refactor(library/algebra/{field,ordered_field}, library/*): more renaming, setting implicit arguments

Many theorems for division rings and fields have stronger versions for discrete fields, where we
assume x / 0 = 0. Before, we used primes to distinguish the versions, but that has the downside
that e.g. for rat and real, all the theorems are equally present. Now, I qualified the weaker ones
with or Maybe that is not ideal, but let's try it.

I also set implicit arguments with the following convention: an argument to a theorem should be
explicit unless it can be inferred from the other arguments and hypotheses.
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Jeremy Avigad 2015-08-27 13:29:19 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
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commit 7d72c9b6b5
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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Authors: Robert Lewis
Structures with multiplicative and additive components, including division rings and fields.
The development is modeled after Isabelle's library.
import logic.eq logic.connectives data.unit data.sigma
import algebra.binary algebra.ring
open eq eq.ops
@ -37,23 +36,11 @@ section division_ring
theorem inv_mul_cancel (H : a ≠ 0) : a⁻¹ * a = 1 :=
division_ring.inv_mul_cancel H
theorem inv_eq_one_div : a⁻¹ = 1 / a := !one_mul⁻¹
theorem inv_eq_one_div (a : A) : a⁻¹ = 1 / a := !one_mul⁻¹
-- the following are only theorems if we assume inv_zero here
/- theorem inv_zero : 0⁻¹ = 0 := !division_ring.inv_zero
theorem one_div_zero : 1 / 0 = 0 :=
1 / 0 = 1 * 0⁻¹ : refl
... = 1 * 0 : division_ring.inv_zero A
... = 0 : mul_zero
theorem div_eq_mul_one_div : a / b = a * (1 / b) :=
theorem div_eq_mul_one_div (a b : A) : a / b = a * (1 / b) :=
by rewrite [↑divide, one_mul]
-- theorem div_zero : a / 0 = 0 := by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, one_div_zero, mul_zero]
theorem mul_one_div_cancel (H : a ≠ 0) : a * (1 / a) = 1 :=
by rewrite [-inv_eq_one_div, (mul_inv_cancel H)]
@ -64,36 +51,32 @@ section division_ring
theorem one_div_one : 1 / 1 = (1:A) := div_self (ne.symm zero_ne_one)
theorem mul_div_assoc : (a * b) / c = a * (b / c) := !mul.assoc
theorem mul_div_assoc (a b : A) : (a * b) / c = a * (b / c) := !mul.assoc
theorem one_div_ne_zero (H : a ≠ 0) : 1 / a ≠ 0 :=
assume H2 : 1 / a = 0,
have C1 : 0 = (1:A), from symm (by rewrite [-(mul_one_div_cancel H), H2, mul_zero]),
absurd C1 zero_ne_one
-- theorem ne_zero_of_one_div_ne_zero (H : 1 / a ≠ 0) : a ≠ 0 :=
-- assume Ha : a = 0, absurd (Ha⁻¹ ▸ one_div_zero) H
theorem one_inv_eq : 1⁻¹ = (1:A) :=
by rewrite [-mul_one, inv_mul_cancel (ne.symm (@zero_ne_one A _))]
theorem div_one : a / 1 = a :=
theorem div_one (a : A) : a / 1 = a :=
by rewrite [↑divide, one_inv_eq, mul_one]
theorem zero_div : 0 / a = 0 := !zero_mul
theorem zero_div (a : A) : 0 / a = 0 := !zero_mul
-- note: integral domain has a "mul_ne_zero". Discrete fields are int domains.
theorem mul_ne_zero' (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a * b ≠ 0 :=
-- note: integral domain has a "mul_ne_zero". A commutative division ring is an integral
-- domain, but let's not define that class for now.
theorem division_ring.mul_ne_zero (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a * b ≠ 0 :=
assume H : a * b = 0,
have C1 : a = 0, by rewrite [-mul_one, -(mul_one_div_cancel Hb), -mul.assoc, H, zero_mul],
absurd C1 Ha
theorem mul_ne_zero_comm (H : a * b ≠ 0) : b * a ≠ 0 :=
have H2 : a ≠ 0 ∧ b ≠ 0, from ne_zero_and_ne_zero_of_mul_ne_zero H,
mul_ne_zero' (and.right H2) (and.left H2)
division_ring.mul_ne_zero (and.right H2) (and.left H2)
-- make "left" and "right" versions?
theorem eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one (H : a * b = 1) : b = 1 / a :=
have a ≠ 0, from
(suppose a = 0,
@ -106,7 +89,6 @@ section division_ring
... = 1 * b : one_div_mul_cancel this
... = b : one_mul)
-- which one is left and which is right?
theorem eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one_left (H : b * a = 1) : b = 1 / a :=
have a ≠ 0, from
(suppose a = 0,
@ -122,16 +104,18 @@ section division_ring
... = b * 1 : mul_one_div_cancel this
... = b : mul_one)
theorem one_div_mul_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (b * a) :=
theorem division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) :
(1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (b * a) :=
have (b * a) * ((1 / a) * (1 / b)) = 1, by
rewrite [mul.assoc, -(mul.assoc a), (mul_one_div_cancel Ha), one_mul, (mul_one_div_cancel Hb)],
rewrite [mul.assoc, -(mul.assoc a), (mul_one_div_cancel Ha), one_mul,
(mul_one_div_cancel Hb)],
eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one this
theorem one_div_neg_one_eq_neg_one : (1:A) / (-1) = -1 :=
have (-1) * (-1) = (1:A), by rewrite [-neg_eq_neg_one_mul, neg_neg],
symm (eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one this)
theorem one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div (H : a ≠ 0) : 1 / (- a) = - (1 / a) :=
theorem division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div (H : a ≠ 0) : 1 / (- a) = - (1 / a) :=
have -1 ≠ 0, from
(suppose -1 = 0, absurd (symm (calc
1 = -(-1) : neg_neg
@ -139,86 +123,87 @@ section division_ring
... = (0:A) : neg_zero)) zero_ne_one),
1 / (- a) = 1 / ((-1) * a) : neg_eq_neg_one_mul
... = (1 / a) * (1 / (- 1)) : one_div_mul_one_div H this
... = (1 / a) * (1 / (- 1)) : division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div H this
... = (1 / a) * (-1) : one_div_neg_one_eq_neg_one
... = - (1 / a) : mul_neg_one_eq_neg
theorem div_neg_eq_neg_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) : b / (- a) = - (b / a) :=
theorem div_neg_eq_neg_div (b : A) (Ha : a ≠ 0) : b / (- a) = - (b / a) :=
b / (- a) = b * (1 / (- a)) : inv_eq_one_div
... = b * -(1 / a) : one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div Ha
... = b * -(1 / a) : division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div Ha
