diff --git a/src/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp b/src/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp
index 7e4dcf0d0..0529bf23d 100644
--- a/src/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp
+++ b/src/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp
@@ -296,6 +296,15 @@ class elaborator::imp {
push_new_constraint(q, true, new_ctx, new_a, new_b, new_tr);
+ /**
+ \brief Auxiliary method for pushing a new constraint to the current constraint queue.
+ If \c is_eq is true, then a equality constraint is created, otherwise a convertability constraint is created.
+ */
+ void push_new_constraint(bool is_eq, context const & new_ctx, expr const & new_a, expr const & new_b, trace const & new_tr) {
+ reset_quota();
+ push_new_constraint(m_state.m_queue, is_eq, new_ctx, new_a, new_b, new_tr);
+ }
\brief Auxiliary method for pushing a new constraint to the current constraint queue.
The new constraint is based on the constraint \c c. The constraint \c c may be a equality or convertability constraint.
@@ -405,15 +414,23 @@ class elaborator::imp {
} else {
local_entry const & me = head(metavar_lctx(a));
- if (me.is_lift() && !has_free_var(b, me.s(), me.s() + me.n())) {
- // Case 3
- trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
- expr new_a = pop_meta_context(a);
- expr new_b = lower_free_vars(b, me.s() + me.n(), me.n());
- if (!is_lhs)
- swap(new_a, new_b);
- push_updated_constraint(c, new_a, new_b, new_tr);
- return Processed;
+ if (me.is_lift()) {
+ if (!has_free_var(b, me.s(), me.s() + me.n())) {
+ // Case 3
+ trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
+ expr new_a = pop_meta_context(a);
+ expr new_b = lower_free_vars(b, me.s() + me.n(), me.n());
+ context new_ctx = get_context(c).remove(me.s(), me.n());
+ if (!is_lhs)
+ swap(new_a, new_b);
+ push_new_constraint(is_eq(c), new_ctx, new_a, new_b, new_tr);
+ return Processed;
+ } else if (is_var(b)) {
+ // Failure, there is no way to unify
+ // ?m[lift:s:n, ...] with a variable in [s, s+n]
+ m_conflict = trace(new unification_failure_trace(c));
+ return Failed;
+ }
@@ -691,7 +708,7 @@ class elaborator::imp {
expr proj = mk_lambda(arg_types, mk_var(num_a - i - 1));
expr new_a = arg(a, i);
expr new_b = b;
- if (is_lhs)
+ if (!is_lhs)
swap(new_a, new_b);
push_new_constraint(new_state.m_queue, is_eq(c), ctx, new_a, new_b, new_assumption);
push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, ctx, f_a, proj, new_assumption);
@@ -755,6 +772,82 @@ class elaborator::imp {
+ /** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form ?m[inst:i t, ...] */
+ bool is_metavar_inst(expr const & a) const {
+ return is_metavar(a) && has_local_context(a) && head(metavar_lctx(a)).is_inst();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Process a constraint ctx |- a == b where \c a is of the form ?m[(inst:i t), ...].
