refactor(library/algebra/{lattice,order},library/data/nat): split lattice from order, make nat an instance of discrete linear order
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 273 additions and 230 deletions
@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ algebra
Algebraic structures.
Algebraic structures.
* [prio](prio.lean) : priority for algebraic operations
* [function](function.lean)
* [function](function.lean)
* [relation](relation.lean)
* [relation](relation.lean)
* [binary](binary.lean) : binary operations
* [binary](binary.lean) : binary operations
* [wf](wf.lean) : well-founded relations
* [order](order.lean)
* [lattice](lattice.lean)
* [group](group.lean)
* [group](group.lean)
* [group_power](group_power.lean) : nat and int powers
* [group_power](group_power.lean) : nat and int powers
* [group_bigops](group_bigops.lean) : finite products and sums
* [group_bigops](group_bigops.lean) : finite products and sums
@ -19,3 +21,4 @@ Algebraic structures.
* [category](category/ : category theory
* [category](category/ : category theory
We set a low priority for algebraic operations, so that the elaborator tries concrete structures first.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
import .order
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
/- lattices (we could split this to upper- and lower-semilattices, if needed) -/
structure lattice [class] (A : Type) extends weak_order A :=
(inf : A → A → A)
(sup : A → A → A)
(inf_le_left : ∀ a b, le (inf a b) a)
(inf_le_right : ∀ a b, le (inf a b) b)
(le_inf : ∀a b c, le c a → le c b → le c (inf a b))
(le_sup_left : ∀ a b, le a (sup a b))
(le_sup_right : ∀ a b, le b (sup a b))
(sup_le : ∀ a b c, le a c → le b c → le (sup a b) c)
definition inf := @lattice.inf
definition sup := @lattice.sup
infix `⊓`:70 := inf
infix `⊔`:65 := sup
variable [s : lattice A]
include s
theorem inf_le_left (a b : A) : a ⊓ b ≤ a := !lattice.inf_le_left
theorem inf_le_right (a b : A) : a ⊓ b ≤ b := !lattice.inf_le_right
theorem le_inf {a b c : A} (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) : c ≤ a ⊓ b := !lattice.le_inf H₁ H₂
theorem le_sup_left (a b : A) : a ≤ a ⊔ b := !lattice.le_sup_left
theorem le_sup_right (a b : A) : b ≤ a ⊔ b := !lattice.le_sup_right
theorem sup_le {a b c : A} (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) : a ⊔ b ≤ c := !lattice.sup_le H₁ H₂
/- inf -/
theorem eq_inf {a b c : A} (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) (H₃ : ∀{d}, d ≤ a → d ≤ b → d ≤ c) :
c = a ⊓ b :=
le.antisymm (le_inf H₁ H₂) (H₃ !inf_le_left !inf_le_right)
theorem inf.comm (a b : A) : a ⊓ b = b ⊓ a :=
eq_inf !inf_le_right !inf_le_left (λ c H₁ H₂, le_inf H₂ H₁)
theorem inf.assoc (a b c : A) : (a ⊓ b) ⊓ c = a ⊓ (b ⊓ c) :=
apply eq_inf,
{ apply le.trans, apply inf_le_left, apply inf_le_left },
{ apply le_inf, apply le.trans, apply inf_le_left, apply inf_le_right, apply inf_le_right },
{ intros [d, H₁, H₂], apply le_inf, apply le_inf H₁, apply le.trans H₂, apply inf_le_left,
apply le.trans H₂, apply inf_le_right }
theorem inf.left_comm (a b c : A) : a ⊓ (b ⊓ c) = b ⊓ (a ⊓ c) :=
binary.left_comm (@inf.comm A s) (@inf.assoc A s) a b c
theorem inf.right_comm (a b c : A) : (a ⊓ b) ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) ⊓ b :=
binary.right_comm (@inf.comm A s) (@inf.assoc A s) a b c
theorem inf_self (a : A) : a ⊓ a = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_inf (le.refl a) !le.refl; intros; assumption
theorem inf_eq_left {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : a ⊓ b = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_inf !le.refl H; intros; assumption
theorem inf_eq_right {a b : A} (H : b ≤ a) : a ⊓ b = b :=
eq.subst !inf.comm (inf_eq_left H)
/- sup -/
theorem eq_sup {a b c : A} (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) (H₃ : ∀{d}, a ≤ d → b ≤ d → c ≤ d) :
c = a ⊔ b :=
le.antisymm (H₃ !le_sup_left !le_sup_right) (sup_le H₁ H₂)
theorem sup.comm (a b : A) : a ⊔ b = b ⊔ a :=
eq_sup !le_sup_right !le_sup_left (λ c H₁ H₂, sup_le H₂ H₁)
