kv Hkv,
exact rfl
rewrite [Hfk, -(v_0 (fin.mk (val k) Hlt) (λ v, f (lift_succ v)))],
congruence, apply funext, intro j,
cases decidable.em (lift_succ j = k) with Hjk Hnjk,
have Hjk' : j = mk (val k) Hlt, begin
induction j with vj Hvj,
rewrite -Hjk
rewrite [if_pos Hjk, if_pos Hjk'],
have Hjk' : j ≠ mk (val k) Hlt, begin
intro Hjk,
apply Hnjk,
rewrite Hjk,
induction k,
unfold [lift_succ, lift]
rewrite [if_neg Hnjk, if_neg Hjk']}
theorem b_vec_dot' {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (k : fin m) (f : fin m → A) :
Suml (upto m) (λ j, (if k = j then 1 else 0) * f j) = f k :=
have H : (λ j, (if k = j then 1 else 0) * f j) = (λ j, (f j) * if j = k then 1 else 0), begin
apply funext, intro,
cases decidable.em (k = x) with Heq Hneq,
rewrite [if_pos Heq, if_pos (eq.symm Heq), mul_one, one_mul],
rewrite [if_neg Hneq, if_neg (ne.symm Hneq), mul_zero, zero_mul]
rewrite [H, b_vec_dot]
theorem sq_matrix_mul_one {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (M : matrix A m m) : mul M (sq_matrix_id A m) = M :=
rewrite [↑sq_matrix_id, ↑mul],
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite [↑row_of, ↑cvector_of_rvector, ↑col_of, ↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, b_vec_dot]
theorem sq_matrix_one_mul {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (M : matrix A m m) : mul (sq_matrix_id A m) M = M :=
rewrite [↑sq_matrix_id, ↑mul],
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite [↑row_of, ↑cvector_of_rvector, ↑col_of, ↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, b_vec_dot']
theorem sq_matrix_left_distrib {A : Type} [ring A] {m : ℕ} (M N O : matrix A m m) :
mul M (m_add N O) = m_add (mul M N) (mul M O) :=
rewrite [↑mul, ↑m_add],
repeat (apply funext; intros),
rewrite [↑c_dot, ↑cvector_of_rvector, ↑row_of, ↑col_of, ↑c_ith, -Suml_add],
apply funext,
rewrite left_distrib
theorem sq_matrix_right_distrib {A : Type} [ring A] {m : ℕ} (M N O : matrix A m m) :
mul (m_add N O) M = m_add (mul N M) (mul O M) :=
rewrite [↑mul, ↑m_add],
repeat (apply funext; intros),
rewrite [↑c_dot, ↑cvector_of_rvector, ↑row_of, ↑col_of, ↑c_ith, -Suml_add],
apply funext,
rewrite right_distrib
definition m_square_ring [instance] [reducible] (A : Type) [ring A] (m : ℕ) : ring (matrix A m m) :=
⦃ring, m_left_module A m m,
mul := λ B C, mul B C,
mul_assoc := λ B C D, eq.symm !m_mul_assoc,
one := sq_matrix_id A m,
one_mul := sq_matrix_one_mul,
mul_one := sq_matrix_mul_one,
left_distrib := sq_matrix_left_distrib,
right_distrib := by intros; apply sq_matrix_right_distrib
end matrix_arith_square
section test
open list rat -- why aren't rats pretty printing right?
definition c1 : cvector ℚ _ := cvector_of_list [3, 4, 2]
@ -305,6 +491,4 @@ eval (c2 ⬝ c1) !fin.zero !fin.zero
end test
check farkas_rl
end matrix
Add table
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