fix(tests/lean): some of the simplifier tests
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 147 additions and 120 deletions
@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ namespace nat
protected theorem lt_irrefl (n : ℕ) : ¬n < n := not_succ_le_self
theorem lt_self_iff_false (n : ℕ) : n < n ↔ false :=
iff_false_intro (λ H, absurd H (nat.lt_irrefl n))
theorem self_lt_succ (n : ℕ) : n < succ n := !nat.le_refl
theorem self_lt_succ_iff_true [simp] (n : ℕ) : n < succ n ↔ true :=
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ constants (T : Type.{l}) (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 : T) (f : T → T → T)
constants (f_comm : ∀ x y, f x y = f y x)
(f_l : ∀ x y z, f (f x y) z = f x (f y z))
(f_r : ∀ x y z, f x (f y z) = f y (f x z))
namespace tst
attribute f_comm [simp]
attribute f_l [simp]
attribute f_r [simp]
#simplify eq 0 (f (f x2 x4) (f x5 (f x3 (f x1 x6))))
end tst
#simplify eq tst 0 (f (f x2 x4) (f x5 (f x3 (f x1 x6))))
open is_trunc
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ constants g : Π (x y : nat), x ≠ y → Type₁
constants a b c : nat
constants H₁ : a ≠ b
constants H₂ : a = c
attribute H₂ [simp]
namespace tst attribute H₂ [simp] end tst
definition ne_is_hprop [instance] (a b : nat) : is_hprop (a ≠ b) :=
#simplify eq 0 (g a b H₁)
-- TODO(Daniel): simplifier seems to have applied unnecessary step (see: (eq.nrec ... (eq.refl ..)))
#simplify eq tst 0 (g a b H₁)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ constant T : Type.{l}
constants (x y z : T) (f g h : T → T)
constants (Hfxgy : f x = g y) (Hgyhz : g y = h z)
attribute Hfxgy [simp]
#simplify eq 2 (f x)
attribute Hgyhz [simp]
#simplify eq 2 (f x)
namespace tst attribute Hfxgy [simp] end tst
#simplify eq tst 2 (f x)
namespace tst attribute Hgyhz [simp] end tst
#simplify eq tst 2 (f x)
@ -4,16 +4,15 @@ universe l
constants (T : Type.{l}) (x y z : T) (P : T → Prop) (Q : T → T → T → Prop) (R W V : T → T → Prop)
constants (px : P x) (wxz : W x z) (vzy : V z y)
constants (H : ∀ (x y z : T), P x → W x z → V z y → (Q z y x ↔ R x y))
attribute px [simp]
namespace tst
attribute px true_iff [simp]
attribute wxz [simp]
attribute vzy [simp]
attribute H [simp]
end tst
#simplify iff 0 P x
#simplify iff 0 W x z
#simplify iff 0 V z y
#simplify iff 0 Q z y x
#simplify iff 0 V z y ↔ Q z y x
#simplify iff tst 0 P x
#simplify iff tst 0 W x z
#simplify iff tst 0 V z y
#simplify iff tst 0 Q z y x
#simplify iff tst 0 V z y ↔ Q z y x
@ -5,29 +5,29 @@ namespace if_congr
constants {A : Type} {b c : Prop} (dec_b : decidable b) (dec_c : decidable c)
{x y u v : A} (h_c : b ↔ c) (h_t : x = u) (h_e : y = v)
local attribute dec_b [instance]
local attribute dec_c [instance]
local attribute h_c [simp]
local attribute h_t [simp]
local attribute h_e [simp]
attribute dec_b [instance]
attribute dec_c [instance]
attribute h_c [simp]
attribute h_t [simp]
attribute h_e [simp]
attribute if_congr [congr]
#simplify eq 0 (ite b x y)
#simplify eq if_congr 0 (ite b x y)
end if_congr
namespace if_ctx_simp_congr
constants {A : Type} {b c : Prop} (dec_b : decidable b)
{x y u v : A} (h_c : b ↔ c) (h_t : c → x = u) (h_e : ¬c → y = v)
local attribute dec_b [instance]
local attribute h_c [simp]
local attribute h_t [simp]
local attribute h_e [simp]
attribute dec_b [instance]
attribute h_c [simp]
attribute h_t [simp]
attribute h_e [simp]
attribute if_ctx_simp_congr [congr]
#simplify eq 0 (ite b x y)
-- TODO(Daniel): lean_unreachable
#simplify eq if_ctx_simp_congr 0 (ite b x y)
end if_ctx_simp_congr
@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ namespace if_congr_prop