theorem sup.assoc (a b c : A) : (a ⊔ b) ⊔ c = a ⊔ (b ⊔ c) :=
apply eq_sup,
{ apply le.trans, apply le_sup_left a b, apply le_sup_left },
{ apply sup_le, apply le.trans, apply le_sup_right a b, apply le_sup_left, apply le_sup_right },
{ intros [d, H₁, H₂], apply sup_le, apply sup_le H₁, apply le.trans !le_sup_left H₂,
apply le.trans !le_sup_right H₂}
theorem sup.left_comm (a b c : A) : a ⊔ (b ⊔ c) = b ⊔ (a ⊔ c) :=
binary.left_comm (@sup.comm A s) (@sup.assoc A s) a b c
theorem sup.right_comm (a b c : A) : (a ⊔ b) ⊔ c = (a ⊔ c) ⊔ b :=
binary.right_comm (@sup.comm A s) (@sup.assoc A s) a b c
theorem sup_self (a : A) : a ⊔ a = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_sup (le.refl a) !le.refl; intros; assumption
theorem sup_eq_left {a b : A} (H : b ≤ a) : a ⊔ b = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_sup !le.refl H; intros; assumption
theorem sup_eq_right {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : a ⊔ b = b :=
eq.subst !sup.comm (sup_eq_left H)
end algebra
@ -103,104 +103,6 @@ theorem wf.ind_on.{u v} {A : Type.{u}} [s : wf_strict_order.{u 0} A] {P : A →
(x : A) (H : ∀x, (∀y, y x → P y) → P x) : P x :=
(x : A) (H : ∀x, (∀y, y x → P y) → P x) : P x :=
wf.rec_on x H
wf.rec_on x H
/- lattices (we could split this to upper- and lower-semilattices, if needed) -/
structure lattice [class] (A : Type) extends weak_order A :=
(min : A → A → A)
(max : A → A → A)
(min_le_left : ∀ a b, le (min a b) a)
(min_le_right : ∀ a b, le (min a b) b)
(le_min : ∀a b c, le c a → le c b → le c (min a b))
(le_max_left : ∀ a b, le a (max a b))
(le_max_right : ∀ a b, le b (max a b))
(max_le : ∀ a b c, le a c → le b c → le (max a b) c)
definition min := @lattice.min
definition max := @lattice.max
variable [s : lattice A]
include s
theorem min_le_left (a b : A) : min a b ≤ a := !lattice.min_le_left
theorem min_le_right (a b : A) : min a b ≤ b := !lattice.min_le_right
theorem le_min {a b c : A} (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) : c ≤ min a b := !lattice.le_min H₁ H₂
theorem le_max_left (a b : A) : a ≤ max a b := !lattice.le_max_left
theorem le_max_right (a b : A) : b ≤ max a b := !lattice.le_max_right
theorem max_le {a b c : A} (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) : max a b ≤ c := !lattice.max_le H₁ H₂
/- min -/
theorem eq_min {a b c : A} (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) (H₃ : ∀{d}, d ≤ a → d ≤ b → d ≤ c) :
c = min a b :=
le.antisymm (le_min H₁ H₂) (H₃ !min_le_left !min_le_right)
theorem min.comm (a b : A) : min a b = min b a :=
eq_min !min_le_right !min_le_left (λ c H₁ H₂, le_min H₂ H₁)
theorem min.assoc (a b c : A) : min (min a b) c = min a (min b c) :=
apply eq_min,
{ apply le.trans, apply min_le_left, apply min_le_left },
{ apply le_min, apply le.trans, apply min_le_left, apply min_le_right, apply min_le_right },
{ intros [d, H₁, H₂], apply le_min, apply le_min H₁, apply le.trans H₂, apply min_le_left,
apply le.trans H₂, apply min_le_right }
theorem min.left_comm (a b c : A) : min a (min b c) = min b (min a c) :=
binary.left_comm (@min.comm A s) (@min.assoc A s) a b c
theorem min.right_comm (a b c : A) : min (min a b) c = min (min a c) b :=
binary.right_comm (@min.comm A s) (@min.assoc A s) a b c
theorem min_self (a : A) : min a a = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_min (le.refl a) !le.refl; intros; assumption
theorem min_eq_left {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : min a b = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_min !le.refl H; intros; assumption
theorem min_eq_right {a b : A} (H : b ≤ a) : min a b = b :=
eq.subst !min.comm (min_eq_left H)
/- max -/
theorem eq_max {a b c : A} (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) (H₃ : ∀{d}, a ≤ d → b ≤ d → c ≤ d) :
c = max a b :=
le.antisymm (H₃ !le_max_left !le_max_right) (max_le H₁ H₂)
theorem max.comm (a b : A) : max a b = max b a :=
eq_max !le_max_right !le_max_left (λ c H₁ H₂, max_le H₂ H₁)
theorem max.assoc (a b c : A) : max (max a b) c = max a (max b c) :=
apply eq_max,
{ apply le.trans, apply le_max_left a b, apply le_max_left },
