feat(library/theories/analysis/normed_space): start theory of normed spaces for analysis

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Jeremy Avigad 2015-12-22 16:28:14 -05:00
parent 08fbf127c6
commit 84cdf3d36d
4 changed files with 132 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ infixl ` • `:73 := has_scalar.smul
structure left_module [class] (R M : Type) [ringR : ring R]
extends has_scalar R M, add_comm_group M :=
(smul_distrib_left : ∀ (r : R) (x y : M), smul r (add x y) = (add (smul r x) (smul r y)))
(smul_distrib_right : ∀ (r s : R) (x : M), smul (ring.add r s) x = (add (smul r x) (smul s x)))
(smul_left_distrib : ∀ (r : R) (x y : M), smul r (add x y) = (add (smul r x) (smul r y)))
(smul_right_distrib : ∀ (r s : R) (x : M), smul (ring.add r s) x = (add (smul r x) (smul s x)))
(smul_mul : ∀ r s x, smul (mul r s) x = smul r (smul s x))
(smul_one : ∀ x, smul one x = x)
(one_smul : ∀ x, smul one x = x)
section left_module
variables {R M : Type}
@ -29,27 +29,27 @@ section left_module
-- Note: the anonymous include does not work in the propositions below.
proposition smul_distrib_left (a : R) (u v : M) : a • (u + v) = a • u + a • v :=
proposition smul_left_distrib (a : R) (u v : M) : a • (u + v) = a • u + a • v :=
proposition smul_distrib_right (a b : R) (u : M) : (a + b)•u = a•u + b•u :=
proposition smul_right_distrib (a b : R) (u : M) : (a + b)•u = a•u + b•u :=
proposition smul_mul (a : R) (b : R) (u : M) : (a * b) • u = a • (b • u) :=
proposition one_smul (u : M) : (1 : R) • u = u := !left_module.smul_one
proposition one_smul (u : M) : (1 : R) • u = u := !left_module.one_smul
proposition zero_smul (u : M) : (0 : R) • u = 0 :=
have (0 : R) • u + 0 • u = 0 • u + 0, by rewrite [-smul_distrib_right, *add_zero],
have (0 : R) • u + 0 • u = 0 • u + 0, by rewrite [-smul_right_distrib, *add_zero],
!add.left_cancel this
proposition smul_zero (a : R) : a • (0 : M) = 0 :=
have a • 0 + a • 0 = a • 0 + 0, by rewrite [-smul_distrib_left, *add_zero],
have a • 0 + a • 0 = a • 0 + 0, by rewrite [-smul_left_distrib, *add_zero],
!add.left_cancel this
proposition neg_smul (a : R) (u : M) : (-a) • u = - (a • u) :=
eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero (by rewrite [-smul_distrib_right, add.left_inv, zero_smul])
eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero (by rewrite [-smul_right_distrib, add.left_inv, zero_smul])
proposition neg_one_smul (u : M) : -(1 : R) • u = -u :=
by rewrite [neg_smul, one_smul]

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@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ theories.analysis
* [metric_space](metric_space.lean)
* [real_limit](real_limit.lean)
* [normed_space](normed_space.lean)

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@ -244,3 +244,7 @@ open metric_space
structure complete_metric_space [class] (M : Type) extends metricM : metric_space M : Type :=
(complete : ∀ X, @cauchy M metricM X → @converges_seq M metricM X)
proposition complete (M : Type) [cmM : complete_metric_space M] {X : → M} (H : cauchy X) :
converges_seq X :=
complete_metric_space.complete X H