... = -(b * (1 / a)) : neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
... = - (b * a⁻¹) : inv_eq_one_div
theorem neg_div : (-b) / a = - (b / a) :=
theorem neg_div (a b : A) : (-b) / a = - (b / a) :=
by rewrite [neg_eq_neg_one_mul, mul_div_assoc, -neg_eq_neg_one_mul]
theorem neg_div_neg_eq_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) : (-a) / (-b) = a / b :=
by rewrite [(div_neg_eq_neg_div Hb), neg_div, neg_neg]
theorem division_ring.neg_div_neg_eq (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) : (-a) / (-b) = a / b :=
by rewrite [(div_neg_eq_neg_div _ Hb), neg_div, neg_neg]
theorem div_div (H : a ≠ 0) : 1 / (1 / a) = a :=
theorem division_ring.one_div_one_div (H : a ≠ 0) : 1 / (1 / a) = a :=
symm (eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one_left (mul_one_div_cancel H))
theorem eq_of_invs_eq (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) (H : 1 / a = 1 / b) : a = b :=
by rewrite [-(div_div Ha), H, (div_div Hb)]
theorem division_ring.eq_of_one_div_eq_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) (H : 1 / a = 1 / b) :
a = b :=
by rewrite [-(division_ring.one_div_one_div Ha), H, (division_ring.one_div_one_div Hb)]
theorem mul_inv_eq (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : (b * a)⁻¹ = a⁻¹ * b⁻¹ :=
eq.symm (calc
a⁻¹ * b⁻¹ = (1 / a) * b⁻¹ : inv_eq_one_div
... = (1 / a) * (1 / b) : inv_eq_one_div
... = (1 / (b * a)) : one_div_mul_one_div Ha Hb
... = (1 / (b * a)) : division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div Ha Hb
... = (b * a)⁻¹ : inv_eq_one_div)
theorem mul_div_cancel (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a * b / b = a :=
theorem mul_div_cancel (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a * b / b = a :=
by rewrite [↑divide, mul.assoc, (mul_inv_cancel Hb), mul_one]
theorem div_mul_cancel (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b * b = a :=
theorem div_mul_cancel (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b * b = a :=
by rewrite [↑divide, mul.assoc, (inv_mul_cancel Hb), mul_one]
theorem div_add_div_same : a / c + b / c = (a + b) / c := !right_distrib⁻¹
theorem div_add_div_same (a b c : A) : a / c + b / c = (a + b) / c := !right_distrib⁻¹
theorem div_sub_div_same : (a / c) - (b / c) = (a - b) / c :=
theorem div_sub_div_same (a b c : A) : (a / c) - (b / c) = (a - b) / c :=
by rewrite [sub_eq_add_neg, -neg_div, div_add_div_same]
theorem inv_mul_add_mul_inv_eq_inv_add_inv (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) :
theorem one_div_mul_add_mul_one_div_eq_one_div_add_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) :
(1 / a) * (a + b) * (1 / b) = 1 / a + 1 / b :=
by rewrite [(left_distrib (1 / a)), (one_div_mul_cancel Ha), right_distrib, one_mul,
mul.assoc, (mul_one_div_cancel Hb), mul_one, add.comm]
theorem inv_mul_sub_mul_inv_eq_inv_add_inv (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) :
theorem one_div_mul_sub_mul_one_div_eq_one_div_add_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) :
(1 / a) * (b - a) * (1 / b) = 1 / a - 1 / b :=
by rewrite [(mul_sub_left_distrib (1 / a)), (one_div_mul_cancel Ha), mul_sub_right_distrib,
one_mul, mul.assoc, (mul_one_div_cancel Hb), mul_one, one_mul]
theorem div_eq_one_iff_eq (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b = 1 ↔ a = b :=
theorem div_eq_one_iff_eq (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b = 1 ↔ a = b :=
(suppose a / b = 1, symm (calc
b = 1 * b : one_mul
... = a / b * b : this
... = a : div_mul_cancel Hb))
... = a : div_mul_cancel _ Hb))
(suppose a = b, calc
a / b = b / b : this
... = 1 : div_self Hb)
theorem eq_of_div_eq_one (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b = 1 → a = b := (div_eq_one_iff_eq Hb)
theorem eq_of_div_eq_one (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b = 1 → a = b := (!div_eq_one_iff_eq Hb)
theorem eq_div_iff_mul_eq (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a = b / c ↔ a * c = b :=
theorem eq_div_iff_mul_eq (a : A) {b : A} (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a = b / c ↔ a * c = b :=
(suppose a = b / c, by rewrite [this, (div_mul_cancel Hc)])
(suppose a * c = b, by rewrite [-(mul_div_cancel Hc), this])
(suppose a = b / c, by rewrite [this, (!div_mul_cancel Hc)])
(suppose a * c = b, by rewrite [-(!mul_div_cancel Hc), this])
theorem eq_div_of_mul_eq (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a * c = b → a = b / c :=
iff.mpr (eq_div_iff_mul_eq Hc)
theorem eq_div_of_mul_eq (a b : A) {c : A} (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a * c = b → a = b / c :=
iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq Hc)
theorem mul_eq_of_eq_div (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a = b / c → a * c = b := (eq_div_iff_mul_eq Hc)
theorem mul_eq_of_eq_div (a b: A) {c : A} (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a = b / c → a * c = b := (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq Hc)
theorem add_div_eq_mul_add_div (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a + b / c = (a * c + b) / c :=
have (a + b / c) * c = a * c + b, by rewrite [right_distrib, (div_mul_cancel Hc)],
(iff.elim_right (eq_div_iff_mul_eq Hc)) this
theorem add_div_eq_mul_add_div (a b : A) {c : A} (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a + b / c = (a * c + b) / c :=
have (a + b / c) * c = a * c + b, by rewrite [right_distrib, (!div_mul_cancel Hc)],
(iff.elim_right (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq Hc)) this
theorem mul_mul_div (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a = a * c * (1 / c) :=
theorem mul_mul_div (a : A) {c : A} (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a = a * c * (1 / c) :=
a = a * 1 : mul_one
... = a * (c * (1 / c)) : mul_one_div_cancel Hc
@ -226,7 +211,6 @@ section division_ring
-- There are many similar rules to these last two in the Isabelle library
-- that haven't been ported yet. Do as necessary.
