feat(*): change name conventions for Lean builtin libraries

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-01-05 19:10:21 -08:00
parent 771b099c0c
commit 935c2a03a3
130 changed files with 927 additions and 965 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ may also be of the form `{ <pr> }`, where `<pr>` is a proof
for some equality `a = b`. The form `{ <pr> }` is just syntax sugar
Subst (Refl <expr>_{i-1}) <pr>
subst (refl <expr>_{i-1}) <pr>
That is, we are claiming we can obtain `<expr>_i` by replacing `a` with `b`
in `<expr>_{i-1}`.
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Here is an example
:= calc a = b : Ax1
... = c + 1 : Ax2
... = d + 1 : { Ax3 }
... = 1 + d : Nat::PlusComm d 1
... = e : Symm Ax4.
... = 1 + d : Nat::plus::comm d 1
... = e : symm Ax4.
The proof expressions `<proof>_i` do not need to be explicitly provided.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ proof expression using the given tactic or solver.
Even when tactics and solvers are not used, we can still use the elaboration engine to fill
gaps in our calculational proofs. In the previous examples, we can use `_` as arguments for the
`Nat::PlusComm` theorem. The Lean elaboration engine will infer `d` and `1` for us.
`Nat::plus::comm` theorem. The Lean elaboration engine will infer `d` and `1` for us.
Here is the same example using placeholders.
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ Here is the same example using placeholders.
:= calc a = b : Ax1
... = c + 1 : Ax2
... = d + 1 : { Ax3 }
... = 1 + d : Nat::PlusComm _ _
... = e : Symm Ax4.
... = 1 + d : Nat::plus::comm _ _
... = e : symm Ax4.
We can also use the operators `=>`, `⇒`, `<=>`, `⇔` and `≠` in calculational proofs.
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Here is an example.
theorem T2 (a b c : Nat) (H1 : a = b) (H2 : b = c + 1) : a ≠ 0
:= calc a = b : H1
... = c + 1 : H2
... ≠ 0 : Nat::SuccNeZero _.
... ≠ 0 : Nat::succ::nz _.
The Lean `let` construct can also be used to build calculational-like proofs.
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ The Lean `let` construct can also be used to build calculational-like proofs.
axiom Axf (a : Nat) : f (f a) = a.
theorem T3 (a b : Nat) (H : P (f (f (f (f a)))) (f (f b))) : P a b
:= let s1 : P (f (f a)) (f (f b)) := Subst H (Axf a),
s2 : P a (f (f b)) := Subst s1 (Axf a),
s3 : P a b := Subst s2 (Axf b)
:= let s1 : P (f (f a)) (f (f b)) := subst H (Axf a),
s2 : P a (f (f b)) := subst s1 (Axf a),
s3 : P a b := subst s2 (Axf b)
in s3.

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@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ definition odd (a : Nat) := ∃ b, a = 2*b + 1.
-- Prove that the sum of two even numbers is even.
-- Notes: we use the macro
-- Obtain [bindings] ',' 'from' [expr]_1 ',' [expr]_2
-- obtain [bindings] ',' 'from' [expr]_1 ',' [expr]_2
-- It is syntax sugar for existential elimination.
-- It expands to
-- ExistsElim [expr]_1 (fun [binding], [expr]_2)
-- exists::elim [expr]_1 (fun [binding], [expr]_2)
-- It is defined in the file macros.lua.
-- We also use the calculational proof style.
-- See doc/lean/calc.md for more information.
-- We use the first two Obtain-expressions to extract the
-- We use the first two obtain-expressions to extract the
-- witnesses w1 and w2 s.t. a = 2*w1 and b = 2*w2.
-- We can do that because H1 and H2 are evidence/proof for the
-- fact that 'a' and 'b' are even.
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ definition odd (a : Nat) := ∃ b, a = 2*b + 1.
-- the witness w1+w2 for the fact that a+b is also even.
-- That is, we provide a derivation showing that a+b = 2*(w1 + w2)
theorem EvenPlusEven {a b : Nat} (H1 : even a) (H2 : even b) : even (a + b)
:= Obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a = 2*w1), from H1,
Obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b = 2*w2), from H2,
ExistsIntro (w1 + w2)
(calc a + b = 2*w1 + b : { Hw1 }
... = 2*w1 + 2*w2 : { Hw2 }
... = 2*(w1 + w2) : Symm (Nat::Distribute 2 w1 w2)).
:= obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a = 2*w1), from H1,
obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b = 2*w2), from H2,
exists::intro (w1 + w2)
(calc a + b = 2*w1 + b : { Hw1 }
... = 2*w1 + 2*w2 : { Hw2 }
... = 2*(w1 + w2) : symm (Nat::distribute 2 w1 w2)).
-- In the following example, we omit the arguments for Nat::PlusAssoc, Refl and Nat::Distribute.
-- Lean can infer them automatically.
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ theorem EvenPlusEven {a b : Nat} (H1 : even a) (H2 : even b) : even (a + b)
-- is left associative. Moreover, Lean normalizer does not use
-- any theorems such as + associativity.
theorem OddPlusOne {a : Nat} (H : odd a) : even (a + 1)
:= Obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : a = 2*w + 1), from H,
ExistsIntro (w + 1)
(calc a + 1 = 2*w + 1 + 1 : { Hw }
... = 2*w + (1 + 1) : Symm (Nat::PlusAssoc _ _ _)
... = 2*w + 2*1 : Refl _
... = 2*(w + 1) : Symm (Nat::Distribute _ _ _)).
:= obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : a = 2*w + 1), from H,
exists::intro (w + 1)
(calc a + 1 = 2*w + 1 + 1 : { Hw }
... = 2*w + (1 + 1) : symm (Nat::plus::assoc _ _ _)
... = 2*w + 2*1 : refl _
... = 2*(w + 1) : symm (Nat::distribute _ _ _)).
-- The following command displays the proof object produced by Lean after
-- expanding macros, and infering implicit/missing arguments.

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ variable N : Type
variable h : N -> N -> N
-- Specialize congruence theorem for h-applications
theorem CongrH {a1 a2 b1 b2 : N} (H1 : a1 = b1) (H2 : a2 = b2) : (h a1 a2) = (h b1 b2) :=
Congr (Congr (Refl h) H1) H2
theorem congrh {a1 a2 b1 b2 : N} (H1 : a1 = b1) (H2 : a2 = b2) : (h a1 a2) = (h b1 b2) :=
congr (congr (refl h) H1) H2
-- Declare some variables
variable a : N
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ axiom H2 : b = e
-- Proof that (h a b) = (h c e)
theorem T1 : (h a b) = (h c e) :=
DisjCases H1
(λ C1, CongrH (Trans (Conjunct1 C1) (Conjunct2 C1)) H2)
(λ C2, CongrH (Trans (Conjunct2 C2) (Conjunct1 C2)) H2)
or::elim H1
(λ C1, congrh ((and::eliml C1) ⋈ (and::elimr C1)) H2)
(λ C2, congrh ((and::elimr C2) ⋈ (and::eliml C2)) H2)
-- We can use theorem T1 to prove other theorems
theorem T2 : (h a (h a b)) = (h a (h c e)) :=
CongrH (Refl a) T1
congrh (refl a) T1
-- Display the last two objects (i.e., theorems) added to the environment
print environment 2

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@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
import macros.
theorem simple (p q r : Bool) : (p ⇒ q) ∧ (q ⇒ r) ⇒ p ⇒ r
:= Assume H_pq_qr H_p,
let P_pq := Conjunct1 H_pq_qr,
P_qr := Conjunct2 H_pq_qr,
P_q := MP P_pq H_p
in MP P_qr P_q.
:= assume H_pq_qr H_p,
let P_pq := and::eliml H_pq_qr,
P_qr := and::elimr H_pq_qr
in P_qr ◂ (P_pq ◂ H_p)
setoption pp::implicit true.
print environment 1.
theorem simple2 (a b c : Bool) : (a ⇒ b ⇒ c) ⇒ (a ⇒ b) ⇒ a ⇒ c
:= Assume H_abc H_ab H_a,
let P_b := (MP H_ab H_a),
P_bc := (MP H_abc H_a)
in MP P_bc P_b.
:= assume H_abc H_ab H_a,
(H_abc ◂ H_a) ◂ (H_ab ◂ H_a)
print environment 1.

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@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
import macros.
theorem and_comm (a b : Bool) : (a ∧ b) ⇒ (b ∧ a)
:= Assume H_ab, Conj (Conjunct2 H_ab) (Conjunct1 H_ab).
:= assume H_ab, and::intro (and::elimr H_ab) (and::eliml H_ab).
theorem or_comm (a b : Bool) : (a b) ⇒ (b a)
:= Assume H_ab,
DisjCases H_ab
(λ H_a, Disj2 b H_a)
(λ H_b, Disj1 H_b a).
:= assume H_ab,
or::elim H_ab
(λ H_a, or::intror b H_a)
(λ H_b, or::introl H_b a).
-- (EM a) is the excluded middle a ¬a
-- (MT H H_na) is Modus Tollens with
-- (em a) is the excluded middle a ¬a
-- (mt H H_na) is Modus Tollens with
-- H : (a ⇒ b) ⇒ a)
-- H_na : ¬a
-- produces
-- ¬(a ⇒ b)
-- NotImp1 applied to
-- not::imp::eliml applied to
-- (MT H H_na) : ¬(a ⇒ b)
-- produces
-- a
theorem pierce (a b : Bool) : ((a ⇒ b) ⇒ a) ⇒ a
:= Assume H, DisjCases (EM a)
(λ H_a, H_a)
(λ H_na, NotImp1 (MT H H_na)).
:= assume H, or::elim (em a)
(λ H_a, H_a)
(λ H_na, not::imp::eliml (mt H H_na)).
print environment 3.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import Int
import tactic
definition a : Nat := 10
-- Trivial indicates a "proof by evaluation"
theorem T1 : a > 0 := Trivial
theorem T2 : a - 5 > 3 := Trivial
theorem T1 : a > 0 := trivial
theorem T2 : a - 5 > 3 := trivial
-- The next one is commented because it fails
-- theorem T3 : a > 11 := Trivial
-- theorem T3 : a > 11 := trivial

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@ -1,72 +1,49 @@
import macros
theorem ReflIf (A : Type)
(R : A → A → Bool)
(Symmetry : Π x y, R x y → R y x)
(Transitivity : Π x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z)
(Symm : Π x y, R x y → R y x)
(Trans : Π x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z)
(Linked : Π x, ∃ y, R x y)
Π x, R x x :=
fun x, ExistsElim (Linked x)
(fun (w : A) (H : R x w),
let L1 : R w x := Symmetry x w H
in Transitivity x w x H L1)
λ x, obtain (w : A) (H : R x w), from (Linked x),
let L1 : R w x := Symm x w H
in Trans x w x H L1
-- Same example but using ∀ instead of Π and ⇒ instead of →
-- Same example but using ∀ instead of Π and ⇒ instead of →.
-- Remark: H ↓ x is syntax sugar for forall::elim H x
-- Remark: H1 ◂ H2 is syntax sugar for mp H1 H2
theorem ReflIf (A : Type)
(R : A → A → Bool)
(Symmetry : ∀ x y, R x y ⇒ R y x)
(Transitivity : ∀ x y z, R x y ⇒ R y z ⇒ R x z)
(Symm : ∀ x y, R x y ⇒ R y x)
(Trans : ∀ x y z, R x y ⇒ R y z ⇒ R x z)
(Linked : ∀ x, ∃ y, R x y)
∀ x, R x x :=
ForallIntro (fun x,
ExistsElim (ForallElim Linked x)
(fun (w : A) (H : R x w),
let L1 : R w x := (MP (ForallElim (ForallElim Symmetry x) w) H)
in (MP (MP (ForallElim (ForallElim (ForallElim Transitivity x) w) x) H) L1)))
take x, obtain (w : A) (H : R x w), from (Linked ↓ x),
let L1 : R w x := Symm ↓ x ↓ w ◂ H
in Trans ↓ x ↓ w ↓ x ◂ H ◂ L1
-- We can make the previous example less verbose by using custom notation
infixl 50 ! : ForallElim
infixl 30 << : MP
theorem ReflIf2 (A : Type)
(R : A → A → Bool)
(Symmetry : ∀ x y, R x y ⇒ R y x)
(Transitivity : ∀ x y z, R x y ⇒ R y z ⇒ R x z)
(Linked : ∀ x, ∃ y, R x y)
∀ x, R x x :=
ForallIntro (fun x,
ExistsElim (Linked ! x)
(fun (w : A) (H : R x w),
let L1 : R w x := Symmetry ! x ! w << H
in Transitivity ! x ! w ! x << H << L1))
print environment 1
-- Same example again.
variable A : Type
variable R : A → A → Bool
axiom Symmetry {x y : A} : R x y → R y x
axiom Transitivity {x y z : A} : R x y → R y z → R x z
axiom Symm {x y : A} : R x y → R y x
axiom Trans {x y z : A} : R x y → R y z → R x z
axiom Linked (x : A) : ∃ y, R x y
theorem ReflIf (x : A) : R x x :=
ExistsElim (Linked x) (fun (w : A) (H : R x w),
let L1 : R w x := Symmetry H
in Transitivity H L1)
obtain (w : A) (H : R x w), from (Linked x),
let L1 : R w x := Symm H
in Trans H L1
-- Even more compact proof of the same theorem
theorem ReflIf2 (x : A) : R x x :=
ExistsElim (Linked x) (fun w H, Transitivity H (Symmetry H))
-- The command Endscope exports both theorem to the main scope
-- The variables and axioms in the scope become parameters to both theorems.
-- Display the last two theorems

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@ -8,31 +8,30 @@ infix 60 ∈ : element
definition subset {A : Type} (s1 : Set A) (s2 : Set A) := ∀ x, x ∈ s1 ⇒ x ∈ s2
infix 50 ⊆ : subset
theorem SubsetTrans (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 s3 : Set A, s1 ⊆ s2 ⇒ s2 ⊆ s3 ⇒ s1 ⊆ s3 :=
take s1 s2 s3, Assume (H1 : s1 ⊆ s2) (H2 : s2 ⊆ s3),
theorem subset::trans (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 s3 : Set A, s1 ⊆ s2 ⇒ s2 ⊆ s3 ⇒ s1 ⊆ s3 :=
take s1 s2 s3, assume (H1 : s1 ⊆ s2) (H2 : s2 ⊆ s3),
have s1 ⊆ s3 :
take x, Assume Hin : x ∈ s1,
take x, assume Hin : x ∈ s1,
have x ∈ s3 :
let L1 : x ∈ s2 := MP (Instantiate H1 x) Hin
in MP (Instantiate H2 x) L1
let L1 : x ∈ s2 := H1 ↓ x ◂ Hin
in H2 ↓ x ◂ L1
theorem SubsetExt (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 : Set A, (∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2) ⇒ s1 = s2 :=
take s1 s2, Assume (H : ∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2),
Abst (fun x, Instantiate H x)
theorem subset::ext (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 : Set A, (∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2) ⇒ s1 = s2 :=
take s1 s2, assume (H : ∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2),
abst (λ x, H ↓ x)
theorem SubsetAntiSymm (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 : Set A, s1 ⊆ s2 ⇒ s2 ⊆ s1 ⇒ s1 = s2 :=
take s1 s2, Assume (H1 : s1 ⊆ s2) (H2 : s2 ⊆ s1),
theorem subset::antisym (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 : Set A, s1 ⊆ s2 ⇒ s2 ⊆ s1 ⇒ s1 = s2 :=
take s1 s2, assume (H1 : s1 ⊆ s2) (H2 : s2 ⊆ s1),
have s1 = s2 :
MP (have (∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2) ⇒ s1 = s2 :
Instantiate (SubsetExt A) s1 s2)
(have (∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2) :
take x, have x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2 :
let L1 : x ∈ s1 ⇒ x ∈ s2 := Instantiate H1 x,
L2 : x ∈ s2 ⇒ x ∈ s1 := Instantiate H2 x
in ImpAntisym L1 L2)
(have (∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2) ⇒ s1 = s2 :
(subset::ext A) ↓ s1 ↓ s2)
(have (∀ x, x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2) :
take x, have x ∈ s1 = x ∈ s2 :
iff::intro (have x ∈ s1 ⇒ x ∈ s2 : H1 ↓ x)
(have x ∈ s2 ⇒ x ∈ s1 : H2 ↓ x))
-- Compact (but less readable) version of the previous theorem
theorem SubsetAntiSymm2 (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 : Set A, s1 ⊆ s2 ⇒ s2 ⊆ s1 ⇒ s1 = s2 :=
take s1 s2, Assume H1 H2,
MP (Instantiate (SubsetExt A) s1 s2)
(take x, ImpAntisym (Instantiate H1 x) (Instantiate H2 x))
theorem subset::antisym2 (A : Type) : ∀ s1 s2 : Set A, s1 ⊆ s2 ⇒ s2 ⊆ s1 ⇒ s1 = s2 :=
take s1 s2, assume H1 H2,
(subset::ext A) ↓ s1 ↓ s2 ◂ (take x, iff::intro (H1 ↓ x) (H2 ↓ x))

