refactor(library): remove algebra namespace
This commit is contained in:
81 changed files with 363 additions and 1131 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Bundled structures
namespace algebra
structure Semigroup :=
(carrier : Type) (struct : semigroup carrier)
@ -79,4 +78,3 @@ structure AddCommGroup :=
attribute AddCommGroup.carrier [coercion]
attribute AddCommGroup.struct [instance]
end algebra
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ TODO: define dual complete lattice and simplify proof of dual theorems.
import algebra.lattice data.set.basic
open set
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
structure complete_lattice [class] (A : Type) extends lattice A :=
@ -271,4 +270,3 @@ have le₂ : ⨅ univ ≤ ⨆ (∅ : set A), from
le.antisymm le₁ le₂
end complete_lattice
end algebra
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import logic.eq logic.connectives data.unit data.sigma
import algebra.binary algebra.ring
open eq eq.ops
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
structure division_ring [class] (A : Type) extends ring A, has_inv A, zero_ne_one_class A :=
@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ section division_ring
variables [s : division_ring A] {a b c : A}
include s
protected definition div (a b : A) : A := a * b⁻¹
protected definition algebra.div (a b : A) : A := a * b⁻¹
definition division_ring_has_div [reducible] [instance] : has_div A :=
|||| algebra.div
@ -469,11 +467,7 @@ section discrete_field
end discrete_field
end algebra
namespace norm_num
open algebra
variable {A : Type}
theorem div_add_helper [s : field A] (n d b c val : A) (Hd : d ≠ 0) (H : n + b * d = val)
(H2 : c * d = val) : n / d + b = c :=
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import algebra.binary algebra.priority
open eq eq.ops -- note: ⁻¹ will be overloaded
open binary
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
/- semigroup -/
@ -453,7 +451,7 @@ section add_group
/- sub -/
-- TODO: derive corresponding facts for div in a field
definition sub [reducible] (a b : A) : A := a + -b
protected definition algebra.sub [reducible] (a b : A) : A := a + -b
definition add_group_has_sub [reducible] [instance] : has_sub A :=
|||| algebra.sub
@ -579,12 +577,8 @@ definition group_of_add_group (A : Type) [G : add_group A] : group A :=
inv := has_neg.neg,
mul_left_inv := add.left_inv⦄
end algebra
namespace norm_num
open algebra
reveal add.assoc
variable {A : Type}
definition add1 [s : has_add A] [s' : has_one A] (a : A) : A := add a one
@ -691,14 +685,14 @@ theorem neg_zero_helper [s : add_group A] (a : A) (H : a = 0) : - a = 0 :=
end norm_num
attribute [simp]
algebra.zero_add algebra.add_zero algebra.one_mul algebra.mul_one
zero_add add_zero one_mul mul_one
at simplifier.unit
attribute [simp]
algebra.neg_neg algebra.sub_eq_add_neg
neg_neg sub_eq_add_neg
at simplifier.neg
attribute [simp]
algebra.add.assoc algebra.add.comm algebra.add.left_comm
algebra.mul.left_comm algebra.mul.comm algebra.mul.assoc
add.assoc add.comm add.left_comm
mul.left_comm mul.comm mul.assoc
@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ Bigops based on finsets go in the namespace algebra.finset. There are also versi
defined in group_set_bigops.lean.
import .group .group_power data.list.basic data.list.perm data.finset.basic
open algebra function binary quot subtype list finset
open function binary quot subtype list finset
namespace algebra
variables {A B : Type}
variable [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ section monoid
open nat
lemma Prodl_eq_pow_of_const {f : A → B} :
∀ {l : list A} b, (∀ a, a ∈ l → f a = b) → Prodl l f = b ^ length l
| nil := take b, assume Pconst, by rewrite [length_nil, {b^0}algebra.pow_zero]
| nil := take b, assume Pconst, by rewrite [length_nil, {b^0}pow_zero]
| (a::l) := take b, assume Pconst,
assert Pconstl : ∀ a', a' ∈ l → f a' = b,
from take a' Pa'in, Pconst a' (mem_cons_of_mem a Pa'in),
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ namespace finset
(λ l₁ l₂ p, Prodl_eq_Prodl_of_perm f p)
-- ∏ x ∈ s, f x
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, prod s f) := r
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → B) : Prod ∅ f = 1 :=
Prodl_nil f
@ -232,5 +231,3 @@ namespace finset
theorem Sum_zero (s : finset A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = (0:B) := Prod_one s
end finset
end algebra
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ structure has_pow_int [class] (A : Type) :=
definition pow_int {A : Type} [s : has_pow_int A] : A → int → A :=
namespace algebra
/- monoid -/
section monoid
open nat
@ -262,5 +261,3 @@ theorem add_imul (i j : ℤ) (a : A) : imul (i + j) a = imul i a + imul j a :=
theorem imul_comm (i j : ℤ) (a : A) : imul i a + imul j a = imul j a + imul i a := gpow_comm a i j
end add_group
end algebra
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Set-based version of group_bigops.
import .group_bigops data.set.finite
open set classical
namespace algebra
namespace set
variables {A B : Type}
@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ section Prod
variable [cmB : comm_monoid B]
include cmB
noncomputable definition Prod (s : set A) (f : A → B) : B := algebra.finset.Prod (to_finset s) f
noncomputable definition Prod (s : set A) (f : A → B) : B := finset.Prod (to_finset s) f
-- ∏ x ∈ s, f x
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, prod s f) := r
@ -101,6 +100,3 @@ section Sum
end Sum
end set
end algebra
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Author: Jeremy Avigad
import .order
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
/- lattices (we could split this to upper- and lower-semilattices, if needed) -/
@ -108,5 +106,3 @@ section
theorem sup_eq_right {a b : A} (H : a ≤ b) : a ⊔ b = b :=
eq.subst !sup.comm (sup_eq_left H)
end algebra
@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ Weak orders "≤", strict orders "<", and structures that include both.
import logic.eq logic.connectives algebra.binary algebra.priority
open eq eq.ops
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
/- weak orders -/
@ -431,5 +429,3 @@ section
(assume H : a ≤ b, by rewrite (max_eq_right H); apply H₂)
(assume H : a > b, by rewrite (max_eq_left_of_lt H); apply H₁)
end algebra
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ Authors: Robert Lewis
import algebra.ordered_ring algebra.field
open eq eq.ops
namespace algebra
structure linear_ordered_field [class] (A : Type) extends linear_ordered_ring A, field A
section linear_ordered_field
@ -516,4 +514,3 @@ section discrete_linear_ordered_field
!eq_div_of_mul_eq this !eq_sign_mul_abs⁻¹)
end discrete_linear_ordered_field
end algebra
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import logic.eq data.unit data.sigma
import algebra.binary algebra.order
open eq eq.ops -- note: ⁻¹ will be overloaded
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
/- partially ordered monoids, such as the natural numbers -/
@ -790,7 +788,7 @@ section
abs a - abs b + abs b = abs a : by rewrite sub_add_cancel
... = abs (a - b + b) : by rewrite sub_add_cancel
... ≤ abs (a - b) + abs b : abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
algebra.le_of_add_le_add_right H1
le_of_add_le_add_right H1
theorem abs_sub_le (a b c : A) : abs (a - c) ≤ abs (a - b) + abs (b - c) :=
@ -823,5 +821,3 @@ section
end algebra
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ of "linear_ordered_comm_ring". This development is modeled after Isabelle's libr
import algebra.ordered_group algebra.ring
open eq eq.ops
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
private definition absurd_a_lt_a {B : Type} {a : A} [s : strict_order A] (H : a < a) : B :=
@ -714,11 +712,7 @@ end
/- TODO: Multiplication and one, starting with mult_right_le_one_le. -/
end algebra
namespace norm_num
open algebra
variable {A : Type}
theorem pos_bit0_helper [s : linear_ordered_semiring A] (a : A) (H : a > 0) : bit0 a > 0 :=
by rewrite ↑bit0; apply add_pos H H
@ -3,6 +3,4 @@ Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
namespace algebra
protected definition prio := num.sub std.priority.default 100
end algebra
protected definition algebra.prio := num.sub std.priority.default 100
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ import logic.eq logic.connectives data.unit data.sigma
import algebra.binary
open eq eq.ops
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
/- auxiliary classes -/
@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ section comm_semiring
variables [s : comm_semiring A] (a b c : A)
include s
protected definition dvd (a b : A) : Prop := ∃c, b = a * c
protected definition algebra.dvd (a b : A) : Prop := ∃c, b = a * c
definition comm_semiring_has_dvd [reducible] [instance] [priority algebra.prio] : has_dvd A :=
|||| algebra.dvd
@ -195,8 +193,8 @@ section
rewrite [-left_distrib, add.right_inv, mul_zero]
theorem neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm : - a * b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !algebra.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
theorem mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm : a * - b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !algebra.neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
theorem neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm : - a * b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
theorem mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm : a * - b = - (a * b) := eq.symm !neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
theorem neg_mul_neg : -a * -b = a * b :=
@ -404,11 +402,7 @@ section
dvd.intro this)
end algebra
namespace norm_num
open algebra
variables {A : Type}
theorem mul_zero [s : mul_zero_class A] (a : A) : a * zero = zero :=
by rewrite [↑zero, mul_zero]
@ -491,13 +485,13 @@ theorem pos_mul_neg_helper [s : ring A] (a b c : A) (H : a * b = c) : a * (-b) =
end norm_num
attribute [simp]
algebra.zero_mul algebra.mul_zero
zero_mul mul_zero
at simplifier.unit
attribute [simp]
algebra.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm algebra.mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm
neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm
at simplifier.neg
attribute [simp]
algebra.left_distrib algebra.right_distrib
left_distrib right_distrib
at simplifier.distrib
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Properties of the power operation in an ordered ring or field.
import .group_power .ordered_field
open nat
namespace algebra
variable {A : Type}
section semiring
@ -172,5 +170,3 @@ begin
end discrete_field
end algebra
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Finite bags.
import data.nat data.list.perm algebra.binary
open nat quot list subtype binary function eq.ops
open [declarations] perm
open algebra
variable {A : Type}
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import data.list
import data.tuple
namespace bv
open algebra
open bool
open eq.ops
open list
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Jacob Gross, Jeremy Avigad
The complex numbers.
import data.real
open real eq.ops algebra
open real eq.ops
record complex : Type :=
(re : ℝ) (im : ℝ)
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ iff.intro eq_of_of_real_eq_of_real !congr_arg
/- make complex an instance of ring -/
protected definition comm_ring [reducible] : algebra.comm_ring complex :=
protected definition comm_ring [reducible] : comm_ring complex :=
exact complex.add,
exact complex.add_assoc,
exact 0,
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Note that every encodable type is countable.
import data.fintype data.list data.list.sort data.sum data.nat.div data.countable data.equiv
import data.finset
open option list nat function algebra
open option list nat function
structure encodable [class] (A : Type) :=
(encode : A → nat) (decode : nat → option A) (encodek : ∀ a, decode (encode a) = some a)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This file demonstrates how to encode vectors using indexed inductive families.
In standard library we do not use this approach.
import data.nat data.list data.fin
open nat prod fin algebra
open nat prod fin
inductive vector (A : Type) : nat → Type :=
| nil {} : vector A zero
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Finite ordinal types.
import data.list.basic data.finset.basic data.fintype.card data.equiv
open eq.ops nat function list finset fintype
open algebra
structure fin (n : nat) := (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n)
@ -259,8 +258,6 @@ lemma madd_left_inv : ∀ i : fin (succ n), madd (minv i) i = n
| (mk iv ilt) := eq_of_veq (by
rewrite [val_madd, ↑minv, ↑, mod_add_mod, nat.sub_add_cancel (le_of_lt ilt), mod_self])
open algebra
definition madd_is_comm_group [instance] : add_comm_group (fin (succ n)) :=
|||| madd madd_assoc ( n) zero_madd madd_zero minv madd_left_inv madd_comm
@ -411,7 +408,7 @@ definition fin_sum_equiv (n m : nat) : (fin n + fin m) ≃ fin (n+m) :=
assert aux₁ : ∀ {v}, v < m → (v + n) < (n + m), from
take v, suppose v < m, calc
v + n < m + n : add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le this !le.refl
... = n + m : algebra.add.comm,
... = n + m : add.comm,
⦃ equiv,
to_fun := λ s : sum (fin n) (fin m),
match s with
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ variables {A B : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A] [deceqB : decidable_eq B]
section union
definition to_comm_monoid_Union (B : Type) [deceqB : decidable_eq B] :
algebra.comm_monoid (finset B) :=
⦃ algebra.comm_monoid,
comm_monoid (finset B) :=
⦃ comm_monoid,
mul := union,
mul_assoc := union.assoc,
one := empty,
@ -29,48 +29,47 @@ definition to_comm_monoid_Union (B : Type) [deceqB : decidable_eq B] :
mul_comm := union.comm
open [classes] algebra
local attribute finset.to_comm_monoid_Union [instance]
include deceqB
definition Unionl (l : list A) (f : A → finset B) : finset B := algebra.Prodl l f
definition Unionl (l : list A) (f : A → finset B) : finset B := Prodl l f
notation `⋃` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Unionl l f) := r
definition Union (s : finset A) (f : A → finset B) : finset B := algebra.finset.Prod s f
definition Union (s : finset A) (f : A → finset B) : finset B := finset.Prod s f
notation `⋃` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, finset.Union s f) := r
theorem Unionl_nil (f : A → finset B) : Unionl [] f = ∅ := algebra.Prodl_nil f
theorem Unionl_nil (f : A → finset B) : Unionl [] f = ∅ := Prodl_nil f
theorem Unionl_cons (f : A → finset B) (a : A) (l : list A) :
Unionl (a::l) f = f a ∪ Unionl l f := algebra.Prodl_cons f a l
Unionl (a::l) f = f a ∪ Unionl l f := Prodl_cons f a l
theorem Unionl_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → finset B) :
Unionl (l₁++l₂) f = Unionl l₁ f ∪ Unionl l₂ f := algebra.Prodl_append l₁ l₂ f
Unionl (l₁++l₂) f = Unionl l₁ f ∪ Unionl l₂ f := Prodl_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Unionl_mul (l : list A) (f g : A → finset B) :
Unionl l (λx, f x ∪ g x) = Unionl l f ∪ Unionl l g := algebra.Prodl_mul l f g
Unionl l (λx, f x ∪ g x) = Unionl l f ∪ Unionl l g := Prodl_mul l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Unionl_insert_of_mem (f : A → finset B) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Unionl (list.insert a l) f = Unionl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_mem f H
Unionl (list.insert a l) f = Unionl l f := Prodl_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Unionl_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → finset B) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Unionl (list.insert a l) f = f a ∪ Unionl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_not_mem f H
Unionl (list.insert a l) f = f a ∪ Unionl l f := Prodl_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Unionl_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → finset B) (d : list.disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Unionl (list.union l₁ l₂) f = Unionl l₁ f ∪ Unionl l₂ f := algebra.Prodl_union f d
theorem Unionl_empty (l : list A) : Unionl l (λ x, ∅) = (∅ : finset B) := algebra.Prodl_one l
Unionl (list.union l₁ l₂) f = Unionl l₁ f ∪ Unionl l₂ f := Prodl_union f d
theorem Unionl_empty (l : list A) : Unionl l (λ x, ∅) = (∅ : finset B) := Prodl_one l
end deceqA
theorem Union_empty (f : A → finset B) : Union ∅ f = ∅ := algebra.finset.Prod_empty f
theorem Union_empty (f : A → finset B) : Union ∅ f = ∅ := finset.Prod_empty f
theorem Union_mul (s : finset A) (f g : A → finset B) :
Union s (λx, f x ∪ g x) = Union s f ∪ Union s g := algebra.finset.Prod_mul s f g
Union s (λx, f x ∪ g x) = Union s f ∪ Union s g := finset.Prod_mul s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Union_insert_of_mem (f : A → finset B) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Union (insert a s) f = Union s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
Union (insert a s) f = Union s f := finset.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
private theorem Union_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → finset B) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Union (insert a s) f = f a ∪ Union s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
Union (insert a s) f = f a ∪ Union s f := finset.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Union_union (f : A → finset B) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Union (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Union s₁ f ∪ Union s₂ f := algebra.finset.Prod_union f disj
Union (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Union s₁ f ∪ Union s₂ f := finset.Prod_union f disj
theorem Union_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → finset B} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Union s f = Union s g := algebra.finset.Prod_ext H
theorem Union_empty' (s : finset A) : Union s (λ x, ∅) = (∅ : finset B) := algebra.finset.Prod_one s
Union s f = Union s g := finset.Prod_ext H
theorem Union_empty' (s : finset A) : Union s (λ x, ∅) = (∅ : finset B) := finset.Prod_one s
-- this will eventually be an instance of something more general
theorem inter_Union (s : finset B) (t : finset A) (f : A → finset B) :
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ Author: Jeremy Avigad
Cardinality calculations for finite sets.
