feat,refactor(library/data/finset/*): add priorities for finset notation, add some theorems

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Jeremy Avigad 2015-08-04 16:47:16 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 7f76d7e648
commit 7b4ebb9866
4 changed files with 48 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ quot (finset.nodup_list_setoid A)
namespace finset namespace finset
-- give finset notation higher priority than set notation, so that it is tried first
protected definition prio : num := num.succ std.priority.default
definition to_finset_of_nodup (l : list A) (n : nodup l) : finset A := definition to_finset_of_nodup (l : list A) (n : nodup l) : finset A :=
⟦to_nodup_list_of_nodup n⟧ ⟦to_nodup_list_of_nodup n⟧
@ -71,8 +74,8 @@ quot.lift_on s (λ l, a ∈ elt_of l)
(λ ainl₁, mem_perm e ainl₁) (λ ainl₁, mem_perm e ainl₁)
(λ ainl₂, mem_perm (perm.symm e) ainl₂))) (λ ainl₂, mem_perm (perm.symm e) ainl₂)))
infix `∈` := mem infix [priority finset.prio] `∈` := mem
notation a ∉ b := ¬ mem a b notation [priority finset.prio] a ∉ b := ¬ mem a b
theorem mem_of_mem_list {a : A} {l : nodup_list A} : a ∈ elt_of l → a ∈ ⟦l⟧ := theorem mem_of_mem_list {a : A} {l : nodup_list A} : a ∈ elt_of l → a ∈ ⟦l⟧ :=
λ ainl, ainl λ ainl, ainl
@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ e, quot.sound (perm_ext (has_proper
definition empty : finset A := definition empty : finset A :=
to_finset_of_nodup [] nodup_nil to_finset_of_nodup [] nodup_nil
notation `∅` := !empty notation [priority finset.prio] `∅` := !empty
theorem not_mem_empty [simp] (a : A) : a ∉ ∅ := theorem not_mem_empty [simp] (a : A) : a ∉ ∅ :=
λ aine : a ∈ ∅, aine λ aine : a ∈ ∅, aine
@ -166,8 +169,7 @@ quot.lift_on s
(λ (l₁ l₂ : nodup_list A) (p : l₁ ~ l₂), quot.sound (perm_insert a p)) (λ (l₁ l₂ : nodup_list A) (p : l₁ ~ l₂), quot.sound (perm_insert a p))
-- set builder notation -- set builder notation
notation `'{`:max a:(foldr `,` (x b, insert x b) ∅) `}`:0 := a notation [priority finset.prio] `'{`:max a:(foldr `,` (x b, insert x b) ∅) `}`:0 := a
-- notation `⦃` a:(foldr `,` (x b, insert x b) ∅) `⦄` := a
theorem mem_insert (a : A) (s : finset A) : a ∈ insert a s := theorem mem_insert (a : A) (s : finset A) : a ∈ insert a s :=
quot.induction_on s quot.induction_on s
@ -338,7 +340,7 @@ quot.lift_on₂ s₁ s₂
(nodup_union_of_nodup_of_nodup (has_property l₁) (has_property l₂))) (nodup_union_of_nodup_of_nodup (has_property l₁) (has_property l₂)))
(λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_union p₁ p₂)) (λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_union p₁ p₂))
notation s₁ s₂ := union s₁ s₂ infix [priority finset.prio] := union
theorem mem_union_left {a : A} {s₁ : finset A} (s₂ : finset A) : a ∈ s₁ → a ∈ s₁ s₂ := theorem mem_union_left {a : A} {s₁ : finset A} (s₂ : finset A) : a ∈ s₁ → a ∈ s₁ s₂ :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ ainl₁, list.mem_union_left _ ainl₁) quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ ainl₁, list.mem_union_left _ ainl₁)
@ -415,7 +417,7 @@ quot.lift_on₂ s₁ s₂
(nodup_inter_of_nodup _ (has_property l₁))) (nodup_inter_of_nodup _ (has_property l₁)))
(λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_inter p₁ p₂)) (λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_inter p₁ p₂))
notation s₁ ∩ s₂ := inter s₁ s₂ infix [priority finset.prio] ∩ := inter
theorem mem_of_mem_inter_left {a : A} {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : a ∈ s₁ ∩ s₂ → a ∈ s₁ := theorem mem_of_mem_inter_left {a : A} {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : a ∈ s₁ ∩ s₂ → a ∈ s₁ :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ ainl₁l₂, list.mem_of_mem_inter_left ainl₁l₂) quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ ainl₁l₂, list.mem_of_mem_inter_left ainl₁l₂)
@ -544,7 +546,7 @@ quot.lift_on₂ s₁ s₂
(λ s₁ a i, mem_perm p₂ (s₁ a (mem_perm (perm.symm p₁) i))) (λ s₁ a i, mem_perm p₂ (s₁ a (mem_perm (perm.symm p₁) i)))
(λ s₂ a i, mem_perm (perm.symm p₂) (s₂ a (mem_perm p₁ i))))) (λ s₂ a i, mem_perm (perm.symm p₂) (s₂ a (mem_perm p₁ i)))))
