refactor(category): merge precategory/ and category/, organize construction files differently.

This commit is contained in:
Floris van Doorn 2015-04-25 00:20:59 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 23e6a3131d
commit 797a2d2047
20 changed files with 459 additions and 462 deletions

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@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ algebra
* [binary](binary.hlean) : properties of binary operations
* [relation](relation.hlean) : properties of relations
* [group](group.hlean)
* [groupoid](groupoid.hlean)
* [precategory](precategory/
* [category](category/
* [category](category/ : Category Theory

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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.yoneda
Module: algebra.category.adjoint
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import algebra.category.basic .constructions
import .constructions.functor
open category functor nat_trans eq is_trunc iso equiv prod

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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.basic
Module: algebra.category.category
Author: Jakob von Raumer
import algebra.precategory.iso
import .iso
open iso is_equiv eq is_trunc
@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ namespace category
Π(a b : ob), is_equiv (@iso_of_eq ob C a b)
structure category [class] (ob : Type) extends parent : precategory ob :=
(iso_of_path_equiv : is_univalent parent)
mk' :: (iso_of_path_equiv : is_univalent parent)
attribute category [multiple-instances]
abbreviation iso_of_path_equiv := @category.iso_of_path_equiv
definition' [reducible] (ob : Type) (C : precategory ob)
(H : Π (a b : ob), is_equiv (@iso_of_eq ob C a b)) : category ob :=
precategory.rec_on C H
definition [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob)
(H : Π (a b : ob), is_equiv (iso_of_eq : a = b → a ≅ b)) : category ob :=
precategory.rec_on C' H
section basic
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob]
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace category
definition category.Mk [reducible] :=
definition category.MK [reducible] (C : Precategory)
(H : is_univalent C) : Category := C (' C C H)
(H : is_univalent C) : Category := C ( C H)
definition Category.eta (C : Category) : C C = C :=
Category.rec (λob c, idp) C

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@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
* [basic](basic.hlean)
* [constructions](constructions.hlean)
Development of Category Theory. The following files are in this folder (sorted such that files only import previous files).
* [precategory](precategory.hlean)
* [iso](iso.hlean) : iso, mono, epi, split mono, split epi
* [category](category.hlean) : Categories (i.e. univalent or Rezk-complete precategories)
* [groupoid](groupoid.hlean)
* [functor](functor.hlean)
* [nat_trans](nat_trans.hlean) : Natural transformations
* [strict](strict.hlean) : Strict categories
* [constructions](constructions/ (subfolder) : basic constructions on categories and examples of categories
* [adjoint](adjoint.hlean) : Adjoint functors and Equivalences (TODO)
* [yoneda](yoneda.hlean) : Yoneda Embedding (TODO)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Common categories and constructions on categories. The following files are in this folder.
* [opposite](opposite.hlean) : Opposite category
* [product](product.hlean) : Product category
* [hset](hset.hlean) : Category of sets
* [functor](functor.hlean) : Functor category

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.constructions.default
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .functor .hset .opposite .product