import .to_set .bigops data.set.function data.nat.power data.nat.bigops
open nat nat.finset eq.ops
open algebra
import .to_set .bigops data.set.function data.nat.power
open nat eq.ops
namespace finset
@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
import data.finset.card
open nat nat.finset decidable
open algebra
open nat decidable
namespace finset
variable {A : Type}
protected definition to_nat (s : finset nat) : nat :=
nat.finset.Sum s (λ n, 2^n)
finset.Sum s (λ n, 2^n)
open finset (to_nat)
@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ begin
intro Pxg1, rewrite [Pxg1, and.right Pg1, and.right Pg2],
intro Pe, exact absurd Pe Pne
open nat
theorem class_equation (f : @partition A _) :
card (partition.set f) = nat.finset.Sum (equiv_classes f) card :=
card (partition.set f) = finset.Sum (equiv_classes f) card :=
let s := (partition.set f), p := (partition.part f), img := image p s in
card s = card (Union s p) : partition.complete f
... = card (Union img id) : image_eq_Union_index_image s p
... = card (Union (equiv_classes f) id) : rfl
... = nat.finset.Sum (equiv_classes f) card : card_Union_of_disjoint _ id (equiv_class_disjoint f)
... = finset.Sum (equiv_classes f) card : card_Union_of_disjoint _ id (equiv_class_disjoint f)
lemma equiv_class_refl {f : A → finset A} (Pequiv : is_partition f) : ∀ a, a ∈ f a :=
take a, by rewrite [Pequiv a a]
@ -113,9 +113,8 @@ begin rewrite [binary_union P at {1}], apply Union_union, exact binary_inter_emp
open nat nat.finset
open nat
open algebra algebra.finset
variables {B : Type} [acmB : add_comm_monoid B]
include acmB
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
import data
open nat function eq.ops
open algebra
namespace list
-- this is in preparation for counting the number of finite functions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ we implement this module using a bijection from (finset nat) to nat, and
this bijection is implemeted using the Ackermann coding.
import data.nat data.finset.equiv data.list
open nat binary algebra
open nat binary
open - [notations] finset
definition hf := nat
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import algebra.relation algebra.binary algebra.ordered_ring
open eq.ops
open prod relation nat
open decidable binary
open algebra
/- the type of integers -/
@ -386,12 +385,12 @@ show pr1 p + pr2 p + 0 = pr2 p + pr1 p + 0, from !nat.add_comm ▸ rfl
theorem padd_padd_pneg (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : padd (padd p q) (pneg q) ≡ p :=
calc pr1 p + pr1 q + pr2 q + pr2 p
= pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr2 q) + pr2 p : algebra.add.assoc
... = pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr2 q + pr2 p) : algebra.add.assoc
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q + pr1 q + pr2 p) : algebra.add.comm
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q + pr2 p + pr1 q) : algebra.add.right_comm
... = pr1 p + (pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 q) : algebra.add.comm
... = pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 q + pr1 p : algebra.add.comm
= pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr2 q) + pr2 p : add.assoc
... = pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr2 q + pr2 p) : add.assoc
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q + pr1 q + pr2 p) : add.comm
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q + pr2 p + pr1 q) : add.right_comm
... = pr1 p + (pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 q) : add.comm
... = pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 q + pr1 p : add.comm
protected theorem add_left_inv (a : ℤ) : -a + a = 0 :=
have H : repr (-a + a) ≡ repr 0, from
@ -482,7 +481,7 @@ show (_,_) = (_,_),
{ congruence, repeat rewrite mul.comm },
{ rewrite algebra.add.comm, congruence, repeat rewrite mul.comm }
{ rewrite add.comm, congruence, repeat rewrite mul.comm }
protected theorem mul_comm (a b : ℤ) : a * b = b * a :=
@ -496,7 +495,7 @@ private theorem pmul_assoc_prep {p1 p2 q1 q2 r1 r2 : ℕ} :
((p1*q1+p2*q2)*r1+(p1*q2+p2*q1)*r2, (p1*q1+p2*q2)*r2+(p1*q2+p2*q1)*r1) =
(p1*(q1*r1+q2*r2)+p2*(q1*r2+q2*r1), p1*(q1*r2+q2*r1)+p2*(q1*r1+q2*r2)) :=
exact (congr_arg2 pair (!add.comm4 ⬝ (!congr_arg !nat.add_comm))
(!add.comm4 ⬝ (!congr_arg !nat.add_comm)))
@ -552,8 +551,8 @@ protected theorem eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero {a b : ℤ} (H : a * b = 0)
or.imp eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero
(eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero (by rewrite [-nat_abs_mul, H]))
protected definition integral_domain [reducible] [trans_instance] : algebra.integral_domain int :=
protected definition integral_domain [reducible] [trans_instance] : integral_domain int :=
add := int.add,
add_assoc := int.add_assoc,
zero := 0,
@ -584,7 +583,7 @@ theorem of_nat_sub {m n : ℕ} (H : m ≥ n) : of_nat (m - n) = of_nat m - of_na
assert m - n + n = m, from nat.sub_add_cancel H,
apply algebra.sub_eq_of_eq_add,
apply sub_eq_of_eq_add,
rewrite [-of_nat_add, this]
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Finite products and sums on the integers.
import algebra.group_bigops algebra.group_set_bigops
open list
namespace int
open [classes] algebra
local attribute int.decidable_linear_ordered_comm_ring [instance]
variables {A : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
/- Prodl -/
definition Prodl (l : list A) (f : A → int) : int := algebra.Prodl l f
notation `∏` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Prodl l f) := r
theorem Prodl_nil (f : A → int) : Prodl [] f = 1 := algebra.Prodl_nil f
theorem Prodl_cons (f : A → int) (a : A) (l : list A) : Prodl (a::l) f = f a * Prodl l f :=
algebra.Prodl_cons f a l
theorem Prodl_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → int) : Prodl (l₁++l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f :=
algebra.Prodl_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Prodl_mul (l : list A) (f g : A → int) :
Prodl l (λx, f x * g x) = Prodl l f * Prodl l g := algebra.Prodl_mul l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prodl_insert_of_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prodl_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = f a * Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prodl_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → int) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Prodl (union l₁ l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f := algebra.Prodl_union f d
theorem Prodl_one (l : list A) : Prodl l (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.Prodl_one l
end deceqA
/- Prod over finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Prod (s : finset A) (f : A → int) : int := algebra.finset.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → int) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_mul (s : finset A) (f g : A → int) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.finset.Prod_mul s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → int) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.finset.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → int} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.finset.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : finset A) : Prod s (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_one s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Prod over set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Prod (s : set A) (f : A → int) : int := algebra.set.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → int) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → int) : Prod s f = 1 :=
algebra.set.Prod_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Prod_mul (s : set A) (f g : A → int) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.set.Prod_mul s f g
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → int) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.set.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → int} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.set.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : set A) : Prod s (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_one s
end set
/- Suml -/
definition Suml (l : list A) (f : A → int) : int := algebra.Suml l f
notation `∑` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Suml l f) := r
theorem Suml_nil (f : A → int) : Suml [] f = 0 := algebra.Suml_nil f
theorem Suml_cons (f : A → int) (a : A) (l : list A) : Suml (a::l) f = f a + Suml l f :=
algebra.Suml_cons f a l
theorem Suml_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → int) : Suml (l₁++l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f :=
algebra.Suml_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Suml_add (l : list A) (f g : A → int) : Suml l (λx, f x + g x) = Suml l f + Suml l g :=
algebra.Suml_add l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Suml_insert_of_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Suml_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = f a + Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Suml_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → int) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Suml (union l₁ l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f := algebra.Suml_union f d
theorem Suml_zero (l : list A) : Suml l (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.Suml_zero l
end deceqA
/- Sum over a finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Sum (s : finset A) (f : A → int) : int := algebra.finset.Sum s f
notation `∑` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → int) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_add (s : finset A) (f g : A → int) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.finset.Sum_add s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → int) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.finset.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → int} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.finset.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : finset A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_zero s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Sum over a set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Sum (s : set A) (f : A → int) : int := algebra.set.Sum s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → int) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → int) : Sum s f = 0 :=
algebra.set.Sum_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Sum_add (s : set A) (f g : A → int) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.set.Sum_add s f g
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → int) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → int) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.set.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → int} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.set.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : set A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_zero s
end set
end int
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
import .basic .order .div .power .gcd .bigops
import .basic .order .div .power .gcd
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Following SSReflect and the SMTlib standard, we define a % b so that 0 ≤ a % b
import data.nat.div
open [coercions] [reduce_hints] nat
open [declarations] [classes] nat (succ)
open algebra
open eq.ops
namespace int
@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ or.elim (nat.lt_or_ge m (n * k))
have (-[1+m] + n * k) / k = -[1+m] / k + n, from calc
(-[1+m] + n * k) / k
= of_nat ((k * n - (m + 1)) / k) :
by rewrite [add.comm, neg_succ_of_nat_eq, of_nat_div, algebra.mul.comm k n,
by rewrite [add.comm, neg_succ_of_nat_eq, of_nat_div, mul.comm k n,
of_nat_sub H3]
... = of_nat (n - m / k - 1) :
nat.mul_sub_div_of_lt (!nat.mul_comm ▸ m_lt_nk)
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Definitions and properties of gcd, lcm, and coprime.
import .div data.nat.gcd
open eq.ops
open algebra
namespace int
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ and transfer the results.
import .basic algebra.ordered_ring
open nat
open algebra
open decidable
open int eq.ops
@ -234,8 +233,8 @@ protected theorem lt_of_le_of_lt {a b c : ℤ} (Hab : a ≤ b) (Hbc : b < c) :
(assume Heq, int.not_le_of_gt (Heq⁻¹ ▸ Hbc) Hab))
protected definition linear_ordered_comm_ring [reducible] [trans_instance] :
algebra.linear_ordered_comm_ring int :=
⦃algebra.linear_ordered_comm_ring, int.integral_domain,
linear_ordered_comm_ring int :=
⦃linear_ordered_comm_ring, int.integral_domain,
le := int.le,
le_refl := int.le_refl,
le_trans := @int.le_trans,
@ -255,8 +254,8 @@ protected definition linear_ordered_comm_ring [reducible] [trans_instance] :
add_lt_add_left := @int.add_lt_add_left⦄
protected definition decidable_linear_ordered_comm_ring [reducible] [instance] :
algebra.decidable_linear_ordered_comm_ring int :=
decidable_linear_ordered_comm_ring int :=
decidable_lt := decidable_lt⦄
@ -315,13 +314,13 @@ have H1 : a + 1 ≤ b + 1, from add_one_le_of_lt H,
le_of_add_le_add_right H1
theorem sub_one_le_of_lt {a b : ℤ} (H : a ≤ b) : a - 1 < b :=
lt_of_add_one_le (begin rewrite algebra.sub_add_cancel, exact H end)
lt_of_add_one_le (begin rewrite sub_add_cancel, exact H end)
theorem lt_of_sub_one_le {a b : ℤ} (H : a - 1 < b) : a ≤ b :=
!sub_add_cancel ▸ add_one_le_of_lt H
theorem le_sub_one_of_lt {a b : ℤ} (H : a < b) : a ≤ b - 1 :=
le_of_lt_add_one begin rewrite algebra.sub_add_cancel, exact H end
le_of_lt_add_one begin rewrite sub_add_cancel, exact H end
theorem lt_of_le_sub_one {a b : ℤ} (H : a ≤ b - 1) : a < b :=
!sub_add_cancel ▸ (lt_add_one_of_le H)
@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ theorem exists_least_of_bdd {P : ℤ → Prop} [HP : decidable_pred P]
have H' : P (b + of_nat (nat_abs (elt - b))), begin
rewrite [of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.le_of_lt (iff.mpr !sub_pos_iff_lt Heltb)),
add.comm, algebra.sub_add_cancel],
add.comm, sub_add_cancel],
apply Helt
apply and.intro,
@ -387,13 +386,13 @@ theorem exists_least_of_bdd {P : ℤ → Prop} [HP : decidable_pred P]
let Hzb' := lt_of_not_ge Hzb,
let Hpos := iff.mpr !sub_pos_iff_lt Hzb',
have Hzbk : z = b + of_nat (nat_abs (z - b)),
by rewrite [of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.le_of_lt Hpos), int.add_comm, algebra.sub_add_cancel],
by rewrite [of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.le_of_lt Hpos), int.add_comm, sub_add_cancel],
have Hk : nat_abs (z - b) < least (λ n, P (b + of_nat n)) (nat.succ (nat_abs (elt - b))), begin
let Hz' := !lt_add_iff_sub_lt_left Hz,
rewrite [-of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.le_of_lt Hpos) at Hz'],
apply lt_of_of_nat_lt_of_nat Hz'
let Hk' := algebra.not_le_of_gt Hk,
let Hk' := not_le_of_gt Hk,
rewrite Hzbk,
apply λ p, mt (ge_least_of_lt _ p) Hk',
apply nat.lt_trans Hk,
@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ theorem exists_greatest_of_bdd {P : ℤ → Prop} [HP : decidable_pred P]
rewrite [-of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.le_of_lt Hpos) at Hz'],
apply lt_of_of_nat_lt_of_nat Hz'
let Hk' := algebra.not_le_of_gt Hk,
let Hk' := not_le_of_gt Hk,
rewrite Hzbk,
apply λ p, mt (ge_least_of_lt _ p) Hk',
apply nat.lt_trans Hk,
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ The power function on the integers.
import algebra.group_power data.nat.power
namespace int
open algebra
definition int_has_pow_nat [reducible] [instance] [priority int.prio] : has_pow_nat int :=
|||| has_pow_nat.pow_nat
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Basic properties of lists.
import logic tools.helper_tactics data.nat.order data.nat.sub
open eq.ops helper_tactics nat prod function option
open algebra
inductive list (T : Type) : Type :=
| nil {} : list T
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Haitao Zhang, Floris van Doorn
List combinators.
import data.list.basic data.equiv
open nat prod decidable function helper_tactics algebra
open nat prod decidable function helper_tactics
namespace list
variables {A B C : Type}
@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ have p : sort R l₁ ~ sort R l₂, from calc
eq_of_sorted_of_perm tr asy p s₁ s₂
open algebra
omit decR
lemma strongly_sorted_sort [ord : decidable_linear_order A] (l : list A) : strongly_sorted le (sort le l) :=
strongly_sorted_sort_core (@le.trans A _) le.refl l
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
import algebra.ring data.fin data.fintype
open algebra fin nat
open fin nat
definition matrix [reducible] (A : Type) (m n : nat) := fin m → fin n → A
@ -83,17 +83,17 @@ matrix.mul
infix ` × ` := mul
infix `⬝` := smul
lemma add_zero (M : matrix A m n) : M + 0 = M :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !algebra.add_zero)
protected lemma add_zero (M : matrix A m n) : M + 0 = M :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !add_zero)
lemma zero_add (M : matrix A m n) : 0 + M = M :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !algebra.zero_add)
protected lemma zero_add (M : matrix A m n) : 0 + M = M :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !zero_add)
lemma add.comm (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A m n) : M + N = N + M :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !algebra.add.comm)
protected lemma add.comm (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A m n) : M + N = N + M :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !add.comm)
lemma add.assoc (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A m n) (P : matrix A m n) : (M + N) + P = M + (N + P) :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !algebra.add.assoc)
protected lemma add.assoc (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A m n) (P : matrix A m n) : (M + N) + P = M + (N + P) :=
matrix.ext (λ i j, !add.assoc)
definition is_diagonal (M : matrix A n n) :=
∀ i j, i = j ∨ M[i, j] = 0
@ -285,9 +285,8 @@ nat.cases_on n
... = succ (succ n' * m' + n') : add_succ)⁻¹
open algebra
protected definition comm_semiring [reducible] [trans_instance] : algebra.comm_semiring nat :=
protected definition comm_semiring [reducible] [trans_instance] : comm_semiring nat :=
add := nat.add,
add_assoc := nat.add_assoc,
zero :=,
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Finite products and sums on the natural numbers.
