feat(library/tactic): improve assumption tactic performance
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 147 additions and 174 deletions
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ To do:
import algebra.ordered_field data.nat data.rat.order
open nat eq eq.ops
open -[coercions] rat
open -[coercions] rat
-- positive naturals
inductive pnat : Type :=
pos : Π n : nat, n > 0 → pnat
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ notation p `≥` q := q ≤ p
definition lt (p q : pnat) := p~ < q~
infix `<` := lt
theorem pnat_le_decidable [instance] (p q : pnat) : decidable (p ≤ q) :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, pnat.rec_on q
theorem pnat_le_decidable [instance] (p q : pnat) : decidable (p ≤ q) :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, pnat.rec_on q
(λ m H2, if Hl : n ≤ m then decidable.inl Hl else decidable.inr Hl))
theorem pnat_lt_decidable [instance] {p q : pnat} : decidable (p < q) :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, pnat.rec_on q
theorem pnat_lt_decidable [instance] {p q : pnat} : decidable (p < q) :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, pnat.rec_on q
(λ m H2, if Hl : n < m then decidable.inl Hl else decidable.inr Hl))
theorem ple.trans {p q r : pnat} (H1 : p ≤ q) (H2 : q ≤ r) : p ≤ r := nat.le.trans H1 H2
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ theorem rat_of_nat_is_pos (n : ℕ) (Hn : n > 0) : of_nat n > 0 := sorry
theorem rat_of_nat_ge_one (n : ℕ) : n ≥ 1 → of_nat n ≥ 1 := sorry
theorem ge_one_of_pos {n : ℕ} (Hn : n > 0) : n ≥ 1 := succ_le_of_lt Hn
theorem ge_one_of_pos {n : ℕ} (Hn : n > 0) : n ≥ 1 := succ_le_of_lt Hn
theorem rat_of_pnat_ge_one (n : ℕ+) : pnat.to_rat n ≥ 1 :=
pnat.rec_on n (λ m h, rat_of_nat_ge_one m (ge_one_of_pos h))
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ theorem rat_of_pnat_is_pos (n : ℕ+) : pnat.to_rat n > 0 :=
theorem nat_le_to_rat_le {m n : ℕ} (H : m ≤ n) : of_nat m ≤ of_nat n := sorry
theorem pnat_le_to_rat_le {m n : ℕ+} (H : m ≤ n) : pnat.to_rat m ≤ pnat.to_rat n := sorry
definition inv (n : ℕ+) : ℚ := (1 : ℚ) / pnat.to_rat n
postfix `⁻¹` := inv
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ theorem inv_ge_of_le {p q : ℕ+} (H : p ≤ q) : q⁻¹ ≤ p⁻¹ := sorry
theorem padd_halves (p : ℕ+) : (2 * p)⁻¹ + (2 * p)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ := sorry
theorem add_halves_double (m n : ℕ+) :
m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) + ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) :=
theorem add_halves_double (m n : ℕ+) :
m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) + ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) :=
have simp [visible] : ∀ a b : ℚ, (a + a) + (b + b) = (a + b) + (a + b), from sorry,
by rewrite [-padd_halves m, -padd_halves n, simp]
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ theorem inv_mul_le_inv (p q : ℕ+) : (p * q)⁻¹ ≤ q⁻¹ :=
theorem pnat_mul_assoc (a b c : ℕ+) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) := sorry
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_3 (a b n : ℕ+) (p : ℚ) :
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_3 (a b n : ℕ+) (p : ℚ) :
p * ((a * n)⁻¹ + (b * n)⁻¹) = p * (a⁻¹ + b⁻¹) * n⁻¹ := sorry
theorem pnat.mul_le_mul_left (p q : ℕ+) : q ≤ p * q := sorry
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ theorem div_two (a : ℚ) : (a + a) / (1 + 1) = a := sorry
theorem two_pos : (1 : ℚ) + 1 > 0 := rat.add_pos rat.zero_lt_one rat.zero_lt_one
theorem find_midpoint {a b : ℚ} (H : a > b) : ∃ c : ℚ, a > b + c :=
theorem find_midpoint {a b : ℚ} (H : a > b) : ∃ c : ℚ, a > b + c :=
exists.intro ((a - b) / (1 + 1))
(have H2 [visible] : a + a > (b + b) + (a - b), from calc
a + a > b + a : rat.add_lt_add_right H
@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ definition pceil (a : ℚ) : ℕ+ := pnat.pos (ceil a + 1) (sorry)
theorem pceil_helper {a : ℚ} {n : ℕ+} (H : pceil a ≤ n) : n⁻¹ ≤ 1 / a := sorry
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_4 {n : ℕ+} {ε q : ℚ} (Hε : ε > 0) (Hq : q > 0) (H : n ≥ pceil (q / ε)) :
q * n⁻¹ ≤ ε :=
q * n⁻¹ ≤ ε :=
let H2 := pceil_helper H,
let H3 := mul_le_of_le_div (pos_div_of_pos_of_pos Hq Hε) H2,
rewrite -(one_mul ε),
apply mul_le_mul_of_mul_div_le,
exact H3
theorem of_nat_add (a b : ℕ) : of_nat (a + b) = of_nat a + of_nat b := sorry -- did Jeremy add this?
