chore(library/tactic): remove dead code
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 377 deletions
@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <utility>
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "kernel/kernel.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/occurs.h"
#include "library/io_state_stream.h"
#include "library/tactic/goal.h"
#include "library/tactic/proof_builder.h"
#include "library/tactic/proof_state.h"
#include "library/tactic/tactic.h"
namespace lean {
tactic conj_tactic(bool all) {
return mk_tactic01([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
bool found = false;
buffer<std::pair<name, goal>> new_goals_buf;
list<std::pair<name, expr>> proof_info;
for (auto const & p : s.get_goals()) {
goal const & g = p.second;
expr const & c = g.get_conclusion();
if ((all || !found) && is_and(c)) {
expr c1 = arg(c, 1);
expr c2 = arg(c, 2);
found = true;
name const & n = p.first;
proof_info.emplace_front(n, c);
new_goals_buf.emplace_back(name(n, 1), update(g, c1));
new_goals_buf.emplace_back(name(n, 2), update(g, c2));
} else {
if (found) {
proof_builder pr_builder = s.get_proof_builder();
proof_builder new_pr_builder = mk_proof_builder([=](proof_map const & m, assignment const & a) -> expr {
proof_map new_m(m);
for (auto nc : proof_info) {
name const & n = nc.first;
expr const & c = nc.second;
new_m.insert(n, mk_and_intro_th(arg(c, 1), arg(c, 2), find(m, name(n, 1)), find(m, name(n, 2))));
new_m.erase(name(n, 1));
new_m.erase(name(n, 2));
return pr_builder(new_m, a);
goals new_goals = to_list(new_goals_buf.begin(), new_goals_buf.end());
return some_proof_state(s, new_goals, new_pr_builder);
} else {
return none_proof_state();
tactic conj_hyp_tactic(bool all) {
return mk_tactic01([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
bool found = false;
list<std::pair<name, hypotheses>> proof_info; // goal name -> expanded hypotheses
goals new_goals = map_goals(s, [&](name const & ng, goal const & g) -> optional<goal> {
if (all || !found) {
buffer<hypothesis> new_hyp_buf;
hypotheses proof_info_data;
for (auto const & p : g.get_hypotheses()) {
name const & H_name = p.first;
expr const & H_prop = p.second;
if ((all || !found) && is_and(H_prop)) {
expr H1 = arg(H_prop, 1);
expr H2 = arg(H_prop, 2);
found = true;
proof_info_data = add_hypothesis(p, proof_info_data);
new_hyp_buf.emplace_back(name(H_name, 1), H1);
new_hyp_buf.emplace_back(name(H_name, 2), H2);
} else {
if (proof_info_data) {
proof_info.emplace_front(ng, proof_info_data);
return some(update(g, new_hyp_buf));
} else {
return some(g);
} else {
return some(g);
if (found) {
proof_builder pr_builder = s.get_proof_builder();
proof_builder new_pr_builder = mk_proof_builder([=](proof_map const & m, assignment const & a) -> expr {
proof_map new_m(m);
for (auto const & info : proof_info) {
name const & goal_name = info.first;
auto const & expanded_hyps = info.second;
expr pr = find(m, goal_name); // proof for the new conclusion
for (auto const & H_name_prop : expanded_hyps) {
name const & H_name = H_name_prop.first;
expr const & H_prop = H_name_prop.second;
expr const & H_1 = mk_constant(name(H_name, 1));
expr const & H_2 = mk_constant(name(H_name, 2));
if (occurs(H_1, pr))
pr = Let_simp(H_1, mk_and_eliml_th(arg(H_prop, 1), arg(H_prop, 2), mk_constant(H_name)), pr);
if (occurs(H_2, pr))
pr = Let_simp(H_2, mk_and_elimr_th(arg(H_prop, 1), arg(H_prop, 2), mk_constant(H_name)), pr);
new_m.insert(goal_name, pr);
return pr_builder(new_m, a);
return some_proof_state(s, new_goals, new_pr_builder);
} else {
return none_proof_state();
optional<proof_state> disj_hyp_tactic_core(name const & goal_name, name const & hyp_name, proof_state const & s) {
buffer<std::pair<name, goal>> new_goals_buf;
optional<expr> H;
expr conclusion;
for (auto const & p1 : s.get_goals()) {