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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.constructions.functor
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Functor precategory and category
import ..nat_trans ..category
open eq functor is_trunc nat_trans iso is_equiv
namespace category
definition precategory_functor [instance] [reducible] (D C : Precategory)
: precategory (functor C D) := (λa b, nat_trans a b)
(λ a b c g f, nat_trans.compose g f)
(λ a,
(λ a b c d h g f, !nat_trans.assoc)
(λ a b f, !nat_trans.id_left)
(λ a b f, !nat_trans.id_right)
definition Precategory_functor [reducible] (D C : Precategory) : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (precategory_functor D C)
infixr `^c`:35 := Precategory_functor
/- we prove that if a natural transformation is pointwise an iso, then it is an iso -/
variables {C D : Precategory} {F G : C ⇒ D} (η : F ⟹ G) [iso : Π(a : C), is_iso (η a)]
include iso
definition nat_trans_inverse : G ⟹ F :=
(λc, (η c)⁻¹)
(λc d f,
apply comp_inverse_eq_of_eq_comp,
apply concat, rotate_left 1, apply assoc,
apply eq_inverse_comp_of_comp_eq,
apply inverse,
apply naturality,
definition nat_trans_left_inverse : nat_trans_inverse η ∘n η = :=
fapply (apd011,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro c, apply left_inverse,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros,
apply is_hset.elim
definition nat_trans_right_inverse : η ∘n nat_trans_inverse η = :=
fapply (apd011,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro c, apply right_inverse,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros,
apply is_hset.elim
definition is_iso_nat_trans : is_iso η := (nat_trans_left_inverse η) (nat_trans_right_inverse η)
/- and conversely, if a natural transformation is an iso, it is componentwise an iso -/
variables {C D : Precategory} {F G : D ^c C} (η : hom F G) [isoη : is_iso η] (c : C)
include isoη
definition componentwise_is_iso : is_iso (η c) := _ _ _ _ _ (natural_map η⁻¹ c) (ap010 natural_map ( left_inverse η) c)
(ap010 natural_map (right_inverse η) c)
local attribute componentwise_is_iso [instance]
definition natural_map_inverse : natural_map η⁻¹ c = (η c)⁻¹ := idp
definition naturality_iso {c c' : C} (f : c ⟶ c') : G f = η c' ∘ F f ∘ (η c)⁻¹ :=
G f = (G f ∘ η c) ∘ (η c)⁻¹ : comp_inverse_cancel_right
... = (η c' ∘ F f) ∘ (η c)⁻¹ : by rewrite naturality
... = η c' ∘ F f ∘ (η c)⁻¹ : assoc
definition naturality_iso' {c c' : C} (f : c ⟶ c') : (η c')⁻¹ ∘ G f ∘ η c = F f :=
(η c')⁻¹ ∘ G f ∘ η c = (η c')⁻¹ ∘ η c' ∘ F f : by rewrite naturality
... = F f : inverse_comp_cancel_left
omit isoη
definition componentwise_iso (η : F ≅ G) (c : C) : F c ≅ G c := _ _ _ _ (natural_map (to_hom η) c)
(@componentwise_is_iso _ _ _ _ (to_hom η) (struct η) c)
definition componentwise_iso_id (c : C) : componentwise_iso (iso.refl F) c = iso.refl (F c) :=
iso.eq_mk (idpath (ID (F c)))
definition componentwise_iso_iso_of_eq (p : F = G) (c : C)
: componentwise_iso (iso_of_eq p) c = iso_of_eq (ap010 to_fun_ob p c) :=
eq.rec_on p !componentwise_iso_id
definition natural_map_hom_of_eq (p : F = G) (c : C)
: natural_map (hom_of_eq p) c = hom_of_eq (ap010 to_fun_ob p c) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition natural_map_inv_of_eq (p : F = G) (c : C)
: natural_map (inv_of_eq p) c = hom_of_eq (ap010 to_fun_ob p c)⁻¹ :=
eq.rec_on p idp
namespace functor
variables {C : Precategory} {D : Category} {F G : D ^c C}
definition eq_of_iso_ob (η : F ≅ G) (c : C) : F c = G c :=
by apply eq_of_iso; apply componentwise_iso; exact η
local attribute functor.to_fun_hom [quasireducible]
definition eq_of_iso (η : F ≅ G) : F = G :=
fapply functor_eq,
{exact (eq_of_iso_ob η)},
{intros [c, c', f], --unfold eq_of_iso_ob, --TODO: report: this fails
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, to_hom x ∘ to_fun_hom F f ∘ _)), apply (retr iso_of_eq)},
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, _ ∘ to_fun_hom F f ∘ (to_hom x)⁻¹)), apply (retr iso_of_eq)},
apply inverse, apply naturality_iso}
definition iso_of_eq_eq_of_iso (η : F ≅ G) : iso_of_eq (eq_of_iso η) = η :=
apply iso.eq_mk,
apply nat_trans_eq_mk,
intro c,
rewrite natural_map_hom_of_eq, esimp [eq_of_iso],
rewrite ap010_functor_eq, esimp [hom_of_eq,eq_of_iso_ob],
rewrite (retr iso_of_eq),
definition eq_of_iso_iso_of_eq (p : F = G) : eq_of_iso (iso_of_eq p) = p :=
apply functor_eq2,
intro c,
esimp [eq_of_iso],
rewrite ap010_functor_eq,
esimp [eq_of_iso_ob],
rewrite componentwise_iso_iso_of_eq,
rewrite (sect iso_of_eq)
definition is_univalent (D : Category) (C : Precategory) : is_univalent (D ^c C) :=
λF G, adjointify _ eq_of_iso
end functor
definition Category_functor_of_precategory (D : Category) (C : Precategory) : Category :=
category.MK (D ^c C) (functor.is_univalent D C)
definition Category_functor (D : Category) (C : Category) : Category :=
Category_functor_of_precategory D C
namespace ops
infixr `^c2`:35 := Category_functor_of_precategory
end ops
end category

