refactor(library/unifier): group flex_rigid case related methods in a functional object
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 368 additions and 351 deletions
@ -1163,314 +1163,6 @@ struct unifier_fn {
return is_eq_cnstr(c) && is_meta(cnstr_lhs_expr(c)) && is_meta(cnstr_rhs_expr(c));
\brief Given t
<tt>Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), B[x_1, ..., x_n]</tt>
<tt>fun (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), v[x_1, ... x_n]</tt>
\remark v has free variables.
expr mk_lambda_for(expr const & t, expr const & v) {
if (is_pi(t)) {
return mk_lambda(binding_name(t), binding_domain(t), mk_lambda_for(binding_body(t), v), binding_info(t));
} else {
return v;
/** \see ensure_sufficient_args */
expr ensure_sufficient_args_core(expr mtype, unsigned i, buffer<expr> const & margs, bool relax) {
if (i == margs.size())
return mtype;
mtype = m_tc[relax]->ensure_pi(mtype);
expr local = mk_local_for(mtype);
expr body = instantiate(binding_body(mtype), local);
return Pi(local, ensure_sufficient_args_core(body, i+1, margs, relax));
\brief Make sure mtype is a Pi of size at least margs.size().
If it is not, we use ensure_pi and (potentially) add new constaints to enforce it.
expr ensure_sufficient_args(expr const & mtype, buffer<expr> const & margs, buffer<constraint> & cs,
justification const & j, bool relax) {
expr t = mtype;
unsigned num = 0;
while (is_pi(t)) {
t = binding_body(t);
if (num == margs.size())
return mtype;
lean_assert(!m_tc[relax]->next_cnstr()); // make sure there are no pending constraints
// We must create a scope to make sure no constraints "leak" into the current state.
type_checker::scope scope(*m_tc[relax]);
auto new_mtype = ensure_sufficient_args_core(mtype, 0, margs, relax);
while (auto c = m_tc[relax]->next_cnstr())
cs.push_back(update_justification(*c, mk_composite1(c->get_justification(), j)));
return new_mtype;
\see mk_flex_rigid_app_cnstrs
When using "imitation" for solving a constraint
?m l_1 ... l_k =?= f a_1 ... a_n
We say argument a_i is "easy" if
1) it is a local constant
2) there is only one l_j equal to a_i.
3) none of the l_j's is of the form (?m ...)
In our experiments, the vast majority (> 2/3 of all cases) of the arguments are easy.
margs contains l_1 ... l_k
arg is the argument we are testing
Result: none if it is not an easy argument, and variable #k-i-1 if it is easy.
The variable is the "solution".
optional<expr> is_easy_flex_rigid_arg(buffer<expr> const & margs, expr const & arg) {
if (!is_local(arg))
return none_expr();
optional<expr> v;
unsigned num_margs = margs.size();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_margs; j++) {
if (is_meta(margs[j]))
return none_expr();
if (is_local(margs[j]) && mlocal_name(arg) == mlocal_name(margs[j])) {
if (v)
return none_expr(); // failed, there is more than one possibility
v = mk_var(num_margs - j - 1);
return v;
/** \brief Check if term \c e (produced by an imitation step) is
type correct, and store generated constraints in \c cs.