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ theorem of_nat_add (a b : ℕ) : of_nat (a + b) = of_nat a + of_nat b := sorry -
theorem find_thirds (a b : ℚ) : ∃ n : ℕ+, a + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ < a + b := sorry
theorem squeeze {a b : ℚ} (H : ∀ j : ℕ+, a ≤ b + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹) : a ≤ b :=
theorem squeeze {a b : ℚ} (H : ∀ j : ℕ+, a ≤ b + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹) : a ≤ b :=
apply rat.le_of_not_gt,
intro Hb,
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ theorem squeeze {a b : ℚ} (H : ∀ j : ℕ+, a ≤ b + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹ + j⁻
theorem rewrite_helper (a b c d : ℚ) : a * b - c * d = a * (b - d) + (a - c) * d :=
theorem rewrite_helper3 (a b c d e f g: ℚ) : a * (b + c) - (d * e + f * g) =
theorem rewrite_helper3 (a b c d e f g: ℚ) : a * (b + c) - (d * e + f * g) =
(a * b - d * e) + (a * c - f * g) := sorry
theorem rewrite_helper4 (a b c d : ℚ) : a * b - c * d = (a * b - a * d) + (a * d - c * d) := sorry
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ theorem rewrite_helper5 (a b x y : ℚ) : a - b = (a - x) + (x - y) + (y - b) :=
theorem rewrite_helper7 (a b c d x : ℚ) :
a * b * c - d = (b * c) * (a - x) + (x * b * c - d) := sorry
theorem ineq_helper (a b : ℚ) (k m n : ℕ+) (H : a ≤ (k * 2 * m)⁻¹ + (k * 2 * n)⁻¹)
theorem ineq_helper (a b : ℚ) (k m n : ℕ+) (H : a ≤ (k * 2 * m)⁻¹ + (k * 2 * n)⁻¹)
(H2 : b ≤ (k * 2 * m)⁻¹ + (k * 2 * n)⁻¹) :
(pnat.to_rat k) * a + b * (pnat.to_rat k) ≤ m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ := sorry
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ theorem equiv.symm (s t : seq) (H : s ≡ t) : t ≡ s :=
theorem bdd_of_eq {s t : seq} (H : s ≡ t) :
∀ j : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, n ≥ 2 * j → abs (s n - t n) ≤ j⁻¹ :=
∀ j : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, n ≥ 2 * j → abs (s n - t n) ≤ j⁻¹ :=
rewrite ↑equiv at *,
intros [j, n, Hn],
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ theorem bdd_of_eq {s t : seq} (H : s ≡ t) :
apply inv_ge_of_le Hn
theorem eq_of_bdd {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
theorem eq_of_bdd {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
(H : ∀ j : ℕ+, ∃ Nj : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, Nj ≤ n → abs (s n - t n) ≤ j⁻¹) : s ≡ t :=
rewrite ↑equiv,
@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ theorem eq_of_bdd {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
apply (squeeze Hj)
theorem eq_of_bdd_var {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
(H : ∀ ε : ℚ, ε > 0 → ∃ Nj : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, Nj ≤ n → abs (s n - t n) ≤ ε) : s ≡ t :=
theorem eq_of_bdd_var {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
(H : ∀ ε : ℚ, ε > 0 → ∃ Nj : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, Nj ≤ n → abs (s n - t n) ≤ ε) : s ≡ t :=
apply eq_of_bdd,
apply Hs,
@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ theorem eq_of_bdd_var {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
apply inv_pos
set_option pp.beta false
theorem pnat_bound {ε : ℚ} (Hε : ε > 0) : ∃ p : ℕ+, p⁻¹ ≤ ε :=
fapply exists.intro,
exact (pceil (1 / ε)),
existsi (pceil (1 / ε)),
rewrite -(rat.div_div (rat.ne_of_gt Hε)) at {2},
apply pceil_helper,
apply pnat.le.refl
@ -343,22 +343,20 @@ theorem bdd_of_eq_var {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Heq : s ≡
apply (exists.elim (pnat_bound Hε)),
intro N HN,
let Bd' := bdd_of_eq Heq N,
fapply exists.intro,
exact 2 * N,
existsi 2 * N,
intro n Hn,
apply rat.le.trans,