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@ -1,18 +1,31 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.constructions
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Module: algebra.category.constructions.hset
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Category of hsets
import .basic algebra.precategory.constructions types.equiv types.trunc
import ..category types.equiv
--open eq eq.ops equiv category.ops iso category is_trunc
open eq category equiv iso is_equiv category.ops is_trunc iso.iso function sigma
--open eq is_trunc sigma equiv iso is_equiv
open eq category equiv iso is_equiv is_trunc function sigma
namespace category
definition precategory_hset [reducible] : precategory hset := (λx y : hset, x → y)
(λx y z g f a, g (f a))
(λx a, a)
(λx y z w h g f, eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp))
(λx y f, eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp))
(λx y f, eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp))
definition Precategory_hset [reducible] : Precategory := hset precategory_hset
namespace set
local attribute is_equiv_subtype_eq [instance]
definition iso_of_equiv {A B : Precategory_hset} (f : A ≃ B) : A ≅ B :=
@ -70,75 +83,13 @@ namespace category
(iso_of_eq_eq_compose A B)⁻¹ ▹ H
end set
definition category_hset [reducible] [instance] : category hset :=' hset precategory_hset set.is_univalent_hset precategory_hset set.is_univalent_hset
definition Category_hset [reducible] : Category := hset category_hset
namespace ops
abbreviation set := Category_hset
end ops
section functor
open functor nat_trans
variables {C : Precategory} {D : Category} {F G : D ^c C}
definition eq_of_iso_functor_ob (η : F ≅ G) (c : C) : F c = G c :=
by apply eq_of_iso; apply componentwise_iso; exact η
local attribute functor.to_fun_hom [quasireducible]
definition eq_of_iso_functor (η : F ≅ G) : F = G :=
fapply functor_eq,
{exact (eq_of_iso_functor_ob η)},
{intros [c, c', f], --unfold eq_of_iso_functor_ob, --TODO: report: this fails
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, to_hom x ∘ to_fun_hom F f ∘ _)), apply (retr iso_of_eq)},
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, _ ∘ to_fun_hom F f ∘ (to_hom x)⁻¹)), apply (retr iso_of_eq)},
apply inverse, apply naturality_iso}
definition iso_of_eq_eq_of_iso_functor (η : F ≅ G) : iso_of_eq (eq_of_iso_functor η) = η :=
apply iso.eq_mk,
apply nat_trans_eq_mk,
intro c,
rewrite natural_map_hom_of_eq, esimp [eq_of_iso_functor],
rewrite ap010_functor_eq, esimp [hom_of_eq,eq_of_iso_functor_ob],
rewrite (retr iso_of_eq),
definition eq_of_iso_functor_iso_of_eq (p : F = G) : eq_of_iso_functor (iso_of_eq p) = p :=
apply functor_eq2,
intro c,
esimp [eq_of_iso_functor],
rewrite ap010_functor_eq,
esimp [eq_of_iso_functor_ob],
rewrite componentwise_iso_iso_of_eq,
rewrite (sect iso_of_eq)
definition is_univalent_functor (D : Category) (C : Precategory) : is_univalent (D ^c C) :=
λF G, adjointify _ eq_of_iso_functor
end functor
definition Category_functor_of_precategory (D : Category) (C : Precategory) : Category :=
category.MK (D ^c C) (is_univalent_functor D C)
definition Category_functor (D : Category) (C : Category) : Category :=
Category_functor_of_precategory D C
namespace ops
infixr `^c2`:35 := Category_functor
end ops
abbreviation set := Category_hset
end category

