refactor(kernel/replace_fn): use thread local cache
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 191 additions and 219 deletions
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ expr beta_reduce(expr t) {
return none_expr();
return none_expr();
while (true) {
while (true) {
expr new_t = replace_fn(f)(t);
expr new_t = replace(t, f);
if (new_t == t)
if (new_t == t)
return new_t;
return new_t;
@ -1,129 +1,206 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <vector>
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
namespace lean {
namespace lean {
void replace_fn::save_result(expr const & e, expr const & r, unsigned offset, bool shared) {
struct replace_cache {
if (shared)
struct entry {
m_cache.insert(std::make_pair(expr_cell_offset(e.raw(), offset), r));
expr_cell * m_cell;
m_post(e, r);
unsigned m_offset;
expr m_result;
entry():m_cell(nullptr) {}
unsigned m_capacity;
std::vector<entry> m_cache;
std::vector<unsigned> m_used;
replace_cache(unsigned c):m_capacity(c), m_cache(c) {}
expr * find(expr const & e, unsigned offset) {
\brief Visit \c e at the given offset. Return true iff the result is on the
unsigned i = hash(e.hash_alloc(), offset) % m_capacity;
result stack \c m_rs. Return false iff a new frame was pushed on the stack \c m_fs.
if (m_cache[i].m_cell == e.raw())
The idea is that after the frame is processed, the result will be on the result stack.
return &m_cache[i].m_result;
bool replace_fn::visit(expr const & e, unsigned offset) {
return nullptr;
bool shared = false;
if (is_shared(e)) {
expr_cell_offset p(e.raw(), offset);
void insert(expr const & e, unsigned offset, expr const & v) {
auto it = m_cache.find(p);
unsigned i = hash(e.hash_alloc(), offset) % m_capacity;
if (it != m_cache.end()) {
if (m_cache[i].m_cell == nullptr)
return true;
m_cache[i].m_cell = e.raw();
m_cache[i].m_offset = offset;
m_cache[i].m_result = v;
void clear() {
for (unsigned i : m_used) {
m_cache[i].m_cell = nullptr;
m_cache[i].m_result = expr();
shared = true;
optional<expr> r = m_f(e, offset);
if (r) {
save_result(e, *r, offset, shared);
struct replace_cache_reset {
return true;
~replace_cache_reset() { get_replace_cache().clear(); }
} else if (is_atomic(e)) {
save_result(e, e, offset, shared);
return true;
} else {
m_fs.emplace_back(e, offset, shared);
return false;
\brief Return true iff <tt>f.m_index == idx</tt>.
\brief Functional for applying <tt>F</tt> to the subexpressions of a given expression.
When the result is true, <tt>f.m_index</tt> is incremented.
The signature of \c F is
expr const &, unsigned -> optional(expr)
F is invoked for each subexpression \c s of the input expression e.
In a call <tt>F(s, n)</tt>, n is the scope level, i.e., the number of
bindings operators that enclosing \c s. The replaces only visits children of \c e
if F return none_expr
bool replace_fn::check_index(frame & f, unsigned idx) {
class replace_fn {
if (f.m_index == idx) {
struct frame {
expr m_expr;
return true;
unsigned m_offset;
} else {
bool m_shared;
return false;
unsigned m_index;
frame(expr const & e, unsigned o, bool s):m_expr(e), m_offset(o), m_shared(s), m_index(0) {}
typedef buffer<frame> frame_stack;
typedef buffer<expr> result_stack;
std::function<optional<expr>(expr const &, unsigned)> m_f;
frame_stack m_fs;
result_stack m_rs;
replace_cache & m_cache;
void save_result(expr const & e, expr const & r, unsigned offset, bool shared) {
if (shared)
m_cache.insert(e, offset, r);
expr const & replace_fn::rs(int i) {
lean_assert(i < 0);
\brief Visit \c e at the given offset. Return true iff the result is on the
return m_rs[m_rs.size() + i];
result stack \c m_rs. Return false iff a new frame was pushed on the stack \c m_fs.
