doc(doc/lean/tutorial): expand the tutorial
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
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1 changed files with 164 additions and 26 deletions
@ -27,15 +27,11 @@ to execute
lean hello.lean
As a more complex example, the next example defines a function that doubles
the input value, and then evaluates it on different values.
the input value.
-- defines the double function
definition double (x : Nat) := x + x
eval double 10
eval double 2
eval double 3 > 4
@ -89,7 +85,7 @@ The command `variables n m o : Nat` can be used a shorthand for the three comman
In Lean, proofs are also expressions, and all functionality provided for manipulating
expressions is also available for manipulating proofs. For example, `refl n` is a proof
for `n = n`. In Lean, `refl` is the reflexivity axiom.
for `n = n`. In Lean, `refl` is the reflexivity theorem.
check refl n
@ -105,7 +101,7 @@ The following commands postulate two axioms `Ax1` and `Ax2` that state that `n =
`Ax1` and `Ax2` are not just names. For example, `trans Ax1 Ax2` is a proof that
`n = o`, where `trans` is the transitivity axiom.
`n = o`, where `trans` is the transitivity theorem.
check trans Ax1 Ax2
@ -155,9 +151,9 @@ example.
The theorem `nat_trans3` is somewhat inconvenient to use because it has 7 parameters.
However, the first four parameters can be inferred from the last 3. We can use `_` as placeholder
However, the first four parameters can be inferred from the last 3. We can use `_` as a placeholder
that instructs Lean to synthesize this expression. The synthesis process is based on type inference, and it is
the most basic forms of automation provided by Lean.
the most basic form of automation provided by Lean.
check nat_trans3 _ _ _ _ Hxy Hzy Hzw
@ -190,7 +186,7 @@ The explicit version uses the same name with a `@` prefix.
check @nat_trans3i
The axiom `refl`, and the theorems `trans` and `symm` all have implicit arguments.
The theorems `refl`, `trans` and `symm` all have implicit arguments.
check @refl
@ -210,7 +206,7 @@ This is useful when debugging non-trivial problems.
In the previous example, the `check` command stated that `nat_trans3i Hxy Hzy Hzw`
has type `@eq ℕ x w`. The expression `x = w` is just notational convenience.
We have seen many occurrences of `TypeU`. It is just a definition for: `(Type U)`, where `U` is a _universe variable_.
We have seen many occurrences of `(Type U)`, where `U` is a _universe variable_.
In Lean, the type of `Nat` and `Bool` is `Type`.
@ -226,17 +222,19 @@ We say `Type` is the type of all _small_ types, but what is the type of `Type`?
Lean returns `(Type 1)`. Similarly, the type of `(Type 1)` is `(Type 2)`. In Lean, we also have _universe cumulativity_.
That is, we can provide an element of type `(Type i)` where an element of type `(Type j)` is expected when `i ≤ j`.
This makes the system more convenient to use. Otherwise, we would need a reflexivity axiom for `Type` (i.e., `(Type 0)`),
This makes the system more convenient to use. Otherwise, we would need a reflexivity theorem for `Type` (i.e., `(Type 0)`),
`Type 1`, `Type 2`, etc. Universe cumulativity improves usability, but it is not enough because
we would still have the question: how big should `i` be? Moreover, if we choose an `i` that is not big enough
we have to go back and correct all libraries. This is not satisfactory and not modular.
So, in Lean, we allow user to declare _universe variables_ and simple constraints between them. The Lean kernel defines
So, in Lean, we allow users to declare _universe variables_ and simple constraints between them. The Lean kernel defines
one universe variable `U`, and states that `U ≥ 1` using the command `universe U ≥ 1`.
The Lean type casting library defines another universe variable called `M` and states that `universe M ≥ 1` and `universe M ≥ U + 1`.
The Lean type casting library defines another universe variable called `M` and states that `universe M ≥ 1`.
In Lean, whenever we declare a new universe `V`, the system automatically adds the constraint `U ≥ V + 1`.
That is, `U` the _maximal_ universe in Lean.
Lean reports an universe inconsistency if the universe constraints are inconsistent. For example, it will return an error
if execute the command `universe M ≥ U`. We can view universe variables as placeholders, and we can always solve
the universe constraints and find and assignment for the universe variables used in our developments.
This assignment allows us to produce a Lean specification that is not based on this particular feature.
This assignment allows us to automatically generate a Lean specification that is not based on this particular feature.
Propositional logic
@ -317,8 +315,6 @@ Lean supports _currying_ `and true` is a function from `Bool` to `Bool`.
check and true
definition id := and true
eval id true
eval id false
@ -340,7 +336,7 @@ examples.
