refactor(emacs/lean-syntax.el): clean up regexps for syntax
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 42 additions and 26 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(require 'rx)
(defconst lean-keywords
(defconst lean-keywords1
'("import" "prelude" "tactic_hint" "protected" "private" "noncomputable" "definition" "renaming"
"hiding" "exposing" "parameter" "parameters" "begin" "begin+" "proof" "qed" "conjecture" "constant" "constants"
"hypothesis" "lemma" "corollary" "variable" "variables" "premise" "premises" "theory"
@ -19,8 +19,39 @@
"eval" "check" "end" "reveal" "this" "suppose"
"using" "namespace" "section" "fields" "find_decl"
"attribute" "local" "set_option" "extends" "include" "omit" "classes"
"instances" "coercions" "metaclasses" "raw" "migrate" "replacing")
"lean keywords")
"instances" "coercions" "metaclasses" "raw" "migrate" "replacing"
"calc" "have" "show" "by" "in" "at" "let" "forall" "fun"
"exists" "if" "dif" "then" "else" "assume" "assert" "take"
"obtain" "from")
"lean keywords ending with 'word' (not symbol)")
(defconst lean-keywords1-regexp
(eval `(rx word-start (or ,@lean-keywords1) word-end)))
(defconst lean-keywords2
"lean keywords ending with 'symbol'")
(defconst lean-keywords2-regexp
(eval `(rx word-start (or ,@lean-keywords2) symbol-end)))
(defconst lean-constants
'("#" "@" "->" "∼" "↔" "/" "==" "=" ":=" "<->" "/\\" "\\/" "∧" "∨"
"≠" "<" ">" "≤" "≥" "¬" "<=" ">=" "⁻¹" "⬝" "▸" "+" "*" "-" "/" "λ"
"→" "∃" "∀")
"lean constants")
(defconst lean-constants-regexp (regexp-opt lean-constants))
(defconst lean-modifiers
(--map (s-concat "[" it "]")
'("persistent" "notation" "visible" "instance" "trans-instance"
"class" "parsing-only" "coercion" "unfold-full" "constructor"
"reducible" "irreducible" "semireducible" "quasireducible" "wf"
"whnf" "multiple-instances" "none" "decls" "declarations"
"coercions" "classes" "symm" "subst" "refl" "trans" "simp" "congr"
"notations" "abbreviations" "begin-end-hints" "tactic-hints"
"reduce-hints" "unfold-hints" "aliases" "eqv"
"lean modifiers")
(defconst lean-modifiers-regexp
(regexp-opt lean-modifiers))
(defconst lean-warnings '("sorry" "exit") "lean warnings")
(defconst lean-warnings-regexp (eval `(rx word-start (or ,@lean-warnings) word-end)))
(defconst lean-syntax-table
(let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
@ -98,15 +129,12 @@
(defconst lean-font-lock-defaults
`((;; Keywords
(,(rx word-start (or "calc" "have" "show" "by" "by+" "in" "at" "let" "forall" "fun"
"exists" "if" "dif" "then" "else" "assume" "assert" "take" "obtain" "from") word-end)
. font-lock-keyword-face)
(,lean-keywords2-regexp . 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(,lean-keywords1-regexp . 'font-lock-keyword-face)
;; String
("\"[^\"]*\"" . 'font-lock-string-face)
;; Constants
(,(rx symbol-start (or "#" "@" "->" "∼" "↔" "/" "==" "=" ":=" "<->" "/\\" "\\/" "∧" "∨" "≠" "<" ">" "≤" "≥" "¬" "<=" ">=" "⁻¹" "⬝" "▸" "+" "*" "-" "/") symbol-end)
. 'font-lock-constant-face)
(,(rx symbol-start (or "λ" "→" "∃" "∀" ":=") symbol-end) . 'font-lock-constant-face )
;; ;; Constants
(,lean-constants-regexp . 'font-lock-constant-face)
;; universe/inductive/theorem... "names"
(,(rx word-start
(group (or "inductive" "structure" "record" "theorem" "axiom" "axioms" "lemma" "hypothesis" "definition" "constant" "abbreviation"))
@ -118,15 +146,7 @@
;; place holder
(,(rx symbol-start "_" symbol-end) . 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
;; modifiers
(,(rx (or "\[persistent\]" "\[notation\]" "\[visible\]" "\[instance\]" "\[trans-instance\]" "\[class\]" "\[parsing-only\]"
"\[coercion\]" "\[unfold-full\]" "\[constructor\]" "\[reducible\]"
"\[irreducible\]" "\[semireducible\]" "\[quasireducible\]" "\[wf\]"
"\[whnf\]" "\[multiple-instances\]" "\[none\]"
"\[decls\]" "\[declarations\]" "\[coercions\]" "\[classes\]"
"\[symm\]" "\[subst\]" "\[refl\]" "\[trans\]" "\[simp\]" "\[congr\]"
"\[notations\]" "\[abbreviations\]" "\[begin-end-hints\]" "\[tactic-hints\]"
"\[reduce-hints\]" "\[unfold-hints\]" "\[aliases\]" "\[eqv\]" "\[localrefinfo\]"))
. 'font-lock-doc-face)
(,lean-modifiers-regexp . 'font-lock-doc-face)
(,(rx "\[priority" (zero-or-more (not (any "\]"))) "\]") . font-lock-doc-face)
(,(rx "\[recursor" (zero-or-more (not (any "\]"))) "\]") . font-lock-doc-face)
(,(rx "\[unfold" (zero-or-more (not (any "\]"))) "\]") . font-lock-doc-face)
@ -147,14 +167,10 @@
;; Types
(,(rx word-start (or "Prop" "Type" "Type'" "Type₊" "Type₀" "Type₁" "Type₂" "Type₃") symbol-end) . 'font-lock-type-face)
(,(rx word-start (group "Type") ".") (1 'font-lock-type-face))
;; sorry
(,(rx word-start "sorry" word-end) . 'font-lock-warning-face)
(,(rx word-start "exit" word-end) . 'font-lock-warning-face)
;; warnings
(,lean-warnings-regexp . 'font-lock-warning-face)
;; extra-keywords
(,(rx (or "∎")) . 'font-lock-keyword-face)
;; lean-keywords
(, (concat "\\(" (regexp-opt lean-keywords 'words) "\\)")
(1 'font-lock-keyword-face)))))
(,(rx (or "∎")) . 'font-lock-keyword-face))))
;; Syntax Highlighting for Lean Info Mode
(defconst lean-info-font-lock-defaults
Add table
Reference in a new issue