import data.nat.basic data.nat.order algebra.group_bigops algebra.group_set_bigops
open list
namespace nat
open [classes] algebra
local attribute nat.comm_semiring [instance]
variables {A : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
/- Prodl -/
definition Prodl (l : list A) (f : A → nat) : nat := algebra.Prodl l f
notation `∏` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Prodl l f) := r
theorem Prodl_nil (f : A → nat) : Prodl [] f = 1 := algebra.Prodl_nil f
theorem Prodl_cons (f : A → nat) (a : A) (l : list A) : Prodl (a::l) f = f a * Prodl l f :=
algebra.Prodl_cons f a l
theorem Prodl_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → nat) : Prodl (l₁++l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f :=
algebra.Prodl_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Prodl_mul (l : list A) (f g : A → nat) :
Prodl l (λx, f x * g x) = Prodl l f * Prodl l g := algebra.Prodl_mul l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prodl_insert_of_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prodl_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = f a * Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prodl_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → nat) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Prodl (union l₁ l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f := algebra.Prodl_union f d
theorem Prodl_one (l : list A) : Prodl l (λ x, nat.succ 0) = 1 := algebra.Prodl_one l
end deceqA
/- Prod over finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Prod (s : finset A) (f : A → nat) : nat := algebra.finset.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → nat) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_mul (s : finset A) (f g : A → nat) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.finset.Prod_mul s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → nat) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.finset.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → nat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.finset.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : finset A) : Prod s (λ x, nat.succ 0) = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_one s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Prod over set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Prod (s : set A) (f : A → nat) : nat := algebra.set.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → nat) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → nat) : Prod s f = 1 :=
algebra.set.Prod_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Prod_mul (s : set A) (f g : A → nat) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.set.Prod_mul s f g
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → nat) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.set.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → nat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.set.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : set A) : Prod s (λ x, nat.succ 0) = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_one s
end set
/- Suml -/
definition Suml (l : list A) (f : A → nat) : nat := algebra.Suml l f
notation `∑` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Suml l f) := r
theorem Suml_nil (f : A → nat) : Suml [] f = 0 := algebra.Suml_nil f
theorem Suml_cons (f : A → nat) (a : A) (l : list A) : Suml (a::l) f = f a + Suml l f :=
algebra.Suml_cons f a l
theorem Suml_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → nat) : Suml (l₁++l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f :=
algebra.Suml_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Suml_add (l : list A) (f g : A → nat) : Suml l (λx, f x + g x) = Suml l f + Suml l g :=
algebra.Suml_add l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Suml_insert_of_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Suml_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = f a + Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Suml_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → nat) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Suml (union l₁ l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f := algebra.Suml_union f d
theorem Suml_zero (l : list A) : Suml l (λ x, zero) = 0 := algebra.Suml_zero l
end deceqA
/- Sum over a finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Sum (s : finset A) (f : A → nat) : nat := algebra.finset.Sum s f
notation `∑` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → nat) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_add (s : finset A) (f g : A → nat) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.finset.Sum_add s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → nat) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.finset.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → nat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.finset.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : finset A) : Sum s (λ x, zero) = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_zero s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Sum over a set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Sum (s : set A) (f : A → nat) : nat := algebra.set.Sum s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → nat) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → nat) : Sum s f = 0 :=
algebra.set.Sum_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Sum_add (s : set A) (f g : A → nat) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.set.Sum_add s f g
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → nat) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → nat) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.set.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → nat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.set.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : set A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_zero s
end set
end nat
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Definitions and properties of div and mod. Much of the development follows Isabe
import data.nat.sub
open eq.ops well_founded decidable prod
open algebra
namespace nat
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
Show that tail recursive fib is equal to standard one.
import data.nat
open nat algebra
open nat
definition fib : nat → nat
| 0 := 1
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
import data.nat
open nat algebra
open nat
definition partial_sum : nat → nat
| 0 := 0
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import data.nat.div
open algebra
namespace nat
definition fact : nat → nat
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ choose {p : nat → Prop} [d : decidable_pred p] : (∃ x, p x) → nat
choose_spec {p : nat → Prop} [d : decidable_pred p] (ex : ∃ x, p x) : p (choose ex)
import data.nat.basic data.nat.order
open nat subtype decidable well_founded algebra
open nat subtype decidable well_founded
namespace nat
section find_x
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Definitions and properties of gcd, lcm, and coprime.
import .div
open eq.ops well_founded decidable prod
open algebra
namespace nat
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
The order relation on the natural numbers.
import data.nat.basic algebra.ordered_ring
open eq.ops algebra
open eq.ops
namespace nat
@ -90,11 +90,9 @@ protected theorem mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right {n m k : ℕ} (H : n < m) (Hk : k > 0)
/- nat is an instance of a linearly ordered semiring and a lattice -/
open algebra
protected definition decidable_linear_ordered_semiring [reducible] [trans_instance] :
algebra.decidable_linear_ordered_semiring nat :=
⦃ algebra.decidable_linear_ordered_semiring, nat.comm_semiring,
decidable_linear_ordered_semiring nat :=
⦃ decidable_linear_ordered_semiring, nat.comm_semiring,
add_left_cancel := @nat.add_left_cancel,
add_right_cancel := @nat.add_right_cancel,
lt :=,
@ -123,38 +121,38 @@ definition nat_has_dvd [reducible] [instance] [priority nat.prio] : has_dvd nat
||| has_dvd.dvd
theorem add_pos_left {a : ℕ} (H : 0 < a) (b : ℕ) : 0 < a + b :=
@algebra.add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg _ _ a b H !zero_le
@add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg _ _ a b H !zero_le
theorem add_pos_right {a : ℕ} (H : 0 < a) (b : ℕ) : 0 < b + a :=
by rewrite add.comm; apply add_pos_left H b
theorem add_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero_and_eq_zero {a b : ℕ} :
a + b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∧ b = 0 :=
@algebra.add_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero_and_eq_zero_of_nonneg_of_nonneg _ _ a b !zero_le !zero_le
@add_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero_and_eq_zero_of_nonneg_of_nonneg _ _ a b !zero_le !zero_le
theorem le_add_of_le_left {a b c : ℕ} (H : b ≤ c) : b ≤ a + c :=
@algebra.le_add_of_nonneg_of_le _ _ a b c !zero_le H
@le_add_of_nonneg_of_le _ _ a b c !zero_le H
theorem le_add_of_le_right {a b c : ℕ} (H : b ≤ c) : b ≤ c + a :=
@algebra.le_add_of_le_of_nonneg _ _ a b c H !zero_le
@le_add_of_le_of_nonneg _ _ a b c H !zero_le
theorem lt_add_of_lt_left {b c : ℕ} (H : b < c) (a : ℕ) : b < a + c :=
@algebra.lt_add_of_nonneg_of_lt _ _ a b c !zero_le H
@lt_add_of_nonneg_of_lt _ _ a b c !zero_le H
theorem lt_add_of_lt_right {b c : ℕ} (H : b < c) (a : ℕ) : b < c + a :=
@algebra.lt_add_of_lt_of_nonneg _ _ a b c H !zero_le
@lt_add_of_lt_of_nonneg _ _ a b c H !zero_le
theorem lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left {a b c : ℕ} (H : c * a < c * b) : a < b :=
@algebra.lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left _ _ a b c H !zero_le
@lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left _ _ a b c H !zero_le
theorem lt_of_mul_lt_mul_right {a b c : ℕ} (H : a * c < b * c) : a < b :=
@algebra.lt_of_mul_lt_mul_right _ _ a b c H !zero_le
@lt_of_mul_lt_mul_right _ _ a b c H !zero_le
theorem pos_of_mul_pos_left {a b : ℕ} (H : 0 < a * b) : 0 < b :=
@algebra.pos_of_mul_pos_left _ _ a b H !zero_le
@pos_of_mul_pos_left _ _ a b H !zero_le
theorem pos_of_mul_pos_right {a b : ℕ} (H : 0 < a * b) : 0 < a :=
@algebra.pos_of_mul_pos_right _ _ a b H !zero_le
@pos_of_mul_pos_right _ _ a b H !zero_le
theorem zero_le_one : (0:nat) ≤ 1 :=
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Elegant pairing function.
import data.nat.sqrt data.nat.div
open prod decidable
open algebra
namespace nat
definition mkpair (a b : nat) : nat :=
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ by_cases
(suppose h₁ : ¬ n - s*s < s,
have s ≤ n - s*s, from le_of_not_gt h₁,
assert s + s*s ≤ n - s*s + s*s, from add_le_add_right this (s*s),
assert s*s + s ≤ n, by rewrite [nat.sub_add_cancel (sqrt_lower n) at this,
assert s*s + s ≤ n, by rewrite [nat.sub_add_cancel (sqrt_lower n) at this,
add.comm at this]; assumption,
have n ≤ s*s + s + s, from sqrt_upper n,
have n - s*s ≤ s + s, from calc
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ by_cases
esimp [mkpair],
rewrite [if_neg `¬ a < b`],
esimp [unpair],
rewrite [add.assoc (a * a) a b, sqrt_offset_eq `a + b ≤ a + a`, *nat.add_sub_cancel_left,
rewrite [add.assoc (a * a) a b, sqrt_offset_eq `a + b ≤ a + a`, *nat.add_sub_cancel_left,
if_neg `¬ a + b < a`]
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import data.nat.power logic.identities
namespace nat
open decidable
open algebra
definition even (n : nat) := n % 2 = 0
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
The power function on the natural numbers.
import data.nat.basic data.nat.order data.nat.div data.nat.gcd algebra.ring_power
open algebra
namespace nat
@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ definition nat_has_pow_nat [instance] [reducible] [priority nat.prio] : has_pow_
||| has_pow_nat.pow_nat
theorem pow_le_pow_of_le {x y : ℕ} (i : ℕ) (H : x ≤ y) : x^i ≤ y^i :=
algebra.pow_le_pow_of_le i !zero_le H
pow_le_pow_of_le i !zero_le H
theorem eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero {a m : ℕ} (H : a^m = 0) : a = 0 :=
or.elim (eq_zero_or_pos m)
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import data.nat.order data.nat.sub
namespace nat
open decidable
open algebra
-- This is the simplest possible function that just performs a linear search
definition sqrt_aux : nat → nat → nat
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
Subtraction on the natural numbers, as well as min, max, and distance.
import .order
open eq.ops algebra
open eq.ops
namespace nat
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ calc
... = n * m - n * k : {!mul.comm}
protected theorem mul_self_sub_mul_self_eq (a b : nat) : a * a - b * b = (a + b) * (a - b) :=
by rewrite [nat.mul_sub_left_distrib, *right_distrib, mul.comm b a, add.comm (a*a) (a*b),
by rewrite [nat.mul_sub_left_distrib, *right_distrib, mul.comm b a, add.comm (a*a) (a*b),
theorem succ_mul_succ_eq (a : nat) : succ a * succ a = a*a + a + a + 1 :=
@ -290,8 +290,6 @@ sub.cases
... = k - n + n : nat.sub_add_cancel H3,
le.intro (add.right_cancel H4))
open algebra
protected theorem sub_pos_of_lt {m n : ℕ} (H : m < n) : n - m > 0 :=
assert H1 : n = n - m + m, from (nat.sub_add_cancel (le_of_lt H))⁻¹,
have H2 : 0 + m < n - m + m, begin rewrite [zero_add, -H1], exact H end,
@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ or.elim !
lemma dist_eq_max_sub_min {i j : nat} : dist i j = (max i j) - min i j :=
or.elim (lt_or_ge i j)
(suppose i < j,
(suppose i < j,
by rewrite [max_eq_right_of_lt this, min_eq_left_of_lt this, dist_eq_sub_of_lt this])
(suppose i ≥ j,
by rewrite [max_eq_left this , min_eq_right this, dist_eq_sub_of_ge this])
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ are those needed for that construction.
