refactor(ho_unifier): remove ho_unifier, it has been subsumed by the elaborator class
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 1 additions and 923 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
add_library(library basic_thms.cpp deep_copy.cpp max_sharing.cpp
context_to_lambda.cpp state.cpp update_expr.cpp reduce.cpp
type_inferer.cpp placeholder.cpp ho_unifier.cpp expr_lt.cpp)
type_inferer.cpp placeholder.cpp expr_lt.cpp)
target_link_libraries(library ${LEAN_LIBS})
@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <vector>
#include "util/pvector.h"
#include "util/pdeque.h"
#include "util/exception.h"
#include "util/sexpr/options.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/free_vars.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/normalizer.h"
#include "kernel/printer.h"
#include "library/type_inferer.h"
#include "library/reduce.h"
#include "library/update_expr.h"
#include "library/ho_unifier.h"
#define LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_MAX_SOLUTIONS std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()
namespace lean {
static name g_library_ho_unifier_max_solutions {"library", "ho_unifier", "max_solutions"};
static name g_library_ho_unifier_remove_duplicates {"library", "ho_unifier", "remove_duplicates"};
static name g_library_ho_unifier_use_normalizer {"library", "ho_unifier", "use_normalizer"};
static name g_library_ho_unifier_use_beta {"library", "ho_unifier", "use_beta"};
RegisterUnsignedOption(g_library_ho_unifier_max_solutions, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_MAX_SOLUTIONS,
"maximum number of solutions for each invocation of the higher-order unifier");
RegisterBoolOption(g_library_ho_unifier_remove_duplicates, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_REMOVE_DUPLICATES,
"remove duplicate solutions in the higher-order unification module");
RegisterBoolOption(g_library_ho_unifier_use_normalizer, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_USE_NORMALIZER,
"use normalizer in the higher-order unification module");
RegisterBoolOption(g_library_ho_unifier_use_beta, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_USE_BETA,
"use beta-reduction in the higher-order unification module");
unsigned get_ho_unifier_max_solutions(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_unsigned(g_library_ho_unifier_max_solutions, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_MAX_SOLUTIONS);
bool get_ho_unifier_remove_duplicates(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_bool(g_library_ho_unifier_remove_duplicates, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_REMOVE_DUPLICATES);
bool get_ho_unifier_use_normalizer(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_bool(g_library_ho_unifier_use_normalizer, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_USE_NORMALIZER);
bool get_ho_unifier_use_beta(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_bool(g_library_ho_unifier_use_beta, LEAN_LIBRARY_HO_UNIFIER_USE_BETA);
static name g_x_name("x");
class ho_unifier::imp {
typedef std::tuple<context, expr, expr> constraint;
typedef pdeque<constraint> cqueue; // constraint queue
struct state {
unsigned m_id;
substitution m_subst;
cqueue m_queue;
state(unsigned id, substitution const & subst, cqueue const & q):
m_id(id), m_subst(subst), m_queue(q) {}
typedef std::vector<state> state_stack;
environment m_env;
normalizer m_normalizer;
type_inferer m_type_inferer;
state_stack m_state_stack;
unsigned m_delayed;
unsigned m_next_state_id;
bool m_used_aux_vars;
volatile bool m_interrupted;
// options
unsigned m_max_solutions;
bool m_remove_duplicates;
bool m_use_normalizer;
bool m_use_beta;
static substitution & subst_of(state & s) { return s.m_subst; }
static cqueue & queue_of(state & s) { return s.m_queue; }
state mk_state(substitution const & s, cqueue const & q) {
unsigned id = m_next_state_id;
return state(id, s, q);
void reset_delayed() {
m_delayed = 0;
\brief Add a constraint to the state in the top of the state_stack
void add_constraint(context const & ctx, expr const & l, expr const & r) {
state & s = m_state_stack.back();
queue_of(s).push_front(constraint(ctx, l, r));
\brief Add a constraint to the state in the top of the state_stack,
but put the constraint in the end of the queue, and increase the m_delayed counter.
void postpone_constraint(context const & ctx, expr const & l, expr const & r) {
state & s = m_state_stack.back();
queue_of(s).push_back(constraint(ctx, l, r));
void init(context const & ctx, expr const & l, expr const & r, substitution const & subst) {
m_next_state_id = 0;
m_used_aux_vars = false;
m_state_stack.push_back(mk_state(subst, cqueue()));
add_constraint(ctx, l, r);
\brief Return true iff \c r already contains the solution (s, rs).