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-- This example demonstrates how to specify a proof skeleton that contains
-- "holes" that must be filled using user-defined tactics.
import tactic
-- import useful macros for creating tactics
-- Define a simple tactic using Lua
auto = Repeat(OrElse(assumption_tac(), conj_tac(), conj_hyp_tac()))

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
local pb = s:proof_builder()
local new_pb =
function(m, a)
local Conj = Const("Conj")
local Conj = Const({"and", "intro"})
local new_m = proof_map(m) -- Copy proof map m
for _, p in ipairs(proof_info) do
local n = p[1] -- n is the name of the goal splitted by this tactic

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@ -30,219 +30,217 @@ infix 50 > : gt
definition id (a : Nat) := a
notation 55 | _ | : id
axiom SuccNeZero (a : Nat) : a + 1 ≠ 0
axiom SuccInj {a b : Nat} (H : a + 1 = b + 1) : a = b
axiom PlusZero (a : Nat) : a + 0 = a
axiom PlusSucc (a b : Nat) : a + (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1
axiom MulZero (a : Nat) : a * 0 = 0
axiom MulSucc (a b : Nat) : a * (b + 1) = a * b + a
axiom LeDef (a b : Nat) : a ≤ b ⇔ ∃ c, a + c = b
axiom Induction {P : Nat → Bool} (a : Nat) (H1 : P 0) (H2 : Π (n : Nat) (iH : P n), P (n + 1)) : P a
axiom succ::nz (a : Nat) : a + 1 ≠ 0
axiom succ::inj {a b : Nat} (H : a + 1 = b + 1) : a = b
axiom plus::zeror (a : Nat) : a + 0 = a
axiom plus::succr (a b : Nat) : a + (b + 1) = (a + b) + 1
axiom mul::zeror (a : Nat) : a * 0 = 0
axiom mul::succr (a b : Nat) : a * (b + 1) = a * b + a
axiom le::def (a b : Nat) : a ≤ b ⇔ ∃ c, a + c = b
axiom induction {P : Nat → Bool} (a : Nat) (H1 : P 0) (H2 : Π (n : Nat) (iH : P n), P (n + 1)) : P a
theorem ZeroNeOne : 0 ≠ 1 := Trivial
theorem NeZeroPred' (a : Nat) : a ≠ 0 ⇒ ∃ b, b + 1 = a
:= Induction a
(Assume H : 0 ≠ 0, FalseElim (∃ b, b + 1 = 0) H)
theorem pred::nz' (a : Nat) : a ≠ 0 ⇒ ∃ b, b + 1 = a
:= induction a
(assume H : 0 ≠ 0, false::elim (∃ b, b + 1 = 0) H)
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : n ≠ 0 ⇒ ∃ b, b + 1 = n),
Assume H : n + 1 ≠ 0,
DisjCases (EM (n = 0))
(λ Heq0 : n = 0, ExistsIntro 0 (calc 0 + 1 = n + 1 : { Symm Heq0 }))
assume H : n + 1 ≠ 0,
or::elim (em (n = 0))
(λ Heq0 : n = 0, exists::intro 0 (calc 0 + 1 = n + 1 : { symm Heq0 }))
(λ Hne0 : n ≠ 0,
Obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : w + 1 = n), from (MP iH Hne0),
ExistsIntro (w + 1) (calc w + 1 + 1 = n + 1 : { Hw })))
obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : w + 1 = n), from (iH ◂ Hne0),
exists::intro (w + 1) (calc w + 1 + 1 = n + 1 : { Hw })))
theorem NeZeroPred {a : Nat} (H : a ≠ 0) : ∃ b, b + 1 = a
:= MP (NeZeroPred' a) H
theorem pred::nz {a : Nat} (H : a ≠ 0) : ∃ b, b + 1 = a
:= (pred::nz' a) ◂ H
theorem Destruct {B : Bool} {a : Nat} (H1: a = 0 → B) (H2 : Π n, a = n + 1 → B) : B
:= DisjCases (EM (a = 0))
theorem destruct {B : Bool} {a : Nat} (H1: a = 0 → B) (H2 : Π n, a = n + 1 → B) : B
:= or::elim (em (a = 0))
(λ Heq0 : a = 0, H1 Heq0)
(λ Hne0 : a ≠ 0, Obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : w + 1 = a), from (NeZeroPred Hne0),
H2 w (Symm Hw))
(λ Hne0 : a ≠ 0, obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : w + 1 = a), from (pred::nz Hne0),
H2 w (symm Hw))
theorem ZeroPlus (a : Nat) : 0 + a = a
:= Induction a
(have 0 + 0 = 0 : Trivial)
theorem plus::zerol (a : Nat) : 0 + a = a
:= induction a
(have 0 + 0 = 0 : trivial)
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : 0 + n = n),
calc 0 + (n + 1) = (0 + n) + 1 : PlusSucc 0 n
calc 0 + (n + 1) = (0 + n) + 1 : plus::succr 0 n
... = n + 1 : { iH })
theorem SuccPlus (a b : Nat) : (a + 1) + b = (a + b) + 1
:= Induction b
(calc (a + 1) + 0 = a + 1 : PlusZero (a + 1)
... = (a + 0) + 1 : { Symm (PlusZero a) })
theorem plus::succl (a b : Nat) : (a + 1) + b = (a + b) + 1
:= induction b
(calc (a + 1) + 0 = a + 1 : plus::zeror (a + 1)
... = (a + 0) + 1 : { symm (plus::zeror a) })
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : (a + 1) + n = (a + n) + 1),
calc (a + 1) + (n + 1) = ((a + 1) + n) + 1 : PlusSucc (a + 1) n
calc (a + 1) + (n + 1) = ((a + 1) + n) + 1 : plus::succr (a + 1) n
... = ((a + n) + 1) + 1 : { iH }
... = (a + (n + 1)) + 1 : { have (a + n) + 1 = a + (n + 1) : Symm (PlusSucc a n) })
... = (a + (n + 1)) + 1 : { have (a + n) + 1 = a + (n + 1) : symm (plus::succr a n) })
theorem PlusComm (a b : Nat) : a + b = b + a
:= Induction b
(calc a + 0 = a : PlusZero a
... = 0 + a : Symm (ZeroPlus a))
theorem plus::comm (a b : Nat) : a + b = b + a
:= induction b
(calc a + 0 = a : plus::zeror a
... = 0 + a : symm (plus::zerol a))
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : a + n = n + a),
calc a + (n + 1) = (a + n) + 1 : PlusSucc a n
calc a + (n + 1) = (a + n) + 1 : plus::succr a n
... = (n + a) + 1 : { iH }
... = (n + 1) + a : Symm (SuccPlus n a))
... = (n + 1) + a : symm (plus::succl n a))
theorem PlusAssoc (a b c : Nat) : a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
:= Induction a
(calc 0 + (b + c) = b + c : ZeroPlus (b + c)
... = (0 + b) + c : { Symm (ZeroPlus b) })
theorem plus::assoc (a b c : Nat) : a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
:= induction a
(calc 0 + (b + c) = b + c : plus::zerol (b + c)
... = (0 + b) + c : { symm (plus::zerol b) })
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : n + (b + c) = (n + b) + c),
calc (n + 1) + (b + c) = (n + (b + c)) + 1 : SuccPlus n (b + c)
calc (n + 1) + (b + c) = (n + (b + c)) + 1 : plus::succl n (b + c)
... = ((n + b) + c) + 1 : { iH }
... = ((n + b) + 1) + c : Symm (SuccPlus (n + b) c)
... = ((n + 1) + b) + c : { have (n + b) + 1 = (n + 1) + b : Symm (SuccPlus n b) })
... = ((n + b) + 1) + c : symm (plus::succl (n + b) c)
... = ((n + 1) + b) + c : { have (n + b) + 1 = (n + 1) + b : symm (plus::succl n b) })
theorem ZeroMul (a : Nat) : 0 * a = 0
:= Induction a
(have 0 * 0 = 0 : Trivial)
theorem mul::zerol (a : Nat) : 0 * a = 0
:= induction a
(have 0 * 0 = 0 : trivial)
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : 0 * n = 0),
calc 0 * (n + 1) = (0 * n) + 0 : MulSucc 0 n
calc 0 * (n + 1) = (0 * n) + 0 : mul::succr 0 n
... = 0 + 0 : { iH }
... = 0 : Trivial)
... = 0 : trivial)
theorem SuccMul (a b : Nat) : (a + 1) * b = a * b + b
:= Induction b
(calc (a + 1) * 0 = 0 : MulZero (a + 1)
... = a * 0 : Symm (MulZero a)
... = a * 0 + 0 : Symm (PlusZero (a * 0)))
theorem mul::succl (a b : Nat) : (a + 1) * b = a * b + b
:= induction b
(calc (a + 1) * 0 = 0 : mul::zeror (a + 1)
... = a * 0 : symm (mul::zeror a)
... = a * 0 + 0 : symm (plus::zeror (a * 0)))
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : (a + 1) * n = a * n + n),
calc (a + 1) * (n + 1) = (a + 1) * n + (a + 1) : MulSucc (a + 1) n
calc (a + 1) * (n + 1) = (a + 1) * n + (a + 1) : mul::succr (a + 1) n
... = a * n + n + (a + 1) : { iH }
... = a * n + n + a + 1 : PlusAssoc (a * n + n) a 1
... = a * n + (n + a) + 1 : { have a * n + n + a = a * n + (n + a) : Symm (PlusAssoc (a * n) n a) }
... = a * n + (a + n) + 1 : { PlusComm n a }
... = a * n + a + n + 1 : { PlusAssoc (a * n) a n }
... = a * (n + 1) + n + 1 : { Symm (MulSucc a n) }
... = a * (n + 1) + (n + 1) : Symm (PlusAssoc (a * (n + 1)) n 1))
... = a * n + n + a + 1 : plus::assoc (a * n + n) a 1
... = a * n + (n + a) + 1 : { have a * n + n + a = a * n + (n + a) : symm (plus::assoc (a * n) n a) }
... = a * n + (a + n) + 1 : { plus::comm n a }
... = a * n + a + n + 1 : { plus::assoc (a * n) a n }
... = a * (n + 1) + n + 1 : { symm (mul::succr a n) }
... = a * (n + 1) + (n + 1) : symm (plus::assoc (a * (n + 1)) n 1))
theorem OneMul (a : Nat) : 1 * a = a
:= Induction a
(have 1 * 0 = 0 : Trivial)
theorem mul::lhs::one (a : Nat) : 1 * a = a
:= induction a
(have 1 * 0 = 0 : trivial)
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : 1 * n = n),
calc 1 * (n + 1) = 1 * n + 1 : MulSucc 1 n
calc 1 * (n + 1) = 1 * n + 1 : mul::succr 1 n
... = n + 1 : { iH })
theorem MulOne (a : Nat) : a * 1 = a
:= Induction a
(have 0 * 1 = 0 : Trivial)
theorem mul::rhs::one (a : Nat) : a * 1 = a
:= induction a
(have 0 * 1 = 0 : trivial)
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : n * 1 = n),
calc (n + 1) * 1 = n * 1 + 1 : SuccMul n 1
calc (n + 1) * 1 = n * 1 + 1 : mul::succl n 1
... = n + 1 : { iH })
theorem MulComm (a b : Nat) : a * b = b * a
:= Induction b
(calc a * 0 = 0 : MulZero a
... = 0 * a : Symm (ZeroMul a))
theorem mul::comm (a b : Nat) : a * b = b * a
:= induction b
(calc a * 0 = 0 : mul::zeror a
... = 0 * a : symm (mul::zerol a))
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : a * n = n * a),
calc a * (n + 1) = a * n + a : MulSucc a n
calc a * (n + 1) = a * n + a : mul::succr a n
... = n * a + a : { iH }
... = (n + 1) * a : Symm (SuccMul n a))
... = (n + 1) * a : symm (mul::succl n a))
theorem Distribute (a b c : Nat) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
:= Induction a
(calc 0 * (b + c) = 0 : ZeroMul (b + c)
... = 0 + 0 : Trivial
... = 0 * b + 0 : { Symm (ZeroMul b) }
... = 0 * b + 0 * c : { Symm (ZeroMul c) })
theorem distribute (a b c : Nat) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
:= induction a
(calc 0 * (b + c) = 0 : mul::zerol (b + c)
... = 0 + 0 : trivial
... = 0 * b + 0 : { symm (mul::zerol b) }
... = 0 * b + 0 * c : { symm (mul::zerol c) })
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : n * (b + c) = n * b + n * c),
calc (n + 1) * (b + c) = n * (b + c) + (b + c) : SuccMul n (b + c)
calc (n + 1) * (b + c) = n * (b + c) + (b + c) : mul::succl n (b + c)
... = n * b + n * c + (b + c) : { iH }
... = n * b + n * c + b + c : PlusAssoc (n * b + n * c) b c
... = n * b + (n * c + b) + c : { Symm (PlusAssoc (n * b) (n * c) b) }
... = n * b + (b + n * c) + c : { PlusComm (n * c) b }
... = n * b + b + n * c + c : { PlusAssoc (n * b) b (n * c) }
... = (n + 1) * b + n * c + c : { Symm (SuccMul n b) }
... = (n + 1) * b + (n * c + c) : Symm (PlusAssoc ((n + 1) * b) (n * c) c)
... = (n + 1) * b + (n + 1) * c : { Symm (SuccMul n c) })
... = n * b + n * c + b + c : plus::assoc (n * b + n * c) b c
... = n * b + (n * c + b) + c : { symm (plus::assoc (n * b) (n * c) b) }
... = n * b + (b + n * c) + c : { plus::comm (n * c) b }
... = n * b + b + n * c + c : { plus::assoc (n * b) b (n * c) }
... = (n + 1) * b + n * c + c : { symm (mul::succl n b) }
... = (n + 1) * b + (n * c + c) : symm (plus::assoc ((n + 1) * b) (n * c) c)
... = (n + 1) * b + (n + 1) * c : { symm (mul::succl n c) })
theorem Distribute2 (a b c : Nat) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
:= calc (a + b) * c = c * (a + b) : MulComm (a + b) c
... = c * a + c * b : Distribute c a b
... = a * c + c * b : { MulComm c a }
... = a * c + b * c : { MulComm c b }
theorem distribute2 (a b c : Nat) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
:= calc (a + b) * c = c * (a + b) : mul::comm (a + b) c
... = c * a + c * b : distribute c a b
... = a * c + c * b : { mul::comm c a }
... = a * c + b * c : { mul::comm c b }
theorem MulAssoc (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * b * c
:= Induction a
(calc 0 * (b * c) = 0 : ZeroMul (b * c)
... = 0 * c : Symm (ZeroMul c)
... = (0 * b) * c : { Symm (ZeroMul b) })
theorem mul::assoc (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * b * c
:= induction a
(calc 0 * (b * c) = 0 : mul::zerol (b * c)
... = 0 * c : symm (mul::zerol c)
... = (0 * b) * c : { symm (mul::zerol b) })
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : n * (b * c) = n * b * c),
calc (n + 1) * (b * c) = n * (b * c) + (b * c) : SuccMul n (b * c)
calc (n + 1) * (b * c) = n * (b * c) + (b * c) : mul::succl n (b * c)
... = n * b * c + (b * c) : { iH }
... = (n * b + b) * c : Symm (Distribute2 (n * b) b c)
... = (n + 1) * b * c : { Symm (SuccMul n b) })
... = (n * b + b) * c : symm (distribute2 (n * b) b c)
... = (n + 1) * b * c : { symm (mul::succl n b) })
theorem PlusInj' (a b c : Nat) : a + b = a + c ⇒ b = c
:= Induction a
(Assume H : 0 + b = 0 + c,
calc b = 0 + b : Symm (ZeroPlus b)
theorem plus::inj' (a b c : Nat) : a + b = a + c ⇒ b = c
:= induction a
(assume H : 0 + b = 0 + c,
calc b = 0 + b : symm (plus::zerol b)
... = 0 + c : H
... = c : ZeroPlus c)
... = c : plus::zerol c)
(λ (n : Nat) (iH : n + b = n + c ⇒ b = c),
Assume H : n + 1 + b = n + 1 + c,
assume H : n + 1 + b = n + 1 + c,
let L1 : n + b + 1 = n + c + 1
:= (calc n + b + 1 = n + (b + 1) : Symm (PlusAssoc n b 1)
... = n + (1 + b) : { PlusComm b 1 }
... = n + 1 + b : PlusAssoc n 1 b
:= (calc n + b + 1 = n + (b + 1) : symm (plus::assoc n b 1)
... = n + (1 + b) : { plus::comm b 1 }
... = n + 1 + b : plus::assoc n 1 b
... = n + 1 + c : H
... = n + (1 + c) : Symm (PlusAssoc n 1 c)
... = n + (c + 1) : { PlusComm 1 c }
... = n + c + 1 : PlusAssoc n c 1),
L2 : n + b = n + c := SuccInj L1
in MP iH L2)
... = n + (1 + c) : symm (plus::assoc n 1 c)
... = n + (c + 1) : { plus::comm 1 c }
... = n + c + 1 : plus::assoc n c 1),
L2 : n + b = n + c := succ::inj L1
in iH L2)
theorem PlusInj {a b c : Nat} (H : a + b = a + c) : b = c
:= MP (PlusInj' a b c) H
theorem plus::inj {a b c : Nat} (H : a + b = a + c) : b = c
:= (plus::inj' a b c) ◂ H
theorem PlusEq0 {a b : Nat} (H : a + b = 0) : a = 0
:= Destruct (λ H1 : a = 0, H1)
theorem plus::eqz {a b : Nat} (H : a + b = 0) : a = 0
:= destruct (λ H1 : a = 0, H1)
(λ (n : Nat) (H1 : a = n + 1),
AbsurdElim (a = 0)
H (calc a + b = n + 1 + b : { H1 }
... = n + (1 + b) : Symm (PlusAssoc n 1 b)
... = n + (b + 1) : { PlusComm 1 b }
... = n + b + 1 : PlusAssoc n b 1
... ≠ 0 : SuccNeZero (n + b)))
absurd::elim (a = 0)
H (calc a + b = n + 1 + b : { H1 }
... = n + (1 + b) : symm (plus::assoc n 1 b)
... = n + (b + 1) : { plus::comm 1 b }
... = n + b + 1 : plus::assoc n b 1
... ≠ 0 : succ::nz (n + b)))
theorem LeIntro {a b c : Nat} (H : a + c = b) : a ≤ b
:= EqMP (Symm (LeDef a b)) (have (∃ x, a + x = b) : ExistsIntro c H)
theorem le::intro {a b c : Nat} (H : a + c = b) : a ≤ b
:= (symm (le::def a b)) ◆ (have (∃ x, a + x = b) : exists::intro c H)
theorem LeElim {a b : Nat} (H : a ≤ b) : ∃ x, a + x = b
:= EqMP (LeDef a b) H
theorem le::elim {a b : Nat} (H : a ≤ b) : ∃ x, a + x = b
:= (le::def a b) ◆ H
theorem LeRefl (a : Nat) : a ≤ a := LeIntro (PlusZero a)
theorem le::refl (a : Nat) : a ≤ a := le::intro (plus::zeror a)
theorem LeZero (a : Nat) : 0 ≤ a := LeIntro (ZeroPlus a)
theorem le::zero (a : Nat) : 0 ≤ a := le::intro (plus::zerol a)
theorem LeTrans {a b c : Nat} (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ c) : a ≤ c
:= Obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a + w1 = b), from (LeElim H1),
Obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b + w2 = c), from (LeElim H2),
LeIntro (calc a + (w1 + w2) = a + w1 + w2 : PlusAssoc a w1 w2
... = b + w2 : { Hw1 }
... = c : Hw2)
theorem le::trans {a b c : Nat} (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ c) : a ≤ c
:= obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a + w1 = b), from (le::elim H1),
obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b + w2 = c), from (le::elim H2),
le::intro (calc a + (w1 + w2) = a + w1 + w2 : plus::assoc a w1 w2
... = b + w2 : { Hw1 }
... = c : Hw2)
theorem LeInj {a b : Nat} (H : a ≤ b) (c : Nat) : a + c ≤ b + c
:= Obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : a + w = b), from (LeElim H),
LeIntro (calc a + c + w = a + (c + w) : Symm (PlusAssoc a c w)
... = a + (w + c) : { PlusComm c w }
... = a + w + c : PlusAssoc a w c
theorem le::plus {a b : Nat} (H : a ≤ b) (c : Nat) : a + c ≤ b + c
:= obtain (w : Nat) (Hw : a + w = b), from (le::elim H),
le::intro (calc a + c + w = a + (c + w) : symm (plus::assoc a c w)
... = a + (w + c) : { plus::comm c w }
... = a + w + c : plus::assoc a w c
... = b + c : { Hw })
theorem LeAntiSymm {a b : Nat} (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ a) : a = b
:= Obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a + w1 = b), from (LeElim H1),
Obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b + w2 = a), from (LeElim H2),
theorem le::antisym {a b : Nat} (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ a) : a = b
:= obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a + w1 = b), from (le::elim H1),
obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b + w2 = a), from (le::elim H2),
let L1 : w1 + w2 = 0
:= PlusInj (calc a + (w1 + w2) = a + w1 + w2 : { PlusAssoc a w1 w2 }
... = b + w2 : { Hw1 }
... = a : Hw2
... = a + 0 : Symm (PlusZero a)),
L2 : w1 = 0 := PlusEq0 L1
in calc a = a + 0 : Symm (PlusZero a)
... = a + w1 : { Symm L2 }
:= plus::inj (calc a + (w1 + w2) = a + w1 + w2 : { plus::assoc a w1 w2 }
... = b + w2 : { Hw1 }
... = a : Hw2
... = a + 0 : symm (plus::zeror a)),
L2 : w1 = 0 := plus::eqz L1
in calc a = a + 0 : symm (plus::zeror a)
... = a + w1 : { symm L2 }
... = b : Hw1
setopaque ge true

