From 6949e2d4228a575e1c7bc37ab434f092f86da818 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Haitao Zhang Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 10:19:14 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] feat(library/data/fintype): add finite function related theories develop kth related techniques, all_lists_of_len, all_funs, map between lists and functions, finite inverse and cardinality remove function module from default import list for now --- library/data/fintype/default.lean | 2 +- library/data/fintype/function.lean | 372 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/library/data/fintype/default.lean b/library/data/fintype/default.lean index ca0cc5837..6d5429498 100644 --- a/library/data/fintype/default.lean +++ b/library/data/fintype/default.lean @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura Finite type (type class). -/ -import .basic .function .card +import .basic .card diff --git a/library/data/fintype/function.lean b/library/data/fintype/function.lean index 825ed4d7c..d6945e77e 100644 --- a/library/data/fintype/function.lean +++ b/library/data/fintype/function.lean @@ -1,7 +1,365 @@ -/- -Copyright (c) 2015 Haitao Zhang. All rights reserved. -Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. -Authors: Haitao Zhang - -Finite type (type class). --/ +/- +Copyright (c) 2015 Haitao Zhang. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. + +Author : Haitao Zhang +-/ +import data + +open nat function eq.ops + +namespace list +-- this is in preparation for counting the number of finite functions +section list_of_lists +open prod +variable {A : Type} + +definition cons_pair (pr : A × list A) := (pr1 pr) :: (pr2 pr) + +definition cons_all_of (elts : list A) (ls : list (list A)) : list (list A) := + map cons_pair (product elts ls) + +lemma pair_of_cons {a} {l} {pr : A × list A} : cons_pair pr = a::l → pr = (a, l) := + prod.destruct pr (λ p1 p2, assume Peq, list.no_confusion Peq (by intros; substvars)) + +lemma cons_pair_inj : injective (@cons_pair A) := + take p1 p2, assume Pl, + prod.eq (list.no_confusion Pl (λ P1 P2, P1)) (list.no_confusion Pl (λ P1 P2, P2)) + +lemma nodup_of_cons_all {elts : list A} {ls : list (list A)} + : nodup elts → nodup ls → nodup (cons_all_of elts ls) := + assume Pelts Pls, + nodup_map cons_pair_inj (nodup_product Pelts Pls) + +lemma length_cons_all {elts : list A} {ls : list (list A)} : + length (cons_all_of elts ls) = length elts * length ls := calc + length (cons_all_of elts ls) = length (product elts ls) : length_map + ... = length elts * length ls : length_product + +variable [finA : fintype A] +include finA + +definition all_lists_of_len : ∀ (n : nat), list (list A) +| 0 := [[]] +| (succ n) := cons_all_of (elements_of A) (all_lists_of_len n) + +lemma nodup_all_lists : ∀ (n : nat), nodup (@all_lists_of_len A _ n) +| 0 := nodup_singleton [] +| (succ n) := nodup_of_cons_all (fintype.unique A) (nodup_all_lists n) + +lemma mem_all_lists : ∀ (n : nat) (l : list A), length l = n → l ∈ all_lists_of_len n +| 0 [] := assume P, mem_cons [] [] +| 0 (a::l) := assume Peq, by contradiction +| (succ n) [] := assume Peq, by contradiction +| (succ n) (a::l) := assume Peq, begin + apply mem_map, apply mem_product, + exact fintype.complete a, + exact mem_all_lists n l (succ_inj Peq) + end + +lemma leq_of_mem_all_lists : ∀ {n : nat} ⦃l : list A⦄, + l ∈ all_lists_of_len n → length l = n +| 0 [] := assume P, rfl +| 0 (a::l) := assume Pin, assert Peq : (a::l) = [], from mem_singleton Pin, + by contradiction +| (succ n) [] := assume Pin, obtain pr Pprin Ppr, from exists_of_mem_map Pin, + by contradiction +| (succ n) (a::l) := assume Pin, obtain pr Pprin Ppr, from exists_of_mem_map Pin, + assert Pl : l ∈ all_lists_of_len n, + from mem_of_mem_product_right ((pair_of_cons Ppr) ▸ Pprin), + by rewrite [length_cons, leq_of_mem_all_lists Pl] + +open fintype +lemma length_all_lists : ∀ {n : nat}, length (@all_lists_of_len A _ n) = (card A) ^ n +| 0 := calc length [[]] = 1 : length_cons +| (succ n) := calc length _ = card A * length (all_lists_of_len n) : length_cons_all + ... = card A * (card A ^ n) : length_all_lists + ... = (card A ^ n) * card A : nat.mul.comm + ... = (card A) ^ (succ n) : pow_succ + +end list_of_lists + +section kth + +variable {A : Type} + +definition kth : ∀ k (l : list A), k < length l → A +| k [] := begin rewrite length_nil, intro Pltz, exact absurd Pltz !not_lt_zero end +| 0 (a::l) := λ P, a +| (k+1) (a::l):= by rewrite length_cons; intro Plt; exact kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ Plt) + +lemma kth_zero_of_cons {a} (l : list A) (P : 0 < length (a::l)) : kth 0 (a::l) P = a := + rfl +lemma kth_succ_of_cons {a} k (l : list A) (P : k+1 < length (a::l)) : + kth (succ k) (a::l) P = kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ P) := + rfl + +lemma kth_mem : ∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} P, kth k l P ∈ l +| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero +| 0 (a::l) := assume P, by rewrite kth_zero_of_cons; apply mem_cons +| (succ k) (a::l) := assume P, by + rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons]; apply mem_cons_of_mem a; apply kth_mem + +-- Leo provided the following proof. +lemma eq_of_kth_eq [deceqA : decidable_eq A] + : ∀ {l1 l2 : list A} (Pleq : length l1 = length l2), + (∀ (k : nat) (Plt1 : k < length l1) (Plt2 : k < length l2), kth k l1 Plt1 = kth k l2 Plt2) → l1 = l2 +| [] [] h₁ h₂ := rfl +| (a₁::l₁) [] h₁ h₂ := by contradiction +| [] (a₂::l₂) h₁ h₂ := by contradiction +| (a₁::l₁) (a₂::l₂) h₁ h₂ := + have ih₁ : length l₁ = length l₂, by injection h₁; eassumption, + have ih₂ : ∀ (k : nat) (plt₁ : k < length l₁) (plt₂ : k < length l₂), kth k l₁ plt₁ = kth k l₂ plt₂, + begin + intro k plt₁ plt₂, + have splt₁ : succ k < length l₁ + 1, from succ_le_succ plt₁, + have splt₂ : succ k < length l₂ + 1, from succ_le_succ plt₂, + have keq : kth (succ k) (a₁::l₁) splt₁ = kth (succ k) (a₂::l₂) splt₂, from h₂ (succ k) splt₁ splt₂, + rewrite *kth_succ_of_cons at keq, + exact keq + end, + assert ih : l₁ = l₂, from eq_of_kth_eq ih₁ ih₂, + assert k₁ : a₁ = a₂, + begin + have lt₁ : 0 < length (a₁::l₁), from !zero_lt_succ, + have lt₂ : 0 < length (a₂::l₂), from !zero_lt_succ, + have e₁ : kth 0 (a₁::l₁) lt₁ = kth 0 (a₂::l₂) lt₂, from h₂ 0 lt₁ lt₂, + rewrite *kth_zero_of_cons at e₁, + assumption + end, + by subst l₁; subst a₁ + +lemma kth_of_map {B : Type} {f : A → B} : + ∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} Plt Pmlt, kth k (map f l) Pmlt = f (kth k l Plt) +| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero +| 0 (a::l) := assume Plt, by + rewrite [map_cons]; intro Pmlt; rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons] +| (succ k) (a::l) := assume P, begin + rewrite [map_cons], intro Pmlt, rewrite [*kth_succ_of_cons], + apply kth_of_map + end + +lemma kth_find [deceqA : decidable_eq A] : + ∀ {l : list A} {a} P, kth (find a l) l P = a +| [] := take a, assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero +| (x::l) := take a, begin + assert Pd : decidable (a = x), {apply deceqA}, + cases Pd with Pe Pne, + rewrite [find_cons_of_eq l Pe], intro P, rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons, Pe], + rewrite [find_cons_of_ne l Pne], intro P, rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons], + apply kth_find + end + +lemma find_kth [deceqA : decidable_eq A] : + ∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} P, find (kth k l P) l < length l +| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero +| 0 (a::l) := assume P, begin + rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons, find_cons_of_eq l rfl, length_cons], + exact !zero_lt_succ + end +| (succ k) (a::l) := assume P, begin + rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons], + assert Pd : decidable ((kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ P)) = a), + {apply deceqA}, + cases Pd with Pe Pne, + rewrite [find_cons_of_eq l Pe], apply zero_lt_succ, + rewrite [find_cons_of_ne l Pne], apply succ_lt_succ, apply find_kth + end + +lemma find_kth_of_nodup [deceqA : decidable_eq A] : + ∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} P, nodup l → find (kth k l P) l = k +| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero +| 0 (a::l) := assume Plt Pnodup, + by rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons, find_cons_of_eq l rfl] +| (succ k) (a::l) := assume Plt Pnodup, begin + rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons], + assert Pd : decidable ((kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ Plt)) = a), + {apply deceqA}, + cases Pd with Pe Pne, + assert Pin : a ∈ l, {rewrite -Pe, apply kth_mem}, + exact absurd Pin (not_mem_of_nodup_cons Pnodup), + rewrite [find_cons_of_ne l Pne], apply congr (eq.refl succ), + apply find_kth_of_nodup (lt_of_succ_lt_succ Plt) (nodup_of_nodup_cons Pnodup) + end + +end kth + +end list + + +namespace fintype +open list + +section found + +variables {A B : Type} +variable [finA : fintype A] +include finA + +lemma find_in_range [deceqB : decidable_eq B] {f : A → B} (b : B) : + ∀ (l : list A) (P : find b (map f l) < length l), f (kth (find b (map f l)) l P) = b +| [] := assume P, begin exact absurd P !not_lt_zero end +| (a::l) := decidable.rec_on (deceqB b (f a)) + (assume Peq, begin + rewrite [map_cons f a l, find_cons_of_eq _ Peq], + intro P, rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons], exact (Peq⁻¹) + end) + (assume Pne, begin + rewrite [map_cons f a l, find_cons_of_ne _ Pne], + intro P, + rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons (find b (map f l)) l P], + exact find_in_range l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ P) + end) + +end found + +section list_to_fun +variables {A B : Type} +variable [finA : fintype A] +include finA + +definition fun_to_list (f : A → B) : list B := map f (elems A) + +lemma length_map_of_fintype (f : A → B) : length (map f (elems A)) = card A := + by apply length_map + +variable [deceqA : decidable_eq A] +include deceqA + +lemma fintype_find (a : A) : find a (elems A) < card A := + find_lt_length (complete a) + +definition list_to_fun (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) : A → B := + take x, + kth _ _ (leq⁻¹ ▸ fintype_find x) + +definition all_funs [finB : fintype B] : list (A → B) := + dmap (λ l, length l = card A) list_to_fun (all_lists_of_len (card A)) + +lemma list_to_fun_apply (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) (a : A) : + ∀ P, list_to_fun l leq a = kth (find a (elems A)) l P := + assume P, rfl + +variable [deceqB : decidable_eq B] +include deceqB + +lemma fun_eq_list_to_fun_map (f : A → B) : ∀ P, f = list_to_fun (map f (elems A)) P := + assume Pleq, funext (take a, + assert Plt : _, from Pleq⁻¹ ▸ find_lt_length (complete a), begin + rewrite [list_to_fun_apply _ Pleq a (Pleq⁻¹ ▸ find_lt_length (complete a))], + assert Pmlt : find a (elems A) < length (map f (elems A)), + {rewrite length_map, exact Plt}, + rewrite [@kth_of_map A B f (find a (elems A)) (elems A) Plt _, kth_find] + end) + +lemma list_eq_map_list_to_fun (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) + : l = map (list_to_fun l leq) (elems A) := + begin + apply eq_of_kth_eq, rewrite length_map, apply leq, + intro k Plt Plt2, + assert Plt1 : k < length (elems A), {apply leq ▸ Plt}, + assert Plt3 : find (kth k (elems A) Plt1) (elems A) < length l, + {rewrite leq, apply find_kth}, + rewrite [kth_of_map Plt1 Plt2, list_to_fun_apply l leq _ Plt3], + generalize Plt3, + rewrite [find_kth_of_nodup Plt1 (unique A)], + intro Plt, exact rfl + end + +lemma fun_to_list_to_fun (f : A → B) : ∀ P, list_to_fun (fun_to_list f) P = f := + assume P, (fun_eq_list_to_fun_map f P)⁻¹ + +lemma list_to_fun_to_list (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) : + fun_to_list (list_to_fun l leq) = l + := (list_eq_map_list_to_fun l leq)⁻¹ + +lemma dinj_list_to_fun : dinj (λ (l : list B), length l = card A) list_to_fun := + take l1 l2 Pl1 Pl2 Peq, + by rewrite [list_eq_map_list_to_fun l1 Pl1, list_eq_map_list_to_fun l2 Pl2, Peq] + +variable [finB : fintype B] +include finB + +lemma nodup_all_funs : nodup (@all_funs A B _ _ _) := + dmap_nodup_of_dinj dinj_list_to_fun (nodup_all_lists _) + +lemma all_funs_complete (f : A → B) : f ∈ all_funs := + assert Plin : map f (elems A) ∈ all_lists_of_len (card A), + from mem_all_lists (card A) _ (by rewrite length_map), + assert Plfin : list_to_fun (map f (elems A)) (length_map_of_fintype f) ∈ all_funs, + from mem_of_dmap _ Plin, + begin rewrite [fun_eq_list_to_fun_map f (length_map_of_fintype f)], apply Plfin end + +lemma all_funs_to_all_lists : map fun_to_list (@all_funs A B _ _ _) = all_lists_of_len (card A) := + map_of_dmap_inv_pos list_to_fun_to_list leq_of_mem_all_lists + +lemma length_all_funs : length (@all_funs A B _ _ _) = (card B) ^ (card A) := calc + length _ = length (map fun_to_list all_funs) : length_map + ... = length (all_lists_of_len (card A)) : all_funs_to_all_lists + ... = (card B) ^ (card A) : length_all_lists + +definition fun_is_fintype [instance] : fintype (A → B) := + all_funs nodup_all_funs all_funs_complete + +lemma card_funs : card (A → B) = (card B) ^ (card A) := length_all_funs + +end list_to_fun + +section surj_inv +variables {A B : Type} +variable [finA : fintype A] +include finA + +-- surj from fintype domain implies fintype range +lemma mem_map_of_surj {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : ∀ b, b ∈ map f (elems A) := + take b, obtain a Peq, from surj b, + Peq ▸ mem_map f (complete a) + +variable [deceqB : decidable_eq B] +include deceqB + +lemma found_of_surj {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : + ∀ b, let elts := elems A, k := find b (map f elts) in k < length elts := + λ b, let elts := elems A, img := map f elts, k := find b img in + have Pin : b ∈ img, from mem_map_of_surj surj b, + assert Pfound : k < length img, from find_lt_length (mem_map_of_surj surj b), + length_map f elts ▸ Pfound + +definition right_inv {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : B → A := + λ b, let elts := elems A, k := find b (map f elts) in + kth k elts (found_of_surj surj b) + +lemma id_of_right_inv {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : f ∘ (right_inv surj) = id := + funext (λ b, find_in_range b (elems A) (found_of_surj surj b)) +end surj_inv + +-- inj functions for equal card types are also surj and therefore bij +-- the right inv (since it is surj) is also the left inv +section inj +variables {A B : Type} +variable [finA : fintype A] +include finA +variable [deceqA : decidable_eq A] +include deceqA +variable [finB : fintype B] +include finB +variable [deceqB : decidable_eq B] +include deceqB +open finset + +lemma surj_of_inj_eq_card : card A = card B → ∀ {f : A → B}, injective f → surjective f := + assume Peqcard, take f, assume Pinj, + decidable.rec_on decidable_forall_finite + (assume P : surjective f, P) + (assume Pnsurj : ¬surjective f, obtain b Pne, from exists_not_of_not_forall Pnsurj, + assert Pall : ∀ a, f a ≠ b, from forall_not_of_not_exists Pne, + assert Pbnin : b ∉ image f univ, from λ Pin, + obtain a Pa, from exists_of_mem_image Pin, absurd (and.right Pa) (Pall a), + assert Puniv : finset.card (image f univ) = card A, + from card_eq_card_image_of_inj Pinj, + assert Punivb : finset.card (image f univ) = card B, from eq.trans Puniv Peqcard, + assert P : image f univ = univ, from univ_of_card_eq_univ Punivb, + absurd (P⁻¹▸ mem_univ b) Pbnin) + +end inj +end fintype