apply Bd' n Hn,
apply HN
theorem equiv.trans (s t u : seq) (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(H : s ≡ t) (H2 : t ≡ u) : s ≡ u :=
apply (eq_of_bdd Hs Hu),
apply eq_of_bdd Hs Hu,
fapply exists.intro,
exact 2 * (2 * j),
intros [n, Hn],
existsi 2 * (2 * j),
intro n Hn,
rewrite [-rat.sub_add_cancel (s n) (t n), rat.add.assoc],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
@ -366,8 +364,7 @@ theorem equiv.trans (s t u : seq) (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regula
have Htu : abs (t n - u n) ≤ (2 * j)⁻¹, from bdd_of_eq H2 _ _ Hn,
rewrite -(padd_halves j),
apply rat.add_le_add,
apply Hst, apply Htu
-- assumption, assumption
repeat assumption
@ -375,7 +372,7 @@ theorem equiv.trans (s t u : seq) (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regula
definition K (s : seq) : ℕ+ := pnat.pos (ceil (abs (s pone)) + 1 + 1) dec_trivial
theorem canon_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) : abs (s n) ≤ pnat.to_rat (K s) :=
theorem canon_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) : abs (s n) ≤ pnat.to_rat (K s) :=
abs (s n) = abs (s n - s pone + s pone) : by rewrite rat.sub_add_cancel
... ≤ abs (s n - s pone) + abs (s pone) : abs_add_le_abs_add_abs
@ -387,20 +384,20 @@ theorem canon_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) : abs (s n) ≤ pnat.t
... ≤ of_nat (ceil (abs (s pone))) + (1 + 1) : rat.add_le_add_right (!ceil_ge)
... = of_nat (ceil (abs (s pone)) + (1 + 1)) : by rewrite of_nat_add
... = of_nat (ceil (abs (s pone)) + 1 + 1) : by rewrite nat.add.assoc
definition K₂ (s t : seq) := max (K s) (K t)
theorem K₂_symm (s t : seq) : K₂ s t = K₂ t s :=
if H : K s < K t then
theorem K₂_symm (s t : seq) : K₂ s t = K₂ t s :=
if H : K s < K t then
(have H1 [visible] : K₂ s t = K t, from max_eq_right H,
have H2 [visible] : K₂ t s = K t, from max_eq_left (pnat.not_lt_of_le (pnat.le_of_lt H)),
by rewrite [H1, -H2])
(have H1 [visible] : K₂ s t = K s, from max_eq_left H,
if J : K t < K s then
(have H2 [visible] : K₂ t s = K s, from max_eq_right J, by rewrite [H1, -H2])
if J : K t < K s then
(have H2 [visible] : K₂ t s = K s, from max_eq_right J, by rewrite [H1, -H2])
(have Heq [visible] : K t = K s, from
(have Heq [visible] : K t = K s, from
pnat.eq_of_le_of_ge (pnat.le_of_not_lt H) (pnat.le_of_not_lt J),
by rewrite [↑K₂, Heq]))
@ -410,8 +407,8 @@ theorem canon_2_bound_left (s t : seq) (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) :
abs (s n) ≤ pnat.to_rat (K s) : canon_bound Hs n
... ≤ pnat.to_rat (K₂ s t) : pnat_le_to_rat_le (!max_left)
theorem canon_2_bound_right (s t : seq) (Ht : regular t) (n : ℕ+) :
abs (t n) ≤ pnat.to_rat (K₂ s t) :=
theorem canon_2_bound_right (s t : seq) (Ht : regular t) (n : ℕ+) :
abs (t n) ≤ pnat.to_rat (K₂ s t) :=
abs (t n) ≤ pnat.to_rat (K t) : canon_bound Ht n
... ≤ pnat.to_rat (K₂ s t) : pnat_le_to_rat_le (!max_right)
@ -473,10 +470,10 @@ definition zero : seq := λ n, 0
definition one : seq := λ n, 1
theorem s_add_comm (s t : seq) : sadd s t ≡ sadd t s :=
theorem s_add_comm (s t : seq) : sadd s t ≡ sadd t s :=
rewrite ↑sadd,
intros n,
esimp [sadd],
intro n,
rewrite [sub_add_eq_sub_sub, rat.add_sub_cancel, rat.sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -499,7 +496,7 @@ theorem s_add_assoc (s t u : seq) (Hs : regular s) (Hu : regular u) :
apply Hu
theorem s_mul_comm (s t : seq) : smul s t ≡ smul t s :=
theorem s_mul_comm (s t : seq) : smul s t ≡ smul t s :=
rewrite ↑smul,
intros n,
@ -512,7 +509,7 @@ theorem DK_rewrite (s t : seq) : (K₂ s t) * 2 = DK s t := rfl
definition TK (s t u : seq) := (DK (λ (n : ℕ+), s (mul (DK s t) n) * t (mul (DK s t) n)) u)