{ apply max_le, apply le.trans, apply le_max_right a b, apply le_max_left, apply le_max_right },
{ intros [d, H₁, H₂], apply max_le, apply max_le H₁, apply le.trans !le_max_left H₂,
apply le.trans !le_max_right H₂}
theorem max.left_comm (a b c : A) : max a (max b c) = max b (max a c) :=
binary.left_comm (@max.comm A s) (@max.assoc A s) a b c
theorem max.right_comm (a b c : A) : max (max a b) c = max (max a c) b :=
binary.right_comm (@max.comm A s) (@max.assoc A s) a b c
theorem max_self (a : A) : max a a = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_max (le.refl a) !le.refl; intros; assumption
theorem max_eq_left {a b : A} (H : b ≤ a) : max a b = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_max !le.refl H; intros; assumption
theorem max_eq_right {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : max a b = b :=
eq.subst !max.comm (max_eq_left H)
/- structures with a weak and a strict order -/
/- structures with a weak and a strict order -/
structure order_pair [class] (A : Type) extends weak_order A, has_lt A :=
structure order_pair [class] (A : Type) extends weak_order A, has_lt A :=
@ -403,70 +305,106 @@ section
lt.cases a b t_lt t_eq t_gt = t_gt :=
lt.cases a b t_lt t_eq t_gt = t_gt :=
if_neg (ne.symm (ne_of_lt H)) ⬝ if_neg (lt.asymm H)
if_neg (ne.symm (ne_of_lt H)) ⬝ if_neg (lt.asymm H)
private definition dlo_min (a b : A) : A := if a ≤ b then a else b
definition min (a b : A) : A := if a ≤ b then a else b
definition max (a b : A) : A := if a ≤ b then b else a
private definition dlo_max (a b : A) : A := if a ≤ b then b else a
/- these show min and max form a lattice -/
private theorem dlo_min_le_left (a b : A) : dlo_min a b ≤ a :=
theorem min_le_left (a b : A) : min a b ≤ a :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_min, if_pos H]; apply le.refl)
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑min, if_pos H]; apply le.refl)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_min, if_neg H]; apply le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge H))
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑min, if_neg H]; apply le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge H))
private theorem dlo_min_le_right (a b : A) : dlo_min a b ≤ b :=
theorem min_le_right (a b : A) : min a b ≤ b :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_min, if_pos H]; apply H)
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑min, if_pos H]; apply H)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_min, if_neg H]; apply le.refl)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑min, if_neg H]; apply le.refl)
private theorem le_dlo_min (a b c : A) (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) : c ≤ dlo_min a b :=
theorem le_min {a b c : A} (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) : c ≤ min a b :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_min, if_pos H]; apply H₁)
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑min, if_pos H]; apply H₁)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_min, if_neg H]; apply H₂)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑min, if_neg H]; apply H₂)
private theorem le_dlo_max_left (a b : A) : a ≤ dlo_max a b :=
theorem le_max_left (a b : A) : a ≤ max a b :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_max, if_pos H]; apply H)
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑max, if_pos H]; apply H)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_max, if_neg H]; apply le.refl)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑max, if_neg H]; apply le.refl)
private theorem le_dlo_max_right (a b : A) : b ≤ dlo_max a b :=
theorem le_max_right (a b : A) : b ≤ max a b :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_max, if_pos H]; apply le.refl)
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑max, if_pos H]; apply le.refl)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_max, if_neg H]; apply le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge H))
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑max, if_neg H]; apply le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge H))
