refactor(library/algebra): construct simplifier sets incrementally
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 152 additions and 183 deletions
@ -580,3 +580,30 @@ definition group_of_add_group (A : Type) [G : add_group A] : group A :=
mul_left_inv := add.left_inv⦄
end algebra
namespace simplifier
namespace unit
attribute algebra.zero_add [simp]
attribute algebra.add_zero [simp]
attribute algebra.one_mul [simp]
attribute algebra.mul_one [simp]
end unit
namespace neg
attribute algebra.neg_neg [simp]
attribute algebra.sub_eq_add_neg [simp]
end neg
namespace ac
attribute algebra.add.assoc [simp]
attribute algebra.add.comm [simp]
attribute algebra.add.left_comm [simp]
attribute algebra.mul.left_comm [simp]
attribute algebra.mul.comm [simp]
attribute algebra.mul.assoc [simp]
end ac
end simplifier
@ -195,6 +195,9 @@ section
rewrite [-left_distrib, add.right_inv, mul_zero]
theorem neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm : - a * b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !algebra.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
theorem neg_mul_eq_mul_neg_symm : a * - b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !algebra.neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
theorem neg_mul_neg : -a * -b = a * b :=
-a * -b = -(a * -b) : by rewrite -neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
@ -402,3 +405,22 @@ section
end algebra
namespace simplifier
namespace unit
attribute algebra.zero_mul [simp]
attribute algebra.mul_zero [simp]
end unit
namespace neg
attribute algebra.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm [simp]
attribute algebra.neg_mul_eq_mul_neg_symm [simp]
end neg
namespace distrib
attribute algebra.left_distrib [simp]
attribute algebra.right_distrib [simp]
end distrib
end simplifier
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Selsam. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Daniel Selsam
import algebra.ring algebra.numeral
namespace simplifier
namespace empty
end empty
namespace iff
attribute eq_self_iff_true [simp]
end iff
-- TODO(dhs): make these [simp] rules in the global namespace
namespace neg_helper
open algebra
variables {A : Type} [s : ring A] (a b : A)
include s
lemma neg_mul1 : (- a) * b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !algebra.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
lemma neg_mul2 : a * (- b) = - (a * b) := eq.symm !algebra.neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
lemma sub_def : a - b = a + (- b) := rfl
end neg_helper
namespace neg
attribute neg_helper.neg_mul1 [simp]
attribute neg_helper.neg_mul2 [simp]
attribute neg_helper.sub_def [simp]
attribute algebra.neg_neg [simp]
end neg
namespace unit
attribute algebra.zero_add [simp]
attribute algebra.add_zero [simp]
attribute algebra.zero_mul [simp]
attribute algebra.mul_zero [simp]
attribute algebra.one_mul [simp]
attribute algebra.mul_one [simp]
end unit
namespace ac
export simplifier.iff simplifier.neg simplifier.unit
attribute algebra.add.assoc [simp]
attribute algebra.add.comm [simp]
attribute algebra.add.left_comm [simp]
attribute algebra.mul.left_comm [simp]
attribute algebra.mul.comm [simp]
attribute algebra.mul.assoc [simp]
end ac
namespace distrib
attribute algebra.left_distrib [simp]
attribute algebra.right_distrib [simp]
end distrib
namespace som
export simplifier.distrib
end som
namespace numeral
-- TODO(dhs): remove `add1` from the original lemmas and delete this
namespace numeral_helper
open algebra
theorem bit1_add_bit1 {A : Type} [s : add_comm_semigroup A]
[s' : has_one A] (a b : A) : bit1 a + bit1 b = bit0 ((a + b) + 1)
:= norm_num.bit1_add_bit1 a b
theorem bit1_add_one {A : Type} [s : add_comm_semigroup A] [s' : has_one A] (a : A)
: bit1 a + one = bit0 (a + 1) := norm_num.add1_bit1 a
theorem one_add_bit1 {A : Type} [s : add_comm_semigroup A] [s' : has_one A] (a : A)
: one + bit1 a = bit0 (a + 1) := by rewrite [!add.comm, bit1_add_one]
lemma one_add_bit0 [simp] {A : Type} [s : add_comm_semigroup A] [s' : has_one A] (a : A)
: 1 + bit0 a = bit1 a := norm_num.one_add_bit0 a
lemma bit0_add_one [simp] {A : Type} [s : add_comm_semigroup A] [s' : has_one A] (a : A)
: bit0 a + 1 = bit1 a := norm_num.bit0_add_one a
lemma mul_bit0_helper0 [simp] {A : Type} [s : comm_ring A] (a b : A)
: bit0 a * bit0 b = bit0 (bit0 a * b) := norm_num.mul_bit0_helper (bit0 a) b (bit0 a * b) rfl
lemma mul_bit0_helper1 [simp] {A : Type} [s : comm_ring A] (a b : A)
: bit1 a * bit0 b = bit0 (bit1 a * b) := norm_num.mul_bit0_helper (bit1 a) b (bit1 a * b) rfl
lemma mul_bit1_helper0 [simp] {A : Type} [s : comm_ring A] (a b : A)
