Pretty print forall/exists expressions
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 108 additions and 5 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "scoped_map.h"
#include "occurs.h"
#include "instantiate.h"
#include "builtin.h"
#include "builtin_notation.h"
#include "free_vars.h"
#include "context_to_lambda.h"
#include "for_each.h"
#include "options.h"
@ -50,6 +52,8 @@ static format g_eq_sym_fmt = format(g_eq_sym);
static format g_lambda_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u03BB"));
static format g_Pi_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u03A0"));
static format g_arrow_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2192"));
static format g_forall_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2200"));
static format g_exists_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2203"));
static format g_ellipsis_fmt = highlight(format("\u2026"));
static format g_let_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("let"));
static format g_in_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("in"));
@ -288,6 +292,102 @@ class pp_fn {
return mk_result(r_format, r_weight);
bool is_forall_expr(expr const & e) {
return is_app(e) && arg(e, 0) == mk_forall_fn() && num_args(e) == 3;
bool is_exists_expr(expr const & e) {
return is_app(e) && arg(e, 0) == mk_exists_fn() && num_args(e) == 3;
bool is_quant_expr(expr const & e, bool is_forall) {
return is_forall ? is_forall_expr(e) : is_exists_expr(e);
\brief Collect nested quantifiers, and instantiate
variables with unused names. Store in \c r the selected names
and associated domains. Return the body of the sequence of
nested quantifiers.
expr collect_nested_quantifiers(expr const & e, bool is_forall, buffer<std::pair<name, expr>> & r) {
lean_assert(is_quant_expr(e, is_forall));
if (is_lambda(arg(e, 2))) {
expr lambda = arg(e, 2);
name n1 = get_unused_name(lambda);
r.push_back(mk_pair(n1, abst_domain(lambda)));
expr b = instantiate_with_closed(abst_body(lambda), mk_constant(n1));
if (is_quant_expr(b, is_forall))
return collect_nested_quantifiers(b, is_forall, r);
return b;
} else {
// Quantifier is not in normal form. That is, it might be
// (forall t p) or (exists t p) where p is not a lambda
// abstraction
// So, we put it in normal form
// (forall t (fun x : t, p x))
// or
// (exists t (fun x : t, p x))
expr new_body = mk_lambda("x", arg(e, 1), mk_app(lift_free_vars(arg(e, 2), 1), mk_var(0)));
expr normal_form = mk_app(arg(e, 0), arg(e, 1), new_body);
return collect_nested_quantifiers(normal_form, is_forall, r);
result pp_quantifier(expr const & e, unsigned depth, bool is_forall) {
buffer<std::pair<name, expr>> nested;
expr b = collect_nested_quantifiers(e, is_forall, nested);
format head = is_forall ? g_forall_fmt : g_exists_fmt;
format sep = comma();
expr domain0 = nested[0].second;
// TODO: the following code is very similar to pp_abstraction
if (std::all_of(nested.begin() + 1, nested.end(), [&](std::pair<name, expr> const & p) { return p.second == domain0; })) {
// Domain of all binders is the same
format names = pp_bnames(nested.begin(), nested.end(), false);
result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(domain0, depth);
result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth);
format sig = format{names, space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first};
format r_format = group(nest(m_indent, format{head, space(), sig, sep, line(), p_body.first}));
return mk_result(r_format, p_domain.second + p_body.second + 1);
} else {
auto it = nested.begin();
auto end = nested.end();
unsigned r_weight = 1;
// PP binders in blocks (names ... : type)
bool first = true;
format bindings;
while (it != end) {
auto it2 = it;
while (it2 != end && it2->second == it->second) {
result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(it->second, depth);
r_weight += p_domain.second;
format block = group(nest(m_indent, format{lp(), pp_bnames(it, it2, true), space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first, rp()}));
if (first) {
bindings = block;
first = false;
} else {
bindings += compose(line(), block);
it = it2;
result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth);
format r_format = group(nest(m_indent, format{head, space(), group(bindings), sep, line(), p_body.first}));
return mk_result(r_format, r_weight + p_body.second);
result pp_forall(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
return pp_quantifier(e, depth, true);
result pp_exists(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
return pp_quantifier(e, depth, false);
\brief Pretty print an application.
@ -347,6 +447,10 @@ class pp_fn {
return mk_result(format(), 0);
} else if (m_notation && is_forall_expr(e)) {
return pp_forall(e, depth);
} else if (m_notation && is_exists_expr(e)) {
return pp_exists(e, depth);
} else {
// standard function application
result p = pp_child(arg(e, 0), depth);
@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ static name g_in_name("in");
static name g_arrow_name("->");
static name g_eq_name("=");
static name g_forall_name("forall");
static name g_forall_unicode("\u2201");
static name g_forall_unicode2("∀");
static name g_forall_unicode("\u2200");
static name g_exists_name("exists");
static name g_exists_unicode("\u2203");
static name g_exists_unicode2("∃");
static char g_normalized[256];
@ -253,9 +251,9 @@ scanner::token scanner::read_c_symbol() {
return token::Lambda;
else if (m_name_val == g_pi_unicode)
return token::Pi;
else if (m_name_val == g_forall_unicode || m_name_val == g_forall_unicode2)
else if (m_name_val == g_forall_unicode)
return token::Forall;
else if (m_name_val == g_exists_unicode || m_name_val == g_exists_unicode2)
else if (m_name_val == g_exists_unicode)
return token::Exists;
return token::Id;
@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ add_test(lean4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lean "${LEAN_SOURCE_DIR}/../examples/
add_test(lean5 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lean "${LEAN_SOURCE_DIR}/../examples/ex5.lean")
add_test(lean6 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lean "${LEAN_SOURCE_DIR}/../examples/ex6.lean")
add_test(lean7 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lean "${LEAN_SOURCE_DIR}/../examples/ex7.lean")
add_test(lean8 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lean "${LEAN_SOURCE_DIR}/../examples/ex8.lean")
Add table
Reference in a new issue