In many cases, Lean can automatically infer the type of the variable. Actually,
In all examples above, the type can be automatically inferred.
In all examples above, the type can be inferred automatically.
check fun x, x + 1
@ -351,19 +347,19 @@ In all examples above, the type can be automatically inferred.
However, Lean will complain that it cannot infer the type of the
variable in `fun x, x` because any type would work in this example.
variable `x` in `fun x, x` because any type would work in this example.
The following example shows how to use lambda abstractions in
function applications
eval (fun x y, x + 2 * y) 1
eval (fun x y, x + 2 * y) 1 2
eval (fun x y, not (x ∧ y)) true false
check (fun x y, x + 2 * y) 1
check (fun x y, x + 2 * y) 1 2
check (fun x y, not (x ∧ y)) true false
Lambda abstractions are also used to create proofs for propositions of the form `A → B`.
This should be natural since Lean views `A → B` as the type of functions that given
This should be natural since we can "view" `A → B` as the type of functions that given
a proof for `A` returns a proof for `B`.
For example, a proof for `p → p` is just `fun H : p, H` (the identity function).
@ -374,10 +370,10 @@ For example, a proof for `p → p` is just `fun H : p, H` (the identity function
Definitional equality
Recall that the command `eval t` computes a normal form for the term `t`.
The command `eval t` computes a normal form for the term `t`.
In Lean, we say two terms are _definitionally equal_ if the have the same
normal proof. For example, the terms `(λ x : Nat, x + 1) a` and `a + 1`
are definitionally equal. The Lean type/proof checker uses the normalizer/evaluator when
normal form. For example, the terms `(λ x : Nat, x + 1) a` and `a + 1`
are definitionally equal. The Lean type/proof checker uses the normalizer when
checking types/proofs. So, we can prove that two definitionally equal terms
are equal using just `refl`. Here is a simple example.
@ -544,3 +540,145 @@ tedious steps. Here is a very simple example.
(fun H : a ∧ b, (by simp simple))
(fun H : b ∧ a, (by simp simple))
### Dependent functions and quantifiers
Lean supports _dependent functions_. In type theory, they are also called dependent product types or Pi-types.
The idea is quite simple, suppose we have a type `A` in some universe `(Type i)`, and a family of types `B : A → (Type j)` which assigns to each `a : A` a type `B a`. So a dependent function is a function whose range varies depending on its arguments.
In lean, the dependent functions is written as `forall a : A, B a`, or `∀ x : A, B a` using unicode.
The proposition as types paradigm is based on dependent functions. In the previous examples, we have seen many examples of dependent functions. The theorems `refl`, `trans` and `symm`, and the equality are all dependent functions,
check @refl
check @trans
check @symm
check @eq
The universal quantifier is also a dependent function. In Lean, if we have a family of types `B : A → Bool`, then `∀ x : A, B a` has type `Bool`. This features complicates the Lean set-theoretic model, but it improves usability. Several theorem provers have a `forall elimination` (aka instantiation) proof rule. In Lean (and other systems based on proposition as types), this rule is just function application. In the following example we add an axiom stating that `f x` is `0` forall `x`. Then we instantiate the axiom using function application.
variable f : Nat → Nat
axiom fzero : ∀ x, f x = 0
check fzero 1
check fzero x
Since we instantiate quantifiers using function application, it is
natural to create proof terms for universal quantifiers using lambda
abstraction. In the following example, we create a proof term showing that for all
`x` and `y`, `f x = f y`.
check λ x y, trans (fzero x) (symm (fzero y))
We can view the proof term above as a simple function or "recipe" for showing that
`f x = f y` for any `x` and `y`. The function "invokes" `fzero` for creating
proof terms for `f x = 0` and `f y = 0`. Then, it uses symmetry `symm` to create
a proof term for `0 = f y`. Finally, transitivity is used to combine the proofs
for `f x = 0` and `0 = f y`.
In Lean, the existential quantifier `exists x : A, B x` is defined as `¬ forall x : A, ¬ B x`.
We can also write existential quantifiers as `∃ x : A, B x`. Actually both versions are just
notational convenience for `Exists A (fun x : A, B x)`. That is, the existential quantifier
is actually a constant defined in the file `kernel.lean`. This file also defines the
`exists_intro` and `exists_elim` theorems. To build a proof for `∃ x : A, B x`, we should
provide a term `w : A` and a proof term `Hw : B w` to `exists_intro`.