\remark We only check if \c rs is empty.
\remark \c ini_s is the initial substitution set. \c s is an extension of \c ini_s
bool contains_solution(list<result> const & r, substitution const & /* s */, residue const & rs, substitution const & /* ini_s */ ) {
empty(rs) &&
std::any_of(r.begin(), r.end(), [&](result const & prev) {
if (!empty(prev.second))
return false;
// TODO(Leo) metavar
// substitution const & prev_s = prev.first;
// if (s != prev_s)
// return false;
// return true;
return false;
\brief Cleanup the result (remove auxiliary metavariables created by higher-order matching)
\remark \c ini_s is the initial substitution set. \c s is an extension of \c ini_s
substitution cleanup_subst(substitution const & s, substitution const & /* ini_s */) {
#if 0 // TODO(Leo) metavar
metavar_env new_s;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ini_s.size(); i++) {
new_s.mk_metavar(s.get_type(i), s.get_context(i));
expr subst = s.get_subst(i);
if (subst) {
if (m_use_beta && !ini_s.is_assigned(i)) {
// beta-reduce the substitution in order to simplify expressions built using
// higher-order matching
subst = beta_reduce(subst);
new_s.assign(i, subst);
return new_s;
return s;
\brief Store a result (s, rs) into r.
If m_remove_duplicates is true, then we check if r does not already contains the solution (s, rs).
In the current implementation, we only perform the check when rs is empty.
\remark \c ini_s is the initial substitution set. \c s is an extension of \c ini_s
list<result> save_result(list<result> const & r, substitution s, residue const & rs, substitution const & ini_s) {
if (empty(rs) && m_used_aux_vars) {
// We only do the cleanup when we don't have a residue.
// If we have a residue, we can only remove auxiliary metavariables that do not occur in rs
s = cleanup_subst(s, ini_s);
if (m_remove_duplicates && contains_solution(r, s, rs, ini_s)) {
return r;
} else {
return cons(result(s, rs), r);
Process <tt>a == b</tt> when:
1- \c a is an assigned metavariable
2- \c a is a unassigned metavariable without a metavariable context.
3- \c a is a unassigned metavariable of the form <tt>?m[lift:s:n, ...]</tt>, and \c b does not have
a free variable in the range <tt>[s, s+n)</tt>.
4- \c a is an application of the form <tt>(?m ...)</tt> where ?m is an assigned metavariable.
enum status { Solved, Failed, Continue };
status process_metavar(expr & a, expr & b, substitution & s) {
if (is_metavar(a)) {
if (s.is_assigned(a)) {
// Case 1
a = s.get_subst(a);
} else if (!has_local_context(a)) {
// Case 2
if (has_metavar(b, a, s)) {
return Failed;
} else {
s.assign(a, b);
return Solved;
} else {
local_entry const & me = head(metavar_lctx(a));
if (me.is_lift() && !has_free_var(b, me.s(), me.s() + me.n())) {
// Case 3
b = lower_free_vars(b, me.s() + me.n(), me.n());
a = pop_meta_context(a);
if (is_app(a) && is_metavar(arg(a, 0)) && s.is_assigned(arg(a, 0))) {
// Case 4
a = update_app(a, 0, s.get_subst(arg(a, 0)));
return Continue;
/** \brief Unfold let-expression */
void process_let(expr & a) {
if (is_let(a))
a = instantiate(let_body(a), let_value(a));
/** \brief Unfold constants */
void process_constant(expr & a) {
if (is_constant(a)) {
object const & obj = m_env.find_object(const_name(a));
if (obj && obj.is_definition() && !obj.is_opaque())
a = obj.get_value();
/** \brief Replace variables by their definition if the context contains it. */
void process_var(context const & ctx, expr & a) {
if (is_var(a)) {
try {
context_entry const & e = lookup(ctx, var_idx(a));
if (e.get_body())
a = e.get_body();
} catch (exception&) {
/** \brief Applies simple unfolding steps */
void process_simple(context const & ctx, expr & a) {
process_var(ctx, a);
/** \brief Process the application's function using \c process_simple */
void process_app_function(context const & ctx, expr & a) {
if (is_app(a)) {
expr f = arg(a, 0);
process_simple(ctx, f);
a = update_app(a, 0, f);
/** \brief Creates a subproblem based on the application arguments */
bool process_app_args(context const & ctx, expr const & a, expr const & b, unsigned start) {
lean_assert(is_app(a) && is_app(b));
if (num_args(a) != num_args(b)) {
return false;
} else {
for (unsigned i = start; i < num_args(a); i++) {
add_constraint(ctx, arg(a, i), arg(b, i));
return true;
Process a constraint <tt>ctx |- a = b</tt>, where \c a and \c b
are applications and the function is the same.