Include \c j in all generated constraints */
bool check_imitation(expr e, justification const & j, bool relax, buffer<constraint> & cs) {
buffer<expr> ls;
while (is_lambda(e)) {
expr d = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(e), ls.size(),;
expr l = mk_local(, binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
e = binding_body(e);
e = instantiate_rev(e, ls.size(),;;
try {
buffer<constraint> aux;
m_tc[relax]->check(e, aux);
for (auto c : aux) {
cs.push_back(update_justification(c, mk_composite1(j, c.get_justification())));
return true;
} catch (exception&) {
return false;
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
rhs := (g b_1 ... b_n)
Then create the constraints
(?m_1 a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_1
(?m_n a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_n
?m =?= fun (x_1 ... x_k), f (?m_1 x_1 ... x_k) ... (?m_n x_1 ... x_k)
Remark: we try to minimize the number of constraints (?m_i a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_i by detecting "easy" cases
that can be solved immediately. See \c is_easy_flex_rigid_arg
Remark: The term f is:
- g (if g is a constant), OR
- variable (if g is a local constant equal to a_i)
void mk_flex_rigid_app_cnstrs(expr const & m, buffer<expr> const & margs, expr const & f, expr const & rhs, justification const & j,
buffer<constraints> & alts, bool relax) {
lean_assert(is_constant(f) || is_var(f));
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr mtype = mlocal_type(m);
mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, margs, cs, j, relax);
buffer<expr> rargs;
get_app_args(rhs, rargs);
buffer<expr> sargs;
for (expr const & rarg : rargs) {
if (auto v = is_easy_flex_rigid_arg(margs, rarg)) {
} else {
expr maux = mk_aux_metavar_for(m_ngen, mtype);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(maux, margs), rarg, j, relax));
sargs.push_back(mk_app_vars(maux, margs.size()));
expr v = mk_app(f, sargs);
v = mk_lambda_for(mtype, v);
if (check_imitation(v, j, relax, cs)) {
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
rhs := (fun/Pi (y : A), B y)
Then create the constraints
(?m_1 a_1 ... a_k) =?= A
(?m_2 a_1 ... a_k l) =?= B l
?m =?= fun (x_1 ... x_k), fun/Pi (y : ?m_1 x_1 ... x_k), ?m_2 x_1 ... x_k y
where l is a fresh local constant.
void mk_bindings_imitation(expr const & m, buffer<expr> const & margs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j,
buffer<constraints> & alts, bool relax) {
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr mtype = mlocal_type(m);
mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, margs, cs, j, relax);
expr maux1 = mk_aux_metavar_for(m_ngen, mtype);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(maux1, margs), binding_domain(rhs), j, relax));
expr dontcare;
expr tmp_pi = mk_pi(binding_name(rhs), mk_app_vars(maux1, margs.size()), dontcare); // trick for "extending" the context
expr mtype2 = replace_range(mtype, tmp_pi); // trick for "extending" the context
expr maux2 = mk_aux_metavar_for(m_ngen, mtype2);
expr new_local = mk_local_for(rhs);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(mk_app(maux2, margs), new_local), instantiate(binding_body(rhs), new_local), j, relax));
expr v = update_binding(rhs, mk_app_vars(maux1, margs.size()), mk_app_vars(maux2, margs.size() + 1));
v = mk_lambda_for(mtype, v);
if (check_imitation(v, j, relax, cs)) {
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
rhs := sort, constant
Then solve (?m a_1 ... a_k) =?= rhs, by returning the constraint
?m =?= fun (x1 ... x_k), rhs
void mk_simple_imitation(expr const & m, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, buffer<constraints> & alts, bool relax) {
lean_assert(is_sort(rhs) || is_constant(rhs));
expr const & mtype = mlocal_type(m);
buffer<constraint> cs;
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, mk_lambda_for(mtype, rhs), j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
rhs := M(b_1 ... b_n) where M is a macro with arguments b_1 ... b_n
Then create the constraints
(?m_1 a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_1
(?m_n a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_n
?m =?= fun (x_1 ... x_k), M((?m_1 x_1 ... x_k) ... (?m_n x_1 ... x_k))
void mk_macro_imitation(expr const & m, buffer<expr> const & margs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j,
buffer<constraints> & alts, bool relax) {
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr mtype = mlocal_type(m);
mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, margs, cs, j, relax);
// create an auxiliary metavariable for each macro argument
buffer<expr> sargs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(rhs); i++) {
expr maux = mk_aux_metavar_for(m_ngen, mtype);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(maux, margs), macro_arg(rhs, i), j, relax));
sargs.push_back(mk_app_vars(maux, margs.size()));
expr v = mk_macro(macro_def(rhs), sargs.size(),;
v = mk_lambda_for(mtype, v);
if (check_imitation(v, j, relax, cs)) {
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
We say a unification problem (?m a_1 ... a_k) =?= rhs uses "simple nonlocal i-th projection" when
1) rhs is not a local constant
2) is_def_eq(a_i, rhs) does not fail
In this case, we add
a_i =?= rhs
?m =?= fun x_1 ... x_k, x_i
to alts as a possible solution.