theorem TK_rewrite (s t u : seq) :
theorem TK_rewrite (s t u : seq) :
(DK (λ (n : ℕ+), s (mul (DK s t) n) * t (mul (DK s t) n)) u) = TK s t u := rfl
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma (s t u : seq) (a b c d : ℕ+) :
@ -538,7 +535,7 @@ theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma (s t u : seq) (a b c d : ℕ+) :
definition Kq (s : seq) := pnat.to_rat (K s) + 1
theorem Kq_bound {s : seq} (H : regular s) : ∀ n, abs (s n) ≤ Kq s :=
theorem Kq_bound {s : seq} (H : regular s) : ∀ n, abs (s n) ≤ Kq s :=
apply rat.le_of_lt,
@ -548,14 +545,14 @@ theorem Kq_bound {s : seq} (H : regular s) : ∀ n, abs (s n) ≤ Kq s :=
apply rat.zero_lt_one
theorem Kq_bound_nonneg {s : seq} (H : regular s) : 0 ≤ Kq s :=
theorem Kq_bound_nonneg {s : seq} (H : regular s) : 0 ≤ Kq s :=
rat.le.trans !abs_nonneg (Kq_bound H 2)
theorem Kq_bound_pos {s : seq} (H : regular s) : 0 < Kq s :=
theorem Kq_bound_pos {s : seq} (H : regular s) : 0 < Kq s :=
have H1 : 0 ≤ pnat.to_rat (K s), from rat.le.trans (!abs_nonneg) (canon_bound H 2),
add_pos_of_nonneg_of_pos H1 rat.zero_lt_one
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_5 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_5 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(a b c : ℕ+) : abs (t a) * abs (u b) * abs (s a - s c) ≤ (Kq t) * (Kq u) * (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) :=
repeat apply rat.mul_le_mul,
@ -571,7 +568,7 @@ theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_5 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_2 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(a b c d : ℕ+) :
(a b c d : ℕ+) :
abs (t a) * abs (u b) * abs (s a - s c) + abs (s c) * abs (t a) * abs (u b - u d)
+ abs (s c) * abs (u d) * abs (t a - t d) ≤
(Kq t) * (Kq u) * (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (Kq s) * (Kq t) * (b⁻¹ + d⁻¹) + (Kq s) * (Kq u) * (a⁻¹ + d⁻¹) :=
@ -683,7 +680,7 @@ theorem s_add_zero (s : seq) (H : regular s) : sadd s zero ≡ s :=
apply rat.add_le_add,
apply half_shrink,
apply rat.le.refl
theorem s_neg_cancel (s : seq) (H : regular s) : sadd (sneg s) s ≡ zero :=
@ -693,7 +690,7 @@ theorem s_add_zero (s : seq) (H : regular s) : sadd s zero ≡ s :=
apply add_invs_nonneg
theorem add_well_defined {s t u v : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
theorem add_well_defined {s t u v : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(Hv : regular v) (Esu : s ≡ u) (Etv : t ≡ v) : sadd s t ≡ sadd u v :=
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑equiv at *],
@ -707,11 +704,10 @@ theorem add_well_defined {s t u v : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu :
theorem mul_bound_helper {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (a b c : ℕ+) (j : ℕ+) :
∃ N : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, n ≥ N → abs (s (a * n) * t (b * n) - s (c * n) * t (c * n)) ≤ j⁻¹ :=
∃ N : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, n ≥ N → abs (s (a * n) * t (b * n) - s (c * n) * t (c * n)) ≤ j⁻¹ :=
fapply exists.intro,
exact (pceil (((pnat.to_rat (K s)) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) *
(pnat.to_rat (K t))) * (pnat.to_rat j))),
existsi pceil (((pnat.to_rat (K s)) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) *
(pnat.to_rat (K t))) * (pnat.to_rat j)),
intros n Hn,
rewrite rewrite_helper4,
apply rat.le.trans,
@ -773,35 +769,20 @@ theorem mul_bound_helper {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (a b c :
apply inv_pos
theorem s_distrib {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u) :
theorem s_distrib {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u) :