The idea is that after the frame is processed, the result will be on the result stack.
void replace_fn::pop_rs(unsigned num) {
bool visit(expr const & e, unsigned offset) {
m_rs.shrink(m_rs.size() - num);
bool shared = false;
if (is_shared(e)) {
if (auto r = m_cache.find(e, offset)) {
expr replace_fn::operator()(expr const & e) {
expr r;
return true;
visit(e, 0);
while (!m_fs.empty()) {
frame & f = m_fs.back();
expr const & e = f.m_expr;
unsigned offset = f.m_offset;
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort:
case expr_kind::Var:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local:
if (check_index(f, 0) && !visit(mlocal_type(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_mlocal(e, rs(-1));
case expr_kind::App:
if (check_index(f, 0) && !visit(app_fn(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
if (check_index(f, 1) && !visit(app_arg(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_app(e, rs(-2), rs(-1));
case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Lambda:
if (check_index(f, 0) && !visit(binding_domain(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
if (check_index(f, 1) && !visit(binding_body(e), offset + 1))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_binding(e, rs(-2), rs(-1));
case expr_kind::Macro:
while (f.m_index < macro_num_args(e)) {
unsigned idx = f.m_index;
if (!visit(macro_arg(e, idx), offset))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_macro(e, macro_num_args(e), &rs(-macro_num_args(e)));
shared = true;
save_result(e, r, offset, f.m_shared);
lean_assert(m_rs.size() == 1);
r = m_rs.back();
return r;
void replace_fn::clear() {
optional<expr> r = m_f(e, offset);
if (r) {
save_result(e, *r, offset, shared);
return true;
} else if (is_atomic(e)) {
save_result(e, e, offset, shared);
return true;
} else {
m_fs.emplace_back(e, offset, shared);
return false;
\brief Return true iff <tt>f.m_index == idx</tt>.
When the result is true, <tt>f.m_index</tt> is incremented.
bool check_index(frame & f, unsigned idx) {
if (f.m_index == idx) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
expr const & rs(int i) {
lean_assert(i < 0);
return m_rs[m_rs.size() + i];
void pop_rs(unsigned num) {
m_rs.shrink(m_rs.size() - num);
template<typename F>
replace_fn(F const & f):m_f(f), m_cache(get_replace_cache()) {}
expr operator()(expr const & e) {
replace_cache_reset reset;
expr r;
visit(e, 0);
while (!m_fs.empty()) {
frame & f = m_fs.back();
expr const & e = f.m_expr;
unsigned offset = f.m_offset;
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort:
case expr_kind::Var:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local:
if (check_index(f, 0) && !visit(mlocal_type(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_mlocal(e, rs(-1));
case expr_kind::App:
if (check_index(f, 0) && !visit(app_fn(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
if (check_index(f, 1) && !visit(app_arg(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_app(e, rs(-2), rs(-1));
case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Lambda:
if (check_index(f, 0) && !visit(binding_domain(e), offset))
goto begin_loop;
if (check_index(f, 1) && !visit(binding_body(e), offset + 1))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_binding(e, rs(-2), rs(-1));
case expr_kind::Macro:
while (f.m_index < macro_num_args(e)) {
unsigned idx = f.m_index;
if (!visit(macro_arg(e, idx), offset))
goto begin_loop;
r = update_macro(e, macro_num_args(e), &rs(-macro_num_args(e)));
save_result(e, r, offset, f.m_shared);
lean_assert(m_rs.size() == 1);
r = m_rs.back();
return r;
expr replace(expr const & e, std::function<optional<expr>(expr const &, unsigned)> const & f) {
return replace_fn(f)(e);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
Author: Leonardo de Moura
@ -13,64 +13,12 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
namespace lean {
namespace lean {
\brief Default replace_fn postprocessor functional object. It is a
\brief Apply <tt>f</tt> to the subexpressions of a given expression.
do-nothing object.
class default_replace_postprocessor {
void operator()(expr const &, expr const &) {}
f is invoked for each subexpression \c s of the input expression e.
