feat(library/data/real): more progress toward supremum property

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Rob Lewis 2015-07-28 11:32:20 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 2fdf1e599e
commit b4b08aca32

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@ -407,13 +407,10 @@ theorem converges_of_cauchy {X : r_seq} {M : + → +} (Hc : cauchy X M) :
apply rat.le.refl
-- archimedean property
theorem archimedean (x y : ) (Hx : x > 0) (Hy : y > 0) : ∃ n : , (of_rat (of_nat n)) * x ≥ y := sorry
-- supremum property
-- this development roughly follows the proof of completeness done in Isabelle.
section supremum
open prod nat
@ -424,14 +421,13 @@ parameter X : → Prop
definition rpt {A : Type} (op : A → A) : → A → A
| rpt 0 := λ a, a
| rpt (succ k) := λ a, ((rpt k) (op a))
| rpt (succ k) := λ a, op (rpt k a)
definition ub (x : ) := ∀ y : , X y → y ≤ x
definition bounded := ∃ x : , ub x
definition sup (x : ) := ub x ∧ ∀ y : , ub y → x ≤ y
parameter elt :
hypothesis inh : X elt
parameter bound :
@ -446,6 +442,16 @@ hypothesis ceil_succ : ∀ x : , int.lt (ceil x) (ceil (x + 1))
include inh bdd floor_spec ceil_spec floor_succ ceil_succ
-- this should exist somewhere, no? I can't find it
theorem not_forall_of_exists_not {A : Type} {P : A → Prop} (H : ∃ a : A, ¬ P a) :
¬ ∀ a : A, P a :=
intro Hall,
cases H with [a, Ha],
apply Ha (Hall a)
definition avg (a b : ) := a / 2 + b / 2
definition bisect (ab : × ) :=
@ -467,9 +473,6 @@ theorem under_spec1 : of_rat under < elt :=
lt_of_lt_of_le H !floor_spec
theorem not_forall_of_exists_not {A : Type} {P : A → Prop} (H : ∃ a : A, ¬ P a) : ¬ ∀ a : A, P a := sorry
theorem under_spec : ¬ ub under :=
using inh,
using floor_spec,
@ -515,33 +518,94 @@ definition over_seq := λ n : , pr2 (rpt bisect n (under, over)) -- B
definition avg_seq := λ n : , avg (over_seq n) (under_seq n) -- C
theorem avg_symm (n : ) : avg_seq n = avg (under_seq n) (over_seq n) :=
by rewrite [↑avg_seq, ↑avg, rat.add.comm]
theorem over_0 : over_seq 0 = over := rfl
theorem under_0 : under_seq 0 = under := rfl
theorem succ_helper (n : ) : avg (pr1 (rpt bisect n (under, over))) (pr2 (rpt bisect n (under, over))) = avg_seq n :=
by rewrite avg_symm
theorem under_succ (n : ) : under_seq (succ n) =
(if ub (avg_seq n) then under_seq n else avg_seq n) := sorry
(if ub (avg_seq n) then under_seq n else avg_seq n) :=
cases (decidable.em (ub (avg_seq n))) with [Hub, Hub],
rewrite [if_pos Hub],
have H : pr1 (bisect (rpt bisect n (under, over))) = under_seq n, by
rewrite [↑under_seq, ↑bisect at {2}, -succ_helper at Hub, if_pos Hub],
apply H,
rewrite [if_neg Hub],
have H : pr1 (bisect (rpt bisect n (under, over))) = avg_seq n, by
rewrite [↑bisect at {2}, -succ_helper at Hub, if_neg Hub, avg_symm],
apply H
theorem over_succ (n : ) : over_seq (succ n) =
(if ub (avg_seq n) then avg_seq n else over_seq n) := sorry
(if ub (avg_seq n) then avg_seq n else over_seq n) :=
cases (decidable.em (ub (avg_seq n))) with [Hub, Hub],
rewrite [if_pos Hub],
have H : pr2 (bisect (rpt bisect n (under, over))) = avg_seq n, by
rewrite [↑bisect at {2}, -succ_helper at Hub, if_pos Hub, avg_symm],
apply H,
rewrite [if_neg Hub],
have H : pr2 (bisect (rpt bisect n (under, over))) = over_seq n, by
rewrite [↑over_seq, ↑bisect at {2}, -succ_helper at Hub, if_neg Hub],
apply H
-- rat.pow_zero refers to algebra.pow?