end division_ring
structure field [class] (A : Type) extends division_ring A, comm_ring A
@ -236,83 +220,92 @@ section field
include s
local attribute divide [reducible]
theorem one_div_mul_one_div' (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (a * b) :=
by rewrite [(one_div_mul_one_div Ha Hb), mul.comm b]
theorem field.one_div_mul_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (a * b) :=
by rewrite [(division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div Ha Hb), mul.comm b]
theorem div_mul_right (Hb : b ≠ 0) (H : a * b ≠ 0) : a / (a * b) = 1 / b :=
theorem field.div_mul_right (Hb : b ≠ 0) (H : a * b ≠ 0) : a / (a * b) = 1 / b :=
have a ≠ 0, from and.left (ne_zero_and_ne_zero_of_mul_ne_zero H),
symm (calc
1 / b = 1 * (1 / b) : one_mul
... = (a * a⁻¹) * (1 / b) : mul_inv_cancel this
... = a * (a⁻¹ * (1 / b)) : mul.assoc
... = a * ((1 / a) * (1 / b)) :inv_eq_one_div
... = a * (1 / (b * a)) : one_div_mul_one_div this Hb
... = a * ((1 / a) * (1 / b)) : inv_eq_one_div
... = a * (1 / (b * a)) : division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div this Hb
... = a * (1 / (a * b)) : mul.comm
... = a * (a * b)⁻¹ : inv_eq_one_div)
theorem div_mul_left (Ha : a ≠ 0) (H : a * b ≠ 0) : b / (a * b) = 1 / a :=
theorem field.div_mul_left (Ha : a ≠ 0) (H : a * b ≠ 0) : b / (a * b) = 1 / a :=
let H1 : b * a ≠ 0 := mul_ne_zero_comm H in
by rewrite [mul.comm a, (div_mul_right Ha H1)]
by rewrite [mul.comm a, (field.div_mul_right Ha H1)]
theorem mul_div_cancel_left (Ha : a ≠ 0) : a * b / a = b :=
by rewrite [mul.comm a, (mul_div_cancel Ha)]
by rewrite [mul.comm a, (!mul_div_cancel Ha)]
theorem mul_div_cancel' (Hb : b ≠ 0) : b * (a / b) = a :=
by rewrite [mul.comm, (div_mul_cancel Hb)]
by rewrite [mul.comm, (!div_mul_cancel Hb)]
theorem one_div_add_one_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : 1 / a + 1 / b = (a + b) / (a * b) :=
assert a * b ≠ 0, from (mul_ne_zero' Ha Hb),
by rewrite [add.comm, -(div_mul_left Ha this), -(div_mul_right Hb this), ↑divide, -right_distrib]
assert a * b ≠ 0, from (division_ring.mul_ne_zero Ha Hb),
by rewrite [add.comm, -(field.div_mul_left Ha this), -(field.div_mul_right Hb this), ↑divide,
theorem div_mul_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) : (a / b) * (c / d) = (a * c) / (b * d) :=
theorem field.div_mul_div (a : A) {b : A} (c : A) {d : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) :
(a / b) * (c / d) = (a * c) / (b * d) :=
by rewrite [↑divide, 2 mul.assoc, (mul.comm b⁻¹), mul.assoc, (mul_inv_eq Hd Hb)]
theorem mul_div_mul_left (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) : (c * a) / (c * b) = a / b :=
by rewrite [-(div_mul_div Hc Hb), (div_self Hc), one_mul]
theorem mul_div_mul_left (a : A) {b c : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) :
(c * a) / (c * b) = a / b :=
by rewrite [-(!field.div_mul_div Hc Hb), (div_self Hc), one_mul]
theorem mul_div_mul_right (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) : (a * c) / (b * c) = a / b :=
by rewrite [(mul.comm a), (mul.comm b), (mul_div_mul_left Hb Hc)]
theorem mul_div_mul_right (a : A) {b c : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) :
(a * c) / (b * c) = a / b :=
by rewrite [(mul.comm a), (mul.comm b), (!mul_div_mul_left Hb Hc)]
theorem div_mul_eq_mul_div : (b / c) * a = (b * a) / c :=
theorem div_mul_eq_mul_div (a b c : A) : (b / c) * a = (b * a) / c :=
by rewrite [↑divide, mul.assoc, (mul.comm c⁻¹), -mul.assoc]
-- this one is odd -- I am not sure what to call it, but again, the prefix is right
theorem div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm (Hc : c ≠ 0) : (b / c) * a = b * (a / c) :=
by rewrite [(div_mul_eq_mul_div), -(one_mul c), -(div_mul_div (ne.symm zero_ne_one) Hc), div_one, one_mul]
theorem field.div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm (a b : A) {c : A} (Hc : c ≠ 0) :
(b / c) * a = b * (a / c) :=
by rewrite [(div_mul_eq_mul_div), -(one_mul c), -(!field.div_mul_div (ne.symm zero_ne_one) Hc),
div_one, one_mul]
theorem div_add_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) :
theorem div_add_div (a : A) {b : A} (c : A) {d : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) :
(a / b) + (c / d) = ((a * d) + (b * c)) / (b * d) :=
by rewrite [-(mul_div_mul_right Hb Hd), -(mul_div_mul_left Hd Hb), div_add_div_same]
by rewrite [-(!mul_div_mul_right Hb Hd), -(!mul_div_mul_left Hd Hb), div_add_div_same]
theorem div_sub_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) :
theorem div_sub_div (a : A) {b : A} (c : A) {d : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) :
(a / b) - (c / d) = ((a * d) - (b * c)) / (b * d) :=
by rewrite [↑sub, neg_eq_neg_one_mul, -mul_div_assoc, (div_add_div Hb Hd),
by rewrite [↑sub, neg_eq_neg_one_mul, -mul_div_assoc, (!div_add_div Hb Hd),
-mul.assoc, (mul.comm b), mul.assoc, -neg_eq_neg_one_mul]
theorem mul_eq_mul_of_div_eq_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) (H : a / b = c / d) : a * d = c * b :=
theorem mul_eq_mul_of_div_eq_div (a : A) {b : A} (c : A) {d : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0)
(Hd : d ≠ 0) (H : a / b = c / d) : a * d = c * b :=
by rewrite [-mul_one, mul.assoc, (mul.comm d), -mul.assoc, -(div_self Hb),
-(div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm Hb), H, (div_mul_eq_mul_div), (div_mul_cancel Hd)]
-(!field.div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm Hb), H, (div_mul_eq_mul_div), (!div_mul_cancel Hd)]
theorem one_div_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : 1 / (a / b) = b / a :=
theorem field.one_div_div (Ha : a ≠ 0) (Hb : b ≠ 0) : 1 / (a / b) = b / a :=
have (a / b) * (b / a) = 1, from calc
(a / b) * (b / a) = (a * b) / (b * a) : div_mul_div Hb Ha
(a / b) * (b / a) = (a * b) / (b * a) : !field.div_mul_div Hb Ha
... = (a * b) / (a * b) : mul.comm
... = 1 : div_self (mul_ne_zero' Ha Hb),
... = 1 : div_self (division_ring.mul_ne_zero Ha Hb),
symm (eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one this)
theorem div_div_eq_mul_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a / (b / c) = (a * c) / b :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, (one_div_div Hb Hc), -mul_div_assoc]
theorem field.div_div_eq_mul_div (a : A) {b c : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) :
a / (b / c) = (a * c) / b :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, (field.one_div_div Hb Hc), -mul_div_assoc]
theorem div_div_eq_div_mul (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) : (a / b) / c = a / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, (div_mul_div Hb Hc), mul_one]
theorem div_div_div_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) : (a / b) / (c / d) = (a * d) / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [(div_div_eq_mul_div Hc Hd), (div_mul_eq_mul_div), (div_div_eq_div_mul Hb Hc)]
theorem div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) : a / (b * c) = (a / b) * (1 / c) :=
by rewrite [-div_div_eq_div_mul Hb Hc, -div_eq_mul_one_div]
theorem field.div_div_eq_div_mul (a : A) {b c : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) :
(a / b) / c = a / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, (!field.div_mul_div Hb Hc), mul_one]
theorem field.div_div_div_div_eq (a : A) {b c d : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) :
(a / b) / (c / d) = (a * d) / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [(!field.div_div_eq_mul_div Hc Hd), (div_mul_eq_mul_div),
(!field.div_div_eq_div_mul Hb Hc)]
theorem field.div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div (a : A) {b c : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hc : c ≠ 0) :
a / (b * c) = (a / b) * (1 / c) :=
by rewrite [-!field.div_div_eq_div_mul Hb Hc, -div_eq_mul_one_div]
end field
structure discrete_field [class] (A : Type) extends field A :=
@ -328,7 +321,6 @@ section discrete_field
-- many of the theorems in discrete_field are the same as theorems in field or division ring,
-- but with fewer hypotheses since 0⁻¹ = 0 and equality is decidable.
