feat(elaborator): add trace objects for elaborator
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 825 additions and 51 deletions
@ -166,6 +166,21 @@ void metavar_env::assign(expr const & m, expr const & t, trace const & tr) {
assign(metavar_name(m), t, tr);
struct found_unassigned{};
name metavar_env::find_unassigned_metavar() const {
name r;
try {
m_metavar_types.for_each([&](name const & m, expr const &) {
if (!m_substitution.is_assigned(m)) {
r = m;
throw found_unassigned();
} catch (found_unassigned &) {
return r;
expr instantiate_metavars(expr const & e, substitution const & s) {
if (!has_metavar(e)) {
return e;
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ class substitution {
friend void swap(substitution & s1, substitution & s2) {
swap(s1.m_subst, s2.m_subst);
std::swap(s1.m_size, s2.m_size);
\brief Return the number of assigned metavariables in this substitution.
@ -101,6 +106,15 @@ public:
metavar_env(name const & prefix);
friend void swap(metavar_env & a, metavar_env & b) {
swap(a.m_name_generator, b.m_name_generator);
swap(a.m_substitution, b.m_substitution);
swap(a.m_metavar_types, b.m_metavar_types);
swap(a.m_metavar_contexts, b.m_metavar_contexts);
swap(a.m_metavar_traces, b.m_metavar_traces);
std::swap(a.m_timestamp, b.m_timestamp);
\brief The timestamp is increased whenever this environment is
@ -178,6 +192,13 @@ public:
\pre is_metavar(m)
expr get_subst(expr const & m) const { return m_substitution.get_subst(m); }
\brief Return a unassigned metavariable (if one exists). Only metavariables
that have types are considered. Return the anonymous name if all metavariables (with types)
are assigned.
name find_unassigned_metavar() const;
@ -9,6 +9,31 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/trace.h"
namespace lean {
void trace_cell::add_pos_info(format & r, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) {
if (!p || !e)
format f = p->pp(e);
if (!f)
r += f;
r += space();
format trace_cell::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const {
format r;
add_pos_info(r, get_main_expr(), p);
r += pp_header(fmt, opts);
if (display_children) {
buffer<trace_cell *> children;
unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
for (trace_cell * child : children) {
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), child->pp(fmt, opts, p, display_children)));
return r;
bool trace::has_children() const {
buffer<trace_cell *> r;
@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ class trace;
class trace_cell {
void dealloc() { delete this; }
static void add_pos_info(format & r, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p);
trace_cell():m_rc(0) {}
virtual ~trace_cell() {}
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const = 0;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const = 0;
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const = 0;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const { return expr::null(); }
bool is_shared() const { return get_rc() > 1; }
@ -8,24 +8,13 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
namespace lean {
void add_pos_info(format & r, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) {
if (!p)
format f = p->pp(e);
if (!f)
r += f;
r += space();
function_expected_trace_cell::~function_expected_trace_cell() {
format function_expected_trace_cell::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool) const {
format function_expected_trace_cell::pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const {
unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
format expr_fmt = fmt(m_ctx, m_app, false, opts);
format r;
add_pos_info(r, get_main_expr(), p);
r += format("Function expected at");
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), expr_fmt));
return r;
@ -41,10 +30,9 @@ expr const & function_expected_trace_cell::get_main_expr() const {
app_type_match_trace_cell::~app_type_match_trace_cell() {
format app_type_match_trace_cell::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool) const {
format app_type_match_trace_cell::pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const {
unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
format r;
add_pos_info(r, get_main_expr(), p);
r += format("Type of argument ");
r += format(m_i);
r += format(" must be convertible to the expected type in the application of");
@ -70,11 +58,10 @@ expr const & app_type_match_trace_cell::get_main_expr() const {
type_expected_trace_cell::~type_expected_trace_cell() {
format type_expected_trace_cell::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool) const {
format type_expected_trace_cell::pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const {
unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
format expr_fmt = fmt(m_ctx, m_type, false, opts);
format r;
add_pos_info(r, get_main_expr(), p);
r += format("Type expected at");
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), expr_fmt));
return r;
@ -90,9 +77,8 @@ expr const & type_expected_trace_cell::get_main_expr() const {
def_type_match_trace_cell::~def_type_match_trace_cell() {
