fix(emacs/lean-company): respect lean syntax to extract findp prefix

close #207
This commit is contained in:
Soonho Kong 2014-09-29 13:45:16 -07:00
parent 0d6d746d98
commit 7ab8b8acb7
3 changed files with 160 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -170,10 +170,32 @@
nil) nil)
(t t))) (t t)))
(defun lean-find-id-beg ()
(let ((initial-pos (point))
(mode 'backward)
stop char-at-pos success)
(while (not stop)
(setq char-at-pos (char-after))
(cl-case mode
((lean-id-rest-p char-at-pos) (backward-char 1))
(t (forward-char 1)
(setq mode 'forward))))
((lean-id-first-p char-at-pos) (setq stop t)
(setq success t))
((< (point) initial-pos) (forward-char 1))
(t (setq stop t))))))
(when success
(defun company-lean--findp-prefix () (defun company-lean--findp-prefix ()
"Returns the symbol to complete. Also, if point is on a dot, "Returns the symbol to complete. Also, if point is on a dot,
triggers a completion immediately." triggers a completion immediately."
(let ((prefix (company-grab-symbol))) (let ((prefix (lean-grab-id)))
(when (and (when (and
prefix prefix
(company-lean--need-autocomplete) (company-lean--need-autocomplete)

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@ -67,4 +67,58 @@
(-uniq (-map (-compose 'f-slash 'f-canonical) (-uniq (-map (-compose 'f-slash 'f-canonical)
path-list)))) path-list))))
(defun lean-letter-like-unicode-p (u)
(when u
(cond ((and (<= #x3b1 u) (<= u #x3c9) (not (= u #x3bb))) t)
((and (<= #x3ca u) (<= u #x3fb)) t)
((and (<= #x1f00 u) (<= u #x1ffe)) t)
((and (<= #x2100 u) (<= u #x214f)) t))))
(defun lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p (u)
(when u
(cond ((and (<= #x2070 u) (<= u #x2078)) t)
((and (<= #x207f u) (<= u #x2089)) t)
((and (<= #x2090 u) (<= u #x209c)) t))))
(defun lean-isalpha (c)
(when c
(cond ((and (<= ?a c) (<= c ?z)) t)
((and (<= ?A c) (<= c ?Z)) t))))
(defun lean-isnum (c)
(when c
(if (and (<= ?0 c) (<= c ?9)) t)))
(defun lean-isalnum (c)
(when c
(or (lean-isalpha c)
(lean-isnum c))))
(defun lean-id-rest-p (c)
(when c
(or (lean-isalnum c)
(= c ?_)
(= c ?\')
(lean-letter-like-unicode-p c)
(lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p c))))
(defun lean-id-first-p (c)
(when c
(or (lean-isalnum c)
(= c ?_)
(lean-letter-like-unicode-p c))))
(defun lean-grab-id ()
(when (and (or (eolp)
(looking-at (rx white))
(not (bolp)))
(backward-char 1))
(let ((cur-pos (point))
(id-beg (lean-find-id-beg)))
(when id-beg
(buffer-substring id-beg (1+ (point)))))))
(provide 'lean-util) (provide 'lean-util)