import data.rat.order data.nat
open nat rat subtype eq.ops
open algebra
namespace pnat
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ begin
unfold inv,
change 1 / rat_of_pnat n ≤ 1 / 1,
apply one_div_le_one_div_of_le,
apply algebra.zero_lt_one,
apply zero_lt_one,
apply rat_of_pnat_ge_one
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ begin
unfold inv,
change 1 / rat_of_pnat n < 1 / 1,
apply one_div_lt_one_div_of_lt,
apply algebra.zero_lt_one,
apply zero_lt_one,
rewrite pnat.to_rat_of_nat,
apply (of_nat_lt_of_nat_of_lt H)
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ protected theorem one_mul (n : ℕ+) : pone * n = n :=
apply pnat.eq,
unfold pone,
rewrite [pnat.mul_def, ↑nat_of_pnat, algebra.one_mul]
rewrite [pnat.mul_def, ↑nat_of_pnat, one_mul]
theorem pone_le (n : ℕ+) : pone ≤ n :=
@ -220,9 +219,9 @@ pnat_le_of_rat_of_pnat_le (le_of_one_div_le_one_div !rat_of_pnat_is_pos H)
theorem two_mul (p : ℕ+) : rat_of_pnat (2 * p) = (1 + 1) * rat_of_pnat p :=
by rewrite pnat_to_rat_mul
theorem add_halves (p : ℕ+) : (2 * p)⁻¹ + (2 * p)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ :=
protected theorem add_halves (p : ℕ+) : (2 * p)⁻¹ + (2 * p)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ :=
rewrite [↑inv, -(add_halves (1 / (rat_of_pnat p))), algebra.div_div_eq_div_mul],
rewrite [↑inv, -(add_halves (1 / (rat_of_pnat p))), div_div_eq_div_mul],
have H : rat_of_pnat (2 * p) = rat_of_pnat p * (1 + 1), by rewrite [rat.mul_comm, two_mul],
rewrite *H
@ -231,15 +230,15 @@ theorem add_halves_double (m n : ℕ+) :
m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) + ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) :=
have hsimp [visible] : ∀ a b : ℚ, (a + a) + (b + b) = (a + b) + (a + b),
by intros; rewrite [rat.add_assoc, -(rat.add_assoc a b b), {_+b}rat.add_comm, -*rat.add_assoc],
by rewrite [-add_halves m, -add_halves n, hsimp]
by rewrite [-pnat.add_halves m, -pnat.add_halves n, hsimp]
protected theorem inv_mul_eq_mul_inv {p q : ℕ+} : (p * q)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ * q⁻¹ :=
begin rewrite [↑inv, pnat_to_rat_mul, algebra.one_div_mul_one_div] end
begin rewrite [↑inv, pnat_to_rat_mul, one_div_mul_one_div] end
protected theorem inv_mul_le_inv (p q : ℕ+) : (p * q)⁻¹ ≤ q⁻¹ :=
rewrite [pnat.inv_mul_eq_mul_inv, -{q⁻¹}rat.one_mul at {2}],
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply inv_le_one,
apply le.refl,
apply le_of_lt,
@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ theorem pnat_mul_le_mul_left' (a b c : ℕ+) : a ≤ b → c * a ≤ c * b :=
rewrite +pnat.le_def, intro H,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left H,
apply algebra.le_of_lt,
apply le_of_lt,
apply pnat_pos
@ -298,8 +297,8 @@ by apply inv_gt_of_lt; apply lt_add_left
theorem div_le_pnat (q : ℚ) (n : ℕ+) (H : q ≥ n⁻¹) : 1 / q ≤ rat_of_pnat n :=
apply algebra.div_le_of_le_mul,
apply algebra.lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply div_le_of_le_mul,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
rotate 1,
apply H,
@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ by rewrite [rat.mul_comm, *pnat.inv_mul_eq_mul_inv, hsimp, *pnat.inv_cancel_left
definition pceil (a : ℚ) : ℕ+ := tag (ubound a) !ubound_pos
theorem pceil_helper {a : ℚ} {n : ℕ+} (H : pceil a ≤ n) (Ha : a > 0) : n⁻¹ ≤ 1 / a :=
algebra.le.trans (inv_ge_of_le H) (one_div_le_one_div_of_le Ha (ubound_ge a))
le.trans (inv_ge_of_le H) (one_div_le_one_div_of_le Ha (ubound_ge a))
theorem inv_pceil_div (a b : ℚ) (Ha : a > 0) (Hb : b > 0) : (pceil (a / b))⁻¹ ≤ b / a :=
assert (pceil (a / b))⁻¹ ≤ 1 / (1 / (b / a)),
@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ assert (pceil (a / b))⁻¹ ≤ 1 / (1 / (b / a)),
show 1 / (b / a) ≤ rat_of_pnat (pceil (a / b)),
rewrite div_div_eq_mul_div,
rewrite algebra.one_mul,
rewrite one_mul,
apply ubound_ge
@ -347,14 +346,14 @@ begin
apply exists.elim (exists_add_lt_and_pos_of_lt H),
intro c Hc,
existsi (pceil ((1 + 1 + 1) / c)),
apply lt.trans,
rotate 1,
apply and.left Hc,
rewrite rat.add_assoc,
apply rat.add_lt_add_left,
rewrite -(algebra.add_halves c) at {3},
rewrite -(add_halves c) at {3},
apply add_lt_add,
repeat (apply algebra.lt_of_le_of_lt;
repeat (apply lt_of_le_of_lt;
apply inv_pceil_div;
apply dec_trivial;
apply and.right Hc;
@ -367,10 +366,10 @@ end
theorem nonneg_of_ge_neg_invs (a : ℚ) : (∀ n : ℕ+, -n⁻¹ ≤ a) → 0 ≤ a :=
intro H,
apply algebra.le_of_not_gt,
apply le_of_not_gt,
suppose a < 0,
have H2 : 0 < -a, from neg_pos_of_neg this,
(algebra.not_lt_of_ge !H) ( !lt_neg_iff_lt_neg (calc
(not_lt_of_ge !H) ( !lt_neg_iff_lt_neg (calc
(pceil (of_num 2 / -a))⁻¹ ≤ -a / of_num 2
: !inv_pceil_div dec_trivial H2
... < -a / 1
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ The rational numbers as a field generated by the integers, defined as the usual
import algebra.field
open int quot eq.ops
open algebra
record prerat : Type :=
(num : ℤ) (denom : ℤ) (denom_pos : denom > 0)
@ -211,29 +210,29 @@ by esimp[equiv, smul]; rewrite[mul.assoc, mul.left_comm]
/- properties -/
theorem add.comm (a b : prerat) : add a b ≡ add b a :=
protected theorem add.comm (a b : prerat) : add a b ≡ add b a :=
by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ▸*, add.comm, mul.comm (denom a)]
theorem add.assoc (a b c : prerat) : add (add a b) c ≡ add a (add b c) :=
protected theorem add.assoc (a b c : prerat) : add (add a b) c ≡ add a (add b c) :=
by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ▸*, *(mul.comm (num c)), *(λy, mul.comm y (denom a)), *left_distrib,
*right_distrib, *mul.assoc, *add.assoc]
theorem add_zero (a : prerat) : add a zero ≡ a :=
protected theorem add_zero (a : prerat) : add a zero ≡ a :=
by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ↑zero, ↑of_int, ▸*, *mul_one, zero_mul, add_zero]
theorem add.left_inv (a : prerat) : add (neg a) a ≡ zero :=
protected theorem add_left_inv (a : prerat) : add (neg a) a ≡ zero :=
by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ↑neg, ↑zero, ↑of_int, ▸*, -neg_mul_eq_neg_mul, add.left_inv, *zero_mul]
theorem mul.comm (a b : prerat) : mul a b ≡ mul b a :=
protected theorem mul_comm (a b : prerat) : mul a b ≡ mul b a :=
by rewrite [↑mul, ↑equiv, mul.comm (num a), mul.comm (denom a)]
theorem mul.assoc (a b c : prerat) : mul (mul a b) c ≡ mul a (mul b c) :=
protected theorem mul_assoc (a b c : prerat) : mul (mul a b) c ≡ mul a (mul b c) :=
by rewrite [↑mul, ↑equiv, *mul.assoc]
theorem mul_one (a : prerat) : mul a one ≡ a :=
protected theorem mul_one (a : prerat) : mul a one ≡ a :=
by rewrite [↑mul, ↑one, ↑of_int, ↑equiv, ▸*, *mul_one]
theorem mul.left_distrib (a b c : prerat) : mul a (add b c) ≡ add (mul a b) (mul a c) :=
protected theorem mul_left_distrib (a b c : prerat) : mul a (add b c) ≡ add (mul a b) (mul a c) :=
have H : smul (denom a) (mul a (add b c)) (denom_pos a) =
add (mul a b) (mul a c), from begin
rewrite[↑smul, ↑mul, ↑add],
@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ theorem mul_inv_cancel : ∀{a : prerat}, ¬ a ≡ zero → mul a (inv a) ≡ on
mul a (inv a) ≡ mul a ia : mul_equiv_mul !equiv.refl (inv_of_neg an_neg adp)
... ≡ one : begin
esimp [equiv, num, denom, one, mul, of_int],
rewrite [*int.mul_one, *int.one_mul, algebra.mul.comm,
rewrite [*int.mul_one, *int.one_mul, mul.comm,
(assume an_zero : an = 0, absurd (equiv_zero_of_num_eq_zero an_zero) H)
@ -268,7 +267,7 @@ theorem mul_inv_cancel : ∀{a : prerat}, ¬ a ≡ zero → mul a (inv a) ≡ on
mul a (inv a) ≡ mul a ia : mul_equiv_mul !equiv.refl (inv_of_pos an_pos adp)
... ≡ one : begin
esimp [equiv, num, denom, one, mul, of_int],
rewrite [*int.mul_one, *int.one_mul, algebra.mul.comm]
rewrite [*int.mul_one, *int.one_mul, mul.comm]
theorem zero_not_equiv_one : ¬ zero ≡ one :=
@ -306,8 +305,8 @@ theorem reduce_equiv : ∀ a : prerat, reduce a ≡ a
(assume anz : an = 0,
begin rewrite [↑reduce, if_pos anz, ↑equiv, anz], krewrite zero_mul end)
(assume annz : an ≠ 0,
by rewrite [↑reduce, if_neg annz, ↑equiv, algebra.mul.comm, -!int.mul_div_assoc
!gcd_dvd_left, -!int.mul_div_assoc !gcd_dvd_right, algebra.mul.comm])
by rewrite [↑reduce, if_neg annz, ↑equiv, mul.comm, -!int.mul_div_assoc
!gcd_dvd_left, -!int.mul_div_assoc !gcd_dvd_right, mul.comm])
theorem reduce_eq_reduce : ∀ {a b : prerat}, a ≡ b → reduce a = reduce b
| (mk an ad adpos) (mk bn bd bdpos) :=
@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ theorem reduce_eq_reduce : ∀ {a b : prerat}, a ≡ b → reduce a = reduce b
{apply div_gcd_eq_div_gcd H adpos bdpos},
{esimp, rewrite [gcd.comm, gcd.comm bn],
apply div_gcd_eq_div_gcd_of_nonneg,
rewrite [algebra.mul.comm, -H, algebra.mul.comm],
rewrite [mul.comm, -H, mul.comm],
apply annz,
apply bnnz,
apply le_of_lt adpos,
@ -486,13 +485,13 @@ quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.add_zero)
protected theorem zero_add (a : ℚ) : 0 + a = a := !rat.add_comm ▸ !rat.add_zero
protected theorem add_left_inv (a : ℚ) : -a + a = 0 :=
quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.add.left_inv)
quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.add_left_inv)
protected theorem mul_comm (a b : ℚ) : a * b = b * a :=
quot.induction_on₂ a b (take u v, quot.sound !prerat.mul.comm)
quot.induction_on₂ a b (take u v, quot.sound !prerat.mul_comm)
protected theorem mul_assoc (a b c : ℚ) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.mul.assoc)
quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.mul_assoc)
protected theorem mul_one (a : ℚ) : a * 1 = a :=
quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.mul_one)
@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.mul_one)
protected theorem one_mul (a : ℚ) : 1 * a = a := !rat.mul_comm ▸ !rat.mul_one
protected theorem left_distrib (a b c : ℚ) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c :=
quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.mul.left_distrib)
quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.mul_left_distrib)
protected theorem right_distrib (a b c : ℚ) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c :=
by rewrite [rat.mul_comm, rat.left_distrib, *rat.mul_comm c]
@ -551,8 +550,8 @@ decidable.by_cases
protected definition discrete_field [reducible] [trans_instance] : algebra.discrete_field rat :=
protected definition discrete_field [reducible] [trans_instance] : discrete_field rat :=
add := rat.add,
add_assoc := rat.add_assoc,
zero := 0,
@ -588,7 +587,7 @@ iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq H) (mul_denom a)
theorem of_int_div {a b : ℤ} (H : b ∣ a) : of_int (a / b) = of_int a / of_int b :=
(assume bz : b = 0,
by rewrite [bz, int.div_zero, of_int_zero, algebra.div_zero])
by rewrite [bz, int.div_zero, of_int_zero, div_zero])
(assume bnz : b ≠ 0,
have bnz' : of_int b ≠ 0, from assume oibz, bnz (of_int.inj oibz),
have H' : of_int (a / b) * of_int b = of_int a, from
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Finite products and sums on the rationals.
import data.rat.order algebra.group_bigops algebra.group_set_bigops
open list
namespace rat
open [classes] algebra
local attribute rat.discrete_linear_ordered_field [instance]
variables {A : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
/- Prodl -/
definition Prodl (l : list A) (f : A → rat) : rat := algebra.Prodl l f
notation `∏` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Prodl l f) := r
theorem Prodl_nil (f : A → rat) : Prodl [] f = 1 := algebra.Prodl_nil f
theorem Prodl_cons (f : A → rat) (a : A) (l : list A) : Prodl (a::l) f = f a * Prodl l f :=
algebra.Prodl_cons f a l
theorem Prodl_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → rat) : Prodl (l₁++l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f :=
algebra.Prodl_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Prodl_mul (l : list A) (f g : A → rat) :
Prodl l (λx, f x * g x) = Prodl l f * Prodl l g := algebra.Prodl_mul l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prodl_insert_of_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prodl_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = f a * Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prodl_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → rat) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Prodl (union l₁ l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f := algebra.Prodl_union f d
theorem Prodl_one (l : list A) : Prodl l (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.Prodl_one l
end deceqA
/- Prod over finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Prod (s : finset A) (f : A → rat) : rat := algebra.finset.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → rat) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_mul (s : finset A) (f g : A → rat) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.finset.Prod_mul s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → rat) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.finset.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → rat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.finset.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : finset A) : Prod s (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_one s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Prod over set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Prod (s : set A) (f : A → rat) : rat := algebra.set.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → rat) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → rat) : Prod s f = 1 :=
algebra.set.Prod_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Prod_mul (s : set A) (f g : A → rat) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.set.Prod_mul s f g
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → rat) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.set.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → rat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.set.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : set A) : Prod s (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_one s
end set
/- Suml -/
definition Suml (l : list A) (f : A → rat) : rat := algebra.Suml l f
notation `∑` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Suml l f) := r
theorem Suml_nil (f : A → rat) : Suml [] f = 0 := algebra.Suml_nil f
theorem Suml_cons (f : A → rat) (a : A) (l : list A) : Suml (a::l) f = f a + Suml l f :=
algebra.Suml_cons f a l
theorem Suml_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → rat) : Suml (l₁++l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f :=
algebra.Suml_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Suml_add (l : list A) (f g : A → rat) : Suml l (λx, f x + g x) = Suml l f + Suml l g :=
algebra.Suml_add l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Suml_insert_of_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Suml_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = f a + Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Suml_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → rat) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Suml (union l₁ l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f := algebra.Suml_union f d
theorem Suml_zero (l : list A) : Suml l (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.Suml_zero l
end deceqA
/- Sum over a finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Sum (s : finset A) (f : A → rat) : rat := algebra.finset.Sum s f
notation `∑` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → rat) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_add (s : finset A) (f g : A → rat) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.finset.Sum_add s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → rat) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.finset.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → rat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.finset.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : finset A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_zero s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Sum over a set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Sum (s : set A) (f : A → rat) : rat := algebra.set.Sum s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → rat) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → rat) : Sum s f = 0 :=
algebra.set.Sum_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Sum_add (s : set A) (f g : A → rat) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.set.Sum_add s f g
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → rat) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → rat) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.set.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → rat} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.set.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : set A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_zero s
end set
end rat
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
import .basic .order .bigops
import .basic .order
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Adds the ordering, and instantiates the rationals as an ordered field.
import algebra.ordered_field algebra.group_power data.rat.basic
open quot eq.ops
open algebra
/- the ordering on representations -/
@ -303,8 +302,8 @@ let H' := rat.le_of_lt H in
!rat.lt_irrefl (Heq' ▸ H)))
protected definition discrete_linear_ordered_field [reducible] [trans_instance] :
algebra.discrete_linear_ordered_field rat :=
discrete_linear_ordered_field rat :=
le_refl := rat.le_refl,
le_trans := @rat.le_trans,
@ -433,7 +432,7 @@ theorem binary_nat_bound (a : ℕ) : of_nat a ≤ 2^a :=
(take n : nat, assume Hn,
of_nat (nat.succ n) = (of_nat n) + 1 : of_nat_add
... ≤ 2^n + 1 : algebra.add_le_add_right Hn
... ≤ 2^n + 1 : add_le_add_right Hn
... ≤ 2^n + (2:rat)^n : add_le_add_left (pow_ge_one_of_ge_one two_ge_one _)
... = 2^(succ n) : pow_two_add)
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ The construction of the reals is arranged in four files.