-- they are named with '. Is there a better convention?
theorem discrete_field.eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero
(x y : A) (H : x * y = 0) : x = 0 y = 0 :=
@ -350,18 +342,18 @@ section discrete_field
... = 1 * 0 : discrete_field.inv_zero A
... = 0 : mul_zero
theorem div_zero : a / 0 = 0 := by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, one_div_zero, mul_zero]
theorem div_zero (a : A) : a / 0 = 0 := by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, one_div_zero, mul_zero]
theorem ne_zero_of_one_div_ne_zero (H : 1 / a ≠ 0) : a ≠ 0 :=
assume Ha : a = 0, absurd (Ha⁻¹ ▸ one_div_zero) H
theorem inv_zero_imp_zero (H : 1 / a = 0) : a = 0 :=
theorem eq_zero_of_one_div_eq_zero (H : 1 / a = 0) : a = 0 :=
(assume Ha, Ha)
(assume Ha, false.elim ((one_div_ne_zero Ha) H))
-- the following could all go in "discrete_division_ring"
theorem one_div_mul_one_div'' : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (b * a) :=
variables (a b)
theorem one_div_mul_one_div' : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (b * a) :=
(suppose a = 0,
by rewrite [this, div_zero, zero_mul, -(@div_zero A s 1), mul_zero b])
@ -369,32 +361,34 @@ section discrete_field
(suppose b = 0,
by rewrite [this, div_zero, mul_zero, -(@div_zero A s 1), zero_mul a])
(suppose b ≠ 0, one_div_mul_one_div Ha this))
(suppose b ≠ 0, division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div Ha this))
theorem one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div' : 1 / (- a) = - (1 / a) :=
theorem one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div : 1 / (- a) = - (1 / a) :=
(suppose a = 0, by rewrite [this, neg_zero, 2 div_zero, neg_zero])
(suppose a ≠ 0, one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div this)
(suppose a ≠ 0, division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div this)
theorem neg_div_neg_eq_div' : (-a) / (-b) = a / b :=
theorem neg_div_neg_eq : (-a) / (-b) = a / b :=
(assume Hb : b = 0, by rewrite [Hb, neg_zero, 2 div_zero])
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, neg_div_neg_eq_div Hb)
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, !division_ring.neg_div_neg_eq Hb)
theorem div_div' : 1 / (1 / a) = a :=
theorem one_div_one_div : 1 / (1 / a) = a :=
(assume Ha : a = 0, by rewrite [Ha, 2 div_zero])
(assume Ha : a ≠ 0, div_div Ha)
(assume Ha : a ≠ 0, division_ring.one_div_one_div Ha)
theorem eq_of_invs_eq' (H : 1 / a = 1 / b) : a = b :=
variables {a b}
theorem eq_of_one_div_eq_one_div (H : 1 / a = 1 / b) : a = b :=
(assume Ha : a = 0,
have Hb : b = 0, from inv_zero_imp_zero (by rewrite [-H, Ha, div_zero]),
have Hb : b = 0, from eq_zero_of_one_div_eq_zero (by rewrite [-H, Ha, div_zero]),
Hb⁻¹ ▸ Ha)
(assume Ha : a ≠ 0,
have Hb : b ≠ 0, from ne_zero_of_one_div_ne_zero (H ▸ (one_div_ne_zero Ha)),
eq_of_invs_eq Ha Hb H)
division_ring.eq_of_one_div_eq_one_div Ha Hb H)
variables (a b)
theorem mul_inv' : (b * a)⁻¹ = a⁻¹ * b⁻¹ :=
(assume Ha : a = 0, by rewrite [Ha, mul_zero, 2 inv_zero, zero_mul])
@ -404,62 +398,68 @@ section discrete_field
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, mul_inv_eq Ha Hb))
-- the following are specifically for fields
theorem one_div_mul_one_div''' : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (a * b) :=
by rewrite [(one_div_mul_one_div''), mul.comm b]
theorem one_div_mul_one_div : (1 / a) * (1 / b) = 1 / (a * b) :=
by rewrite [one_div_mul_one_div', mul.comm b]
theorem div_mul_right' (Ha : a ≠ 0) : a / (a * b) = 1 / b :=
variable {a}
theorem div_mul_right (Ha : a ≠ 0) : a / (a * b) = 1 / b :=
(assume Hb : b = 0, by rewrite [Hb, mul_zero, 2 div_zero])
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, div_mul_right Hb (mul_ne_zero Ha Hb))
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, field.div_mul_right Hb (mul_ne_zero Ha Hb))
theorem div_mul_left' (Hb : b ≠ 0) : b / (a * b) = 1 / a :=
by rewrite [mul.comm a, div_mul_right' Hb]
variables (a) {b}
theorem div_mul_left (Hb : b ≠ 0) : b / (a * b) = 1 / a :=
by rewrite [mul.comm a, div_mul_right _ Hb]
theorem div_mul_div' : (a / b) * (c / d) = (a * c) / (b * d) :=
variables (a b c)
theorem div_mul_div : (a / b) * (c / d) = (a * c) / (b * d) :=
(assume Hb : b = 0, by rewrite [Hb, div_zero, zero_mul, -(@div_zero A s (a * c)), zero_mul])
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0,
(assume Hd : d = 0, by rewrite [Hd, div_zero, mul_zero, -(@div_zero A s (a * c)), mul_zero])
(assume Hd : d ≠ 0, div_mul_div Hb Hd))
(assume Hd : d = 0, by rewrite [Hd, div_zero, mul_zero, -(@div_zero A s (a * c)),
(assume Hd : d ≠ 0, !field.div_mul_div Hb Hd))
variable {c}
theorem mul_div_mul_left' (Hc : c ≠ 0) : (c * a) / (c * b) = a / b :=
(assume Hb : b = 0, by rewrite [Hb, mul_zero, 2 div_zero])
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, mul_div_mul_left Hb Hc)
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, !mul_div_mul_left Hb Hc)
theorem mul_div_mul_right' (Hc : c ≠ 0) : (a * c) / (b * c) = a / b :=
by rewrite [(mul.comm a), (mul.comm b), (mul_div_mul_left' Hc)]
by rewrite [(mul.comm a), (mul.comm b), (!mul_div_mul_left' Hc)]
-- this one is odd -- I am not sure what to call it, but again, the prefix is right
theorem div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm' : (b / c) * a = b * (a / c) :=
variables (a b c d)
theorem div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm : (b / c) * a = b * (a / c) :=
(assume Hc : c = 0, by rewrite [Hc, div_zero, zero_mul, -(mul_zero b), -(@div_zero A s a)])
(assume Hc : c ≠ 0, div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm Hc)
(assume Hc : c ≠ 0, !field.div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm Hc)
theorem one_div_div' : 1 / (a / b) = b / a :=
theorem one_div_div : 1 / (a / b) = b / a :=
(assume Ha : a = 0, by rewrite [Ha, zero_div, 2 div_zero])
(assume Ha : a ≠ 0,
(assume Hb : b = 0, by rewrite [Hb, 2 div_zero, zero_div])
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, one_div_div Ha Hb))
(assume Hb : b ≠ 0, field.one_div_div Ha Hb))
theorem div_div_eq_mul_div' : a / (b / c) = (a * c) / b :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, one_div_div', -mul_div_assoc]
theorem div_div_eq_mul_div : a / (b / c) = (a * c) / b :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, one_div_div, -mul_div_assoc]