That is, <tt>arg(a, 0) == arg(b, 0)</tt>
\pre is_app(a) && is_app(b) && arg(a, 0) == arg(b, 0)
bool process_easy_app(context const & ctx, expr const & a, expr const & b) {
lean_assert(is_app(a) && is_app(b) && arg(a, 0) == arg(b, 0));
return process_app_args(ctx, a, b, 1);
/** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form <tt>(?m ...)</tt> */
bool is_meta_app(expr const & a) {
return is_app(a) && is_metavar(arg(a, 0));
/** \brief Return true iff \c a is a metavariable and has a meta context. */
bool is_metavar_with_context(expr const & a) {
return is_metavar(a) && has_local_context(a);
/** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form <tt>(?m[...] ...)</tt> */
bool is_meta_app_with_context(expr const & a) {
return is_meta_app(a) && has_local_context(arg(a, 0));
expr mk_lambda(name const & n, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
return ::lean::mk_lambda(n, d, b);
\brief Create the term (fun (x_0 : types[0]) ... (x_{n-1} : types[n-1]) body)
expr mk_lambda(buffer<expr> const & types, expr const & body) {
expr r = body;
unsigned i = types.size();
while (i > 0) {
r = mk_lambda(name(g_x_name, i), types[i], r);
return r;
\brief Return (f x_{num_vars - 1} ... x_0)
expr mk_app_vars(expr const & f, unsigned num_vars) {
buffer<expr> args;
unsigned i = num_vars;
while (i > 0) {
return mk_app(args.size(),;
\brief Process a constraint <tt>ctx |- a = b</tt> where \c a is of the form <tt>(?m ...)</tt>.
We perform a "case split" using "projection" or "imitation". See Huet&Lang's paper on higher order matching
for further details.
bool process_meta_app(context const & /* ctx */, expr const & /* a */, expr const & /* b */) {
return true;
#if 0
lean_assert(!has_local_context(arg(a, 0)));
m_used_aux_vars = true;
expr f_a = arg(a, 0);
state top_state = m_state_stack.back();
cqueue q = queue_of(top_state);
substitution s = subst_of(top_state);
name const & mname = metavar_name(f_a);
unsigned num_a = num_args(a);
// unification_constraints_wrapper ucw;
buffer<expr> arg_types;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_a; i++) {
arg_types.push_back(m_type_inferer(arg(a, i), ctx, &s, &ucw));
// Clear m_type_infer cache since we don't want a reference to s inside of m_type_infer
if (ucw.failed())
return false;
// Add projections
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_a; i++) {
// Assign f_a <- fun (x_1 : T_0) ... (x_{num_a-1} : T_{num_a-1}), x_i
cqueue new_q = q;
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, arg(a, i), b));
substitution new_s = s;
expr proj = mk_lambda(arg_types, mk_var(num_a - i - 1));
new_s.assign(mname, proj);
m_state_stack.push_back(mk_state(new_s, new_q));
// Add imitation
substitution new_s = s;
cqueue new_q = q;
if (is_app(b)) {
// Imitation for applications
expr f_b = arg(b, 0);
unsigned num_b = num_args(b);
// Assign f_a <- fun (x_1 : T_0) ... (x_{num_a-1} : T_{num_a-1}), f_b (h_1 x_1 ... x_{num_a-1}) ... (h_{num_b-1} x_1 ... x_{num_a-1})
// New constraints (h_i a_1 ... a_{num_a-1}) == arg(b, i)
buffer<expr> imitation_args; // arguments for the imitation
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_b; i++) {
expr h_i; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
imitation_args.push_back(mk_app_vars(h_i, num_a - 1));
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, update_app(a, 0, h_i), arg(b, i)));
expr imitation = mk_lambda(arg_types, mk_app(imitation_args.size(),;
new_s.assign(mname, imitation);
} else if (is_eq(b)) {
// Imitation for equality
// Assign f_a <- fun (x_1 : T_0) ... (x_{num_a-1} : T_{num_a-1}), (h_1 x_1 ... x_{num_a-1}) = (h_2 x_1 ... x_{num_a-1})