+ We perform a "case split",
+ Case 1) ?m[...] == #i and t == b
+ Case 2) imitate b
+ */
+ bool process_metavar_inst(expr const & a, expr const & b, bool is_lhs, unification_constraint const & c) {
+ if (is_metavar_inst(a) && !is_metavar_inst(b) && !is_meta_app(b)) {
+ context const & ctx = get_context(c);
+ local_context lctx = metavar_lctx(a);
+ unsigned i = head(lctx).s();
+ expr t = head(lctx).v();
+ std::unique_ptr new_cs(new generic_case_split(c, m_state));
+ {
+ // Case 1
+ state new_state(m_state);
+ trace new_assumption = mk_assumption();
+ // add ?m[...] == #1
+ push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, ctx, pop_meta_context(a), mk_var(i), new_assumption);
+ // add t == b (t << b)
+ expr new_a = t;
+ expr new_b = b;
+ if (!is_lhs)
+ swap(new_a, new_b);
+ push_new_constraint(new_state.m_queue, is_eq(c), ctx, new_a, new_b, new_assumption);
+ new_cs->push_back(new_state, new_assumption);
+ }
+ {
+ // Case 2
+ state new_state(m_state);
+ trace new_assumption = mk_assumption();
+ expr imitation;
+ if (is_app(b)) {
+ // Imitation for applications b == f(s_1, ..., s_k)
+ // mname <- f(?h_1, ..., ?h_k)
+ expr f_b = arg(b, 0);
+ unsigned num_b = num_args(b);
+ buffer imitation_args;
+ imitation_args.push_back(f_b);
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_b; i++)
+ imitation_args.push_back(new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx));
+ imitation = mk_app(imitation_args.size(), imitation_args.data());
+ } else if (is_eq(b)) {
+ // Imitation for equality b == Eq(s1, s2)
+ // mname <- Eq(?h_1, ?h_2)
+ expr h_1 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
+ expr h_2 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
+ imitation = mk_eq(h_1, h_2);
+ } else if (is_abstraction(b)) {
+ // Lambdas and Pis
+ // Imitation for Lambdas and Pis, b == Fun(x:T) B
+ // mname <- Fun (x:?h_1) ?h_2 x)
+ expr h_1 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
+ expr h_2 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
+ imitation = update_abstraction(b, h_1, mk_app(h_2, Var(0)));
+ } else {
+ imitation = lift_free_vars(b, i, 1);
+ }
+ push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, ctx, pop_meta_context(a), imitation, new_assumption);
+ new_cs->push_back(new_state, new_assumption);
+ }
+ bool r = new_cs->next(*this);
+ lean_assert(r);
+ m_case_splits.push_back(std::move(new_cs));
+ reset_quota();
+ return r;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
/** \brief Process constraint of the form ctx |- a << ?m, where \c a is Type of Bool */
bool process_lower(expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
if (is_convertible(c) && is_metavar(b) && (a == Bool || is_type(a))) {
@@ -776,24 +869,6 @@ class elaborator::imp {
- /**
- \brief Process a constraints of the form:
- - true == (t1 = t2)
- - true << (t1 = t2)
- \remark This method should be removed if we remove T == T ==> true normalization rule from the
- kernel.
- */
- bool process_true_eq(expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
- if (a == True && is_eq(b)) {
- trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
- push_front(mk_eq_constraint(get_context(c), eq_lhs(b), eq_rhs(b), new_tr));
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
bool process_eq_convertible(context const & ctx, expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
bool eq = is_eq(c);
if (a == b) {
@@ -818,8 +893,7 @@ class elaborator::imp {
process_simple_ho_match(ctx, b, a, false, c))
return true;
- if (process_true_eq(a, b, c) ||
- process_true_eq(b, a, c))
+ if (!eq && a == Bool && is_type(b))
return true;
if (a.kind() == b.kind()) {
@@ -895,6 +969,8 @@ class elaborator::imp {
// process expensive cases
if (process_meta_app(a, b, true, c) || process_meta_app(b, a, false, c))
return true;
+ if (process_metavar_inst(a, b, true, c) || process_metavar_inst(b, a, false, c))
+ return true;
if (m_quota < - static_cast(m_state.m_queue.size())) {