import data.nat data.rat.order data.pnat
open nat eq pnat
open algebra
open - [coercions] rat
local postfix `⁻¹` := pnat.inv
@ -51,17 +50,17 @@ have of_nat 3 * n⁻¹ < b, from calc
: mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right dec_trivial !pnat.inv_pos
... ≤ of_nat 4 * (b / of_nat 4)
: mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (!inv_pceil_div dec_trivial H) !of_nat_nonneg
... = b / of_nat 4 * of_nat 4 : algebra.mul.comm
... = b / of_nat 4 * of_nat 4 : mul.comm
... = b : !div_mul_cancel dec_trivial,
exists.intro n (calc
a + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = a + (1 + 1 + 1) * n⁻¹ : by rewrite [+right_distrib, +rat.one_mul, -+algebra.add.assoc]
a + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = a + (1 + 1 + 1) * n⁻¹ : by rewrite [+right_distrib, +rat.one_mul, -+add.assoc]
... = a + of_nat 3 * n⁻¹ : {show 1+1+1=of_nat 3, from dec_trivial}
... < a + b : rat.add_lt_add_left this a)
private theorem squeeze {a b : ℚ} (H : ∀ j : ℕ+, a ≤ b + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹ + j⁻¹) : a ≤ b :=
apply algebra.le_of_not_gt,
apply le_of_not_gt,
intro Hb,
cases exists_add_lt_and_pos_of_lt Hb with [c, Hc],
cases find_thirds b c (and.right Hc) with [j, Hbj],
@ -70,17 +69,17 @@ begin
private theorem rewrite_helper (a b c d : ℚ) : a * b - c * d = a * (b - d) + (a - c) * d :=
by rewrite [algebra.mul_sub_left_distrib, algebra.mul_sub_right_distrib, add_sub, algebra.sub_add_cancel]
by rewrite [mul_sub_left_distrib, mul_sub_right_distrib, add_sub, sub_add_cancel]
private theorem rewrite_helper3 (a b c d e f g: ℚ) : a * (b + c) - (d * e + f * g) =
(a * b - d * e) + (a * c - f * g) :=
by rewrite [left_distrib, add_sub_comm]
private theorem rewrite_helper4 (a b c d : ℚ) : a * b - c * d = (a * b - a * d) + (a * d - c * d) :=
by rewrite[add_sub, algebra.sub_add_cancel]
by rewrite[add_sub, sub_add_cancel]
private theorem rewrite_helper5 (a b x y : ℚ) : a - b = (a - x) + (x - y) + (y - b) :=
by rewrite[*add_sub, *algebra.sub_add_cancel]
by rewrite[*add_sub, *sub_add_cancel]
private theorem rewrite_helper7 (a b c d x : ℚ) :
a * b * c - d = (b * c) * (a - x) + (x * b * c - d) :=
@ -88,12 +87,12 @@ begin
have ∀ (a b c : ℚ), a * b * c = b * c * a,
intros a b c,
rewrite (algebra.mul.right_comm b c a),
rewrite (algebra.mul.comm b a)
rewrite (mul.right_comm b c a),
rewrite (mul.comm b a)
rewrite[algebra.mul_sub_left_distrib, add_sub],
rewrite [mul_sub_left_distrib, add_sub],
a * b * c - d = a * b * c - x * b * c + x * b * c - d : algebra.sub_add_cancel
a * b * c - d = a * b * c - x * b * c + x * b * c - d : sub_add_cancel
... = b * c * a - b * c * x + x * b * c - d :
rewrite [this a b c, this x b c]
@ -119,14 +118,14 @@ have H2' : b ≤ (2 * k)⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹),
exact H2
have a + b ≤ k⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹), from calc
a + b ≤ (2 * k)⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) + (2 * k)⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) : algebra.add_le_add H' H2'
a + b ≤ (2 * k)⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) + (2 * k)⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) : add_le_add H' H2'
... = ((2 * k)⁻¹ + (2 * k)⁻¹) * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) : by rewrite right_distrib
... = k⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) : by rewrite (pnat.add_halves k),
calc (rat_of_pnat k) * a + b * (rat_of_pnat k)
= (rat_of_pnat k) * a + (rat_of_pnat k) * b : by rewrite (algebra.mul.comm b)
... = (rat_of_pnat k) * (a + b) : algebra.left_distrib
= (rat_of_pnat k) * a + (rat_of_pnat k) * b : by rewrite (mul.comm b)
... = (rat_of_pnat k) * (a + b) : left_distrib
... ≤ (rat_of_pnat k) * (k⁻¹ * (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹)) :
|||| (!algebra.le_iff_mul_le_mul_left !rat_of_pnat_is_pos) this
|||| (!le_iff_mul_le_mul_left !rat_of_pnat_is_pos) this
... = m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ :
by rewrite[-mul.assoc, pnat.inv_cancel_left, one_mul]
@ -135,12 +134,12 @@ private theorem factor_lemma (a b c d e : ℚ) : abs (a + b + c - (d + (b + e)))
a + b + c - (d + (b + e)) = a + b + c - (d + b + e) : rat.add_assoc
... = a + b - (d + b) + (c - e) : add_sub_comm
... = a + b - b - d + (c - e) : sub_add_eq_sub_sub_swap
... = a - d + (c - e) : algebra.add_sub_cancel)
... = a - d + (c - e) : add_sub_cancel)
private theorem factor_lemma_2 (a b c d : ℚ) : (a + b) + (c + d) = (a + c) + (d + b) :=
let H := (binary.comm4 add.comm add.assoc a b c d),
rewrite [algebra.add.comm b d at H],
rewrite [add.comm b d at H],
exact H
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ infix `≡` := equiv
theorem equiv.refl (s : seq) : s ≡ s :=
rewrite [algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -173,10 +172,10 @@ theorem bdd_of_eq {s t : seq} (H : s ≡ t) :
∀ j : ℕ+, ∀ n : ℕ+, n ≥ 2 * j → abs (s n - t n) ≤ j⁻¹ :=
intros [j, n, Hn],
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply H,
rewrite -(add_halves j),
apply algebra.add_le_add,
rewrite -(pnat.add_halves j),
apply add_le_add,
apply inv_ge_of_le Hn,
apply inv_ge_of_le Hn
@ -252,12 +251,12 @@ theorem equiv.trans (s t u : seq) (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regula
existsi 2 * (2 * j),
intro n Hn,
rewrite [-sub_add_cancel (s n) (t n), *sub_eq_add_neg, algebra.add.assoc],
rewrite [-sub_add_cancel (s n) (t n), *sub_eq_add_neg, add.assoc],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
have Hst : abs (s n - t n) ≤ (2 * j)⁻¹, from bdd_of_eq H _ _ Hn,
have Htu : abs (t n - u n) ≤ (2 * j)⁻¹, from bdd_of_eq H2 _ _ Hn,
rewrite -(add_halves j),
rewrite -(pnat.add_halves j),
apply add_le_add,
exact Hst, exact Htu
@ -269,16 +268,16 @@ private definition K (s : seq) : ℕ+ := pnat.pos (ubound (abs (s pone)) + 1 + 1
private theorem canon_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) : abs (s n) ≤ rat_of_pnat (K s) :=
abs (s n) = abs (s n - s pone + s pone) : by rewrite algebra.sub_add_cancel
abs (s n) = abs (s n - s pone + s pone) : by rewrite sub_add_cancel
... ≤ abs (s n - s pone) + abs (s pone) : abs_add_le_abs_add_abs
... ≤ n⁻¹ + pone⁻¹ + abs (s pone) : algebra.add_le_add_right !Hs
... ≤ n⁻¹ + pone⁻¹ + abs (s pone) : add_le_add_right !Hs
... = n⁻¹ + (1 + abs (s pone)) : by rewrite [pone_inv, rat.add_assoc]
... ≤ 1 + (1 + abs (s pone)) : algebra.add_le_add_right (inv_le_one n)
... ≤ 1 + (1 + abs (s pone)) : add_le_add_right (inv_le_one n)
... = abs (s pone) + (1 + 1) :
by rewrite [add.comm 1 (abs (s pone)), add.comm 1, rat.add_assoc]
... ≤ of_nat (ubound (abs (s pone))) + (1 + 1) : algebra.add_le_add_right (!ubound_ge)
... ≤ of_nat (ubound (abs (s pone))) + (1 + 1) : add_le_add_right (!ubound_ge)
... = of_nat (ubound (abs (s pone)) + (1 + 1)) : of_nat_add
... = of_nat (ubound (abs (s pone)) + 1 + 1) : algebra.add.assoc
... = of_nat (ubound (abs (s pone)) + 1 + 1) : add.assoc
... = rat_of_pnat (K s) : by esimp
theorem bdd_of_regular {s : seq} (H : regular s) : ∃ b : ℚ, ∀ n : ℕ+, s n ≤ b :=
@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ theorem bdd_of_regular_strict {s : seq} (H : regular s) : ∃ b : ℚ, ∀ n :
intro n,
apply rat.lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply Hb,
apply algebra.lt_add_of_pos_right,
apply lt_add_of_pos_right,
apply zero_lt_one
@ -389,7 +388,7 @@ theorem s_add_comm (s t : seq) : sadd s t ≡ sadd t s :=
esimp [sadd],
intro n,
rewrite [sub_add_eq_sub_sub, algebra.add_sub_cancel, algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_add_eq_sub_sub, add_sub_cancel, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -403,9 +402,9 @@ theorem s_add_assoc (s t u : seq) (Hs : regular s) (Hu : regular u) :
apply abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
apply rat.le_trans,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add_right,
apply inv_two_mul_le_inv,
rewrite [-(add_halves (2 * n)), -(add_halves n), factor_lemma_2],
rewrite [-(pnat.add_halves (2 * n)), -(pnat.add_halves n), factor_lemma_2],
apply add_le_add,
apply Hs,
apply Hu
@ -415,7 +414,7 @@ theorem s_mul_comm (s t : seq) : smul s t ≡ smul t s :=
rewrite ↑smul,
intros n,
rewrite [*(K₂_symm s t), rat.mul_comm, algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [*(K₂_symm s t), rat.mul_comm, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ private theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma (s t u : seq) (a b c d : ℕ+) :
apply add_le_add,
rewrite 2 abs_mul,
apply le.refl,
rewrite [*rat.mul_assoc, -algebra.mul_sub_left_distrib, -left_distrib, abs_mul],
rewrite [*rat.mul_assoc, -mul_sub_left_distrib, -left_distrib, abs_mul],
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left,
rewrite rewrite_helper,
apply le.trans,
@ -470,7 +469,7 @@ private theorem Kq_bound_pos {s : seq} (H : regular s) : 0 < Kq s :=
private theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_5 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(a b c : ℕ+) : abs (t a) * abs (u b) * abs (s a - s c) ≤ (Kq t) * (Kq u) * (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) :=
repeat apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
repeat apply mul_le_mul,
apply Kq_bound Ht,
apply Kq_bound Hu,
apply abs_nonneg,
@ -489,17 +488,17 @@ private theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_2 {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular
(Kq t) * (Kq u) * (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (Kq s) * (Kq t) * (b⁻¹ + d⁻¹) + (Kq s) * (Kq u) * (a⁻¹ + d⁻¹) :=
apply add_le_add_three,
repeat (assumption | apply algebra.mul_le_mul | apply Kq_bound | apply Kq_bound_nonneg |
repeat (assumption | apply mul_le_mul | apply Kq_bound | apply Kq_bound_nonneg |
apply abs_nonneg),
apply Hs,
apply abs_nonneg,
apply rat.mul_nonneg,
repeat (assumption | apply algebra.mul_le_mul | apply Kq_bound | apply Kq_bound_nonneg |
repeat (assumption | apply mul_le_mul | apply Kq_bound | apply Kq_bound_nonneg |
apply abs_nonneg),
apply Hu,
apply abs_nonneg,
apply rat.mul_nonneg,
repeat (assumption | apply algebra.mul_le_mul | apply Kq_bound | apply Kq_bound_nonneg |
repeat (assumption | apply mul_le_mul | apply Kq_bound | apply Kq_bound_nonneg |
apply abs_nonneg),
apply Ht,
apply abs_nonneg,
@ -554,7 +553,7 @@ theorem zero_is_reg : regular zero :=
rewrite [↑regular, ↑zero],
rewrite [algebra.sub_zero, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_zero, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -586,7 +585,7 @@ theorem s_neg_cancel (s : seq) (H : regular s) : sadd (sneg s) s ≡ zero :=
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑sneg, ↑regular at H, ↑zero, ↑equiv],
rewrite [neg_add_eq_sub, algebra.sub_self, algebra.sub_zero, abs_zero],
rewrite [neg_add_eq_sub, sub_self, sub_zero, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -632,7 +631,7 @@ private theorem mul_bound_helper {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
apply rat.le_trans,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right,
apply pceil_helper Hn,
{ repeat (apply algebra.mul_pos | apply algebra.add_pos | apply rat_of_pnat_is_pos |
{ repeat (apply mul_pos | apply add_pos | apply rat_of_pnat_is_pos |
apply pnat.inv_pos) },
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply add_pos,
@ -654,9 +653,9 @@ private theorem mul_bound_helper {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
apply rat.le_refl
apply add_le_add,
rewrite [-algebra.mul_sub_left_distrib, abs_mul],
rewrite [-mul_sub_left_distrib, abs_mul],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply canon_bound,
apply Hs,
apply Ht,
@ -668,16 +667,16 @@ private theorem mul_bound_helper {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (
apply rat.le_refl,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
rewrite [-algebra.mul_sub_right_distrib, abs_mul],
rewrite [-mul_sub_right_distrib, abs_mul],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
apply canon_bound,
apply Ht,
apply abs_nonneg,
apply add_invs_nonneg,
rewrite [*pnat.inv_mul_eq_mul_inv, -right_distrib, mul.comm _ n⁻¹, rat.mul_assoc],
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
repeat apply rat.le_refl,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply rat.mul_pos,
@ -706,7 +705,7 @@ theorem s_distrib {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular
intros N2 HN2,
existsi max N1 N2,
intros n Hn,
rewrite [↑sadd at *, ↑smul, rewrite_helper3, -add_halves j, -*pnat.mul_assoc at *],
rewrite [↑sadd at *, ↑smul, rewrite_helper3, -pnat.add_halves j, -*pnat.mul_assoc at *],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
apply add_le_add,
@ -732,7 +731,7 @@ theorem mul_zero_equiv_zero {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Htz :
cases Bd with [N, HN],
existsi N,
intro n Hn,
rewrite [↑equiv at Htz, ↑zero at *, algebra.sub_zero, ↑smul, abs_mul],
rewrite [↑equiv at Htz, ↑zero at *, sub_zero, ↑smul, abs_mul],
apply le.trans,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply Kq_bound Hs,
@ -784,11 +783,11 @@ theorem equiv_of_diff_equiv_zero {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
apply add_le_add_three,
apply Hs,
rewrite [↑sadd at He, ↑sneg at He, ↑zero at He],
let He' := λ a b c, eq.subst !algebra.sub_zero (He a b c),
let He' := λ a b c, eq.subst !sub_zero (He a b c),
apply (He' _ _ Hn),
apply Ht,
rewrite [hsimp, add_halves, -(add_halves j), -(add_halves (2 * j)), -*rat.add_assoc],
apply algebra.add_le_add_right,
rewrite [hsimp, pnat.add_halves, -(pnat.add_halves j), -(pnat.add_halves (2 * j)), -*rat.add_assoc],
apply add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add_three,
repeat (apply rat.le_trans; apply inv_ge_of_le Hn; apply inv_two_mul_le_inv)
@ -797,7 +796,7 @@ theorem s_sub_cancel (s : seq) : sadd s (sneg s) ≡ zero :=
rewrite [↑equiv, ↑sadd, ↑sneg, ↑zero],
rewrite [algebra.sub_zero, algebra.add.right_inv, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_zero, add.right_inv, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -880,7 +879,7 @@ theorem one_is_reg : regular one :=
rewrite [↑regular, ↑one],
rewrite [algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -890,7 +889,7 @@ theorem s_one_mul {s : seq} (H : regular s) : smul one s ≡ s :=
rewrite [↑smul, ↑one, rat.one_mul],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply H,
apply algebra.add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add_right,
apply pnat.inv_mul_le_inv
@ -910,7 +909,7 @@ theorem zero_nequiv_one : ¬ zero ≡ one :=
intro Hz,
rewrite [↑equiv at Hz, ↑zero at Hz, ↑one at Hz],
let H := Hz (2 * 2),
rewrite [algebra.zero_sub at H, abs_neg at H, add_halves at H],
rewrite [zero_sub at H, abs_neg at H, pnat.add_halves at H],
have H' : pone⁻¹ ≤ 2⁻¹, from calc
pone⁻¹ = 1 : by rewrite -pone_inv
... = abs 1 : abs_of_pos zero_lt_one
@ -927,7 +926,7 @@ definition const (a : ℚ) : seq := λ n, a
theorem const_reg (a : ℚ) : regular (const a) :=
rewrite [↑const, algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [↑const, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -953,7 +952,7 @@ section
show abs (a - b) ≤ ε, from calc
abs (a - b) ≤ n⁻¹ + n⁻¹ : H₁ n
... ≤ ε / 2 + ε / 2 : add_le_add Hn Hn
... = ε : algebra.add_halves)
... = ε : add_halves)
@ -1146,9 +1145,9 @@ protected theorem zero_ne_one : ¬ (0 : ℝ) = 1 :=
take H : 0 = 1,
absurd (quot.exact H) (r_zero_nequiv_one)
protected definition comm_ring [reducible] : algebra.comm_ring ℝ :=
protected definition comm_ring [reducible] : comm_ring ℝ :=
exact add,
exact real.add_assoc,
exact of_num 0,
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Finite products and sums on the reals.
