fix(tests): fix tests to reflect recent changes
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 36 additions and 36 deletions
@ -35,30 +35,30 @@ namespace colimit
/-protected-/ constant rec : Π [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(y : colimit D), P y
-- {P : my_colim f → Type} (Hinc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (inc f a))
-- (Heq : Π(n : ℕ) (a : A n), inc_eq f a ▹ Hinc (f a) = Hinc a) : Πaa, P aa
-- (Heq : Π(n : ℕ) (a : A n), inc_eq f a ▸ Hinc (f a) = Hinc a) : Πaa, P aa
-- init_hit
definition comp_incl [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
{i : Iob} (x : ob i) : rec Pincl Pglue (ι x) = Pincl x :=
sorry --idp
--set_option pp.notation false
definition comp_cglue [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
{j : Ihom} (x : ob (dom j)) : apd (rec Pincl Pglue) (cglue j x) = sorry ⬝ Pglue j x ⬝ sorry :=
--the sorry's in the statement can be removed when comp_incl is definitional
sorry --idp
protected definition rec_on [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type} (y : colimit D)
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x) : P y :=
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x) : P y :=
colimit.rec Pincl Pglue y
end colimit
@ -115,18 +115,18 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type.{u}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
protected theorem rec {P : pushout → Type} --make def
(Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x))
(Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x))
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▹ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x))
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▸ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x))
(y : pushout) : P y :=
fapply (@colimit.rec_on _ _ y),
{ intros [i, x], cases i,
exact (coherence x ▹ Pinl (f x)),
exact (coherence x ▸ Pinl (f x)),
apply Pinl,
apply Pinr},
{ intros [j, x], cases j,
exact idp,
esimp [pushout_ob.cases_on],
apply concat, rotate 1, apply (idpath (coherence x ▹ Pinl (f x))),
apply concat, rotate 1, apply (idpath (coherence x ▸ Pinl (f x))),
apply concat, apply (ap (transport _ _)), apply (idpath (Pinr (g x))),
apply eq_tr_of_inv_tr_eq,
rewrite -{(transport (λ (x : pushout), P x) (inverse (coherence x)) (transport P (@cglue _ tt x) (Pinr (g x))))}con_tr,
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ open eq sigma
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
{a a' a'' : A} {b b₁ b₂ : B a} {b' : B a'} {b'' : B a''} {u v w : Σa, B a}
definition path_sigma_dpair (p : a = a') (q : p ▹ b = b') : a b = a' b' :=
definition path_sigma_dpair (p : a = a') (q : p ▸ b = b') : a b = a' b' :=
eq.rec_on p (λb b' q, eq.rec_on q idp) b b' q
definition path_sigma (p : pr1 u = pr1 v) (q : p ▹ pr2 u = pr2 v) : u = v :=
definition path_sigma (p : pr1 u = pr1 v) (q : p ▸ pr2 u = pr2 v) : u = v :=
destruct u
(λu1 u2, destruct v (λ v1 v2, path_sigma_dpair))
p q
definition path_path_sigma_lemma' {p1 : a = a'} {p2 : p1 ▹ b = b'} {q2 : p1 ▹ b = b'}
(s : idp ▹ p2 = q2) : path_sigma p1 p2 = path_sigma p1 q2 :=
definition path_path_sigma_lemma' {p1 : a = a'} {p2 : p1 ▸ b = b'} {q2 : p1 ▸ b = b'}
(s : idp ▸ p2 = q2) : path_sigma p1 p2 = path_sigma p1 q2 :=
apply (eq.rec_on s),
apply idp,
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace pi
protected definition transport (p : a = a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b)
: (transport (λa, Π(b : B a), C a b) p f)
∼ (λb, transport (C a') !tr_inv_tr (transportD _ p _ (f (p⁻¹ ▹ b)))) :=
∼ (λb, transport (C a') !tr_inv_tr (transportD _ p _ (f (p⁻¹ ▸ b)))) :=
eq.rec_on p (λx, idp)
/- A special case of [transport_pi] where the type [B] does not depend on [A],
@ -77,23 +77,23 @@ namespace pi
(Π(b : B a), transportD B C p b (f b) = g (eq.transport B p b)) ≃
(eq.transport (λa, Π(b : B a), C a b) p f = g) -/
definition dpath_pi (H : funext) (p : a = a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b) (g : Π(b' : B a'), C a' b')
: (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (p ▹ f = g) :=
: (Π(b : B a), p ▸D (f b) = g (p ▸ b)) ≃ (p ▸ f = g) :=
eq.rec_on p (λg, homotopy_equiv_path H f g) g
section open sigma sigma.ops
/- more implicit arguments:
(Π(b : B a), eq.transport C (sigma.path p idp) (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃
(Π(b : B a), eq.transport C (sigma.path p idp) (f b) = g (p ▸ b)) ≃
(Π(b : B a), transportD B (λ(a : A) (b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) p b (f b) = g (eq.transport B p b)) -/
definition dpath_pi_sigma {C : (Σa, B a) → Type} (p : a = a')
(f : Π(b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) (g : Π(b' : B a'), C ⟨a', b'⟩) :
(Π(b : B a), (sigma.sigma_eq p idp) ▹ (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) :=
(Π(b : B a), (sigma.sigma_eq p idp) ▸ (f b) = g (p ▸ b)) ≃ (Π(b : B a), p ▸D (f b) = g (p ▸ b)) :=
eq.rec_on p (λg, !equiv.refl) g
variables (f0 : A' → A) (f1 : Π(a':A'), B (f0 a') → B' a')