smul s (sadd t u) ≡ sadd (smul s t) (smul s u) :=
/- apply eq_of_bdd,
apply reg_mul_reg,
apply reg_add_reg,
repeat eassumption,
apply reg_add_reg,
repeat eassumption,
apply reg_mul_reg,
repeat eassumption,
apply reg_mul_reg,
repeat eassumption,-/
apply eq_of_bdd,
apply reg_mul_reg,
apply Hs,
apply reg_add_reg,
apply Ht,
apply Hu,
repeat assumption,
apply reg_add_reg,
repeat assumption,
apply reg_mul_reg,
rotate 2,
repeat assumption,
apply reg_mul_reg,
apply Hs,
apply Hu,
rotate 1,
apply Hs,
apply Ht,
repeat assumption,
let exh1 := λ a b c, mul_bound_helper Hs Ht a b c (2 * j),
apply exists.elim,
@ -813,8 +794,7 @@ theorem s_distrib {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular
apply exh2,
rotate 3,
intros N2 HN2,
fapply exists.intro,
exact (max N1 N2),
existsi max N1 N2,
intros n Hn,
rewrite [↑sadd at *, ↑smul, rewrite_helper3, -padd_halves j, -*pnat_mul_assoc at *],
apply rat.le.trans,
@ -837,13 +817,12 @@ theorem mul_zero_equiv_zero {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Htz :
apply reg_mul_reg Hs Ht,
apply zero_is_reg,
intro ε Hε,
let Bd := bdd_of_eq_var Ht zero_is_reg Htz (ε / (Kq s))
let Bd := bdd_of_eq_var Ht zero_is_reg Htz (ε / (Kq s))
(pos_div_of_pos_of_pos Hε (Kq_bound_pos Hs)),
apply exists.elim Bd,
intro N HN,
fapply exists.intro,
exact N,
intros [n, Hn],
existsi N,
intro n Hn,
rewrite [↑equiv at Htz, ↑zero at *, rat.sub_zero, ↑smul, abs_mul],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
@ -858,10 +837,10 @@ theorem mul_zero_equiv_zero {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Htz :
apply rat.le.refl
theorem neg_bound_eq_bound (s : seq) : K (sneg s) = K s :=
theorem neg_bound_eq_bound (s : seq) : K (sneg s) = K s :=
by rewrite [↑K, ↑sneg, abs_neg]
theorem neg_bound2_eq_bound2 (s t : seq) : K₂ s (sneg t) = K₂ s t :=
theorem neg_bound2_eq_bound2 (s t : seq) : K₂ s (sneg t) = K₂ s t :=
by rewrite [↑K₂, neg_bound_eq_bound]
theorem sneg_def (s : seq) : (λ (n : ℕ+), -(s n)) = sneg s := rfl
@ -870,7 +849,7 @@ theorem mul_neg_equiv_neg_mul {s t : seq} : smul s (sneg t) ≡ sneg (smul s t)
rewrite [↑equiv, ↑smul],
rewrite [↑sneg, *sub_neg_eq_add, -neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, rat.add.comm, *sneg_def,
rewrite [↑sneg, *sub_neg_eq_add, -neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, rat.add.comm, *sneg_def,
*neg_bound2_eq_bound2, rat.sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -882,8 +861,7 @@ theorem equiv_of_diff_equiv_zero {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
apply eq_of_bdd Hs Ht,
let He := bdd_of_eq H,
fapply exists.intro,
apply (2 * (2 * (2 * j))),
existsi 2 * (2 * (2 * j)),
intros n Hn,
rewrite (rewrite_helper5 _ _ (s (2 * n)) (t (2 * n))),
apply rat.le.trans,
@ -901,7 +879,7 @@ theorem equiv_of_diff_equiv_zero {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
repeat (apply rat.le.trans; apply inv_ge_of_le Hn; apply half_shrink)
theorem s_sub_cancel (s : seq) : sadd s (sneg s) ≡ zero :=
theorem s_sub_cancel (s : seq) : sadd s (sneg s) ≡ zero :=
rewrite [↑equiv, ↑sadd, ↑sneg, ↑zero],
@ -921,16 +899,9 @@ theorem diff_equiv_zero_of_equiv {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
rotate 2,
apply zero_is_reg,
apply add_well_defined,
--repeat assumption,
apply Hs,
apply Hnt,
apply Ht,
apply Hnt,
apply H,
repeat assumption,
apply equiv.refl,
--repeat assumption
apply Hsnt,
apply Htnt
repeat assumption
theorem mul_well_defined_half1 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
@ -963,8 +934,7 @@ theorem mul_well_defined_half1 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
rotate 3,