constants {b c x y u v : Prop} (dec_b : decidable b) (dec_c : decidable c)
(h_c : b ↔ c) (h_t : c → (x ↔ u)) (h_e : ¬c → (y ↔ v))
local attribute dec_b [instance]
local attribute dec_c [instance]
local attribute h_c [simp]
local attribute h_t [simp]
local attribute h_e [simp]
attribute dec_b [instance]
attribute dec_c [instance]
attribute h_c [simp]
attribute h_t [simp]
attribute h_e [simp]
attribute if_congr_prop [congr]
#simplify iff 0 (ite b x y)
#simplify iff if_congr_prop 0 (ite b x y)
end if_congr_prop
namespace if_ctx_simp_congr_prop
constants (b c x y u v : Prop) (dec_b : decidable b)
(h_c : b ↔ c) (h_t : c → (x ↔ u)) (h_e : ¬ c → (y ↔ v))
local attribute dec_b [instance]
local attribute h_c [simp]
local attribute h_t [simp]
local attribute h_e [simp]
attribute dec_b [instance]
attribute h_c [simp]
attribute h_t [simp]
attribute h_e [simp]
attribute if_ctx_simp_congr_prop [congr]
#simplify iff 0 (ite b x y)
#simplify iff if_ctx_simp_congr_prop 0 (ite b x y)
end if_ctx_simp_congr_prop
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ namespace if_simp_congr_prop
constants (b c x y u v : Prop) (dec_b : decidable b)
(h_c : b ↔ c) (h_t : x ↔ u) (h_e : y ↔ v)
local attribute dec_b [instance]
local attribute h_c [simp]
local attribute h_t [simp]
local attribute h_e [simp]
attribute dec_b [instance]
attribute h_c [simp]
attribute h_t [simp]
attribute h_e [simp]
attribute if_simp_congr_prop [congr]
#simplify iff 0 (ite b x y)
#simplify iff if_simp_congr_prop 0 (ite b x y)
end if_simp_congr_prop
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ constants (T : Type.{l}) (s : algebra.comm_ring T)
constants (x1 x2 x3 x4 : T) (f g : T → T)
attribute s [instance]
#simplify eq 0 x2 + (1 * g x1 + 0 + (f x3 * 3 * 1 * (x2 + 0 + g x1 * 7) * x2 * 1)) + 5 * (x4 + f x1)
#simplify eq simplifier.som 0 x2 + (1 * g x1 + 0 + (f x3 * 3 * 1 * (x2 + 0 + g x1 * 7) * x2 * 1)) + 5 * (x4 + f x1)
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ constants (T : Type.{l}) (f : T → T → T) (g : T → T)
constants (P : T → Prop) (Q : Prop) (Hfg : ∀ (x : T), f x x = g x)
constants (c : Π (x y z : T), P x → P y → P z → Q)
constants (x y z : T) (px : P (f x x)) (py : P (f y y)) (pz : P (g z))
namespace tst
attribute Hfg [simp]
#simplify eq 0 c (f x x) (f y y) (g z) px py pz
end tst
-- TODO(Daniel): extra step? Similar to simplifier1.hlean
#simplify eq tst 0 c (f x x) (f y y) (g z) px py pz
@ -1 +1,18 @@
(refl): x1
x1 * 2
x1 * 3
x1 * 4
x1 * 4
x1 * 5
x1 * (1 + -1)
x1 * (1 + (1 + -1))
x1 * (1 + (1 + -2))
x1 * (1 + (1 + (-1 + -1)))
x1 * 5
x2 * (1 + -1) + x1 * (1 + -1)
x2 * (1 + (1 + -2)) + x1 * (1 + (1 + (1 + -3)))
x1 * 2 + x2 * (1 + -1)
x2 * 2 + (x1 * 3 + x2 * x1 * (1 + (1 + -32)))
x1 + (-0 + x3 * x2 * (3 + -2))
x1 * 2 + (x3 * x2 * 3 + (x3 * x1 * (1 + -3) + x2 * x1 * (1 + (1 + -2))))
x1 * 2 + x2 * (1 + -1)
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ constant T : Type.{l}
constants (x y z : T) (f g h : T → T)
constants (Hfxgy : f x = g y) (Hgyhz : g y = h z)
attribute Hfxgy [simp]
#simplify eq 0 (λ a b c : bool, f x) -- λ (a b c : bool), g y
attribute Hgyhz [simp]
#simplify eq 0 (λ a b c : bool, f x) -- λ (a b c : bool), h z
namespace tst attribute Hfxgy [simp] end tst
#simplify eq tst 0 (λ a b c : bool, f x) -- λ (a b c : bool), g y
namespace tst attribute Hgyhz [simp] end tst
#simplify eq tst 0 (λ a b c : bool, f x) -- λ (a b c : bool), h z
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ constant T : Type.{l}
constants (x y z : T → T) (f g h : (T → T) → (T → T)) (a b c : T)
constants (Hfxgy : f x = g y) (Hgyhz : g y = h z) (Hab : a = b) (Hbc : b = c)
namespace tst
attribute Hfxgy [simp]