theorem rat.pow_zero (a : ) : rat.pow a 0 = 1 := sorry
theorem rat.pow_pos {a : } (H : a > 0) (n : ) : rat.pow a n > 0 := sorry
theorem rat.pow_one (a : ) : rat.pow a 1 = a := sorry
theorem rat.pow_add (a : ) (m : ) : ∀ n, rat.pow a (m + n) = rat.pow a m * rat.pow a n := sorry
theorem div_two_sub_self (a : ) : a / 2 - a = - (a / 2) := sorry
theorem sub_self_div_two (a : ) : a - a / 2 = a / 2 := sorry
theorem rat.div_sub_div_same (a b c : ) : (a / c) - (b / c) = (a - b) / c := sorry
theorem width (n : ) : over_seq n - under_seq n = (over - under) / (rat.pow 2 n) :=
nat.induction_on n
(by rewrite [over_0, under_0, rat.pow_zero, rat.div_one])
intro a Ha,
rewrite [over_succ, under_succ],
let Hou := calc
(over_seq a) / 2 - (under_seq a) / 2 = ((over - under) / rat.pow 2 a) / 2 : by rewrite [rat.div_sub_div_same, Ha]
... = (over - under) / (rat.pow 2 a * 2) : rat.div_div_eq_div_mul (rat.ne_of_gt (rat.pow_pos dec_trivial _)) dec_trivial
... = (over - under) / rat.pow 2 (a + 1) : by rewrite rat.pow_add,
cases (decidable.em (ub (avg_seq a))),
rewrite [*if_pos a_1],
apply sorry,
rewrite [*if_neg a_1],
apply sorry
rewrite [*if_pos a_1, -add_one, -Hou, ↑avg_seq, ↑avg, rat.add.assoc, div_two_sub_self],
rewrite [*if_neg a_1, -add_one, -Hou, ↑avg_seq, ↑avg, rat.sub_add_eq_sub_sub, sub_self_div_two]
theorem binary_bound (a : ) : ∃ n : , a ≤ rat.pow 2 n := sorry
theorem binary_nat_bound (a : ) : of_nat a ≤ (rat.pow 2 a) :=
nat.induction_on a (rat.zero_le_one) (begin apply sorry end)
theorem binary_bound (a : ) : ∃ n : , a ≤ rat.pow 2 n :=
exists.intro (ubound a) (calc
a ≤ of_nat (ubound a) : ubound_ge
... ≤ rat.pow 2 (ubound a) : binary_nat_bound)
theorem rat_of_pnat_add {k : } (H : succ k > 0) : rat_of_pnat (subtype.tag (succ k) H) = (rat.of_nat k) + 1 := sorry
theorem rat_power_two_le (k : +) : rat_of_pnat k ≤ rat.pow 2 k~ :=
apply subtype.rec_on k,
intros n Hn,
induction n,
apply absurd Hn !nat.not_lt_self,
rewrite (rat_of_pnat_add Hn),
apply sorry
theorem width_narrows : ∃ n : , over_seq n - under_seq n ≤ 1 :=
@ -681,17 +745,7 @@ theorem over_seq_mono (i j : ) (H : i ≤ j) : over_seq j ≤ over_seq i :=
apply over_seq_mono_helper
theorem rat_of_pnat_add {k : } (H : succ k > 0) : rat_of_pnat (subtype.tag (succ k) H) = (rat.of_nat k) + 1 := sorry
theorem rat_power_two_le (k : +) : rat_of_pnat k ≤ rat.pow 2 k~ :=
apply subtype.rec_on k,
intros n Hn,
induction n,
apply absurd Hn !nat.not_lt_self,
rewrite (rat_of_pnat_add Hn),
apply sorry
theorem rat_power_two_inv_ge (k : +) : 1 / rat.pow 2 k~ ≤ k⁻¹ :=
rat.div_le_div_of_le !rat_of_pnat_is_pos !rat_power_two_le
@ -767,7 +821,6 @@ theorem over_bound : ub sup_over :=
apply PB,
apply Hy
set_option pp.coercions true
theorem under_lowest_bound : ∀ y : , ub y → sup_under ≤ y :=