refactor(library/data): replace 'fin' with Haitao's 'less_than'
The commit also fixes vector to use the new definition.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 125 additions and 148 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Basic types:
* [string](string.lean) : ascii strings
* [nat](nat/ : the natural numbers
* [fin](fin.lean) : finite ordinals
* [less_than](less_than.lean) : finite ordinals
* [int](int/ : the integers
* [rat](rat/ : the rationals
@ -1,79 +1,106 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2015 Haitao Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
Author: Haitao Zhang
Finite ordinals.
Finite ordinal types.
import data.nat
open nat
import data.list.basic data.finset.basic data.fintype.card
open eq.ops nat function list finset fintype
inductive fin : nat → Type :=
| fz : Π n, fin (succ n)
| fs : Π {n}, fin n → fin (succ n)
structure fin (n : nat) := (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n)
attribute fin.val [coercion]
definition less_than [reducible] := fin
namespace fin
definition to_nat : Π {n}, fin n → nat
| ⌞n+1⌟ (fz n) := zero
| ⌞n+1⌟ (fs f) := succ (to_nat f)
open decidable
protected definition has_decidable_eq [instance] (n : nat) : ∀ (i j : fin n), decidable (i = j)
| (mk ival ilt) (mk jval jlt) :=
match nat.has_decidable_eq ival jval with
| inl veq := inl (by substvars)
| inr vne := inr (by intro h; injection h; contradiction)
theorem to_nat_fz (n : nat) : to_nat (fz n) = zero :=
lemma dinj_lt (n : nat) : dinj (λ i, i < n) :=
take a1 a2 Pa1 Pa2 Pmkeq, fin.no_confusion Pmkeq (λ Pe Pqe, Pe)
theorem to_nat_fs {n : nat} (f : fin n) : to_nat (fs f) = succ (to_nat f) :=
lemma val_mk (n i : nat) (Plt : i < n) : fin.val ( i Plt) = i := rfl
theorem to_nat_lt : Π {n} (f : fin n), to_nat f < n
| (n+1) (fz n) := calc
to_nat (fz n) = 0 : rfl
... < n+1 : succ_pos n
| (n+1) (fs f) := calc
to_nat (fs f) = (to_nat f)+1 : rfl
... < n+1 : succ_lt_succ (to_nat_lt f)
definition upto [reducible] (n : nat) : list (fin n) :=
dmap (λ i, i < n) (list.upto n)
definition lift : Π {n : nat}, fin n → Π (m : nat), fin (m + n)
| ⌞n+1⌟ (fz n) m := fz (m + n)
| ⌞n+1⌟ (fs f) m := fs (lift f m)
lemma nodup_upto (n : nat) : nodup (upto n) :=
dmap_nodup_of_dinj (dinj_lt n) (list.nodup_upto n)
theorem lift_fz (n m : nat) : lift (fz n) m = fz (m + n) :=
lemma mem_upto (n : nat) : ∀ (i : fin n), i ∈ upto n :=
take i, fin.destruct i
(take ival Piltn,
assert Pin : ival ∈ list.upto n, from mem_upto_of_lt Piltn,
mem_of_dmap Piltn Pin)
theorem lift_fs {n : nat} (f : fin n) (m : nat) : lift (fs f) m = fs (lift f m) :=
lemma upto_zero : upto 0 = [] :=
by rewrite [↑upto, list.upto_nil, dmap_nil]
theorem to_nat_lift : ∀ {n : nat} (f : fin n) (m : nat), to_nat f = to_nat (lift f m)
| (n+1) (fz n) m := rfl
| (n+1) (fs f) m := calc
to_nat (fs f) = (to_nat f) + 1 : rfl
... = (to_nat (lift f m)) + 1 : to_nat_lift f
... = to_nat (lift (fs f) m) : rfl
lemma map_val_upto (n : nat) : map fin.val (upto n) = list.upto n :=
map_of_dmap_inv_pos (val_mk n) (@lt_of_mem_upto n)
definition of_nat : Π (p : nat) (n : nat), p < n → fin n
| 0 0 h := absurd h (not_lt_zero zero)
| 0 (n+1) h := fz n
| (p+1) 0 h := absurd h (not_lt_zero (succ p))
| (p+1) (n+1) h := fs (of_nat p n (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h))
lemma length_upto (n : nat) : length (upto n) = n :=
length (upto n) = length (list.upto n) : (map_val_upto n ▸ length_map fin.val (upto n))⁻¹
... = n : list.length_upto n
