fix(library/unifier): add a flag to sign that a choice constraint owns a metavariable ?m, that is, it has the right to assign ?m, and the unifier should postpone any other constraint that tries to assign ?m
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 106 additions and 24 deletions
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ public:
ignore_failure, m_relax_main_opaque));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::MaxDelayed), j, m_relax_main_opaque));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::MaxDelayed), false, j, m_relax_main_opaque));
return m;
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ public:
return choose(std::make_shared<choice_expr_elaborator>(*this, mvar, e, ctx, s, relax));
justification j = mk_justification("none of the overloads is applicable", some_expr(e));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::Basic), j, m_relax_main_opaque));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::Basic), true, j, m_relax_main_opaque));
return m;
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ public:
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_eq_cnstr(mvar, r, justification(), relax)));
return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, delay_factor, j, m_relax_main_opaque);
return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, delay_factor, true, j, m_relax_main_opaque);
/** \brief Given a term <tt>a : a_type</tt>, and an expected type generate a metavariable with a delayed coercion. */
@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ struct choice_constraint_cell : public constraint_cell {
expr m_expr;
choice_fn m_fn;
unsigned m_delay_factor;
choice_constraint_cell(expr const & e, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, justification const & j, bool relax):
bool m_owner;
choice_constraint_cell(expr const & e, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax):
constraint_cell(constraint_kind::Choice, j, relax),
m_expr(e), m_fn(fn), m_delay_factor(delay_factor) {}
m_expr(e), m_fn(fn), m_delay_factor(delay_factor), m_owner(owner) {}
void constraint_cell::dealloc() {
@ -64,9 +65,9 @@ constraint mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const &
constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j) {
return constraint(new level_constraint_cell(lhs, rhs, j));
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque) {
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque) {
return constraint(new choice_constraint_cell(m, fn, delay_factor, j, relax_main_opaque));
return constraint(new choice_constraint_cell(m, fn, delay_factor, owner, j, relax_main_opaque));
expr const & cnstr_lhs_expr(constraint const & c) { lean_assert(is_eq_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<eq_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_lhs; }
@ -87,6 +88,9 @@ choice_fn const & cnstr_choice_fn(constraint const & c) {
unsigned cnstr_delay_factor(constraint const & c) {
lean_assert(is_choice_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_delay_factor;
bool cnstr_is_owner(constraint const & c) {
lean_assert(is_choice_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_owner;
constraint update_justification(constraint const & c, justification const & j) {
switch (c.kind()) {
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ constraint update_justification(constraint const & c, justification const & j) {
case constraint_kind::LevelEq:
return mk_level_eq_cnstr(cnstr_lhs_level(c), cnstr_rhs_level(c), j);
case constraint_kind::Choice:
return mk_choice_cnstr(cnstr_expr(c), cnstr_choice_fn(c), cnstr_delay_factor(c), j, relax_main_opaque(c));
return mk_choice_cnstr(cnstr_expr(c), cnstr_choice_fn(c), cnstr_delay_factor(c), cnstr_is_owner(c), j, relax_main_opaque(c));
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ public:
friend constraint mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
friend constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j);
friend constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, justification const & j,
bool relax_main_opaque);
friend constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner,
justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
constraint_cell * raw() const { return m_ptr; }
@ -76,13 +76,21 @@ public:
inline bool operator==(constraint const & c1, constraint const & c2) { return c1.raw() == c2.raw(); }
inline bool operator!=(constraint const & c1, constraint const & c2) { return !(c1 == c2); }
\brief Create a unification constraint lhs =?= rhs
If \c relax_main_opaque is true, then opaque definitions from the main module are treated as transparent.
/** \brief Create a unification constraint lhs =?= rhs
If \c relax_main_opaque is true, then opaque definitions from the main module are treated as transparent.
constraint mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j);
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
/** \brief Create a "choice" constraint m in fn(...), where fn produces a stream of possible solutions.