import data.real.division algebra.group_bigops algebra.group_set_bigops
open list
namespace real
open [classes] algebra
local attribute real.ordered_ring [instance]
local attribute real.comm_ring [instance]
variables {A : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
/- Prodl -/
definition Prodl (l : list A) (f : A → real) : real := algebra.Prodl l f
notation `∏` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Prodl l f) := r
theorem Prodl_nil (f : A → real) : Prodl [] f = 1 := algebra.Prodl_nil f
theorem Prodl_cons (f : A → real) (a : A) (l : list A) : Prodl (a::l) f = f a * Prodl l f :=
algebra.Prodl_cons f a l
theorem Prodl_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → real) : Prodl (l₁++l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f :=
algebra.Prodl_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Prodl_mul (l : list A) (f g : A → real) :
Prodl l (λx, f x * g x) = Prodl l f * Prodl l g := algebra.Prodl_mul l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prodl_insert_of_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prodl_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Prodl (insert a l) f = f a * Prodl l f := algebra.Prodl_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prodl_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → real) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Prodl (union l₁ l₂) f = Prodl l₁ f * Prodl l₂ f := algebra.Prodl_union f d
theorem Prodl_one (l : list A) : Prodl l (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.Prodl_one l
end deceqA
/- Prod over finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Prod (s : finset A) (f : A → real) : real := algebra.finset.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → real) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_mul (s : finset A) (f g : A → real) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.finset.Prod_mul s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.finset.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → real) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.finset.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → real} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.finset.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : finset A) : Prod s (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.finset.Prod_one s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Prod over set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Prod (s : set A) (f : A → real) : real := algebra.set.Prod s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Prod s f) := r
theorem Prod_empty (f : A → real) : Prod ∅ f = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_empty f
theorem Prod_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → real) : Prod s f = 1 :=
algebra.set.Prod_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Prod_mul (s : set A) (f g : A → real) : Prod s (λx, f x * g x) = Prod s f * Prod s g :=
algebra.set.Prod_mul s f g
theorem Prod_insert_of_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Prod_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Prod (insert a s) f = f a * Prod s f := algebra.set.Prod_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Prod_union (f : A → real) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Prod (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Prod s₁ f * Prod s₂ f := algebra.set.Prod_union f disj
theorem Prod_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → real} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Prod s f = Prod s g := algebra.set.Prod_ext H
theorem Prod_one (s : set A) : Prod s (λ x, 1) = 1 := algebra.set.Prod_one s
end set
/- Suml -/
definition Suml (l : list A) (f : A → real) : real := algebra.Suml l f
notation `∑` binders `←` l, r:(scoped f, Suml l f) := r
theorem Suml_nil (f : A → real) : Suml [] f = 0 := algebra.Suml_nil f
theorem Suml_cons (f : A → real) (a : A) (l : list A) : Suml (a::l) f = f a + Suml l f :=
algebra.Suml_cons f a l
theorem Suml_append (l₁ l₂ : list A) (f : A → real) : Suml (l₁++l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f :=
algebra.Suml_append l₁ l₂ f
theorem Suml_add (l : list A) (f g : A → real) : Suml l (λx, f x + g x) = Suml l f + Suml l g :=
algebra.Suml_add l f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Suml_insert_of_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∈ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Suml_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {l : list A} (H : a ∉ l) :
Suml (insert a l) f = f a + Suml l f := algebra.Suml_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Suml_union {l₁ l₂ : list A} (f : A → real) (d : disjoint l₁ l₂) :
Suml (union l₁ l₂) f = Suml l₁ f + Suml l₂ f := algebra.Suml_union f d
theorem Suml_zero (l : list A) : Suml l (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.Suml_zero l
end deceqA
/- Sum over a finset -/
namespace finset
open finset
definition Sum (s : finset A) (f : A → real) : real := algebra.finset.Sum s f
notation `∑` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → real) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_add (s : finset A) (f g : A → real) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.finset.Sum_add s f g
section deceqA
include deceqA
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.finset.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → real) {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.finset.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : finset A} {f g : A → real} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.finset.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : finset A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.finset.Sum_zero s
end deceqA
end finset
/- Sum over a set -/
namespace set
open set
noncomputable definition Sum (s : set A) (f : A → real) : real := algebra.set.Sum s f
notation `∏` binders `∈` s, r:(scoped f, Sum s f) := r
theorem Sum_empty (f : A → real) : Sum ∅ f = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_empty f
theorem Sum_of_not_finite {s : set A} (nfins : ¬ finite s) (f : A → real) : Sum s f = 0 :=
algebra.set.Sum_of_not_finite nfins f
theorem Sum_add (s : set A) (f g : A → real) : Sum s (λx, f x + g x) = Sum s f + Sum s g :=
algebra.set.Sum_add s f g
theorem Sum_insert_of_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : set A} (H : a ∈ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_mem f H
theorem Sum_insert_of_not_mem (f : A → real) {a : A} {s : set A} [fins : finite s] (H : a ∉ s) :
Sum (insert a s) f = f a + Sum s f := algebra.set.Sum_insert_of_not_mem f H
theorem Sum_union (f : A → real) {s₁ s₂ : set A} [fins₁ : finite s₁] [fins₂ : finite s₂]
(disj : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) :
Sum (s₁ ∪ s₂) f = Sum s₁ f + Sum s₂ f := algebra.set.Sum_union f disj
theorem Sum_ext {s : set A} {f g : A → real} (H : ∀x, x ∈ s → f x = g x) :
Sum s f = Sum s g := algebra.set.Sum_ext H
theorem Sum_zero (s : set A) : Sum s (λ x, 0) = 0 := algebra.set.Sum_zero s
end set
end real
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ are independent of each other.
import data.real.basic data.real.order data.real.division data.rat data.nat data.pnat
open rat algebra
open rat
local postfix ⁻¹ := pnat.inv
open eq.ops pnat classical
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ theorem rat_approx {s : seq} (H : regular s) :
intro m Hm,
apply le.trans,
apply H,
rewrite -(add_halves n),
apply algebra.add_le_add_right,
rewrite -(pnat.add_halves n),
apply add_le_add_right,
apply inv_ge_of_le Hm
@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ theorem rat_approx_seq {s : seq} (H : regular s) :
apply le.trans,
rotate 1,
rewrite -sub_eq_add_neg,
apply algebra.sub_le_sub_left,
apply sub_le_sub_left,
apply HN,
apply pnat.le_trans,
apply Hp,
rewrite -*pnat.mul_assoc,
apply pnat.mul_le_mul_left,
rewrite [algebra.sub_self, -neg_zero],
rewrite [sub_self, -neg_zero],
apply neg_le_neg,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply pnat.inv_pos
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ theorem const_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) :
apply !le_add_iff_neg_le_sub_left,
apply le.trans,
apply Hs,
apply algebra.add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add_right,
rewrite -*pnat.mul_assoc,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
apply pnat.mul_le_mul_left
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ theorem equiv_abs_of_ge_zero {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hz : s_le zero s) : s_a
existsi 2 * j,
intro n Hn,
cases em (s n ≥ 0) with [Hpos, Hneg],
rewrite [abs_of_nonneg Hpos, algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [abs_of_nonneg Hpos, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
let Hneg' := lt_of_not_ge Hneg,
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ theorem equiv_neg_abs_of_le_zero {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hz : s_le s zero) :
krewrite pnat.add_halves,
apply le.refl,
let Hneg' := lt_of_not_ge Hneg,
rewrite [abs_of_neg Hneg', ↑sneg, sub_neg_eq_add, neg_add_eq_sub, algebra.sub_self,
rewrite [abs_of_neg Hneg', ↑sneg, sub_neg_eq_add, neg_add_eq_sub, sub_self,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply pnat.inv_pos
@ -166,15 +166,15 @@ namespace real
open [classes] rat_seq
private theorem rewrite_helper9 (a b c : ℝ) : b - c = (b - a) - (c - a) :=
by rewrite [-sub_add_eq_sub_sub_swap, algebra.sub_add_cancel]
by rewrite [-sub_add_eq_sub_sub_swap, sub_add_cancel]
private theorem rewrite_helper10 (a b c d : ℝ) : c - d = (c - a) + (a - b) + (b - d) :=
by rewrite [*add_sub, *algebra.sub_add_cancel]
by rewrite [*add_sub, *sub_add_cancel]
noncomputable definition rep (x : ℝ) : rat_seq.reg_seq := some (quot.exists_rep x)
definition re_abs (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
quot.lift_on x (λ a, (rat_seq.r_abs a))
quot.lift_on x (λ a, (rat_seq.r_abs a))
(take a b Hab, quot.sound (rat_seq.r_abs_well_defined Hab))
theorem r_abs_nonneg {x : ℝ} : zero ≤ x → re_abs x = x :=
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ theorem r_abs_nonneg {x : ℝ} : zero ≤ x → re_abs x = x :=
theorem r_abs_nonpos {x : ℝ} : x ≤ zero → re_abs x = -x :=
quot.induction_on x (λ a Ha, quot.sound (rat_seq.r_equiv_neg_abs_of_le_zero Ha))
private theorem abs_const' (a : ℚ) : of_rat (abs a) = re_abs (of_rat a) :=
private theorem abs_const' (a : ℚ) : of_rat (abs a) = re_abs (of_rat a) :=
quot.sound (rat_seq.r_abs_const a)
private theorem re_abs_is_abs : re_abs = abs := funext
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ private theorem re_abs_is_abs : re_abs = abs := funext
apply eq.symm,
cases em (zero ≤ x) with [Hor1, Hor2],
rewrite [abs_of_nonneg Hor1, r_abs_nonneg Hor1],
have Hor2' : x ≤ zero, from algebra.le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge Hor2),
have Hor2' : x ≤ zero, from le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge Hor2),
rewrite [abs_of_neg (lt_of_not_ge Hor2), r_abs_nonpos Hor2']
@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ theorem cauchy_with_rate_of_converges_to_with_rate {X : r_seq} {a : ℝ} {N :
intro k m n Hm Hn,
rewrite (rewrite_helper9 a),
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply abs_add_le_abs_add_abs,
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply add_le_add,
apply Hc,
apply Hm,
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ private theorem lim_seq_reg_helper {m n : ℕ+} (Hmn : M (2 * n) ≤M (2 * m)) :
abs (of_rat (lim_seq m) - X (Nb M m)) + abs (X (Nb M m) - X (Nb M n)) + abs
(X (Nb M n) - of_rat (lim_seq n)) ≤ of_rat (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) :=
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply add_le_add_three,
apply approx_spec',
rotate 1,
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ private theorem lim_seq_reg_helper {m n : ℕ+} (Hmn : M (2 * n) ≤M (2 * m)) :
apply Nb_spec_right,
krewrite [-+of_rat_add],
change of_rat ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) ≤ of_rat (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹),
rewrite [algebra.add.assoc],
rewrite [add.assoc],
krewrite pnat.add_halves,
apply of_rat_le_of_rat_of_le,
apply add_le_add_right,
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ theorem lim_seq_reg : rat_seq.regular lim_seq :=
intro m n,
apply le_of_of_rat_le_of_rat,
rewrite [abs_const, of_rat_sub, (rewrite_helper10 (X (Nb M m)) (X (Nb M n)))],
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply abs_add_three,
cases em (M (2 * m) ≥ M (2 * n)) with [Hor1, Hor2],
apply lim_seq_reg_helper Hor1,
@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ theorem converges_to_with_rate_of_cauchy_with_rate : converges_to_with_rate X li
intro k n Hn,
rewrite (rewrite_helper10 (X (Nb M n)) (of_rat (lim_seq n))),
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply abs_add_three,
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply add_le_add_three,
apply Hc,
apply pnat.le_trans,
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ theorem converges_to_with_rate_of_cauchy_with_rate : converges_to_with_rate X li
krewrite [-+of_rat_add],
change of_rat ((2 * k)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹ + n⁻¹) ≤ of_rat k⁻¹,
apply of_rat_le_of_rat_of_le,
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply add_le_add_three,
apply rat.le_refl,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ theorem archimedean_upper_strict (x : ℝ) : ∃ z : ℤ, x < of_int z :=
cases archimedean_upper x with [z, Hz],
existsi z + 1,
apply algebra.lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply Hz,
apply of_int_lt_of_int_of_lt,
apply lt_add_of_pos_right,
@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ private definition ex_floor (x : ℝ) :=
existsi some (archimedean_upper_strict x),
let Har := some_spec (archimedean_upper_strict x),
intros z Hz,
apply algebra.not_le_of_gt,
apply algebra.lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply not_le_of_gt,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply Har,
have H : of_int (some (archimedean_upper_strict x)) ≤ of_int z, begin
apply of_int_le_of_int_of_le,
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ theorem floor_succ (x : ℝ) : floor (x + 1) = floor x + 1 :=
theorem floor_sub_one_lt_floor (x : ℝ) : floor (x - 1) < floor x :=
apply @algebra.lt_of_add_lt_add_right ℤ _ _ 1,
apply @lt_of_add_lt_add_right ℤ _ _ 1,
rewrite [-floor_succ (x - 1), sub_add_cancel],
apply lt_add_of_pos_right dec_trivial
@ -511,9 +511,9 @@ let n := int.nat_abs (ceil (2 / ε)) in
assert int.of_nat n ≥ ceil (2 / ε),
by rewrite of_nat_nat_abs; apply le_abs_self,
have int.of_nat (succ n) ≥ ceil (2 / ε),
begin apply algebra.le.trans, exact this, apply int.of_nat_le_of_nat_of_le, apply le_succ end,
begin apply le.trans, exact this, apply int.of_nat_le_of_nat_of_le, apply le_succ end,
have H₁ : succ n ≥ ceil (2 / ε), from of_int_le_of_int_of_le this,
have H₂ : succ n ≥ 2 / ε, from !algebra.le.trans !le_ceil H₁,
have H₂ : succ n ≥ 2 / ε, from !le.trans !le_ceil H₁,
have H₃ : 2 / ε > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_pos two_pos H,
have 1 / succ n < ε, from calc
1 / succ n ≤ 1 / (2 / ε) : one_div_le_one_div_of_le H₃ H₂
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ private theorem under_spec1 : of_rat under < elt :=
apply of_int_lt_of_int_of_lt,
apply floor_sub_one_lt_floor
algebra.lt_of_lt_of_le H !floor_le
lt_of_lt_of_le H !floor_le
private theorem under_spec : ¬ ub under :=
@ -584,14 +584,14 @@ private theorem over_spec1 : bound < of_rat over :=
apply of_int_lt_of_int_of_lt,
apply ceil_lt_ceil_succ
algebra.lt_of_le_of_lt !le_ceil H
lt_of_le_of_lt !le_ceil H
private theorem over_spec : ub over :=
rewrite ↑ub,
intro y Hy,
apply algebra.le_of_lt,
apply algebra.lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply le_of_lt,
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply bdd,
apply Hy,
apply over_spec1
@ -656,9 +656,9 @@ private theorem width (n : ℕ) : over_seq n - under_seq n = (over - under) / ((
... = (over - under) / ((2^a) * 2) : by rewrite div_div_eq_div_mul
... = (over - under) / 2^(a + 1) : by rewrite pow_add,
cases em (ub (avg_seq a)),
rewrite [*if_pos a_1, -add_one, -Hou, ↑avg_seq, ↑avg, sub_eq_add_neg, algebra.add.assoc, -sub_eq_add_neg, div_two_sub_self],
rewrite [*if_pos a_1, -add_one, -Hou, ↑avg_seq, ↑avg, sub_eq_add_neg, add.assoc, -sub_eq_add_neg, div_two_sub_self],
rewrite [*if_neg a_1, -add_one, -Hou, ↑avg_seq, ↑avg, sub_add_eq_sub_sub,
private theorem width_narrows : ∃ n : ℕ, over_seq n - under_seq n ≤ 1 :=
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ private theorem under_lt_over : under < over :=
cases exists_not_of_not_forall under_spec with [x, Hx],
cases not_implies_iff_and_not Hx with [HXx, Hxu],
apply lt_of_of_rat_lt_of_rat,
apply algebra.lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply lt_of_not_ge Hxu,
apply over_spec _ HXx
@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ private theorem under_seq_lt_over_seq : ∀ m n : ℕ, under_seq m < over_seq n
cases exists_not_of_not_forall (PA m) with [x, Hx],
cases not_implies_iff_and_not Hx with [HXx, Hxu],
apply lt_of_of_rat_lt_of_rat,
apply algebra.lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply lt_of_not_ge Hxu,
apply PB,
apply HXx
@ -898,8 +898,8 @@ private theorem under_lowest_bound : ∀ y : ℝ, ub y → sup_under ≤ y :=
intro n,
cases exists_not_of_not_forall (PA _) with [x, Hx],
cases not_implies_iff_and_not Hx with [HXx, Hxn],
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply algebra.le_of_lt,
apply le.trans,
apply le_of_lt,
apply lt_of_not_ge Hxn,
apply Hy,
apply HXx
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Robert Y. Lewis
import .basic .order .division .complete .bigops
import .basic .order .division .complete
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ and excluded middle.