: bit0 a * bit1 b = bit0 (bit0 a * b) + bit0 a := norm_num.mul_bit1_helper (bit0 a) b (bit0 a * b) (bit0 (bit0 a * b) + bit0 a) rfl rfl
lemma mul_bit1_helper1 [simp] {A : Type} [s : comm_ring A] (a b : A)
: bit1 a * bit1 b = bit0 (bit1 a * b) + bit1 a := norm_num.mul_bit1_helper (bit1 a) b (bit1 a * b) (bit0 (bit1 a * b) + bit1 a) rfl rfl
end numeral_helper
attribute norm_num.bit0_add_bit0 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.bit1_add_one [simp]
attribute norm_num.bit1_add_bit0 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.bit1_add_bit1 [simp]
attribute norm_num.bit0_add_bit1 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.one_add_bit1 [simp]
attribute norm_num.one_add_one [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.one_add_bit0 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.bit0_add_one [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.mul_bit0_helper0 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.mul_bit0_helper1 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.mul_bit1_helper0 [simp]
attribute numeral_helper.mul_bit1_helper1 [simp]
end numeral
end simplifier
@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ import init.logic
namespace simplifier
namespace empty
end empty
namespace prove
attribute eq_self_iff_true [simp]
end prove
namespace unit_simp
open eq.ops
@ -556,6 +556,20 @@ simp_rule_sets get_simp_rule_sets(environment const & env, io_state const & ios,
return set;
simp_rule_sets get_simp_rule_sets(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, std::initializer_list<name> const & nss) {
simp_rule_sets set;
for (name const & ns : nss) {
list<rrs_entry> const * entries = rrs_ext::get_entries(env, ns);
if (entries) {
for (auto const & e : *entries) {
tmp_type_context tctx(env, ios);
set = add_core(tctx, set, e.m_name, e.m_priority);
return set;
io_state_stream const & operator<<(io_state_stream const & out, simp_rule_sets const & s) {
options const & opts = out.get_options();
out.get_stream() << mk_pair(s.pp(out.get_formatter()), opts);
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/tmp_type_context.h"
#include "library/head_map.h"
#include "library/io_state_stream.h"
#include <vector>
@ -146,6 +145,8 @@ bool is_congr_rule(environment const & env, name const & n);
simp_rule_sets get_simp_rule_sets(environment const & env);
/** \brief Get simplification rule sets in the given namespace. */
simp_rule_sets get_simp_rule_sets(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & ns);
/** \brief Get simplification rule sets in the given namespaces. */
simp_rule_sets get_simp_rule_sets(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, std::initializer_list<name> const & nss);
io_state_stream const & operator<<(io_state_stream const & out, simp_rule_sets const & s);
@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ using simp::result;
/* Names */
static name * g_simplify_empty_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_prove_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_neg_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_unit_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_ac_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_som_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_distrib_namespace = nullptr;
static name * g_simplify_numeral_namespace = nullptr;
/* Options */
@ -980,7 +981,9 @@ result simplifier::fuse(expr const & e) {
/* Prove (1) == (3) using simplify with [ac] */
flet<bool> no_simplify_numerals(m_numerals, false);
auto pf_1_3 = prove(get_app_builder().mk_eq(e, e_grp),
get_simp_rule_sets(env(), ios(), *g_simplify_ac_namespace));
get_simp_rule_sets(env(), ios(),
{*g_simplify_prove_namespace, *g_simplify_unit_namespace,
*g_simplify_neg_namespace, *g_simplify_ac_namespace}));
if (!pf_1_3) {
diagnostic(env(), ios()) << e << "\n\n =?=\n\n" << e_grp << "\n";
throw blast_exception("Failed to prove (1) == (3) during fusion", e);
@ -988,7 +991,10 @@ result simplifier::fuse(expr const & e) {
/* Prove (4) == (5) using simplify with [som] */
auto pf_4_5 = prove(get_app_builder().mk_eq(e_grp_ls, e_fused_ls),
get_simp_rule_sets(env(), ios(), *g_simplify_som_namespace));
get_simp_rule_sets(env(), ios(),
{*g_simplify_prove_namespace, *g_simplify_unit_namespace,
*g_simplify_neg_namespace, *g_simplify_ac_namespace,
if (!pf_4_5) {
diagnostic(env(), ios()) << e_grp_ls << "\n\n =?=\n\n" << e_fused_ls << "\n";
throw blast_exception("Failed to prove (4) == (5) during fusion", e);
@ -996,7 +1002,9 @@ result simplifier::fuse(expr const & e) {
/* Prove (5) == (6) using simplify with [numeral] */