theorem div_div_eq_div_mul' : (a / b) / c = a / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, div_mul_div', mul_one]
theorem div_div_eq_div_mul : (a / b) / c = a / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [div_eq_mul_one_div, div_mul_div, mul_one]
theorem div_div_div_div' : (a / b) / (c / d) = (a * d) / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [div_div_eq_mul_div', div_mul_eq_mul_div, div_div_eq_div_mul']
theorem div_div_div_div_eq : (a / b) / (c / d) = (a * d) / (b * c) :=
by rewrite [div_div_eq_mul_div, div_mul_eq_mul_div, div_div_eq_div_mul]
variable {a}
theorem div_helper (H : a ≠ 0) : (1 / (a * b)) * a = 1 / b :=
by rewrite [div_mul_eq_mul_div, one_mul, (div_mul_right' H)]
theorem div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div' : a / (b * c) = (a / b) * (1 / c) :=
by rewrite [-div_div_eq_div_mul', -div_eq_mul_one_div]
by rewrite [div_mul_eq_mul_div, one_mul, !div_mul_right H]
variable (a)
theorem div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div : a / (b * c) = (a / b) * (1 / c) :=
by rewrite [-div_div_eq_div_mul, -div_eq_mul_one_div]
end discrete_field
end algebra

View file

@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Robert Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Robert Lewis
import algebra.ordered_ring algebra.field
open eq eq.ops
@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ section linear_ordered_field
theorem lt_mul_of_gt_one_right (Hb : b > 0) (H : a > 1) : b < b * a :=
mul_one _ ▸ (mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left H Hb)
theorem one_le_div_iff_le (Hb : b > 0) : 1 ≤ a / b ↔ b ≤ a :=
theorem one_le_div_iff_le (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b > 0) : 1 ≤ a / b ↔ b ≤ a :=
have Hb' : b ≠ 0, from ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hb),
(assume H : 1 ≤ a / b,
@ -61,12 +59,12 @@ section linear_ordered_field
... = a / b : div_eq_mul_one_div)
theorem le_of_one_le_div (Hb : b > 0) (H : 1 ≤ a / b) : b ≤ a :=
( (one_le_div_iff_le Hb)) H
( (!one_le_div_iff_le Hb)) H
theorem one_le_div_of_le (Hb : b > 0) (H : b ≤ a) : 1 ≤ a / b :=
(iff.mpr (one_le_div_iff_le Hb)) H
(iff.mpr (!one_le_div_iff_le Hb)) H
theorem one_lt_div_iff_lt (Hb : b > 0) : 1 < a / b ↔ b < a :=
theorem one_lt_div_iff_lt (a : A) {b : A} (Hb : b > 0) : 1 < a / b ↔ b < a :=
have Hb' : b ≠ 0, from ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hb),
(assume H : 1 < a / b,
@ -80,60 +78,57 @@ section linear_ordered_field
... = a / b : div_eq_mul_one_div)
theorem lt_of_one_lt_div (Hb : b > 0) (H : 1 < a / b) : b < a :=
( (one_lt_div_iff_lt Hb)) H
( (!one_lt_div_iff_lt Hb)) H
theorem one_lt_div_of_lt (Hb : b > 0) (H : b < a) : 1 < a / b :=
(iff.mpr (one_lt_div_iff_lt Hb)) H
(iff.mpr (!one_lt_div_iff_lt Hb)) H
theorem exists_lt : ∃ x, x < a :=
theorem exists_lt (a : A) : ∃ x, x < a :=
have H : a - 1 < a, from add_lt_of_le_of_neg (le.refl _) zero_gt_neg_one,
exists.intro _ H
theorem exists_gt : ∃ x, x > a :=
theorem exists_gt (a : A) : ∃ x, x > a :=
have H : a + 1 > a, from lt_add_of_le_of_pos (le.refl _) zero_lt_one,
exists.intro _ H
-- the following theorems amount to four iffs, for <, ≤, ≥, >.
theorem mul_le_of_le_div (Hc : 0 < c) (H : a ≤ b / c) : a * c ≤ b :=
div_mul_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc)) ▸ mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right H (le_of_lt Hc)
!div_mul_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc)) ▸ mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right H (le_of_lt Hc)
theorem le_div_of_mul_le (Hc : 0 < c) (H : a * c ≤ b) : a ≤ b / c :=
a = a * c * (1 / c) : mul_mul_div (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc))
a = a * c * (1 / c) : !mul_mul_div (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc))
... ≤ b * (1 / c) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right H (le_of_lt (one_div_pos_of_pos Hc))
... = b / c : div_eq_mul_one_div
theorem mul_lt_of_lt_div (Hc : 0 < c) (H : a < b / c) : a * c < b :=
div_mul_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc)) ▸ mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right H Hc
!div_mul_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc)) ▸ mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right H Hc
theorem lt_div_of_mul_lt (Hc : 0 < c) (H : a * c < b) : a < b / c :=
a = a * c * (1 / c) : mul_mul_div (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc))
a = a * c * (1 / c) : !mul_mul_div (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc))
... < b * (1 / c) : mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right H (one_div_pos_of_pos Hc)
... = b / c : div_eq_mul_one_div
theorem mul_le_of_div_le_of_neg (Hc : c < 0) (H : b / c ≤ a) : a * c ≤ b :=
div_mul_cancel (ne_of_lt Hc) ▸ mul_le_mul_of_nonpos_right H (le_of_lt Hc)
!div_mul_cancel (ne_of_lt Hc) ▸ mul_le_mul_of_nonpos_right H (le_of_lt Hc)
theorem div_le_of_mul_le_of_neg (Hc : c < 0) (H : a * c ≤ b) : b / c ≤ a :=
a = a * c * (1 / c) : mul_mul_div (ne_of_lt Hc)
a = a * c * (1 / c) : !mul_mul_div (ne_of_lt Hc)
... ≥ b * (1 / c) : mul_le_mul_of_nonpos_right H (le_of_lt (one_div_neg_of_neg Hc))
... = b / c : div_eq_mul_one_div
theorem mul_lt_of_gt_div_of_neg (Hc : c < 0) (H : a > b / c) : a * c < b :=
div_mul_cancel (ne_of_lt Hc) ▸ mul_lt_mul_of_neg_right H Hc
!div_mul_cancel (ne_of_lt Hc) ▸ mul_lt_mul_of_neg_right H Hc
theorem gt_div_of_mul_gt_of_neg (Hc : c < 0) (H : a * c < b) : a > b / c :=
theorem div_lt_of_mul_gt_of_neg (Hc : c < 0) (H : a * c < b) : b / c < a :=
a = a * c * (1 / c) : mul_mul_div (ne_of_lt Hc)
a = a * c * (1 / c) : !mul_mul_div (ne_of_lt Hc)
... > b * (1 / c) : mul_lt_mul_of_neg_right H (one_div_neg_of_neg Hc)
... = b / c : div_eq_mul_one_div
theorem div_le_of_le_mul (Hb : b > 0) (H : a ≤ b * c) : a / b ≤ c :=
a / b = a * (1 / b) : div_eq_mul_one_div
@ -143,7 +138,7 @@ section linear_ordered_field
theorem le_mul_of_div_le (Hc : c > 0) (H : a / c ≤ b) : a ≤ b * c :=
a = a / c * c : div_mul_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc))
a = a / c * c : !div_mul_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt Hc))
... ≤ b * c : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right H (le_of_lt Hc)
-- following these in the isabelle file, there are 8 biconditionals for the above with - signs
@ -156,7 +151,7 @@ section linear_ordered_field
... = 0 : sub_self,
0 > a / c - b / d : H1