View file

@ -5,20 +5,20 @@
variable cast {A B : (Type U)} : A == B → A → B.
-- The CastEq axiom states that for any cast of x is equal to x.
axiom CastEq {A B : (Type U)} (H : A == B) (x : A) : x == cast H x.
axiom cast::eq {A B : (Type U)} (H : A == B) (x : A) : x == cast H x.
-- The CastApp axiom "propagates" the cast over application
axiom CastApp {A A' : (Type U)} {B : A → (Type U)} {B' : A' → (Type U)}
axiom cast::app {A A' : (Type U)} {B : A → (Type U)} {B' : A' → (Type U)}
(H1 : (Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x)) (H2 : A == A')
(f : Π x : A, B x) (x : A) :
cast H1 f (cast H2 x) == f x.
-- If two (dependent) function spaces are equal, then their domains are equal.
axiom DomInj {A A' : (Type U)} {B : A → (Type U)} {B' : A' → (Type U)}
axiom dominj {A A' : (Type U)} {B : A → (Type U)} {B' : A' → (Type U)}
(H : (Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x)) :
A == A'.
-- If two (dependent) function spaces are equal, then their ranges are equal.
axiom RanInj {A A' : (Type U)} {B : A → (Type U)} {B' : A' → (Type U)}
axiom raninj {A A' : (Type U)} {B : A → (Type U)} {B' : A' → (Type U)}
(H : (Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x)) (a : A) :
B a == B' (cast (DomInj H) a).
B a == B' (cast (dominj H) a).