infix `⊆` := subset infix [priority finset.prio] `⊆` := subset
theorem empty_subset (s : finset A) : ∅ ⊆ s := theorem empty_subset (s : finset A) : ∅ ⊆ s :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l, list.nil_sub (elt_of l)) quot.induction_on s (λ l, list.nil_sub (elt_of l))

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ definition image (f : A → B) (s : finset A) : finset B :=
quot.lift_on s quot.lift_on s
(λ l, to_finset (list.map f (elt_of l))) (λ l, to_finset (list.map f (elt_of l)))
(λ l₁ l₂ p, quot.sound (perm_erase_dup_of_perm (perm_map _ p))) (λ l₁ l₂ p, quot.sound (perm_erase_dup_of_perm (perm_map _ p)))
notation f `'[`:max a `]` := image f a notation [priority finset.prio] f `'[`:max a `]` := image f a
theorem image_empty (f : A → B) : image f ∅ = ∅ := theorem image_empty (f : A → B) : image f ∅ = ∅ :=
rfl rfl
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ quot.lift_on s
(list.nodup_filter p (subtype.has_property l))) (list.nodup_filter p (subtype.has_property l)))
(λ l₁ l₂ u, quot.sound (perm.perm_filter u)) (λ l₁ l₂ u, quot.sound (perm.perm_filter u))
notation `{` binder ∈ s `|` r:(scoped:1 p, filter p s) `}` := r notation [priority finset.prio] `{` binder ∈ s `|` r:(scoped:1 p, filter p s) `}` := r
theorem filter_empty : filter p ∅ = ∅ := rfl theorem filter_empty : filter p ∅ = ∅ := rfl
@ -157,16 +157,28 @@ by rewrite [*mem_filter_iff, mem_union_iff, and.right_distrib]
end filter end filter
theorem mem_singleton_eq' {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A] (x a : A) : x ∈ '{a} = (x = a) := section
variables {A : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
include deceqA
theorem eq_filter_of_subset {s t : finset A} (ssubt : s ⊆ t) : s = {x ∈ t | x ∈ s} :=
ext (take x, iff.intro
(suppose x ∈ s, mem_filter_of_mem (mem_of_subset_of_mem ssubt this) this)
(suppose x ∈ {x ∈ t | x ∈ s}, of_mem_filter this))
theorem mem_singleton_eq' (x a : A) : x ∈ '{a} = (x = a) :=
by rewrite [mem_insert_eq, mem_empty_eq, or_false] by rewrite [mem_insert_eq, mem_empty_eq, or_false]
/- set difference -/ /- set difference -/
section diff section diff
variables {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A] variables {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A]
include deceq include deceq
definition diff (s t : finset A) : finset A := {x ∈ s | x ∉ t} definition diff (s t : finset A) : finset A := {x ∈ s | x ∉ t}
infix `\`:70 := diff infix [priority finset.prio] `\`:70 := diff
theorem mem_of_mem_diff {s t : finset A} {x : A} (H : x ∈ s \ t) : x ∈ s := theorem mem_of_mem_diff {s t : finset A} {x : A} (H : x ∈ s \ t) : x ∈ s :=
mem_of_mem_filter H mem_of_mem_filter H
@ -309,7 +321,7 @@ quot.lift_on₂ s₁ s₂
(nodup_product (has_property l₁) (has_property l₂))) (nodup_product (has_property l₁) (has_property l₂)))
(λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_product p₁ p₂)) (λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_product p₁ p₂))
infix * := product infix [priority finset.prio] * := product
theorem empty_product (s : finset B) : @empty A * s = ∅ := theorem empty_product (s : finset B) : @empty A * s = ∅ :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l, rfl) quot.induction_on s (λ l, rfl)

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace finset
variable {A : Type} variable {A : Type}
variable [deceq : decidable_eq A] variable [deceq : decidable_eq A]
definition to_set (s : finset A) : set A := λx, x ∈ s definition to_set [coercion] (s : finset A) : set A := λx, x ∈ s
abbreviation ts := @to_set A abbreviation ts := @to_set A
variables (s t : finset A) (x y : A) variables (s t : finset A) (x y : A)
@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ theorem to_set_univ [h : fintype A] : ts univ = (set.univ : set A) := funext (λ
include deceq include deceq
theorem mem_to_set_insert : x ∈ ts (insert y s) = (x ∈ set.insert y (ts s)) := !finset.mem_insert_eq theorem mem_to_set_insert : x ∈ insert y s = (x ∈ set.insert y s) := !finset.mem_insert_eq