theorem of_nat_zero_succ (n : nat) (h : 0 < n+1) : of_nat 0 (n+1) h = fz n :=
definition is_fintype [instance] (n : nat) : fintype (fin n) :=
|||| (upto n) (nodup_upto n) (mem_upto n)
theorem of_nat_succ_succ (p n : nat) (h : p+1 < n+1) :
of_nat (p+1) (n+1) h = fs (of_nat p n (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h)) :=
section pigeonhole
open fintype
theorem to_nat_of_nat : ∀ (p : nat) (n : nat) (h : p < n), to_nat (of_nat p n h) = p
| 0 0 h := absurd h (not_lt_zero 0)
| 0 (n+1) h := rfl
| (p+1) 0 h := absurd h (not_lt_zero (p+1))
| (p+1) (n+1) h := calc
to_nat (of_nat (p+1) (n+1) h)
= succ (to_nat (of_nat p n _)) : rfl
... = succ p : {to_nat_of_nat p n _}
lemma card_fin (n : nat) : card (fin n) = n := length_upto n
theorem of_nat_to_nat : ∀ {n : nat} (f : fin n) (h : to_nat f < n), of_nat (to_nat f) n h = f
| (n+1) (fz n) h := rfl
| (n+1) (fs f) h := calc
of_nat (to_nat (fs f)) (succ n) h = fs (of_nat (to_nat f) n _) : rfl
... = fs f : {of_nat_to_nat f _}
theorem pigeonhole {n m : nat} (Pmltn : m < n) : ¬∃ f : fin n → fin m, injective f :=
assume Pex, absurd Pmltn (not_lt_of_ge
n = card (fin n) : card_fin
... ≤ card (fin m) : card_le_of_inj (fin n) (fin m) Pex
... = m : card_fin))
end pigeonhole
definition zero (n : nat) : fin (succ n) :=
mk 0 !zero_lt_succ
variable {n : nat}
theorem val_lt : ∀ i : fin n, val i < n
| (mk v h) := h
definition lift : fin n → Π m, fin (n + m)
| (mk v h) m := mk v (lt_add_of_lt_right h m)
theorem val_lift : ∀ (i : fin n) (m : nat), val i = val (lift i m)
| (mk v h) m := rfl
definition pred : fin n → fin n
| (mk v h) := mk (nat.pred v) (pre_lt_of_lt h)
lemma val_pred : ∀ (i : fin n), val (pred i) = nat.pred (val i)
| (mk v h) := rfl
lemma pred_zero : pred (zero n) = zero n :=
definition mk_pred (i : nat) (h : succ i < succ n) : fin n :=
mk i (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h)
definition succ : fin n → fin (succ n)
| (mk v h) := mk (nat.succ v) (succ_lt_succ h)
lemma val_succ : ∀ (i : fin n), val (succ i) = nat.succ (val i)
| (mk v h) := rfl
definition elim0 {C : Type} : fin 0 → C
| (mk v h) := absurd h !not_lt_zero
end fin
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Haitao Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Haitao Zhang
Finite ordinal types.
import data.list.basic data.finset.basic data.fintype.card
open eq.ops nat function list finset fintype
structure less_than (n : nat) := (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n)
attribute less_than.val [coercion]
namespace less_than
open decidable
protected definition has_decidable_eq [instance] (n : nat) : ∀ (i j : less_than n), decidable (i = j)
| (mk ival ilt) (mk jval jlt) :=
match nat.has_decidable_eq ival jval with
| inl veq := inl (by substvars)
| inr vne := inr (by intro h; injection h; contradiction)
lemma dinj_lt (n : nat) : dinj (λ i, i < n) :=
take a1 a2 Pa1 Pa2 Pmkeq, less_than.no_confusion Pmkeq (λ Pe Pqe, Pe)
lemma val_mk (n i : nat) (Plt : i < n) : less_than.val ( i Plt) = i := rfl
definition upto [reducible] (n : nat) : list (less_than n) :=
dmap (λ i, i < n) (list.upto n)
lemma nodup_upto (n : nat) : nodup (upto n) :=
dmap_nodup_of_dinj (dinj_lt n) (list.nodup_upto n)
lemma mem_upto (n : nat) : ∀ (i : less_than n), i ∈ upto n :=
take i, less_than.destruct i
(take ival Piltn,
assert Pin : ival ∈ list.upto n, from mem_upto_of_lt Piltn,
mem_of_dmap Piltn Pin)
lemma upto_zero : upto 0 = [] :=
by rewrite [↑upto, list.upto_nil, dmap_nil]