... = (a * d - c * b) / (c * d) : div_sub_div Hc Hd
... = (a * d - c * b) / (c * d) : !div_sub_div Hc Hd
... = (a * d - b * c) / (c * d) : mul.comm
theorem mul_sub_mul_div_mul_nonpos (Hc : c ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) (H : a / c ≤ b / d) :
@ -166,20 +161,20 @@ section linear_ordered_field
... = 0 : sub_self,
0 ≥ a / c - b / d : H1
... = (a * d - c * b) / (c * d) : div_sub_div Hc Hd
... = (a * d - c * b) / (c * d) : !div_sub_div Hc Hd
... = (a * d - b * c) / (c * d) : mul.comm
theorem div_lt_div_of_mul_sub_mul_div_neg (Hc : c ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0)
(H : (a * d - b * c) / (c * d) < 0) : a / c < b / d :=
assert H1 : (a * d - c * b) / (c * d) < 0, by rewrite [mul.comm c b]; exact H,
assert H2 : a / c - b / d < 0, by rewrite [div_sub_div Hc Hd]; exact H1,
assert H2 : a / c - b / d < 0, by rewrite [!div_sub_div Hc Hd]; exact H1,
assert H3 : a / c - b / d + b / d < 0 + b / d, from add_lt_add_right H2 _,
begin rewrite [zero_add at H3, neg_add_cancel_right at H3], exact H3 end
theorem div_le_div_of_mul_sub_mul_div_nonpos (Hc : c ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0)
(H : (a * d - b * c) / (c * d) ≤ 0) : a / c ≤ b / d :=
assert H1 : (a * d - c * b) / (c * d) ≤ 0, by rewrite [mul.comm c b]; exact H,
assert H2 : a / c - b / d ≤ 0, by rewrite [div_sub_div Hc Hd]; exact H1,
assert H2 : a / c - b / d ≤ 0, by rewrite [!div_sub_div Hc Hd]; exact H1,
assert H3 : a / c - b / d + b / d ≤ 0 + b / d, from add_le_add_right H2 _,
begin rewrite [zero_add at H3, neg_add_cancel_right at H3], exact H3 end
@ -249,7 +244,6 @@ section linear_ordered_field
exact Hb
theorem div_nonneg_of_nonpos_of_neg (Ha : a ≤ 0) (Hb : b < 0) : 0 ≤ a / b :=
rewrite div_eq_mul_one_div,
@ -266,7 +260,6 @@ section linear_ordered_field
exact mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right H (one_div_pos_of_pos Hc)
theorem div_le_div_of_le_of_pos (H : a ≤ b) (Hc : 0 < c) : a / c ≤ b / c :=
rewrite [{a/c}div_eq_mul_one_div, {b/c}div_eq_mul_one_div],
@ -293,17 +286,17 @@ section linear_ordered_field
notation 2 := 1 + 1
theorem add_halves : a / 2 + a / 2 = a :=
theorem add_halves (a : A) : a / 2 + a / 2 = a :=
a / 2 + a / 2 = (a + a) / 2 : by rewrite div_add_div_same
... = (a * 1 + a * 1) / 2 : by rewrite mul_one
... = (a * 2) / 2 : by rewrite left_distrib
... = a : by rewrite [@mul_div_cancel A _ _ _ two_ne_zero]
theorem sub_self_div_two : a - a / 2 = a / 2 :=
theorem sub_self_div_two (a : A) : a - a / 2 = a / 2 :=
by rewrite [-{a}add_halves at {1}, add_sub_cancel]
theorem div_two_sub_self : a / 2 - a = - (a / 2) :=
theorem div_two_sub_self (a : A) : a / 2 - a = - (a / 2) :=
by rewrite [-{a}add_halves at {2}, sub_add_eq_sub_sub, sub_self, zero_sub]
theorem nonneg_le_nonneg_of_squares_le (Ha : a ≥ 0) (Hb : b ≥ 0) (H : a * a ≤ b * b) : a ≤ b :=
@ -317,8 +310,8 @@ theorem nonneg_le_nonneg_of_squares_le (Ha : a ≥ 0) (Hb : b ≥ 0) (H : a * a
apply (not_le_of_gt H') H
theorem add_self_div_two : (a + a) / 2 = a :=
symm (iff.mpr (eq_div_iff_mul_eq (ne_of_gt (add_pos zero_lt_one zero_lt_one)))
theorem add_self_div_two (a : A) : (a + a) / 2 = a :=
symm (iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq (ne_of_gt (add_pos zero_lt_one zero_lt_one)))
(by rewrite [left_distrib, *mul_one]))
theorem two_ge_one : (2 : A) ≥ 1 :=
@ -340,7 +333,8 @@ theorem nonneg_le_nonneg_of_squares_le (Ha : a ≥ 0) (Hb : b ≥ 0) (H : a * a
theorem div_mul_le_div_mul_of_div_le_div_pos {e : A} (Hb : b ≠ 0) (Hd : d ≠ 0) (H : a / b ≤ c / d)
(He : e > 0) : a / (b * e) ≤ c / (d * e) :=
rewrite [div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div Hb (ne_of_gt He), div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div Hd (ne_of_gt He)],
rewrite [!field.div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div Hb (ne_of_gt He),
!field.div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div Hd (ne_of_gt He)],
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right H,
apply le_of_lt,
apply one_div_pos_of_pos He
@ -355,7 +349,8 @@ theorem nonneg_le_nonneg_of_squares_le (Ha : a ≥ 0) (Hb : b ≥ 0) (H : a * a
... = (b + b) + (a - b) : add_sub,
assert H3 : (a + a) / (1 + 1) > ((b + b) + (a - b)) / (1 + 1),
from div_lt_div_of_lt_of_pos H2 two_pos,
by rewrite [add_self_div_two at H3, -div_add_div_same at H3, add_self_div_two at H3]; exact H3)
by rewrite [add_self_div_two at H3, -div_add_div_same at H3, add_self_div_two at H3];
exact H3)
(div_pos_of_pos_of_pos (iff.mpr !sub_pos_iff_lt H) two_pos))
end linear_ordered_field
@ -388,14 +383,14 @@ section discrete_linear_ordered_field
have H1 : 0 < 1 / (1 / a), from one_div_pos_of_pos H,
have H2 : 1 / a ≠ 0, from
(assume H3 : 1 / a = 0,
have H4 : 1 / (1 / a) = 0, from H3⁻¹ ▸ div_zero,
have H4 : 1 / (1 / a) = 0, from H3⁻¹ ▸ !div_zero,
absurd H4 (ne.symm (ne_of_lt H1))),
(div_div (ne_zero_of_one_div_ne_zero H2)) ▸ H1
(division_ring.one_div_one_div (ne_zero_of_one_div_ne_zero H2)) ▸ H1
theorem neg_of_one_div_neg (H : 1 / a < 0) : a < 0 :=
have H1 : 0 < - (1 / a), from neg_pos_of_neg H,
have Ha : a ≠ 0, from ne_zero_of_one_div_ne_zero (ne_of_lt H),
have H2 : 0 < 1 / (-a), from (one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div Ha)⁻¹ ▸ H1,
have H2 : 0 < 1 / (-a), from (division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div Ha)⁻¹ ▸ H1,
have H3 : 0 < -a, from pos_of_one_div_pos H2,
neg_of_neg_pos H3
@ -417,9 +412,9 @@ section discrete_linear_ordered_field
have H' : -b > 0, from neg_pos_of_neg H,
have Hl' : - (1 / b) ≤ - (1 / a), from neg_le_neg Hl,
have Hl'' : 1 / - b ≤ 1 / - a, from calc
1 / -b = - (1 / b) : by rewrite [one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div (ne_of_lt H)]
1 / -b = - (1 / b) : by rewrite [division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div (ne_of_lt H)]
... ≤ - (1 / a) : Hl'
... = 1 / -a : by rewrite [one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div Ha],
... = 1 / -a : by rewrite [division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div Ha],
le_of_neg_le_neg (le_of_one_div_le_one_div H' Hl'')
theorem lt_of_one_div_lt_one_div (H : 0 < a) (Hl : 1 / a < 1 / b) : b < a :=
@ -487,19 +482,19 @@ section discrete_linear_ordered_field
theorem div_mul_le_div_mul_of_div_le_div_pos' {d e : A} (H : a / b ≤ c / d)
(He : e > 0) : a / (b * e) ≤ c / (d * e) :=
