feat(library/data/list): add erase_dup and theorems
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2 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions
@ -806,6 +806,54 @@ lemma nodup_map {f : A → B} (inj : injective f) : ∀ {l : list A}, nodup l
absurd xinxs nxinxs,
absurd xinxs nxinxs,
nodup_cons nfxinm ndmfxs
nodup_cons nfxinm ndmfxs
definition erase_dup [H : decidable_eq A] : list A → list A
| [] := []
| (x :: xs) := if x ∈ xs then erase_dup xs else x :: erase_dup xs
theorem erase_dup_nil [H : decidable_eq A] : erase_dup [] = []
theorem erase_dup_cons_of_mem [H : decidable_eq A] {a : A} {l : list A} : a ∈ l → erase_dup (a::l) = erase_dup l :=
assume ainl, calc
erase_dup (a::l) = if a ∈ l then erase_dup l else a :: erase_dup l : rfl
... = erase_dup l : if_pos ainl
theorem erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem [H : decidable_eq A] {a : A} {l : list A} : a ∉ l → erase_dup (a::l) = a :: erase_dup l :=
assume nainl, calc
erase_dup (a::l) = if a ∈ l then erase_dup l else a :: erase_dup l : rfl
... = a :: erase_dup l : if_neg nainl
theorem mem_erase_dup [H : decidable_eq A] {a : A} : ∀ {l}, a ∈ l → a ∈ erase_dup l
| [] h := absurd h !not_mem_nil
| (b::l) h := by_cases
(λ binl : b ∈ l, or.elim h
(λ aeqb : a = b, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem binl, -aeqb at binl]; exact (mem_erase_dup binl))
(λ ainl : a ∈ l, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem binl]; exact (mem_erase_dup ainl)))
(λ nbinl : b ∉ l, or.elim h
(λ aeqb : a = b, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nbinl, aeqb]; exact !mem_cons)
(λ ainl : a ∈ l, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nbinl]; exact (or.inr (mem_erase_dup ainl))))
theorem mem_of_mem_erase_dup [H : decidable_eq A] {a : A} : ∀ {l}, a ∈ erase_dup l → a ∈ l
| [] h := by rewrite [erase_dup_nil at h]; exact h
| (b::l) h := by_cases
(λ binl : b ∈ l,
have h₁ : a ∈ erase_dup l, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem binl at h]; exact h,
or.inr (mem_of_mem_erase_dup h₁))
(λ nbinl : b ∉ l,
have h₁ : a ∈ b :: erase_dup l, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nbinl at h]; exact h,
or.elim h₁
(λ aeqb : a = b, by rewrite aeqb; exact !mem_cons)
(λ ainel : a ∈ erase_dup l, or.inr (mem_of_mem_erase_dup ainel)))
theorem nodup_erase_dup [H : decidable_eq A] : ∀ l : list A, nodup (erase_dup l)
| [] := by rewrite erase_dup_nil; exact nodup_nil
| (a::l) := by_cases
(λ ainl : a ∈ l, by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem ainl]; exact (nodup_erase_dup l))
(λ nainl : a ∉ l,
assert r : nodup (erase_dup l), from nodup_erase_dup l,
assert nin : a ∉ erase_dup l, from
assume ab : a ∈ erase_dup l, absurd (mem_of_mem_erase_dup ab) nainl,
by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nainl]; exact (nodup_cons nin r))
end nodup
end nodup
end list
end list
@ -487,4 +487,82 @@ section fold_thms
... = foldl f a l₂ : foldl_eq_of_perm fcomm fassoc p
... = foldl f a l₂ : foldl_eq_of_perm fcomm fassoc p
... = foldr f a l₂ : by rewrite [foldl_eq_foldr fcomm fassoc]
... = foldr f a l₂ : by rewrite [foldl_eq_foldr fcomm fassoc]
end fold_thms
end fold_thms
theorem perm_erase_dup_of_perm [H : decidable_eq A] {l₁ l₂ : list A} : l₁ ~ l₂ → erase_dup l₁ ~ erase_dup l₂ :=
assume p, perm_induction_on p
(λ x t₁ t₂ p r, by_cases
(λ xint₁ : x ∈ t₁,
assert xint₂ : x ∈ t₂, from mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm r (mem_erase_dup xint₁)),
by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem xint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem xint₂]; exact r)
(λ nxint₁ : x ∉ t₁,
