feat(kernel/error_msgs): improve cryptic type mismatch error messages where the types may seem identical because key information is being suppressed
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 124 additions and 17 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/error_msgs.h"
#include "library/parser_nested_exception.h"
#include "library/aliases.h"
#include "library/private.h"
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontends/lean/parser_bindings.h"
#include "frontends/lean/notation_cmd.h"
#include "frontends/lean/elaborator.h"
#include "frontends/lean/pp_options.h"
@ -1043,6 +1045,7 @@ void parser::parse_imports() {
bool parser::parse_commands() {
// We disable hash-consing while parsing to make sure the pos-info are correct.
scoped_expr_caching disable(false);
scoped_set_distinguishing_pp_options set(get_distinguishing_pp_options());
try {
bool done = false;
@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ expr pretty_fn::purify(expr const & e) {
void pretty_fn::set_options(options const & o) {
void pretty_fn::set_options_core(options const & o) {
m_options = o;
m_indent = get_pp_indent(o);
m_max_depth = get_pp_max_depth(o);
m_max_steps = get_pp_max_steps(o);
@ -112,6 +113,12 @@ void pretty_fn::set_options(options const & o) {
m_private_names = get_pp_private_names(o);
void pretty_fn::set_options(options const & o) {
if (is_eqp(o, m_options))
format pretty_fn::pp_level(level const & l) {
return ::lean::pp(l, m_unicode, m_indent);
@ -411,7 +418,7 @@ auto pretty_fn::pp(expr const & e) -> result {
pretty_fn::pretty_fn(environment const & env, options const & o):
m_env(env), m_tc(env) {
m_meta_prefix = "M";
m_next_meta_idx = 1;
@ -424,7 +431,8 @@ format pretty_fn::operator()(expr const & e) {
formatter_factory mk_pretty_formatter_factory() {
return [](environment const & env, options const & o) { // NOLINT
auto fn_ptr = std::make_shared<pretty_fn>(env, o);
return formatter(o, [=](expr const & e) {
return formatter(o, [=](expr const & e, options const & new_o) {
return (*fn_ptr)(e);
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ private:
name_map<name> m_purify_local_table;
name_set m_purify_used_locals;
// cached configuration
options m_options;
unsigned m_indent;
unsigned m_max_depth;
unsigned m_max_steps;
@ -40,8 +41,6 @@ private:
bool m_full_names;
bool m_private_names;
void set_options(options const & o);
unsigned max_bp() const { return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); }
name mk_metavar_name(name const & m);
name mk_local_name(name const & n, name const & suggested);
@ -69,11 +68,13 @@ private:
result pp_have(expr const & e);
result pp_show(expr const & e);
result pp_macro(expr const & e);
void set_options_core(options const & o);
pretty_fn(environment const & env, options const & o);
result pp(expr const & e);
void set_options(options const & o);
options const & get_options() const { return m_options; }
format operator()(expr const & e);
@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ static name g_pp_universes {"pp", "universes"};
static name g_pp_full_names {"pp", "full_names"};
static name g_pp_private_names {"pp", "private_names"};
list<options> const & get_distinguishing_pp_options() {
static options g_universes_true(g_pp_universes, true);
static options g_implicit_true(g_pp_implicit, true);
static options g_coercion_true(g_pp_coercion, true);
static options g_notation_false(g_pp_notation, false);
static options g_implicit_coercion = join(g_coercion_true, g_implicit_true);
static options g_implicit_notation = join(g_notation_false, g_implicit_true);
static options g_all = join(join(g_universes_true, g_implicit_true), join(g_coercion_true, g_notation_false));
static list<options> g_distinguishing_pp_options({g_universes_true, g_implicit_true, g_coercion_true, g_implicit_coercion, g_implicit_notation, g_all});
return g_distinguishing_pp_options;
RegisterUnsignedOption(g_pp_max_depth, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH,
"(pretty printer) maximum expression depth, after that it will use ellipsis");
RegisterUnsignedOption(g_pp_max_steps, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS,
@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ bool get_pp_coercion(options const & opts);
bool get_pp_universes(options const & opts);
bool get_pp_full_names(options const & opts);
bool get_pp_private_names(options const & opts);
list<options> const & get_distinguishing_pp_options();
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <string>
#include "kernel/error_msgs.h"
namespace lean {
@ -19,35 +20,88 @@ format pp_function_expected(formatter const & fmt, expr const & e) {
return compose(format("function expected at"), pp_indent_expr(fmt, e));
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET_DEF(list<options>, get_distinguishing_pp_options)
list<options> set_distinguishing_pp_options(list<options> const & opts) {
list<options> r = get_distinguishing_pp_options();
get_distinguishing_pp_options() = opts;
return r;
static std::tuple<format, format> pp_until_different(formatter const & fmt, expr const & e1, expr const & e2, list<options> extra) {
formatter fmt1 = fmt;
while (true) {
format r1 = pp_indent_expr(fmt1, e1);
format r2 = pp_indent_expr(fmt1, e2);
if (!format_pp_eq(r1, r2, fmt1.get_options()))
return mk_pair(r1, r2);
if (!extra)
return mk_pair(pp_indent_expr(fmt, e1), pp_indent_expr(fmt, e2));
options o = join(head(extra), fmt.get_options());
fmt1 = fmt.update_options(o);
extra = tail(extra);
std::tuple<format, format> pp_until_different(formatter const & fmt, expr const & e1, expr const & e2) {
return pp_until_different(fmt, e1, e2, get_distinguishing_pp_options());
format pp_app_type_mismatch(formatter const & fmt, expr const & app, expr const & expected_type, expr const & given_type) {
format r;
format expected_fmt, given_fmt;
std::tie(expected_fmt, given_fmt) = pp_until_different(fmt, expected_type, given_type);
