fix(frontends/lean): improve begin-end construct

This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-10-26 15:47:29 -07:00
parent 08e8161243
commit cc6a96e8ba
4 changed files with 50 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -137,11 +137,12 @@ static expr parse_by(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) {
static expr parse_begin_end_core(parser & p, pos_info const & pos) {
if (!p.has_tactic_decls())
throw parser_error("invalid 'begin-end' expression, tactic module has not been imported", pos);
optional<expr> pre_tac = get_begin_end_pre_tactic(p.env());
environment env = open_tactic_namespace(p);
parser::local_scope scope2(p, env);
parser::undef_id_to_local_scope scope1(p);
optional<expr> pre_tac = get_begin_end_pre_tactic(env);
buffer<expr> tacs;
bool first = true;
parser::undef_id_to_local_scope scope(p);
environment env = open_tactic_namespace(p);
while (!p.curr_is_token(get_end_tk())) {
if (first) {
first = false;
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ static expr parse_begin_end_core(parser & p, pos_info const & pos) {
p.curr_is_token(get_assume_tk()) || p.curr_is_token(get_take_tk()) ||
auto pos = p.pos();
expr tac = p.parse_scoped_expr(0, nullptr, env);
expr tac = p.parse_expr();
if (use_exact)
tac = p.mk_app(get_exact_tac_fn(), tac, pos);
if (pre_tac)

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@ -68,7 +68,12 @@ bool get_parser_parallel_import(options const & opts) {
parser::local_scope::local_scope(parser & p):
m_p(p), m_env(p.env()) {
parser::local_scope::local_scope(parser & p, environment const & env):
m_p(p), m_env(p.env()) {
m_p.m_env = env;
parser::local_scope::~local_scope() {

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@ -348,7 +348,9 @@ public:
expr parse_scoped_expr(buffer<expr> const & ps, unsigned rbp = 0) { return parse_scoped_expr(ps.size(),, rbp); }
struct local_scope { parser & m_p; environment m_env; local_scope(parser & p); ~local_scope(); };
struct local_scope { parser & m_p; environment m_env;
local_scope(parser & p); local_scope(parser & p, environment const & env); ~local_scope();
bool has_locals() const { return !m_local_decls.empty() || !m_local_level_decls.empty(); }
void add_local_level(name const & n, level const & l, bool is_variable = false);
void add_local_expr(name const & n, expr const & p, bool is_variable = false);

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import logic data.nat.basic
open nat
inductive vector (A : Type) : nat → Type :=
vnil : vector A zero,
vcons : Π {n : nat}, A → vector A n → vector A (succ n)
namespace vector
definition no_confusion_type {A : Type} {n : nat} (P : Type) (v₁ v₂ : vector A n) : Type :=
cases_on v₁
(cases_on v₂
(P → P)
(λ n₂ h₂ t₂, P))
(λ n₁ h₁ t₁, cases_on v₂
(λ n₂ h₂ t₂, (Π (H : n₁ = n₂), h₁ = h₂ → eq.rec_on H t₁ = t₂ → P) → P))
definition no_confusion {A : Type} {n : nat} {P : Type} {v₁ v₂ : vector A n} : v₁ = v₂ → no_confusion_type P v₁ v₂ :=
assume H₁₂ : v₁ = v₂,
have aux : v₁ = v₁ → no_confusion_type P v₁ v₁, from
take H₁₁, cases_on v₁
(assume h : P, h)
(take n₁ h₁ t₁, assume h : (Π (H : n₁ = n₁), h₁ = h₁ → t₁ = t₁ → P),
h rfl rfl rfl),
eq.rec aux H₁₂ H₁₂
theorem vcons.inj₁ {A : Type} {n : nat} (a₁ a₂ : A) (v₁ v₂ : vector A n) : vcons a₁ v₁ = vcons a₂ v₂ → a₁ = a₂ :=
intro h, apply (no_confusion h), intros, assumption
theorem vcons.inj₂ {A : Type} {n : nat} (a₁ a₂ : A) (v₁ v₂ : vector A n) : vcons a₁ v₁ = vcons a₂ v₂ → v₁ = v₂ :=
intro h, apply (no_confusion h), intros, eassumption
end vector