attribute Hgyhz [simp]
attribute Hab [simp]
attribute Hbc [simp]
#simplify eq 2 (f x a)
end tst
#simplify eq tst 2 (f x a)
end test_congr
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ universes l1 l2
constants (T : Type.{l1}) (U : T → Type.{l2})
constants (f g : Π (x:T), U x) (x y : T)
constants (Hfg : f = g) (Hxy : x = y)
namespace tst
attribute Hfg [simp]
attribute Hxy [simp]
#simplify eq 2 (f x)
end tst
#simplify eq tst 2 (f x)
end test_congr_fun
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ constants (R : T → T → Prop)
constants (R_refl : ∀ x, R x x) (R_sym : ∀ x y, R x y → R y x) (R_trans : ∀ x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z)
constants (Hfxgy : R (f x) (g y)) (Hgyhz : R (g y) (h z))
attribute R_refl [refl]
attribute R_sym [symm]
#simplify R 2 (f x) -- f x
attribute R_trans [trans]
#simplify R 2 (f x) -- f x
attribute Hfxgy [simp]
#simplify R 2 (f x) -- f x
attribute Hgyhz [simp]
#simplify R 2 (f x) -- f x
namespace tst attribute R_refl [refl] end tst
namespace tst attribute R_sym [symm] end tst
#simplify R tst 2 (f x) -- f x
namespace tst attribute R_trans [trans] end tst
#simplify R tst 2 (f x) -- f x
namespace tst attribute Hfxgy [simp] end tst
#simplify R tst 2 (f x) -- f x
namespace tst attribute Hgyhz [simp] end tst
#simplify R tst 2 (f x) -- f x
@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
/- Basic rewriting with iff with congr_iff -/
import logic.connectives
open nat
#simplify iff 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 1) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 2) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 0 0) -- false
#simplify iff 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 0 (succ 0)) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 1 (succ 1)) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 0 (succ (succ 0))) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0 ↔ @le nat nat_has_le 0 0) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0 ↔ @le nat nat_has_le 0 1) -- true
#simplify iff 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0 ↔ @lt nat nat_has_lt 0 0) -- false
namespace tst
attribute iff_self true_iff_false self_lt_succ_iff_true zero_lt_succ_iff_true zero_le_iff_true succ_le_self_iff_false succ_le_self_iff_false lt_self_iff_false [simp]
end tst
#simplify iff tst 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 1) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 2) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 0 0) -- false
#simplify iff tst 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 0 (succ 0)) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 1 (succ 1)) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@lt nat nat_has_lt 0 (succ (succ 0))) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0 ↔ @le nat nat_has_le 0 0) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0 ↔ @le nat nat_has_le 0 1) -- true
#simplify iff tst 2 (@le nat nat_has_le 0 0 ↔ @lt nat nat_has_lt 0 0) -- false
@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
/- Basic pi congruence -/
import logic.connectives logic.quantifiers
attribute congr_forall [congr]
attribute congr_imp [congr]
namespace pi_congr1
constants (p1 q1 p2 q2 p3 q3 : Prop) (H1 : p1 ↔ q1) (H2 : p2 ↔ q2) (H3 : p3 ↔ q3)
local attribute H1 [simp]
local attribute H2 [simp]
local attribute H3 [simp]
namespace tst
attribute congr_forall [congr]
attribute congr_imp [congr]
attribute H1 [simp]
attribute H2 [simp]
attribute H3 [simp]
end tst
#simplify iff 1 p1
#simplify iff 1 p1 → p2
#simplify iff 1 p1 → p2 → p3
#simplify iff tst 1 p1 -- Broken?
