refactor(library): cleanup proofs

Fixed proofs that broke when we tried to implement a "checkpoint" have.
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2016-02-03 19:20:29 -08:00
parent 9d88db3941
commit cb12b9b876
9 changed files with 26 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -256,10 +256,10 @@ have le₂ : (⨆s₁) ⊔ (⨆s₂) ≤ ⨆ (s₁ s₂), from
le.antisymm le₁ le₂
lemma Inf_empty_eq_Sup_univ : ⨅ (∅ : set A) = ⨆ univ :=
have le₁ : ⨅ ≤ ⨆ univ, from
have le₁ : ⨅ (∅ : set A) ≤ ⨆ univ, from
le_Sup !mem_univ,
have le₂ : ⨆ univ ≤ ⨅ ∅, from
le_Inf (take a, suppose a ∈ ∅, absurd this !not_mem_empty),
le_Inf (take a : A, suppose a ∈ ∅, absurd this !not_mem_empty),
le.antisymm le₁ le₂
lemma Sup_empty_eq_Inf_univ : ⨆ (∅ : set A) = ⨅ univ :=

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ section left_module
!add.left_cancel this
proposition smul_zero (a : R) : a • (0 : M) = 0 :=
have a • 0 + a • 0 = a • 0 + 0, by rewrite [-smul_left_distrib, *add_zero],
have a • (0:M) + a • 0 = a • 0 + 0, by rewrite [-smul_left_distrib, *add_zero],
!add.left_cancel this
proposition neg_smul (a : R) (u : M) : (-a) • u = - (a • u) :=

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@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ private lemma max_count_eq (l₁ l₂ : list A) : ∀ {a : A} {l : list A}, a
| a (b::l) h₁ h₂ :=
assert nodup l, from nodup_of_nodup_cons h₂,
assert b ∉ l, from not_mem_of_nodup_cons h₂,
or.elim h₁
or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons h₁)
(suppose a = b,
have a ∉ l, by rewrite this; assumption,
assert a ∉ max_count l₁ l₂ l, from not_mem_max_count_of_not_mem l₁ l₂ this,
@ -305,8 +305,9 @@ private lemma max_count_eq (l₁ l₂ : list A) : ∀ {a : A} {l : list A}, a
rewrite [if_neg i, list.count_append, count_gen, max_eq_right_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge i), count_eq_zero_of_not_mem `a ∉ max_count l₁ l₂ l`]
(suppose a ∈ l,
assert a ≠ b, from suppose a = b, by subst b; contradiction,
assert ih : list.count a (max_count l₁ l₂ l) = max (list.count a l₁) (list.count a l₂), from max_count_eq `a ∈ l` `nodup l`,
assert a ≠ b, from suppose a = b, begin subst b, contradiction end,
assert ih : list.count a (max_count l₁ l₂ l) = max (list.count a l₁) (list.count a l₂), from
max_count_eq `a ∈ l` `nodup l`,
(suppose i : list.count b l₁ ≥ list.count b l₂, begin
unfold max_count,
@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ private lemma min_count_eq (l₁ l₂ : list A) : ∀ {a : A} {l : list A}, a
| a (b::l) h₁ h₂ :=
assert nodup l, from nodup_of_nodup_cons h₂,
assert b ∉ l, from not_mem_of_nodup_cons h₂,
or.elim h₁
or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons h₁)
(suppose a = b,
have a ∉ l, by rewrite this; assumption,
assert a ∉ min_count l₁ l₂ l, from not_mem_min_count_of_not_mem l₁ l₂ this,

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ lemma eq_of_to_fun_eq {A B : Type} : ∀ {e₁ e₂ : equiv A B}, fn e₁ = fn e
assert f₁ = f₂, from h,
assert g₁ = g₂, from funext (λ x,
assert f₁ (g₁ x) = f₂ (g₂ x), from eq.trans (r₁ x) (eq.symm (r₂ x)),
have f₁ (g₁ x) = f₁ (g₂ x), by rewrite [-h at this]; exact this,
have f₁ (g₁ x) = f₁ (g₂ x), begin subst f₂, exact this end,
show g₁ x = g₂ x, from injective_of_left_inverse l₁ this),
by congruence; repeat assumption

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@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ quot.induction_on s
(assume nodup_l, H1)
(take a l',
assume IH nodup_al',
have a ∉ l', from not_mem_of_nodup_cons nodup_al',
assert e : list.insert a l' = a :: l', from insert_eq_of_not_mem this,
assert aux₁: a ∉ l', from not_mem_of_nodup_cons nodup_al',
assert e : list.insert a l' = a :: l', from insert_eq_of_not_mem aux₁,
assert nodup l', from nodup_of_nodup_cons nodup_al',
assert P ( (subtype.tag l' this)), from IH this,
assert P (insert a ( (subtype.tag l' _))), from H2 `a ∉ l'` this,
assert P (insert a ( (subtype.tag l' _))), from H2 aux₁ this,
revert nodup_al',
rewrite [-e],