if (p1.first == goal_name) {
goal const & g = p1.second;
buffer<hypothesis> new_hyp_buf1;
buffer<hypothesis> new_hyp_buf2;
conclusion = g.get_conclusion();
for (auto const & p2 : g.get_hypotheses()) {
if (p2.first == hyp_name) {
H = p2.second;
if (!is_or(*H))
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
new_hyp_buf1.emplace_back(p2.first, arg(*H, 1));
new_hyp_buf2.emplace_back(p2.first, arg(*H, 2));
} else {
if (!H)
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
new_goals_buf.emplace_back(name(goal_name, 1), update(g, new_hyp_buf1));
new_goals_buf.emplace_back(name(goal_name, 2), update(g, new_hyp_buf2));
} else {
if (!H)
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
goals new_gs = to_list(new_goals_buf.begin(), new_goals_buf.end());
proof_builder pb = s.get_proof_builder();
expr Href = *H;
proof_builder new_pb = mk_proof_builder([=](proof_map const & m, assignment const & a) -> expr {
proof_map new_m(m);
expr pr1 = find(m, name(goal_name, 1));
expr pr2 = find(m, name(goal_name, 2));
pr1 = Fun(hyp_name, arg(Href, 1), pr1);
pr2 = Fun(hyp_name, arg(Href, 2), pr2);
new_m.insert(goal_name, mk_or_elim_th(arg(Href, 1), arg(Href, 2), conclusion, mk_constant(hyp_name), pr1, pr2));
new_m.erase(name(goal_name, 1));
new_m.erase(name(goal_name, 2));
return pb(new_m, a);
return some_proof_state(s, new_gs, new_pb);
tactic disj_hyp_tactic(name const & goal_name, name const & hyp_name) {
return mk_tactic01([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
return disj_hyp_tactic_core(goal_name, hyp_name, s);
tactic disj_hyp_tactic(name const & hyp_name) {
return mk_tactic01([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
for (auto const & p1 : s.get_goals()) {
goal const & g = p1.second;
for (auto const & p2 : g.get_hypotheses()) {
if (p2.first == hyp_name)
return disj_hyp_tactic_core(p1.first, hyp_name, s);
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
tactic disj_hyp_tactic() {
return mk_tactic01([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
for (auto const & p1 : s.get_goals()) {
goal const & g = p1.second;
for (auto const & p2 : g.get_hypotheses()) {
if (is_or(p2.second))
return disj_hyp_tactic_core(p1.first, p2.first, s);
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
typedef std::pair<proof_state, proof_state> proof_state_pair;
optional<proof_state_pair> disj_tactic(proof_state const & s, name gname) {
precision prec = s.get_precision();
if (prec != precision::Precise && prec != precision::Over) {
// it is pointless to apply this tactic, since it will produce UnderOver
buffer<std::pair<name, goal>> new_goals_buf1, new_goals_buf2;
optional<expr> conclusion;
for (auto const & p : s.get_goals()) {
goal const & g = p.second;
expr const & c = g.get_conclusion();
if (!conclusion && ((gname.is_anonymous() && is_or(c)) || p.first == gname)) {
gname = p.first;
conclusion = c;
if (is_or(c)) {
expr c1 = arg(c, 1);
expr c2 = arg(c, 2);
new_goals_buf1.emplace_back(gname, update(g, c1));
new_goals_buf2.emplace_back(gname, update(g, c2));
} else {
return optional<proof_state_pair>(); // failed
} else {
if (!conclusion) {
return optional<proof_state_pair>(); // failed
} else {
goals new_gs1 = to_list(new_goals_buf1.begin(), new_goals_buf1.end());
goals new_gs2 = to_list(new_goals_buf2.begin(), new_goals_buf2.end());
proof_builder pb = s.get_proof_builder();
proof_builder new_pb1 = mk_proof_builder([=](proof_map const & m, assignment const & a) -> expr {
proof_map new_m(m);
new_m.insert(gname, mk_or_introl_th(arg(*conclusion, 1), find(m, gname), arg(*conclusion, 2)));
return pb(new_m, a);
proof_builder new_pb2 = mk_proof_builder([=](proof_map const & m, assignment const & a) -> expr {
proof_map new_m(m);
new_m.insert(gname, mk_or_intror_th(arg(*conclusion, 2), arg(*conclusion, 1), find(m, gname)));
return pb(new_m, a);