r += format("type mismatch at application");
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, app);
r += compose(line(), format("expected type:"));
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, expected_type);
r += expected_fmt;
r += compose(line(), format("given type:"));
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, given_type);
r += given_fmt;
return r;
format pp_def_type_mismatch(formatter const & fmt, name const & n, expr const & expected_type, expr const & given_type) {
format expected_fmt, given_fmt;
std::tie(expected_fmt, given_fmt) = pp_until_different(fmt, expected_type, given_type);
format r("type mismatch at definition '");
r += format(n);
r += format("', expected type");
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, expected_type);
r += expected_fmt;
r += compose(line(), format("given type:"));
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, given_type);
r += given_fmt;
return r;
format pp_type_mismatch(formatter const & fmt, expr const & expected_type, expr const & given_type) {
format expected_fmt, given_fmt;
std::tie(expected_fmt, given_fmt) = pp_until_different(fmt, expected_type, given_type);
format r("type mismatch, expected type:");
r += ::lean::pp_indent_expr(fmt, expected_type);
r += expected_fmt;
r += compose(line(), format("given type:"));
r += ::lean::pp_indent_expr(fmt, given_type);
r += given_fmt;
return r;
static format pp_until_meta_visible(formatter const & fmt, expr const & e, list<options> extra) {
formatter fmt1 = fmt;
while (true) {
format r = pp_indent_expr(fmt1, e);
std::ostringstream out;
out << mk_pair(r, fmt1.get_options());
if (out.str().find("?M") != std::string::npos)
return r;
if (!extra)
return pp_indent_expr(fmt, e);
options o = join(head(extra), fmt.get_options());
fmt1 = fmt.update_options(o);
extra = tail(extra);
format pp_until_meta_visible(formatter const & fmt, expr const & e) {
return pp_until_meta_visible(fmt, e, get_distinguishing_pp_options());
format pp_decl_has_metavars(formatter const & fmt, name const & n, expr const & e, bool is_type) {
format r("failed to add declaration '");
r += format(n);
@ -57,7 +111,7 @@ format pp_decl_has_metavars(formatter const & fmt, name const & n, expr const &
r += format("value");
r += format(" has metavariables");
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, e);
r += pp_until_meta_visible(fmt, e);
return r;
@ -15,4 +15,20 @@ format pp_app_type_mismatch(formatter const & fmt, expr const & app, expr const
format pp_def_type_mismatch(formatter const & fmt, name const & n, expr const & expected_type, expr const & given_type);
format pp_type_mismatch(formatter const & fmt, expr const & expected_type, expr const & given_type);
format pp_decl_has_metavars(formatter const & fmt, name const & n, expr const & e, bool is_type);
/** \brief Set a list extra configuration options that are used to try to distinguish error such as given/expected type mismatch
This is a trick used to avoid cryptic error messages when to types seem identical because the pretty printer is suppressing
universes and/or implicit arguments. The error messages will keep using these extra options until it finds one that
can distinguish given/expected type. The extra options do not override user provided options.
\remark This is a thread local information.
\remark Consider using #scoped_set_distinguishing_pp_options
list<options> set_distinguishing_pp_options(list<options> const & opts);
struct scoped_set_distinguishing_pp_options {
list<options> m_old;
scoped_set_distinguishing_pp_options(list<options> const & os):m_old(set_distinguishing_pp_options(os)) {}
~scoped_set_distinguishing_pp_options() { set_distinguishing_pp_options(m_old); }
std::tuple<format, format> pp_until_different(formatter const & fmt, expr const & e1, expr const & e2);
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, expr const & e) {
formatter_factory mk_simple_formatter_factory() {
return [](environment const & env, options const & o) { // NOLINT
return formatter(o, [=](expr const & e) {
return formatter(o, [=](expr const & e, options const &) {
std::ostringstream s;
print_expr_fn pr(s, env.prop_proof_irrel());
@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ std::pair<expr, expr> binding_body_fresh(expr const & b, bool preserve_type = fa
std::pair<expr, expr> let_body_fresh(expr const & l, bool preserve_type = false);
class formatter {
std::function<format(expr const &)> m_fn;
std::function<format(expr const &, options const &)> m_fn;
options m_options;
formatter(options const & o, std::function<format(expr const &)> const & fn):m_fn(fn), m_options(o) {}
format operator()(expr const & e) const { return m_fn(e); }
formatter(options const & o, std::function<format(expr const &, options const &)> const & fn):m_fn(fn), m_options(o) {}
format operator()(expr const & e) const { return m_fn(e, m_options); }
options const & get_options() const { return m_options; }
formatter update_options(options const & o) const { return formatter(o, m_fn); }
typedef std::function<formatter(environment const &, options const &)> formatter_factory;
@ -350,6 +350,14 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, std::pair<format const &, options
return pretty(out, p.second, p.first);
bool format_pp_eq(format const & f1, format const & f2, options const & o) {
std::ostringstream out1;
std::ostringstream out2;
out1 << mk_pair(f1, o);
out2 << mk_pair(f2, o);
return out1.str() == out2.str();
format pp(name const & n) {
return format(n.to_string());
@ -318,6 +318,9 @@ format pp(name const & n);
format pp(sexpr const & s, options const & o);
format pp(sexpr const & s);
/** \brief Return true iff \c f1 and \c f2 are equal when formatted with options \c o */
bool format_pp_eq(format const & f1, format const & f2, options const & o);
void open_format(lua_State * L);
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