feat(circle): define circle as sphere 1, remove all but 1 sorry
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 40 additions and 25 deletions
@ -12,61 +12,62 @@ import .sphere
open eq suspension bool sphere_index equiv equiv.ops
open eq suspension bool sphere_index equiv equiv.ops
definition circle [reducible] := suspension bool --redefine this as sphere 1
definition circle [reducible] := sphere 1
namespace circle
namespace circle
definition base1 : circle := !north
definition base1 : circle := !north
definition base2 : circle := !south
definition base2 : circle := !south
definition seg1 : base1 = base2 := merid tt
definition seg1 : base1 = base2 := merid !north
definition seg2 : base2 = base1 := (merid ff)⁻¹
definition seg2 : base1 = base2 := merid !south
definition base : circle := base1
definition base : circle := base1
definition loop : base = base := seg1 ⬝ seg2
definition loop : base = base := seg1 ⬝ seg2⁻¹
definition rec2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
definition rec2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb2 = Pb1) (x : circle) : P x :=
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (x : circle) : P x :=
fapply (suspension.rec_on x),
fapply (suspension.rec_on x),
{ exact Pb1},
{ exact Pb1},
{ exact Pb2},
{ exact Pb2},
{ intro b, cases b,
{ esimp, intro b, fapply (suspension.rec_on b),
apply tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr, exact Ps2⁻¹,
{ exact Ps1},
exact Ps1},
{ exact Ps2},
{ intro x, cases x}},
definition rec2_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
definition rec2_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb2 = Pb1) : P x :=
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) : P x :=
circle.rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 x
circle.rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 x
theorem rec2_seg1 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
theorem rec2_seg1 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb2 = Pb1)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2)
: apd (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 :=
: apd (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 :=
theorem rec2_seg2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
theorem rec2_seg2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb2 = Pb1)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▹ Pb1 = Pb2)
: apd (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
: apd (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
definition elim2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb2 = Pb1) (x : circle) : P :=
definition elim2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) (x : circle) : P :=
rec2 Pb1 Pb2 (!tr_constant ⬝ Ps1) (!tr_constant ⬝ Ps2) x
rec2 Pb1 Pb2 (!tr_constant ⬝ Ps1) (!tr_constant ⬝ Ps2) x
definition elim2_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 Pb2 : P)
definition elim2_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 Pb2 : P)
(Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb2 = Pb1) : P :=
(Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) : P :=
elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 x
elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 x
theorem elim2_seg1 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb2 = Pb1)
theorem elim2_seg1 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2)
: ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 :=
: ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 :=
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant seg1 (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 base1))),
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant seg1 (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 base1))),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg1],
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg1],
theorem elim2_seg2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb2 = Pb1)
theorem elim2_seg2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2)
: ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
: ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant seg2 (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 base2))),
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant seg2 (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 base1))),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg2],
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg2],
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ namespace circle
{ exact Pbase},
{ exact Pbase},
{ exact (transport P seg1 Pbase)},
{ exact (transport P seg1 Pbase)},
{ apply idp},
{ apply idp},
{ apply eq_tr_of_inv_tr_eq, rewrite -tr_con, apply Ploop},
{ apply tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr, rewrite -tr_con, exact Ploop⁻¹},
example {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) : rec Pbase Ploop base = Pbase := idp
example {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) : rec Pbase Ploop base = Pbase := idp
@ -85,10 +86,14 @@ namespace circle
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P base)
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P base)
(Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) : P x :=
(Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) : P x :=
rec Pbase Ploop x
rec Pbase Ploop x
set_option pp.beta false
theorem rec_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) :
theorem rec_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) :
apd (rec Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
apd (rec Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
-- begin
-- rewrite [↑loop,apd_con,↑rec,↑rec2_on,↑base,rec2_seg1,apd_inv,rec2_seg2,↑ap,↑eq.rec_on,▸*],
-- esimp
-- end
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase)
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase)
(x : circle) : P :=
(x : circle) : P :=
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ namespace eq
definition ap11 {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : f x = g y :=
definition ap11 {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : f x = g y :=
eq.rec_on H (eq.rec_on p idp)
eq.rec_on H (eq.rec_on p idp)
definition apd (f : Πa:A, P a) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : p ▹ (f x) = f y :=
definition apd (f : Πa:A, P a) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : p ▹ f x = f y :=
eq.rec_on p idp
eq.rec_on p idp
/- calc enviroment -/
/- calc enviroment -/
@ -261,20 +261,19 @@ namespace eq
-- functorial.
