feat(library/unifier): add unify_fn skeleton

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-06-21 20:08:18 -07:00
parent aac3830e31
commit 9c745057b4
3 changed files with 335 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "util/luaref.h"
#include "util/lazy_list_fn.h"
#include "kernel/for_each_fn.h"
@ -14,23 +16,28 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/kernel_bindings.h"
namespace lean {
static std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple_core(substitution const & s, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs,
justification const & j) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr const & m = get_app_args(lhs, args);
// If \c e is a metavariable ?m or a term of the form (?m l_1 ... l_n) where
// l_1 ... l_n are distinct local variables, then return ?m, and store l_1 ... l_n in args.
// Otherwise return none.
optional<expr> is_simple_meta(expr const & e, buffer<expr> & args) {
expr const & m = get_app_args(e, args);
if (!is_metavar(m))
return none_expr();
for (auto it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); it++) {
if (!is_local(*it) || std::find(args.begin(), it, *it) != it)
return mk_pair(unify_status::Unsupported, s);
return none_expr();
if (is_meta(rhs) && get_app_fn(rhs) == m)
return mk_pair(unify_status::Unsupported, s);
return some_expr(m);
// Return true if \c e does not contain the metavariable \c m, and all local
// constants are in \c e are in \c locals
bool occurs_context_check(expr const & e, expr const & m, buffer<expr> const & locals) {
bool failed = false;
for_each(rhs, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (failed)
return false;
if (is_local(e) && std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), e) == args.end()) {
if (is_local(e) && std::find(locals.begin(), locals.end(), e) == locals.end()) {
// right-hand-side contains variable that is not in the scope
// of metavariable.
failed = true;
@ -45,15 +52,33 @@ static std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple_core(substitution cons
// metavariables and/or local constants.
return has_metavar(e) || has_local(e);
if (failed)
return mk_pair(unify_status::Failed, s);
expr v = abstract_locals(rhs, args.size(), args.data());
unsigned i = args.size();
return !failed;
// Create a lambda abstraction by abstracting the local constants \c locals in \c e
expr lambda_abstract_locals(expr const & e, buffer<expr> const & locals) {
expr v = abstract_locals(e, locals.size(), locals.data());
unsigned i = locals.size();
while (i > 0) {
v = mk_lambda(local_pp_name(args[i]), mlocal_type(args[i]), v);
v = mk_lambda(local_pp_name(locals[i]), mlocal_type(locals[i]), v);
return v;
static std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple_core(substitution const & s, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs,
justification const & j) {
buffer<expr> args;
auto m = is_simple_meta(lhs, args);
if (!m || (is_meta(rhs) && get_app_fn(rhs) == *m)) {
return mk_pair(unify_status::Unsupported, s);
} else if (!occurs_context_check(rhs, *m, args)) {
return mk_pair(unify_status::Failed, s);
} else {
expr v = lambda_abstract_locals(rhs, args);
return mk_pair(unify_status::Solved, s.assign(mlocal_name(*m), v, j));
return mk_pair(unify_status::Solved, s.assign(mlocal_name(m), v, j));
std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple(substitution const & s, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j) {
@ -69,19 +94,25 @@ std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple(substitution const & s, expr
return mk_pair(unify_status::Unsupported, s);
std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple_core(substitution const & s, level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j) {
// Return true if m occurs in e
bool occurs(level const & m, level const & e) {
bool contains = false;
for_each(rhs, [&](level const & l) {
for_each(e, [&](level const & l) {
if (contains)
return false;
if (l == lhs) {
// occurs-check failed
if (l == m) {
contains = true;
return false;
return true;
return has_meta(l);
return contains;
std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple_core(substitution const & s, level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j) {
bool contains = occurs(lhs, rhs);
if (contains) {
if (is_succ(rhs))
return mk_pair(unify_status::Failed, s);
