feat(library/simplifier): support for dependent simplification in Pi/forall expressions

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-01-26 00:32:05 -08:00
parent e8bba1ebf3
commit 844572c382
9 changed files with 461 additions and 187 deletions

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@ -41,12 +41,16 @@ theorem hsfunext {A : TypeM} {B B' : A → TypeU} {f : ∀ x, B x} {f' : ∀ x,
in htrans s1 s2)
axiom hpiext {A A' : TypeM} {B : A → TypeM} {B' : A' → TypeM} :
A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x') → (∀ x, B x) == (∀ x, B' x)
A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x') → (∀ x, B x) = (∀ x, B' x)
theorem hallext {A A' : TypeM} {B : A → Bool} {B' : A' → Bool} :
A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x') → (∀ x, B x) == (∀ x, B' x)
-- We can't just invoke hpiext because the equality B x = B' x' is actually (@eq Bool (B x) (B' x')),
-- and hpiext expects (@eq TypeM (B x) (B' x')).
-- We move (@eq Bool (B x) (B' x')) to (@eq TypeM (B x) (B' x')) by using
-- the following trick. We say it is a "universe" bump.
:= λ H1 H2, hpiext H1 (λ x x' Heq, subst (refl (B x)) (H2 x x' Heq))
axiom hallext {A A' : TypeM} {B : A → Bool} {B' : A' → Bool} :
A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x') → (∀ x, B x) = (∀ x, B' x)
theorem eq_hcongr {A A' : TypeM} (H : A = A') : (@eq A) == (@eq A')
:= substp (λ x : TypeM, (@eq A) == (@eq x)) (hrefl (@eq A)) H
theorem neq_hcongr {A A' : TypeM} (H : A = A') : (@neq A) == (@neq A')
:= substp (λ x : TypeM, (@neq A) == (@neq x)) (hrefl (@neq A)) H
theorem exists_hcongr {A A' : TypeM} (H : A = A') : (Exists A) == (Exists A')
:= substp (λ x : TypeM, (Exists A) == (Exists x)) (hrefl (Exists A)) H

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@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ MK_CONSTANT(hfunext_fn, name("hfunext"));
MK_CONSTANT(hsfunext_fn, name("hsfunext"));
MK_CONSTANT(hpiext_fn, name("hpiext"));
MK_CONSTANT(hallext_fn, name("hallext"));
MK_CONSTANT(eq_hcongr_fn, name("eq_hcongr"));
MK_CONSTANT(neq_hcongr_fn, name("neq_hcongr"));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_hcongr_fn, name("exists_hcongr"));

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@ -44,4 +44,13 @@ inline expr mk_hpiext_th(expr const & e1, expr const & e2, expr const & e3, expr
expr mk_hallext_fn();
bool is_hallext_fn(expr const & e);
inline expr mk_hallext_th(expr const & e1, expr const & e2, expr const & e3, expr const & e4, expr const & e5, expr const & e6) { return mk_app({mk_hallext_fn(), e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}); }
expr mk_eq_hcongr_fn();
bool is_eq_hcongr_fn(expr const & e);
inline expr mk_eq_hcongr_th(expr const & e1, expr const & e2, expr const & e3) { return mk_app({mk_eq_hcongr_fn(), e1, e2, e3}); }
expr mk_neq_hcongr_fn();
bool is_neq_hcongr_fn(expr const & e);
inline expr mk_neq_hcongr_th(expr const & e1, expr const & e2, expr const & e3) { return mk_app({mk_neq_hcongr_fn(), e1, e2, e3}); }
expr mk_exists_hcongr_fn();
bool is_exists_hcongr_fn(expr const & e);
inline expr mk_exists_hcongr_th(expr const & e1, expr const & e2, expr const & e3) { return mk_app({mk_exists_hcongr_fn(), e1, e2, e3}); }

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@ -109,14 +109,22 @@ class simplifier_fn {
struct result {
expr m_expr; // the result of a simplification step
optional<expr> m_proof; // a proof that the result is equal to the input (when m_proofs_enabled)
bool m_heq_proof; // true if the proof is for heterogeneous equality
bool m_heq_proof; // true if the proof has type lhs == rhs (i.e., it is a heterogeneous equality)
bool m_typem; // theorem lifted equality to (Type M) even if m_expr is from a lower universe.