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.constructions.opposite
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Opposite precategory and (TODO) category
import ..functor ..category
open eq functor
namespace category
definition opposite [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob) : precategory ob :=' (λ a b, hom b a)
(λ a b c f g, g ∘ f)
(λ a, id)
(λ a b c d f g h, !assoc')
(λ a b c d f g h, !assoc)
(λ a b f, !id_right)
(λ a b f, !id_left)
(λ a, !id_id)
(λ a b, !is_hset_hom)
definition Opposite [reducible] (C : Precategory) : Precategory := precategory.Mk (opposite C)
infixr `∘op`:60 := @comp _ (opposite _) _ _ _
variables {C : Precategory} {a b c : C}
definition compose_op {f : hom a b} {g : hom b c} : f ∘op g = g ∘ f := idp
definition opposite_opposite' {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob) : opposite (opposite C) = C :=
by cases C; apply idp
definition opposite_opposite : Opposite (Opposite C) = C :=
(ap ( C) (opposite_opposite' C)) ⬝ !Precategory.eta
postfix `ᵒᵖ`:(max+1) := Opposite
definition opposite_functor [reducible] {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ :=
apply ( (Cᵒᵖ) (Dᵒᵖ)),
intro a, apply (respect_id F),
intros, apply (@respect_comp C D)
infixr `ᵒᵖᶠ`:(max+1) := opposite_functor
end category

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.constructions.product
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Functor product precategory and (TODO) category
import ..category ..functor
open eq prod is_trunc functor
namespace category
definition precategory_product [reducible] {obC obD : Type}
(C : precategory obC) (D : precategory obD) : precategory (obC × obD) :=' (λ a b, hom (pr1 a) (pr1 b) × hom (pr2 a) (pr2 b))
(λ a b c g f, (pr1 g ∘ pr1 f , pr2 g ∘ pr2 f))
(λ a, (id, id))
(λ a b c d h g f, pair_eq !assoc !assoc )
(λ a b c d h g f, pair_eq !assoc' !assoc' )
(λ a b f, prod_eq !id_left !id_left )
(λ a b f, prod_eq !id_right !id_right)
(λ a, prod_eq !id_id !id_id)
definition Precategory_product [reducible] (C D : Precategory) : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (precategory_product C D)
infixr `×c`:30 := Precategory_product
definition prod_functor [reducible] {C C' D D' : Precategory}
(F : C ⇒ D) (G : C' ⇒ D') : C ×c C' ⇒ D ×c D' := (λ a, pair (F (pr1 a)) (G (pr2 a)))
(λ a b f, pair (F (pr1 f)) (G (pr2 f)))
(λ a, pair_eq !respect_id !respect_id)
(λ a b c g f, pair_eq !respect_comp !respect_comp)
infixr `×f`:30 := prod_functor
end category

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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.functor
Module: algebra.category.functor
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .basic types.pi .iso
import .iso types.pi
open function category eq prod equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc funext iso
open pi
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ namespace functor
local attribute precategory.is_hset_hom [priority 1001]
protected theorem is_hset_functor [instance]
[HD : is_hset D] : is_hset (functor C D) :=
by apply is_trunc_equiv_closed; apply sigma_char
by apply is_trunc_equiv_closed; apply functor.sigma_char
definition functor_mk_eq'_idp (F : C → D) (H : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F a) (F b))

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@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.groupoid
Module: algebra.category.groupoid
Author: Jakob von Raumer
Ported from Coq HoTT
import .precategory.iso .group
import .iso
open eq is_trunc iso category path_algebra nat unit