void mk_simple_nonlocal_projection(expr const & m, buffer<expr> const & margs, unsigned i, expr const & rhs, justification const & j,
buffer<constraints> & alts, bool relax) {
expr const & mtype = mlocal_type(m);
unsigned vidx = margs.size() - i - 1;
expr const & marg = margs[i];
buffer<constraint> cs;
auto new_mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, margs, cs, j, relax);
// Remark: we should not use mk_eq_cnstr(marg, rhs, j) since is_def_eq may be able to reduce them.
// The unifier assumes the eq constraints are reduced.
if (m_tc[relax]->is_def_eq_types(marg, rhs, j, cs) &&
m_tc[relax]->is_def_eq(marg, rhs, j, cs)) {
expr v = mk_lambda_for(new_mtype, mk_var(vidx));
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
We say a unification problem (?m a_1 ... a_k) =?= rhs uses "simple projections" when
If (rhs and a_i are *not* local constants) OR (rhs is a local constant and a_i is a metavariable application),
then we add the constraints
a_i =?= rhs
?m =?= fun x_1 ... x_k, x_i
to alts as a possible solution.
If rhs is a local constant and a_i == rhs, then we add the constraint
?m =?= fun x_1 ... x_k, x_i
to alts as a possible solution when a_i is the same local constant or a metavariable application
void mk_simple_projections(expr const & m, buffer<expr> const & margs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j,
buffer<constraints> & alts, bool relax) {
expr const & mtype = mlocal_type(m);
unsigned i = margs.size();
while (i > 0) {
unsigned vidx = margs.size() - i;
expr const & marg = margs[i];
if ((!is_local(marg) && !is_local(rhs)) || (is_meta(marg) && is_local(rhs))) {
// if rhs is not local, then we only add projections for the nonlocal arguments of lhs
mk_simple_nonlocal_projection(m, margs, i, rhs, j, alts, relax);
} else if (is_local(marg) && is_local(rhs) && mlocal_name(marg) == mlocal_name(rhs)) {
// if the argument is local, and rhs is equal to it, then we also add a projection
buffer<constraint> cs;
auto new_mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, margs, cs, j, relax);
expr v = mk_lambda_for(new_mtype, mk_var(vidx));
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
/** \brief Append the auxiliary constraints \c aux to each alternative in \c alts */
void append_auxiliary_constraints(buffer<constraints> & alts, list<constraint> const & aux) {
if (is_nil(aux))
@ -1479,51 +1171,376 @@ struct unifier_fn {
cs = append(aux, cs);
void process_flex_rigid_core(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, bool relax, buffer<constraints> & alts) {
buffer<expr> margs;
expr m = get_app_args(lhs, margs);
switch (rhs.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Meta:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Local:
mk_simple_projections(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Constant:
if (!m_pattern)
mk_simple_projections(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
mk_simple_imitation(m, rhs, j, alts, relax);
case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Lambda:
if (!m_pattern)
mk_simple_projections(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
mk_bindings_imitation(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
case expr_kind::Macro:
if (!m_pattern)
mk_simple_projections(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
mk_macro_imitation(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
case expr_kind::App: {
expr const & f = get_app_fn(rhs);
if (is_local(f)) {
unsigned i = margs.size();
while (i > 0) {
unsigned vidx = margs.size() - i;
expr const & marg = margs[i];
if (is_local(marg) && mlocal_name(marg) == mlocal_name(f))
mk_flex_rigid_app_cnstrs(m, margs, mk_var(vidx), rhs, j, alts, relax);
else if (!m_pattern)
mk_simple_nonlocal_projection(m, margs, i, rhs, j, alts, relax);
/** \brief Auxiliary functional object for implementing process_flex_rigid_core */
class flex_rigid_core_fn {
unifier_fn & u;
expr const & lhs;
buffer<expr> margs;
expr const & m;
expr const & rhs;
justification const & j;
bool relax;
buffer<constraints> & alts; // result: alternatives
\brief Given t
<tt>Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), B[x_1, ..., x_n]</tt>
<tt>fun (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), v[x_1, ... x_n]</tt>
\remark v has free variables.