private theorem dlo_max_le (a b c : A) (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) : dlo_max a b ≤ c :=
theorem max_le {a b c : A} (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) : max a b ≤ c :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_max, if_pos H]; apply H₂)
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑max, if_pos H]; apply H₂)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑dlo_max, if_neg H]; apply H₁)
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b, by rewrite [↑max, if_neg H]; apply H₁)
definition decidable_linear_order.to_lattice [trans-instance] [coercion] [reducible] :
/- these are also proved for lattices, but with inf and sup in place of min and max -/
lattice A :=
⦃ lattice, s,
min := dlo_min,
max := dlo_max,
min_le_left := dlo_min_le_left,
min_le_right := dlo_min_le_right,
le_min := le_dlo_min,
le_max_left := le_dlo_max_left,
le_max_right := le_dlo_max_right,
max_le := dlo_max_le ⦄
/- These don't require decidability, but it is not clear whether it is worth breaking out
theorem eq_min {a b c : A} (H₁ : c ≤ a) (H₂ : c ≤ b) (H₃ : ∀{d}, d ≤ a → d ≤ b → d ≤ c) :
a new class, linearly_ordered_lattice. Currently nat is the only instance that doesn't
c = min a b :=
use decidable_linear_order (because max and min are defined separately, in init),
le.antisymm (le_min H₁ H₂) (H₃ !min_le_left !min_le_right)
so we simply reprove these theorems there. -/
theorem lt_min {a b c : A} (H₁ : a < b) (H₂ : a < c) : a < min b c :=
theorem min.comm (a b : A) : min a b = min b a :=
eq_min !min_le_right !min_le_left (λ c H₁ H₂, le_min H₂ H₁)
(assume H : b ≤ c, by rewrite (min_eq_left H); apply H₁)
(assume H : ¬ b ≤ c,
assert H' : c ≤ b, from le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge H),
by rewrite (min_eq_right H'); apply H₂)
theorem max_lt {a b c : A} (H₁ : a < c) (H₂ : b < c) : max a b < c :=
theorem min.assoc (a b c : A) : min (min a b) c = min a (min b c) :=
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite (max_eq_right H); apply H₂)
apply eq_min,
(assume H : ¬ a ≤ b,
{ apply le.trans, apply min_le_left, apply min_le_left },
assert H' : b ≤ a, from le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge H),
{ apply le_min, apply le.trans, apply min_le_left, apply min_le_right, apply min_le_right },
by rewrite (max_eq_left H'); apply H₁)
{ intros [d, H₁, H₂], apply le_min, apply le_min H₁, apply le.trans H₂, apply min_le_left,
apply le.trans H₂, apply min_le_right }
theorem min.left_comm (a b c : A) : min a (min b c) = min b (min a c) :=
binary.left_comm (@min.comm A s) (@min.assoc A s) a b c
theorem min.right_comm (a b c : A) : min (min a b) c = min (min a c) b :=
binary.right_comm (@min.comm A s) (@min.assoc A s) a b c
theorem min_self (a : A) : min a a = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_min (le.refl a) !le.refl; intros; assumption
theorem min_eq_left {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : min a b = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_min !le.refl H; intros; assumption
theorem min_eq_right {a b : A} (H : b ≤ a) : min a b = b :=
eq.subst !min.comm (min_eq_left H)
theorem eq_max {a b c : A} (H₁ : a ≤ c) (H₂ : b ≤ c) (H₃ : ∀{d}, a ≤ d → b ≤ d → c ≤ d) :
c = max a b :=
le.antisymm (H₃ !le_max_left !le_max_right) (max_le H₁ H₂)
theorem max.comm (a b : A) : max a b = max b a :=
eq_max !le_max_right !le_max_left (λ c H₁ H₂, max_le H₂ H₁)
theorem max.assoc (a b c : A) : max (max a b) c = max a (max b c) :=
apply eq_max,
{ apply le.trans, apply le_max_left a b, apply le_max_left },
{ apply max_le, apply le.trans, apply le_max_right a b, apply le_max_left, apply le_max_right },
{ intros [d, H₁, H₂], apply max_le, apply max_le H₁, apply le.trans !le_max_left H₂,
apply le.trans !le_max_right H₂}
theorem max.left_comm (a b c : A) : max a (max b c) = max b (max a c) :=
binary.left_comm (@max.comm A s) (@max.assoc A s) a b c
theorem max.right_comm (a b c : A) : max (max a b) c = max (max a c) b :=
