fix(hott,frontends/lean,library,library/tactic): make sure we can still compile the HoTT library
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 131 additions and 69 deletions
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ open eq is_trunc iso bool functor
namespace category
definition precategory_of_1_type [constructor] (A : Type) [H : is_trunc 1 A] : precategory A :=
(λ (a b : A), a = b)
|||| _ _ (@is_trunc_eq _ _ H)
(λ (a b c : A) (p : b = c) (q : a = b), q ⬝ p)
(λ (a : A), refl a)
(λ (a b c d : A) (p : c = d) (q : b = c) (r : a = b), con.assoc r q p)
@ -19,15 +19,6 @@ variable {A : Type}
structure has_mul [class] (A : Type) :=
(mul : A → A → A)
structure has_add [class] (A : Type) :=
(add : A → A → A)
structure has_one [class] (A : Type) :=
(one : A)
structure has_zero [class] (A : Type) :=
(zero : A)
structure has_inv [class] (A : Type) :=
(inv : A → A)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jakob von Raumer
import init.datatypes init.reserved_notation init.tactic init.logic
import init.bool init.num init.priority init.relation
import init.bool init.num init.relation
import init.types
import init.trunc init.path init.equiv init.util
import init.funext
@ -12,28 +12,6 @@ definition pos_num.is_inhabited [instance] : inhabited pos_num :=
namespace pos_num
definition is_one (a : pos_num) : bool :=
pos_num.rec_on a tt (λn r, ff) (λn r, ff)
definition pred (a : pos_num) : pos_num :=
pos_num.rec_on a one (λn r, bit0 n) (λn r, cond (is_one n) one (bit1 r))
definition size (a : pos_num) : pos_num :=
pos_num.rec_on a one (λn r, succ r) (λn r, succ r)
definition add (a b : pos_num) : pos_num :=
pos_num.rec_on a
(λn f b, pos_num.rec_on b
(succ (bit1 n))
(λm r, succ (bit1 (f m)))
(λm r, bit1 (f m)))
(λn f b, pos_num.rec_on b
(bit1 n)
(λm r, bit1 (f m))
(λm r, bit0 (f m)))
notation a + b := add a b
definition mul (a b : pos_num) : pos_num :=
@ -80,9 +58,6 @@ namespace num
definition size (a : num) : num :=
num.rec_on a (pos one) (λp, pos (size p))
definition add (a b : num) : num :=
num.rec_on a b (λpa, num.rec_on b (pos pa) (λpb, pos (pos_num.add pa pb)))
definition mul (a b : num) : num :=
num.rec_on a zero (λpa, num.rec_on b zero (λpb, pos (pos_num.mul pa pb)))
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import init.datatypes
definition std.priority.default : num := 1000
definition std.priority.max : num := 4294967295
@ -9,6 +9,66 @@ import init.datatypes
notation `assume` binders `,` r:(scoped f, f) := r
notation `take` binders `,` r:(scoped f, f) := r
structure has_zero [class] (A : Type) := (zero : A)
structure has_one [class] (A : Type) := (one : A)
structure has_add [class] (A : Type) := (add : A → A → A)
definition zero [reducible] {A : Type} [s : has_zero A] : A := A
definition one [reducible] {A : Type} [s : has_one A] : A := A
definition add [reducible] {A : Type} [s : has_add A] : A → A → A := has_add.add
definition bit0 [reducible] {A : Type} [s : has_add A] (a : A) : A := add a a
definition bit1 [reducible] {A : Type} [s₁ : has_one A] [s₂ : has_add A] (a : A) : A := add (bit0 a) one
definition num_has_zero [reducible] [instance] : has_zero num :=
definition num_has_one [reducible] [instance] : has_one num :=
|||| (num.pos
definition pos_num_has_one [reducible] [instance] : has_one pos_num :=
|||| (
namespace pos_num
open bool
definition is_one (a : pos_num) : bool :=
pos_num.rec_on a tt (λn r, ff) (λn r, ff)
definition pred (a : pos_num) : pos_num :=
pos_num.rec_on a one (λn r, bit0 n) (λn r, bool.rec_on (is_one n) (bit1 r) one)
definition size (a : pos_num) : pos_num :=
pos_num.rec_on a one (λn r, succ r) (λn r, succ r)
definition add (a b : pos_num) : pos_num :=
pos_num.rec_on a
(λn f b, pos_num.rec_on b
(succ (bit1 n))
(λm r, succ (bit1 (f m)))
(λm r, bit1 (f m)))
(λn f b, pos_num.rec_on b
(bit1 n)
(λm r, bit1 (f m))
(λm r, bit0 (f m)))
end pos_num
definition pos_num_has_add [reducible] [instance] : has_add pos_num :=
|||| pos_num.add
namespace num
open pos_num
definition add (a b : num) : num :=
num.rec_on a b (λpa, num.rec_on b (pos pa) (λpb, pos (pos_num.add pa pb)))
end num
definition num_has_add [reducible] [instance] : has_add num :=
|||| num.add
definition std.priority.default : num := 1000
definition std.priority.max : num := 4294967295
Global declarations of right binding strength
@ -17,7 +77,6 @@ notation `take` binders `,` r:(scoped f, f) := r
When hovering over a symbol, use "C-c C-k" to see how to input it.