format def_type_match_trace_cell::pp(formatter const &, options const &, pos_info_provider const * p, bool) const {
format def_type_match_trace_cell::pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const {
format r;
add_pos_info(r, get_main_expr(), p);
r += format("Type of definition '");
r += format(get_name());
r += format("' must be convertible to expected type.");
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class function_expected_trace_cell : public trace_cell {
function_expected_trace_cell(context const & c, expr const & app):m_ctx(c), m_app(app) {}
virtual ~function_expected_trace_cell();
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> &) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
context const & get_context() const { return m_ctx; }
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class app_type_match_trace_cell : public trace_cell {
app_type_match_trace_cell(context const & c, expr const & a, unsigned i):m_ctx(c), m_app(a), m_i(i) {}
virtual ~app_type_match_trace_cell();
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> &) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
context const & get_context() const { return m_ctx; }
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class type_expected_trace_cell : public trace_cell {
type_expected_trace_cell(context const & c, expr const & t):m_ctx(c), m_type(t) {}
virtual ~type_expected_trace_cell();
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> &) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
context const & get_context() const { return m_ctx; }
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class def_type_match_trace_cell : public trace_cell {
def_type_match_trace_cell(context const & c, name const & n, expr const & v):m_ctx(c), m_name(n), m_value(v) {}
virtual ~def_type_match_trace_cell();
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children) const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> &) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
context const & get_context() const { return m_ctx; }
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public:
trace const & get_trace() const { return m_trace; }
context const & get_context() const { return m_ctx; }
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_trace) const = 0;
void set_trace(trace const & t) { lean_assert(!m_trace); m_trace = t; }
class unification_constraint {
@ -74,6 +75,9 @@ public:
return m_ptr->pp(fmt, opts, p, include_trace);
trace const & get_trace() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->get_trace(); }
void set_trace(trace const & t) { lean_assert(!get_trace()); lean_assert(m_ptr); m_ptr->set_trace(t); }
friend unification_constraint mk_eq_constraint(context const & c, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, trace const & t);
friend unification_constraint mk_convertible_constraint(context const & c, expr const & from, expr const & to, trace const & t);
friend unification_constraint mk_max_constraint(context const & c, expr const & lhs1, expr const & lhs2, expr const & rhs, trace const & t);
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
add_library(elaborator elaborator.cpp)
add_library(elaborator elaborator.cpp elaborator_trace.cpp)
target_link_libraries(elaborator ${LEAN_LIBS})
@ -4,55 +4,407 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "util/pdeque.h"
#include "kernel/formatter.h"
#include "library/light_checker.h"
#include "library/elaborator/elaborator.h"
#include "library/elaborator/elaborator_trace.h"
namespace lean {
static name g_x_name("x");
class elaborator::imp {
typedef pdeque<unification_constraint> cnstr_queue;
struct state {
unsigned m_id;
metavar_env m_menv;
cnstr_queue m_queue;
state(metavar_env const & menv, unsigned num_cnstrs, unification_constraint const * cnstrs):
m_menv(menv) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_cnstrs; i++)
state(metavar_env const & menv, cnstr_queue const & q):
m_queue(q) {
environment const & m_env;
std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> m_synthesizer;
std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> m_plugin;
bool m_interrupted;
imp(environment const & env, metavar_env const &, unsigned num_cnstrs, unification_constraint const * cnstrs,
std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> const & s, std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> const & p):
m_plugin(p) {
m_interrupted = false;
\brief Base class for case splits performed by the elaborator.
struct case_split {
trace m_curr_assumption; // trace object used to justify current split
state m_prev_state;
std::vector<trace> m_failed_traces; // traces/justifications for failed branches
formatter fmt = mk_simple_formatter();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_cnstrs; i++) {
std::cout << cnstrs[i].pp(fmt, options(), nullptr, true) << "\n";
case_split(state const & prev_state):m_prev_state(prev_state) {}
virtual ~case_split() {}
virtual bool next(imp & owner) = 0;
\brief Case-split object for choice constraints.