\c delay_factor allows to control when the constraint is processed by the elaborator, bigger == later.
If \c owner is true, then the elaborator should not assign the metavariable get_app_fn(m).
The variable will be assigned by the choice constraint, and the elaborator should just check whether a solution
produced by fn satisfies the other constraints or not.
\c j is a justification for the constraint.
If \c relax_main_opaque is true, then it signs that constraint was created in a context where
opaque constants of the main module can be treated as transparent.
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
inline bool is_eq_cnstr(constraint const & c) { return c.kind() == constraint_kind::Eq; }
inline bool is_level_eq_cnstr(constraint const & c) { return c.kind() == constraint_kind::LevelEq; }
@ -106,6 +114,8 @@ expr const & cnstr_expr(constraint const & c);
choice_fn const & cnstr_choice_fn(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return the choice constraint delay factor */
unsigned cnstr_delay_factor(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return true iff the given choice constraints owns the right to assign the metavariable in \c c. */
bool cnstr_is_owner(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Printer for debugging purposes */
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, constraint const & c);
@ -1528,15 +1528,19 @@ static int mk_choice_cnstr(lua_State * L) {
expr m = to_expr(L, 1);
choice_fn fn = to_choice_fn(L, 2);
if (nargs == 2)
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, 0, justification(), false));
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, 0, false, justification(), false));
else if (nargs == 3 && is_justification(L, 3))
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, 0, to_justification(L, 3), false));
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, 0, false, to_justification(L, 3), false));
else if (nargs == 3)
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), justification(), false));
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), false, justification(), false));
else if (nargs == 4)
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), to_justification(L, 4), false));
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), lua_toboolean(L, 4), justification(), false));
else if (nargs == 5)
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), lua_toboolean(L, 4),
to_justification(L, 5), false));
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), to_justification(L, 4), lua_toboolean(L, 5)));
return push_constraint(L, mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, lua_tonumber(L, 3), lua_toboolean(L, 4),
to_justification(L, 5), lua_toboolean(L, 6)));
static int constraint_expr(lua_State * L) {
@ -211,10 +211,16 @@ unify_status unify_simple(substitution & s, constraint const & c) {
static constraint g_dont_care_cnstr = mk_eq_cnstr(expr(), expr(), justification(), false);
static unsigned g_group_size = 1u << 29;
static unsigned g_cnstr_group_first_index[6] = { 0, g_group_size, 2*g_group_size, 3*g_group_size, 4*g_group_size, 5*g_group_size};
constexpr unsigned g_num_groups = 6;
static unsigned g_cnstr_group_first_index[g_num_groups] = { 0, g_group_size, 2*g_group_size, 3*g_group_size, 4*g_group_size, 5*g_group_size};
static unsigned get_group_first_index(cnstr_group g) {
return g_cnstr_group_first_index[static_cast<unsigned>(g)];
static cnstr_group to_cnstr_group(unsigned d) {
if (d >= g_num_groups)
d = g_num_groups-1;
return static_cast<cnstr_group>(d);
/** \brief Convert choice constraint delay factor to cnstr_group */
cnstr_group get_choice_cnstr_group(constraint const & c) {
@ -236,10 +242,12 @@ struct unifier_fn {
typedef rb_tree<cnstr, cnstr_cmp> cnstr_set;
typedef rb_tree<unsigned, unsigned_cmp> cnstr_idx_set;
typedef rb_map<name, cnstr_idx_set, name_quick_cmp> name_to_cnstrs;
typedef rb_map<name, unsigned, name_quick_cmp> owned_map;
typedef std::unique_ptr<type_checker> type_checker_ptr;
environment m_env;
name_generator m_ngen;
substitution m_subst;
owned_map m_owned_map; // mapping from metavariable name m to delay factor of the choice constraint that owns m
unifier_plugin m_plugin;
type_checker_ptr m_tc[2];
bool m_use_exception; //!< True if we should throw an exception when there are no more solutions.
