fix(tests/lean/hott): adjust tests to reflect changes in standard library
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
open truncation
open is_trunc
--structure is_contr [class] (A : Type) : Type
@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ namespace pi
/- Now we show how these things compute. -/
definition apD10_path_pi [H : funext] (h : f ∼ g) : apD10 (path_pi h) ∼ h :=
definition apD10_path_pi [H : funext] (h : f ∼ g) : apD10 (eq_of_homotopy h) ∼ h :=
apD10 (retr apD10 h)
definition path_pi_eta [H : funext] (p : f = g) : path_pi (apD10 p) = p :=
definition path_pi_eta [H : funext] (p : f = g) : eq_of_homotopy (apD10 p) = p :=
sect apD10 p
definition path_pi_idp [H : funext] : path_pi (λx : A, refl (f x)) = refl f :=
definition path_pi_idp [H : funext] : eq_of_homotopy (λx : A, refl (f x)) = refl f :=
/- The identification of the path space of a dependent function space, up to equivalence, is of course just funext. -/
definition path_equiv_homotopy [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x) : (f = g) ≃ (f ∼ g) :=
|||| _ !funext.ap
|||| _ !funext.elim
definition is_equiv_path_pi [instance] [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x)
: is_equiv (@path_pi _ _ _ f g) :=
inv_closed apD10
: is_equiv (@eq_of_homotopy _ _ _ f g) :=
is_equiv_inv apD10
definition homotopy_equiv_path [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x) : (f ∼ g) ≃ (f = g) :=
|||| _ !is_equiv_path_pi
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace pi
protected definition transport (p : a = a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b)
: (transport (λa, Π(b : B a), C a b) p f)
∼ (λb, transport (C a') !transport_pV (transportD _ _ p _ (f (p⁻¹ ▹ b)))) :=
∼ (λb, transport (C a') !tr_inv_tr (transportD _ _ p _ (f (p⁻¹ ▹ b)))) :=
eq.rec_on p (λx, idp)
/- A special case of [transport_pi] where the type [B] does not depend on [A],
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace pi
/- The action of maps given by lambda. -/
definition ap_lambdaD [H : funext] {C : A' → Type} (p : a = a') (f : Πa b, C b) :
ap (λa b, f a b) p = path_pi (λb, ap (λa, f a b) p) :=
ap (λa b, f a b) p = eq_of_homotopy (λb, ap (λa, f a b) p) :=
apply (eq.rec_on p),
apply inverse,
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace pi
(Π(b : B a), transportD B (λ(a : A) (b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) p b (f b) = g (eq.transport B p b)) -/
definition dpath_pi_sigma {C : (Σa, B a) → Type} (p : a = a')
(f : Π(b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) (g : Π(b' : B a'), C ⟨a', b'⟩) :
(Π(b : B a), (sigma.path p idp) ▹ (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) :=
(Π(b : B a), (sigma.sigma_eq p idp) ▹ (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) :=
eq.rec_on p (λg, !equiv.refl) g
@ -102,17 +102,17 @@ namespace pi
apply (adjointify (functor_pi f0 f1) (functor_pi (f0⁻¹)
(λ(a : A) (b' : B' (f0⁻¹ a)), transport B (retr f0 a) ((f1 (f0⁻¹ a))⁻¹ b')))),
intro h, apply path_pi,
intro h, apply eq_of_homotopy,
esimp {functor_pi, function.compose}, -- simplify (and unfold function_pi and function.compose)
--first subgoal
intro a', esimp,
rewrite adj,
rewrite -transport_compose,
rewrite {f1 a' _}(ap_transport _ f1 _),
rewrite {f1 a' _}(fn_tr_eq_tr_fn _ f1 _),
rewrite (retr (f1 _) _),
apply apD,
intro h, beta,
apply path_pi, intro a, esimp,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, esimp,
apply (transport_V (λx, retr f0 a ▹ x = h a) (sect (f1 _) _)),
esimp {},
apply apD
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
open truncation
open is_trunc
parameters {P : Π(A : Type), A → Type}
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ open eq tactic
open eq (rec_on)
definition concat_whisker2 {A} {x y z : A} (p p' : x = y) (q q' : y = z) (a : p = p') (b : q = q') :
(whiskerR a q) ⬝ (whiskerL p' b) = (whiskerL p b) ⬝ (whiskerR a q') :=
(whisker_right a q) ⬝ (whisker_left p' b) = (whisker_left p b) ⬝ (whisker_right a q') :=
apply (rec_on b),
apply (rec_on a),
apply ((concat_1p _)⁻¹),
apply ((idp_con _)⁻¹),
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ constant f {A : Type} : A → A → A
theorem test1 {A : Type} [s : add_comm_group A] (a b c : A) : f (a + 0) (f (a + 0) (a + 0)) = f a (f (0 + a) a) :=
rewrite [
add_right_id at {1, 3}, -- rewrite 1st and 3rd occurrences
add_zero at {1, 3}, -- rewrite 1st and 3rd occurrences
{0 + _}add_comm] -- apply commutativity to (0 + _)
@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ axiom Ax {A : Type} [s₁ : has_mul A] [s₂ : has_one A] (a : A) : f (a * 1) (a
theorem test2 {A : Type} [s : comm_group A] (a b c : A) : f a a = 1 :=
rewrite [-(mul_right_id a), -- - means apply symmetry, rewrite 0 ==> a * 0 at 1st and 2nd occurrences
rewrite [-(mul_one a), -- - means apply symmetry, rewrite 0 ==> a * 0 at 1st and 2nd occurrences
Ax] -- use Ax as rewrite rule
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