We say `w` is the witness for the existential introduction. In previous examples,
`nat_trans3i Hxy Hzy Hzw` was a proof term for `x = w`. Then, we can create a proof term
for `∃ a : Nat, a = w` using
theorem ex_a_eq_w : exists a, a = w := exists_intro x (nat_trans3i Hxy Hzy Hzw)
check ex_a_eq_w
Note that `exists_intro` also has implicit arguments. For example, Lean has to infer the implicit argument
`P : A → Bool`, a predicate (aka function to Bool). This creates complications. For example, suppose
we have `Hg : g 0 0 = 0` and we invoke `exists_intro 0 Hg`. There are different possible values for `P`.
Each possible value corresponds to a different theorem: `∃ x, g x x = x`, `∃ x, g x x = 0`,
`∃ x, g x 0 = x`, etc. Lean uses the context where `exists_intro` occurs to infer the users intent.
In the example above, we were trying to prove the theorem `∃ a, a = w`. So, we are implicitly telling
Lean how to choose `P`. In the following example, we demonstrate this issue. We ask Lean to display
the implicit arguments using the option `pp::implicit`. We see that each instance of `exists_intro 0 Hg`
has different values for the implicit argument `P`.
check @exists_intro
variable g : Nat → Nat → Nat
axiom Hg : g 0 0 = 0
theorem gex1 : ∃ x, g x x = x := exists_intro 0 Hg
theorem gex2 : ∃ x, g x 0 = x := exists_intro 0 Hg
theorem gex3 : ∃ x, g 0 0 = x := exists_intro 0 Hg
theorem gex4 : ∃ x, g x x = 0 := exists_intro 0 Hg
set_option pp::implicit true -- display implicit arguments
print environment 4 -- print the last four theorems
set_option pp::implicit false -- hide implicit arguments
We can view `exists_intro` (aka existential introduction) as an information hiding procedure.
We are "hiding" what is the witness for some fact. The existential elimination performs the opposite
operation. The `exists_elim` theorem allows us to prove some proposition `B` from `∃ x : A, B x`
if we can derive `B` using an "abstract" witness `w` and a proof term `Hw : B w`.
check @exists_elim
In the following example, we define `even a` as `∃ b, a = 2*b`, and then we show that the sum
of two even numbers is an even number.
definition even (a : Nat) := ∃ b, a = 2*b
theorem EvenPlusEven {a b : Nat} (H1 : even a) (H2 : even b) : even (a + b)
:= exists_elim H1 (fun (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a = 2*w1),
exists_elim H2 (fun (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b = 2*w2),
exists_intro (w1 + w2)
(calc a + b = 2*w1 + b : { Hw1 }
... = 2*w1 + 2*w2 : { Hw2 }
... = 2*(w1 + w2) : symm (distributer 2 w1 w2))))
The example above also uses [_calculational proofs_]( to show that `a + b = 2*(w1 + w2)`.
The `calc` construct is just syntax sugar for creating proofs using transitivity and substitution.
The module `macros` provides notation for making proof terms more readable.
For example, it defines the `obtain _, from _, _` macro as syntax sugar for `exists_elim`.
With this macro we can write the example above as:
import macros
theorem EvenPlusEven2 {a b : Nat} (H1 : even a) (H2 : even b) : even (a + b)
:= obtain (w1 : Nat) (Hw1 : a = 2*w1), from H1,
obtain (w2 : Nat) (Hw2 : b = 2*w2), from H2,
exists_intro (w1 + w2)
(calc a + b = 2*w1 + b : { Hw1 }
... = 2*w1 + 2*w2 : { Hw2 }
... = 2*(w1 + w2) : symm (distributer 2 w1 w2))
The module `macros` also defines `take x : A, H` and `assume x : A, H`
as syntax sugar for `fun x : A, H`. This may been silly, but it allows us to simulate [Mizar]( declarative proofs in Lean. Using these macros, we can write
definition Set (A : Type) : Type := A → Bool
definition element {A : Type} (x : A) (s : Set A) := s x
infix 60 ∈ : element
definition subset {A : Type} (s1 : Set A) (s2 : Set A) := ∀ x, x ∈ s1 → x ∈ s2
infix 50 ⊆ : subset
theorem subset_trans {A : Type} {s1 s2 s3 : Set A} (H1 : s1 ⊆ s2) (H2 : s2 ⊆ s3) : s1 ⊆ s3
:= take x : A,
assume Hin : x ∈ s1,
have x ∈ s3 :
let L1 : x ∈ s2 := H1 x Hin
in H2 x L1
Finally, the construct `have A : H` means "have" a proof for `A` using `H`. It is just syntax sugar for
`let L : A := H in L`. It is useful to document intermediate steps in manually constructed proofs.
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