@@ -903,7 +979,7 @@ class elaborator::imp {
return true;
- std::cout << "Postponed: "; display(std::cout, c);
+ // std::cout << "Postponed: "; display(std::cout, c);
return true;
@@ -932,7 +1008,7 @@ class elaborator::imp {
while (!m_case_splits.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr & d = m_case_splits.back();
- std::cout << "Assumption " << d->m_curr_assumption.pp(fmt, options(), nullptr, true) << "\n";
+ // std::cout << "Assumption " << d->m_curr_assumption.pp(fmt, options(), nullptr, true) << "\n";
if (depends_on(m_conflict, d->m_curr_assumption)) {
if (d->next(*this)) {
@@ -1035,7 +1111,7 @@ public:
} else {
unification_constraint c = q.front();
- std::cout << "Processing, quota: " << m_quota << ", depth: " << m_case_splits.size() << " "; display(std::cout, c);
+ // std::cout << "Processing, quota: " << m_quota << ", depth: " << m_case_splits.size() << " "; display(std::cout, c);
if (!process(c)) {
diff --git a/src/tests/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp b/src/tests/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp
index 0c50ac0e5..d95a1d1a2 100644
--- a/src/tests/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/library/elaborator/elaborator.cpp
@@ -280,12 +280,29 @@ static expr elaborate(expr const & e, environment const & env) {
// Check elaborator success
static void success(expr const & e, expr const & expected, environment const & env) {
- std::cout << "\n" << e << "\n------>\n";
+ std::cout << "\n" << e << "\n\n";
expr r = elaborate(e, env);
- std::cout << r << "\n";
+ std::cout << "\n" << e << "\n------>\n" << r << "\n";
lean_assert(r == expected);
+// Check elaborator failure
+static void fails(expr const & e, environment const & env) {
+ try {
+ expr new_e = elaborate(e, env);
+ std::cout << "new_e: " << new_e << std::endl;
+ lean_unreachable();
+ } catch (exception &) {
+ }
+// Check elaborator partial success (i.e., result still contain some metavariables */
+static void unsolved(expr const & e, environment const & env) {
+ expr r = elaborate(e, env);
+ std::cout << "\n" << e << "\n------>\n" << r << "\n";
+ lean_assert(has_metavar(r));
static void tst7() {
environment env;
@@ -362,6 +379,243 @@ static void tst9() {
success(Refl(_, a), Refl(Nat, a), env);
+static void tst10() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr Nat = Const("N");
+ env.add_var("N", Type());
+ expr R = Const("R");
+ env.add_var("R", Type());
+ env.add_var("a", Nat);
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ env.add_var("f", Nat >> ((R >> Nat) >> R));
+ expr x = Const("x");
+ expr y = Const("y");
+ expr z = Const("z");
+ success(Fun({{x, _}, {y, _}}, f(x, y)),
+ Fun({{x, Nat}, {y, R >> Nat}}, f(x, y)), env);
+ success(Fun({{x, _}, {y, _}, {z, _}}, Eq(f(x, y), f(x, z))),
+ Fun({{x, Nat}, {y, R >> Nat}, {z, R >> Nat}}, Eq(f(x, y), f(x, z))), env);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {x, _}, {y, _}, {z, _}}, Eq(f(x, y), f(x, z))),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {x, Nat}, {y, R >> Nat}, {z, R >> Nat}}, Eq(f(x, y), f(x, z))), env);
+static void tst11() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr B = Const("B");
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ expr b = Const("b");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ expr g = Const("g");
+ expr Nat = Const("N");
+ env.add_var("N", Type());
+ env.add_var("f", Pi({{A, Type()}, {a, A}, {b, A}}, A));
+ env.add_var("g", Nat >> Nat);
+ success(Fun({{a, _}, {b, _}}, g(f(_, a, b))),
+ Fun({{a, Nat}, {b, Nat}}, g(f(Nat, a, b))), env);
+static void tst12() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr lst = Const("list");
+ expr nil = Const("nil");
+ expr cons = Const("cons");
+ expr N = Const("N");
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ expr l = Const("l");
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ env.add_var("N", Type());
+ env.add_var("list", Type() >> Type());