struct choice_case_split : public case_split {
unsigned m_idx;
unification_constraint m_choice;
choice_case_split(unification_constraint const & c, state const & prev_state):
m_choice(c) {
virtual ~choice_case_split() {}
virtual bool next(imp & owner) {
return owner.next_choice_case(*this);
\brief Case split object for higher-order matching
struct ho_match_case_split : public case_split {
unification_constraint m_constraint;
unsigned m_idx; // current alternative
std::vector<state> m_states; // set of alternatives
ho_match_case_split(unification_constraint const & cnstr, unsigned num_states, state const * states, state const & prev_state):
m_states(states, states + num_states) {
virtual ~ho_match_case_split() {}
virtual bool next(imp & owner) {
return owner.next_ho_case(*this);
struct synthesizer_case_split : public case_split {
expr m_metavar;
std::unique_ptr<synthesizer::result> m_alternatives;
synthesizer_case_split(expr const & m, std::unique_ptr<synthesizer::result> & r, state const & prev_state):
m_alternatives(std::move(r)) {
virtual ~synthesizer_case_split() {}
struct plugin_case_split : public case_split {
unification_constraint m_constraint;
std::unique_ptr<elaborator_plugin::result> m_alternatives;
plugin_case_split(unification_constraint const & cnstr, std::unique_ptr<elaborator_plugin::result> & r, state const & prev_state):
m_alternatives(std::move(r)) {
virtual ~plugin_case_split() {}
virtual bool next(imp & owner) {
return owner.next_plugin_case(*this);
environment const & m_env;
light_checker m_type_infer;
state m_state;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<case_split>> m_case_splits;
std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> m_synthesizer;
std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> m_plugin;
unsigned m_next_id;
unsigned m_delayed;
trace m_conflict;
bool m_interrupted;
// options
bool m_use_traces;
bool m_use_beta;
bool m_use_normalizer;
void set_options(options const &) {
m_use_traces = true;
m_use_beta = true;
m_use_normalizer = true;
void reset_delayed() {
m_delayed = 0;
trace mk_assumption() {
unsigned id = m_next_id;
return trace(new assumption_trace(id));
bool process(unification_constraint const & c) {
switch (c.kind()) {
case unification_constraint_kind::Eq: return process_eq(c);
case unification_constraint_kind::Convertible: return process_convertible(c);
case unification_constraint_kind::Max: return process_max(c);
case unification_constraint_kind::Choice: return process_choice(c);
return true;
bool process_eq(unification_constraint const & c) {
return process_eq_convertible(get_context(c), eq_lhs(c), eq_rhs(c), c);
bool process_convertible(unification_constraint const & c) {
return process_eq_convertible(get_context(c), convertible_from(c), convertible_to(c), c);
bool process_eq_convertible(context const & ctx, expr const & from, expr const & to, unification_constraint const & c) {
bool eq = is_eq(c);
if (from == to) {
return true;
// TODO(Leo)
if (is_type(from) && is_type(to)) {
if ((!eq && m_env.is_ge(ty_level(to), ty_level(from))) || (eq && from == to)) {
return true;
} else {
m_conflict = trace(new unification_failure_trace(c));
return false;
if (is_pi(from) && is_pi(to)) {
trace new_trace(new destruct_trace(c));
m_state.m_queue.push_front(mk_eq_constraint(ctx, abst_domain(from), abst_domain(to), new_trace));
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, abst_name(from), abst_domain(from));
if (eq)
m_state.m_queue.push_front(mk_eq_constraint(new_ctx, abst_body(from), abst_body(to), new_trace));
m_state.m_queue.push_front(mk_convertible_constraint(new_ctx, abst_body(from), abst_body(to), new_trace));
return true;
return true;
bool process_max(unification_constraint const &) {
// TODO(Leo)
return true;
bool process_choice(unification_constraint const &) {
// TODO(Leo)
return true;
void resolve_conflict() {
while (!m_case_splits.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<case_split> & d = m_case_splits.back();
if (depends_on(m_conflict, d->m_curr_assumption)) {
if (d->next(*this)) {
m_conflict = trace();
throw elaborator_exception(m_conflict);
\brief Return a unassigned metavariable in the current state.