apply equiv.symm,
apply s_distrib,
apply Hs, apply Ht, apply Hnu,
-- repeat assumption,
repeat assumption,
rotate 1,
apply reg_add_reg Hst Hsnu,
apply Hst,
@ -976,15 +946,10 @@ theorem mul_well_defined_half1 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
apply mul_zero_equiv_zero,
rotate 2,
apply diff_equiv_zero_of_equiv,
apply Ht,
apply Hu,
apply Etu,
apply Hs,
apply Htnu
-- repeat assumption
repeat assumption
theorem mul_well_defined_half2 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
theorem mul_well_defined_half2 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(Est : s ≡ t) : smul s u ≡ smul t u :=
let Hsu := reg_mul_reg Hs Hu,
@ -1000,19 +965,11 @@ theorem mul_well_defined_half2 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
rotate 2,
apply Ht,
rotate 1,
apply s_mul_comm,
apply Hsu,
apply Hus,
apply Htu,
apply Hus,
apply Hut,
apply Htu,
apply Hu,
apply Hs,
apply Est
apply s_mul_comm,
repeat assumption
theorem mul_well_defined {s t u v : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
theorem mul_well_defined {s t u v : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(Hv : regular v) (Esu : s ≡ u) (Etv : t ≡ v) : smul s t ≡ smul u v :=
apply equiv.trans,
@ -1020,11 +977,9 @@ theorem mul_well_defined {s t u v : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu :
exact reg_mul_reg Hs Hv,
exact reg_mul_reg Hu Hv,
apply mul_well_defined_half1,
apply Hs, apply Ht, apply Hv, apply Etv,
-- repeat assumption,
repeat assumption,
apply mul_well_defined_half2,
-- repeat assumption
apply Hs, apply Hu, apply Hv, apply Esu
repeat assumption
theorem neg_well_defined {s t : seq} (Est : s ≡ t) : sneg s ≡ sneg t :=
@ -1073,7 +1028,7 @@ record reg_seq : Type :=
definition requiv (s t : reg_seq) := (reg_seq.sq s) ≡ (reg_seq.sq t)
definition requiv.refl (s : reg_seq) : requiv s s := equiv.refl (reg_seq.sq s)
definition requiv.symm (s t : reg_seq) (H : requiv s t) : requiv t s :=
definition requiv.symm (s t : reg_seq) (H : requiv s t) : requiv t s :=
equiv.symm (reg_seq.sq s) (reg_seq.sq t) H
definition requiv.trans (s t u : reg_seq) (H : requiv s t) (H2 : requiv t u) : requiv s u :=
equiv.trans _ _ _ (reg_seq.is_reg s) (reg_seq.is_reg t) (reg_seq.is_reg u) H H2
@ -1130,11 +1085,11 @@ theorem r_add_zero (s : reg_seq) : requiv (s + r_zero) s :=
theorem r_neg_cancel (s : reg_seq) : requiv (-s + s) r_zero :=
s_neg_cancel (reg_seq.sq s) (reg_seq.is_reg s)
theorem r_mul_comm (s t : reg_seq) : requiv (s * t) (t * s) :=
theorem r_mul_comm (s t : reg_seq) : requiv (s * t) (t * s) :=
s_mul_comm (reg_seq.sq s) (reg_seq.sq t)
theorem r_mul_assoc (s t u : reg_seq) : requiv (s * t * u) (s * (t * u)) :=
s_mul_assoc (reg_seq.is_reg s) (reg_seq.is_reg t) (reg_seq.is_reg u)
s_mul_assoc (reg_seq.is_reg s) (reg_seq.is_reg t) (reg_seq.is_reg u)
theorem r_mul_one (s : reg_seq) : requiv (s * r_one) s :=
s_mul_one (reg_seq.is_reg s)
@ -1153,13 +1108,13 @@ definition real := quot reg_seq.to_setoid
notation `ℝ` := real
definition add (x y : ℝ) : ℝ :=
(quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, quot.mk (a + b))
(quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, quot.mk (a + b))
(take a b c d : reg_seq, take Hab : requiv a c, take Hcd : requiv b d,
quot.sound (radd_well_defined Hab Hcd)))
infix `+` := add
definition mul (x y : ℝ) : ℝ :=
(quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, quot.mk (a * b))
(quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, quot.mk (a * b))
(take a b c d : reg_seq, take Hab : requiv a c, take Hcd : requiv b d,
quot.sound (rmul_well_defined Hab Hcd)))
infix `*` := mul