flet<bool> simplify_numerals(m_numerals, true);
result r_simp_ls = simplify(e_fused_ls, get_simp_rule_sets(env(), ios(), *g_simplify_ac_namespace));
result r_simp_ls = simplify(e_fused_ls, get_simp_rule_sets(env(), ios(),
{*g_simplify_unit_namespace, *g_simplify_neg_namespace,
/* Prove (4) == (6) by transitivity of proofs (2) and (3) */
expr pf_4_6;
@ -1049,10 +1057,11 @@ expr_pair simplifier::split_summand(expr const & e, expr const & f_mul, expr con
/* Setup and teardown */
void initialize_simplifier() {
g_simplify_empty_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "empty"};
g_simplify_prove_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "prove"};
g_simplify_neg_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "neg"};
g_simplify_unit_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "unit"};
g_simplify_ac_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "ac"};
g_simplify_som_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "som"};
g_simplify_distrib_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "distrib"};
g_simplify_numeral_namespace = new name{"simplifier", "numeral"};
g_simplify_max_steps = new name{"simplify", "max_steps"};
@ -1097,10 +1106,11 @@ void finalize_simplifier() {
delete g_simplify_max_steps;
delete g_simplify_numeral_namespace;
delete g_simplify_som_namespace;
delete g_simplify_distrib_namespace;
delete g_simplify_ac_namespace;
delete g_simplify_unit_namespace;
delete g_simplify_empty_namespace;
delete g_simplify_neg_namespace;
delete g_simplify_prove_namespace;
/* Entry points */
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import algebra.simplifier
open algebra simplifier.som
import algebra.ring
open algebra
set_option simplify.max_steps 1000
universe l
@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ constants (T : Type.{l}) (s : algebra.comm_ring T)
constants (x1 x2 x3 x4 : T) (f g : T → T)
attribute s [instance]
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x2 + (1 * g x1 + 0 + (f x3 * 3 * 1 * (x2 + 0 + g x1 * 7) * x2 * 1)) + 5 * (x4 + f x1)
open simplifier.unit simplifier.neg simplifier.distrib
#simplify eq env 0 x2 + (1 * g x1 + 0 + (f x3 * 3 * 1 * (x2 + 0 + g x1 * 7) * x2 * 1)) + 5 * (x4 + f x1)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- Basic fusion
import algebra.simplifier
import algebra.ring algebra.numeral
open algebra
universe l
@ -9,19 +9,21 @@ attribute s [instance]
set_option simplify.max_steps 50000
set_option simplify.fuse true
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 + x1) + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 + x1) + (x1 + x1)
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 + x1 + x1 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 + x1 + (x1 + x1) + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 - x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 - x1) + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 + x1) - (x1 + x1)
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 + x1 - x1 - x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 + x1 + (x1 + x1) + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 - x2) + x2 - x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 + x1 + x2 + x1) - 2* x2 + 1 * x2 - 3 * x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x2 + x1 - x2 - - x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 - 2 * x3 * x2) + x2 * x3 * 3 - 1 * 0 * x1 * x2
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x2 + x1 - x2 - (- x1)
open simplifier.unit simplifier.neg
#simplify eq env 0 x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 + x1) + x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 + x1) + (x1 + x1)
#simplify eq env 0 x1 + x1 + x1 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 + x1 + (x1 + x1) + x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 - x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 - x1) + x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 + x1) - (x1 + x1)
#simplify eq env 0 x1 + x1 - x1 - x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 + x1 + (x1 + x1) + x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 - x2) + x2 - x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 + x1 + x2 + x1) - 2* x2 + 1 * x2 - 3 * x1
#simplify eq env 0 x2 + x1 - x2 - - x1
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 - 2 * x3 * x2) + x2 * x3 * 3 - 1 * 0 * x1 * x2
#simplify eq env 0 x2 + x1 - x2 - (- x1)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- normalizing reducible non-subsingleton instances
import algebra.simplifier
import algebra.ring
open algebra
universe l
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- Basic fusion