View file

@ -64,172 +64,176 @@ definition neq {A : TypeU} (a b : A) : Bool
infix 50 ≠ : neq
axiom MP {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : a) : b
axiom mp {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : a) : b
axiom Discharge {a b : Bool} (H : a → b) : a ⇒ b
infixl 100 <| : mp
infixl 100 ◂ : mp
axiom Case (P : Bool → Bool) (H1 : P true) (H2 : P false) (a : Bool) : P a
axiom discharge {a b : Bool} (H : a → b) : a ⇒ b
axiom Refl {A : TypeU} (a : A) : a == a
axiom case (P : Bool → Bool) (H1 : P true) (H2 : P false) (a : Bool) : P a
axiom Subst {A : TypeU} {a b : A} {P : A → Bool} (H1 : P a) (H2 : a == b) : P b
axiom refl {A : TypeU} (a : A) : a == a
definition SubstP {A : TypeU} {a b : A} (P : A → Bool) (H1 : P a) (H2 : a == b) : P b
:= Subst H1 H2
axiom subst {A : TypeU} {a b : A} {P : A → Bool} (H1 : P a) (H2 : a == b) : P b
axiom Eta {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} (f : Π x : A, B x) : (λ x : A, f x) == f
definition substp {A : TypeU} {a b : A} (P : A → Bool) (H1 : P a) (H2 : a == b) : P b
:= subst H1 H2
axiom ImpAntisym {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : b ⇒ a) : a == b
axiom eta {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} (f : Π x : A, B x) : (λ x : A, f x) == f
axiom Abst {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} (H : Π x : A, f x == g x) : f == g
axiom iff::intro {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : b ⇒ a) : iff a b
axiom HSymm {A B : TypeU} {a : A} {b : B} (H : a == b) : b == a
axiom abst {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} (H : Π x : A, f x == g x) : f == g
axiom HTrans {A B C : TypeU} {a : A} {b : B} {c : C} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : b == c) : a == c
axiom hsymm {A B : TypeU} {a : A} {b : B} (H : a == b) : b == a
theorem Trivial : true
:= Refl true
axiom htrans {A B C : TypeU} {a : A} {b : B} {c : C} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : b == c) : a == c
theorem TrueNeFalse : not (true == false)
:= Trivial
theorem trivial : true
:= refl true
theorem EM (a : Bool) : a ¬ a
:= Case (λ x, x ¬ x) Trivial Trivial a
theorem em (a : Bool) : a ¬ a
:= case (λ x, x ¬ x) trivial trivial a
theorem FalseElim (a : Bool) (H : false) : a
:= Case (λ x, x) Trivial H a
theorem false::elim (a : Bool) (H : false) : a
:= case (λ x, x) trivial H a
theorem Absurd {a : Bool} (H1 : a) (H2 : ¬ a) : false
:= MP H2 H1
theorem absurd {a : Bool} (H1 : a) (H2 : ¬ a) : false
:= H2 H1
theorem EqMP {a b : Bool} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : a) : b
:= Subst H2 H1
theorem eq::mp {a b : Bool} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : a) : b
:= subst H2 H1
-- Assume is a 'macro' that expands into a Discharge
infixl 100 <|> : eq::mp
infixl 100 ◆ : eq::mp
theorem ImpTrans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : b ⇒ c) : a ⇒ c
:= Assume Ha, MP H2 (MP H1 Ha)
-- assume is a 'macro' that expands into a discharge
theorem ImpEqTrans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : b == c) : a ⇒ c
:= Assume Ha, EqMP H2 (MP H1 Ha)
theorem imp::trans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : b ⇒ c) : a ⇒ c
:= assume Ha, H2 ◂ (H1 ◂ Ha)
theorem EqImpTrans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : b ⇒ c) : a ⇒ c
:= Assume Ha, MP H2 (EqMP H1 Ha)
theorem imp::eq::trans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : b == c) : a ⇒ c
:= assume Ha, H2 ◆ (H1 ◂ Ha)
theorem DoubleNeg (a : Bool) : (¬ ¬ a) == a
:= Case (λ x, (¬ ¬ x) == x) Trivial Trivial a
theorem eq::imp::trans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : b ⇒ c) : a ⇒ c
:= assume Ha, H2 ◂ (H1 ◆ Ha)
theorem DoubleNegElim {a : Bool} (H : ¬ ¬ a) : a
:= EqMP (DoubleNeg a) H
theorem not::not::eq (a : Bool) : (¬ ¬ a) == a
:= case (λ x, (¬ ¬ x) == x) trivial trivial a
theorem MT {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : ¬ b) : ¬ a
:= Assume H : a, Absurd (MP H1 H) H2
theorem not::not::elim {a : Bool} (H : ¬ ¬ a) : a
:= (not::not::eq a) ◆ H
theorem Contrapos {a b : Bool} (H : a ⇒ b) : ¬ b ⇒ ¬ a
:= Assume H1 : ¬ b, MT H H1
theorem mt {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ⇒ b) (H2 : ¬ b) : ¬ a
:= assume H : a, absurd (H1 ◂ H) H2
theorem AbsurdElim {a : Bool} (b : Bool) (H1 : a) (H2 : ¬ a) : b
:= FalseElim b (Absurd H1 H2)
theorem contrapos {a b : Bool} (H : a ⇒ b) : ¬ b ⇒ ¬ a
:= assume H1 : ¬ b, mt H H1
theorem NotImp1 {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ⇒ b)) : a
:= DoubleNegElim
theorem absurd::elim {a : Bool} (b : Bool) (H1 : a) (H2 : ¬ a) : b
:= false::elim b (absurd H1 H2)
theorem not::imp::eliml {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ⇒ b)) : a
:= not::not::elim
(have ¬ ¬ a :
Assume H1 : ¬ a, Absurd (have a ⇒ b : Assume H2 : a, AbsurdElim b H2 H1)
assume H1 : ¬ a, absurd (have a ⇒ b : assume H2 : a, absurd::elim b H2 H1)
(have ¬ (a ⇒ b) : H))
theorem NotImp2 {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ⇒ b)) : ¬ b
:= Assume H1 : b, Absurd (have a ⇒ b : Assume H2 : a, H1)
theorem not::imp::elimr {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ⇒ b)) : ¬ b
:= assume H1 : b, absurd (have a ⇒ b : assume H2 : a, H1)
(have ¬ (a ⇒ b) : H)
theorem resolve1 {a b : Bool} (H1 : a b) (H2 : ¬ a) : b
:= H1 ◂ H2
-- Remark: conjunction is defined as ¬ (a ⇒ ¬ b) in Lean
theorem Conj {a b : Bool} (H1 : a) (H2 : b) : a ∧ b
:= Assume H : a ⇒ ¬ b, Absurd H2 (MP H H1)
theorem and::intro {a b : Bool} (H1 : a) (H2 : b) : a ∧ b
:= assume H : a ⇒ ¬ b, absurd H2 (H ◂ H1)
theorem Conjunct1 {a b : Bool} (H : a ∧ b) : a
:= NotImp1 H
theorem and::eliml {a b : Bool} (H : a ∧ b) : a
:= not::imp::eliml H
theorem Conjunct2 {a b : Bool} (H : a ∧ b) : b
:= DoubleNegElim (NotImp2 H)
theorem and::elimr {a b : Bool} (H : a ∧ b) : b
:= not::not::elim (not::imp::elimr H)
-- Remark: disjunction is defined as ¬ a ⇒ b in Lean
theorem Disj1 {a : Bool} (H : a) (b : Bool) : a b
:= Assume H1 : ¬ a, AbsurdElim b H H1
theorem or::introl {a : Bool} (H : a) (b : Bool) : a b
:= assume H1 : ¬ a, absurd::elim b H H1
theorem Disj2 {b : Bool} (a : Bool) (H : b) : a b
:= Assume H1 : ¬ a, H
theorem or::intror {b : Bool} (a : Bool) (H : b) : a b
:= assume H1 : ¬ a, H
theorem ArrowToImplies {a b : Bool} (H : a → b) : a ⇒ b
:= Assume H1 : a, H H1
theorem Resolve1 {a b : Bool} (H1 : a b) (H2 : ¬ a) : b
:= MP H1 H2
theorem DisjCases {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a b) (H2 : a → c) (H3 : b → c) : c
:= DoubleNegElim
(Assume H : ¬ c,
Absurd (have c : H3 (have b : Resolve1 H1 (have ¬ a : (MT (ArrowToImplies H2) H))))
theorem or::elim {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a b) (H2 : a → c) (H3 : b → c) : c
:= not::not::elim
(assume H : ¬ c,
absurd (have c : H3 (have b : resolve1 H1 (have ¬ a : (mt (assume Ha : a, H2 Ha) H))))
theorem Refute {a : Bool} (H : ¬ a → false) : a
:= DisjCases (EM a) (λ H1 : a, H1) (λ H1 : ¬ a, FalseElim a (H H1))
theorem refute {a : Bool} (H : ¬ a → false) : a
:= or::elim (em a) (λ H1 : a, H1) (λ H1 : ¬ a, false::elim a (H H1))
theorem Symm {A : TypeU} {a b : A} (H : a == b) : b == a
:= Subst (Refl a) H
theorem symm {A : TypeU} {a b : A} (H : a == b) : b == a
:= subst (refl a) H
theorem NeSymm {A : TypeU} {a b : A} (H : a ≠ b) : b ≠ a
:= Assume H1 : b = a, MP H (Symm H1)
theorem trans {A : TypeU} {a b c : A} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : b == c) : a == c
:= subst H1 H2
theorem EqNeTrans {A : TypeU} {a b c : A} (H1 : a = b) (H2 : b ≠ c) : a ≠ c
:= Subst H2 (Symm H1)
infixl 100 ⋈ : trans
theorem NeEqTrans {A : TypeU} {a b c : A} (H1 : a ≠ b) (H2 : b = c) : a ≠ c
:= Subst H1 H2
theorem ne::symm {A : TypeU} {a b : A} (H : a ≠ b) : b ≠ a
:= assume H1 : b = a, H ◂ (symm H1)
theorem Trans {A : TypeU} {a b c : A} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : b == c) : a == c
:= Subst H1 H2
theorem eq::ne::trans {A : TypeU} {a b c : A} (H1 : a = b) (H2 : b ≠ c) : a ≠ c
:= subst H2 (symm H1)
theorem EqTElim {a : Bool} (H : a == true) : a
:= EqMP (Symm H) Trivial
theorem ne::eq::trans {A : TypeU} {a b c : A} (H1 : a ≠ b) (H2 : b = c) : a ≠ c
:= subst H1 H2
theorem EqTIntro {a : Bool} (H : a) : a == true
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H1 : a, Trivial)
(Assume H2 : true, H)
theorem eqt::elim {a : Bool} (H : a == true) : a
:= (symm H) ◆ trivial
theorem Congr1 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} (a : A) (H : f == g) : f a == g a
:= SubstP (fun h : (Π x : A, B x), f a == h a) (Refl (f a)) H
theorem eqt::intro {a : Bool} (H : a) : a == true
:= iff::intro (assume H1 : a, trivial)
(assume H2 : true, H)
theorem congr1 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} (a : A) (H : f == g) : f a == g a
:= substp (fun h : (Π x : A, B x), f a == h a) (refl (f a)) H
-- Remark: we must use heterogeneous equality in the following theorem because the types of (f a) and (f b)
-- are not "definitionally equal" They are (B a) and (B b)
-- They are provably equal, we just have to apply Congr1
theorem Congr2 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {a b : A} (f : Π x : A, B x) (H : a == b) : f a == f b
:= SubstP (fun x : A, f a == f x) (Refl (f a)) H
theorem congr2 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {a b : A} (f : Π x : A, B x) (H : a == b) : f a == f b
:= substp (fun x : A, f a == f x) (refl (f a)) H
-- Remark: like the previous theorem we use heterogeneous equality We cannot use Trans theorem
-- because the types are not definitionally equal
theorem Congr {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} {a b : A} (H1 : f == g) (H2 : a == b) : f a == g b
:= HTrans (Congr2 f H2) (Congr1 b H1)
theorem congr {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} {a b : A} (H1 : f == g) (H2 : a == b) : f a == g b
:= htrans (congr2 f H2) (congr1 b H1)
theorem ForallElim {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (H : Forall A P) (a : A) : P a
:= EqTElim (Congr1 a H)
theorem forall::elim {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (H : Forall A P) (a : A) : P a
:= eqt::elim (congr1 a H)
theorem ForallIntro {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (H : Π x : A, P x) : Forall A P
:= Trans (Symm (Eta P))
(Abst (λ x, EqTIntro (H x)))
infixl 100 ! : forall::elim
infixl 100 ↓ : forall::elim
theorem forall::intro {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (H : Π x : A, P x) : Forall A P
:= (symm (eta P)) ⋈ (abst (λ x, eqt::intro (H x)))
-- Remark: the existential is defined as (¬ (forall x : A, ¬ P x))
theorem ExistsElim {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} {B : Bool} (H1 : Exists A P) (H2 : Π (a : A) (H : P a), B) : B
:= Refute (λ R : ¬ B,
Absurd (ForallIntro (λ a : A, MT (Assume H : P a, H2 a H) R))
theorem exists::elim {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} {B : Bool} (H1 : Exists A P) (H2 : Π (a : A) (H : P a), B) : B
:= refute (λ R : ¬ B,
absurd (forall::intro (λ a : A, mt (assume H : P a, H2 a H) R))
theorem ExistsIntro {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : P a) : Exists A P
:= Assume H1 : (∀ x : A, ¬ P x),
Absurd H (ForallElim H1 a)
theorem exists::intro {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : P a) : Exists A P
:= assume H1 : (∀ x : A, ¬ P x),
absurd H (forall::elim H1 a)
-- At this point, we have proved the theorems we need using the
-- definitions of forall, exists, and, or, =>, not We mark (some of)
@ -242,155 +246,151 @@ setopaque or true
setopaque and true
setopaque forall true
theorem OrComm (a b : Bool) : (a b) == (b a)
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, DisjCases H (λ H1, Disj2 b H1) (λ H2, Disj1 H2 a))
(Assume H, DisjCases H (λ H1, Disj2 a H1) (λ H2, Disj1 H2 b))
theorem or::comm (a b : Bool) : (a b) == (b a)
:= iff::intro (assume H, or::elim H (λ H1, or::intror b H1) (λ H2, or::introl H2 a))
(assume H, or::elim H (λ H1, or::intror a H1) (λ H2, or::introl H2 b))
theorem or::assoc (a b c : Bool) : ((a b) c) == (a (b c))
:= iff::intro (assume H : (a b) c,
or::elim H (λ H1 : a b, or::elim H1 (λ Ha : a, or::introl Ha (b c)) (λ Hb : b, or::intror a (or::introl Hb c)))
(λ Hc : c, or::intror a (or::intror b Hc)))
(assume H : a (b c),
or::elim H (λ Ha : a, (or::introl (or::introl Ha b) c))
(λ H1 : b c, or::elim H1 (λ Hb : b, or::introl (or::intror a Hb) c)
(λ Hc : c, or::intror (a b) Hc)))
theorem OrAssoc (a b c : Bool) : ((a b) c) == (a (b c))
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H : (a b) c,
DisjCases H (λ H1 : a b, DisjCases H1 (λ Ha : a, Disj1 Ha (b c)) (λ Hb : b, Disj2 a (Disj1 Hb c)))
(λ Hc : c, Disj2 a (Disj2 b Hc)))
(Assume H : a (b c),
DisjCases H (λ Ha : a, (Disj1 (Disj1 Ha b) c))
(λ H1 : b c, DisjCases H1 (λ Hb : b, Disj1 (Disj2 a Hb) c)
(λ Hc : c, Disj2 (a b) Hc)))
theorem or::id (a : Bool) : (a a) == a
:= iff::intro (assume H, or::elim H (λ H1, H1) (λ H2, H2))
(assume H, or::introl H a)
theorem OrId (a : Bool) : (a a) == a
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, DisjCases H (λ H1, H1) (λ H2, H2))
(Assume H, Disj1 H a)
theorem or::falsel (a : Bool) : (a false) == a
:= iff::intro (assume H, or::elim H (λ H1, H1) (λ H2, false::elim a H2))
(assume H, or::introl H false)
theorem OrRhsFalse (a : Bool) : (a false) == a
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, DisjCases H (λ H1, H1) (λ H2, FalseElim a H2))
(Assume H, Disj1 H false)
theorem or::falser (a : Bool) : (false a) == a
:= (or::comm false a) ⋈ (or::falsel a)
theorem OrLhsFalse (a : Bool) : (false a) == a
:= Trans (OrComm false a) (OrRhsFalse a)
theorem or::truel (a : Bool) : (true a) == true
:= eqt::intro (case (λ x : Bool, true x) trivial trivial a)
theorem OrLhsTrue (a : Bool) : (true a) == true
:= EqTIntro (Case (λ x : Bool, true x) Trivial Trivial a)
theorem or::truer (a : Bool) : (a true) == true
:= (or::comm a true) ⋈ (or::truel a)
theorem OrRhsTrue (a : Bool) : (a true) == true
:= Trans (OrComm a true) (OrLhsTrue a)
theorem or::tauto (a : Bool) : (a ¬ a) == true
:= eqt::intro (em a)
theorem OrAnotA (a : Bool) : (a ¬ a) == true
:= EqTIntro (EM a)
theorem and::comm (a b : Bool) : (a ∧ b) == (b ∧ a)
:= iff::intro (assume H, and::intro (and::elimr H) (and::eliml H))
(assume H, and::intro (and::elimr H) (and::eliml H))
theorem AndComm (a b : Bool) : (a ∧ b) == (b ∧ a)
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, Conj (Conjunct2 H) (Conjunct1 H))
(Assume H, Conj (Conjunct2 H) (Conjunct1 H))
theorem and::id (a : Bool) : (a ∧ a) == a
:= iff::intro (assume H, and::eliml H)
(assume H, and::intro H H)
theorem AndId (a : Bool) : (a ∧ a) == a
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, Conjunct1 H)
(Assume H, Conj H H)
theorem and::assoc (a b c : Bool) : ((a ∧ b) ∧ c) == (a ∧ (b ∧ c))
:= iff::intro (assume H, and::intro (and::eliml (and::eliml H)) (and::intro (and::elimr (and::eliml H)) (and::elimr H)))
(assume H, and::intro (and::intro (and::eliml H) (and::eliml (and::elimr H))) (and::elimr (and::elimr H)))
theorem AndAssoc (a b c : Bool) : ((a ∧ b) ∧ c) == (a ∧ (b ∧ c))
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, Conj (Conjunct1 (Conjunct1 H)) (Conj (Conjunct2 (Conjunct1 H)) (Conjunct2 H)))
(Assume H, Conj (Conj (Conjunct1 H) (Conjunct1 (Conjunct2 H))) (Conjunct2 (Conjunct2 H)))
theorem and::truer (a : Bool) : (a ∧ true) == a
:= iff::intro (assume H : a ∧ true, and::eliml H)
(assume H : a, and::intro H trivial)
theorem AndRhsTrue (a : Bool) : (a ∧ true) == a
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H : a ∧ true, Conjunct1 H)
(Assume H : a, Conj H Trivial)
theorem and::truel (a : Bool) : (true ∧ a) == a
:= trans (and::comm true a) (and::truer a)
theorem AndLhsTrue (a : Bool) : (true ∧ a) == a
:= Trans (AndComm true a) (AndRhsTrue a)
theorem and::falsel (a : Bool) : (a ∧ false) == false
:= iff::intro (assume H, and::elimr H)
(assume H, false::elim (a ∧ false) H)
theorem AndRhsFalse (a : Bool) : (a ∧ false) == false
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, Conjunct2 H)
(Assume H, FalseElim (a ∧ false) H)
theorem and::falser (a : Bool) : (false ∧ a) == false
:= (and::comm false a) ⋈ (and::falsel a)
theorem AndLhsFalse (a : Bool) : (false ∧ a) == false
:= Trans (AndComm false a) (AndRhsFalse a)
theorem and::absurd (a : Bool) : (a ∧ ¬ a) == false
:= iff::intro (assume H, absurd (and::eliml H) (and::elimr H))
(assume H, false::elim (a ∧ ¬ a) H)
theorem AndAnotA (a : Bool) : (a ∧ ¬ a) == false
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H, Absurd (Conjunct1 H) (Conjunct2 H))
(Assume H, FalseElim (a ∧ ¬ a) H)
theorem not::true : (¬ true) == false
:= trivial
theorem NotTrue : (¬ true) == false
:= Trivial
theorem not::false : (¬ false) == true
:= trivial
theorem NotFalse : (¬ false) == true
:= Trivial
theorem NotAnd (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a ∧ b)) == (¬ a ¬ b)
:= Case (λ x, (¬ (x ∧ b)) == (¬ x ¬ b))
(Case (λ y, (¬ (true ∧ y)) == (¬ true ¬ y)) Trivial Trivial b)
(Case (λ y, (¬ (false ∧ y)) == (¬ false ¬ y)) Trivial Trivial b)
theorem not::and (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a ∧ b)) == (¬ a ¬ b)
:= case (λ x, (¬ (x ∧ b)) == (¬ x ¬ b))
(case (λ y, (¬ (true ∧ y)) == (¬ true ¬ y)) trivial trivial b)
(case (λ y, (¬ (false ∧ y)) == (¬ false ¬ y)) trivial trivial b)
theorem NotAndElim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ∧ b)) : ¬ a ¬ b
:= EqMP (NotAnd a b) H
theorem not::and::elim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ∧ b)) : ¬ a ¬ b
:= (not::and a b) ◆ H
theorem NotOr (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a b)) == (¬ a ∧ ¬ b)
:= Case (λ x, (¬ (x b)) == (¬ x ∧ ¬ b))
(Case (λ y, (¬ (true y)) == (¬ true ∧ ¬ y)) Trivial Trivial b)
(Case (λ y, (¬ (false y)) == (¬ false ∧ ¬ y)) Trivial Trivial b)
theorem not::or (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a b)) == (¬ a ∧ ¬ b)
:= case (λ x, (¬ (x b)) == (¬ x ∧ ¬ b))
(case (λ y, (¬ (true y)) == (¬ true ∧ ¬ y)) trivial trivial b)
(case (λ y, (¬ (false y)) == (¬ false ∧ ¬ y)) trivial trivial b)
theorem NotOrElim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a b)) : ¬ a ∧ ¬ b
:= EqMP (NotOr a b) H
theorem not::or::elim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a b)) : ¬ a ∧ ¬ b
:= (not::or a b) ◆ H
theorem NotEq (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a == b)) == ((¬ a) == b)
:= Case (λ x, (¬ (x == b)) == ((¬ x) == b))
(Case (λ y, (¬ (true == y)) == ((¬ true) == y)) Trivial Trivial b)
(Case (λ y, (¬ (false == y)) == ((¬ false) == y)) Trivial Trivial b)
theorem not::iff (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a == b)) == ((¬ a) == b)
:= case (λ x, (¬ (x == b)) == ((¬ x) == b))
(case (λ y, (¬ (true == y)) == ((¬ true) == y)) trivial trivial b)
(case (λ y, (¬ (false == y)) == ((¬ false) == y)) trivial trivial b)
theorem NotEqElim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a == b)) : (¬ a) == b
:= EqMP (NotEq a b) H
theorem not::iff::elim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a == b)) : (¬ a) == b
:= (not::iff a b) ◆ H
theorem NotImp (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a ⇒ b)) == (a ∧ ¬ b)
:= Case (λ x, (¬ (x ⇒ b)) == (x ∧ ¬ b))
(Case (λ y, (¬ (true ⇒ y)) == (true ∧ ¬ y)) Trivial Trivial b)
(Case (λ y, (¬ (false ⇒ y)) == (false ∧ ¬ y)) Trivial Trivial b)
theorem not::implies (a b : Bool) : (¬ (a ⇒ b)) == (a ∧ ¬ b)
:= case (λ x, (¬ (x ⇒ b)) == (x ∧ ¬ b))
(case (λ y, (¬ (true ⇒ y)) == (true ∧ ¬ y)) trivial trivial b)
(case (λ y, (¬ (false ⇒ y)) == (false ∧ ¬ y)) trivial trivial b)
theorem NotImpElim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ⇒ b)) : a ∧ ¬ b
:= EqMP (NotImp a b) H
theorem not::implies::elim {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a ⇒ b)) : a ∧ ¬ b
:= (not::implies a b) ◆ H
theorem NotCongr {a b : Bool} (H : a == b) : (¬ a) == (¬ b)
:= Congr2 not H
theorem not::congr {a b : Bool} (H : a == b) : (¬ a) == (¬ b)
:= congr2 not H
theorem ForallEqIntro {A : (Type U)} {P Q : A → Bool} (H : Pi x : A, P x == Q x) : (∀ x : A, P x) == (∀ x : A, Q x)
:= Congr2 (Forall A) (Abst H)
theorem eq::forall::intro {A : (Type U)} {P Q : A → Bool} (H : Pi x : A, P x == Q x) : (∀ x : A, P x) == (∀ x : A, Q x)
:= congr2 (Forall A) (abst H)
theorem ExistsEqIntro {A : (Type U)} {P Q : A → Bool} (H : Pi x : A, P x == Q x) : (∃ x : A, P x) == (∃ x : A, Q x)
:= Congr2 (Exists A) (Abst H)
theorem eq::exists::intro {A : (Type U)} {P Q : A → Bool} (H : Pi x : A, P x == Q x) : (∃ x : A, P x) == (∃ x : A, Q x)
:= congr2 (Exists A) (abst H)
theorem NotForall (A : (Type U)) (P : A → Bool) : (¬ (∀ x : A, P x)) == (∃ x : A, ¬ P x)
:= let L1 : (¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ ¬ P x) == (∃ x : A, ¬ P x) := Refl (∃ x : A, ¬ P x),
L2 : (¬ ∀ x : A, P x) == (¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ ¬ P x) :=
NotCongr (ForallEqIntro (λ x : A, (Symm (DoubleNeg (P x)))))
in Trans L2 L1
theorem not::forall (A : (Type U)) (P : A → Bool) : (¬ (∀ x : A, P x)) == (∃ x : A, ¬ P x)
:= calc (¬ ∀ x : A, P x) = (¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ ¬ P x) : not::congr (eq::forall::intro (λ x : A, (symm (not::not::eq (P x)))))
... = (∃ x : A, ¬ P x) : refl (∃ x : A, ¬ P x)
theorem NotForallElim {A : (Type U)} {P : A → Bool} (H : ¬ (∀ x : A, P x)) : ∃ x : A, ¬ P x
:= EqMP (NotForall A P) H
theorem not::forall::elim {A : (Type U)} {P : A → Bool} (H : ¬ (∀ x : A, P x)) : ∃ x : A, ¬ P x
:= (not::forall A P) ◆ H
theorem NotExists (A : (Type U)) (P : A → Bool) : (¬ ∃ x : A, P x) == (∀ x : A, ¬ P x)
:= let L1 : (¬ ∃ x : A, P x) == (¬ ¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ P x) := Refl (¬ ∃ x : A, P x),
L2 : (¬ ¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ P x) == (∀ x : A, ¬ P x) := DoubleNeg (∀ x : A, ¬ P x)
in Trans L1 L2
theorem not::exists (A : (Type U)) (P : A → Bool) : (¬ ∃ x : A, P x) == (∀ x : A, ¬ P x)
:= calc (¬ ∃ x : A, P x) = (¬ ¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ P x) : refl (¬ ∃ x : A, P x)
... = (∀ x : A, ¬ P x) : not::not::eq (∀ x : A, ¬ P x)
theorem NotExistsElim {A : (Type U)} {P : A → Bool} (H : ¬ ∃ x : A, P x) : ∀ x : A, ¬ P x
:= EqMP (NotExists A P) H
theorem not::exists::elim {A : (Type U)} {P : A → Bool} (H : ¬ ∃ x : A, P x) : ∀ x : A, ¬ P x
:= (not::exists A P) ◆ H
theorem UnfoldExists1 {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : ∃ x : A, P x) : P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x)
:= ExistsElim H
theorem exists::unfold1 {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : ∃ x : A, P x) : P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x)
:= exists::elim H
(λ (w : A) (H1 : P w),
DisjCases (EM (w = a))
(λ Heq : w = a, Disj1 (Subst H1 Heq) (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x))
(λ Hne : w ≠ a, Disj2 (P a) (ExistsIntro w (Conj Hne H1))))
or::elim (em (w = a))
(λ Heq : w = a, or::introl (subst H1 Heq) (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x))
(λ Hne : w ≠ a, or::intror (P a) (exists::intro w (and::intro Hne H1))))
theorem UnfoldExists2 {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x)) : ∃ x : A, P x
:= DisjCases H
(λ H1 : P a, ExistsIntro a H1)
theorem exists::unfold2 {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x)) : ∃ x : A, P x
:= or::elim H
(λ H1 : P a, exists::intro a H1)
(λ H2 : (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x),
ExistsElim H2
exists::elim H2
(λ (w : A) (Hw : w ≠ a ∧ P w),
ExistsIntro w (Conjunct2 Hw)))
exists::intro w (and::elimr Hw)))
theorem UnfoldExists {A : TypeU} (P : A → Bool) (a : A) : (∃ x : A, P x) = (P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x))
:= ImpAntisym (Assume H : (∃ x : A, P x), UnfoldExists1 a H)
(Assume H : (P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x)), UnfoldExists2 a H)
theorem exists::unfold {A : TypeU} (P : A → Bool) (a : A) : (∃ x : A, P x) = (P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x))
:= iff::intro (assume H : (∃ x : A, P x), exists::unfold1 a H)
(assume H : (P a (∃ x : A, x ≠ a ∧ P x)), exists::unfold2 a H)
setopaque exists true