-- functorial.
-- Functions take identity paths to identity paths
-- Functions take identity paths to identity paths
definition ap_idp (x : A) (f : A → B) : ap f idp = idp :> (f x = f x) := idp
definition ap_idp (x : A) (f : A → B) : ap f idp = idp :> (f x = f x) := idp
definition apd_idp (x : A) (f : Πx, P x) : apd f idp = idp :> (f x = f x) := idp
-- Functions commute with concatenation.
-- Functions commute with concatenation.
definition ap_con (f : A → B) {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
definition ap_con (f : A → B) {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
ap f (p ⬝ q) = (ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q) :=
ap f (p ⬝ q) = ap f p ⬝ ap f q :=
eq.rec_on q (eq.rec_on p idp)
eq.rec_on q (eq.rec_on p idp)
definition con_ap_con_eq_con_ap_con_ap (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (r : f w = f x) (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
definition con_ap_con_eq_con_ap_con_ap (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (r : f w = f x) (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
r ⬝ (ap f (p ⬝ q)) = (r ⬝ ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q) :=
r ⬝ ap f (p ⬝ q) = (r ⬝ ap f p) ⬝ ap f q :=
eq.rec_on q (take p, eq.rec_on p (con.assoc' r idp idp)) p
eq.rec_on q (take p, eq.rec_on p (con.assoc' r idp idp)) p
definition ap_con_con_eq_ap_con_ap_con (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (r : f z = f w) :
definition ap_con_con_eq_ap_con_ap_con (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (r : f z = f w) :
(ap f (p ⬝ q)) ⬝ r = (ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q ⬝ r) :=
ap f (p ⬝ q) ⬝ r = ap f p ⬝ (ap f q ⬝ r) :=
eq.rec_on q (eq.rec_on p (take r, con.assoc _ _ _)) r
eq.rec_on q (eq.rec_on p (take r, con.assoc _ _ _)) r
-- Functions commute with path inverses.
-- Functions commute with path inverses.
@ -431,6 +430,17 @@ namespace eq
tr_inv_tr P p (transport P p z) = ap (transport P p) (inv_tr_tr P p z) :=
tr_inv_tr P p (transport P p z) = ap (transport P p) (inv_tr_tr P p z) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
eq.rec_on p idp
/- some properties for apd -/
definition apd_idp (x : A) (f : Πx, P x) : apd f idp = idp :> (f x = f x) := idp
definition apd_con (f : Πx, P x) {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z)
: apd f (p ⬝ q) = tr_con P p q (f x) ⬝ ap (transport P q) (apd f p) ⬝ apd f q :=
by cases p;cases q;apply idp
definition apd_inv (f : Πx, P x) {x y : A} (p : x = y)
: apd f p⁻¹ = (eq_inv_tr_of_tr_eq P (apd f p))⁻¹ :=
by cases p;apply idp
-- Dependent transport in a doubly dependent type.
-- Dependent transport in a doubly dependent type.
definition transportD {P : A → Type} (Q : Π a : A, P a → Type)
definition transportD {P : A → Type} (Q : Π a : A, P a → Type)
{a a' : A} (p : a = a') (b : P a) (z : Q a b) : Q a' (p ▹ b) :=
{a a' : A} (p : a = a') (b : P a) (z : Q a b) : Q a' (p ▹ b) :=
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