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ definition cons (a : A) (s : stream A) : stream A :=
notation h :: t := cons h t
definition head (s : stream A) : A :=
definition head [reducible] (s : stream A) : A :=
s 0
definition tail (s : stream A) : stream A :=
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ definition tail (s : stream A) : stream A :=
definition drop (n : nat) (s : stream A) : stream A :=
λ i, s (i+n)
definition nth (n : nat) (s : stream A) : A :=
definition nth [reducible] (n : nat) (s : stream A) : A :=
s n
protected theorem eta (s : stream A) : head s :: tail s = s :=
@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ static proof_state_seq apply_tactic_core(environment const & env, io_state const
auto mc = mk_class_instance_elaborator(
env, ios, ctx, ngen.next(), optional<name>(),
use_local_insts, is_strict,
some_expr(binding_domain(e_t)), e.get_tag(), cfg, nullptr);
some_expr(head_beta_reduce(binding_domain(e_t))), e.get_tag(), cfg, nullptr);
meta = mc.first;
} else {
meta = g.mk_meta(ngen.next(), binding_domain(e_t));
meta = g.mk_meta(ngen.next(), head_beta_reduce(binding_domain(e_t)));
e = mk_app(e, meta);
e_t = instantiate(binding_body(e_t), meta);
@ -197,33 +197,6 @@ tactic apply_tactic_core(expr const & e, constraint_seq const & cs) {
static tactic assumption_tactic_core(optional<unifier_kind> uk) {
return tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
if (empty(gs)) {
return proof_state_seq();
proof_state new_s = s.update_report_failure(false);
proof_state_seq r;
goal g = head(gs);
buffer<expr> hs;
for (expr const & h : hs) {
r = append(r, apply_tactic_core(env, ios, new_s, h, DoNotAdd, IgnoreSubgoals, uk));
return r;
tactic eassumption_tactic() {
return assumption_tactic_core(optional<unifier_kind>());
tactic assumption_tactic() {
return assumption_tactic_core(optional<unifier_kind>(unifier_kind::Conservative));
tactic apply_tactic_core(elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e, add_meta_kind add_meta, subgoals_action_kind k) {
return tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
@ -284,12 +257,6 @@ void initialize_apply_tactic() {
check_tactic_expr(app_arg(e), "invalid 'fapply' tactic, invalid argument");
return fapply_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)));
[]() { return eassumption_tactic(); });
[]() { return assumption_tactic(); });
void finalize_apply_tactic() {
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ bool solve_constraints(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_stat
optional<expr> elaborate_with_respect_to(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, elaborate_fn const & elab,
proof_state & s, expr const & e, optional<expr> const & _expected_type,
bool report_unassigned, bool enforce_type_during_elaboration) {
bool report_unassigned, bool enforce_type_during_elaboration,
bool conservative) {
name_generator ngen = s.get_ngen();
substitution subst = s.get_subst();
goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ optional<expr> elaborate_with_respect_to(environment const & env, io_state const
} else {
to_buffer(s.get_postponed(), cs);
if (expected_type) {
auto tc = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child());
auto tc = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child(), conservative ? UnfoldReducible : UnfoldSemireducible);
auto e_t_cs = tc->infer(new_e);
expr t = *expected_type;
@ -41,5 +41,6 @@ typedef std::function<elaborate_result(goal const &, name_generator &&, expr con
optional<expr> elaborate_with_respect_to(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, elaborate_fn const & elab,