+ env.add_var("nil", Pi({A, Type()}, lst(A)));
+ env.add_var("cons", Pi({{A, Type()}, {a, A}, {l, lst(A)}}, lst(A)));
+ env.add_var("f", lst(N >> N) >> Bool);
+ success(Fun({a, _}, f(cons(_, a, cons(_, a, nil(_))))),
+ Fun({a, N >> N}, f(cons(N >> N, a, cons(N >> N, a, nil(N >> N))))), env);
+static void tst13() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr B = Const("B");
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr x = Const("x");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ env.add_var("f", Pi({B, Type()}, B >> B));
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, _}}, f(B, x)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, B}}, f(B, x)), env);
+ fails(Fun({{x, _}, {A, Type()}}, f(A, x)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {x, _}}, f(A, x)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {x, A}}, f(A, x)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, _}}, f(A, x)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, A}}, f(A, x)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, _}}, Eq(f(B, x), f(_, x))),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, B}}, Eq(f(B, x), f(B, x))), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, _}}, Eq(f(B, x), f(_, x))),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {x, B}}, Eq(f(B, x), f(B, x))), env);
+ unsolved(Fun({{A, _}, {B, _}, {x, _}}, Eq(f(B, x), f(_, x))), env);
+static void tst14() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr B = Const("B");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ expr g = Const("g");
+ expr x = Const("x");
+ expr y = Const("y");
+ env.add_var("N", Type());
+ env.add_var("f", Pi({A, Type()}, A >> A));
+ expr N = Const("N");
+ success(Fun({g, Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool))}, g(_, True, False)),
+ Fun({g, Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool))}, g(Bool, True, False)),
+ env);
+ success(Fun({g, Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> (A >> Bool))}, g(_, Bool, Bool)),
+ Fun({g, Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> (A >> Bool))}, g(Type(), Bool, Bool)),
+ env);
+ success(Fun({g, Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> (A >> Bool))}, g(_, Bool, N)),
+ Fun({g, Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> (A >> Bool))}, g(Type(), Bool, N)),
+ env);
+ success(Fun({g, Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool))},
+ g(_,
+ Fun({{x, _}, {y, _}}, Eq(f(_, x), f(_, y))),
+ Fun({{x, N}, {y, Bool}}, True))),
+ Fun({g, Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool))},
+ g((N >> (Bool >> Bool)),
+ Fun({{x, N}, {y, Bool}}, Eq(f(N, x), f(Bool, y))),
+ Fun({{x, N}, {y, Bool}}, True))), env);
+ success(Fun({g, Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool))},
+ g(_,
+ Fun({{x, N}, {y, _}}, Eq(f(_, x), f(_, y))),
+ Fun({{x, _}, {y, Bool}}, True))),
+ Fun({g, Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool))},
+ g((N >> (Bool >> Bool)),
+ Fun({{x, N}, {y, Bool}}, Eq(f(N, x), f(Bool, y))),
+ Fun({{x, N}, {y, Bool}}, True))), env);
+static void tst15() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr B = Const("B");
+ expr C = Const("C");
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ expr b = Const("b");
+ expr eq = Const("eq");
+ env.add_var("eq", Pi({A, Type()}, A >> (A >> Bool)));
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, _}, {b, B}}, eq(_, a, b)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, B}, {b, B}}, eq(B, a, b)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, _}, {b, A}}, eq(_, a, b)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, A}, {b, A}}, eq(A, a, b)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, A}, {b, _}}, eq(_, a, b)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, A}, {b, A}}, eq(A, a, b)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, B}, {b, _}}, eq(_, a, b)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, B}, {b, B}}, eq(B, a, b)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, B}, {b, _}, {C, Type()}}, eq(_, a, b)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, B}, {b, B}, {C, Type()}}, eq(B, a, b)), env);