import data.real.basic data.real.order data.rat data.nat
open rat
open nat
open eq.ops pnat classical algebra
open eq.ops pnat classical
namespace rat_seq
local postfix ⁻¹ := pnat.inv
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ definition s_abs (s : seq) : seq := λ n, abs (s n)
theorem abs_reg_of_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) : regular (s_abs s) :=
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply algebra.abs_abs_sub_abs_le_abs_sub,
apply le.trans,
apply abs_abs_sub_abs_le_abs_sub,
apply Hs
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
cases em (m < ps Hs Hsep) with [Hmlt, Hmlt],
cases em (n < ps Hs Hsep) with [Hnlt, Hnlt],
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hmlt), (s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hnlt)],
rewrite [algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg,
rewrite [(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hmlt),
(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hnlt))],
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
apply mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(!field.div_mul_div Hsp Hspn), abs_mul],
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hmlt),
apply le_ps Hs Hsep,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hnlt)),
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
apply abs_nonneg,
apply add_invs_nonneg,
rewrite [right_distrib, *pnat_cancel', add.comm],
apply algebra.add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add_right,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
apply pnat.le_of_lt,
apply Hmlt,
@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hmlt))],
rewrite [(!div_sub_div Hspm Hsp), div_eq_mul_one_div, *abs_mul, *mul_one, *one_mul],
apply le.trans,
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(!field.div_mul_div Hspm Hsp), abs_mul],
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hmlt)),
apply le_ps Hs Hsep,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_lt_p Hs Hsep Hnlt),
@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hmlt))],
rewrite [(!div_sub_div Hspm Hspn), div_eq_mul_one_div, abs_mul, *one_mul, *mul_one],
apply le.trans,
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply Hs,
rewrite [-(mul_one 1), -(!field.div_mul_div Hspm Hspn), abs_mul],
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hmlt)),
apply le_ps Hs Hsep,
rewrite -(s_inv_of_sep_gt_p Hs Hsep (pnat.le_of_not_gt Hnlt)),
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ theorem reg_inv_reg {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) : regular (s_
apply abs_nonneg,
apply add_invs_nonneg,
rewrite [right_distrib, *pnat_cancel', add.comm],
apply algebra.le.refl
apply le.refl
theorem s_inv_ne_zero {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) (n : ℕ+) : s_inv Hs n ≠ 0 :=
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ protected theorem mul_inv {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) :
intro n Hn,
have Hnz : s_inv Hs ((K₂ s (s_inv Hs)) * 2 * n) ≠ 0, from s_inv_ne_zero Hs Hsep _,
rewrite [↑smul, ↑one, mul.comm, -(mul_one_div_cancel Hnz),
-algebra.mul_sub_left_distrib, abs_mul],
-mul_sub_left_distrib, abs_mul],
apply le.trans,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right,
apply canon_2_bound_right s,
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ protected theorem mul_inv {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hsep : sep s zero) :
apply rat_of_pnat_is_pos,
rewrite [left_distrib, pnat.mul_comm ((ps Hs Hsep) * (ps Hs Hsep)), *pnat.mul_assoc,
*(@pnat.inv_mul_eq_mul_inv (K₂ s (s_inv Hs))), -*mul.assoc, *pnat.inv_cancel_left,
*one_mul, -(add_halves j)],
*one_mul, -(pnat.add_halves j)],
apply add_le_add,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
apply pnat_mul_le_mul_left',
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ theorem s_neg_neg {s : seq} : sneg (sneg s) ≡ s :=
rewrite [↑equiv, ↑sneg],
intro n,
rewrite [neg_neg, algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [neg_neg, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -638,8 +638,8 @@ noncomputable definition dec_lt : decidable_rel :=
protected noncomputable definition discrete_linear_ordered_field [reducible] [trans_instance]:
algebra.discrete_linear_ordered_field ℝ :=
⦃ algebra.discrete_linear_ordered_field, real.comm_ring, real.ordered_ring,
discrete_linear_ordered_field ℝ :=
⦃ discrete_linear_ordered_field, real.comm_ring, real.ordered_ring,
le_total := real.le_total,
mul_inv_cancel := real.mul_inv_cancel,
inv_mul_cancel := real.inv_mul_cancel,
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ theorem of_rat_one : of_rat (1:rat) = (1:real) := rfl
theorem of_rat_divide (x y : ℚ) : of_rat (x / y) = of_rat x / of_rat y :=
(assume yz : y = 0, by krewrite [yz, algebra.div_zero, +of_rat_zero, algebra.div_zero])
(assume yz : y = 0, by krewrite [yz, div_zero, +of_rat_zero, div_zero])
(assume ynz : y ≠ 0,
have ynz' : of_rat y ≠ 0, from assume yz', ynz (of_rat.inj yz'),
!eq_div_of_mul_eq ynz' (by krewrite [-of_rat_mul, !div_mul_cancel ynz]))
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ have ∀ ε : ℝ, ε > 0 → x < ε, from
take ε, suppose ε > 0,
assert e2pos : ε / 2 > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_pos `ε > 0` two_pos,
assert ε / 2 < ε, from div_two_lt_of_pos `ε > 0`,
begin apply algebra.lt_of_le_of_lt, apply H _ e2pos, apply this end,
begin apply lt_of_le_of_lt, apply H _ e2pos, apply this end,
eq_zero_of_nonneg_of_forall_lt xnonneg this
theorem eq_zero_of_forall_abs_le {x : ℝ} (H : ∀ ε : ℝ, ε > 0 → abs x ≤ ε) :
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ To do:
o Rename things and possibly make theorems private
import data.real.basic data.rat data.nat
open rat nat eq pnat algebra
open rat nat eq pnat
local postfix `⁻¹` := pnat.inv
@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ theorem bdd_away_of_pos {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (H : pos s) :
have Habs' : s m + abs (s m - s n) ≥ s n, from (iff.mpr (le_add_iff_sub_left_le _ _ _)) Habs,
have HN' : N⁻¹ + N⁻¹ ≤ s n - n⁻¹, begin
rewrite sub_eq_add_neg,
apply iff.mpr (algebra.le_add_iff_sub_right_le _ _ _),
apply iff.mpr (le_add_iff_sub_right_le _ _ _),
rewrite [sub_neg_eq_add, add.comm, -add.assoc],
apply le_of_lt HN
rewrite add.comm at Habs',
have Hin : s m ≥ N⁻¹, from calc
s m ≥ s n - abs (s m - s n) : ( (le_add_iff_sub_left_le _ _ _)) Habs'
... ≥ s n - (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) : algebra.sub_le_sub_left !Hs
... ≥ s n - (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹) : sub_le_sub_left !Hs
... = s n - m⁻¹ - n⁻¹ : by rewrite sub_add_eq_sub_sub
... = s n - n⁻¹ - m⁻¹ : by rewrite sub_sub_comm
... ≥ s n - n⁻¹ - N⁻¹ : algebra.sub_le_sub_left (inv_ge_of_le Hm)
... ≥ N⁻¹ + N⁻¹ - N⁻¹ : algebra.sub_le_sub_right HN'
... = N⁻¹ : by rewrite algebra.add_sub_cancel,
... ≥ s n - n⁻¹ - N⁻¹ : sub_le_sub_left (inv_ge_of_le Hm)
... ≥ N⁻¹ + N⁻¹ - N⁻¹ : sub_le_sub_right HN'
... = N⁻¹ : by rewrite add_sub_cancel,
apply Hin
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ theorem nonneg_of_bdd_within {s : seq} (Hs : regular s)
apply add_pos;
repeat apply zero_lt_one;
exact Hε),
rewrite [algebra.add_halves],
rewrite [add_halves],
apply rat.le_refl
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ theorem pos_of_pos_equiv {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Heq : s ≡ t) (Hp : pos
rewrite sub_eq_add_neg,
apply iff.mpr !add_le_add_right_iff,
apply Hs4,
rewrite [*pnat.mul_assoc, pnat.add_halves, -(add_halves N), -sub_eq_add_neg, algebra.add_sub_cancel],
rewrite [*pnat.mul_assoc, pnat.add_halves, -(pnat.add_halves N), -sub_eq_add_neg, add_sub_cancel],
apply inv_two_mul_lt_inv
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ theorem nonneg_of_nonneg_equiv {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (He
apply Heq,
apply le.trans,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.sub_le_sub_right,
apply sub_le_sub_right,
apply HNs,
apply pnat.le_trans,
rotate 1,
@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ theorem nonneg_of_nonneg_equiv {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (He
have Hms' : m⁻¹ + m⁻¹ ≤ (2 * 2 * n)⁻¹ + (2 * 2 * n)⁻¹, from add_le_add Hms Hms,
apply le.trans,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.sub_le_sub_left,
apply sub_le_sub_left,
apply Hms',
rewrite [*pnat.mul_assoc, pnat.add_halves, -neg_sub, -add_halves n, sub_neg_eq_add],
rewrite [*pnat.mul_assoc, pnat.add_halves, -neg_sub, -pnat.add_halves n, sub_neg_eq_add],
apply neg_le_neg,
apply algebra.add_le_add_left,
apply add_le_add_left,
apply inv_two_mul_le_inv
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ theorem s_neg_add_eq_s_add_neg (s t : seq) : sneg (sadd s t) ≡ sadd (sneg s) (
rewrite [↑equiv, ↑sadd, ↑sneg],
rewrite [neg_add, algebra.sub_self, abs_zero],
rewrite [neg_add, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ theorem equiv_cancel_middle {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
repeat (apply reg_add_reg | apply reg_neg_reg | assumption)
protected theorem add_le_add_of_le_right {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
protected theorem add_le_add_of_le_right {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
(Lst : s_le s t) : ∀ u : seq, regular u → s_le (sadd u s) (sadd u t) :=
intro u Hu,
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ theorem s_add_lt_add_left {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hst : s
repeat (apply reg_add_reg | apply reg_neg_reg | assumption)
protected theorem add_nonneg_of_nonneg {s t : seq} (Hs : nonneg s) (Ht : nonneg t) :
protected theorem add_nonneg_of_nonneg {s t : seq} (Hs : nonneg s) (Ht : nonneg t) :
nonneg (sadd s t) :=
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ protected theorem add_nonneg_of_nonneg {s t : seq} (Hs : nonneg s) (Ht : nonneg
apply Ht
protected theorem le_trans {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
protected theorem le_trans {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : regular u)
(Lst : s_le s t) (Ltu : s_le t u) : s_le s u :=
rewrite ↑s_le at *,
@ -355,19 +355,19 @@ theorem equiv_of_le_of_ge {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Lst : s
rotate 2,
rewrite [↑s_le at *, ↑nonneg at *, ↑equiv, ↑sadd at *, ↑sneg at *],
rewrite [↑zero, algebra.sub_zero],
rewrite [↑zero, sub_zero],
apply abs_le_of_le_of_neg_le,
apply le_of_neg_le_neg,
rewrite [2 neg_add, neg_neg],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply algebra.neg_add_neg_le_neg_of_pos,
apply neg_add_neg_le_neg_of_pos,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
rewrite add.comm,
apply Lst,
apply le_of_neg_le_neg,
rewrite [neg_add, neg_neg],
apply rat.le_trans,
apply algebra.neg_add_neg_le_neg_of_pos,
apply neg_add_neg_le_neg_of_pos,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
apply Lts,
repeat assumption
@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ theorem le_and_sep_of_lt {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Lst : s_
exact (calc
sadd t (sneg s) n ≥ sadd t (sneg s) N - N⁻¹ - n⁻¹ : Habs
... ≥ 0 - n⁻¹: begin
apply algebra.sub_le_sub_right,
apply sub_le_sub_right,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply (iff.mpr (sub_pos_iff_lt _ _)),
apply HN
... = -n⁻¹ : by rewrite algebra.zero_sub),
... = -n⁻¹ : by rewrite zero_sub),
exact or.inl Lst
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ theorem s_neg_zero : sneg zero ≡ zero :=
rewrite ↑[sneg, zero, equiv],
rewrite [algebra.sub_zero, abs_neg, abs_zero],
rewrite [sub_zero, abs_neg, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ theorem s_mul_pos_of_pos {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hps : po
rewrite ↑smul,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply HNs,
apply pnat.le_trans,
apply pnat.max_left Ns Nt,
@ -508,9 +508,9 @@ theorem s_mul_pos_of_pos {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hps : po
rewrite -pnat.mul_assoc,
apply pnat.mul_le_mul_left,
rewrite pnat.inv_mul_eq_mul_inv,
apply algebra.mul_lt_mul,
apply mul_lt_mul,
rewrite [pnat.inv_mul_eq_mul_inv, -one_mul Ns⁻¹],
apply algebra.mul_lt_mul,
apply mul_lt_mul,
apply inv_lt_one_of_gt,
apply dec_trivial,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ theorem s_zero_mul {s : seq} : smul s zero ≡ zero :=
rewrite [↑equiv, ↑smul, ↑zero],
rewrite [algebra.mul_zero, algebra.sub_zero, abs_zero],
rewrite [mul_zero, sub_zero, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ theorem s_mul_nonneg_of_nonneg {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
intro Htn,
apply rat.le_trans,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.mul_le_mul_of_nonpos_right,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonpos_right,
apply rat.le_trans,
apply le_abs_self,
apply canon_2_bound_left s t Hs,
@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ protected theorem not_lt_self (s : seq) : ¬ s_lt s s :=
rewrite [↑s_lt at Hlt, ↑pos at Hlt],
apply exists.elim Hlt,
intro n Hn, esimp at Hn,
rewrite [↑sadd at Hn,↑sneg at Hn, -sub_eq_add_neg at Hn, algebra.sub_self at Hn],
apply absurd Hn (algebra.not_lt_of_ge (rat.le_of_lt !pnat.inv_pos))
rewrite [↑sadd at Hn,↑sneg at Hn, -sub_eq_add_neg at Hn, sub_self at Hn],
apply absurd Hn (not_lt_of_ge (rat.le_of_lt !pnat.inv_pos))
theorem not_sep_self (s : seq) : ¬ s ≢ s :=
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ theorem s_lt_of_lt_of_le {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : r
let Runt := reg_add_reg Hu (reg_neg_reg Ht),
have Hcan : ∀ m, sadd u (sneg s) m = (sadd t (sneg s)) m + (sadd u (sneg t)) m, begin
intro m,
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑sneg, -*algebra.sub_eq_add_neg, -sub_eq_sub_add_sub]
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑sneg, -*sub_eq_add_neg, -sub_eq_sub_add_sub]
rewrite [↑s_lt at *, ↑s_le at *],
cases bdd_away_of_pos Rtns Hst with [Nt, HNt],
@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ theorem s_lt_of_lt_of_le {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : r
rewrite Hcan,
apply rat.le_trans,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.add_le_add,
apply add_le_add,
apply HNt,
apply pnat.le_trans,
apply pnat.mul_le_mul_left 2,
@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ theorem s_lt_of_lt_of_le {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : r
apply Hn,
rotate_right 1,
apply pnat.max_right,
rewrite [-add_halves Nt, -sub_eq_add_neg, algebra.add_sub_cancel],
rewrite [-pnat.add_halves Nt, -sub_eq_add_neg, add_sub_cancel],
apply inv_ge_of_le,
apply pnat.max_left
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ theorem s_lt_of_le_of_lt {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : r
rewrite Hcan,
apply rat.le_trans,
rotate 1,
apply algebra.add_le_add,
apply add_le_add,
apply HNt,
apply pnat.le_trans,
rotate 1,
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ theorem s_lt_of_le_of_lt {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : r
apply Hn,
rotate_right 1,
apply pnat.max_left,
rewrite [-add_halves Nu, neg_add_cancel_left],
rewrite [-pnat.add_halves Nu, neg_add_cancel_left],
apply inv_ge_of_le,
apply pnat.max_left
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ theorem const_le_const_of_le {a b : ℚ} (H : a ≤ b) : s_le (const a) (const b
rewrite [↑s_le, ↑nonneg],
intro n,
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑sneg, ↑const],
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply neg_nonpos_of_nonneg,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ theorem lt_of_const_lt_const {a b : ℚ} (H : s_lt (const a) (const b)) : a < b
rewrite [↑s_lt at H, ↑pos at H, ↑const at H, ↑sadd at H, ↑sneg at H],
cases H with [n, Hn],
apply ( !sub_pos_iff_lt),
apply lt.trans,
rotate 1,
exact Hn,
apply pnat.inv_pos
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ theorem s_le_of_le_pointwise {s t : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t)
rewrite [↑s_le, ↑nonneg, ↑sadd, ↑sneg],
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply le.trans,
apply iff.mpr !neg_nonpos_iff_nonneg,
apply le_of_lt,
apply pnat.inv_pos,
@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ theorem r_lt_of_const_lt_const {a b : ℚ} (H : r_lt (r_const a) (r_const b)) :
theorem r_le_of_le_reprs (s t : reg_seq) (Hle : ∀ n : ℕ+, r_le s (r_const (reg_seq.sq t n))) : r_le s t :=
le_of_le_reprs (reg_seq.is_reg s) (reg_seq.is_reg t) Hle
theorem r_le_of_reprs_le (s t : reg_seq) (Hle : ∀ n : ℕ+, r_le (r_const (reg_seq.sq t n)) s) :
theorem r_le_of_reprs_le (s t : reg_seq) (Hle : ∀ n : ℕ+, r_le (r_const (reg_seq.sq t n)) s) :
r_le t s :=
le_of_reprs_le (reg_seq.is_reg s) (reg_seq.is_reg t) Hle
@ -1018,9 +1018,9 @@ open real
open [classes] rat_seq
namespace real
protected definition lt (x y : ℝ) :=
protected definition lt (x y : ℝ) :=
quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_lt a b) rat_seq.r_lt_well_defined
protected definition le (x y : ℝ) :=
protected definition le (x y : ℝ) :=
quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_le a b) rat_seq.r_le_well_defined
definition real_has_lt [reducible] [instance] [priority real.prio] : has_lt ℝ :=
@ -1089,8 +1089,8 @@ protected theorem le_of_lt_or_eq (x y : ℝ) : x < y ∨ x = y → x ≤ y :=
apply (or.inr (quot.exact H'))
definition ordered_ring [reducible] [instance] : algebra.ordered_ring ℝ :=
⦃ algebra.ordered_ring, real.comm_ring,
definition ordered_ring [reducible] [instance] : ordered_ring ℝ :=
⦃ ordered_ring, real.comm_ring,
le_refl := real.le_refl,
le_trans := @real.le_trans,
mul_pos := real.mul_pos,
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
(set A) is an instance of a commutative semiring
import data.set.basic algebra.ring
open algebra set
open set
definition set_comm_semiring [instance] (A : Type) : comm_semiring (set A) :=
⦃ comm_semiring,
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ take s, suppose s ∈ F₂,
(bounded_exists.intro `s ∈ F₂` (by rewrite univ_inter; apply subset.refl))
theorem inf_refines (H₁ : F₁ ≽ F) (H₂ : F₂ ≽ F) : F₁ ⊓ F₂ ≽ F :=
take s, suppose s ∈ F₁ ⊓ F₂,
take s : set A, suppose (#set.filter s ∈ F₁ ⊓ F₂),
obtain a₁ [a₁F₁ [a₂ [a₂F₂ (Hsub : s ⊇ a₁ ∩ a₂)]]], from this,
have a₁ ∈ F, from H₁ a₁F₁,
have a₂ ∈ F, from H₂ a₂F₂,
@ -278,9 +278,8 @@ Sup_refines H
theorem refines_Inf {F : filter A} {S : set (filter A)} (FS : F ∈ S) : F ≽ ⨅ S :=
refines_Sup (λ G GS, GS F FS)
open algebra
protected definition complete_lattice_Inf [reducible] [instance] : complete_lattice_Inf (filter A) :=
⦃ algebra.complete_lattice_Inf,
⦃ complete_lattice_Inf,
le := weakens,
le_refl := weakens.refl,
le_trans := @weakens.trans A,
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
import data.nat data.list data.equiv
open nat function option algebra
open nat function option
definition stream (A : Type) := nat → A
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Tuples are lists of a fixed size.