View file

@ -83,11 +83,9 @@ function nary_macro(name, f, farity)
binder_macro("take", Const("ForallIntro"), 3, 1, 3)
binder_macro("Assume", Const("Discharge"), 3, 1, 3)
nary_macro("Instantiate", Const("ForallElim"), 4)
nary_macro("MP'", Const("MP"), 4)
nary_macro("Subst'", Const("Subst"), 6)
binder_macro("take", Const({"forall", "intro"}), 3, 1, 3)
binder_macro("assume", Const("discharge"), 3, 1, 3)
nary_macro("instantiate", Const({"forall", "elim"}), 4)
-- ExistsElim syntax-sugar
-- Example:
@ -96,14 +94,14 @@ nary_macro("Subst'", Const("Subst"), 6)
-- Axiom Ax2: forall x y, not P x y
-- Now, the following macro expression
-- obtain (a b : Nat) (H : P a b) from Ax1,
-- show false, Absurd H (instantiate Ax2 a b)
-- have false : absurd H (instantiate Ax2 a b)
-- expands to
-- ExistsElim Ax1
-- exists::elim Ax1
-- (fun (a : Nat) (Haux : ...),
-- ExistsElim Haux
-- exists::elim Haux
-- (fun (b : Na) (H : P a b),
-- show false, Absurd H (instantiate Ax2 a b)
macro("Obtain", { macro_arg.Parameters, macro_arg.Comma, macro_arg.Id, macro_arg.Expr, macro_arg.Comma, macro_arg.Expr },
-- have false : absurd H (instantiate Ax2 a b)
macro("obtain", { macro_arg.Parameters, macro_arg.Comma, macro_arg.Id, macro_arg.Expr, macro_arg.Comma, macro_arg.Expr },
function (env, bindings, fromid, exPr, body)
local n = #bindings
if n < 2 then
@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ macro("Obtain", { macro_arg.Parameters, macro_arg.Comma, macro_arg.Id, macro_arg
if fromid ~= name("from") then
error("invalid 'obtain' expression, 'from' keyword expected, got '" .. tostring(fromid) .. "'")
local exElim = mk_constant("ExistsElim")
local exElim = mk_constant({"exists", "elim"})
local H_name = bindings[n][1]
local H_type = bindings[n][2]
local a_name = bindings[n-1][1]

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ void calc_proof_parser::add_trans_step(expr const & op1, expr const & op2, trans
m_trans_ops.emplace_front(op1, op2, d);
static name g_eq_imp_trans("EqImpTrans");
static name g_imp_eq_trans("ImpEqTrans");
static name g_imp_trans("ImpTrans");
static name g_eq_ne_trans("EqNeTrans");
static name g_ne_eq_trans("NeEqTrans");
static name g_eq_imp_trans({"eq", "imp", "trans"});
static name g_imp_eq_trans({"imp", "eq", "trans"});
static name g_imp_trans({"imp", "trans"});
static name g_eq_ne_trans({"eq", "ne", "trans"});
static name g_ne_eq_trans({"ne", "eq", "trans"});
static name g_neq("neq");
calc_proof_parser::calc_proof_parser() {

View file

@ -127,49 +127,47 @@ MK_CONSTANT(forall_fn, name("forall"));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_fn, name("exists"));
MK_CONSTANT(homo_eq_fn, name("eq"));
// Axioms
MK_CONSTANT(mp_fn, name("MP"));
MK_CONSTANT(discharge_fn, name("Discharge"));
MK_CONSTANT(case_fn, name("Case"));
MK_CONSTANT(refl_fn, name("Refl"));
MK_CONSTANT(subst_fn, name("Subst"));
MK_CONSTANT(eta_fn, name("Eta"));
MK_CONSTANT(imp_antisym_fn, name("ImpAntisym"));
MK_CONSTANT(abst_fn, name("Abst"));
MK_CONSTANT(htrans_fn, name("HTrans"));
MK_CONSTANT(hsymm_fn, name("HSymm"));
MK_CONSTANT(mp_fn, name("mp"));
MK_CONSTANT(discharge_fn, name("discharge"));
MK_CONSTANT(case_fn, name("case"));
MK_CONSTANT(refl_fn, name("refl"));
MK_CONSTANT(subst_fn, name("subst"));
MK_CONSTANT(eta_fn, name("eta"));
MK_CONSTANT(imp_antisym_fn, name({"iff", "intro"}));
MK_CONSTANT(abst_fn, name("abst"));
MK_CONSTANT(htrans_fn, name("htrans"));
MK_CONSTANT(hsymm_fn, name("hsymm"));
// Theorems
MK_CONSTANT(trivial, name("Trivial"));
MK_CONSTANT(true_neq_false, name("TrueNeFalse"));
MK_CONSTANT(false_elim_fn, name("FalseElim"));
MK_CONSTANT(absurd_fn, name("Absurd"));
MK_CONSTANT(em_fn, name("EM"));
MK_CONSTANT(double_neg_fn, name("DoubleNeg"));
MK_CONSTANT(double_neg_elim_fn, name("DoubleNegElim"));
MK_CONSTANT(mt_fn, name("MT"));
MK_CONSTANT(contrapos_fn, name("Contrapos"));
MK_CONSTANT(false_imp_any_fn, name("FalseImpAny"));
MK_CONSTANT(absurd_elim_fn, name("AbsurdElim"));
MK_CONSTANT(eq_mp_fn, name("EqMP"));
MK_CONSTANT(not_imp1_fn, name("NotImp1"));
MK_CONSTANT(not_imp2_fn, name("NotImp2"));
MK_CONSTANT(conj_fn, name("Conj"));
MK_CONSTANT(conjunct1_fn, name("Conjunct1"));
MK_CONSTANT(conjunct2_fn, name("Conjunct2"));
MK_CONSTANT(disj1_fn, name("Disj1"));
MK_CONSTANT(disj2_fn, name("Disj2"));
MK_CONSTANT(disj_cases_fn, name("DisjCases"));
MK_CONSTANT(refute_fn, name("Refute"));
MK_CONSTANT(symm_fn, name("Symm"));
MK_CONSTANT(trans_fn, name("Trans"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr1_fn, name("Congr1"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr2_fn, name("Congr2"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr_fn, name("Congr"));
MK_CONSTANT(eqt_elim_fn, name("EqTElim"));
MK_CONSTANT(eqt_intro_fn, name("EqTIntro"));
MK_CONSTANT(forall_elim_fn, name("ForallElim"));
MK_CONSTANT(forall_intro_fn, name("ForallIntro"));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_elim_fn, name("ExistsElim"));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_intro_fn, name("ExistsIntro"));
MK_CONSTANT(trivial, name("trivial"));
MK_CONSTANT(false_elim_fn, name({"false", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(absurd_fn, name("absurd"));
MK_CONSTANT(em_fn, name("em"));
MK_CONSTANT(double_neg_fn, name("doubleneg"));
MK_CONSTANT(double_neg_elim_fn, name({"doubleneg", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(mt_fn, name("mt"));
MK_CONSTANT(contrapos_fn, name("contrapos"));
MK_CONSTANT(absurd_elim_fn, name({"absurd", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(eq_mp_fn, name({"eq", "mp"}));
MK_CONSTANT(not_imp1_fn, name({"not", "imp", "eliml"}));
MK_CONSTANT(not_imp2_fn, name({"not", "imp", "elimr"}));
MK_CONSTANT(conj_fn, name({"and", "intro"}));
MK_CONSTANT(conjunct1_fn, name({"and", "eliml"}));
MK_CONSTANT(conjunct2_fn, name({"and", "elimr"}));
MK_CONSTANT(disj1_fn, name({"or", "introl"}));
MK_CONSTANT(disj2_fn, name({"or", "intror"}));
MK_CONSTANT(disj_cases_fn, name({"or", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(refute_fn, name("refute"));
MK_CONSTANT(symm_fn, name("symm"));
MK_CONSTANT(trans_fn, name("trans"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr1_fn, name("congr1"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr2_fn, name("congr2"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr_fn, name("congr"));
MK_CONSTANT(eqt_elim_fn, name({"eqt", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(eqt_intro_fn, name({"eqt", "intro"}));
MK_CONSTANT(forall_elim_fn, name({"forall", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(forall_intro_fn, name({"forall", "intro"}));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_elim_fn, name({"exists", "elim"}));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_intro_fn, name({"exists", "intro"}));
void import_kernel(environment const & env, io_state const & ios) {
env->import("kernel", ios);

View file

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ static void tst8() {
environment env; io_state ios = init_frontend(env);
formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(env);
add_infixl(env, ios, "<-$->", 10, mk_refl_fn());
std::cout << fmt(*(env->find_object("Trivial"))) << "\n";
std::cout << fmt(*(env->find_object("trivial"))) << "\n";
static void tst9() {

View file

@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ static void try_rewriter1_tst() {
cout << " " << concl << " := " << proof << std::endl;
lean_assert_eq(concl, mk_eq(a_plus_b, a_plus_b));
lean_assert_eq(proof, Const("Refl")(Nat, a_plus_b));
lean_assert_eq(proof, Const("refl")(Nat, a_plus_b));
env->add_theorem("New_theorem6", concl, proof);
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ static void app_rewriter1_tst() {
<< "Proof = " << proof << std::endl;
lean_assert_eq(concl, mk_eq(v, f1(b_plus_a)));
Const("Congr2")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat), a_plus_b, b_plus_a, f1, Const("ADD_COMM")(a, b)));
Const("congr2")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat), a_plus_b, b_plus_a, f1, Const("ADD_COMM")(a, b)));
env->add_theorem("app_rewriter2", concl, proof);
cout << "====================================================" << std::endl;
v = f4(nVal(0), a_plus_b, nVal(0), b_plus_a);
@ -464,11 +464,11 @@ static void app_rewriter1_tst() {
// Congr Nat (fun _ : Nat, Nat) (f4 0 (Nat::add a b) 0) (f4 0 (Nat::add b a) 0) (Nat::add b a) (Nat::add a b) (Congr1 Nat (fun _ : Nat, (Nat -> Nat)) (f4 0 (Nat::add a b)) (f4 0 (Nat::add b a)) 0 (Congr2 Nat (fun _ : Nat, (Nat -> Nat -> Nat)) (Nat::add a b) (Nat::add b a) (f4 0) (ADD_COMM a b))) (ADD_COMM b a)
Const("Congr")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat), f4(zero, a_plus_b, zero), f4(zero, b_plus_a, zero),
Const("congr")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat), f4(zero, a_plus_b, zero), f4(zero, b_plus_a, zero),
b_plus_a, a_plus_b,
Const("Congr1")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat >> Nat), f4(zero, a_plus_b),
Const("congr1")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat >> Nat), f4(zero, a_plus_b),
f4(zero, b_plus_a), zero,
Const("Congr2")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat >> (Nat >> Nat)),
Const("congr2")(Nat, Fun(name("_"), Nat, Nat >> (Nat >> Nat)),
a_plus_b, b_plus_a, f4(zero),
Const("ADD_COMM")(a, b))),
Const("ADD_COMM")(b, a)));

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Int.
axiom PlusComm(a b : Int) : a + b == b + a.
variable a : Int.
check (Abst (fun x : Int, (PlusComm a x))).
check (abst (fun x : Int, (PlusComm a x))).
setoption pp::implicit true.
check (Abst (fun x : Int, (PlusComm a x))).
check (abst (fun x : Int, (PlusComm a x))).