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@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.iso
Module: algebra.category.iso
Author: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import algebra.precategory.basic types.sigma arity
import .precategory types.sigma arity
open eq category prod equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc
namespace iso
structure split_mono [class] {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] {a b : ob} (f : a ⟶ b) :=
{retraction_of : b ⟶ a}
@ -113,20 +111,6 @@ namespace iso
[Hf : is_iso f] [Hg : is_iso g] : is_iso (g ∘ f) :=
-- "is_iso f" is equivalent to a certain sigma type
-- definition is_iso.sigma_char (f : hom a b) :
-- (Σ (g : hom b a), (g ∘ f = id) × (f ∘ g = id)) ≃ is_iso f :=
-- begin
-- fapply equiv.MK,
-- {intro S, apply,
-- exact (pr₁ S.2),
-- exact (pr₂ S.2)},
-- {intro H, cases H with (g, η, ε),
-- exact ( g (pair η ε))},
-- {intro H, cases H, apply idp},
-- {intro S, cases S with (g, ηε), cases ηε, apply idp},
-- end
definition is_hprop_is_iso [instance] (f : hom a b) : is_hprop (is_iso f) :=
apply, intros [H, H'],
@ -138,52 +122,55 @@ namespace iso
apply is_hprop.elim,
apply is_hprop.elim,
end iso open iso
/- iso objects -/
structure iso (a b : ob) :=
(to_hom : hom a b)
[struct : is_iso to_hom]
/- isomorphic objects -/
structure iso {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] (a b : ob) :=
(to_hom : hom a b)
[struct : is_iso to_hom]
infix `≅`:50 := iso.iso
namespace iso
variables {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob]
variables {a b c : ob} {g : b ⟶ c} {f : a ⟶ b} {h : b ⟶ a}
include C
infix `≅`:50 := iso
attribute iso.struct [instance] [priority 400]
namespace iso
attribute to_hom [coercion]
attribute to_hom [coercion]
protected definition MK (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ a) (H1 : g ∘ f = id) (H2 : f ∘ g = id) :=
@mk _ _ _ _ f ( H1 H2)
protected definition MK (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ a) (H1 : g ∘ f = id) (H2 : f ∘ g = id) :=
@mk _ _ _ _ f ( H1 H2)
definition to_inv (f : a ≅ b) : b ⟶ a :=
(to_hom f)⁻¹
definition to_inv (f : a ≅ b) : b ⟶ a :=
(to_hom f)⁻¹
protected definition refl (a : ob) : a ≅ a :=
mk (ID a)
protected definition refl (a : ob) : a ≅ a :=
mk (ID a)
protected definition symm ⦃a b : ob⦄ (H : a ≅ b) : b ≅ a :=
mk (to_hom H)⁻¹
protected definition symm ⦃a b : ob⦄ (H : a ≅ b) : b ≅ a :=
mk (to_hom H)⁻¹
protected definition trans ⦃a b c : ob⦄ (H1 : a ≅ b) (H2 : b ≅ c) : a ≅ c :=
mk (to_hom H2 ∘ to_hom H1)
protected definition trans ⦃a b c : ob⦄ (H1 : a ≅ b) (H2 : b ≅ c) : a ≅ c :=
mk (to_hom H2 ∘ to_hom H1)
protected definition eq_mk' {f f' : a ⟶ b} [H : is_iso f] [H' : is_iso f'] (p : f = f')
: f = f' :=
apd011 p !is_hprop.elim
protected definition eq_mk' {f f' : a ⟶ b} [H : is_iso f] [H' : is_iso f'] (p : f = f')
: f = f' :=
apd011 p !is_hprop.elim
protected definition eq_mk {f f' : a ≅ b} (p : to_hom f = to_hom f') : f = f' :=
by (cases f; cases f'; apply (iso.eq_mk' p))
protected definition eq_mk {f f' : a ≅ b} (p : to_hom f = to_hom f') : f = f' :=
by (cases f; cases f'; apply (iso.eq_mk' p))
-- The structure for isomorphism can be characterized up to equivalence by a sigma type.
definition sigma_char ⦃a b : ob⦄ : (Σ (f : hom a b), is_iso f) ≃ (a ≅ b) :=
fapply (,
{intro S, apply, apply (S.2)},
{fapply adjointify,
{intro p, cases p with [f, H], exact ( f H)},
{intro p, cases p, apply idp},
{intro S, cases S, apply idp}},
end iso
-- The structure for isomorphism can be characterized up to equivalence by a sigma type.
protected definition sigma_char ⦃a b : ob⦄ : (Σ (f : hom a b), is_iso f) ≃ (a ≅ b) :=
fapply (,
{intro S, apply, apply (S.2)},
{fapply adjointify,
{intro p, cases p with [f, H], exact ( f H)},
{intro p, cases p, apply idp},
{intro S, cases S, apply idp}},
-- The type of isomorphisms between two objects is a set
definition is_hset_iso [instance] : is_hset (a ≅ b) :=

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.nat_trans
Module: algebra.category.nat_trans
Author: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .functor .iso

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.basic
Module: algebra.category.precategory
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import types.trunc types.pi arity

