feat(bin/lmake): add --jobs and --keep-going options

This commit is contained in:
Soonho Kong 2014-08-13 13:27:58 -07:00
parent e778e3faec
commit 9f03d7c73c

View file

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def get_target(s):
oleanfile = get_olean(s)
return oleanfile if oleanfile is not None else s
def call_makefile(directory, makefile, args, lean_options):
def call_makefile(directory, makefile, makefile_options, args, lean_options):
""" Call makefile with a target generated from a given arg """
env_copy = os.environ.copy()
env_copy['LEAN'] = find_lean_exe()
@ -146,36 +146,66 @@ def call_makefile(directory, makefile, args, lean_options):
env_copy['LEAN_OPTIONS'] = env_copy['LEAN_OPTIONS'] + lean_options_str
env_copy['LEAN_OPTIONS'] = lean_options_str
cmd = ["make", "-j"]
cmd = ["make"]
if makefile:
cmd = cmd + ["--makefile", makefile]
cmd += ["--makefile", makefile]
if directory:
cmd = cmd + ["-C", directory]
cmd += ["-C", directory]
cmd += makefile_options
print "LEAN_OPTIONS =", env_copy['LEAN_OPTIONS']
print "CMD =", cmd
for arg in args:
target = get_target(arg)
subprocess.call(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env_copy)
def check_positive(value):
ivalue = int(value)
if ivalue <= 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is an invalid positive int value" % value)
return ivalue
def parse_arg(argv):
""" Parse arguments """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process arguments.')
parser.add_argument('--flycheck', '-F', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use --flycheck option for Lean")
parser.add_argument('--flyinfo', '-I', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use --flyinfo option for Lean")
parser.add_argument('--directory', '-C', action='store', help="Change to directory dir before reading the makefiles or doing anything else.")
parser.add_argument('--makefile', '-f', '--file', action='store', help="Use file as a makefile.")
parser.add_argument('--flycheck', '-F', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use --flycheck option for Lean.")
parser.add_argument('--flyinfo', '-I', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use --flyinfo option for Lean.")
parser.add_argument('--keep-going', '-k', action='store_true', default=False, help="Continue as much as possible after an error.")
parser.add_argument('--directory', '-C', action='store', help="Change to directory dir before reading the makefiles or doing anything else.")
parser.add_argument('--makefile', '-f', '--file', action='store', help="Use file as a makefile.")
parser.add_argument('--jobs', '-j', nargs='?', default=-1, const=-2, type=check_positive, help="Specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously.")
parser.add_argument('targets', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
lean_options = extract_lean_options(args)
makefile_options = extract_makefile_options(args)
return (args.directory, args.makefile, makefile_options, lean_options, args.targets)
def extract_lean_options(args):
lean_options = []
if args.flycheck:
if args.flyinfo:
return (args.directory, args.makefile, lean_options, args.targets)
return lean_options
def extract_makefile_options(args):
makefile_options = []
if args.keep_going:
# Default Value
if args.jobs == -1:
elif args.jobs == -2:
elif args.jobs:
makefile_options += ["-j", args.jobs]
print makefile_options
return makefile_options
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
(directory, makefile, lean_options, args) = parse_arg(argv)
(directory, makefile, makefile_options, lean_options, args) = parse_arg(argv)
working_dir = os.getcwd()
if makefile is None and directory is None:
makefile_names = ["GNUmakefile", "makefile", "Makefile"]
@ -183,7 +213,7 @@ def main(argv=None):
if makefile:
directory = os.path.dirname(makefile)
if directory or makefile:
call_makefile(directory, makefile, args, lean_options)
call_makefile(directory, makefile, makefile_options, args, lean_options)
for arg in args:
leanfile = get_lean(arg)