@ -286,11 +294,12 @@ struct unifier_fn {
substitution m_subst;
cnstr_set m_cnstrs;
name_to_cnstrs m_mvar_occs;
owned_map m_owned_map;
/** \brief Save unifier's state */
case_split(unifier_fn & u, justification const & j):
m_assumption_idx(u.m_next_assumption_idx), m_jst(j), m_subst(u.m_subst), m_cnstrs(u.m_cnstrs),
m_mvar_occs(u.m_mvar_occs) {
m_mvar_occs(u.m_mvar_occs), m_owned_map(u.m_owned_map) {
@ -306,6 +315,7 @@ struct unifier_fn {
u.m_subst = m_subst;
u.m_cnstrs = m_cnstrs;
u.m_mvar_occs = m_mvar_occs;
u.m_owned_map = m_owned_map;
m_assumption_idx = u.m_next_assumption_idx;
m_failed_justifications = mk_composite1(m_failed_justifications, *u.m_conflict);
@ -608,12 +618,41 @@ struct unifier_fn {
return Continue;
/** \brief Return a delay factor if e is of the form (?m ...) and ?m is a metavariable owned by
a choice constraint. The delay factor is the delay of the choice constraint.
Return none otherwise. */
optional<unsigned> is_owned(expr const & e) {
expr const & m = get_app_fn(e);
if (!is_metavar(m))
return optional<unsigned>();
if (auto it = m_owned_map.find(mlocal_name(m)))
return optional<unsigned>(*it);
return optional<unsigned>();
/** \brief Applies previous method to the left and right hand sides of the equality constraint */
optional<unsigned> is_owned(constraint const & c) {
if (auto d = is_owned(cnstr_lhs_expr(c)))
return d;
return is_owned(cnstr_rhs_expr(c));
/** \brief Process an equality constraints. */
bool process_eq_constraint(constraint const & c) {
// instantiate assigned metavariables
status st = instantiate_eq_cnstr(c);
if (st != Continue) return st == Solved;
if (auto d = is_owned(c)) {
// Metavariable in the constraint is owned by choice constraint.
// So, we postpone this constraint.
add_cnstr(c, to_cnstr_group(*d+1));
return true;
st = process_eq_constraint_core(c);
if (st != Continue) return st == Solved;
@ -707,6 +746,17 @@ struct unifier_fn {
return true;
bool preprocess_choice_constraint(constraint const & c) {
if (cnstr_is_owner(c)) {
expr m = get_app_fn(cnstr_expr(c));
m_owned_map.insert(mlocal_name(m), cnstr_delay_factor(c));
// Choice constraints are never considered easy.
add_cnstr(c, get_choice_cnstr_group(c));
return true;
\brief Process the given constraint \c c. "Easy" constraints are solved, and the remaining ones
are added to the constraint queue m_cnstrs. By "easy", see the methods
@ -718,9 +768,7 @@ struct unifier_fn {
switch (c.kind()) {
case constraint_kind::Choice:
// Choice constraints are never considered easy.
add_cnstr(c, get_choice_cnstr_group(c));
return true;
return preprocess_choice_constraint(c);
case constraint_kind::Eq:
return process_eq_constraint(c);
case constraint_kind::LevelEq:
@ -878,6 +926,11 @@ struct unifier_fn {
expr const & m = cnstr_expr(c);
choice_fn const & fn = cnstr_choice_fn(c);
if (cnstr_is_owner(c)) {
// choice will have a chance to assign m, so
// we remove the "barrier" that was preventing m from being assigned.
expr m_type;
bool relax = relax_main_opaque(c);
try {
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import nat
using nat
inductive list (T : Type) : Type :=
| nil {} : list T
| cons : T → list T → list T
definition length {T : Type} : list T → nat := list_rec 0 (fun x l m, succ m)
theorem length_nil {T : Type} : length (@nil T) = 0
:= refl _
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