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.strict
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .precategory .functor
open is_trunc eq
namespace category
structure strict_precategory [class] (ob : Type) extends precategory ob :=
mk' :: (is_hset_ob : is_hset ob)
attribute strict_precategory.is_hset_ob [instance]
definition [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob)
(H : is_hset ob) : strict_precategory ob :=
precategory.rec_on C' H
structure Strict_precategory : Type :=
(carrier : Type)
(struct : strict_precategory carrier)
attribute Strict_precategory.struct [instance] [coercion]
definition Strict_precategory.to_Precategory [coercion] [reducible]
(C : Strict_precategory) : Precategory := (Strict_precategory.carrier C) C
open functor
definition precat_strict_precat : precategory Strict_precategory := (λ a b, functor a b)
(λ a b c g f, functor.compose g f)
(λ a,
(λ a b c d h g f, !functor.assoc)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_left)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_right)
definition Precat_of_strict_precats := precategory.Mk precat_strict_precat
namespace ops
abbreviation SPreCat := Precat_of_strict_precats
--attribute precat_strict_precat [instance]
end ops
end category
open decidable unit empty
variables {A : Type} [H : decidable_eq A]
include H
definition set_hom (a b : A) := decidable.rec_on (H a b) (λh, unit) (λh, empty)
theorem set_hom_subsingleton [instance] (a b : A) : subsingleton (set_hom a b) := _
definition set_compose {a b c : A} (g : set_hom b c) (f : set_hom a b) : set_hom a c :=
(H b c)
(λ Hbc g, decidable.rec_on
(H a b)
(λ Hab f, rec_on_true (trans Hab Hbc) ⋆)
(λh f, empty.rec _ f) f)
(λh (g : empty), empty.rec _ g) g
omit H
definition discrete_precategory (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] : precategory A :=
mk (λa b, set_hom a b)
(λ a b c g f, set_compose g f)
(λ a, decidable.rec_on_true rfl ⋆)
(λ a b c d h g f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a d) _ _ _)
(λ a b f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a b) _ _ _)
(λ a b f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a b) _ _ _)
definition Discrete_category (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] := Mk (discrete_category A)
open unit bool
definition category_one := discrete_category unit
definition Category_one := Mk category_one
definition category_two := discrete_category bool
definition Category_two := Mk category_two

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@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.yoneda
Module: algebra.category.yoneda
Authors: Floris van Doorn
--note: modify definition in category.set
import algebra.category.constructions .iso
import .constructions.functor .constructions.hset .constructions.product .constructions.opposite
open category eq category.ops functor prod.ops is_trunc iso
set_option pp.beta true
namespace yoneda
set_option class.conservative false