result() {}
explicit result(expr const & out, bool heq_proof = false):
m_expr(out), m_heq_proof(heq_proof) {}
result(expr const & out, expr const & pr, bool heq_proof = false):
m_expr(out), m_proof(pr), m_heq_proof(heq_proof) {}
result(expr const & out, optional<expr> const & pr, bool heq_proof = false):
m_expr(out), m_proof(pr), m_heq_proof(heq_proof) {}
m_expr(out), m_heq_proof(heq_proof), m_typem(false) {}
result(expr const & out, expr const & pr, bool heq_proof = false, bool typem = false):
m_expr(out), m_proof(pr), m_heq_proof(heq_proof), m_typem(typem) {
lean_assert(!heq_proof || !typem);
result(expr const & out, optional<expr> const & pr, bool heq_proof = false, bool typem = false):
m_expr(out), m_proof(pr), m_heq_proof(heq_proof), m_typem(typem) {
lean_assert(!heq_proof || !typem);
bool is_heq_proof() const { return m_heq_proof; }
bool is_typem() const { return m_typem; }
result update_expr(expr const & new_e) const { return result(new_e, m_proof, m_heq_proof, m_typem); }
typedef std::vector<rewrite_rule_set> rule_sets;
@ -226,11 +234,23 @@ class simplifier_fn {
type A is convertible to B, but not definitionally equal.
expr translate_eq_proof(expr const & A, expr const & a, expr const & b, expr const & H, expr const & B) {
if (A != B)
if (A != B) {
return mk_subst_th(A, a, b, mk_lambda(g_x, A, mk_eq(B, a, mk_var(0))), mk_refl_th(B, a), H);
} else {
return H;
expr translate_eq_typem_proof(expr const & A, expr const & a, expr const & b, expr const & H) {
return translate_eq_proof(A, a, b, H, mk_TypeM());
expr translate_eq_typem_proof(expr const & a, result const & b) {
if (b.is_typem())
return get_proof(b);
return translate_eq_proof(infer_type(a), a, b.m_expr, get_proof(b), mk_TypeM());
expr mk_congr1_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & f, expr const & new_f, expr const & a, expr const & Heq_f) {
expr const & A = abst_domain(f_type);
@ -243,7 +263,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
expr B = lower_free_vars(abst_body(f_type), 1, 1);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
if (!is_definitionally_equal(A, a_type))
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A);
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A); // CHECK
return ::lean::mk_congr2_th(A, B, a, new_a, f, Heq_a);
@ -253,36 +273,106 @@ class simplifier_fn {
expr B = lower_free_vars(abst_body(f_type), 1, 1);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
if (!is_definitionally_equal(A, a_type))
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A);
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A); // CHECK
return ::lean::mk_congr_th(A, B, f, new_f, a, new_a, Heq_f, Heq_a);
expr get_proof(result const & rhs) {
if (rhs.m_proof) {
return *rhs.m_proof;
} else {
// lhs and rhs are definitionally equal
return mk_refl_th(infer_type(rhs.m_expr), rhs.m_expr);
\brief Return the type of equality.
expr get_eq_type(result const & rhs) {
if (rhs.is_typem()) {
return mk_TypeM();
} else {
if (rhs.m_proof) {
expr type = infer_type(*rhs.m_proof);
if (is_eq(type)) {
lean_assert_eq(arg(type, 1), infer_type(rhs.m_expr));
return infer_type(rhs.m_expr);
\brief Some builtin constants (e.g., eq, neq and exists) have arguments of type (Type U).
The congruence axiom cannot be directly used in this constants. Since, they are in (Type U+1) and the congruence
axioms expect arguments from (Type U). We address this issue by creating custom congruence theorems
for these constants. The constant theorems can only be applied if the argument is actually in (Type M).
\remark M is a universe smaller than U
For example, the custom congruence theorem for equality is
theorem eq_hcongr {A A' : TypeM} (H : A = A') : (@eq A) == (@eq A')
optional<expr> mk_typem_congr_th(expr const & cgr_thm, expr const & a, result const & new_a) {
expr Heq_a = get_proof(new_a);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
if (new_a.is_heq_proof())
Heq_a = mk_to_eq_th(a_type, a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_a);
if (!new_a.is_typem()) {
if (!is_convertible(a_type, mk_TypeM()))
return none_expr(); // failed
Heq_a = translate_eq_typem_proof(a_type, a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_a);
return some_expr(cgr_thm(a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_a));
\brief Create heterogeneous congruence proof.
optional<expr> mk_hcongr_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & new_f_type, expr const & f, expr const & new_f,
expr const & a, expr const & new_a, expr const & Heq_f, expr Heq_a, bool Heq_a_is_heq) {
expr const & Heq_f, expr const & a, result const & new_a) {
// TODO: make the following code more "customizable".