@ -115,21 +146,290 @@ std::pair<unify_status, substitution> unify_simple(substitution const & s, const
return mk_pair(unify_status::Unsupported, s);
struct unifier_fn {
environment m_env;
name_generator m_ngen;
substitution m_subst;
unifier_plugin m_plugin;
bool m_use_exception;
static constraint g_dont_care_cnstr = mk_eq_cnstr(expr(), expr(), justification());
unifier_fn(environment const & env, unsigned /* num_cs */, constraint const * /* cs */,
struct unifier_fn {
typedef std::pair<constraint, unsigned> cnstr; // constraint + idx
struct cnstr_cmp {
int operator()(cnstr const & c1, cnstr const & c2) const { return c1.second < c2.second ? -1 : (c1.second == c2.second ? 0 : 1); }
struct unsigned_cmp {
int operator()(unsigned i1, unsigned i2) const { return i1 < i2 ? -1 : (i1 == i2 ? 0 : 1); }
typedef rb_tree<cnstr, cnstr_cmp> cnstr_set;
typedef rb_tree<unsigned, unsigned_cmp> cnstr_idx_set;
typedef rb_map<name, cnstr_idx_set, name_quick_cmp> name_to_cnstrs;
environment m_env;
name_generator m_ngen;
substitution m_subst;
unifier_plugin m_plugin;
type_checker m_tc;
bool m_use_exception;
bool m_first;
unsigned m_next_cidx;
cnstr_set m_active;
cnstr_set m_delayed;
name_to_cnstrs m_mvar_occs;
name_to_cnstrs m_mlvl_occs;
struct case_split {
justification m_curr_assumption; // object used to justify current split
justification m_failed_justifications; // justifications for failed branches
// snapshot of the state
substitution m_subst;
cnstr_set m_active;
cnstr_set m_delayed;
name_to_cnstrs m_mvar_occs;
name_to_cnstrs m_mlvl_occs;
case_split(unifier_fn & u):
m_subst(u.m_subst), m_active(u.m_active), m_delayed(u.m_delayed), m_mvar_occs(u.m_mvar_occs), m_mlvl_occs(u.m_mlvl_occs)
virtual ~case_split() {}
virtual bool next(unifier_fn & owner) = 0;
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<case_split>> case_split_stack;
case_split_stack m_case_splits;
justification m_conflict;
unifier_fn(environment const & env, unsigned num_cs, constraint const * cs,
name_generator const & ngen, substitution const & s, unifier_plugin const & p,
bool use_exception):
m_env(env), m_ngen(ngen), m_subst(s), m_plugin(p), m_use_exception(use_exception) {
m_env(env), m_ngen(ngen), m_subst(s), m_plugin(p),
m_tc(env, m_ngen.mk_child(), [=](constraint const & c) { process_constraint(c); }),
m_use_exception(use_exception) {
m_next_cidx = 0;
m_first = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_cs; i++) {
bool in_conflict() const { return !m_conflict.is_none(); }
template<bool MVar>
void add_occ(name const & m, unsigned cidx) {
cnstr_idx_set s;
name_to_cnstrs & map = MVar ? m_mvar_occs : m_mlvl_occs;
auto it = map.find(m);
if (!it)
s = *it;
if (!s.contains(cidx)) {
map.insert(m, s);
void add_mvar_occ(name const & m, unsigned cidx) { add_occ<true>(m, cidx); }
void add_mlvl_occ(name const & m, unsigned cidx) { add_occ<false>(m, cidx); }
void add_occs(unsigned cidx, name_set const * mlvl_occs, name_set const * mvar_occs) {
if (mlvl_occs) {
mlvl_occs->for_each([=](name const & m) {
add_mlvl_occ(m, cidx);
if (mvar_occs) {
mvar_occs->for_each([=](name const & m) {
add_mvar_occ(m, cidx);
void add_active(constraint const & c, name_set const * mlvl_occs, name_set const * mvar_occs) {
m_active.insert(cnstr(c, m_next_cidx));
add_occs(m_next_cidx, mlvl_occs, mvar_occs);
void add_delayed(constraint const & c, name_set const * mlvl_occs, name_set const * mvar_occs) {
m_delayed.insert(cnstr(c, m_next_cidx));
add_occs(m_next_cidx, mlvl_occs, mvar_occs);
bool assign(expr const & m, expr const & v, justification const & j) {
m_subst = m_subst.assign(m, v, j);
auto it = m_mvar_occs.find(mlocal_name(m));
if (it) {
cnstr_idx_set s = *it;
s.for_each([&](unsigned cidx) {
return !in_conflict();
} else {
return true;
bool assign(level const & m, level const & v, justification const & j) {
m_subst = m_subst.assign(m, v, j);
auto it = m_mlvl_occs.find(meta_id(m));
if (it) {
cnstr_idx_set s = *it;
s.for_each([&](unsigned cidx) {
return !in_conflict();
} else {
return true;
enum status { Assigned, Failed, Continue };
status process_metavar(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j) {
if (!is_meta(lhs))
return Continue;
buffer<expr> locals;
auto m = is_simple_meta(lhs, locals);
if (!m || (is_meta(rhs) && get_app_fn(rhs) == *m))
return Continue;
if (!occurs_context_check(rhs, *m, locals)) {