binary.right_comm (@max.comm A s) (@max.assoc A s) a b c
theorem max_self (a : A) : max a a = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_max (le.refl a) !le.refl; intros; assumption
theorem max_eq_left {a b : A} (H : b ≤ a) : max a b = a :=
by apply eq.symm; apply eq_max !le.refl H; intros; assumption
theorem max_eq_right {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : max a b = b :=
eq.subst !max.comm (max_eq_left H)
/- these rely on lt_of_lt -/
theorem min_eq_left_of_lt {a b : A} (H : a < b) : min a b = a :=
theorem min_eq_left_of_lt {a b : A} (H : a < b) : min a b = a :=
min_eq_left (le_of_lt H)
min_eq_left (le_of_lt H)
@ -477,8 +415,20 @@ section
theorem max_eq_left_of_lt {a b : A} (H : b < a) : max a b = a :=
theorem max_eq_left_of_lt {a b : A} (H : b < a) : max a b = a :=
max_eq_left (le_of_lt H)
max_eq_left (le_of_lt H)
theorem max_eq_right_of_le {a b : A} (H : a < b) : max a b = b :=
theorem max_eq_right_of_lt {a b : A} (H : a < b) : max a b = b :=
max_eq_right (le_of_lt H)
max_eq_right (le_of_lt H)
/- these use the fact that it is a linear ordering -/
theorem lt_min {a b c : A} (H₁ : a < b) (H₂ : a < c) : a < min b c :=
or.elim !le_or_gt
(assume H : b ≤ c, by rewrite (min_eq_left H); apply H₁)
(assume H : b > c, by rewrite (min_eq_right_of_lt H); apply H₂)
theorem max_lt {a b c : A} (H₁ : a < c) (H₂ : b < c) : max a b < c :=
or.elim !le_or_gt
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite (max_eq_right H); apply H₂)
(assume H : a > b, by rewrite (max_eq_left_of_lt H); apply H₁)
end algebra
end algebra
@ -200,11 +200,13 @@ structure ordered_comm_group [class] (A : Type) extends add_comm_group A, order_
(add_le_add_left : ∀a b, le a b → ∀c, le (add c a) (add c b))
(add_le_add_left : ∀a b, le a b → ∀c, le (add c a) (add c b))
(add_lt_add_left : ∀a b, lt a b → ∀ c, lt (add c a) (add c b))
(add_lt_add_left : ∀a b, lt a b → ∀ c, lt (add c a) (add c b))
theorem ordered_comm_group.le_of_add_le_add_left [s : ordered_comm_group A] {a b c : A} (H : a + b ≤ a + c) : b ≤ c :=
theorem ordered_comm_group.le_of_add_le_add_left [s : ordered_comm_group A] {a b c : A}
(H : a + b ≤ a + c) : b ≤ c :=
assert H' : -a + (a + b) ≤ -a + (a + c), from ordered_comm_group.add_le_add_left _ _ H _,
assert H' : -a + (a + b) ≤ -a + (a + c), from ordered_comm_group.add_le_add_left _ _ H _,
by rewrite *neg_add_cancel_left at H'; exact H'
by rewrite *neg_add_cancel_left at H'; exact H'
theorem ordered_comm_group.lt_of_add_lt_add_left [s : ordered_comm_group A] {a b c : A} (H : a + b < a + c) : b < c :=
theorem ordered_comm_group.lt_of_add_lt_add_left [s : ordered_comm_group A] {a b c : A}
(H : a + b < a + c) : b < c :=
assert H' : -a + (a + b) < -a + (a + c), from ordered_comm_group.add_lt_add_left _ _ H _,
assert H' : -a + (a + b) < -a + (a + c), from ordered_comm_group.add_lt_add_left _ _ H _,
by rewrite *neg_add_cancel_left at H'; exact H'
by rewrite *neg_add_cancel_left at H'; exact H'
@ -555,16 +557,28 @@ section
!neg_add ▸ neg_le_neg (le_add_of_nonneg_left (le_of_lt H))
!neg_add ▸ neg_le_neg (le_add_of_nonneg_left (le_of_lt H))
/- partially ordered groups with min and max -/
/- linear ordered group with decidable order -/
structure lattice_ordered_comm_group [class] (A : Type)
structure decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group [class] (A : Type)
extends ordered_comm_group A, lattice A
extends add_comm_group A, decidable_linear_order A :=
(add_le_add_left : ∀ a b, le a b → ∀ c, le (add c a) (add c b))
(add_lt_add_left : ∀ a b, lt a b → ∀ c, lt (add c a) (add c b))
definition decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group.to_ordered_comm_group
[trans-instance] [reducible] [coercion]
(A : Type) [s : decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group A] : ordered_comm_group A :=
⦃ ordered_comm_group, s,
le_of_lt := @le_of_lt A s,
lt_of_le_of_lt := @lt_of_le_of_lt A s,
lt_of_lt_of_le := @lt_of_lt_of_le A s ⦄
variables [s : lattice_ordered_comm_group A]
variables [s : decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group A]
variables (a b c : A)