// We should be able to "install" new custom congruence theorem
if (is_eq_fn(f) && is_eq_fn(new_f)) {
return mk_typem_congr_th(mk_eq_hcongr_fn(), a, new_a);
} else if (is_exists_fn(f) && is_exists_fn(new_f)) {
return mk_typem_congr_th(mk_exists_hcongr_fn(), a, new_a);
} else if (is_neq_fn(f) && is_neq_fn(new_f)) {
return mk_typem_congr_th(mk_neq_hcongr_fn(), a, new_a);
} else {
expr const & A = abst_domain(f_type);
expr const & new_A = abst_domain(new_f_type);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
expr new_a_type = infer_type(new_a);
expr new_a_type = infer_type(new_a.m_expr);
if (!is_convertible(new_a_type, new_A))
return none_expr(); // failed
expr Heq_a = get_proof(new_a);
bool is_heq_proof = new_a.is_heq_proof();
if (!is_definitionally_equal(A, a_type)|| !is_definitionally_equal(new_A, new_a_type)) {
if (Heq_a_is_heq) {
if (is_heq_proof) {
if (is_definitionally_equal(a_type, new_a_type) && is_definitionally_equal(A, new_A)) {
Heq_a = mk_to_eq_th(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a);
Heq_a_is_heq = false;
Heq_a = mk_to_eq_th(a_type, a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_a);
is_heq_proof = false;
} else {
return none_expr(); // we don't know how to handle this case
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A);
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(get_eq_type(new_a), a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_a, A);
if (!Heq_a_is_heq)
Heq_a = mk_to_heq_th(A, a, new_a, Heq_a);
if (!is_heq_proof)
Heq_a = mk_to_heq_th(A, a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_a);
return some_expr(::lean::mk_hcongr_th(A,
mk_lambda(f_type, abst_body(f_type)),
mk_lambda(new_f_type, abst_body(new_f_type)),
f, new_f, a, new_a, Heq_f, Heq_a));
f, new_f, a, new_a.m_expr, Heq_f, Heq_a));
@ -291,7 +381,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
b_res.m_expr = c with proof H_bc
This method returns a new result r s.t. r.m_expr == c and a proof of a = c
result mk_trans_result(expr const & a, result const & b_res, expr const & c, expr const & H_bc) {
result mk_trans_result(expr const & a, result const & b_res, expr const & c, expr H_bc) {
if (m_proofs_enabled) {
if (!b_res.m_proof) {
// The proof of a = b is reflexivity
@ -300,15 +390,17 @@ class simplifier_fn {
expr const & b = b_res.m_expr;
expr new_proof;
bool heq_proof = false;
if (b_res.m_heq_proof) {
if (b_res.is_heq_proof()) {
expr b_type = infer_type(b);
new_proof = ::lean::mk_htrans_th(infer_type(a), b_type, b_type, /* b and c must have the same type */
a, b, c, *b_res.m_proof, mk_to_heq_th(b_type, b, c, H_bc));
heq_proof = true;
} else {
new_proof = ::lean::mk_trans_th(infer_type(a), a, b, c, *b_res.m_proof, H_bc);
if (b_res.is_typem())
H_bc = translate_eq_typem_proof(infer_type(b), b, c, H_bc);
new_proof = ::lean::mk_trans_th(get_eq_type(b_res), a, b, c, *b_res.m_proof, H_bc);
return result(c, new_proof, heq_proof);
return result(c, new_proof, heq_proof, b_res.is_typem());
