feat(library/tactic/inversion_tactic): fail if is_hset type class synthesis produced term containing meta-variables, improve error messages

fixes #467
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2015-03-11 15:18:01 -07:00
parent 71ce207080
commit 737faecc65

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h"
#include "kernel/error_msgs.h"
#include "library/io_state_stream.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/util.h"
@ -112,6 +113,8 @@ class inversion_tac {
declaration m_I_decl;
declaration m_cases_on_decl;
bool m_throw_tactic_exception; // if true, then throw tactic_exception in case of failure, instead of returning none
expr whnf(expr const & e) { return m_tc.whnf(e).first; }
expr infer_type(expr const & e) { return m_tc.infer(e).first; }
@ -480,21 +483,42 @@ class inversion_tac {
return mk_pair(to_list(new_gs), to_list(new_args));
struct inversion_exception : public exception {
inversion_exception(char const * msg):exception(msg) {}
inversion_exception(sstream const & strm):exception(strm) {}
// auxiliary exception used to interrupt execution
struct inversion_exception {};
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_ill_formed_goal() {
throw inversion_exception("ill-formed goal");
if (m_throw_tactic_exception)
throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, ill-formed goal");
throw inversion_exception();
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_ill_typed_goal() {
throw inversion_exception("ill-typed goal");
if (m_throw_tactic_exception)
throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, ill-typed goal");
throw inversion_exception();
void throw_unification_eq_rec_failure() {
throw inversion_exception("unification failed to eliminate eq.rec in homogeneous equality");
void throw_lift_down_failure() {
if (m_throw_tactic_exception)
throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, lift.down failed");
throw inversion_exception();
void throw_unification_eq_rec_failure(goal const & g, expr const & eq) {
if (m_throw_tactic_exception) {
throw tactic_exception([=](formatter const & fmt) {
format r("invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed to eliminate eq.rec in the homogeneous equality");
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, eq);
r += compose(line(), format("auxiliary goal at time of failure"));
r += nest(get_pp_indent(fmt.get_options()), compose(line(), g.pp(fmt)));
return r;
} else {
throw inversion_exception();
/** \brief Process goal of the form: Pi (H : eq.rec A s C a s p = b), R
@ -516,8 +540,9 @@ class inversion_tac {
// lhs is of the form (eq.rec A s C a s p)
// aux_eq is a term of type ((eq.rec A s C a s p) = a)
auto aux_eq = apply_eq_rec_eq(m_tc, m_ios, to_list(hyps), lhs);
if (!aux_eq)
if (!aux_eq || has_expr_metavar_relaxed(*aux_eq)) {
throw_unification_eq_rec_failure(g, eq);
buffer<expr> lhs_args;
get_app_args(lhs, lhs_args);
expr const & reduced_lhs = lhs_args[3];
@ -569,7 +594,11 @@ class inversion_tac {
assign(g.get_name(), val);
return new_g;
} else {
throw inversion_exception("unification failed to reduce heterogeneous equality into homogeneous one");
if (m_throw_tactic_exception) {
throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed to reduce heterogeneous equality into homogeneous one");
} else {
throw inversion_exception();
@ -630,11 +659,13 @@ class inversion_tac {
expr lift_down(expr const & v) {
if (!m_proof_irrel) {
expr v_type = whnf(infer_type(v));
if (!is_app(v_type))
if (!is_app(v_type)) {
expr const & lift = app_fn(v_type);
if (!is_constant(lift) || const_name(lift) != get_lift_name())
if (!is_constant(lift) || const_name(lift) != get_lift_name()) {
return mk_app(mk_constant(get_lift_down_name(), const_levels(lift)), app_arg(v_type), v);
} else {
return v;
@ -701,8 +732,12 @@ class inversion_tac {
if (!is_constant(A_fn) || !inductive::is_inductive_decl(m_env, const_name(A_fn)))
name no_confusion_name(const_name(A_fn), "no_confusion");
if (!m_env.find(no_confusion_name))
throw inversion_exception(sstream() << "construction '" << no_confusion_name << "' is not available in the environment");
if (!m_env.find(no_confusion_name)) {
if (m_throw_tactic_exception)
throw tactic_exception(sstream() << "invalid 'cases' tactic, construction '" << no_confusion_name << "' is not available in the environment");
throw inversion_exception();
expr no_confusion = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_name, cons(g_lvl, const_levels(A_fn))), A_args), g_type, lhs, rhs, eq);
if (const_name(lhs_fn) == const_name(rhs_fn)) {
// injectivity transition
@ -814,7 +849,16 @@ class inversion_tac {
assign(g.get_name(), val);
return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs);
throw inversion_exception("unification failed");
if (m_throw_tactic_exception) {
throw tactic_exception([=](formatter const & fmt) {
format r("invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed");
r += compose(line(), format("auxiliary goal at time of failure"));
r += nest(get_pp_indent(fmt.get_options()), compose(line(), g.pp(fmt)));
return r;
} else {
throw inversion_exception();
auto unify_eqs(list<goal> const & gs, list<list<expr>> args, list<implementation_list> imps) ->
@ -878,14 +922,15 @@ class inversion_tac {
inversion_tac(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name_generator const & ngen,
type_checker & tc, substitution const & subst, list<name> const & ids):
type_checker & tc, substitution const & subst, list<name> const & ids,
bool throw_tactic_ex):
m_env(env), m_ios(ios), m_tc(tc), m_ids(ids),
m_ngen(ngen), m_subst(subst) {
m_ngen(ngen), m_subst(subst), m_throw_tactic_exception(throw_tactic_ex) {
m_proof_irrel = m_env.prop_proof_irrel();
inversion_tac(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, type_checker & tc):
inversion_tac(env, ios, tc.mk_ngen(), tc, substitution(), list<name>()) {}
inversion_tac(env, ios, tc.mk_ngen(), tc, substitution(), list<name>(), false) {}
typedef inversion::result result;
@ -950,7 +995,7 @@ tactic inversion_tactic(name const & n, list<name> const & ids) {
goals tail_gs = tail(gs);
name_generator ngen = ps.get_ngen();
std::unique_ptr<type_checker> tc = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child(), ps.relax_main_opaque());
inversion_tac tac(env, ios, ngen, *tc, ps.get_subst(), ids);
inversion_tac tac(env, ios, ngen, *tc, ps.get_subst(), ids, ps.report_failure());
if (auto res = tac.execute(g, n, implementation_list())) {
proof_state new_s(ps, append(res->m_goals, tail_gs), res->m_subst, res->m_ngen);
return some_proof_state(new_s);