proof_state & s, expr const & e,
optional<expr> const & expected_type = optional<expr>(),
bool report_unassigned = false, bool enforce_type_during_elaboration = false);
bool report_unassigned = false, bool enforce_type_during_elaboration = false,
bool conservative = false);
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ bool is_meta_placeholder(expr const & e) {
return std::all_of(args.begin(), args.end(), is_local);
tactic exact_tactic(elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e, bool enforce_type_during_elaboration, bool allow_metavars) {
tactic exact_tactic(elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e, bool enforce_type_during_elaboration, bool allow_metavars,
bool conservative) {
return tactic01([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
proof_state new_s = s;
goals const & gs = new_s.get_goals();
@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ tactic exact_tactic(elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e, bool enforce_type
optional<expr> new_e;
try {
new_e = elaborate_with_respect_to(env, ios, elab, new_s, e, some_expr(t),
report_unassigned, enforce_type_during_elaboration);
report_unassigned, enforce_type_during_elaboration,
} catch (exception &) {
if (s.report_failure())
@ -85,6 +87,48 @@ tactic exact_tactic(elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e, bool enforce_type
static tactic assumption_tactic_core(bool conservative) {
return tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
if (empty(gs)) {
return proof_state_seq();
proof_state new_s = s.update_report_failure(false);
optional<tactic> tac;
goal g = head(gs);
buffer<expr> hs;
auto elab = [](goal const &, name_generator const &, expr const & H,
optional<expr> const &, substitution const & s, bool) -> elaborate_result {
return elaborate_result(H, s, constraints());
unsigned i = hs.size();
while (i > 0) {
expr const & h = hs[i];
tactic curr = exact_tactic(elab, h, false, false, conservative);
if (tac)
tac = orelse(*tac, curr);
tac = curr;
if (tac) {
return (*tac)(env, ios, s);
} else {
return proof_state_seq();
tactic eassumption_tactic() {
return assumption_tactic_core(false);
tactic assumption_tactic() {
return assumption_tactic_core(true);
static expr * g_exact_tac_fn = nullptr;
static expr * g_rexact_tac_fn = nullptr;
static expr * g_refine_tac_fn = nullptr;
@ -101,18 +145,23 @@ void initialize_exact_tactic() {
[](type_checker &, elaborate_fn const & fn, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) {
check_tactic_expr(app_arg(e), "invalid 'exact' tactic, invalid argument");
return exact_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)), true, false);
return exact_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)), true, false, false);
[](type_checker &, elaborate_fn const & fn, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) {
check_tactic_expr(app_arg(e), "invalid 'rexact' tactic, invalid argument");
return exact_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)), false, false);
return exact_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)), false, false, false);
[](type_checker &, elaborate_fn const & fn, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) {
check_tactic_expr(app_arg(e), "invalid 'refine' tactic, invalid argument");
return exact_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)), true, true);
return exact_tactic(fn, get_tactic_expr_expr(app_arg(e)), true, true, false);
[]() { return eassumption_tactic(); });
[]() { return assumption_tactic(); });
void finalize_exact_tactic() {
delete g_exact_tac_fn;
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