} else {
return result(c);
@ -329,27 +421,39 @@ class simplifier_fn {
return c_res;
} else if (!c_res.m_proof) {
// the proof of b == c is reflexivity
return result(c_res.m_expr, *b_res.m_proof, b_res.m_heq_proof);
return b_res.update_expr(c_res.m_expr);
} else {
bool heq_proof = b_res.m_heq_proof || c_res.m_heq_proof;
bool heq_proof = b_res.is_heq_proof() || c_res.is_heq_proof();
expr new_proof;
expr const & b = b_res.m_expr;
expr const & c = c_res.m_expr;
bool typem = false;
if (heq_proof) {
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
expr b_type = infer_type(b);
expr c_type = infer_type(c);
expr H_ab = *b_res.m_proof;
if (!b_res.m_heq_proof)
if (!b_res.is_heq_proof())
H_ab = mk_to_heq_th(a_type, a, b, H_ab);
expr H_bc = *c_res.m_proof;
if (!c_res.m_heq_proof)
if (!c_res.is_heq_proof())
H_bc = mk_to_heq_th(b_type, b, c, H_bc);
new_proof = ::lean::mk_htrans_th(a_type, b_type, c_type, a, b, c, H_ab, H_bc);
} else if (b_res.is_typem() && c_res.is_typem()) {
new_proof = ::lean::mk_trans_th(mk_TypeM(), a, b, c, *b_res.m_proof, *c_res.m_proof);
typem = true;
} else if (b_res.is_typem()) {
expr H_bc = translate_eq_typem_proof(infer_type(b), b, c, *c_res.m_proof);
new_proof = ::lean::mk_trans_th(mk_TypeM(), a, b, c, *b_res.m_proof, H_bc);
typem = true;
} else if (c_res.is_typem()) {
expr H_ab = translate_eq_typem_proof(infer_type(a), a, b, *b_res.m_proof);
new_proof = ::lean::mk_trans_th(mk_TypeM(), a, b, c, H_ab, *c_res.m_proof);
typem = true;
} else {
new_proof = ::lean::mk_trans_th(infer_type(a), a, b, c, *b_res.m_proof, *c_res.m_proof);
return result(c, new_proof, heq_proof);
return result(c, new_proof, heq_proof, typem);
} else {
// proof generation is disabled
@ -388,7 +492,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (res_a.m_proof) {
expr Hec;
expr Hac = *res_a.m_proof;
if (!res_a.m_heq_proof) {
if (!res_a.is_heq_proof()) {
Hec = ::lean::mk_htrans_th(B, A, A, e, a, c,
update_app(e, 0, mk_cast_heq_fn()), // cast A B H a == a
mk_to_heq_th(B, a, c, Hac)); // a == c
@ -423,7 +527,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
If it is not possible to transform it in a homogeneous equality proof, then return false.
bool ensure_homogeneous(expr const & lhs, result & rhs) {
if (rhs.m_heq_proof) {
if (rhs.is_heq_proof()) {
// try to convert back to homogeneous
expr lhs_type = infer_type(lhs);
@ -441,21 +545,15 @@ class simplifier_fn {
void ensure_heterogeneous(expr const & lhs, result & rhs) {
if (!rhs.m_heq_proof) {
if (!rhs.is_heq_proof()) {
if (rhs.is_typem())
rhs.m_proof = mk_to_heq_th(mk_TypeM(), lhs, rhs.m_expr, get_proof(rhs));
rhs.m_proof = mk_to_heq_th(infer_type(lhs), lhs, rhs.m_expr, get_proof(rhs));
rhs.m_heq_proof = true;
expr get_proof(result const & rhs) {
if (rhs.m_proof) {
return *rhs.m_proof;
} else {
// lhs and rhs are definitionally equal
return mk_refl_th(infer_type(rhs.m_expr), rhs.m_expr);
\brief Simplify \c e under the new assumption \c H.