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Soonho Kong
(require 'ert)
(require 'dash)
(require 'lean-util)
(ert-deftest lean-test-unicode ()
(--map (should (lean-letter-like-unicode-p it))
(list ?α ?ι ?ν ?ο
?ρ ?σ ?υ ?υ ))
(should (not (lean-letter-like-unicode-p )))
(should (lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p ?⁰)))
(ert-deftest lean-test-isalpha ()
(--map (should (lean-isalpha it))
(list ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f ?g ?h ?i ?j ?k ?l ?m
?n ?o ?p ?q ?r ?s ?t ?u ?v ?w ?x ?y ?z
?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M
?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z)))
(ert-deftest lean-test-isnum ()
(--map (should (lean-isnum it))
(list ?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9)))
(ert-deftest lean-test-isalnum ()
(--map (should (lean-isalnum it))
(list ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f ?g ?h ?i ?j ?k ?l ?m
?n ?o ?p ?q ?r ?s ?t ?u ?v ?w ?x ?y ?z
?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M
?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z
?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9)))
(ert-deftest lean-test-letter-like-unicode-p ()
(--map (should (lean-letter-like-unicode-p it))
(list ?α ?γ ?ι ;;?λ
?ν ?ο ?ρ ?σ ?υ
(should (not (lean-letter-like-unicode-p )))
(--map (should (lean-letter-like-unicode-p it))
(list ?ϒ
?ϱ ?ϲ ?ϳ ?Ϲ ?Ϻ ))
(--map (should (lean-letter-like-unicode-p it))
(list ?ἀ ?ἁ ?ἂ ?ἃ ?ἄ ?ἅ ?ἆ ?ἇ ?Ἀ ?Ἁ ?Ἂ ?Ἃ ?Ἄ
?Ἅ ?Ἆ ?Ἇ ?ἐ ?ἑ ?ἒ ?ἓ ?ἔ ?ἕ ?἖ ?἗ ?Ἐ ?Ἑ
?Ἒ ?Ἓ ?Ἔ ?Ἕ ?἞ ?἟ ?ἠ ?ἡ ?ἢ ?ἣ ?ἤ ?ἥ
?ἦ ?ἧ ?Ἠ ?Ἡ ?Ἢ ?Ἣ ?Ἤ ?Ἥ ?Ἦ ?Ἧ ?ἰ ?ἱ
?ἲ ?ἳ ?ἴ ?ἵ ?ἶ ?ἷ ?Ἰ ?Ἱ ?Ἲ ?Ἳ ?Ἴ ?Ἵ ?Ἶ ?Ἷ
?ὀ ?ὁ ?ὂ ?ὃ ?ὄ ?ὅ ?὆ ?὇ ?Ὀ ?Ὁ ?Ὂ ?Ὃ
?Ὄ ?Ὅ ?὎ ?὏ ?ὐ ?ὑ ?ὒ ?ὓ ?ὔ ?ὕ ?ὖ ?ὗ
?὘ ?Ὑ ?὚ ?Ὓ ?὜ ?Ὕ ?὞ ?Ὗ ?ὠ ?ὡ ?ὢ
?ὣ ?ὤ ?ὥ ?ὦ ?ὧ ?Ὠ ?Ὡ ?Ὢ ?Ὣ ?Ὤ ?Ὥ ?Ὦ
?Ὧ ?ὰ ?ά ?ὲ ?έ ?ὴ ?ή ?ὶ ?ί ?ὸ ?ό ?ὺ ?ύ ?ὼ
?ώ ?὾ ?὿ ?ᾀ ?ᾁ ?ᾂ ?ᾃ ?ᾄ ?ᾅ ?ᾆ ?ᾇ ?ᾈ
?ᾉ ?ᾊ ?ᾋ ?ᾌ ?ᾍ ?ᾎ ?ᾏ ?ᾐ ?ᾑ ?ᾒ ?ᾓ ?ᾔ
?ᾕ ?ᾖ ?ᾗ ?ᾘ ?ᾙ ?ᾚ ?ᾛ ?ᾜ ?ᾝ ?ᾞ ?ᾟ ?ᾠ ?ᾡ ?ᾢ
?ᾣ ?ᾤ ?ᾥ ?ᾦ ?ᾧ ?ᾨ ?ᾩ ?ᾪ ?ᾫ ?ᾬ ?ᾭ ?ᾮ ?ᾯ ?ᾰ
?ᾱ ?ᾲ ?ᾳ ?ᾴ ?᾵ ?ᾶ ?ᾷ ?Ᾰ ?Ᾱ ?Ὰ ?Ά ?ᾼ ?
? ?᾿ ? ?῁ ?ῂ ?ῃ ?ῄ ?῅ ?ῆ ?ῇ ?Ὲ ?Έ ?Ὴ
?Ή ?ῌ ?῍ ?῎ ?῏ ?ῐ ?ῑ ?ῒ ?ΐ ?῔ ?῕ ?ῖ ?ῗ
?Ῐ ?Ῑ ?Ὶ ?Ί ?῜ ?῝ ?῞ ?῟ ?ῠ ?ῡ ?ῢ ?ΰ ?ῤ ?ῥ
?ῦ ?ῧ ?Ῠ ?Ῡ ?Ὺ ?Ύ ?Ῥ ?῭ ?΅ ? ?῰ ?῱ ?ῲ ?ῳ
?ῴ ?῵ ?ῶ ?ῷ ?Ὸ ?Ό ?Ὼ ?Ώ ?ῼ ? ?))
(--map (should (lean-letter-like-unicode-p it))
(list ?℀ ?℁ ? ?℃ ?℄ ?℅ ?℆ ?ℇ ?℈ ?℉ ? ? ? ? ?
?ℏ ? ? ? ? ?℔ ? ?№ ?℗ ?℘ ? ? ? ? ?
?℞ ?℟ ?℠ ?℡ ?™ ?℣ ? ?℥ ?Ω ?℧ ? ?℩ ? ?Å ?
? ? ? ? ? ?Ⅎ ? ? ?ℵ ?ℶ ?ℷ ?ℸ ? ?℺ ?℻
?ℼ ? ?ℾ ?ℿ ?⅀ ?⅁ ?⅂ ?⅃ ?⅄ ? ? ? ? ? ?⅊
?⅋ ?⅌ ?⅍ ?ⅎ ?⅏)))
(ert-deftest lean-test-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p ()
(--map (should (lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p it))
(list ?ₐ ?ₑ ?ₒ ?ₓ ?ₔ ?ₕ ?ₖ ?ₗ ?ₘ ?ₙ ?ₚ ?ₛ ?ₜ))
(--map (should (lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p it))
(list ?ⁿ ?₀ ?₁ ?₂ ?₃ ?₄ ?₅ ?₆ ?₇ ?₈ ?₉))
(--map (should (lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p it))
(list ?⁰ ?ⁱ ?⁲ ?⁳ ?⁴ ?⁵ ?⁶ ?⁷ ?⁸)))