rewrite [2 div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div'],
rewrite [2 div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div],
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right H,
apply le_of_lt,
apply one_div_pos_of_pos He
theorem abs_one_div : abs (1 / a) = 1 / abs a :=
theorem abs_one_div (a : A) : abs (1 / a) = 1 / abs a :=
if H : a > 0 then
by rewrite [abs_of_pos H, abs_of_pos (one_div_pos_of_pos H)]
(if H' : a < 0 then
by rewrite [abs_of_neg H', abs_of_neg (one_div_neg_of_neg H'),
-(one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div (ne_of_lt H'))]
-(division_ring.one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div (ne_of_lt H'))]
assert Heq : a = 0, from eq_of_le_of_ge (le_of_not_gt H) (le_of_not_gt H'),
by rewrite [Heq, div_zero, *abs_zero, div_zero])
@ -517,7 +512,7 @@ section discrete_linear_ordered_field
theorem sub_le_of_abs_sub_le_right (H : abs (a - b) ≤ c) : a - c ≤ b :=
sub_le_of_abs_sub_le_left (!abs_sub ▸ H)
theorem abs_sub_square : abs (a - b) * abs (a - b) = a * a + b * b - 2 * a * b :=
theorem abs_sub_square (a b : A) : abs (a - b) * abs (a - b) = a * a + b * b - 2 * a * b :=
by rewrite [abs_mul_abs_self, *mul_sub_left_distrib, *mul_sub_right_distrib,
sub_add_eq_sub_sub, sub_neg_eq_add, *right_distrib, sub_add_eq_sub_sub, *one_mul,
*add.assoc, {_ + b * b}add.comm, {_ + (b * b + _)}add.comm, mul.comm b a, *add.assoc]
@ -541,7 +536,7 @@ section discrete_linear_ordered_field
(suppose a = 0, by subst a; rewrite [zero_div, sign_zero])
(suppose a ≠ 0,
have abs a ≠ 0, from assume H, this (eq_zero_of_abs_eq_zero H),
eq_div_of_mul_eq this !eq_sign_mul_abs⁻¹)
!eq_div_of_mul_eq this !eq_sign_mul_abs⁻¹)
end discrete_linear_ordered_field
end algebra

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@ -52,8 +52,33 @@ or.elim (eq_zero_or_pos m)
obtain m' (h₂ : m = succ m'), from exists_eq_succ_of_pos `m > 0`,
show a = 0, by rewrite h₂ at H; apply h₁ m' H)
theorem pow_ne_zero_of_ne_zero {a : A} {m : } (H : a ≠ 0) : a^m ≠ 0 :=
assume H', H (eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero H')
end integral_domain
section division_ring
variable [s : division_ring A]
include s
theorem division_ring.pow_ne_zero_of_ne_zero {a : A} {m : } (H : a ≠ 0) : a^m ≠ 0 :=
or.elim (eq_zero_or_pos m)
(suppose m = 0,
by rewrite [`m = 0`, pow_zero]; exact (ne.symm zero_ne_one))
(suppose m > 0,
have h₁ : ∀ m, a^succ m ≠ 0,
intro m,
induction m with m ih,
{rewrite pow_one; assumption},
rewrite pow_succ,
apply division_ring.mul_ne_zero H ih
obtain m' (h₂ : m = succ m'), from exists_eq_succ_of_pos `m > 0`,
show a^m ≠ 0, by rewrite h₂; apply h₁ m')
end division_ring
section linear_ordered_semiring
variable [s : linear_ordered_semiring A]
include s
@ -111,16 +136,29 @@ end
end decidable_linear_ordered_comm_ring
section field
variable [s : field A]
include s
theorem field.div_pow (a : A) {b : A} {n : } (bnz : b ≠ 0) : (a / b)^n = a^n / b^n :=
induction n with n ih,
rewrite [*pow_zero, div_one],
have bnnz : b^n ≠ 0, from division_ring.pow_ne_zero_of_ne_zero bnz,
rewrite [*pow_succ, ih, !field.div_mul_div bnz bnnz]
end field
section discrete_field
variable [s : discrete_field A]
include s
theorem div_pow (a : A) {b : A} {n : } (bnz : b ≠ 0) : (a / b)^n = a^n / b^n :=
theorem div_pow (a : A) {b : A} {n : } : (a / b)^n = a^n / b^n :=
induction n with n ih,
rewrite [*pow_zero, div_one],
have bnnz : b^n ≠ 0, from suppose b^n = 0, bnz (eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero this),
rewrite [*pow_succ, ih, div_mul_div bnz bnnz]
rewrite [*pow_succ, ih, div_mul_div]
end discrete_field

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@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ theorem two_mul (p : +) : rat_of_pnat (2 * p) = (1 + 1) * rat_of_pnat p :=
theorem add_halves (p : +) : (2 * p)⁻¹ + (2 * p)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ :=
rewrite [↑inv, -(@add_halves (1 / (rat_of_pnat p))), *div_div_eq_div_mul'],
rewrite [↑inv, -(@add_halves (1 / (rat_of_pnat p))), rat.div_div_eq_div_mul],
have H : rat_of_pnat (2 * p) = rat_of_pnat p * (1 + 1), by rewrite [rat.mul.comm, two_mul],
rewrite *H
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ theorem add_halves_double (m n : +) :
by rewrite [-add_halves m, -add_halves n, hsimp]
theorem inv_mul_eq_mul_inv {p q : +} : (p * q)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ * q⁻¹ :=
by rewrite [↑inv, pnat_to_rat_mul, one_div_mul_one_div''']
by rewrite [↑inv, pnat_to_rat_mul, one_div_mul_one_div]
theorem inv_mul_le_inv (p q : +) : (p * q)⁻¹ ≤ q⁻¹ :=
@ -277,10 +277,9 @@ theorem pceil_helper {a : } {n : +} (H : pceil a ≤ n) (Ha : a > 0) : n
rat.le.trans (inv_ge_of_le H) (div_le_div_of_le Ha (ubound_ge a))
theorem inv_pceil_div (a b : ) (Ha : a > 0) (Hb : b > 0) : (pceil (a / b))⁻¹ ≤ b / a :=
div_div' ▸ div_le_div_of_le
!one_div_one_div ▸ div_le_div_of_le
(one_div_pos_of_pos (div_pos_of_pos_of_pos Hb Ha))
((div_div_eq_mul_div (ne_of_gt Hb) (ne_of_gt Ha))⁻¹ ▸
!rat.one_mul⁻¹ ▸ !ubound_ge)
(!div_div_eq_mul_div⁻¹ ▸ !rat.one_mul⁻¹ ▸ !ubound_ge)
theorem sep_by_inv {a b : } (H : a > b) : ∃ N : +, a > (b + N⁻¹ + N⁻¹) :=
@ -311,6 +310,6 @@ theorem nonneg_of_ge_neg_invs (a : ) (H : ∀ n : +, -n⁻¹ ≤ a) : 0
: !inv_pceil_div dec_trivial H2
... < -a / 1
: div_lt_div_of_pos_of_lt_of_pos dec_trivial dec_trivial H2
... = -a : div_one)))
... = -a : !div_one)))
end pnat

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@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ end migrate_algebra
theorem eq_num_div_denom (a : ) : a = num a / denom a :=
have H : of_int (denom a) ≠ 0, from assume H', ne_of_gt (denom_pos a) (of_int.inj H'),
iff.mpr (eq_div_iff_mul_eq H) (mul_denom a)
iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq H) (mul_denom a)
theorem of_int_div {a b : } (H : b a) : of_int (a div b) = of_int a / of_int b :=
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ decidable.by_cases
int.dvd.elim H
(take c, assume Hc : a = b * c,
by rewrite [Hc, !int.mul_div_cancel_left bnz, mul.comm]),
iff.mpr (eq_div_iff_mul_eq bnz') H')
iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq bnz') H')
theorem of_int_pow (a : ) (n : ) : of_int (a^n) = (of_int a)^n :=

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@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ This construction follows Bishop and Bridges (1985).