m_conflict = j;
return Failed;
if (assign(*m, lambda_abstract_locals(rhs, locals), j)) {
return Assigned;
} else {
return Failed;
bool process_eq_constraint(constraint const & c) {
// instantiate
name_set unassigned_lvls, unassigned_exprs;
auto lhs_jst = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(cnstr_lhs_expr(c), &unassigned_lvls, &unassigned_exprs);
auto rhs_jst = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(cnstr_rhs_expr(c), &unassigned_lvls, &unassigned_exprs);
expr const & lhs = lhs_jst.first;
expr const & rhs = rhs_jst.first;
if (lhs == rhs)
return true; // trivial constraint
justification new_jst = mk_composite1(mk_composite1(c.get_justification(), lhs_jst.second), rhs_jst.second);
if (!has_metavar(lhs) && !has_metavar(rhs)) {
m_conflict = new_jst;
return false; // trivial failure
status st = process_metavar(lhs, rhs, new_jst);
if (st != Continue) return st == Assigned;
st = process_metavar(rhs, lhs, new_jst);
if (st != Continue) return st == Assigned;
if (lhs != cnstr_lhs_expr(c) || rhs != cnstr_rhs_expr(c)) {
// some metavariables were instantiated, try is_def_eq again
if (m_tc.is_def_eq(lhs, rhs, new_jst)) {
return true;
} else {
m_conflict = new_jst;
return false;
if (is_meta(lhs) || is_meta(rhs)) {
add_delayed(c, &unassigned_lvls, &unassigned_exprs);
} else {
add_active(c, &unassigned_lvls, &unassigned_exprs);
return true;
status process_meta_lvl(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j) {
if (!is_meta(lhs))
return Continue;
bool contains = occurs(lhs, rhs);
if (contains) {
if (is_succ(rhs))
return Failed;
return Continue;
if (assign(lhs, rhs, j)) {
return Assigned;
} else {
return Failed;
bool process_lvl_constraint(constraint const & c) {
name_set unassigned_lvls;
auto lhs_jst = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(cnstr_lhs_level(c), &unassigned_lvls);
auto rhs_jst = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(cnstr_rhs_level(c), &unassigned_lvls);
level const & lhs = lhs_jst.first;
level const & rhs = rhs_jst.first;
if (lhs == rhs)
return true; // trivial constraint
justification new_jst = mk_composite1(mk_composite1(c.get_justification(), lhs_jst.second), rhs_jst.second);
if (!has_meta(lhs) && !has_meta(rhs)) {
m_conflict = new_jst;
return false; // trivial failure
status st = process_meta_lvl(lhs, rhs, new_jst);
if (st != Continue) return st == Assigned;
st = process_meta_lvl(rhs, lhs, new_jst);
if (st != Continue) return st == Assigned;
add_delayed(c, &unassigned_lvls, nullptr);
return true;
bool process_constraint(constraint const & c) {
if (in_conflict())
return false;
switch (c.kind()) {
case constraint_kind::Choice:
add_active(c, nullptr, nullptr);
return true;
case constraint_kind::Eq:
return process_eq_constraint(c);
case constraint_kind::Level:
return process_lvl_constraint(c);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
bool process_constraint_cidx(unsigned cidx) {
if (in_conflict())
return false;
cnstr c(g_dont_care_cnstr, cidx);
if (auto it = m_active.find(c)) {
constraint c2 = it->first;
return process_constraint(c2);
if (auto it = m_delayed.find(c)) {
constraint c2 = it->first;
return process_constraint(c2);
return true;
optional<substitution> next() {
// TODO(Leo)
// TODO(Leo): if m_use_exception == true, then throw exception instead of returning none.
if (in_conflict())
return optional<substitution>();
if (!m_first) {
if (m_case_splits.empty())
return optional<substitution>();
// TODO(Leo): force backtrack
m_first = false;
if (m_active.empty() || m_delayed.empty())
return optional<substitution>(m_subst);
// TODO(Leo): search
return optional<substitution>();
@ -160,6 +460,7 @@ lazy_list<substitution> unify(environment const & env, expr const & lhs, expr co
name_generator new_ngen(ngen);
bool failed = false;
type_checker tc(env, new_ngen.mk_child(), [&](constraint const & c) {
std::cout << "cnstr: " << c << "\n";
if (!failed) {
auto r = unify_simple(s, c);
switch (r.first) {

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ function test_unify_simple(lhs, rhs, expected)
print(" " .. tostring(n) .. " := " .. tostring(v))
if r ~= expected then print("r: " .. r) end
assert(r == expected)

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ function test_unify(env, lhs, rhs, num_s)
n = n + 1
if num_s ~= n then print("n: " .. n) end
assert(num_s == n)