theorem to_set_insert : ts (insert y s) = set.insert y (ts s) := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_insert) theorem to_set_insert : insert y s = set.insert y s := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_insert)
theorem mem_to_set_union : x ∈ ts (s t) = (x ∈ ts s ts t) := !finset.mem_union_eq theorem mem_to_set_union : x ∈ s t = (x ∈ ts s ts t) := !finset.mem_union_eq
theorem to_set_union : ts (s t) = ts s ts t := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_union) theorem to_set_union : ts (s t) = ts s ts t := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_union)
theorem mem_to_set_inter : x ∈ ts (s ∩ t) = (x ∈ ts s ∩ ts t) := !finset.mem_inter_eq theorem mem_to_set_inter : x ∈ s ∩ t = (x ∈ ts s ∩ ts t) := !finset.mem_inter_eq
theorem to_set_inter : ts (s ∩ t) = ts s ∩ ts t := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_inter) theorem to_set_inter : ts (s ∩ t) = ts s ∩ ts t := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_inter)
theorem mem_to_set_diff : x ∈ ts (s \ t) = (x ∈ ts s \ ts t) := !finset.mem_diff_eq theorem mem_to_set_diff : x ∈ s \ t = (x ∈ ts s \ ts t) := !finset.mem_diff_eq
theorem to_set_diff : ts (s \ t) = ts s \ ts t := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_diff) theorem to_set_diff : ts (s \ t) = ts s \ ts t := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_diff)
theorem mem_to_set_filter (p : A → Prop) [h : decidable_pred p] : theorem mem_to_set_filter (p : A → Prop) [h : decidable_pred p] : x ∈ filter p s = (x ∈ set.filter p s) :=
(x ∈ ts (finset.filter p s)) = (x ∈ set.filter p (ts s)) := !finset.mem_filter_eq !finset.mem_filter_eq
theorem to_set_filter (p : A → Prop) [h : decidable_pred p] : theorem to_set_filter (p : A → Prop) [h : decidable_pred p] : filter p s = set.filter p s :=
ts (finset.filter p s) = set.filter p (ts s) := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_filter) funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_filter)
theorem mem_to_set_image {B : Type} [h : decidable_eq B] (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {y : B} : theorem mem_to_set_image {B : Type} [h : decidable_eq B] (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {y : B} :
(y ∈ ts (finset.image f s)) = (y ∈ set.image f (ts s)) := !finset.mem_image_eq y ∈ image f s = (y ∈ set.image f s) := !finset.mem_image_eq
theorem to_set_image {B : Type} [h : decidable_eq B] (f : A → B) (s : finset A) : theorem to_set_image {B : Type} [h : decidable_eq B] (f : A → B) (s : finset A) :
ts (finset.image f s) = set.image f (ts s) := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_image) image f s = set.image f s := funext (λ x, !mem_to_set_image)
/- relations -/ /- relations -/

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@ -182,6 +182,13 @@ notation `{` binder ∈ s `|` r:(scoped:1 p, filter p s) `}` := r
definition insert (x : X) (a : set X) : set X := {y : X | y = x y ∈ a} definition insert (x : X) (a : set X) : set X := {y : X | y = x y ∈ a}
notation `'{`:max a:(foldr `,` (x b, insert x b) ∅) `}`:0 := a notation `'{`:max a:(foldr `,` (x b, insert x b) ∅) `}`:0 := a
/- filter -/
theorem eq_filter_of_subset {s t : set X} (ssubt : s ⊆ t) : s = {x ∈ t | x ∈ s} :=
setext (take x, iff.intro
(suppose x ∈ s, and.intro (ssubt this) this)
(suppose x ∈ {x ∈ t | x ∈ s}, and.right this))
/- set difference -/ /- set difference -/
definition diff (s t : set X) : set X := {x ∈ s | x ∉ t} definition diff (s t : set X) : set X := {x ∈ s | x ∉ t}
@ -196,6 +203,8 @@ and.right H
theorem mem_diff {s t : set X} {x : X} (H1 : x ∈ s) (H2 : x ∉ t) : x ∈ s \ t := theorem mem_diff {s t : set X} {x : X} (H1 : x ∈ s) (H2 : x ∉ t) : x ∈ s \ t :=
and.intro H1 H2 and.intro H1 H2
theorem diff_eq (s t : set X) : s \ t = {x ∈ s | x ∉ t} := rfl
theorem mem_diff_iff (s t : set X) (x : X) : x ∈ s \ t ↔ x ∈ s ∧ x ∉ t := !iff.refl theorem mem_diff_iff (s t : set X) (x : X) : x ∈ s \ t ↔ x ∈ s ∧ x ∉ t := !iff.refl
theorem mem_diff_eq (s t : set X) (x : X) : x ∈ s \ t = (x ∈ s ∧ x ∉ t) := rfl theorem mem_diff_eq (s t : set X) (x : X) : x ∈ s \ t = (x ∈ s ∧ x ∉ t) := rfl