variables {a b c d e : A}
include s
include s
/- these can be generalized to a lattice ordered group -/
theorem min_add_add_left : min (a + b) (a + c) = a + min b c :=
theorem min_add_add_left : min (a + b) (a + c) = a + min b c :=
eq.symm (eq_min
eq.symm (eq_min
(show a + min b c ≤ a + b, from add_le_add_left !min_le_left _)
(show a + min b c ≤ a + b, from add_le_add_left !min_le_left _)
@ -645,32 +659,8 @@ section
theorem ne_zero_of_abs_ne_zero {a : A} (H : abs a ≠ 0) : a ≠ 0 :=
theorem ne_zero_of_abs_ne_zero {a : A} (H : abs a ≠ 0) : a ≠ 0 :=
assume Ha, H (Ha⁻¹ ▸ abs_zero)
assume Ha, H (Ha⁻¹ ▸ abs_zero)
/- linear ordered group with decidable order -/
/- these assume a linear order -/
structure decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group [class] (A : Type)
extends add_comm_group A, decidable_linear_order A :=
(add_le_add_left : ∀ a b, le a b → ∀ c, le (add c a) (add c b))
(add_lt_add_left : ∀ a b, lt a b → ∀ c, lt (add c a) (add c b))
private theorem add_le_add_left' (A : Type) (s : decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group A) (a b : A) :
a ≤ b → (∀ c : A, c + a ≤ c + b) :=
decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group.add_le_add_left a b
definition decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group.to_lattice_ordered_comm_group
[trans-instance] [reducible] [coercion]
(A : Type) [s : decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group A] : lattice_ordered_comm_group A :=
⦃ lattice_ordered_comm_group, s, decidable_linear_order.to_lattice,
le_of_lt := @le_of_lt A s,
add_le_add_left := add_le_add_left' A s,
lt_of_le_of_lt := @lt_of_le_of_lt A s,
lt_of_lt_of_le := @lt_of_lt_of_le A s ⦄
variables [s : decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group A]
variables {a b c d e : A}
include s
theorem eq_zero_of_neg_eq (H : -a = a) : a = 0 :=
theorem eq_zero_of_neg_eq (H : -a = a) : a = 0 :=
@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
variable {A : Type}
definition absurd_a_lt_a {B : Type} {a : A} [s : strict_order A] (H : a < a) : B :=
private definition absurd_a_lt_a {B : Type} {a : A} [s : strict_order A] (H : a < a) : B :=
absurd H (lt.irrefl a)
absurd H (lt.irrefl a)
/- semiring structures -/
structure ordered_semiring [class] (A : Type)
structure ordered_semiring [class] (A : Type)
extends semiring A, ordered_cancel_comm_monoid A :=
extends semiring A, ordered_cancel_comm_monoid A :=
(mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left: ∀a b c, le a b → le zero c → le (mul c a) (mul c b))
(mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left: ∀a b c, le a b → le zero c → le (mul c a) (mul c b))
@ -187,6 +189,11 @@ section
not_le_of_gt (mul_pos H2 H1) H)
not_le_of_gt (mul_pos H2 H1) H)
structure decidable_linear_ordered_semiring [class] (A : Type)
extends linear_ordered_semiring A, decidable_linear_order A
/- ring structures -/
structure ordered_ring [class] (A : Type)
structure ordered_ring [class] (A : Type)
extends ring A, ordered_comm_group A, zero_ne_one_class A :=
extends ring A, ordered_comm_group A, zero_ne_one_class A :=
(mul_nonneg : ∀a b, le zero a → le zero b → le zero (mul a b))
(mul_nonneg : ∀a b, le zero a → le zero b → le zero (mul a b))
@ -516,10 +516,10 @@ calc empty ∩ b = b ∩ empty : inter.comm
lemma append_union_inter (b₁ b₂ : bag A) : (b₁ ∪ b₂) ++ (b₁ ∩ b₂) = b₁ ++ b₂ :=
lemma append_union_inter (b₁ b₂ : bag A) : (b₁ ∪ b₂) ++ (b₁ ∩ b₂) = b₁ ++ b₂ :=
bag.ext (λ a, begin
bag.ext (λ a, begin
rewrite [*count_append, count_inter, count_union], unfold [max, min],
rewrite [*count_append, count_inter, count_union],
apply (@by_cases (count a b₁ < count a b₂)),
apply (or.elim (lt_or_ge (count a b₁) (count a b₂))),
{ intro H, rewrite [*if_pos H, add.comm] },
{ intro H, rewrite [min_eq_left_of_lt H, max_eq_right_of_lt H, add.comm] },
{ intro H, rewrite [*if_neg H, add.comm] }
{ intro H, rewrite [min_eq_right H, max_eq_left H, add.comm] }
lemma inter.left_distrib (b₁ b₂ b₃ : bag A) : b₁ ∩ (b₂ ∪ b₃) = (b₁ ∩ b₂) ∪ (b₁ ∩ b₃) :=
lemma inter.left_distrib (b₁ b₂ b₃ : bag A) : b₁ ∩ (b₂ ∪ b₃) = (b₁ ∩ b₂) ∪ (b₁ ∩ b₃) :=