static expr mk_lambda_for(expr const & t, expr const & v) {
if (is_pi(t)) {
return mk_lambda(binding_name(t), binding_domain(t), mk_lambda_for(binding_body(t), v), binding_info(t));
} else {
if (!m_pattern)
mk_simple_projections(m, margs, rhs, j, alts, relax);
mk_flex_rigid_app_cnstrs(m, margs, f, rhs, j, alts, relax);
return v;
/** \brief Copy pending constraints in u.m_tc[relax] to cs and append justification j to them */
void copy_pending_constraints(buffer<constraint> & cs) {
while (auto c = u.m_tc[relax]->next_cnstr())
cs.push_back(update_justification(*c, mk_composite1(c->get_justification(), j)));
/** \see ensure_sufficient_args */
expr ensure_sufficient_args_core(expr mtype, unsigned i) {
if (i == margs.size())
return mtype;
mtype = u.m_tc[relax]->ensure_pi(mtype);
expr local = u.mk_local_for(mtype);
expr body = instantiate(binding_body(mtype), local);
return Pi(local, ensure_sufficient_args_core(body, i+1));
/** \brief Make sure mtype is a Pi of size at least margs.size().
If it is not, we use ensure_pi and (potentially) add new constaints to enforce it.
expr ensure_sufficient_args(expr const & mtype, buffer<constraint> & cs) {
expr t = mtype;
unsigned num = 0;
while (is_pi(t)) {
t = binding_body(t);
if (num == margs.size())
return mtype;
lean_assert(!u.m_tc[relax]->next_cnstr()); // make sure there are no pending constraints
// We must create a scope to make sure no constraints "leak" into the current state.
type_checker::scope scope(*u.m_tc[relax]);
auto new_mtype = ensure_sufficient_args_core(mtype, 0);
return new_mtype;
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
rhs := sort, constant
Then solve (?m a_1 ... a_k) =?= rhs, by returning the constraint
?m =?= fun (x1 ... x_k), rhs
void mk_simple_imitation() {
lean_assert(is_sort(rhs) || is_constant(rhs));
expr const & mtype = mlocal_type(m);
buffer<constraint> cs;
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, mk_lambda_for(mtype, rhs), j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
We say a unification problem (?m a_1 ... a_k) =?= rhs uses "simple nonlocal i-th projection" when
1) rhs is not a local constant
2) is_def_eq(a_i, rhs) does not fail
In this case, we add
a_i =?= rhs
?m =?= fun x_1 ... x_k, x_i
to alts as a possible solution.
void mk_simple_nonlocal_projection(unsigned i) {
expr const & mtype = mlocal_type(m);
unsigned vidx = margs.size() - i - 1;
expr const & marg = margs[i];
buffer<constraint> cs;
auto new_mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, cs);
// Remark: we should not use mk_eq_cnstr(marg, rhs, j) since is_def_eq may be able to reduce them.