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Imported 'Int'
Assumed: PlusComm
Assumed: a
Abst (λ x : , PlusComm a x) : (λ x : , a + x) == (λ x : , x + a)
abst (λ x : , PlusComm a x) : (λ x : , a + x) == (λ x : , x + a)
Set: lean::pp::implicit
@Abst (λ x : , ) (λ x : , a + x) (λ x : , x + a) (λ x : , PlusComm a x) :
@abst (λ x : , ) (λ x : , a + x) (λ x : , x + a) (λ x : , PlusComm a x) :
(λ x : , a + x) == (λ x : , x + a)

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ variable f : Int -> Int -> Bool
variable P : Int -> Int -> Bool
axiom Ax1 (x y : Int) (H : P x y) : (f x y)
theorem T1 (a : Int) : (P a a) => (f a a).
apply Discharge.
apply discharge.
apply Ax1.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ theorem T2 (a : Int) : (P a a) => (f a a).
theorem T3 (a : Int) : (P a a) => (f a a).
Repeat (OrElse (apply Discharge) exact (apply Ax2) (apply Ax1)).
Repeat (OrElse (apply discharge) exact (apply Ax2) (apply Ax1)).
print environment 2.

View file

@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
Assumed: Ax2
Proved: T2
Proved: T3
theorem T2 (a : ) : P a a ⇒ f a a := Discharge (λ H : P a a, Ax1 a a H)
theorem T3 (a : ) : P a a ⇒ f a a := Discharge (λ H : P a a, Ax1 a a H)
theorem T2 (a : ) : P a a ⇒ f a a := discharge (λ H : P a a, Ax1 a a H)
theorem T3 (a : ) : P a a ⇒ f a a := discharge (λ H : P a a, Ax1 a a H)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
(* import("tactic.lua") *)
check @Discharge
check @discharge
theorem T (a b : Bool) : a => b => b => a.
apply Discharge.
apply Discharge.
apply Discharge.
apply discharge.
apply discharge.
apply discharge.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
@Discharge : Π (a b : Bool), (a → b) → (a ⇒ b)
@discharge : Π (a b : Bool), (a → b) → (a ⇒ b)
Proved: T

View file

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ setoption pp::colors false.
variable N : Type.
definition T (a : N) (f : _ -> _) (H : f a == a) : f (f _) == f _ :=
SubstP (fun x : N, f (f a) == _) (Refl (f (f _))) H.
substp (fun x : N, f (f a) == _) (refl (f (f _))) H.
print environment 1.

View file

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
Assumed: N
Defined: T
definition T (a : N) (f : N → N) (H : f a == a) : f (f a) == f (f a) :=
@SubstP N (f a) a (λ x : N, f (f a) == f (f a)) (@Refl N (f (f a))) H
@substp N (f a) a (λ x : N, f (f a) == f (f a)) (@refl N (f (f a))) H

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ variable a : Int
variable b : Int
axiom H1 : a = b
axiom H2 : (g a) > 0
theorem T1 : (g b) > 0 := SubstP (λ x, (g x) > 0) H2 H1
theorem T1 : (g b) > 0 := substp (λ x, (g x) > 0) H2 H1
print environment 2

View file

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
Assumed: H2
Proved: T1
axiom H2 : g a > 0
theorem T1 : g b > 0 := SubstP (λ x : , g x > 0) H2 H1
theorem T1 : g b > 0 := substp (λ x : , g x > 0) H2 H1

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ variable N : Type.
fun (a : N) (f : N -> N) (H : f a == a),
let calc1 : f a == a := SubstP (fun x : N, f a == _) (Refl (f a)) H
let calc1 : f a == a := substp (fun x : N, f a == _) (refl (f a)) H
in calc1.

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
Set: pp::colors
Assumed: N
λ (a : N) (f : N → N) (H : f a == a),
let calc1 : f a == a := @SubstP N (f a) a (λ x : N, f a == x) (@Refl N (f a)) H in calc1 :
let calc1 : f a == a := @substp N (f a) a (λ x : N, f a == x) (@refl N (f a)) H in calc1 :
Π (a : N) (f : N → N), f a == a → f a == a

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
check fun (A A' : (Type U)) (H : A == A'), Symm H
check fun (A A' : (Type U)) (H : A == A'), symm H

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Failed to solve
A : (Type U), A' : (Type U), H : A == A' ⊢ ?M::3 ≺ TypeU
(line: 1: pos: 44) Type of argument 1 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Int.
variable vector : Type -> Nat -> Type
axiom N0 (n : Nat) : n + 0 = n
theorem V0 (T : Type) (n : Nat) : (vector T (n + 0)) = (vector T n) :=
Congr (Refl (vector T)) (N0 n)
congr (refl (vector T)) (N0 n)
variable f (n : Nat) (v : vector Int n) : Int
variable m : Nat
variable v1 : vector Int (m + 0)

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ variable A' : Type
variable B' : Type
axiom H : (A -> B) = (A' -> B')
variable a : A
check DomInj H
theorem BeqB' : B = B' := RanInj H a
check dominj H
theorem BeqB' : B = B' := raninj H a
setoption pp::implicit true
print DomInj H
print RanInj H a
print dominj H
print raninj H a

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
Assumed: B'
Assumed: H
Assumed: a
DomInj H : A == A'
dominj H : A == A'
Proved: BeqB'
Set: lean::pp::implicit
@DomInj A A' (λ x : A, B) (λ x : A', B') H
@RanInj A A' (λ x : A, B) (λ x : A', B') H a
@dominj A A' (λ x : A, B) (λ x : A', B') H
@raninj A A' (λ x : A, B) (λ x : A', B') H a

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import cast
variables A A' B B' : Type
variable x : A
eval cast (Refl A) x
eval x = (cast (Refl A) x)
eval cast (refl A) x
eval x = (cast (refl A) x)
variable b : B
definition f (x : A) : B := b
axiom H : (A -> B) = (A' -> B)

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
Assumed: B
Assumed: B'
Assumed: x
cast (Refl A) x
x == cast (Refl A) x
cast (refl A) x
x == cast (refl A) x
Assumed: b
Defined: f
Assumed: H

View file

@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ check fun (A A': TypeM)
(H2 : f == g)
(H3 : a == b),
S1 : (Pi x : A', B' x) == (Pi x : A, B x) := Symm H1,
L2 : A' == A := DomInj S1,
S1 : (Pi x : A', B' x) == (Pi x : A, B x) := symm H1,
L2 : A' == A := dominj S1,
b' : A := cast L2 b,
L3 : b == b' := CastEq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := HTrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := Congr2 f L4,
L3 : b == b' := cast::eq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := htrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := congr2 f L4,
g' : (Pi x : A, B x) := cast S1 g,
L6 : g == g' := CastEq S1 g,
L7 : f == g' := HTrans H2 L6,
L8 : f b' == g' b' := Congr1 b' L7,
L9 : f a == g' b' := HTrans L5 L8,
L10 : g' b' == g b := CastApp S1 L2 g b
in HTrans L9 L10
L6 : g == g' := cast::eq S1 g,
L7 : f == g' := htrans H2 L6,
L8 : f b' == g' b' := congr1 b' L7,
L9 : f a == g' b' := htrans L5 L8,
L10 : g' b' == g b := cast::app S1 L2 g b
in htrans L9 L10

View file

@ -12,18 +12,18 @@
(H1 : (Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x))
(H2 : f == g)
(H3 : a == b),
let S1 : (Π x : A', B' x) == (Π x : A, B x) := Symm H1,
L2 : A' == A := DomInj S1,
let S1 : (Π x : A', B' x) == (Π x : A, B x) := symm H1,
L2 : A' == A := dominj S1,
b' : A := cast L2 b,
L3 : b == b' := CastEq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := HTrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := Congr2 f L4,
L3 : b == b' := cast::eq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := htrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := congr2 f L4,
g' : Π x : A, B x := cast S1 g,
L6 : g == g' := CastEq S1 g,
L7 : f == g' := HTrans H2 L6,
L8 : f b' == g' b' := Congr1 b' L7,
L9 : f a == g' b' := HTrans L5 L8,
L10 : g' b' == g b := CastApp S1 L2 g b
in HTrans L9 L10 :
L6 : g == g' := cast::eq S1 g,
L7 : f == g' := htrans H2 L6,
L8 : f b' == g' b' := congr1 b' L7,
L9 : f a == g' b' := htrans L5 L8,
L10 : g' b' == g b := cast::app S1 L2 g b
in htrans L9 L10 :
Π (A A' : TypeM) (B : A → TypeM) (B' : A' → TypeM) (f : Π x : A, B x) (g : Π x : A', B' x) (a : A) (b : A'),
(Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x) → f == g → a == b → f a == g b

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import tactic
check @Discharge
check @discharge
theorem T (a b : Bool) : a => b => b => a.
apply Discharge.
apply Discharge.
apply Discharge.
apply discharge.
apply discharge.
apply discharge.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'tactic'
@Discharge : Π (a b : Bool), (a → b) → (a ⇒ b)
@discharge : Π (a b : Bool), (a → b) → (a ⇒ b)
Proved: T

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import tactic
theorem T1 (a b : Bool) : a \/ b => b \/ a.
apply Discharge.
apply discharge.
(* disj_hyp_tac() *)
(* disj_tac() *)

View file

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
Proved: T1
Proved: T2
theorem T2 (a b : Bool) : a b ⇒ b a :=
Discharge (λ H : a b, DisjCases H (λ H : a, Disj2 b H) (λ H : b, Disj1 H a))
discharge (λ H : a b, or::elim H (λ H : a, or::intror b H) (λ H : b, or::introl H a))

View file

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
variables a b c : Bool
axiom H : a \/ b
theorem T (a b : Bool) : a \/ b => b \/ a.
apply Discharge.
apply (DisjCases H).
apply Disj2.
apply discharge.
apply (or::elim H).
apply or::intror.
apply Disj1.
apply or::introl.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
variable f {A : Type} (a b : A) : A.
check f 10 true
@ -17,13 +15,13 @@ check fun (A B : Type) (a : _) (b : _) (C : Type), my_eq C a b.
variable a : Bool
variable b : Bool
variable H : a /\ b
theorem t1 : b := Discharge (fun H1, Conj H1 (Conjunct1 H)).
theorem t1 : b := discharge (fun H1, and::intro H1 (and::eliml H)).
theorem t2 : a = b := Trans (Refl a) (Refl b).
theorem t2 : a = b := trans (refl a) (refl b).
check f Bool Bool.
theorem pierce (a b : Bool) : ((a ⇒ b) ⇒ a) ⇒ a :=
Discharge (λ H, DisjCases (EM a)
discharge (λ H, or::elim (EM a)
(λ H_a, H)
(λ H_na, NotImp1 (MT H H_na)))

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@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
Assumed: f
Failed to solve
⊢ Bool ≺
(line: 4: pos: 6) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
(line: 2: pos: 6) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Assumed: g
Error (line: 7, pos: 8) invalid expression, it still contains metavariables after elaboration, metavariable: ?M::1, type:
Error (line: 5, pos: 8) invalid expression, it still contains metavariables after elaboration, metavariable: ?M::1, type:
Assumed: h
Failed to solve
x : ?M::0, A : Type ⊢ ?M::0 ≺ A
(line: 11: pos: 27) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
(line: 9: pos: 27) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ x : ?M::0, A : Type ⊢ ?M::0 ≺ A
Assumed: my_eq
Failed to solve
A : Type, B : Type, a : ?M::0, b : ?M::1, C : Type ⊢ ?M::0[lift:0:3] ≺ C
(line: 15: pos: 51) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
(line: 13: pos: 51) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
@ -34,34 +34,24 @@ A : Type, B : Type, a : ?M::0, b : ?M::1, C : Type ⊢ ?M::0[lift:0:3] ≺ C
Assumed: H
Failed to solve
⊢ ?M::0 ⇒ ?M::3 ∧ a ≺ b
(line: 20: pos: 18) Type of definition 't1' must be convertible to expected type.
(line: 18: pos: 18) Type of definition 't1' must be convertible to expected type.
Failed to solve
⊢ b == b ≺ a == b
(line: 22: pos: 22) Type of argument 6 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
(line: 20: pos: 22) Type of argument 6 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Refl a
Refl b
refl a
refl b
Failed to solve
⊢ ?M::1 ≺ Type
(line: 24: pos: 6) Type of argument 1 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
(line: 22: pos: 6) Type of argument 1 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Failed to solve
a : Bool, b : Bool, H : (a ⇒ b) ⇒ a ⊢ a → (a ⇒ b) ⇒ a ≺ a → a
(line: 27: pos: 21) Type of argument 5 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
¬ a
EM a
λ H_a : a, H
λ H_na : ¬ a, NotImp1 (MT H H_na)
Error (line: 25, pos: 31) unknown identifier 'EM'

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@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ variable F1 : A -> B -> C
variable F2 : A -> B -> C
variable H : Pi (a : A) (b : B), (F1 a b) == (F2 a b)
variable a : A
check Eta (F2 a)
check Abst (fun a : A,
(Trans (Symm (Eta (F1 a)))
(Trans (Abst (fun (b : B), H a b))
(Eta (F2 a)))))
check eta (F2 a)
check abst (fun a : A,
(trans (symm (eta (F1 a)))
(trans (abst (fun (b : B), H a b))
(eta (F2 a)))))
check Abst (fun a, (Abst (fun b, H a b)))
check abst (fun a, (abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T1 : F1 = F2 := Abst (fun a, (Abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T2 : (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = F2 := Abst (fun a, (Abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T3 : F1 = (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) := Abst (fun a, (Abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T4 : (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) := Abst (fun a, (Abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T1 : F1 = F2 := abst (fun a, (abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T2 : (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = F2 := abst (fun a, (abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T3 : F1 = (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) := abst (fun a, (abst (fun b, H a b)))
theorem T4 : (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = (fun (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) := abst (fun a, (abst (fun b, H a b)))
print environment 4
setoption pp::implicit true
print environment 4