\brief Functional for applying <tt>F</tt> to the subexpressions of a given expression.
In a call <tt>f(s, n)</tt>, n is the scope level, i.e., the number of
The signature of \c F is
expr const &, unsigned -> optional(expr)
F is invoked for each subexpression \c s of the input expression e.
In a call <tt>F(s, n)</tt>, n is the scope level, i.e., the number of
bindings operators that enclosing \c s. The replaces only visits children of \c e
bindings operators that enclosing \c s. The replaces only visits children of \c e
if F return none_expr
if f return none_expr.
P is a "post-processing" functional object that is applied to each
pair (old, new)
class replace_fn {
expr replace(expr const & e, std::function<optional<expr>(expr const &, unsigned)> const & f);
struct frame {
expr m_expr;
unsigned m_offset;
bool m_shared;
unsigned m_index;
frame(expr const & e, unsigned o, bool s):m_expr(e), m_offset(o), m_shared(s), m_index(0) {}
typedef buffer<frame> frame_stack;
typedef buffer<expr> result_stack;
expr_cell_offset_map<expr> m_cache;
std::function<optional<expr>(expr const &, unsigned)> m_f;
std::function<void(expr const &, expr const &)> m_post;
frame_stack m_fs;
result_stack m_rs;
void save_result(expr const & e, expr const & r, unsigned offset, bool shared);
bool visit(expr const & e, unsigned offset);
bool check_index(frame & f, unsigned idx);
expr const & rs(int i);
void pop_rs(unsigned num);
template<typename F, typename P = default_replace_postprocessor>
replace_fn(F const & f, P const & p = P()):
m_f(f), m_post(p) {}
expr operator()(expr const & e);
void clear();
template<typename F> expr replace(expr const & e, F const & f) {
return replace_fn(f)(e);
template<typename F, typename P> expr replace(expr const & e, F const & f, P const & p) {
return replace_fn(f, p)(e);
@ -56,63 +56,10 @@ public:
static expr arg(expr n, unsigned i) {
buffer<expr> args;
while (is_app(n)) {
n = app_fn(n);
return args[args.size() - i - 1];
static void tst3() {
expr f = Const("f");
expr c = Const("c");
expr d = Const("d");
expr A = Const("A");
expr_map<expr> trace;
auto proc = [&](expr const & x, unsigned offset) -> optional<expr> {
if (is_var(x)) {
unsigned vidx = var_idx(x);
if (vidx == offset)
return some_expr(c);
else if (vidx > offset)
return some_expr(mk_var(vidx-1));
return none_expr();
} else {
return none_expr();
expr x = Local("x", A);
expr y = Local("y", A);
replace_fn replacer(proc, tracer(trace));
expr t = Fun({x, y}, f(x, f(f(f(x, x), f(y, d)), f(d, d))));
expr b = binding_body(t);
expr r = replacer(b);
std::cout << r << "\n";
lean_assert(r == Fun(y, f(c, f(f(f(c, c), f(y, d)), f(d, d)))));
for (auto p : trace) {
std::cout << p.first << " --> " << p.second << "\n";
lean_assert(trace[c] == Var(1));
std::cout << arg(arg(binding_body(r), 2), 2) << "\n";
lean_assert(arg(arg(binding_body(r), 2), 2) == f(d, d));
lean_assert(trace.find(arg(arg(binding_body(r), 2), 2)) == trace.end());
lean_assert(trace.find(binding_body(r)) != trace.end());
lean_assert(trace.find(arg(binding_body(r), 2)) != trace.end());
lean_assert(trace.find(arg(arg(binding_body(r), 2), 1)) != trace.end());
lean_assert(trace.find(arg(arg(arg(binding_body(r), 2), 1), 1)) != trace.end());
lean_assert(trace.find(arg(arg(arg(binding_body(r), 2), 1), 2)) == trace.end());
int main() {
int main() {
std::cout << "done" << "\n";
std::cout << "done" << "\n";
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
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