assert nxint₂ : x ∉ t₂, from
assume xint₂ : x ∈ t₂, absurd (mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm (symm r) (mem_erase_dup xint₂))) nxint₁,
by rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxint₂, erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxint₁]; exact (skip x r)))
(λ y x t₁ t₂ p r, by_cases
(λ xinyt₁ : x ∈ y::t₁, by_cases
(λ yint₁ : y ∈ t₁,
assert yint₂ : y ∈ t₂, from mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm r (mem_erase_dup yint₁)),
assert yinxt₂ : y ∈ x::t₂, from or.inr (yint₂),
or.elim xinyt₁
(λ xeqy : x = y,
assert xint₂ : x ∈ t₂, by rewrite [-xeqy at yint₂]; exact yint₂,
rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem xinyt₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem yinxt₂,
erase_dup_cons_of_mem yint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem xint₂],
exact r
(λ xint₁ : x ∈ t₁,
assert xint₂ : x ∈ t₂, from mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm r (mem_erase_dup xint₁)),
rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem xinyt₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem yinxt₂,
erase_dup_cons_of_mem yint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem xint₂],
exact r
(λ nyint₁ : y ∉ t₁,
assert nyint₂ : y ∉ t₂, from
assume yint₂ : y ∈ t₂, absurd (mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm (symm r) (mem_erase_dup yint₂))) nyint₁,
(λ xeqy : x = y,
assert nxint₂ : x ∉ t₂, by rewrite [-xeqy at nyint₂]; exact nyint₂,
assert yinxt₂ : y ∈ x::t₂, by rewrite [xeqy]; exact !mem_cons,
rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem xinyt₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem yinxt₂,
erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nyint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxint₂, xeqy],
exact (skip y r)
(λ xney : x ≠ y,
have xint₁ : x ∈ t₁, from or_resolve_right xinyt₁ xney,
assert xint₂ : x ∈ t₂, from mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm r (mem_erase_dup xint₁)),
assert nyinxt₂ : y ∉ x::t₂, from
assume yinxt₂ : y ∈ x::t₂, or.elim yinxt₂ (λ h, absurd h (ne.symm xney)) (λ h, absurd h nyint₂),
rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_mem xinyt₁, erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nyinxt₂,
erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nyint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem xint₂],
exact (skip y r)
(λ nxinyt₁ : x ∉ y::t₁,
have xney : x ≠ y, from not_eq_of_not_mem nxinyt₁,
have nxint₁ : x ∉ t₁, from not_mem_of_not_mem nxinyt₁,
assert nxint₂ : x ∉ t₂, from
assume xint₂ : x ∈ t₂, absurd (mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm (symm r) (mem_erase_dup xint₂))) nxint₁,
(λ yint₁ : y ∈ t₁,
assert yinxt₂ : y ∈ x::t₂, from or.inr (mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm r (mem_erase_dup yint₁))),
rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxinyt₁, erase_dup_cons_of_mem yinxt₂,
erase_dup_cons_of_mem yint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxint₂],
exact (skip x r)
(λ nyint₁ : y ∉ t₁,
assert nyinxt₂ : y ∉ x::t₂, from
assume yinxt₂ : y ∈ x::t₂, or.elim yinxt₂
(λ h, absurd h (ne.symm xney))
(λ h, absurd (mem_of_mem_erase_dup (mem_perm (symm r) (mem_erase_dup h))) nyint₁),
rewrite [erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxinyt₁, erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nyinxt₂,
erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nyint₁, erase_dup_cons_of_not_mem nxint₂],
exact (xswap x y r)
(λ t₁ t₂ t₃ p₁ p₂ r₁ r₂, trans r₁ r₂)
end perm
end perm
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