Return the anonymous name if the state does not contain unassigned metavariables.
name find_unassigned_metavar() const {
return m_state.m_menv.find_unassigned_metavar();
/** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form <tt>(?m ...)</tt> */
bool is_meta_app(expr const & a) {
return is_app(a) && is_metavar(arg(a, 0));
/** \brief Return true iff \c a is a metavariable and has a meta context. */
bool is_metavar_with_context(expr const & a) {
return is_metavar(a) && has_local_context(a);
/** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form <tt>(?m[...] ...)</tt> */
bool is_meta_app_with_context(expr const & a) {
return is_meta_app(a) && has_local_context(arg(a, 0));
expr mk_lambda(name const & n, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
return ::lean::mk_lambda(n, d, b);
\brief Create the term (fun (x_0 : types[0]) ... (x_{n-1} : types[n-1]) body)
expr mk_lambda(buffer<expr> const & types, expr const & body) {
expr r = body;
unsigned i = types.size();
while (i > 0) {
r = mk_lambda(name(g_x_name, i), types[i], r);
return r;
bool next_choice_case(choice_case_split & s) {
unification_constraint & choice = s.m_choice;
unsigned idx = s.m_idx;
if (idx < choice_size(choice)) {
s.m_curr_assumption = mk_assumption();
m_state = s.m_prev_state;
m_state.m_queue.push_front(mk_eq_constraint(get_context(choice), choice_mvar(choice), choice_ith(choice, idx), s.m_curr_assumption));
return true;
} else {
m_conflict = trace(new unification_failure_by_cases_trace(choice, s.m_failed_traces.size(), s.m_failed_traces.data()));
return false;
bool next_ho_case(ho_match_case_split &) {
#if 0
unification_constraint & cnstr = s.m_constraint;
context const & ctx = get_context(cnstr);
expr const & a = eq_lhs(cnstr);
expr const & b = eq_rhs(cnstr);
lean_assert(!has_local_context(arg(a, 0)));
expr f_a = arg(a, 0);
unsigned num_a = num_args(a);
// unification_constraints_wrapper ucw;
buffer<expr> arg_types;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_a; i++) {
arg_types.push_back(m_type_infer(arg(a, i), ctx, &s, &ucw));
return true;
bool next_plugin_case(plugin_case_split & s) {
try {
s.m_curr_assumption = mk_assumption();
std::pair<metavar_env, list<unification_constraint>> r = s.m_alternatives->next(s.m_curr_assumption);
m_state.m_queue = s.m_prev_state.m_queue;
m_state.m_menv = r.first;
for (auto c : r.second) {
return true;
} catch (exception & ex) {
m_conflict = trace(new unification_failure_by_cases_trace(s.m_constraint, s.m_failed_traces.size(), s.m_failed_traces.data()));
return false;
imp(environment const & env, metavar_env const & menv, unsigned num_cnstrs, unification_constraint const * cnstrs,
options const & opts, std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> const & s, std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> const & p):
m_state(menv, num_cnstrs, cnstrs),
m_plugin(p) {
m_next_id = 0;
m_delayed = 0;
m_interrupted = false;
substitution next() {
// TODO(Leo)
return substitution();
if (m_conflict)
throw elaborator_exception(m_conflict);
if (!m_case_splits.empty()) {
buffer<trace> assumptions;
for (std::unique_ptr<case_split> const & cs : m_case_splits)
m_conflict = trace(new next_solution_trace(assumptions.size(), assumptions.data()));
while (true) {
cnstr_queue & q = m_state.m_queue;
if (q.empty()) {
name m = find_unassigned_metavar();
if (m) {
// TODO(Leo)
// erase the following line, and implement interface with synthesizer
return m_state.m_menv.get_substitutions();
} else {
return m_state.m_menv.get_substitutions();
} else {
unification_constraint c = q.front();
if (!process(c)) {
void interrupt() {
m_interrupted = true;
void display(std::ostream & out) const {
m_state.m_menv.get_substitutions().for_each([&](name const & m, expr const & e) {
out << m << " <- " << e << "\n";
formatter fmt = mk_simple_formatter();
for (auto c : m_state.m_queue) {
out << c.pp(fmt, options(), nullptr, false) << "\n";
elaborator::elaborator(environment const & env,
metavar_env const & menv,
unsigned num_cnstrs,
unification_constraint const * cnstrs,
options const & opts,
std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> const & s,
std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> const & p):
m_ptr(new imp(env, menv, num_cnstrs, cnstrs, s, p)) {
m_ptr(new imp(env, menv, num_cnstrs, cnstrs, opts, s, p)) {
elaborator::elaborator(environment const & env,
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include "util/sexpr/options.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
@ -41,21 +42,23 @@ public:
metavar_env const & menv,
unsigned num_cnstrs,
unification_constraint const * cnstrs,
options const & opts = options(),
std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> const & s = std::shared_ptr<synthesizer>(),
std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> const & p = std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin>());
elaborator(environment const & env,
metavar_env const & menv,
std::initializer_list<unification_constraint> const & cnstrs,
options const & opts = options(),
std::shared_ptr<synthesizer> const & s = std::shared_ptr<synthesizer>(),