// New constraints (h_1 a_1 ... a_{num_a-1}) == eq_lhs(b)
// (h_2 a_1 ... a_{num_a-1}) == eq_rhs(b)
expr h_1; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr imitation = mk_lambda(arg_types, mk_eq(mk_app_vars(h_1, num_a - 1), mk_app_vars(h_2, num_a - 1)));
new_s.assign(mname, imitation);
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, update_app(a, 0, h_1), eq_lhs(b)));
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, update_app(a, 0, h_2), eq_rhs(b)));
} else if (is_abstraction(b)) {
// Imitation for lambdas and Pis
// Assign f_a <- fun (x_1 : T_0) ... (x_{num_a-1} : T_{num_a-1}),
// fun (x_b : (?h_1 x_1 ... x_{num_a-1})), (?h_2 x_1 ... x_{num_a-1} x_b)
// New constraints (h_1 a_1 ... a_{num_a-1}) == abst_domain(b)
// (h_2 a_1 ... a_{num_a-1} x_b) == abst_body(b)
expr h_1; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr imitation = mk_lambda(arg_types, update_abstraction(b, mk_app_vars(h_1, num_a - 1), mk_app_vars(h_2, num_a)));
new_s.assign(mname, imitation);
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, update_app(a, 0, h_1), abst_domain(b)));
new_q.push_front(constraint(extend(ctx, abst_name(b), abst_domain(b)), mk_app(update_app(a, 0, h_2), Var(0)), abst_body(b)));
} else {
// "Dumb imitation" aka the constant function
// Assign f_a <- fun (x_1 : T_0) ... (x_{num_a-1} : T_{num_a-1}), b
expr imitation = mk_lambda(arg_types, lift_free_vars(b, 0, num_a - 1));
new_s.assign(mname, imitation);
m_state_stack.push_back(mk_state(new_s, new_q));
return true;
/** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form ?m[inst:i t, ...] */
bool is_metavar_inst(expr const & a) const {
return is_metavar(a) && has_local_context(a) && head(metavar_lctx(a)).is_inst();
\brief Process a constraint <tt>ctx |- a = b</tt> where \c a is of the form <tt>?m[(inst:i t), ...]</tt>.
We perform a "case split",
Case 1) ?m == #i and t == b
Case 2) imitate b
void process_metavar_inst(context const & ctx, expr const & a, expr const & b) {
m_used_aux_vars = true;
local_context lctx = metavar_lctx(a);
name const & mname = metavar_name(a);
unsigned i = head(lctx).s();
expr t = head(lctx).v();
state top_state = m_state_stack.back();
cqueue q = queue_of(top_state);
substitution s = subst_of(top_state);
// Case 1
substitution new_s = s;
new_s.assign(mname, mk_var(i));
cqueue new_q = q;
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, t, b));
m_state_stack.push_back(mk_state(new_s, new_q));
// Case 2
substitution new_s = s;
cqueue new_q = q;
if (is_app(b)) {
// Imitation for applications b == f(s_1, ..., s_k)
// mname <- f(?h_1, ..., ?h_k)
expr f_b = arg(b, 0);
unsigned num_b = num_args(b);
buffer<expr> imitation;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_b; i++)
imitation.push_back(expr()); // new_s.mk_metavar(ctx));
new_s.assign(mname, mk_app(imitation.size(),;
} else if (is_eq(b)) {
// Imitation for equality b == Eq(s1, s2)
// mname <- Eq(?h_1, ?h_2)
expr h_1; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
new_s.assign(mname, mk_eq(h_1, h_2));
} else if (is_abstraction(b)) {
// Lambdas and Pis
// Imitation for Lambdas and Pis, b == Fun(x:T) B
// mname <- Fun (x:?h_1) ?h_2 x)
expr h_1; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2; // = new_s.mk_metavar(ctx);
new_s.assign(mname, update_abstraction(b, h_1, mk_app(h_2, Var(0))));
} else {
new_q.push_front(constraint(ctx, pop_meta_context(a), lift_free_vars(b, i, 1)));
m_state_stack.push_back(mk_state(new_s, new_q));
\brief Process the constraint \c c. Return true if the constraint was processed or postponed, and false
if it failed to solve the constraint.