proof_state s1(precision::Over, new_gs1, s.get_menv(), new_pb1, s.get_cex_builder());
proof_state s2(precision::Over, new_gs2, s.get_menv(), new_pb2, s.get_cex_builder());
return some(mk_pair(s1, s2));
proof_state_seq disj_tactic_core(proof_state const & s, name const & gname) {
return mk_proof_state_seq([=]() {
auto p = disj_tactic(s, gname);
if (p) {
return some(mk_pair(p->first, proof_state_seq(p->second)));
} else {
return proof_state_seq::maybe_pair();
tactic disj_tactic(name const & gname) {
return mk_tactic([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq {
return disj_tactic_core(s, gname);
tactic disj_tactic() {
return disj_tactic(name());
tactic disj_tactic(unsigned i) {
return mk_tactic([=](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq {
if (optional<name> n = s.get_ith_goal_name(i))
return disj_tactic_core(s, *n);
return proof_state_seq();
tactic absurd_tactic() {
return mk_tactic01([](ro_environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
list<std::pair<name, expr>> proofs;
goals new_gs = map_goals(s, [&](name const & gname, goal const & g) -> optional<goal> {
expr const & c = g.get_conclusion();
for (auto const & p1 : g.get_hypotheses()) {
if (is_not(p1.second)) {
expr a = arg(p1.second, 1);
for (auto const & p2 : g.get_hypotheses()) {
if (p2.second == a) {
expr pr = mk_absurd_elim_th(a, c, mk_constant(p2.first), mk_constant(p1.first));
proofs.emplace_front(gname, pr);
return optional<goal>(); // remove goal
return some(g); // keep goal
if (empty(proofs))
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
proof_builder new_pb = add_proofs(s.get_proof_builder(), proofs);
return some(proof_state(s, new_gs, new_pb));
static int mk_conj_tactic(lua_State * L) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
return push_tactic(L, conj_tactic(nargs == 0 ? true : lua_toboolean(L, 1)));
static int mk_conj_hyp_tactic(lua_State * L) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
return push_tactic(L, conj_hyp_tactic(nargs == 0 ? true : lua_toboolean(L, 1)));
static int mk_disj_hyp_tactic(lua_State * L) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
if (nargs == 0)
return push_tactic(L, disj_hyp_tactic());
else if (nargs == 1)
return push_tactic(L, disj_hyp_tactic(to_name_ext(L, 1)));
return push_tactic(L, disj_hyp_tactic(to_name_ext(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2)));
static int mk_disj_tactic(lua_State * L) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
if (nargs == 0)
return push_tactic(L, disj_tactic());
else if (lua_isnumber(L, 1))
return push_tactic(L, disj_tactic(lua_tointeger(L, 1)));
return push_tactic(L, disj_tactic(to_name_ext(L, 1)));
static int mk_absurd_tactic(lua_State * L) {
return push_tactic(L, absurd_tactic());
void open_boolean_tactics(lua_State * L) {
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_conj_tactic, "conj_tac");
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_conj_hyp_tactic, "conj_hyp_tac");
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_disj_hyp_tactic, "disj_hyp_tac");
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_disj_tactic, "disj_tac");
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_absurd_tactic, "absurd_tac");
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include "library/tactic/tactic.h"
namespace lean {
tactic conj_tactic(bool all = true);
tactic conj_hyp_tactic(bool all = true);
tactic imp_tactic(name const & H_name = name("H"), bool all = true);
tactic disj_hyp_tactic(name const & goal_name, name const & hyp_name);
tactic disj_hyp_tactic(name const & hyp_name);
tactic disj_hyp_tactic();
tactic disj_tactic();
tactic disj_tactic(unsigned i);
tactic disj_tactic(name const & gname);
tactic absurd_tactic();
void open_boolean_tactics(lua_State * L);
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