std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin> const & p = std::shared_ptr<elaborator_plugin>()):
elaborator(env, menv, cnstrs.size(), cnstrs.begin(), s, p) {}
elaborator(env, menv, cnstrs.size(), cnstrs.begin(), opts, s, p) {}
elaborator(environment const & env,
metavar_env const & menv,
context const & ctx, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs);
substitution next();
void interrupt();
@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ public:
virtual char const * what() const noexcept { return "elaborator exception"; }
trace const & get_trace() const { return m_trace; }
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "util/list.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/context.h"
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class elaborator_plugin {
virtual ~elaborator_plugin() {}
/** \brief The plugin produces a "result" object that can generates the sequence of possible solutions. */
/** \brief The plugin produces a "result" object that can generates the sequence of possible solutions. */
class result {
virtual ~result() {}
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ public:
Each result is represented by a pair: the new metavariable
environment and a new list of constraints to be solved.
virtual std::pair<metavar_env, list<unification_constraint>> next() = 0;
virtual std::pair<metavar_env, list<unification_constraint>> next(trace const & assumption) = 0;
/** \brief Interrupt the computation for the next solution. */
virtual void interrupt() = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/elaborator/elaborator_trace.h"
namespace lean {
static void push_back(buffer<trace_cell*> & r, trace const & t) {
if (t)
template<typename T>
static void append(buffer<trace_cell*> & r, T const & s) {
for (auto t : s)
push_back(r, t);
// -------------------------
// Assumptions
// -------------------------
assumption_trace::assumption_trace(unsigned idx):m_idx(idx) {
void assumption_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> &) const {
expr const & assumption_trace::get_main_expr() const {
return expr::null();
format assumption_trace::pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const {
return format{format("assumption"), space(), format(m_idx)};
// -------------------------
// Propagation trace
// -------------------------
propagation_trace::propagation_trace(unification_constraint const & c):
m_constraint(c) {
propagation_trace::~propagation_trace() {
void propagation_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
push_back(r, m_constraint.get_trace());
expr const & propagation_trace::get_main_expr() const {
return expr::null();
format propagation_trace::pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const {
format r;
unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
r += format(get_prop_name());
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), get_constraint().pp(fmt, opts, nullptr, false)));
return r;
// -------------------------
// Unification failure (by cases)
// -------------------------
unification_failure_by_cases_trace::unification_failure_by_cases_trace(unification_constraint const & c, unsigned num, trace const * cs):
m_cases(cs, cs + num) {
unification_failure_by_cases_trace::~unification_failure_by_cases_trace() {
void unification_failure_by_cases_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
push_back(r, get_constraint().get_trace());
append(r, m_cases);
// -------------------------
// Substitution trace
// -------------------------
substitution_trace::substitution_trace(unification_constraint const & c, trace const & t):
m_assignment_trace(t) {
substitution_trace::~substitution_trace() {
void substitution_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
push_back(r, m_assignment_trace);
multi_substitution_trace::multi_substitution_trace(unification_constraint const & c, unsigned num, trace const * ts):
m_assignment_traces(ts, ts + num) {
multi_substitution_trace::~multi_substitution_trace() {
void multi_substitution_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
append(r, m_assignment_traces);
// -------------------------
// Synthesis trace objects
// -------------------------
synthesis_trace::synthesis_trace(context const & ctx, expr const & mvar, expr const & type, unsigned num, trace const * substs):
m_substitution_traces(substs, substs + num) {
synthesis_trace::~synthesis_trace() {
format synthesis_trace::pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const {
format r;
r += format(get_label());
r += space();
r += fmt(m_context, m_mvar, false, opts);
unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), fmt(m_context, m_type, true, opts)));
return r;
void synthesis_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
append(r, m_substitution_traces);
expr const & synthesis_trace::get_main_expr() const {
return m_mvar;
char const * synthesis_failure_trace::get_label() const {
return "Failed to synthesize expression of type for";
synthesis_failure_trace::synthesis_failure_trace(context const & ctx, expr const & mvar, expr const & type, trace const & tr, unsigned num, trace const * substs):
synthesis_trace(ctx, mvar, type, num, substs),