bool process(constraint const & c, substitution & s) {
context ctx = std::get<0>(c);
expr const & old_a = std::get<1>(c);
expr const & old_b = std::get<2>(c);
expr a = old_a;
expr b = old_b;
if (a == b) {
return true;
if (is_app(a) && is_app(b) && arg(a, 0) == arg(b, 0))
return process_easy_app(ctx, a, b);
status r;
r = process_metavar(a, b, s);
if (r != Continue) { return r == Solved; }
r = process_metavar(b, a, s);
if (r != Continue) { return r == Solved; }
process_simple(ctx, a);
process_simple(ctx, b);
process_app_function(ctx, a);
process_app_function(ctx, b);
if ((is_app(a) && !is_eqp(a, old_a)) || (is_app(b) && !is_eqp(b, old_b))) {
// some progress was made
add_constraint(ctx, a, b);
return true;
if (m_use_beta) {
a = head_beta_reduce(a);
b = head_beta_reduce(b);
if (is_metavar_inst(a) && (!is_metavar_inst(b) && !is_meta_app(b))) {
process_metavar_inst(ctx, a, b);
return true;
if (is_metavar_inst(b) && (!is_metavar_inst(a) && !is_meta_app(a))) {
process_metavar_inst(ctx, b, a);
return true;
if (is_metavar_with_context(a) || is_metavar_with_context(b) ||
is_meta_app_with_context(a) || is_meta_app_with_context(b)) {
// a or b is a metavariable that has a metavariable context associated with it.
// postpone
postpone_constraint(ctx, a, b);
return true;
if (!is_app(a) && !is_app(b)) {
if (a.kind() != b.kind())
return false;
switch (a.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Value: case expr_kind::Type:
return a == b;
case expr_kind::Eq:
add_constraint(ctx, eq_lhs(a), eq_lhs(b));
add_constraint(ctx, eq_rhs(a), eq_rhs(b));
return true;
case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
add_constraint(ctx, abst_domain(a), abst_domain(b));
add_constraint(extend(ctx, abst_name(a), abst_domain(a)), abst_body(a), abst_body(b));
return true;
case expr_kind::Let: case expr_kind::MetaVar: case expr_kind::App:
if (is_meta_app(a)) {
if (is_meta_app(b)) {
postpone_constraint(ctx, a, b);
return true;
} else {
return process_meta_app(ctx, a, b);
return true;
} else if (is_meta_app(b)) {
return process_meta_app(ctx, b, a);
if (m_use_normalizer) {
if (!is_eqp(a, old_a) || !is_eqp(b, old_b)) {
// some progress was made
add_constraint(ctx, a, b);
return true;
expr norm_a; // = m_normalizer(a, ctx, &s);
expr norm_b; // = m_normalizer(b, ctx, &s);
if (norm_a.kind() != norm_b.kind())
return false;
if (is_app(norm_a)) {
return process_app_args(ctx, norm_a, norm_b, 0);
} else if (a == norm_a && b == norm_b) {
return false;
} else {
// some progress was made
add_constraint(ctx, norm_a, norm_b);
return true;
} else {
if (a.kind() != b.kind())
return false;
if (is_app(a)) {
return process_app_args(ctx, a, b, 0);
} else if (!is_eqp(a, old_a) || !is_eqp(b, old_b)) {
// some progress was made
add_constraint(ctx, a, b);
return true;
} else {
return false;
imp(environment const & env, options const & opts):