It is implemented as a subtype.
import logic data.list data.fin
open nat list subtype function algebra
open nat list subtype function
definition tuple [reducible] (A : Type) (n : nat) := {l : list A | length l = n}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Author: Jeremy Avigad
Metric spaces.
import data.real.division
open real eq.ops classical algebra
open real eq.ops classical
structure metric_space [class] (M : Type) : Type :=
(dist : M → M → ℝ)
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ The definitions here are noncomputable, for various reasons:
These could be avoided in a constructive theory of analysis, but here we will not
follow that route.
import .metric_space data.real.complete
open real classical algebra
import .metric_space data.real.complete data.set
open real classical
noncomputable theory
namespace real
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ protected definition to_metric_space [instance] : metric_space ℝ :=
⦃ metric_space,
dist := λ x y, abs (x - y),
dist_self := λ x, abstract by rewrite [sub_self, abs_zero] end,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := λ x y, algebra.eq_of_abs_sub_eq_zero,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := λ x y, eq_of_abs_sub_eq_zero,
dist_comm := abs_sub,
dist_triangle := abs_sub_le
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ section
(take m n : ℕ+,
assume Hm : m ≥ (pnat.succ N),
assume Hn : n ≥ (pnat.succ N),
have Hm' : elt_of m ≥ N, begin apply algebra.le.trans, apply le_succ, apply Hm end,
have Hn' : elt_of n ≥ N, begin apply algebra.le.trans, apply le_succ, apply Hn end,
have Hm' : elt_of m ≥ N, begin apply le.trans, apply le_succ, apply Hm end,
have Hn' : elt_of n ≥ N, begin apply le.trans, apply le_succ, apply Hn end,
show abs (X (elt_of m) - X (elt_of n)) ≤ of_rat k⁻¹, from le_of_lt (H _ _ Hm' Hn'))
private definition rate_of_cauchy {X : ℕ → ℝ} (H : cauchy X) (k : ℕ+) : ℕ+ :=
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ theorem translate_continuous_of_continuous {f : ℝ → ℝ} (Hcon : continuous
intros x' Hx',
rewrite [add_sub_comm, sub_self, algebra.add_zero],
rewrite [add_sub_comm, sub_self, add_zero],
apply Hδ₂,
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Binomial coefficients, "n choose k".
import data.nat.div data.nat.fact data.finset
open decidable
open algebra
namespace nat
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
import data .hom .perm .finsubg
namespace group
open finset algebra function
namespace group_theory
open finset function
local attribute perm.f [coercion]
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ lemma subg_moversets_of_orbit_eq_stab_lcosets :
existsi b, subst Ph₂, assumption
open nat nat.finset
open nat
theorem orbit_stabilizer_theorem : card H = card (orbit hom H a) * card (stab hom H a) :=
calc card H = card (fin_lcosets (stab hom H a) H) * card (stab hom H a) : lagrange_theorem stab_subset
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ take a b, propext (iff.intro
(assume Peq, Peq ▸ in_orbit_refl))
variables (hom) (H)
open nat nat.finset finset.partition fintype
open nat finset.partition fintype
definition orbit_partition : @partition S _ :=
mk univ (orbit hom H) orbit_is_partition
@ -572,4 +572,4 @@ lemma card_perm_step : card (perm (fin (succ n))) = (succ n) * card (perm (fin n
... = (succ n) * card (perm (fin n)) : by rewrite -card_lift_to_stab
end perm_fin
end group
end group_theory
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
import data algebra.group_power .finsubg .hom .perm
open function algebra finset
open function finset
open eq.ops
namespace group
namespace group_theory
section cyclic
open nat fin list
@ -389,4 +389,4 @@ lemma rotl_perm_order (Pex : ∃ a b : A, a ≠ b) : order (rotl_perm A (succ n)
order_of_min_pow rotl_perm_pow_eq_one (rotl_perm_pow_ne_one Pex)
end rotg
end group
end group_theory
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
-- can be used directly without translating from the set based theory first
import data .subgroup
open function algebra finset
open function finset
-- ⁻¹ in eq.ops conflicts with group ⁻¹
open eq.ops
namespace group
namespace group_theory
open ops
section subg
@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ definition fin_lcoset_partition_subg (Psub : H ⊆ G) :=
open nat
theorem lagrange_theorem (Psub : H ⊆ G) : card G = card (fin_lcosets H G) * card H := calc
card G = nat.finset.Sum (fin_lcosets H G) card : class_equation (fin_lcoset_partition_subg Psub)
... = nat.finset.Sum (fin_lcosets H G) (λ x, card H) : nat.finset.Sum_ext (take g P, fin_lcosets_card_eq g P)
card G = finset.Sum (fin_lcosets H G) card : class_equation (fin_lcoset_partition_subg Psub)
... = finset.Sum (fin_lcosets H G) (λ x, card H) : finset.Sum_ext (take g P, fin_lcosets_card_eq g P)
... = card (fin_lcosets H G) * card H : Sum_const_eq_card_mul
end fin_lcoset
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ (all_lcosets G H)
lemma card_lcoset_type : card (lcoset_type G H) = card (fin_lcosets H G) :=
open nat nat.finset
open nat
variable [finsubgH : is_finsubg H]
include finsubgH
@ -532,4 +532,4 @@ fcU_has_one fcU_mul_closed fcU_has_inv
end normalizer
end group
end group_theory
@ -6,15 +6,14 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
import data.set .subgroup
namespace group
namespace group_theory
open algebra
-- ⁻¹ in eq.ops conflicts with group ⁻¹
-- open eq.ops
notation H1 ▸ H2 := eq.subst H1 H2
open set
open function
open group.ops
open group_theory.ops
open quot
local attribute set [reducible]
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ include h
theorem hom_map_one : f 1 = 1 :=
have P : f 1 = (f 1) * (f 1), from
calc f 1 = f (1*1) : mul_one
calc f 1 = f (1*1) : mul_one
... = (f 1) * (f 1) : is_hom f,
eq.symm (mul.right_inv (f 1) ▸ (mul_inv_eq_of_eq_mul P))
@ -190,4 +189,4 @@ theorem first_isomorphism_theorem : isomorphic (ker_natural_map : coset_of (ker
and.intro ker_map_is_inj ker_map_is_hom
end hom_theorem
end group
end group_theory
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
import data data.fintype.function
open nat list algebra function
open nat list function
namespace group
namespace group_theory
open fintype
section perm
@ -117,4 +117,4 @@ lemma perm_one : (1 : perm A) = := rfl
end perm
end group
end group_theory
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Author : Haitao Zhang
import theories.number_theory.primes data algebra.group_power algebra.group_bigops
import .cyclic .finsubg .hom .perm .action
open nat fin list algebra function subtype
open nat fin list function subtype
namespace group
namespace group_theory
section pgroup
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ lemma peo_const_one : ∀ {n : nat}, peo (λ i : fin n, (1 : A))
assert Pconst : constseq s, from take i, rfl,
calc prodseq s = (s !zero) ^ succ n : prodseq_eq_pow_of_constseq s Pconst
... = (1 : A) ^ succ n : rfl
... = 1 : algebra.one_pow
... = 1 : one_pow
variable [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
include deceqA
@ -389,4 +389,4 @@ theorem first_sylow_theorem {p : nat} (Pp : prime p) :
end sylow
end group
end group_theory
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ open function eq.ops
open set
namespace algebra
namespace coset
-- semigroup coset definition
@ -54,19 +52,16 @@ definition rmul_by (a : A) := λ x, x * a
definition glcoset a (H : set A) : set A := λ x, H (a⁻¹ * x)
definition grcoset H (a : A) : set A := λ x, H (x * a⁻¹)
end algebra
namespace group
open algebra
namespace group_theory
namespace ops
infixr `∘>`:55 := glcoset -- stronger than = (50), weaker than * (70)
infixl `<∘`:55 := grcoset
infixr `∘c`:55 := conj_by
end ops
end group
end group_theory
namespace algebra
open group.ops
open group_theory.ops
variable {A : Type}
variable [s : group A]
@ -359,7 +354,7 @@ definition mk_quotient_group : group (coset_of N):=
end normal_subg
namespace group
namespace group_theory
namespace quotient
open quot
@ -376,6 +371,4 @@ definition natural (a : A) : coset_of N := ⟦a⟧
end quotient
end group
end algebra
end group_theory
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ section Bezout
open nat int
open eq.ops well_founded decidable prod
open algebra
private definition : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ × ℕ → Prop := measure pr₂
private definition : well_founded := intro_k ( pr₂) 20
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ end
theorem egcd_prop (x y : ℕ) : (pr₁ (egcd x y)) * x + (pr₂ (egcd x y)) * y = gcd x y :=
gcd.induction x y
(take m, by krewrite [egcd_zero, algebra.mul_zero, algebra.one_mul])
(take m, by krewrite [egcd_zero, mul_zero, one_mul])
(take m n,
assume npos : 0 < n,
assume IH,
@ -62,13 +61,13 @@ gcd.induction x y
rewrite H,
rewrite [gcd_rec, -IH],
rewrite [algebra.add.comm],
rewrite [add.comm],
rewrite [-of_nat_mod],
rewrite [int.mod_def],
rewrite [+algebra.mul_sub_right_distrib],
rewrite [+algebra.mul_sub_left_distrib, *left_distrib],
rewrite [*sub_eq_add_neg, {pr₂ (egcd n (m % n)) * of_nat m + - _}algebra.add.comm],
rewrite [-algebra.add.assoc ,algebra.mul.assoc]
rewrite [+mul_sub_right_distrib],
rewrite [+mul_sub_left_distrib, *left_distrib],
rewrite [*sub_eq_add_neg, {pr₂ (egcd n (m % n)) * of_nat m + - _}add.comm],
rewrite [-add.assoc, mul.assoc]
theorem Bezout_aux (x y : ℕ) : ∃ a b : ℤ, a * x + b * y = gcd x y :=
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ implies prime (dvd_or_dvd_of_prime_of_dvd_mul).
namespace nat
open int algebra
open int
example {p x y : ℕ} (pp : prime p) (H : p ∣ x * y) : p ∣ x ∨ p ∣ y :=
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ A proof that if n > 1 and a > 0, then the nth root of a is irrational, unless a
import data.rat .prime_factorization
open eq.ops
open algebra
/- First, a textbook proof that sqrt 2 is irrational. -/
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ section
obtain (c : nat) (aeq : a = 2 * c),
from exists_of_even this,
have 2 * (2 * c^2) = 2 * b^2,
by rewrite [-H, aeq, *pow_two, algebra.mul.assoc, algebra.mul.left_comm c],
by rewrite [-H, aeq, *pow_two, mul.assoc, mul.left_comm c],
have 2 * c^2 = b^2,
from eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left dec_trivial this,
have even (b^2),
@ -99,9 +98,9 @@ section
have bnz : b ≠ (0 : ℚ),
from assume H, `b ≠ 0` (of_int.inj H),
have bnnz : ((b : rat)^n ≠ 0),
from assume bneqz, bnz (algebra.eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero bneqz),
from assume bneqz, bnz (eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero bneqz),
have a^n /[rat] b^n = c,
using bnz, begin rewrite [*of_int_pow, -algebra.div_pow, -eq_num_div_denom, -H] end,
using bnz, begin rewrite [*of_int_pow, -div_pow, -eq_num_div_denom, -H] end,
have (a^n : rat) = c *[rat] b^n,
from eq.symm (!mul_eq_of_eq_div bnnz this⁻¹),
have a^n = c * b^n, -- int version
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ section
have ane0 : a ≠ 0, from
suppose aeq0 : a = 0,
have qeq0 : q = 0,
by rewrite [eq_num_div_denom, aeq0, of_int_zero, algebra.zero_div],
by rewrite [eq_num_div_denom, aeq0, of_int_zero, zero_div],
show false,
from qne0 qeq0,
have nat_abs a ≠ 0, from
@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ Multiplicity and prime factors. We have:
prime_factors n := the finite set of prime factors of n, assuming n > 0
import data.nat data.finset .primes
open eq.ops finset well_founded decidable nat.finset
open algebra
import data.nat data.finset .primes algebra.group_set_bigops
open eq.ops finset well_founded decidable
namespace nat
-- TODO: this should be proved more generally in ring_bigops
theorem Prod_pos {A : Type} [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
{s : finset A} {f : A → ℕ} (fpos : ∀ n, n ∈ s → f n > 0) :
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
Prime numbers.
import data.nat logic.identities
open bool algebra
open bool
namespace nat
open decidable
Add table
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