feat(library/tactic/rewrite_tactic): take hypotheses into account when checking rewrite step

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Leonardo de Moura 2015-05-08 11:32:31 -07:00
parent 746e6dc0ff
commit 72663e8a06
4 changed files with 118 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ class rewrite_fn {
void check_term(expr const & H) {
lean::check_term(m_env, H);
lean::check_term(m_env, m_g.abstract(H));
bool process_rewrite_hypothesis(expr const & hyp, expr const & orig_elem, expr const & pattern, occurrence const & occ) {

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
550.lean:44:72: error:invalid 'rewrite' tactic, step produced type incorrect term, details: type mismatch at application
eq.rec (eq.rec (eq.refl function.id) (eq.symm linv))
eq.symm linv
eq.rec (eq.refl function.id) (eq.symm linv)
has type
x = function.id
but is expected to have type
finv ∘ func = function.id
but is expected to have type
x = function.id
rewrite step failed using pattern
finv ∘ func
finv_1 ∘ func_1
proof state:
A : Type,
f : bijection A,

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import data.finset
open list
namespace finset
variable {A : Type}
variable [h : decidable_eq A]
include h
set_option pp.implicit true
set_option pp.notation false
protected theorem induction₂ {P : finset A → Prop}
(H1 : P empty)
(H2 : ∀⦃s : finset A⦄, ∀{a : A}, a ∉ s → P s → P (insert a s)) :
∀s, P s :=
take s,
quot.induction_on s
take u,
subtype.destruct u
take l,
list.induction_on l
(assume nodup_l, H1)
(take a l',
assume IH nodup_al',
assert anl' : a ∉ l', from not_mem_of_nodup_cons nodup_al',
assert H3 : list.insert a l' = a :: l', from insert_eq_of_not_mem anl',
assert nodup_l' : nodup l', from nodup_of_nodup_cons nodup_al',
assert P_l' : P (quot.mk (subtype.tag l' nodup_l')), from IH nodup_l',
assert H4 : P (insert a (quot.mk (subtype.tag l' nodup_l'))), from H2 anl' P_l',
begin rewrite [eq.symm H3], apply H4 end)

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
finset_induction_bug.lean:30:23: error:invalid 'rewrite' tactic, step produced type incorrect term, details: type mismatch at application
@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) x nodup_al'
has type
@nodup A (@cons A a l')
but is expected to have type
@nodup A x
rewrite step failed using pattern
@cons A_1 a_1 l'_1
proof state:
A : Type,
h : decidable_eq A,
P : finset A → Prop,
H1 : P (@empty A),
H2 : ∀ ⦃s : finset A⦄ {a : A}, not (@mem A a s) → P s → P (@insert A (λ (a b : A), h a b) a s),
s : finset A,
u : nodup_list A,
l : list A,
a : A,
l' : list A,
IH :
∀ (x : @nodup A l'),
P (@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A) (@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) l' x)),
nodup_al' : @nodup A (@cons A a l'),
anl' : not (@list.mem A a l'),
H3 : @eq (list A) (@list.insert A (λ (a b : A), h a b) a l') (@cons A a l'),
nodup_l' : @nodup A l',
P_l' :
P (@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A) (@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) l' nodup_l')),
H4 :
(@insert A (λ (a b : A), h a b) a
(@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A)
(@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) l' nodup_l')))
⊢ P
(@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A)
(@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) (@cons A a l') nodup_al'))
finset_induction_bug.lean:30:45: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder
A : Type,
h : decidable_eq A,
P : finset A → Prop,
H1 : P (@empty A),
H2 : ∀ ⦃s : finset A⦄ {a : A}, not (@mem A a s) → P s → P (@insert A (λ (a b : A), h a b) a s),
s : finset A,
u : nodup_list A,
l : list A,
a : A,
l' : list A,
IH :
∀ (x : @nodup A l'),
P (@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A) (@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) l' x)),
nodup_al' : @nodup A (@cons A a l'),
anl' : not (@list.mem A a l'),
H3 : @eq (list A) (@list.insert A (λ (a b : A), h a b) a l') (@cons A a l'),
nodup_l' : @nodup A l',
P_l' :
P (@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A) (@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) l' nodup_l')),
H4 :
(@insert A (λ (a b : A), h a b) a
(@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A)
(@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) l' nodup_l')))
⊢ P
(@quot.mk (nodup_list A) (nodup_list_setoid A)
(@subtype.tag (list A) (λ (l : list A), @nodup A l) (@cons A a l') nodup_al'))
finset_induction_bug.lean:16:5: error: failed to add declaration 'finset.induction₂' to environment, value has metavariables
remark: set 'formatter.hide_full_terms' to false to see the complete term
λ (A : Type) (h : …) (P : …) (H1 : …) (H2 : …) (s : …),
@quot.induction_on … … … s
(λ (u : …),
@subtype.destruct … … … u
(λ (l : …),
@list.induction_on A … l …
(λ (a : A) (l' : …) (IH : …) (nodup_al' : …),
assert anl' : …, from …,
assert H3 : …, from …,
assert nodup_l' : …, from …,
assert P_l' : …, from …,
assert H4 : …, from …,
finset_induction_bug.lean:30:49: error: invalid end of module, expecting 'end'