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@ -101,7 +101,10 @@ assume Pds, inter_eq_empty (take a, assume Pa nPa,
obtain t Ptin Paint, from iff.elim_left !mem_Union_iff nPa,
assert s ≠ t,
from assume Peq, absurd (Peq ▸ of_mem_sep Psin) (of_mem_sep Ptin),
Pds s t (mem_of_mem_sep Psin) (mem_of_mem_sep Ptin) `s ≠ t` ▸ mem_inter Pains Paint)
have e₁ : s ∩ t = empty, from Pds s t (mem_of_mem_sep Psin) (mem_of_mem_sep Ptin) `s ≠ t`,
have a ∈ s ∩ t, from mem_inter Pains Paint,
have a ∈ empty, from e₁ ▸ this,
absurd this !not_mem_empty)
variables {B: Type} [deceqB : decidable_eq B]

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@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ lemma card_le_of_inj (A : Type) [finA : fintype A] [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
(∃ f : A → B, injective f) → card A ≤ card B :=
assume Pex, obtain f Pinj, from Pex,
assert Pinj_on_univ : _, from !set.injective_iff_inj_on_univ Pinj,
assert Pinj_ts : _, from to_set_univ⁻¹ ▸ Pinj_on_univ,
assert Psub : (image f univ) ⊆ univ, from !subset_univ,
assert Pinj_ts : set.inj_on f (ts univ), from to_set_univ⁻¹ ▸ Pinj_on_univ,
assert Psub : (image f univ) ⊆ univ, from !subset_univ,
finset.card_le_of_inj_on univ univ (exists.intro f (and.intro Pinj_ts Psub))
-- used to prove that inj ∧ eq card => surj

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@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ theorem pow_cancel_left : ∀ {a b c : nat}, a > 1 → a ^ b = a ^ c → b = c
| a 0 0 h₁ h₂ := rfl
| a (succ b) 0 h₁ h₂ :=
assert a = 1, by rewrite [pow_succ at h₂, pow_zero at h₂]; exact (eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right h₂),
assert 1 < 1, by rewrite [this at h₁]; exact h₁,
assert (1:nat) < 1, by rewrite [this at h₁]; exact h₁,
absurd `1 <[nat] 1` !lt.irrefl
| a 0 (succ c) h₁ h₂ :=
assert a = 1, by rewrite [pow_succ at h₂, pow_zero at h₂]; exact (eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right (eq.symm h₂)),
assert 1 < 1, by rewrite [this at h₁]; exact h₁,
assert (1:nat) < 1, by rewrite [this at h₁]; exact h₁,
absurd `1 <[nat] 1` !lt.irrefl
| a (succ b) (succ c) h₁ h₂ :=
assert a ≠ 0, from assume aeq0, by rewrite [aeq0 at h₁]; exact (absurd h₁ dec_trivial),

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ section
from even_of_even_pow this,
assert 2 gcd a b,
from dvd_gcd (dvd_of_even `even a`) (dvd_of_even `even b`),
have 2 1,
have (2:nat) 1,
begin rewrite [gcd_eq_one_of_coprime co at this], exact this end,
show false, from absurd `2 1` dec_trivial
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ section
from ne_of_gt (denom_pos q),
have bnz : b ≠ (0 : ),
from assume H, `b ≠ 0` (of_int.inj H),
have bnnz : ((b : rat)^n ≠ 0),
from assume bneqz, bnz (eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero bneqz),
have a^n /[rat] b^n = c,
have bnnz : (b : rat)^n ≠ 0,
from assume bneqz, bnz (_root_.eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero bneqz),
have a^n /[rat] (b:rat)^n = c,
using bnz, begin rewrite [*of_int_pow, -div_pow, -eq_num_div_denom, -H] end,
have (a^n : rat) = c *[rat] b^n,
from eq.symm (!mul_eq_of_eq_div bnnz this⁻¹),
have (a^n : rat) = c * (b:rat)^n,
from eq.symm (!mul_eq_of_eq_div bnnz (eq.symm this)),
have a^n = c * b^n, -- int version
using this, by rewrite [-of_int_pow at this, -of_int_mul at this]; exact of_int.inj this,
have (abs a)^n = abs c * (abs b)^n,