lemma map_val_upto (n : nat) : map less_than.val (upto n) = list.upto n :=
map_of_dmap_inv_pos (val_mk n) (@lt_of_mem_upto n)
lemma length_upto (n : nat) : length (upto n) = n :=
length (upto n) = length (list.upto n) : (map_val_upto n ▸ length_map less_than.val (upto n))⁻¹
... = n : list.length_upto n
definition fintype_less_than [instance] (n : nat) : fintype (less_than n) :=
|||| (upto n) (nodup_upto n) (mem_upto n)
section pigeonhole
open fintype
lemma card_less_than (n : nat) : card (less_than n) = n := length_upto n
theorem pigeonhole {n m : nat} (Pmltn : m < n) : ¬ (∃ f : less_than n → less_than m, injective f) :=
(assume Pex, absurd Pmltn (not_lt_of_ge
n = card (less_than n) : card_less_than
... ≤ card (less_than m) : card_le_of_inj (less_than n) (less_than m) Pex
... = m : card_less_than)))
end pigeonhole
end less_than
@ -60,18 +60,28 @@ namespace vector
| (n+1) a := last_const n a
definition nth : Π {n : nat}, vector A n → fin n → A
| ⌞n+1⌟ (h :: t) (fz n) := h
| ⌞n+1⌟ (h :: t) (fs f) := nth t f
| ⌞0⌟ [] i := elim0 i
| ⌞n+1⌟ (a :: v) (mk 0 _) := a
| ⌞n+1⌟ (a :: v) (mk (succ i) h) := nth v (mk_pred i h)
lemma nth_zero {n : nat} (a : A) (v : vector A n) (h : 0 < succ n) : nth (a::v) (mk 0 h) = a :=
lemma nth_succ {n : nat} (a : A) (v : vector A n) (i : nat) (h : succ i < succ n)
: nth (a::v) (mk (succ i) h) = nth v (mk_pred i h) :=
definition tabulate : Π {n : nat}, (fin n → A) → vector A n
| 0 f := []
| (n+1) f := f (fz n) :: tabulate (λ i : fin n, f (fs i))
| (n+1) f := f (@zero n) :: tabulate (λ i : fin n, f (succ i))
theorem nth_tabulate : ∀ {n : nat} (f : fin n → A) (i : fin n), nth (tabulate f) i = f i
| (n+1) f (fz n) := rfl
| (n+1) f (fs i) :=
| 0 f i := elim0 i
| (n+1) f (mk 0 h) := rfl
| (n+1) f (mk (succ i) h) :=
change (nth (tabulate (λ i : fin n, f (fs i))) i = f (fs i)),
change nth (f (@zero n) :: tabulate (λ i : fin n, f (succ i))) (mk (succ i) h) = f (mk (succ i) h),
rewrite nth_succ,
rewrite nth_tabulate
@ -86,12 +96,9 @@ namespace vector
theorem nth_map (f : A → B) : ∀ {n : nat} (v : vector A n) (i : fin n), nth (map f v) i = f (nth v i)
| (succ n) (h :: t) (fz n) := rfl
| (succ n) (h :: t) (fs i) :=
change (nth (map f t) i = f (nth t i)),
rewrite nth_map
| 0 v i := elim0 i
| (succ n) (a :: t) (mk 0 h) := rfl
| (succ n) (a :: t) (mk (succ i) h) := by rewrite [map_cons, *nth_succ, nth_map]
definition map2 (f : A → B → C) : Π {n : nat}, vector A n → vector B n → vector C n
| map2 [] [] := []
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
import data.fin
open nat
inductive fin : nat → Type :=
| fz : Π n, fin (succ n)
| fs : Π {n}, fin n → fin (succ n)
open fin
definition case0 {C : fin zero → Type} : Π (f : fin zero), C f
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
import data.fin
open nat
inductive fin : nat → Type :=
| fz : Π n, fin (succ n)
| fs : Π {n}, fin n → fin (succ n)
open fin
definition case0 {C : fin zero → Type} (f : fin zero) : C f :=
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import data.fin
open nat
inductive fin : nat → Type :=
| fz : Π n, fin (succ n)
| fs : Π {n}, fin n → fin (succ n)
namespace fin
definition z_cases_on2 (C : fin zero → Type) (p : fin zero) : C p :=
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
import data.fin
open fin nat
open nat
inductive fin : nat → Type :=
| fz : Π n, fin (succ n)
| fs : Π {n}, fin n → fin (succ n)
open fin
definition nz_cases_on {C : Π n, fin (succ n) → Type}
(H₁ : Π n, C n (fz n))
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