// The unifier assumes the eq constraints are reduced.
if (u.m_tc[relax]->is_def_eq_types(marg, rhs, j, cs) &&
u.m_tc[relax]->is_def_eq(marg, rhs, j, cs)) {
expr v = mk_lambda_for(new_mtype, mk_var(vidx));
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
We say a unification problem (?m a_1 ... a_k) =?= rhs uses "simple projections" when
If (rhs and a_i are *not* local constants) OR (rhs is a local constant and a_i is a metavariable application),
then we add the constraints
a_i =?= rhs
?m =?= fun x_1 ... x_k, x_i
to alts as a possible solution.
If rhs is a local constant and a_i == rhs, then we add the constraint
?m =?= fun x_1 ... x_k, x_i
to alts as a possible solution when a_i is the same local constant or a metavariable application
void mk_simple_projections() {
expr const & mtype = mlocal_type(m);
unsigned i = margs.size();
while (i > 0) {
unsigned vidx = margs.size() - i;
expr const & marg = margs[i];
if ((!is_local(marg) && !is_local(rhs)) || (is_meta(marg) && is_local(rhs))) {
// if rhs is not local, then we only add projections for the nonlocal arguments of lhs
} else if (is_local(marg) && is_local(rhs) && mlocal_name(marg) == mlocal_name(rhs)) {
// if the argument is local, and rhs is equal to it, then we also add a projection
buffer<constraint> cs;
auto new_mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, cs);
expr v = mk_lambda_for(new_mtype, mk_var(vidx));
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
\see mk_flex_rigid_app_cnstrs
When using "imitation" for solving a constraint
?m l_1 ... l_k =?= f a_1 ... a_n
We say argument a_i is "easy" if
1) it is a local constant
2) there is only one l_j equal to a_i.
3) none of the l_j's is of the form (?m ...)
In our experiments, the vast majority (> 2/3 of all cases) of the arguments are easy.
margs contains l_1 ... l_k
arg is the argument we are testing
Result: none if it is not an easy argument, and variable #k-i-1 if it is easy.
The variable is the "solution".
optional<expr> is_easy_flex_rigid_arg(expr const & arg) {
if (!is_local(arg))
return none_expr();
optional<expr> v;
unsigned num_margs = margs.size();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_margs; j++) {
if (is_meta(margs[j]))
return none_expr();
if (is_local(margs[j]) && mlocal_name(arg) == mlocal_name(margs[j])) {
if (v)
return none_expr(); // failed, there is more than one possibility
v = mk_var(num_margs - j - 1);
return v;
/** \brief Check if term \c e (produced by an imitation step) is
type correct, and store generated constraints in \c cs.
Include \c j in all generated constraints */
bool check_imitation(expr e, buffer<constraint> & cs) {
buffer<expr> ls;
while (is_lambda(e)) {
expr d = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(e), ls.size(),;
expr l = mk_local(, binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
e = binding_body(e);
e = instantiate_rev(e, ls.size(),;;
try {
buffer<constraint> aux;
u.m_tc[relax]->check(e, aux);
for (auto c : aux) {
cs.push_back(update_justification(c, mk_composite1(j, c.get_justification())));
return true;
} catch (exception&) {
return false;
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
rhs := (g b_1 ... b_n)
Then create the constraints
(?m_1 a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_1
(?m_n a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_n
?m =?= fun (x_1 ... x_k), f (?m_1 x_1 ... x_k) ... (?m_n x_1 ... x_k)
Remark: we try to minimize the number of constraints (?m_i a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_i by detecting "easy" cases
that can be solved immediately. See \c is_easy_flex_rigid_arg
Remark: The term f is:
- g (if g is a constant), OR
- variable (if g is a local constant equal to a_i)
void mk_flex_rigid_app_cnstrs(expr const & f) {
lean_assert(is_constant(f) || is_var(f));
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr mtype = mlocal_type(m);
mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, cs);
buffer<expr> rargs;
get_app_args(rhs, rargs);
buffer<expr> sargs;
for (expr const & rarg : rargs) {
if (auto v = is_easy_flex_rigid_arg(rarg)) {
} else {
expr maux = mk_aux_metavar_for(u.m_ngen, mtype);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(maux, margs), rarg, j, relax));
sargs.push_back(mk_app_vars(maux, margs.size()));
expr v = mk_app(f, sargs);
v = mk_lambda_for(mtype, v);
if (check_imitation(v, cs)) {
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
rhs := (fun/Pi (y : A), B y)
Then create the constraints
(?m_1 a_1 ... a_k) =?= A
(?m_2 a_1 ... a_k l) =?= B l
?m =?= fun (x_1 ... x_k), fun/Pi (y : ?m_1 x_1 ... x_k), ?m_2 x_1 ... x_k y
where l is a fresh local constant.