@ -620,10 +620,10 @@ open decidable
lemma union_subbag_append (b₁ b₂ : bag A) : b₁ ∪ b₂ ⊆ b₁ ++ b₂ :=
lemma union_subbag_append (b₁ b₂ : bag A) : b₁ ∪ b₂ ⊆ b₁ ++ b₂ :=
subbag.intro (take a, begin
subbag.intro (take a, begin
rewrite [count_append, count_union], unfold max,
rewrite [count_append, count_union],
exact by_cases
exact (or.elim !lt_or_ge)
(suppose count a b₁ < count a b₂, by rewrite [if_pos this]; apply le_add_left)
(suppose count a b₁ < count a b₂, by rewrite [max_eq_right_of_lt this]; apply le_add_left)
(suppose ¬ count a b₁ < count a b₂, by rewrite [if_neg this]; apply le_add_right)
(suppose count a b₁ ≥ count a b₂, by rewrite [max_eq_left this]; apply le_add_right)
lemma subbag_insert (a : A) (b : bag A) : b ⊆ insert a b :=
lemma subbag_insert (a : A) (b : bag A) : b ⊆ insert a b :=
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ theorem mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right {n m k : ℕ} (H : n < m) (Hk : k > 0) : n * k <
!mul.comm ▸ !mul.comm ▸ mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left H Hk
!mul.comm ▸ !mul.comm ▸ mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left H Hk
/- min and max -/
/- min and max -/
definition max (a b : ℕ) : ℕ := if a < b then b else a
definition max (a b : ℕ) : ℕ := if a < b then b else a
definition min (a b : ℕ) : ℕ := if a < b then a else b
definition min (a b : ℕ) : ℕ := if a < b then a else b
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ lt.by_cases
theorem le_max_left (a b : ℕ) : a ≤ max a b :=
theorem le_max_left (a b : ℕ) : a ≤ max a b :=
if h : a < b then le_of_lt (eq.rec_on (eq_max_right h) h)
if h : a < b then le_of_lt (eq.rec_on (eq_max_right h) h)
else (eq_max_left h) ▸ !le.refl
else (eq_max_left h) ▸ !le.refl
/- nat is an instance of a linearly ordered semiring and a lattice -/
/- nat is an instance of a linearly ordered semiring and a lattice -/
@ -138,9 +139,9 @@ section migrate_algebra
open [classes] algebra
open [classes] algebra
local attribute nat.comm_semiring [instance]
local attribute nat.comm_semiring [instance]
protected definition linear_ordered_semiring [reducible] :
protected definition decidable_linear_ordered_semiring [reducible] :
algebra.linear_ordered_semiring nat :=
algebra.decidable_linear_ordered_semiring nat :=
⦃ algebra.linear_ordered_semiring, nat.comm_semiring,
⦃ algebra.decidable_linear_ordered_semiring, nat.comm_semiring,
add_left_cancel := @add.cancel_left,
add_left_cancel := @add.cancel_left,
add_right_cancel := @add.cancel_right,
add_right_cancel := @add.cancel_right,
lt := lt,
lt := lt,
@ -162,8 +163,10 @@ section migrate_algebra
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left := (take a b c H1 H2, mul_le_mul_left c H1),
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left := (take a b c H1 H2, mul_le_mul_left c H1),
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right := (take a b c H1 H2, mul_le_mul_right c H1),
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right := (take a b c H1 H2, mul_le_mul_right c H1),
mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left := @mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left,
mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left := @mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left,
mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right := @mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right ⦄
mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right := @mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right,
decidable_lt := nat.decidable_lt ⦄
protected definition lattice [reducible] : algebra.lattice nat :=
protected definition lattice [reducible] : algebra.lattice nat :=
⦃ algebra.lattice, nat.linear_ordered_semiring,
⦃ algebra.lattice, nat.linear_ordered_semiring,
min := min,
min := min,
@ -177,6 +180,11 @@ section migrate_algebra
local attribute nat.linear_ordered_semiring [instance]
local attribute nat.linear_ordered_semiring [instance]
local attribute nat.lattice [instance]