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@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.constructions
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
This file contains basic constructions on precategories, including common precategories
import .nat_trans
import types.sigma types.pi
open eq prod eq eq.ops equiv is_trunc
namespace category
namespace opposite
definition opposite [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob) : precategory ob :=' (λ a b, hom b a)
(λ a b c f g, g ∘ f)
(λ a, id)
(λ a b c d f g h, !assoc')
(λ a b c d f g h, !assoc)
(λ a b f, !id_right)
(λ a b f, !id_left)
(λ a, !id_id)
(λ a b, !is_hset_hom)
definition Opposite [reducible] (C : Precategory) : Precategory := precategory.Mk (opposite C)
infixr `∘op`:60 := @comp _ (opposite _) _ _ _
variables {C : Precategory} {a b c : C}
definition compose_op {f : hom a b} {g : hom b c} : f ∘op g = g ∘ f := idp
definition opposite_opposite' {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob) : opposite (opposite C) = C :=
by cases C; apply idp
definition opposite_opposite : Opposite (Opposite C) = C :=
(ap ( C) (opposite_opposite' C)) ⬝ !Precategory.eta
end opposite
-- Note: Discrete precategory doesn't really make sense in HoTT,
-- We'll define a discrete _category_ later.
open decidable unit empty
variables {A : Type} [H : decidable_eq A]
include H
definition set_hom (a b : A) := decidable.rec_on (H a b) (λh, unit) (λh, empty)
theorem set_hom_subsingleton [instance] (a b : A) : subsingleton (set_hom a b) := _
definition set_compose {a b c : A} (g : set_hom b c) (f : set_hom a b) : set_hom a c :=
(H b c)
(λ Hbc g, decidable.rec_on
(H a b)
(λ Hab f, rec_on_true (trans Hab Hbc) ⋆)
(λh f, empty.rec _ f) f)
(λh (g : empty), empty.rec _ g) g
omit H
definition discrete_precategory (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] : precategory A :=
mk (λa b, set_hom a b)
(λ a b c g f, set_compose g f)
(λ a, decidable.rec_on_true rfl ⋆)
(λ a b c d h g f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a d) _ _ _)
(λ a b f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a b) _ _ _)
(λ a b f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a b) _ _ _)
definition Discrete_category (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] := Mk (discrete_category A)
open unit bool
definition category_one := discrete_category unit
definition Category_one := Mk category_one
definition category_two := discrete_category bool
definition Category_two := Mk category_two
namespace product
open prod is_trunc
definition precategory_prod [reducible] {obC obD : Type} (C : precategory obC) (D : precategory obD)
: precategory (obC × obD) := (λ a b, hom (pr1 a) (pr1 b) × hom (pr2 a) (pr2 b))
(λ a b c g f, (pr1 g ∘ pr1 f , pr2 g ∘ pr2 f))
(λ a, (id, id))
(λ a b c d h g f, pair_eq !assoc !assoc )
(λ a b f, prod_eq !id_left !id_left )
(λ a b f, prod_eq !id_right !id_right)
definition Precategory_prod [reducible] (C D : Precategory) : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (precategory_prod C D)
end product
namespace ops
--notation 1 := Category_one
--notation 2 := Category_two
postfix `ᵒᵖ`:max := opposite.Opposite
infixr `×c`:30 := product.Precategory_prod
--instance [persistent] type_category category_one
-- category_two product.prod_category
end ops
open ops
namespace opposite
open ops functor
definition opposite_functor [reducible] {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ :=
apply ( (Cᵒᵖ) (Dᵒᵖ)),
intro a, apply (respect_id F),
intros, apply (@respect_comp C D)
end opposite
namespace product
open ops functor
definition prod_functor [reducible] {C C' D D' : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C' ⇒ D') : C ×c C' ⇒ D ×c D' := (λ a, pair (F (pr1 a)) (G (pr2 a)))
(λ a b f, pair (F (pr1 f)) (G (pr2 f)))
(λ a, pair_eq !respect_id !respect_id)
(λ a b c g f, pair_eq !respect_comp !respect_comp)
end product
definition precategory_hset [reducible] : precategory hset := (λx y : hset, x → y)
(λx y z g f a, g (f a))
(λx a, a)
(λx y z w h g f, eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp))
(λx y f, eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp))
(λx y f, eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp))
definition Precategory_hset [reducible] : Precategory := hset precategory_hset
open iso functor nat_trans
definition precategory_functor [instance] [reducible] (D C : Precategory)
: precategory (functor C D) := (λa b, nat_trans a b)
(λ a b c g f, nat_trans.compose g f)
(λ a,
(λ a b c d h g f, !nat_trans.assoc)
(λ a b f, !nat_trans.id_left)
(λ a b f, !nat_trans.id_right)
definition Precategory_functor [reducible] (D C : Precategory) : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (precategory_functor D C)
namespace ops
infixr `^c`:35 := Precategory_functor
end ops
open iso functor nat_trans
/- we prove that if a natural transformation is pointwise an to_fun, then it is an to_fun -/
variables {C D : Precategory} {F G : C ⇒ D} (η : F ⟹ G) [iso : Π(a : C), is_iso (η a)]
include iso
definition nat_trans_inverse : G ⟹ F :=
(λc, (η c)⁻¹)
(λc d f,
apply comp_inverse_eq_of_eq_comp,
apply concat, rotate_left 1, apply assoc,
apply eq_inverse_comp_of_comp_eq,
apply inverse,
apply naturality,
definition nat_trans_left_inverse : nat_trans_inverse η ∘n η = :=
fapply (apd011,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro c, apply left_inverse,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros,
apply is_hset.elim
definition nat_trans_right_inverse : η ∘n nat_trans_inverse η = :=
fapply (apd011,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro c, apply right_inverse,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros,
apply is_hset.elim
definition is_iso_nat_trans : is_iso η := (nat_trans_left_inverse η) (nat_trans_right_inverse η)
omit iso
-- local attribute is_iso_nat_trans [instance]
-- definition functor_iso_functor (H : Π(a : C), F a ≅ G a) : F ≅ G := -- is this true?
-- _
open iso functor category.ops nat_trans iso.iso
/- and conversely, if a natural transformation is an iso, it is componentwise an iso -/
variables {C D : Precategory} {F G : D ^c C} (η : hom F G) [isoη : is_iso η] (c : C)
include isoη
definition componentwise_is_iso : is_iso (η c) := _ _ _ _ _ (natural_map η⁻¹ c) (ap010 natural_map ( left_inverse η) c)
(ap010 natural_map (right_inverse η) c)
local attribute componentwise_is_iso [instance]
definition natural_map_inverse : natural_map η⁻¹ c = (η c)⁻¹ := idp
definition naturality_iso {c c' : C} (f : c ⟶ c') : G f = η c' ∘ F f ∘ (η c)⁻¹ :=
G f = (G f ∘ η c) ∘ (η c)⁻¹ : comp_inverse_cancel_right
... = (η c' ∘ F f) ∘ (η c)⁻¹ : by rewrite naturality
... = η c' ∘ F f ∘ (η c)⁻¹ : assoc
definition naturality_iso' {c c' : C} (f : c ⟶ c') : (η c')⁻¹ ∘ G f ∘ η c = F f :=
(η c')⁻¹ ∘ G f ∘ η c = (η c')⁻¹ ∘ η c' ∘ F f : by rewrite naturality
... = F f : inverse_comp_cancel_left
omit isoη
definition componentwise_iso (η : F ≅ G) (c : C) : F c ≅ G c := _ _ _ _ (natural_map (to_hom η) c)
(@componentwise_is_iso _ _ _ _ (to_hom η) (struct η) c)
definition componentwise_iso_id (c : C) : componentwise_iso (iso.refl F) c = iso.refl (F c) :=
iso.eq_mk (idpath (ID (F c)))
definition componentwise_iso_iso_of_eq (p : F = G) (c : C)
: componentwise_iso (iso_of_eq p) c = iso_of_eq (ap010 to_fun_ob p c) :=
eq.rec_on p !componentwise_iso_id
definition natural_map_hom_of_eq (p : F = G) (c : C)
: natural_map (hom_of_eq p) c = hom_of_eq (ap010 to_fun_ob p c) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition natural_map_inv_of_eq (p : F = G) (c : C)
: natural_map (inv_of_eq p) c = hom_of_eq (ap010 to_fun_ob p c)⁻¹ :=
eq.rec_on p idp
namespace ops
infixr `×f`:30 := product.prod_functor
infixr `ᵒᵖᶠ`:(max+1) := opposite.opposite_functor
end ops
end category