m_trace(tr) {
synthesis_failure_trace::~synthesis_failure_trace() {
void synthesis_failure_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
push_back(r, m_trace);
char const * synthesized_assignment_trace::get_label() const {
return "Synthesized assignment for";
// -------------------------
// Next solution trace
// -------------------------
next_solution_trace::next_solution_trace(unsigned num, trace const * as):
m_assumptions(as, as + num) {
next_solution_trace::~next_solution_trace() {
format next_solution_trace::pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const {
return format("next solution");
void next_solution_trace::get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const {
append(r, m_assumptions);
expr const & next_solution_trace::get_main_expr() const {
return expr::null();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <vector>
#include "kernel/trace.h"
#include "kernel/unification_constraint.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Base class for trace objects used to justify case-splits.
class assumption_trace : public trace_cell {
unsigned m_idx;
assumption_trace(unsigned idx);
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> &) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const;
\brief Base class for justifying propagations and failures
class propagation_trace : public trace_cell {
unification_constraint m_constraint;
/** \brief Auxiliary method used by pp_header to label a propagation step, subclasses must redefine it. */
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const = 0;
propagation_trace(unification_constraint const & c);
virtual ~propagation_trace();
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const;
unification_constraint const & get_constraint() const { return m_constraint; }
\brief Trace object used to mark that a particular unification constraint could not be solved.
class unification_failure_trace : public propagation_trace {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Failed to solve"; }
unification_failure_trace(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_trace(c) {}
\brief Trace object created for justifying that a constraint that
generated a case-split does not have a solution. Each case-split
corresponds to a different way of solving the constraint.
class unification_failure_by_cases_trace : public unification_failure_trace {
std::vector<trace> m_cases; // why each case failed
unification_failure_by_cases_trace(unification_constraint const & c, unsigned num, trace const * cs);
virtual ~unification_failure_by_cases_trace();
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
\brief Trace object used to justify a metavar assignment.
class assignment_trace : public propagation_trace {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Assignment"; }
assignment_trace(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_trace(c) {}
\brief Trace object used to justify simple structural steps when processing unification
constraints. For example, given the constraint
<tt>ctx |- (f a) == (f b)</tt>
where \c f is a variable, we must have
<tt>ctx |- a == b</tt>
The justification for the latter is a destruct trace based on the former.
class destruct_trace : public propagation_trace {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Destruct/Decompose"; }
destruct_trace(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_trace(c) {}
\brief Trace object used to justify a normalization step such as.
<tt>ctx |- (fun x : T, x) a == b</tt>
<tt>ctx |- a == b</tt>
class normalize_trace : public propagation_trace {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Normalize"; }
normalize_trace(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_trace(c) {}
\brief Trace object used to justify a new constraint obtained by substitution.
class substitution_trace : public propagation_trace {
trace m_assignment_trace;
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Substitution"; }
substitution_trace(unification_constraint const & c, trace const & t);
virtual ~substitution_trace();
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
\brief Trace object used to justify a new constraint obtained by multiple substitution.
class multi_substitution_trace : public propagation_trace {
std::vector<trace> m_assignment_traces;
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Substitution"; }
multi_substitution_trace(unification_constraint const & c, unsigned num, trace const * ts);
virtual ~multi_substitution_trace();
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
\brief Base class for synthesis_failure_trace and synthesized_assignment_trace
class synthesis_trace : public trace_cell {
context m_context;
expr m_mvar;
expr m_type;
std::vector<trace> m_substitution_traces; // trace objects justifying the assignments used to instantiate \c m_type and \c m_context.
virtual char const * get_label() const = 0;
synthesis_trace(context const & ctx, expr const & mvar, expr const & type, unsigned num, trace const * substs);
virtual ~synthesis_trace();
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
\brief Trace object for justifying why a synthesis step failed.
