feat(library/data/list): perm is decidable
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@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ theorem length_append : ∀ (s t : list T), length (s ++ t) = length s + length
... = (length s + 1) + length t : add.succ_left
... = (length s + 1) + length t : add.succ_left
... = length (a :: s) + length t : rfl
... = length (a :: s) + length t : rfl
theorem eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero : ∀ {l : list T}, length l = 0 → l = []
| [] H := rfl
| (a::s) H := nat.no_confusion H
-- add_rewrite length_nil length_cons
-- add_rewrite length_nil length_cons
/- concat -/
/- concat -/
@ -155,6 +155,35 @@ assume p, calc
... = l₁++(l₂++[a]) : append.assoc
... = l₁++(l₂++[a]) : append.assoc
... ~ l₁++(a::l₂) : perm_app_right l₁ (symm (perm_cons_app a l₂))
... ~ l₁++(a::l₂) : perm_app_right l₁ (symm (perm_cons_app a l₂))
theorem perm_erase [H : decidable_eq A] {a : A} : ∀ {l : list A}, a ∈ l → l ~ a::(erase a l)
| [] h := absurd h !not_mem_nil
| (x::t) h :=
if Heq : a = x then
by rewrite [Heq, erase_cons_head]; exact !perm.refl
have aint : a ∈ t, from mem_of_ne_of_mem Heq h,
have aux : t ~ a :: erase a t, from perm_erase aint,
calc x::t ~ x::a::(erase a t) : skip x aux
... ~ a::x::(erase a t) : swap
... = a::(erase a (x::t)) : by rewrite [!erase_cons_tail Heq]
theorem erase_perm_erase_of_perm [H : decidable_eq A] (a : A) {l₁ l₂ : list A} : l₁ ~ l₂ → erase a l₁ ~ erase a l₂ :=
assume p, perm.induction_on p
(λ x t₁ t₂ p r,
if Hax : a = x
then by rewrite [Hax, *erase_cons_head]; exact p
else by rewrite [*erase_cons_tail _ Hax]; exact (skip x r))
(λ x y l,
if Hax : a = x
then (if Hay : a = y
then by rewrite [-Hax, -Hay]; exact !perm.refl
else by rewrite [-Hax, erase_cons_tail _ Hay, *erase_cons_head]; exact !perm.refl)
else (if Hay : a = y
then by rewrite [-Hay, erase_cons_tail _ Hax, *erase_cons_head]; exact !perm.refl
else by rewrite[erase_cons_tail _ Hax, *erase_cons_tail _ Hay, erase_cons_tail _ Hax]; exact !swap))
(λ l₁ l₂ l₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂, trans r₁ r₂)
theorem perm_induction_on {P : list A → list A → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list A} (p : l₁ ~ l₂)
theorem perm_induction_on {P : list A → list A → Prop} {l₁ l₂ : list A} (p : l₁ ~ l₂)
(h₁ : P [] [])
(h₁ : P [] [])
(h₂ : ∀ x l₁ l₂, l₁ ~ l₂ → P l₁ l₂ → P (x::l₁) (x::l₂))
(h₂ : ∀ x l₁ l₂, l₁ ~ l₂ → P l₁ l₂ → P (x::l₁) (x::l₂))
@ -184,4 +213,42 @@ assume q, qeq.induction_on q
(λ b t₁ t₂ q₁ r₁, calc
(λ b t₁ t₂ q₁ r₁, calc
b::t₂ ~ b::a::t₁ : skip b r₁
b::t₂ ~ b::a::t₁ : skip b r₁
... ~ a::b::t₁ : swap)
... ~ a::b::t₁ : swap)
/- permutation is decidable if A has decidable equality -/
section dec
open decidable
variable [Ha : decidable_eq A]
include Ha
definition decidable_perm_aux : ∀ (n : nat) (l₁ l₂ : list A), length l₁ = n → length l₂ = n → decidable (l₁ ~ l₂)
| 0 l₁ l₂ H₁ H₂ :=
assert l₁n : l₁ = [], from eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero H₁,
assert l₂n : l₂ = [], from eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero H₂,
by rewrite [l₁n, l₂n]; exact (inl perm.nil)
| (n+1) (x::t₁) l₂ H₁ H₂ :=
if xinl₂ : x ∈ l₂ then
let t₂ : list A := erase x l₂ in
have len_t₁ : length t₁ = n, from nat.no_confusion H₁ (λ e, e),
assert len_t₂_aux : length t₂ = pred (length l₂), from length_erase_of_mem x l₂ xinl₂,
assert len_t₂ : length t₂ = n, by rewrite [len_t₂_aux, H₂],
match decidable_perm_aux n t₁ t₂ len_t₁ len_t₂ with
| inl p := inl (calc
x::t₁ ~ x::(erase x l₂) : skip x p
... ~ l₂ : perm_erase xinl₂)
| inr np := inr (λ p : x::t₁ ~ l₂,
assert p₁ : erase x (x::t₁) ~ erase x l₂, from erase_perm_erase_of_perm x p,
have p₂ : t₁ ~ erase x l₂, by rewrite [erase_cons_head at p₁]; exact p₁,
absurd p₂ np)
inr (λ p : x::t₁ ~ l₂, absurd (mem_perm x (x::t₁) l₂ p !mem_cons) xinl₂)
definition decidable_perm [instance] : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list A), decidable (l₁ ~ l₂) :=
λ l₁ l₂,
if Hl : length l₁ = length l₂ then
decidable_perm_aux (length l₂) l₁ l₂ Hl rfl
inr (λ p : l₁ ~ l₂, absurd (length_eq_length_of_perm p) Hl)
end dec
end perm
end perm
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