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
* [basic](basic.hlean)
* [functor](functor.hlean)
* [constructions](constructions.hlean)
* [iso](iso.hlean)
* [nat_trans](nat_trans.hlean)
* [yoneda](yoneda.hlean)

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.functor
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .basic .functor
open category is_trunc eq function sigma sigma.ops
namespace category
structure strict_precategory[class] (ob : Type) extends precategory ob :=
(is_hset_ob : is_hset ob)
attribute strict_precategory.is_hset_ob [instance]
definition' [reducible] (ob : Type) (C : precategory ob)
(H : is_hset ob) : strict_precategory ob :=
precategory.rec_on C H
structure Strict_precategory : Type :=
(carrier : Type)
(struct : strict_precategory carrier)
attribute Strict_precategory.struct [instance] [coercion]
definition Strict_precategory.to_Precategory [coercion] [reducible]
(C : Strict_precategory) : Precategory := (Strict_precategory.carrier C) C
open functor
definition precat_strict_precat : precategory Strict_precategory := (λ a b, functor a b)
(λ a b c g f, functor.compose g f)
(λ a,
(λ a b c d h g f, !functor.assoc)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_left)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_right)
definition Precat_of_strict_precats := precategory.Mk precat_strict_precat
namespace ops
abbreviation SPreCat := Precat_of_strict_precats
--attribute precat_strict_precat [instance]
end ops
end category