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@ -8,37 +8,36 @@
Assumed: F2
Assumed: H
Assumed: a
Eta (F2 a) : (λ x : B, F2 a x) == F2 a
Abst (λ a : A, Trans (Symm (Eta (F1 a))) (Trans (Abst (λ b : B, H a b)) (Eta (F2 a)))) :
(λ x : A, F1 x) == (λ x : A, F2 x)
Abst (λ a : A, Abst (λ b : B, H a b)) : (λ (x : A) (x::1 : B), F1 x x::1) == (λ (x : A) (x::1 : B), F2 x x::1)
eta (F2 a) : (λ x : B, F2 a x) == F2 a
abst (λ a : A, symm (eta (F1 a)) ⋈ (abst (λ b : B, H a b) ⋈ eta (F2 a))) : (λ x : A, F1 x) == (λ x : A, F2 x)
abst (λ a : A, abst (λ b : B, H a b)) : (λ (x : A) (x::1 : B), F1 x x::1) == (λ (x : A) (x::1 : B), F2 x x::1)
Proved: T1
Proved: T2
Proved: T3
Proved: T4
theorem T1 : F1 = F2 := Abst (λ a : A, Abst (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T2 : (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = F2 := Abst (λ a : A, Abst (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T3 : F1 = (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) := Abst (λ a : A, Abst (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T1 : F1 = F2 := abst (λ a : A, abst (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T2 : (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = F2 := abst (λ a : A, abst (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T3 : F1 = (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) := abst (λ a : A, abst (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T4 : (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) = (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) :=
Abst (λ a : A, Abst (λ b : B, H a b))
abst (λ a : A, abst (λ b : B, H a b))
Set: lean::pp::implicit
theorem T1 : @eq (A → B → C) F1 F2 :=
@Abst A (λ x : A, B → C) F1 F2 (λ a : A, @Abst B (λ x : B, C) (F1 a) (F2 a) (λ b : B, H a b))
@abst A (λ x : A, B → C) F1 F2 (λ a : A, @abst B (λ x : B, C) (F1 a) (F2 a) (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T2 : @eq (A → B → C) (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) F2 :=
@Abst A
@abst A
(λ x : A, B → C)
(λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2)
(λ a : A, @Abst B (λ x : B, C) (λ x2 : B, F1 a x2) (F2 a) (λ b : B, H a b))
(λ a : A, @abst B (λ x : B, C) (λ x2 : B, F1 a x2) (F2 a) (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T3 : @eq (A → B → C) F1 (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) :=
@Abst A
@abst A
(λ x : A, B → C)
(λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2)
(λ a : A, @Abst B (λ x : B, C) (F1 a) (λ x2 : B, F2 a x2) (λ b : B, H a b))
(λ a : A, @abst B (λ x : B, C) (F1 a) (λ x2 : B, F2 a x2) (λ b : B, H a b))
theorem T4 : @eq (A → B → C) (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2) (λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2) :=
@Abst A
@abst A
(λ x : A, B → C)
(λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F1 x1 x2)
(λ (x1 : A) (x2 : B), F2 x1 x2)
(λ a : A, @Abst B (λ x : B, C) (λ x2 : B, F1 a x2) (λ x2 : B, F2 a x2) (λ b : B, H a b))
(λ a : A, @abst B (λ x : B, C) (λ x2 : B, F1 a x2) (λ x2 : B, F2 a x2) (λ b : B, H a b))

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@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ variable v2 : Vector (n + 0)
variable v3 : Vector (0 + n)
axiom H1 : v1 == v2
axiom H2 : v2 == v3
check HTrans H1 H2
check htrans H1 H2
setoption pp::implicit true
check HTrans H1 H2
check htrans H1 H2

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@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
Assumed: v3
Assumed: H1
Assumed: H2
HTrans H1 H2 : v1 == v3
htrans H1 H2 : v1 == v3
Set: lean::pp::implicit
@HTrans (Vector n) (Vector (n + 0)) (Vector (0 + n)) v1 v2 v3 H1 H2 : v1 == v3
@htrans (Vector n) (Vector (n + 0)) (Vector (0 + n)) v1 v2 v3 H1 H2 : v1 == v3

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@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ check fun x, x
theorem T (A : Type) (x : A) : Pi (y : A), A
:= _.
theorem T (x : _) : x = x := Refl x.
theorem T (x : _) : x = x := refl x.

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@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ import Int.
variable a : Int
variable P : Int -> Int -> Bool
axiom H : P a a
theorem T : exists x : Int, P a a := ExistsIntro a H.
theorem T : exists x : Int, P a a := exists::intro a H.
print environment 1.

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@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
Assumed: P
Assumed: H
Proved: T
theorem T : ∃ x : , P a a := ExistsIntro a H
theorem T : ∃ x : , P a a := exists::intro a H

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@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ variable g : Int -> Int
axiom H1 : P (f a (g a)) (f a (g a))
axiom H2 : P (f (g a) (g a)) (f (g a) (g a))
axiom H3 : P (f (g a) (g a)) (g a)
theorem T1 : exists x y : Int, P (f y x) (f y x) := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H1)
theorem T2 : exists x : Int, P (f x (g x)) (f x (g x)) := ExistsIntro _ H1
theorem T3 : exists x : Int, P (f x x) (f x x) := ExistsIntro _ H2
theorem T4 : exists x : Int, P (f (g a) x) (f x x) := ExistsIntro _ H2
theorem T5 : exists x : Int, P x x := ExistsIntro _ H2
theorem T6 : exists x y : Int, P x y := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H3)
theorem T7 : exists x : Int, P (f x x) x := ExistsIntro _ H3
theorem T8 : exists x y : Int, P (f x x) y := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H3)
theorem T1 : exists x y : Int, P (f y x) (f y x) := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H1)
theorem T2 : exists x : Int, P (f x (g x)) (f x (g x)) := exists::intro _ H1
theorem T3 : exists x : Int, P (f x x) (f x x) := exists::intro _ H2
theorem T4 : exists x : Int, P (f (g a) x) (f x x) := exists::intro _ H2
theorem T5 : exists x : Int, P x x := exists::intro _ H2
theorem T6 : exists x y : Int, P x y := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H3)
theorem T7 : exists x : Int, P (f x x) x := exists::intro _ H3
theorem T8 : exists x y : Int, P (f x x) y := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H3)
print environment 8.

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@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
Proved: T6
Proved: T7
Proved: T8
theorem T1 : ∃ x y : , P (f y x) (f y x) := ExistsIntro (g a) (ExistsIntro a H1)
theorem T2 : ∃ x : , P (f x (g x)) (f x (g x)) := ExistsIntro a H1
theorem T3 : ∃ x : , P (f x x) (f x x) := ExistsIntro (g a) H2
theorem T4 : ∃ x : , P (f (g a) x) (f x x) := ExistsIntro (g a) H2
theorem T5 : ∃ x : , P x x := ExistsIntro (f (g a) (g a)) H2
theorem T6 : ∃ x y : , P x y := ExistsIntro (f (g a) (g a)) (ExistsIntro (g a) H3)
theorem T7 : ∃ x : , P (f x x) x := ExistsIntro (g a) H3
theorem T8 : ∃ x y : , P (f x x) y := ExistsIntro (g a) (ExistsIntro (g a) H3)
theorem T1 : ∃ x y : , P (f y x) (f y x) := exists::intro (g a) (exists::intro a H1)
theorem T2 : ∃ x : , P (f x (g x)) (f x (g x)) := exists::intro a H1
theorem T3 : ∃ x : , P (f x x) (f x x) := exists::intro (g a) H2
theorem T4 : ∃ x : , P (f (g a) x) (f x x) := exists::intro (g a) H2
theorem T5 : ∃ x : , P x x := exists::intro (f (g a) (g a)) H2
theorem T6 : ∃ x y : , P x y := exists::intro (f (g a) (g a)) (exists::intro (g a) H3)
theorem T7 : ∃ x : , P (f x x) x := exists::intro (g a) H3
theorem T8 : ∃ x y : , P (f x x) y := exists::intro (g a) (exists::intro (g a) H3)

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@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ variable P : Int -> Int -> Bool
setopaque exists false.
theorem T1 (R1 : not (exists x y, P x y)) : forall x y, not (P x y) :=
ForallIntro (fun a,
ForallIntro (fun b,
ForallElim (DoubleNegElim (ForallElim (DoubleNegElim R1) a)) b))
forall::intro (fun a,
forall::intro (fun b,
forall::elim (not::not::elim (forall::elim (not::not::elim R1) a)) b))
axiom Ax : forall x, exists y, P x y
theorem T2 : exists x y, P x y :=
Refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := ForallIntro (fun a,
ForallIntro (fun b,
ForallElim (DoubleNegElim (ForallElim (DoubleNegElim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P 0 y := ForallElim Ax 0
in ExistsElim L2 (fun (w : Int) (H : P 0 w),
Absurd H (ForallElim (ForallElim L1 0) w))).
refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := forall::intro (fun a,
forall::intro (fun b,
forall::elim (not::not::elim (forall::elim (not::not::elim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P 0 y := forall::elim Ax 0
in exists::elim L2 (fun (w : Int) (H : P 0 w),
absurd H (forall::elim (forall::elim L1 0) w))).
theorem T3 (A : (Type U)) (P : A -> A -> Bool) (a : A) (H1 : forall x, exists y, P x y) : exists x y, P x y :=
Refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := ForallIntro (fun a,
ForallIntro (fun b,
ForallElim (DoubleNegElim (ForallElim (DoubleNegElim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P a y := ForallElim H1 a
in ExistsElim L2 (fun (w : A) (H : P a w),
Absurd H (ForallElim (ForallElim L1 a) w))).
refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := forall::intro (fun a,
forall::intro (fun b,
forall::elim (not::not::elim (forall::elim (not::not::elim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P a y := forall::elim H1 a
in exists::elim L2 (fun (w : A) (H : P a w),
absurd H (forall::elim (forall::elim L1 a) w))).

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@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ variables a b c : N
variables P : N -> N -> N -> Bool
axiom H3 : P a b c
theorem T1 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := @ExistsIntro N (fun x : N, exists y z : N, P x y z) a
(@ExistsIntro N _ b
(@ExistsIntro N (fun z : N, P a b z) c H3))
theorem T1 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := exists::@intro N (fun x : N, exists y z : N, P x y z) a
(exists::@intro N _ b
(exists::@intro N (fun z : N, P a b z) c H3))
theorem T2 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro a (ExistsIntro b (ExistsIntro c H3))
theorem T2 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := exists::intro a (exists::intro b (exists::intro c H3))
theorem T3 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H3))
theorem T3 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H3))
theorem T4 (H : P a a b) : exists x y z, P x y z := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H))
theorem T4 (H : P a a b) : exists x y z, P x y z := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H))
print environment 4

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@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
Proved: T3
Proved: T4
theorem T1 : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z :=
(λ x : N, ∃ y z : N, P x y z)
(@ExistsIntro N (λ y : N, ∃ z : N, P a y z) b (@ExistsIntro N (λ z : N, P a b z) c H3))
theorem T2 : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro a (ExistsIntro b (ExistsIntro c H3))
theorem T3 : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro a (ExistsIntro b (ExistsIntro c H3))
theorem T4 (H : P a a b) : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro a (ExistsIntro a (ExistsIntro b H))
(exists::@intro N (λ y : N, ∃ z : N, P a y z) b (exists::@intro N (λ z : N, P a b z) c H3))
theorem T2 : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z := exists::intro a (exists::intro b (exists::intro c H3))
theorem T3 : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z := exists::intro a (exists::intro b (exists::intro c H3))
theorem T4 (H : P a a b) : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z := exists::intro a (exists::intro a (exists::intro b H))

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@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ variable N : Type
variables a b c : N
variables P : N -> N -> N -> Bool
theorem T1 (f : N -> N) (H : P (f a) b (f (f c))) : exists x y z, P x y z := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H))
theorem T1 (f : N -> N) (H : P (f a) b (f (f c))) : exists x y z, P x y z := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H))
print environment 1.

View file

@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
Assumed: P
Proved: T1
theorem T1 (f : N → N) (H : P (f a) b (f (f c))) : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z :=
ExistsIntro (f a) (ExistsIntro b (ExistsIntro (f (f c)) H))
exists::intro (f a) (exists::intro b (exists::intro (f (f c)) H))

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@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ variable P : Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
axiom Ax1 : exists x y z, P x y z
axiom Ax2 : forall x y z, not (P x y z)
theorem T : false :=
ExistsElim Ax1 (fun a H1, ExistsElim H1 (fun b H2, ExistsElim H2 (fun (c : Int) (H3 : P a b c),
let notH3 : not (P a b c) := ForallElim (ForallElim (ForallElim Ax2 a) b) c
in Absurd H3 notH3)))
exists::elim Ax1 (fun a H1, exists::elim H1 (fun b H2, exists::elim H2 (fun (c : Int) (H3 : P a b c),
let notH3 : not (P a b c) := forall::elim (forall::elim (forall::elim Ax2 a) b) c
in absurd H3 notH3)))

View file

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ setopaque forall false.
setopaque exists false.
setopaque not false.
theorem T1 (f : N -> N) (H : P (f a) b (f (f c))) : exists x y z, P x y z := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H))
theorem T1 (f : N -> N) (H : P (f a) b (f (f c))) : exists x y z, P x y z := exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ (exists::intro _ H))
print environment 1.

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
Assumed: P
Proved: T1
theorem T1 (f : N → N) (H : P (f a) b (f (f c))) : ∃ x y z : N, P x y z :=
ExistsIntro (f a) (ExistsIntro b (ExistsIntro (f (f c)) H))
exists::intro (f a) (exists::intro b (exists::intro (f (f c)) H))

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@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ import Int.
variable P : Int -> Int -> Bool
theorem T1 (R1 : not (exists x y, P x y)) : forall x y, not (P x y) :=
ForallIntro (fun a,
ForallIntro (fun b,
ForallElim (NotExistsElim (ForallElim (NotExistsElim R1) a)) b))
forall::intro (fun a,
forall::intro (fun b,
forall::elim (not::exists::elim (forall::elim (not::exists::elim R1) a)) b))
axiom Ax : forall x, exists y, P x y
theorem T2 : exists x y, P x y :=
Refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := ForallIntro (fun a,
ForallIntro (fun b,
ForallElim (NotExistsElim (ForallElim (NotExistsElim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P 0 y := ForallElim Ax 0
in ExistsElim L2 (fun (w : Int) (H : P 0 w),
Absurd H (ForallElim (ForallElim L1 0) w))).
refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := forall::intro (fun a,
forall::intro (fun b,
forall::elim (not::exists::elim (forall::elim (not::exists::elim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P 0 y := forall::elim Ax 0
in exists::elim L2 (fun (w : Int) (H : P 0 w),
absurd H (forall::elim (forall::elim L1 0) w))).
theorem T3 (A : (Type U)) (P : A -> A -> Bool) (a : A) (H1 : forall x, exists y, P x y) : exists x y, P x y :=
Refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := ForallIntro (fun a,
ForallIntro (fun b,
ForallElim (NotExistsElim (ForallElim (NotExistsElim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P a y := ForallElim H1 a
in ExistsElim L2 (fun (w : A) (H : P a w),
Absurd H (ForallElim (ForallElim L1 a) w))).
refute (fun R : not (exists x y, P x y),
let L1 : forall x y, not (P x y) := forall::intro (fun a,
forall::intro (fun b,
forall::elim (not::exists::elim (forall::elim (not::exists::elim R) a)) b)),
L2 : exists y, P a y := forall::elim H1 a
in exists::elim L2 (fun (w : A) (H : P a w),
absurd H (forall::elim (forall::elim L1 a) w))).