m_normalizer(env, opts),
m_type_inferer(env) {
m_interrupted = false;
m_delayed = 0;
m_max_solutions = get_ho_unifier_max_solutions(opts);
m_remove_duplicates = get_ho_unifier_remove_duplicates(opts);
m_use_normalizer = get_ho_unifier_use_normalizer(opts);
m_use_beta = get_ho_unifier_use_beta(opts);
list<result> unify(context const & ctx, expr const & a, expr const & b, substitution const & subst) {
init(ctx, a, b, subst);
list<result> r;
unsigned num_solutions = 0;
while (!m_state_stack.empty()) {
if (num_solutions > m_max_solutions)
return r;
state & top_state = m_state_stack.back();
cqueue & cq = queue_of(top_state);
unsigned cq_size = cq.size();
if (cq.empty()) {
// no constraints left to be solved
r = save_result(r, subst_of(top_state), residue(), subst);
} else {
// try cq_sz times to find a constraint that can be processed
constraint c = cq.front();
// std::cout << "solving (" << top_state.m_id << ") " << std::get<1>(c) << " === " << std::get<2>(c) << "\n";
if (!process(c, subst_of(top_state))) {
// state can't be solved
if (m_delayed > cq_size) {
// None of the constraints could be processed.
// So, we save the remaining constraints as a residue
residue rs;
for (auto c : cq)
rs = cons(c, rs);
r = save_result(r, subst_of(top_state), rs, subst);
return r;
void set_interrupt(bool flag) {
m_interrupted = flag;
ho_unifier::ho_unifier(environment const & env, options const & opts):m_ptr(new imp(env, opts)) {}
ho_unifier::~ho_unifier() {}
void ho_unifier::set_interrupt(bool flag) { m_ptr->set_interrupt(flag); }
list<ho_unifier::result> ho_unifier::operator()(context const & ctx, expr const & l, expr const & r, substitution const & subst) {
return m_ptr->unify(ctx, l, r, subst);
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "util/list.h"
#include "util/sexpr/options.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Functional object for (incomplete) higher-order unification */
class ho_unifier {
class imp;
std::unique_ptr<imp> m_ptr;
ho_unifier(environment const & env, options const & opts = options());
typedef list<std::tuple<context, expr, expr>> residue;
typedef std::pair<substitution, residue> result;
\brief Try to unify \c l and \c r in the context \c ctx using the input substitution \c menv.
By unification, we mean we have to find an assignment for the unassigned metavariables in
\c l and \c r s.t. \c l and \c r become definitionally equal.
The unifier may produce a residue: a set of unification problems
that could not be solved, and were postponed. The unifier postpones unification problems of the form
<tt>(?M1 ...) == (?M2 ...)</tt> where \c M1 and \c M2 are unassigned metavariables.
The result is a list of pairs: substitution (in the form of \c metavar_env) and residue.
Each pair is a possible solution. The resultant \c metavar_env may contain new metavariables.
The empty list represents failure.