A synthesis step is of the form
<tt>ctx |- ?mvar : type</tt>
Before invoking the synthesizer, the elaborator substitutes the
metavariables in \c ctx and \c type with their corresponding assignments.
class synthesis_failure_trace : public synthesis_trace {
trace m_trace; // trace object produced by the synthesizer
virtual char const * get_label() const;
synthesis_failure_trace(context const & ctx, expr const & mvar, expr const & type, trace const & tr, unsigned num, trace const * substs);
virtual ~synthesis_failure_trace();
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
\brief Trace object used to justify a metavar assignment produced by a synthesizer.
class synthesized_assignment_trace : public synthesis_trace {
virtual char const * get_label() const;
synthesized_assignment_trace(context const & ctx, expr const & mvar, expr const & type, unsigned num, trace const * substs):
synthesis_trace(ctx, mvar, type, num, substs) {
\brief Trace object used to justify that we are moving to the next solution.
class next_solution_trace : public trace_cell {
std::vector<trace> m_assumptions; // Set of assumptions used to derive last solution
next_solution_trace(unsigned num, trace const * as);
virtual ~next_solution_trace();
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<trace_cell*> & r) const;
virtual expr const & get_main_expr() const;
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ public:
bool is_anonymous() const { return kind() == name_kind::ANONYMOUS; }
bool is_string() const { return kind() == name_kind::STRING; }
bool is_numeral() const { return kind() == name_kind::NUMERAL; }
operator bool() const { return !is_anonymous(); }
unsigned get_numeral() const;
\brief If the tail of the given hierarchical name is a string, then it returns this string.
@ -93,6 +94,10 @@ public:
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, name const & n);
/** \brief Concatenate the two given names. */
friend name operator+(name const & n1, name const & n2);
friend void swap(name & a, name & b) {
std::swap(a.m_ptr, b.m_ptr);
struct name_hash { unsigned operator()(name const & n) const { return n.hash(); } };
struct name_eq { bool operator()(name const & n1, name const & n2) const { return n1 == n2; } };
@ -23,5 +23,10 @@ public:
/** \brief Return a unique name modulo \c prefix. */
name next() { name r(m_prefix, m_next_idx); m_next_idx++; return r; }
friend void swap(name_generator & a, name_generator & b) {
swap(a.m_prefix, b.m_prefix);
std::swap(a.m_next_idx, b.m_next_idx);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public:
"The return type of CMP()(k1, k2) is not int.");
void swap(splay_map & m) { m_map.swap(m.m_map); }
friend void swap(splay_map & a, splay_map & b) { swap(a.m_map, b.m_map); }
bool empty() const { return m_map.empty(); }
void clear() { m_map.clear(); }
bool is_eqp(splay_map const & m) const { return m_map.is_eqp(m); }
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ public:
/** \brief O(1) move */
splay_tree & operator=(splay_tree && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(splay_tree, s); }
void swap(splay_tree & t) { std::swap(m_ptr, t.m_ptr); }
friend void swap(splay_tree & t1, splay_tree & t2) { std::swap(t1.m_ptr, t2.m_ptr); }
/** \brief Return true iff this splay tree is empty. */
bool empty() const { return m_ptr == nullptr; }
@ -394,16 +394,16 @@ public:
splay_tree left(*this, m_ptr->m_left);
splay_tree right(*this, m_ptr->m_right);
if (left.empty()) {
swap(*this, right);
} else if (right.empty()) {
swap(*this, left);
} else {
lean_assert(left.m_ptr->m_right == nullptr);
left.m_ptr->m_right = right.m_ptr;
swap(*this, left);
Add table
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