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'find'
theorem Congr1 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} (a : A) (H : f == g) : f a == g a
theorem Congr2 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {a b : A} (f : Π x : A, B x) (H : a == b) : f a == f b
theorem Congr {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} {a b : A} (H1 : f == g) (H2 : a == b) : f a == g b
theorem congr1 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} (a : A) (H : f == g) : f a == g a
theorem congr2 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {a b : A} (f : Π x : A, B x) (H : a == b) : f a == f b
theorem congr {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : Π x : A, B x} {a b : A} (H1 : f == g) (H2 : a == b) : f a == g b
Error (line: 3, pos: 0) executing external script (/home/leo/projects/lean/build/debug/shell/find.lua:24), no object name in the environment matches the regular expression 'foo'
Error (line: 4, pos: 0) executing external script (/home/leo/projects/lean/build/debug/shell/find.lua:24), no object name in the environment matches the regular expression '(ab'
Error (line: 4, pos: 0) executing external script (/home/leo/projects/lean/build/debug/shell/find.lua:18), unfinished capture

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Int.
variable P : Int -> Bool
axiom Ax (x : Int) : P x
check ForallIntro Ax
check forall::intro Ax

View file

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
Imported 'Int'
Assumed: P
Assumed: Ax
ForallIntro Ax : ∀ x : , P x
forall::intro Ax : ∀ x : , P x

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ variable a : Int
variable b : Int
axiom H1 : a = b
axiom H2 : (g a) > 0
theorem T1 : (g b) > 0 := Subst H2 H1
theorem T1 : (g b) > 0 := subst H2 H1
print environment 2

View file

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
Assumed: H2
Proved: T1
axiom H2 : g a > 0
theorem T1 : g b > 0 := Subst H2 H1
theorem T1 : g b > 0 := subst H2 H1

View file

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
local env = get_environment()
env:set_opaque("forall", false)
theorem ForallIntro2 (A : (Type U)) (P : A -> Bool) (H : Pi x, P x) : forall x, P x :=
Abst (fun x, EqTIntro (H x))
theorem forall::intro2 (A : (Type U)) (P : A -> Bool) (H : Pi x, P x) : forall x, P x :=
abst (fun x, eqt::intro (H x))

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Proved: ForallIntro2
Proved: forall::intro2

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ simple_tac = Repeat(OrElse(conj_hyp_tac(), conj_tac(), assumption_tac()))
theorem T2 (A B : Bool) : A /\ B => B /\ A :=
Discharge (fun H : A /\ B,
discharge (fun H : A /\ B,
let H1 : A := _,
H2 : B := _,
main : B /\ A := _

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ theorem T3 (A B : Bool) : A /\ B -> B /\ A :=
in _.
conj_hyp. exact. done.
conj_hyp. exact. done.
apply Conj. exact. done.
apply and::intro. exact. done.
theorem T4 (A B : Bool) : A /\ B -> B /\ A :=
fun assumption : A /\ B,

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Set: pp::unicode
Proved: T1
theorem T1 (A B : Bool) (assumption : A ∧ B) : B ∧ A :=
let lemma1 : A := Conjunct1 assumption, lemma2 : B := Conjunct2 assumption in Conj lemma2 lemma1
let lemma1 : A := and::eliml assumption, lemma2 : B := and::elimr assumption in and::intro lemma2 lemma1
# Proof state:
A : Bool, B : Bool, assumption : A ∧ B ⊢ A
## Proof state:

View file

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
Set: pp::unicode
Proved: T1
theorem T1 (A B : Bool) (assumption : A ∧ B) : B ∧ A :=
let lemma1 := Conjunct1 assumption, lemma2 := Conjunct2 assumption in Conj lemma2 lemma1
let lemma1 := and::eliml assumption, lemma2 := and::elimr assumption in and::intro lemma2 lemma1

View file

@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ H : b, a : Bool, b : Bool ⊢ b
## Proof state:
no goals
## Proved: T2
# theorem T2 (a b : Bool) : b ⇒ a b := Discharge (λ H : b, Disj2 a H)
# theorem T2 (a b : Bool) : b ⇒ a b := discharge (λ H : b, or::intror a H)

View file

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
theorem T1 (a b : Bool) : a => b => a /\ b.
(* imp_tac() *).
(* imp_tac() *).
apply Conj.
apply and::intro.

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* import("tactic.lua") *)
setoption tactic::proof_state::goal_names true.
theorem T (a : Bool) : a => a /\ a.
apply Discharge.
apply Conj.
apply discharge.
apply and::intro.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* import("tactic.lua") *)
theorem T1 (A B : Bool) : A /\ B => B /\ A :=
Discharge (fun H : A /\ B,
discharge (fun H : A /\ B,
let main : B /\ A :=
(let H1 : B := _,
H2 : A := _
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ theorem T1 (A B : Bool) : A /\ B => B /\ A :=
apply Conj.
apply and::intro.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ simple_tac = Repeat(OrElse(conj_hyp_tac(), conj_tac(), assumption_tac()))
theorem T2 (A B : Bool) : A /\ B => B /\ A :=
Discharge (fun H : A /\ B,
discharge (fun H : A /\ B,
let H1 : A := _,
H2 : B := _,
main : B /\ A := _

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-- Annotating lemmas
theorem simple (p q r : Bool) : (p ⇒ q) ∧ (q ⇒ r) ⇒ p ⇒ r :=
Discharge (λ H_pq_qr, Discharge (λ H_p,
let P_pq : (p ⇒ q) := Conjunct1 H_pq_qr,
P_qr : (q ⇒ r) := Conjunct2 H_pq_qr,
P_q : q := MP P_pq H_p
in MP P_qr P_q))
discharge (λ H_pq_qr, discharge (λ H_p,
let P_pq : (p ⇒ q) := and::eliml H_pq_qr,
P_qr : (q ⇒ r) := and::elimr H_pq_qr,
P_q : q := mp P_pq H_p
in mp P_qr P_q))
print environment 1

View file

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
Set: pp::unicode
Proved: simple
theorem simple (p q r : Bool) : (p ⇒ q) ∧ (q ⇒ r) ⇒ p ⇒ r :=
(λ H_pq_qr : (p ⇒ q) ∧ (q ⇒ r),
(λ H_p : p,
let P_pq : p ⇒ q := Conjunct1 H_pq_qr,
P_qr : q ⇒ r := Conjunct2 H_pq_qr,
P_q : q := MP P_pq H_p
in MP P_qr P_q))
let P_pq : p ⇒ q := and::eliml H_pq_qr,
P_qr : q ⇒ r := and::elimr H_pq_qr,
P_q : q := P_pq H_p
in P_qr P_q))

View file

@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ import Int.
assert(env:find_object("val"):get_value() == Const("x"))
assert(env:find_object("val"):get_weight() == 1)
assert(not pcall(function() M:get_weight() end))
assert(env:find_object(name("Int", "sub")):is_definition())

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ check fun (A A': TypeM)
(a : A)
(b : A')
(L2 : A' == A),
let b' : A := cast L2 b,
L3 : b == b' := CastEq L2 b
let b' : A := cast L2 b,
L3 : b == b' := cast::eq L2 b
in L3
check fun (A A': TypeM)
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ check fun (A A': TypeM)
(H1 : (Pi x : A, B x) == (Pi x : A', B' x))
(H2 : f == g)
(H3 : a == b),
let L1 : A == A' := DomInj H1,
L2 : A' == A := Symm L1,
let L1 : A == A' := dominj H1,
L2 : A' == A := symm L1,
b' : A := cast L2 b,
L3 : b == b' := CastEq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := HTrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := Congr2 f L4
L3 : b == b' := cast::eq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := htrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := congr2 f L4
in L5

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'cast'
Set: pp::colors
λ (A A' : TypeM) (a : A) (b : A') (L2 : A' == A), let b' : A := cast L2 b, L3 : b == b' := CastEq L2 b in L3 :
λ (A A' : TypeM) (a : A) (b : A') (L2 : A' == A), let b' : A := cast L2 b, L3 : b == b' := cast::eq L2 b in L3 :
Π (A A' : TypeM) (a : A) (b : A') (L2 : A' == A), b == cast L2 b
λ (A A' : TypeM)
(B : A → TypeM)
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
(H1 : (Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x))
(H2 : f == g)
(H3 : a == b),
let L1 : A == A' := DomInj H1,
L2 : A' == A := Symm L1,
let L1 : A == A' := dominj H1,
L2 : A' == A := symm L1,
b' : A := cast L2 b,
L3 : b == b' := CastEq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := HTrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := Congr2 f L4
L3 : b == b' := cast::eq L2 b,
L4 : a == b' := htrans H3 L3,
L5 : f a == f b' := congr2 f L4
in L5 :
Π (A A' : TypeM)
(B : A → TypeM)
@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
(a : A)
(b : A')
(H1 : (Π x : A, B x) == (Π x : A', B' x)),
f == g → a == b → f a == f (cast (Symm (DomInj H1)) b)
f == g → a == b → f a == f (cast (symm (dominj H1)) b)

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
Assumed: read
Assumed: V1
Defined: D
definition D : := @read 10 V1 1 Trivial
definition D : := @read 10 V1 1 trivial
Assumed: b
Defined: a
Proved: T

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Int.
namespace foo.
variable a : Nat.
definition b := a.
theorem T : a = b := Refl a.
theorem T : a = b := refl a.
axiom H : b >= a.
namespace bla.
variables a c d : Int.

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
variables a b : Bool
axiom H : a /\ b
theorem T : a := Refute (fun R, Absurd (Conjunct1 H) R)
theorem T : a := refute (fun R, absurd (and::eliml H) R)

View file

@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ scope
variable hinv : B -> A
axiom Inv (x : A) : hinv (h x) = x
axiom H1 (x y : A) : f x y = f y x
theorem f_eq_g : f = g := Abst (fun x, (Abst (fun y,
theorem f_eq_g : f = g := abst (fun x, (abst (fun y,
let L1 : f x y = f y x := H1 x y,
L2 : f y x = g x y := Refl (g x y)
in Trans L1 L2)))
L2 : f y x = g x y := refl (g x y)
in trans L1 L2)))
theorem Inj (x y : A) (H : h x = h y) : x = y :=
let L1 : hinv (h x) = hinv (h y) := Congr2 hinv H,
let L1 : hinv (h x) = hinv (h y) := congr2 hinv H,
L2 : hinv (h x) = x := Inv x,
L3 : hinv (h y) = y := Inv y,
L4 : x = hinv (h x) := Symm L2,
L5 : x = hinv (h y) := Trans L4 L1
in Trans L5 L3.
L4 : x = hinv (h x) := symm L2,
L5 : x = hinv (h y) := trans L4 L1
in trans L5 L3.
print environment 3.

View file

@ -13,15 +13,14 @@
Proved: Inj
definition g (A : Type) (f : A → A → A) (x y : A) : A := f y x
theorem f_eq_g (A : Type) (f : A → A → A) (H1 : Π x y : A, f x y = f y x) : f = g A f :=
Abst (λ x : A,
Abst (λ y : A,
let L1 : f x y = f y x := H1 x y, L2 : f y x = g A f x y := Refl (g A f x y) in Trans L1 L2))
abst (λ x : A,
abst (λ y : A, let L1 : f x y = f y x := H1 x y, L2 : f y x = g A f x y := refl (g A f x y) in L1 ⋈ L2))
theorem Inj (A B : Type) (h : A → B) (hinv : B → A) (Inv : Π x : A, hinv (h x) = x) (x y : A) (H : h x = h y) : x =
y :=
let L1 : hinv (h x) = hinv (h y) := Congr2 hinv H,
let L1 : hinv (h x) = hinv (h y) := congr2 hinv H,
L2 : hinv (h x) = x := Inv x,
L3 : hinv (h y) = y := Inv y,
L4 : x = hinv (h x) := Symm L2,
L5 : x = hinv (h y) := Trans L4 L1
in Trans L5 L3
L4 : x = hinv (h x) := symm L2,
L5 : x = hinv (h y) := L4 L1
in L5 L3

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ definition big {A : Type} (f : A -> A) : A -> A := (double (double (double (doub
-- Tactic for trying to prove goal using Reflexivity, Congruence and available assumptions
local congr_tac = Repeat(OrElse(apply_tac("Refl"), apply_tac("Congr"), assumption_tac()))
local congr_tac = Repeat(OrElse(apply_tac("refl"), apply_tac("congr"), assumption_tac()))
-- Create an eager tactic that only tries to prove goal after unfolding everything
eager_tac = Then(-- unfold homogeneous equality

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ variable a : Int
variable n : Nat
axiom H1 : a + a + a = 10
axiom H2 : a = n
theorem T : a + n + a = 10 := Subst H1 H2
theorem T : a + n + a = 10 := subst H1 H2
setoption pp::coercion true
setoption pp::notation false
setoption pp::implicit true

View file

@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
Set: lean::pp::notation
Set: lean::pp::implicit
theorem T : @eq (Int::add (Int::add a (nat_to_int n)) a) (nat_to_int 10) :=
@Subst a (nat_to_int n) (λ x : , @eq (Int::add (Int::add a x) a) (nat_to_int 10)) H1 H2
@subst a (nat_to_int n) (λ x : , @eq (Int::add (Int::add a x) a) (nat_to_int 10)) H1 H2

View file

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
(* import("tactic.lua") *)
theorem T (A : Type) (p : A -> Bool) (f : A -> A -> A) : forall x y z, p (f x x) => x = y => x = z => p (f y z).
apply ForallIntro.
apply forall::intro.
apply ForallIntro.
apply forall::intro.
apply ForallIntro.
apply forall::intro.
apply Discharge.
apply Discharge.
apply Discharge.
apply (Subst (Subst H H::1) H::2)
apply discharge.
apply discharge.
apply discharge.
apply (subst (subst H H::1) H::2)
print environment 1.

View file

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
Proved: T
theorem T (A : Type) (p : A → Bool) (f : A → A → A) : ∀ x y z : A,
p (f x x) ⇒ x = y ⇒ x = z ⇒ p (f y z) :=
(λ x : A,
(λ x::1 : A,
(λ x::2 : A,
(λ H : p (f x x),
(λ H::1 : x = x::1, Discharge (λ H::2 : x = x::2, Subst (Subst H H::1) H::2))))))
(λ H::1 : x = x::1, discharge (λ H::2 : x = x::2, subst (subst H H::1) H::2))))))

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* import("macros.lua") *)
import macros
theorem T (A : Type) (p : A -> Bool) (f : A -> A -> A) : forall x y z, p (f x x) => x = y => x = z => p (f y z) :=
take x y z, Assume (H1 : p (f x x)) (H2 : x = y) (H3 : x = z),
Subst' H1 H2 H3.
take x y z, assume (H1 : p (f x x)) (H2 : x = y) (H3 : x = z),
subst (subst H1 H2) H3
print environment 1.

View file

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'macros'
Proved: T
theorem T (A : Type) (p : A → Bool) (f : A → A → A) : ∀ x y z : A,
p (f x x) ⇒ x = y ⇒ x = z ⇒ p (f y z) :=
(λ x : A,
(λ y : A,
(λ z : A,
(λ H1 : p (f x x),
Discharge (λ H2 : x = y, Discharge (λ H3 : x = z, Subst (Subst H1 H2) H3))))))
discharge (λ H2 : x = y, discharge (λ H3 : x = z, subst (subst H1 H2) H3))))))

View file

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
Assumed: p
Assumed: q
Assumed: r
theorem T1 : p ⇒ q ⇒ p ∧ q := Discharge (λ H : p, Discharge (λ H::1 : q, Conj H H::1))
theorem T1 : p ⇒ q ⇒ p ∧ q := discharge (λ H : p, discharge (λ H::1 : q, and::intro H H::1))

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more