#simplify iff tst 1 p1 → p2
#simplify iff tst 1 p1 → p2 → p3
end pi_congr1
namespace pi_congr2
universe l
constants (T : Type.{l}) (P Q : T → Prop) (H : ∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x)
local attribute H [simp]
namespace tst
attribute H [simp]
end tst
constant (x : T)
#simplify iff 1 (∀ (x : T), P x)
#simplify iff tst 1 (∀ (x : T), P x)
end pi_congr2
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ import logic.connectives
constants (P1 Q1 P2 Q2 P3 Q3 : Prop) (H1 : P1 ↔ Q1) (H2 : P2 ↔ Q2) (H3 : P3 ↔ Q3)
constants (f g : Prop → Prop → Prop)
constants (Hf : and = f) (Hg : f = g)
namespace tst
attribute H1 [simp]
attribute H2 [simp]
attribute H3 [simp]
attribute Hf [simp]
attribute Hg [simp]
end tst
#simplify iff 2 (and P1 (and P2 P3))
#simplify iff 2 (and P1 (iff P2 P3))
#simplify iff tst 2 (and P1 (and P2 P3))
#simplify iff tst 2 (and P1 (iff P2 P3))
@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ constants (f_comm : ∀ x y, f x y = f y x)
(f_l : ∀ x y z, f (f x y) z = f x (f y z))
(f_r : ∀ x y z, f x (f y z) = f y (f x z))
namespace tst
attribute f_comm [simp]
attribute f_l [simp]
attribute f_r [simp]
end tst
#simplify eq 0 (f (f x2 x4) (f x5 (f x3 (f x1 x6))))
#simplify eq tst 0 (f (f x2 x4) (f x5 (f x3 (f x1 x6))))
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-- Rewriting with (tmp)-local hypotheses
import logic.quantifiers
namespace tst
attribute congr_forall [congr]
attribute congr_imp [congr]
end tst
universe l
constants (T : Type.{l}) (P Q : T → Prop)
set_option simplify.max_steps 50000
constants (x y : T)
-- TODO(Daniel): the following is looping...
#simplify iff tst 0 x = y → x = y
#simplify iff tst 0 T → x = y → x = y
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ z : T, x = z → x = y
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ z : T, z = x → x = z
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (z w : T), x = y → x = y
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (z w : T), x = y → P x
#simplify iff 0 x = y → x = y
#simplify iff 0 T → x = y → x = y
#simplify iff 0 ∀ z : T, x = z → x = y
#simplify iff 0 ∀ z : T, z = x → x = z
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (z w : T), x = y → x = y
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (z w : T), x = y → P x
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (H : ∀ x, P x ↔ Q x), P x
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (p : Prop) (H : ∀ x, P x ↔ Q x) (q : Prop), P x
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (p : Prop) (H : ∀ x, P x ↔ Q x), p ∨ P x
#simplify iff 0 (∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x) → P x
#simplify iff 0 (∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x) → P x
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (x y : T), (∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x) → P x
#simplify iff 0 ∀ (x z : T), x = z → (∀ (w : T), P w ↔ Q w) → P x
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (H : ∀ x, P x ↔ Q x), P x
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (p : Prop) (H : ∀ x, P x ↔ Q x) (q : Prop), P x
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (p : Prop) (H : ∀ x, P x ↔ Q x), p ∨ P x
#simplify iff tst 0 (∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x) → P x
#simplify iff tst 0 (∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x) → P x
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (x y : T), (∀ (x : T), P x ↔ Q x) → P x
#simplify iff tst 0 ∀ (x z : T), x = z → (∀ (w : T), P w ↔ Q w) → P x
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