@ -554,6 +652,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
buffer<optional<expr>> proofs; // used only if m_proofs_enabled
buffer<expr> f_types, new_f_types; // used only if m_proofs_enabled
buffer<bool> heq_proofs; // used only if m_has_heq && m_proofs_enabled
buffer<bool> typem_flags;
bool changed = false;
expr f = arg(e, 0);
expr f_type = infer_type(f);
@ -566,10 +665,12 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (m_proofs_enabled) {
new_f_type = res_f.m_heq_proof ? infer_type(new_f) : f_type;
new_f_type = res_f.is_heq_proof() ? infer_type(new_f) : f_type;
if (m_has_heq)
if (m_has_heq) {
unsigned num = num_args(e);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num; i++) {
@ -586,8 +687,10 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (m_proofs_enabled) {
if (m_has_heq)
if (m_has_heq) {
bool changed_f_type = !is_eqp(f_type, new_f_type);
if (f_arrow) {
f_type = lower_free_vars(abst_body(f_type), 1, 1);
@ -625,8 +728,8 @@ class simplifier_fn {
} else if (m_has_heq && (heq_proofs[i] || !is_arrow(f_types[i-1]))) {
expr f = mk_app_prefix(i, new_args);
expr pr_i = *proofs[i];
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], f_types[i-1], f, f, arg(e, i), new_args[i],
mk_hrefl_th(f_types[i-1], f), pr_i, heq_proofs[i]);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], f_types[i-1], f, f, mk_hrefl_th(f_types[i-1], f),
arg(e, i), result(new_args[i], pr_i, heq_proofs[i], typem_flags[i]));
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
@ -644,13 +747,16 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (m_has_heq && heq_proofs[i]) {
if (!heq_proof)
pr = mk_to_heq_th(f_types[i], f, new_f, pr);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i, true);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, pr,
arg(e, i), result(new_args[i], pr_i, true));
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
heq_proof = true;
} else if (heq_proof) {
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i, heq_proofs[i]);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, pr,
arg(e, i), result(new_args[i], pr_i, false, typem_flags[i]));
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
@ -658,8 +764,8 @@ class simplifier_fn {
pr = mk_congr_th(f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i);
} else if (heq_proof) {
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), arg(e, i),
pr, mk_refl_th(infer_type(arg(e, i)), arg(e, i)), false);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, pr,
arg(e, i), result(arg(e, i)));
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
@ -722,7 +828,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (is_value(new_rhs)) {
// We don't need to create a new proof term since rhs.m_expr and new_rhs are
// definitionally equal.
return rewrite(lhs, result(new_rhs, rhs.m_proof, rhs.m_heq_proof));
return rewrite(lhs, rhs.update_expr(new_rhs));
@ -730,9 +836,8 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (m_beta && is_lambda(f)) {
expr new_rhs = head_beta_reduce(rhs.m_expr);
// rhs.m_expr and new_rhs are also definitionally equal
return rewrite(lhs, result(new_rhs, rhs.m_proof, rhs.m_heq_proof));
return rewrite(lhs, rhs.update_expr(new_rhs));
return rewrite(lhs, rhs);
@ -954,7 +1059,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
expr new_e = mk_lambda(e, abstract(new_bi, fresh_const));
if (!m_proofs_enabled || !res_bi.m_proof)
return rewrite_lambda(e, result(new_e));
if (res_bi.m_heq_proof) {
if (res_bi.is_heq_proof()) {
// Using
// theorem hsfunext {A : TypeM} {B B' : A → TypeU} {f : ∀ x, B x} {f' : ∀ x, B' x} :
@ -976,9 +1081,11 @@ class simplifier_fn {
result simplify_lambda(expr const & e) {
if (m_has_heq) {
\brief Simplify a lambda abstraction when the heq module is available.
In this case, we can simplify the domain and body of the lambda expression.