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Normed spaces.
import algebra.module .real_limit
open real
noncomputable theory
structure has_norm [class] (M : Type) : Type :=
(norm : M → )
definition norm {M : Type} [has_normM : has_norm M] (v : M) : := has_norm.norm v
notation `∥`v`∥` := norm v
-- where is the right place to put this?
structure real_vector_space [class] (V : Type) extends vector_space V
structure normed_vector_space [class] (V : Type) extends real_vector_space V, has_norm V :=
(norm_zero : norm zero = 0)
(eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero : ∀ u : V, norm u = 0 → u = zero)
(norm_triangle : ∀ u v, norm (add u v) ≤ norm u + norm v)
(norm_smul : ∀ (a : ) (v : V), norm (smul a v) = abs a * norm v)
-- what namespace should we put this in?
section normed_vector_space
variable {V : Type}
variable [normed_vector_space V]
proposition norm_zero : ∥ (0 : V) ∥ = 0 := !normed_vector_space.norm_zero
proposition eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero {u : V} (H : ∥ u ∥ = 0) : u = 0 :=
!normed_vector_space.eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero H
proposition norm_triangle (u v : V) : ∥ u + v ∥ ≤ ∥ u ∥ + ∥ v ∥ :=
proposition norm_smul (a : ) (v : V) : ∥ a • v ∥ = abs a * ∥ v ∥ :=
proposition norm_neg (v : V) : ∥ -v ∥ = ∥ v ∥ :=
have abs (1 : ) = 1, from abs_of_nonneg zero_le_one,
by+ rewrite [-@neg_one_smul V, norm_smul, abs_neg, this, one_mul]
private definition nvs_dist (u v : V) := ∥ u - v ∥
private lemma nvs_dist_self (u : V) : nvs_dist u u = 0 :=
by rewrite [↑nvs_dist, sub_self, norm_zero]
private lemma eq_of_nvs_dist_eq_zero (u v : V) (H : nvs_dist u v = 0) : u = v :=
have u - v = 0, from eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero H,
eq_of_sub_eq_zero this
private lemma nvs_dist_triangle (u v w : V) : nvs_dist u w ≤ nvs_dist u v + nvs_dist v w :=
nvs_dist u w = ∥ (u - v) + (v - w) ∥ : by rewrite [↑nvs_dist, *sub_eq_add_neg, add.assoc,
... ≤ ∥ u - v ∥ + ∥ v - w ∥ : norm_triangle
private lemma nvs_dist_comm (u v : V) : nvs_dist u v = nvs_dist v u :=
by rewrite [↑nvs_dist, -norm_neg, neg_sub]
definition normed_vector_space_to_metric_space [reducible] [trans_instance] : metric_space V :=
⦃ metric_space,
dist := nvs_dist,
dist_self := nvs_dist_self,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := eq_of_nvs_dist_eq_zero,
dist_comm := nvs_dist_comm,
dist_triangle := nvs_dist_triangle
end normed_vector_space
structure banach_space [class] (V : Type) extends nvsV : normed_vector_space V :=
(complete : ∀ X, @metric_space.cauchy V (@normed_vector_space_to_metric_space V nvsV) X →
@metric_space.converges_seq V (@normed_vector_space_to_metric_space V nvsV) X)
definition banach_space_to_metric_space [reducible] [trans_instance] (V : Type) [bsV : banach_space V] :
complete_metric_space V :=
⦃ complete_metric_space, normed_vector_space_to_metric_space,
complete := banach_space.complete
open metric_space
example (V : Type) (vsV : banach_space V) (X : → V) (H : cauchy X) : converges_seq X :=
complete V H
/- the real numbers themselves can be viewed as a banach space -/
definition real_is_real_vector_space [trans_instance] [reducible] : real_vector_space :=
⦃ real_vector_space, real.discrete_linear_ordered_field,
smul := mul,
smul_left_distrib := left_distrib,
smul_right_distrib := right_distrib,
smul_mul := mul.assoc,
one_smul := one_mul
definition real_is_banach_space [trans_instance] [reducible] : banach_space :=
⦃ banach_space, real_is_real_vector_space,
norm := abs,
norm_zero := abs_zero,
eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero := λ a H, eq_zero_of_abs_eq_zero H,
norm_triangle := abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
norm_smul := abs_mul,
complete := λ X H, complete H