To do:
o Rename things and possibly make theorems private
import data.nat data.rat.order data.pnat
open nat eq eq.ops pnat
open -[coercions] rat
local notation 0 := rat.of_num 0
local notation 1 := rat.of_num 1
-- small helper lemmas
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_3 (a b n : +) (p : ) :
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ theorem find_thirds (a b : ) (H : b > 0) : ∃ n : +, a + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹
... ≤ of_nat 4 * (b / of_nat 4)
: rat.mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (!inv_pceil_div dec_trivial H) !of_nat_nonneg
... = b / of_nat 4 * of_nat 4 : rat.mul.comm
... = b : rat.div_mul_cancel dec_trivial,
... = b : !rat.div_mul_cancel dec_trivial,
exists.intro n (calc
a + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = a + (1 + 1 + 1) * n⁻¹ : by rewrite[*rat.right_distrib,*rat.one_mul,-*rat.add.assoc]
... = a + of_nat 3 * n⁻¹ : {show 1+1+1=of_nat 3, from dec_trivial}
@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ theorem eq_of_bdd_var {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
theorem pnat_bound {ε : } (Hε : ε > 0) : ∃ p : +, p⁻¹ ≤ ε :=
existsi (pceil (1 / ε)),
rewrite -(rat.div_div (rat.ne_of_gt Hε)) at {2},
rewrite -(rat.one_div_one_div ε) at {2},
apply pceil_helper,
apply le.refl,
apply one_div_pos_of_pos Hε
@ -622,7 +621,7 @@ theorem mul_bound_helper {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (a b c :
apply rat.ne_of_gt,
repeat (apply rat.mul_pos | apply rat.add_pos | apply rat_of_pnat_is_pos | apply inv_pos),
rewrite (rat.div_helper H),
rewrite (!rat.div_helper H),
apply rat.le.refl
apply rat.add_le_add,

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@ -738,8 +738,7 @@ theorem width (n : ) : over_seq n - under_seq n = (over - under) / (rat.pow 2
let Hou := calc
(over_seq a) / 2 - (under_seq a) / 2 = ((over - under) / rat.pow 2 a) / 2 :
by rewrite [rat.div_sub_div_same, Ha]
... = (over - under) / (rat.pow 2 a * 2) :
rat.div_div_eq_div_mul (rat.ne_of_gt (rat.pow_pos dec_trivial _)) dec_trivial
... = (over - under) / (rat.pow 2 a * 2) : rat.div_div_eq_div_mul
... = (over - under) / rat.pow 2 (a + 1) : by rewrite rat.pow_add,
cases em (ub (avg_seq a)),
rewrite [*if_pos a_1, -add_one, -Hou, ↑avg_seq, ↑avg, rat.add.assoc, rat.div_two_sub_self],

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ This construction follows Bishop and Bridges (1985).
At this point, we no longer proceed constructively: this file makes heavy use of decidability
and excluded middle.
import data.real.basic data.real.order data.rat data.nat
open -[coercions] rat
open -[coercions] nat
@ -196,11 +195,11 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
apply add_invs_nonneg,
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hmlt),
(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (le_of_not_gt Hnlt))],
rewrite [(div_sub_div Hsp Hspn), div_eq_mul_one_div, *abs_mul, *mul_one, *one_mul],
rewrite [(!div_sub_div Hsp Hspn), div_eq_mul_one_div, *abs_mul, *mul_one, *one_mul],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(div_mul_div Hsp Hspn), abs_mul],
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(!field.div_mul_div Hsp Hspn), abs_mul],
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hmlt),
apply le_ps Hs Hsep,
@ -218,11 +217,11 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
cases em (n < ps Hs Hsep) with [Hnlt, Hnlt],
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hnlt),
(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (le_of_not_gt Hmlt))],
rewrite [(div_sub_div Hspm Hsp), div_eq_mul_one_div, *abs_mul, *mul_one, *one_mul],
rewrite [(!div_sub_div Hspm Hsp), div_eq_mul_one_div, *abs_mul, *mul_one, *one_mul],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(div_mul_div Hspm Hsp), abs_mul],
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(!field.div_mul_div Hspm Hsp), abs_mul],
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (le_of_not_gt Hmlt)),
apply le_ps Hs Hsep,
@ -239,11 +238,11 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
apply Hnlt,
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (le_of_not_gt Hnlt)),
(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (le_of_not_gt Hmlt))],
rewrite [(div_sub_div Hspm Hspn), div_eq_mul_one_div, abs_mul, *one_mul, *mul_one],
rewrite [(!div_sub_div Hspm Hspn), div_eq_mul_one_div, abs_mul, *one_mul, *mul_one],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(div_mul_div Hspm Hspn), abs_mul],
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(!field.div_mul_div Hspm Hspn), abs_mul],
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (le_of_not_gt Hmlt)),
apply le_ps Hs Hsep,
@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ theorem mul_inv {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : smul s (s_inv H
s_ne_zero_of_ge_p Hs Hsep
(show ps Hs Hsep ≤ ((ps Hs Hsep) * (ps Hs Hsep)) * ((K₂ s (s_inv Hs)) * 2 * n),
by rewrite *pnat.mul.assoc; apply pnat.mul_le_mul_right),
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep Hp), (div_div Hnz')],
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep Hp), (division_ring.one_div_one_div Hnz')],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left,
apply Hs,

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ This construction follows Bishop and Bridges (1985).
To do:
o Rename things and possibly make theorems private
import data.real.basic data.rat data.nat
open -[coercions] rat
open -[coercions] nat
@ -881,9 +880,9 @@ theorem nat_inv_lt_rat {a : } (H : a > 0) : ∃ n : +, n⁻¹ < a :=
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
rotate 1,
apply div_two_lt_of_pos H,
rewrite -(@div_div' (a / (1 + 1))),
rewrite -(one_div_one_div (a / (1 + 1))),
apply pceil_helper,
rewrite div_div',
rewrite one_div_one_div,
apply pnat.le.refl,
apply one_div_pos_of_pos,
apply div_pos_of_pos_of_pos H dec_trivial

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@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ section
have b ≠ 0, from ne_of_gt (denom_pos q),
have bnz : b ≠ (0 : ), from assume H, `b ≠ 0` (of_int.inj H),
have bnnz : (#rat b^n ≠ 0), from assume bneqz, bnz (eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero bneqz),
have a^n / b^n = c, using bnz, by rewrite [*of_int_pow, -(!div_pow bnz), -eq_num_div_denom, -H],
have a^n = c * b^n, from eq.symm (mul_eq_of_eq_div bnnz this⁻¹),
have a^n / b^n = c, using bnz, by rewrite [*of_int_pow, -div_pow, -eq_num_div_denom, -H],
have a^n = c * b^n, from eq.symm (!mul_eq_of_eq_div bnnz this⁻¹),
have a^n = c * b^n, -- int version
using this, by rewrite [-of_int_pow at this, -of_int_mul at this]; exact of_int.inj this,
have (abs a)^n = abs c * (abs b)^n,