result simplify_lambda_with_heq(expr const & e) {
expr const & d = abst_domain(e);
result res_d = simplify(d);
expr new_d = res_d.m_expr;
@ -1003,13 +1110,12 @@ class simplifier_fn {
return rewrite(e, result(new_e));
ensure_homogeneous(d, res_d);
ensure_heterogeneous(bi, res_bi);
expr d_eq_new_d_proof = *res_d.m_proof;
// Using
// axiom hfunext {A A' : TypeM} {B : A → TypeU} {B' : A' → TypeU} {f : ∀ x, B x} {f' : ∀ x, B' x} :
// A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → f x == f' x') → f == f'
// Remark: the argument with type A = A' is actually @eq TypeM A A',
// so we need to translate the proof d_eq_new_d_proof : d = new_d to a TypeM equality proof
d_eq_new_d_proof = translate_eq_proof(infer_type(d), d, new_d, d_eq_new_d_proof, mk_TypeM());
expr d_eq_new_d_proof = translate_eq_typem_proof(d, res_d);
expr new_proof = mk_hfunext_th(d, // A
new_d, // A'
Fun(x_old, d, infer_type(bi)), // B
@ -1023,19 +1129,23 @@ class simplifier_fn {
mk_lambda(name(g_H, m_next_idx++), abstract(x_old_eq_x_new, {x_old, x_new}),
abstract(*res_bi.m_proof, {x_old, x_new, H_x_old_eq_x_new})))));
return rewrite(e, result(new_e, new_proof, true));
result simplify_lambda(expr const & e) {
if (m_has_heq) {
return simplify_lambda_with_heq(e);
} else {
return simplify_lambda_body(e);
result simplify_pi(expr const & e) {
\brief Simplify A -> B
result simplify_implication(expr const & e) {
expr const & d = abst_domain(e);
expr b = abst_body(e);
bool is_prop = is_proposition(e);
bool is_d_prop = is_proposition(d);
bool is_arr = is_arrow(e);
if (is_d_prop && is_arr) {
if (m_contextual) {
// Contextual simplification for A -> B
// Rewrite A to A'
@ -1075,26 +1185,105 @@ class simplifier_fn {
get_proof(res_d), mk_lambda(g_H, new_d, lift_free_vars(get_proof(res_bi), 0, 1)));
return rewrite(e, result(new_e, new_proof));
} else if (m_has_heq) {
// TODO(Leo)
return result(e);
} else if (is_prop) {
// Simplify (forall x : A, P x)
\brief Simplify the body of (forall x : A, P x), when P x is a proposition.
result simplify_forall_body(expr const & e) {
expr fresh_const = mk_fresh_const(abst_domain(e));
expr const & d = abst_domain(e);
expr b = abst_body(e);
expr bi = instantiate(b, fresh_const);
result res_bi = simplify(bi);
expr new_bi = res_bi.m_expr;
if (is_eqp(new_bi, bi))
return rewrite(e, result(e));
expr new_e = mk_pi(abst_name(e), d, abstract(new_bi, fresh_const));
if (!m_proofs_enabled || !res_bi.m_proof)
return rewrite(e, result(new_e));
ensure_homogeneous(bi, res_bi);
expr new_proof = mk_allext_th(d,
mk_lambda(e, b),
mk_lambda(e, abst_body(new_e)),
mk_lambda(e, abstract(*res_bi.m_proof, fresh_const)));
return rewrite(e, result(new_e, new_proof));
\brief Simplify (forall x : A, P x) when the heq module is available.
In this case, we can simplify the domain and body of the Pi/forall expression.
result simplify_pi_with_heq(expr const & e) {
expr const & d = abst_domain(e);
result res_d = simplify(d);
expr new_d = res_d.m_expr;
bool is_prop = is_proposition(e);
if (is_eqp(d, new_d) && is_prop)
return simplify_forall_body(e);
if (is_definitionally_equal(d, new_d) && is_prop)
return simplify_forall_body(update_pi(e, new_d, abst_body(e)));
// d and new_d are only provably equal, so we need to use hpiext or hallext
expr x_old = mk_fresh_const(d);
expr x_new = mk_fresh_const(new_d);
expr x_old_eq_x_new = mk_heq(d, new_d, x_old, x_new);
expr H_x_old_eq_x_new = mk_fresh_const(x_old_eq_x_new);
expr bi = instantiate(abst_body(e), x_old);
result res_bi = simplify_remapping_constant(bi, x_old, x_new, H_x_old_eq_x_new);
expr new_bi = res_bi.m_expr;
if (occurs(x_old, new_bi)) {
// failed, simplifier didn't manage to replace x_old with x_new
return rewrite(e, result(e));
expr new_e = update_pi(e, new_d, abstract(new_bi, x_new));
if (!m_proofs_enabled || is_definitionally_equal(e, new_e))
return rewrite(e, result(new_e));
ensure_homogeneous(d, res_d);