import algebra.simplifier
import algebra.ring algebra.numeral
open algebra
universe l
@ -9,19 +9,21 @@ attribute s [instance]
set_option simplify.max_steps 50000
set_option simplify.fuse true
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 * x2
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 * 2 * x2
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 * 2 * x2 * 3
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 2 * x2 + x1 * 8 * x2 * 4
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 2 * x2 - x1 * 8 * x2 * 4
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 2 * x2 - 8 * x2 * 4 * x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x2 * x1 + 3 * x1 + (2 * x2 - 8 * x2 * 4 * x1) + x1 * x2
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 (x1 * x3 + x1 * 2 + x2 * 3 * x3 + x1 * x2) - 2* x2 * x1 + 1 * x2 * x1 - 3 * x1 * x3
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 2 * 2 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x2 * (2 * 2) + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 2 * 2 * x2 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 2 * x2 * 2 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 200 * x2 * 200 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 * 200 * x2 * 200 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 * 200 * x2 * x3 * 200 + x1
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x1 * 200 * x2 * x3 * x4 * 200 + x1
open simplifier.unit simplifier.neg
#simplify eq env 0 x1 * x2
#simplify eq env 0 x1 * 2 * x2
#simplify eq env 0 x1 * 2 * x2 * 3
#simplify eq env 0 2 * x2 + x1 * 8 * x2 * 4
#simplify eq env 0 2 * x2 - x1 * 8 * x2 * 4
#simplify eq env 0 2 * x2 - 8 * x2 * 4 * x1
#simplify eq env 0 x2 * x1 + 3 * x1 + (2 * x2 - 8 * x2 * 4 * x1) + x1 * x2
#simplify eq env 0 (x1 * x3 + x1 * 2 + x2 * 3 * x3 + x1 * x2) - 2* x2 * x1 + 1 * x2 * x1 - 3 * x1 * x3
#simplify eq env 0 2 * 2 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 x2 * (2 * 2) + x1
#simplify eq env 0 2 * 2 * x2 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 2 * x2 * 2 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 200 * x2 * 200 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 * 200 * x2 * 200 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 * 200 * x2 * x3 * 200 + x1
#simplify eq env 0 x1 * 200 * x2 * x3 * x4 * 200 + x1
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- Nested fusion
import algebra.simplifier
import algebra.ring algebra.numeral
open algebra
universe l
@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ attribute s [instance]
set_option simplify.max_steps 50000
set_option simplify.fuse true
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 f (x1 * x2 * 3 * 4 - 4 * 3 * x1 * x2) + g (x1 * x2 * 3 * 4 - 4 * 3 * x1 * x2)
open simplifier.unit simplifier.neg
#simplify eq env 0 f (x1 * x2 * 3 * 4 - 4 * 3 * x1 * x2) + g (x1 * x2 * 3 * 4 - 4 * 3 * x1 * x2)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- Test [light] annotation
-- Remark: it will take some additional work to get ⁻¹ to rewrite well
-- when there is a proof obligation.
import algebra.simplifier algebra.field data.set data.finset
open algebra
import algebra.ring algebra.field data.set data.finset
open algebra
attribute neg [light 2]
attribute inv [light 2]
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ attribute add_neg_cancel_left [simp]
attribute mul.right_inv [simp]
attribute mul_inv_cancel_left [simp]
open simplifier.unit
namespace ag
universe l
constants (A : Type.{l}) (s1 : add_comm_group A) (s2 : has_one A)
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import algebra.simplifier
import algebra.ring algebra.numeral
open algebra
open simplifier.numeral
set_option simplify.max_steps 5000000
-- TODO(dhs): we need to create the simplifier.numeral namespace incrementally.
-- Once it exists, we can uncomment the following line to use it simplify.
set_option simplify.numerals true
universe l
constants (A : Type.{l}) (A_comm_ring : comm_ring A)
attribute A_comm_ring [instance]
@ -54,5 +55,4 @@ attribute A_comm_ring [instance]
#simplify eq env 0 (0 + 45343453:A) * (53653343 + 1) * (53453 + 2) + (0 + 1 + 2 + 2200000000034733)
-- The following test is too slow
-- #simplify eq 0 (23000000000343434534345316:A) * (53653343563534534 + 5367536453653573573453) * 53453756475777536 + 2200000000034733531531531534536
#simplify eq env 0 (23000000000343434534345316:A) * (53653343563534534 + 5367536453653573573453) * 53453756475777536 + 2200000000034733531531531534536
@ -40,3 +40,4 @@
Add table
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