list<result> operator()(context const & ctx, expr const & l, expr const & r, substitution const & menv);
void set_interrupt(bool flag);
void interrupt() { set_interrupt(true); }
void reset_interrupt() { set_interrupt(false); }
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
add_executable(type_inferer type_inferer.cpp)
target_link_libraries(type_inferer ${EXTRA_LIBS})
add_test(type_inferer ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/type_inferer)
add_executable(ho_unifier ho_unifier.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ho_unifier ${EXTRA_LIBS})
add_test(ho_unifier ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ho_unifier)
add_executable(formatter formatter.cpp)
target_link_libraries(formatter ${EXTRA_LIBS})
add_test(formatter ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/formatter)
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/test.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/builtin.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/printer.h"
#include "library/ho_unifier.h"
#include "library/reduce.h"
#include "library/arith/arith.h"
using namespace lean;
void tst1() {
environment env;
substitution subst;
ho_unifier unify(env);
expr N = Const("N");
expr M = Const("M");
env.add_var("N", Type());
env.add_var("M", Type());
env.add_var("f", N >> (M >> M));
env.add_var("a", N);
env.add_var("b", M);
expr f = Const("f");
expr x = Const("x");
expr a = Const("a");
expr b = Const("b");
expr m1; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr l = m1(b, a);
expr r = f(b, f(a, b));
for (auto sol : unify(context(), l, r, subst)) {
std::cout << m1 << " -> " << beta_reduce(sol.first.get_subst(m1)) << "\n";
std::cout << beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first)) << "\n";
lean_assert(beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first)) == r);
std::cout << "--------------\n";
void tst2() {
environment env;
substitution subst;
ho_unifier unify(env);
expr N = Const("N");
expr M = Const("M");
env.add_var("N", Type());
env.add_var("f", N >> (Bool >> N));
env.add_var("a", N);
env.add_var("b", N);
expr f = Const("f");
expr x = Const("x");
expr a = Const("a");
expr b = Const("b");
expr m1; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr l = m1(b, a);
expr r = Fun({x, N}, f(x, Eq(a, b)));
for (auto sol : unify(context(), l, r, subst)) {
std::cout << m1 << " -> " << beta_reduce(sol.first.get_subst(m1)) << "\n";
std::cout << beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first)) << "\n";
lean_assert(beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first)) == r);
std::cout << "--------------\n";
void tst3() {
environment env;
substitution subst;
ho_unifier unify(env);
expr N = Const("N");
env.add_var("N", Type());
env.add_var("f", N >> (Int >> N));
env.add_var("a", N);
env.add_var("b", N);
expr m1; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr m2; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr m3; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr t1; // = metavar_type(m1);
expr t2; // = metavar_type(m2);
expr f = Const("f");
expr a = Const("a");
expr b = Const("b");
expr l = f(m1(a), iAdd(m3, iAdd(iVal(1), iVal(1))));
expr r = f(m2(b), iAdd(iVal(1), iVal(2)));
for (auto sol : unify(context(), l, r, subst)) {
std::cout << m3 << " -> " << sol.first.get_subst(m3) << "\n";
lean_assert(sol.first.get_subst(m3) == iVal(1));
lean_assert(length(sol.second) == 1);
for (auto c : sol.second) {
std::cout << std::get<1>(c) << " == " << std::get<2>(c) << "\n";
void tst4() {
environment env;
substitution subst;
ho_unifier unify(env);
expr N = Const("N");
env.add_var("N", Type());
env.add_var("f", N >> (N >> N));
expr x = Const("x");
expr y = Const("y");
expr f = Const("f");
expr m1; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr m2; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr l = Fun({{x, N}, {y, N}}, Eq(y, f(x, m1)));
expr r = Fun({{x, N}, {y, N}}, Eq(m2, f(m1, x)));
auto sols = unify(context(), l, r, subst);
lean_assert(length(sols) == 1);
for (auto sol : sols) {
std::cout << m1 << " -> " << sol.first.get_subst(m1) << "\n";
std::cout << m2 << " -> " << sol.first.get_subst(m2) << "\n";
lean_assert(beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first)) ==
beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(r, sol.first)));
void tst5() {
environment env;
substitution subst;
ho_unifier unify(env);
expr N = Const("N");
env.add_var("N", Type());
env.add_var("f", N >> (N >> N));
expr f = Const("f");
expr m1; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr l = f(f(m1));
expr r = f(m1);
auto sols = unify(context(), l, r, subst);
lean_assert(length(sols) == 0);
void tst6() {
environment env;
substitution subst;
ho_unifier unify(env);
expr N = Const("N");
env.add_var("N", Type());
env.add_var("f", N >> (N >> N));
expr x = Const("x");
expr y = Const("y");
expr f = Const("f");
expr m1; // = subst.mk_metavar();
expr l = Fun({x, N}, Fun({y, N}, f(m1, y))(x));
expr r = Fun({x, N}, f(x, x));
auto sols = unify(context(), l, r, subst);
lean_assert(length(sols) == 2);
for (auto sol : sols) {
std::cout << m1 << " -> " << sol.first.get_subst(m1) << "\n";
std::cout << instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first) << "\n";
lean_assert(beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(l, sol.first)) ==
beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(r, sol.first)));
int main() {
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
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