ensure_homogeneous(bi, res_bi);
// Remark: the argument with type A = A' in hallext and hpiext is actually @eq TypeM A A',
// so we need to translate the proof d_eq_new_d_proof : d = new_d to a TypeM equality proof
expr d_eq_new_d_proof = translate_eq_typem_proof(d, res_d);
expr bi_eq_new_bi_proof;
if (is_prop)
bi_eq_new_bi_proof = get_proof(res_bi);
bi_eq_new_bi_proof = translate_eq_typem_proof(bi, res_bi);
// Heqb : (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x')
expr Heqb = mk_lambda(abst_name(e), d,
mk_lambda(name(abst_name(e), 1), lift_free_vars(new_d, 0, 1),
mk_lambda(name(g_H, m_next_idx++), abstract(x_old_eq_x_new, {x_old, x_new}),
abstract(bi_eq_new_bi_proof, {x_old, x_new, H_x_old_eq_x_new}))));
if (is_prop) {
// Using
// theorem hallext {A A' : TypeM} {B : A → Bool} {B' : A' → Bool} :
// A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x') → (∀ x, B x) = (∀ x, B' x)
expr new_proof = mk_hallext_th(d, new_d,
Fun(x_old, d, bi), // B
Fun(x_new, new_d, new_bi), // B'
d_eq_new_d_proof, // A = A'
return rewrite(e, result(new_e, new_proof));
} else {
// Using
// axiom hpiext {A A' : TypeM} {B : A → TypeM} {B' : A' → TypeM} :
// A = A' → (∀ x x', x == x' → B x = B' x') → (∀ x, B x) = (∀ x, B' x)
expr new_proof = mk_hpiext_th(d, new_d,
Fun(x_old, d, bi), // B
Fun(x_new, new_d, new_bi), // B'
d_eq_new_d_proof, // A = A'
return rewrite(e, result(new_e, new_proof, false, true));
result simplify_pi(expr const & e) {
if (is_proposition(abst_domain(e)) && is_arrow(e)) {
return simplify_implication(e);
} else if (m_has_heq) {
return simplify_pi_with_heq(e);
} else if (is_proposition(e)) {
return simplify_forall_body(e);
} else {
// if the environment does not contain heq axioms, then we don't simplify Pi's that are not forall's
return result(e);
@ -1103,7 +1292,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
result save(expr const & e, result const & r) {
if (m_memoize) {
result new_r(m_max_sharing(r.m_expr), r.m_proof, r.m_heq_proof);
result new_r = r.update_expr(m_max_sharing(r.m_expr));
m_cache.insert(mk_pair(e, new_r));
return new_r;
} else {

View file

@ -31,3 +31,17 @@ print(t2)
-- print(pr)
print ""
variable lheq {A B : TypeM} : A → B → Bool
infixl 50 === : lheq
local t = parse_lean('λ val : Nat, (λ n : Nat, λ v : vec (n + 0), (f v) ; empty) val === (λ n : Nat, λ v : vec (n + 0), v) val')
local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple")
-- print(pr)

View file

@ -9,3 +9,8 @@
λ (n : ) (v : vec n), v
Assumed: f
λ n : , f
Assumed: lheq
λ val : , (λ (n : ) (v : vec (n + 0)), f v ; empty) val === (λ (n : ) (v : vec (n + 0)), v) val
λ val : , f === (λ v : vec val, v)

tests/lean/simp30.lean Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import cast
variable vec : Nat → Type
variable concat {n m : Nat} (v : vec n) (w : vec m) : vec (n + m)
infixl 65 ; : concat
axiom concat_assoc {n1 n2 n3 : Nat} (v1 : vec n1) (v2 : vec n2) (v3 : vec n3) :
(v1 ; v2) ; v3 = cast (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_assoc n1 n2 n3)))
(v1 ; (v2 ; v3))
variable empty : vec 0
axiom concat_empty {n : Nat} (v : vec n) :
v ; empty = cast (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_zeror n)))
rewrite_set simple
add_rewrite Nat::add_assoc Nat::add_zeror eq_id : simple
add_rewrite concat_assoc concat_empty Nat::add_assoc Nat::add_zeror : simple
local t = parse_lean('∀ (n : Nat) (v : vec (n + 0)) (w : vec n), v = w ; empty')
local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple")
print ""
local t = parse_lean('λ n : Nat, ∃ (v : vec (n + 0)) (w : vec n), v ≠ w ; empty')
local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'cast'
Assumed: vec
Assumed: concat
Assumed: concat_assoc
Assumed: empty
Assumed: concat_empty
∀ (n : ) (v : vec (n + 0)) (w : vec n), v = w ; empty
∀ (n : ) (v w : vec n), v = w
λ n : , ∃ (v : vec (n + 0)) (w : vec n), v ≠ w ; empty
λ n : , ∃ v x : vec n, v ≠ x