void mk_bindings_imitation() {
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr mtype = mlocal_type(m);
mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, cs);
expr maux1 = mk_aux_metavar_for(u.m_ngen, mtype);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(maux1, margs), binding_domain(rhs), j, relax));
expr dontcare;
expr tmp_pi = mk_pi(binding_name(rhs), mk_app_vars(maux1, margs.size()), dontcare); // trick for "extending" the context
expr mtype2 = replace_range(mtype, tmp_pi); // trick for "extending" the context
expr maux2 = mk_aux_metavar_for(u.m_ngen, mtype2);
expr new_local = u.mk_local_for(rhs);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(mk_app(maux2, margs), new_local), instantiate(binding_body(rhs), new_local), j, relax));
expr v = update_binding(rhs, mk_app_vars(maux1, margs.size()), mk_app_vars(maux2, margs.size() + 1));
v = mk_lambda_for(mtype, v);
if (check_imitation(v, cs)) {
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
\brief Given
m := a metavariable ?m
margs := [a_1 ... a_k]
rhs := M(b_1 ... b_n) where M is a macro with arguments b_1 ... b_n
Then create the constraints
(?m_1 a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_1
(?m_n a_1 ... a_k) =?= b_n
?m =?= fun (x_1 ... x_k), M((?m_1 x_1 ... x_k) ... (?m_n x_1 ... x_k))
void mk_macro_imitation() {
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr mtype = mlocal_type(m);
mtype = ensure_sufficient_args(mtype, cs);
// create an auxiliary metavariable for each macro argument
buffer<expr> sargs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(rhs); i++) {
expr maux = mk_aux_metavar_for(u.m_ngen, mtype);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mk_app(maux, margs), macro_arg(rhs, i), j, relax));
sargs.push_back(mk_app_vars(maux, margs.size()));
expr v = mk_macro(macro_def(rhs), sargs.size(),;
v = mk_lambda_for(mtype, v);
if (check_imitation(v, cs)) {
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(m, v, j, relax));
alts.push_back(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
flex_rigid_core_fn(unifier_fn & _u, expr const & _lhs, expr const & _rhs,
justification const & _j, bool _relax, buffer<constraints> & _alts):
u(_u), lhs(_lhs), m(get_app_args(lhs, margs)), rhs(_rhs), j(_j), relax(_relax), alts(_alts) {}
void operator()() {
switch (rhs.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Meta:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Local:
case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Constant:
if (!u.m_pattern)
case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Lambda:
if (!u.m_pattern)
case expr_kind::Macro:
if (!u.m_pattern)
case expr_kind::App: {
expr const & f = get_app_fn(rhs);
if (is_local(f)) {
unsigned i = margs.size();
while (i > 0) {
unsigned vidx = margs.size() - i;
expr const & marg = margs[i];
if (is_local(marg) && mlocal_name(marg) == mlocal_name(f))
else if (!u.m_pattern)
} else {
if (!u.m_pattern)
void process_flex_rigid_core(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, bool relax,
buffer<constraints> & alts) {
flex_rigid_core_fn(*this, lhs, rhs, j, relax, alts)();
/** \brief When lhs is an application (f ...), make sure that if any argument that is reducible to a
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