feat(frontends/lean/structure_cmd): allow structure declarations that contains only a header

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Leonardo de Moura 2014-11-03 22:17:43 -08:00
parent 91749d2364
commit 8f3139231b
2 changed files with 39 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -447,6 +447,12 @@ struct structure_cmd_fn {
void process_empty_new_fields() {
buffer<expr> new_fields;
/** \brief Traverse fields and collect the universes they reside in \c r_lvls.
This information is used to compute the resultant universe level for the inductive datatype declaration.
@ -684,6 +690,7 @@ struct structure_cmd_fn {
environment operator()() {
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk())) {
m_p.check_token_next(get_assign_tk(), "invalid 'structure', ':=' expected");
m_mk_pos = m_p.pos();
m_mk = m_p.check_atomic_id_next("invalid 'structure', identifier expected");
@ -691,6 +698,11 @@ struct structure_cmd_fn {
m_mk_infer = parse_implicit_infer_modifier(m_p);
m_p.check_token_next(get_dcolon_tk(), "invalid 'structure', '::' expected");
} else {
m_mk_pos = m_name_pos;
m_mk = m_name + "mk";

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace comm_semigroup
binary.left_comm mul_comm mul_assoc a b c
end comm_semigroup
structure monoid [class] (A : Type) extends semigroup A, has_one A:=
structure monoid [class] (A : Type) extends semigroup A, has_one A :=
mk :: (right_id : ∀a, mul a one = a) (left_id : ∀a, mul one a = a)
@ -73,70 +73,32 @@ section
theorem mul_left_id : 1 * a = a := !monoid.left_id
structure comm_monoid [class] (A : Type) extends monoid A, comm_semigroup A :=
mk ::
structure comm_monoid [class] (A : Type) extends monoid A, comm_semigroup A
structure Semigroup :=
mk :: (carrier : Type) (struct : semigroup carrier)
namespace comm_monoid
variables {A : Type} [s : comm_monoid A]
variables a b c : A
definition mul := comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, mul) s a b
definition one := comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, one) s
definition assoc : mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c) :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, assoc) s a b c
definition right_id : mul a one = a :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, right_id) s a
definition left_id : mul one a = a :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, left_id) s a
definition comm : mul a b = mul b a :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, comm) s a b
end comm_monoid
coercion Semigroup.carrier
instance Semigroup.struct
variables {A : Type} [s : comm_monoid A]
include s
definition comm_monoid_monoid [instance] : monoid A :=
monoid.mk comm_monoid.mul comm_monoid.one comm_monoid.assoc
comm_monoid.right_id comm_monoid.left_id
definition comm_monoid_comm_semigroup [instance] : comm_semigroup A :=
comm_semigroup.mk comm_monoid.mul comm_monoid.assoc comm_monoid.comm
structure CommSemigroup :=
mk :: (carrier : Type) (struct : comm_semigroup carrier)
-- bundled structures
-- ------------------
coercion CommSemigroup.carrier
instance CommSemigroup.struct
inductive Semigroup [class] : Type := mk : Π carrier : Type, semigroup carrier → Semigroup
variable S : Semigroup
definition Semigroup.carrier [coercion] : Type := Semigroup.rec (λc s, c) S
definition Semigroup.struc [instance] : semigroup S := Semigroup.rec (λc s, s) S
structure Monoid :=
mk :: (carrier : Type) (struct : monoid carrier)
inductive CommSemigroup [class] : Type :=
mk : Π carrier : Type, comm_semigroup carrier → CommSemigroup
variable S : CommSemigroup
definition CommSemigroup.carrier [coercion] : Type := CommSemigroup.rec (λc s, c) S
definition CommSemigroup.struc [instance] : comm_semigroup S := CommSemigroup.rec (λc s, s) S
coercion Monoid.carrier
instance Monoid.struct
inductive Monoid [class] : Type := mk : Π carrier : Type, monoid carrier → Monoid
variable S : Monoid
definition Monoid.carrier [coercion] : Type := Monoid.rec (λc s, c) S
definition Monoid.struc [instance] : monoid S := Monoid.rec (λc s, s) S
structure CommMonoid :=
mk :: (carrier : Type) (struct : comm_monoid carrier)
coercion CommMonoid.carrier
instance CommMonoid.struct
inductive CommMonoid : Type := mk : Π carrier : Type, comm_monoid carrier → CommMonoid
variable S : CommMonoid
definition CommMonoid.carrier [coercion] : Type := CommMonoid.rec (λc s, c) S
definition CommMonoid.struc [instance] : comm_monoid S := CommMonoid.rec (λc s, s) S
end algebra
open algebra
@ -156,7 +118,7 @@ calc
... = a * b * (c * d) : !mul_assoc
-- for test4b to work, we need instances at the level of the bundled structures as well
definition Monoid_Semigroup [instance] (M : Monoid) : Semigroup :=
definition Monoid_Semigroup [coercion] (M : Monoid) : Semigroup :=
Semigroup.mk (Monoid.carrier M) _
theorem test4 {M : Monoid} (a b c d : M) : a * (b * c) * d = a * b * (c * d) :=