definition transport_V [reducible] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P y) : P x :=
p⁻¹ ▹ u
p⁻¹ ▸ u
protected definition functor_pi : (Π(a:A), B a) → (Π(a':A'), B' a') := (λg a', f1 a' (g (f0 a')))
/- Equivalences -/
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ namespace pi
apply apd,
intro h, beta,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, esimp,
apply (transport_V (λx, right_inv f0 a ▹ x = h a) (left_inv (f1 _) _)),
apply (transport_V (λx, right_inv f0 a ▸ x = h a) (left_inv (f1 _) _)),
esimp [],
apply apd
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import algebra.category
open eq sigma unit category path_algebra
open eq sigma unit category algebra
parameters {P₀ : Type} [P : precategory P₀]
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import algebra.category
open eq sigma unit category path_algebra equiv
open eq sigma unit category algebra equiv
set_option pp.implicit true
set_option pp.universes true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
open eq path_algebra
open eq algebra
definition foo {A : Type} (a b c : A) (H₁ : a = c) (H₂ : c = b) : a = b :=
@ -35,30 +35,30 @@ namespace colimit
/-protected-/ constant rec : Π [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(y : colimit D), P y
-- {P : my_colim f → Type} (Hinc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (inc f a))
-- (Heq : Π(n : ℕ) (a : A n), inc_eq f a ▹ Hinc (f a) = Hinc a) : Πaa, P aa
-- (Heq : Π(n : ℕ) (a : A n), inc_eq f a ▸ Hinc (f a) = Hinc a) : Πaa, P aa
-- init_hit
definition comp_incl [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
{i : Iob} (x : ob i) : rec Pincl Pglue (ι x) = Pincl x :=
sorry --idp
--set_option pp.notation false
definition comp_cglue [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x)
{j : Ihom} (x : ob (dom j)) : apd (rec Pincl Pglue) (cglue j x) = sorry ⬝ Pglue j x ⬝ sorry :=
--the sorry's in the statement can be removed when comp_incl is definitional
sorry --idp
protected definition rec_on [D : diagram] {P : colimit D → Type} (y : colimit D)
(Pincl : Π⦃i : Iob⦄ (x : ob i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▹ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x) : P y :=
(Pglue : Π(j : Ihom) (x : ob (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (hom j x) = Pincl x) : P y :=
colimit.rec Pincl Pglue y
end colimit
@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type.{u}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
protected theorem rec {P : pushout → Type} --make def
(Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x))
(Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x))
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▹ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x))
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▸ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x))
(y : pushout) : P y :=
fapply (@colimit.rec_on _ _ y),
{ intros [i, x], cases i,
exact (coherence x ▹ Pinl (f x)),
exact (coherence x ▸ Pinl (f x)),
apply Pinl,
apply Pinr},
{ intros [j, x],
cases j,
exact idp,
change (transport P (@cglue _ tt x) (Pinr (g x)) = transport P (coherence x) (Pinl (f x))),
--(@cglue _ tt x ▹ (Pinr (g x)) = (coherence x ▹ Pinl (f x))),
apply concat;rotate 1;apply (idpath (coherence x ▹ Pinl (f x))),
--(@cglue _ tt x ▸ (Pinr (g x)) = (coherence x ▸ Pinl (f x))),
apply concat;rotate 1;apply (idpath (coherence x ▸ Pinl (f x))),
apply concat;apply (ap (transport _ _));apply (idpath (Pinr (g x))),
apply tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr,
-- rewrite -{(transport (λ (x : pushout), P x) (inverse (coherence x)) (transport P (@cglue _ tt x) (Pinr (g x))))}tr_con,
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import types.sigma
import algebra.binary
open eq eq.ops
namespace path_algebra
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ structure zero_ne_one_class [class] (A : Type) extends has_zero A, has_one A :=
structure semiring [class] (A : Type) extends add_comm_monoid A, monoid A,
distrib A, mul_zero_class A, zero_ne_one_class A
end path_algebra
end algebra
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ match n with
| zero := take v w He, rfl
| (succ m₁) :=
take (v : vector A zero) (w : vector A (succ m₁)),
empty.elim _ (ninh ( (head w)))
empty.elim (ninh ( (head w)))
| (succ n₁) :=
take (v : vector A (succ n₁)) (w : vector A m),
empty.elim _ (ninh ( (head v)))
empty.elim (ninh ( (head v)))
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
open path_algebra
open algebra
constant f {A : Type} : A → A → A
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ theorem test1 {A : Type} [s : add_comm_group A] (a b c : A) : f (a + 0) (f (a +
rewrite [
add_zero at {1, 3}, -- rewrite 1st and 3rd occurrences
{0 + _}add_comm] -- apply commutativity to (0 + _)
{0 + _}add.comm] -- apply commutativity to (0 + _)
axiom Ax {A : Type} [s₁ : has_mul A] [s₂ : has_one A] (a : A) : f (a * 1) (a * 1) = 1
Add table
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