+ fails(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, _}, {b, _}, {C, Type()}}, eq(C, a, b)), env);
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, _}, {b, _}, {C, Type()}}, eq(B, a, b)),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {B, Type()}, {a, B}, {b, B}, {C, Type()}}, eq(B, a, b)), env);
+static void tst16() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ expr b = Const("b");
+ expr c = Const("c");
+ expr H1 = Const("H1");
+ expr H2 = Const("H2");
+ env.add_var("a", Bool);
+ env.add_var("b", Bool);
+ env.add_var("c", Bool);
+ success(Fun({{H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}},
+ Trans(_, _, _, _, H1, H2)),
+ Fun({{H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}},
+ Trans(Bool, a, b, c, H1, H2)),
+ env);
+ expr H3 = Const("H3");
+ success(Fun({{H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}, {H3, a}},
+ EqTIntro(_, EqMP(_, _, Symm(_, _, _, Trans(_, _, _, _, Symm(_, _, _, H2), Symm(_, _, _, H1))), H3))),
+ Fun({{H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}, {H3, a}},
+ EqTIntro(c, EqMP(a, c, Symm(Bool, c, a, Trans(Bool, c, b, a, Symm(Bool, b, c, H2), Symm(Bool, a, b, H1))), H3))),
+ env);
+ environment env2;
+ import_all(env2);
+ success(Fun({{a, Bool}, {b, Bool}, {c, Bool}, {H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}, {H3, a}},
+ EqTIntro(_, EqMP(_, _, Symm(_, _, _, Trans(_, _, _, _, Symm(_, _, _, H2), Symm(_, _, _, H1))), H3))),
+ Fun({{a, Bool}, {b, Bool}, {c, Bool}, {H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}, {H3, a}},
+ EqTIntro(c, EqMP(a, c, Symm(Bool, c, a, Trans(Bool, c, b, a, Symm(Bool, b, c, H2), Symm(Bool, a, b, H1))), H3))),
+ env2);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ success(Fun({{A, Type()}, {a, A}, {b, A}, {c, A}, {H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}},
+ Symm(_, _, _, Trans(_, _, _, _, Symm(_, _, _, H2), Symm(_, _, _, H1)))),
+ Fun({{A, Type()}, {a, A}, {b, A}, {c, A}, {H1, Eq(a, b)}, {H2, Eq(b, c)}},
+ Symm(A, c, a, Trans(A, c, b, a, Symm(A, b, c, H2), Symm(A, a, b, H1)))),
+ env2);
+void tst17() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr B = Const("B");
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ expr b = Const("b");
+ expr eq = Const("eq");
+ env.add_var("eq", Pi({A, Type(level()+1)}, A >> (A >> Bool)));
+ success(eq(_, Fun({{A, Type()}, {a, _}}, a), Fun({{B, Type()}, {b, B}}, b)),
+ eq(Pi({A, Type()}, A >> A), Fun({{A, Type()}, {a, A}}, a), Fun({{B, Type()}, {b, B}}, b)),
+ env);
+void tst18() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr h = Const("h");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ expr a = Const("a");
+ env.add_var("h", Pi({A, Type()}, A) >> Bool);
+ success(Fun({{f, Pi({A, Type()}, _)}, {a, Bool}}, h(f)),
+ Fun({{f, Pi({A, Type()}, A)}, {a, Bool}}, h(f)),
+ env);
+void tst19() {
+ environment env;
+ import_all(env);
+ expr R = Const("R");
+ expr A = Const("A");
+ expr r = Const("r");
+ expr eq = Const("eq");
+ expr f = Const("f");
+ expr g = Const("g");
+ expr h = Const("h");
+ expr D = Const("D");
+ env.add_var("R", Type() >> Bool);
+ env.add_var("r", Pi({A, Type()}, R(A)));
+ env.add_var("h", Pi({A, Type()}, R(A)) >> Bool);
+ env.add_var("eq", Pi({A, Type(level()+1)}, A >> (A >> Bool)));
+ success(Let({{f, Fun({A, Type()}, r(_))},
+ {g, Fun({A, Type()}, r(_))},
+ {D, Fun({A, Type()}, eq(_, f(A), g(_)))}},
+ h(f)),
+ Let({{f, Fun({A, Type()}, r(A))},
+ {g, Fun({A, Type()}, r(A))},
+ {D, Fun({A, Type()}, eq(R(A), f(A), g(A)))}},
+ h(f)),
+ env);
int main() {
@@ -371,6 +625,17 @@ int main() {
+ tst9();
+ tst10();
+ tst11();
+ tst12();
+ tst13();
+ tst14();
+ tst15();
+ tst16();
+ tst17();
+ tst18();
+ tst19();
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;