local attribute nat.lattice [instance]
local attribute nat.decidable_linear_ordered_semiring [instance]
definition min : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ := algebra.min
definition max : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ := algebra.max
migrate from algebra with nat
migrate from algebra with nat
replacing dvd → dvd, → ge, → gt, min → min, max → max
replacing dvd → dvd, → ge, → gt, min → min, max → max
@ -417,32 +425,17 @@ theorem zero_max [simp] (a : ℕ) : max 0 a = a :=
by rewrite [max_eq_right !zero_le]
by rewrite [max_eq_right !zero_le]
theorem min_succ_succ [simp] (a b : ℕ) : min (succ a) (succ b) = succ (min a b) :=
theorem min_succ_succ [simp] (a b : ℕ) : min (succ a) (succ b) = succ (min a b) :=
or.elim !lt_or_ge
(suppose a < b, by unfold min; rewrite [if_pos this, if_pos (succ_lt_succ this)])
(suppose a < b, by rewrite [min_eq_left_of_lt this, min_eq_left_of_lt (succ_lt_succ this)])
(suppose ¬ a < b,
(suppose a ≥ b, by rewrite [min_eq_right this, min_eq_right (succ_le_succ this)])
assert h : ¬ succ a < succ b, from assume h, absurd (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h) this,
by unfold min; rewrite [if_neg this, if_neg h])
theorem max_succ_succ [simp] (a b : ℕ) : max (succ a) (succ b) = succ (max a b) :=
theorem max_succ_succ [simp] (a b : ℕ) : max (succ a) (succ b) = succ (max a b) :=
or.elim !lt_or_ge
(suppose a < b, by unfold max; rewrite [if_pos this, if_pos (succ_lt_succ this)])
(suppose a < b, by rewrite [max_eq_right_of_lt this, max_eq_right_of_lt (succ_lt_succ this)])
(suppose ¬ a < b,
(suppose a ≥ b, by rewrite [max_eq_left this, max_eq_left (succ_le_succ this)])
assert ¬ succ a < succ b, from assume h, absurd (lt_of_succ_lt_succ h) this,
by unfold max; rewrite [if_neg `¬ a < b`, if_neg `¬ succ a < succ b`])
theorem lt_min {a b c : ℕ} (H₁ : a < b) (H₂ : a < c) : a < min b c :=
/- In algebra.ordered_group, these next four are only proved for additive groups, not additive
semigroups. -/
(suppose b ≤ c, by rewrite (min_eq_left this); apply H₁)
(suppose ¬ b ≤ c,
assert c ≤ b, from le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge this),
by rewrite (min_eq_right this); apply H₂)
theorem max_lt {a b c : ℕ} (H₁ : a < c) (H₂ : b < c) : max a b < c :=
(suppose a ≤ b, by rewrite (max_eq_right this); apply H₂)
(suppose ¬ a ≤ b,
assert b ≤ a, from le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge this),
by rewrite (max_eq_left this); apply H₁)
theorem min_add_add_left (a b c : ℕ) : min (a + b) (a + c) = a + min b c :=
theorem min_add_add_left (a b c : ℕ) : min (a + b) (a + c) = a + min b c :=
@ -470,18 +463,6 @@ decidable.by_cases
theorem max_add_add_right (a b c : ℕ) : max (a + c) (b + c) = max a b + c :=
theorem max_add_add_right (a b c : ℕ) : max (a + c) (b + c) = max a b + c :=
by rewrite [add.comm a c, add.comm b c, add.comm _ c]; apply max_add_add_left
by rewrite [add.comm a c, add.comm b c, add.comm _ c]; apply max_add_add_left
theorem min_eq_left_of_lt {a b : ℕ} (H : a < b) : min a b = a :=
min_eq_left (le_of_lt H)
theorem min_eq_right_of_lt {a b : ℕ} (H : b < a) : min a b = b :=
min_eq_right (le_of_lt H)
theorem max_eq_left_of_lt {a b : ℕ} (H : b < a) : max a b = a :=
max_eq_left (le_of_lt H)
theorem max_eq_right_of_lt {a b : ℕ} (H : a < b) : max a b = b :=
max_eq_right (le_of_lt H)
/- least and greatest -/
/- least and greatest -/
section least_and_greatest
section least_and_greatest
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace nat
section migrate_algebra
section migrate_algebra
open [classes] algebra
open [classes] algebra
local attribute nat.comm_semiring [instance]
local attribute nat.comm_semiring [instance]
local attribute nat.linear_ordered_semiring [instance]
local attribute nat.decidable_linear_ordered_semiring [instance]
definition pow (a : ℕ) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := algebra.pow a n
definition pow (a : ℕ) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := algebra.pow a n
infix ^ := pow
infix ^ := pow
Add table
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