feat(frontends/lean): add coercion modifier

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-07-07 17:48:20 -07:00
parent 08465f049a
commit bd1873f6b1
3 changed files with 120 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/placeholder.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/explicit.h"
#include "library/coercion.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser.h"
#include "frontends/lean/util.h"
#include "frontends/lean/class.h"
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ static name g_assign(":=");
static name g_private("[private]");
static name g_inline("[inline]");
static name g_instance("[instance]");
static name g_coercion("[coercion]");
environment universe_cmd(parser & p) {
name n = p.check_id_next("invalid universe declaration, identifier expected");
@ -167,10 +169,12 @@ struct decl_modifiers {
bool m_is_private;
bool m_is_opaque;
bool m_is_instance;
bool m_is_coercion;
decl_modifiers() {
m_is_private = false;
m_is_opaque = true;
m_is_instance = false;
m_is_coercion = false;
void parse(parser & p) {
@ -184,6 +188,9 @@ struct decl_modifiers {
} else if (p.curr_is_token(g_instance)) {
m_is_instance = true;
} else if (p.curr_is_token(g_coercion)) {
m_is_coercion = true;
} else {
@ -281,6 +288,8 @@ environment definition_cmd_core(parser & p, bool is_theorem, bool _is_opaque) {
if (modifiers.m_is_instance)
env = add_instance(env, real_n);
if (modifiers.m_is_coercion)
env = add_coercion(env, real_n, p.ios());
return env;
environment definition_cmd(parser & p) {

View file

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ token_table init_token_table() {
{"+", g_plus_prec}, {g_cup, g_cup_prec}, {"->", g_arrow_prec}, {nullptr, 0}};
char const * commands[] = {"theorem", "axiom", "variable", "definition", "coercion",
"variables", "[private]", "[inline]", "[fact]", "[instance]", "[class]", "[module]",
"variables", "[private]", "[inline]", "[fact]", "[instance]", "[class]", "[module]", "[coercion]",
"abbreviation", "opaque_hint", "evaluate", "check", "print", "end", "namespace", "section", "import",
"abbreviation", "inductive", "record", "structure", "module", "universe",
"precedence", "infixl", "infixr", "infix", "postfix", "prefix", "notation",

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import standard
using num
abbreviation Type1 := Type.{1}
parameter {A : Type}
parameter f : A → A → A
parameter one : A
parameter inv : A → A
infixl `*`:75 := f
postfix `^-1`:100 := inv
definition is_assoc := ∀ a b c, (a*b)*c = a*b*c
definition is_id := ∀ a, a*one = a
definition is_inv := ∀ a, a*a^-1 = one
namespace algebra
inductive mul_struct (A : Type) : Type :=
| mk_mul_struct : (A → A → A) → mul_struct A
inductive add_struct (A : Type) : Type :=
| mk_add_struct : (A → A → A) → add_struct A
definition mul [inline] {A : Type} {s : mul_struct A} (a b : A)
:= mul_struct_rec (fun f, f) s a b
infixl `*`:75 := mul
definition add [inline] {A : Type} {s : add_struct A} (a b : A)
:= add_struct_rec (fun f, f) s a b
infixl `+`:65 := add
namespace nat
inductive nat : Type :=
| zero : nat
| succ : nat → nat
variable add : nat → nat → nat
variable mul : nat → nat → nat
definition is_mul_struct [inline] [instance] : algebra.mul_struct nat
:= algebra.mk_mul_struct mul
definition is_add_struct [inline] [instance] : algebra.add_struct nat
:= algebra.mk_add_struct add
definition to_nat (n : num) : nat
:= #algebra
num_rec zero (λ n, pos_num_rec (succ zero) (λ n r, r + r) (λ n r, r + r + succ zero) n) n
namespace algebra
namespace semigroup
inductive semigroup_struct (A : Type) : Type :=
| mk_semigroup_struct : Π (mul : A → A → A), is_assoc mul → semigroup_struct A
definition mul [inline] {A : Type} (s : semigroup_struct A) (a b : A)
:= semigroup_struct_rec (fun f h, f) s a b
definition assoc [inline] {A : Type} (s : semigroup_struct A) : is_assoc (mul s)
:= semigroup_struct_rec (fun f h, h) s
definition is_mul_struct [inline] [instance] (A : Type) (s : semigroup_struct A) : mul_struct A
:= mk_mul_struct (mul s)
inductive semigroup : Type :=
| mk_semigroup : Π (A : Type), semigroup_struct A → semigroup
definition carrier [inline] [coercion] (g : semigroup)
:= semigroup_rec (fun c s, c) g
definition is_semigroup [inline] [instance] (g : semigroup) : semigroup_struct (carrier g)
:= semigroup_rec (fun c s, s) g
namespace monoid
inductive monoid_struct (A : Type) : Type :=
| mk_monoid_struct : Π (mul : A → A → A) (id : A), is_assoc mul → is_id mul id → monoid_struct A
definition mul [inline] {A : Type} (s : monoid_struct A) (a b : A)
:= monoid_struct_rec (fun mul id a i, mul) s a b
definition assoc [inline] {A : Type} (s : monoid_struct A) : is_assoc (mul s)
:= monoid_struct_rec (fun mul id a i, a) s
using algebra.semigroup -- Fix: allow user to write just semigroup
definition is_semigroup_struct [inline] [instance] (A : Type) (s : monoid_struct A) : semigroup_struct A
:= mk_semigroup_struct (mul s) (assoc s)
inductive monoid : Type :=
| mk_monoid : Π (A : Type), monoid_struct A → monoid
definition carrier [inline] [coercion] (m : monoid)
:= monoid_rec (fun c s, c) m
definition is_monoid [inline] [instance] (m : monoid) : monoid_struct (carrier m)
:= monoid_rec (fun c s, s) m
using algebra algebra.semigroup algebra.monoid
variable M : monoid
variables a b c : M
check a*b*c*a*b*c*a*b*a*b*c*a
check a*b