definition std.prec.max : num := 1024 -- the strength of application, identifiers, (, [, etc.
definition std.prec.arrow : num := 25
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .num .wf
import init.num
-- Empty type
-- ----------
@ -1585,7 +1585,14 @@ expr elaborator::visit_prenum(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs) {
mpz const & v = prenum_value(e);
tag e_tag = e.get_tag();
levels ls = levels(mk_meta_univ(;
expr A = m_full_context.mk_meta(m_ngen, none_expr(), e_tag);
// Remark: In HoTT mode, we only partially support the new encoding for numerals.
// We fix A to num, and we rely on coercions to cast them to other types.
// This is quite different from the approach used in the standard library
expr A;
if (is_standard(env()))
A = m_full_context.mk_meta(m_ngen, none_expr(), e_tag);
A = mk_constant(get_num_name()).set_tag(e_tag);
bool is_strict = true;
bool inst_imp = true;
if (v.is_neg())
@ -41,7 +41,14 @@ static unsigned parse_precedence_core(parser & p) {
if (p.curr_is_numeral()) {
return p.parse_small_nat();
} else {
environment env = open_prec_aliases(p.env());
environment env = p.env();
if (!is_standard(env)) {
// TODO(Leo): remove this if we decide to implement
// arithmetical notation using type classes in the HoTT
// library.
env = open_num_notation(p.env());
env = open_prec_aliases(env);
parser::local_scope scope(p, env);
expr pre_val = p.parse_expr(get_max_prec());
pre_val = mk_typed_expr(mk_constant(get_num_name()), pre_val);
@ -1537,17 +1537,32 @@ expr parser::parse_id() {
return id_to_expr(id, p);
expr parser::parse_numeral_expr() {
expr parser::parse_numeral_expr(bool user_notation) {
auto p = pos();
mpz n = get_num_val().get_numerator();
if (!m_has_num)
m_has_num = has_num_decls(m_env);
if (!*m_has_num) {
list<expr> vals;
if (user_notation)
vals = get_mpz_notation(m_env, n);
if (!*m_has_num && !vals) {
throw parser_error("numeral cannot be encoded as expression, environment does not contain "
"the auxiliary declarations zero, one, bit0 and bit1", p);
return mk_prenum(n);
if (!vals) {
return save_pos(mk_prenum(n), p);
} else {
buffer<expr> cs;
if (*m_has_num)
cs.push_back(save_pos(mk_prenum(n), p));
for (expr const & c : vals)
cs.push_back(copy_with_new_pos(c, p));
if (cs.size() == 1)
return cs[0];
return save_pos(mk_choice(cs.size(),, p);
expr parser::parse_decimal_expr() {
@ -1830,7 +1845,7 @@ expr parser::parse_tactic_opt_id_list() {
expr parser::parse_tactic_option_num() {
auto p = pos();
if (curr_is_numeral()) {
expr n = parse_numeral_expr(); // TODO(Leo): it should be a num
expr n = parse_numeral_expr(false);
return mk_app(save_pos(mk_constant(get_option_some_name()), p), n, p);
} else {
return save_pos(mk_constant(get_option_none_name()), p);
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class parser {
expr parse_led_notation(expr left);
expr parse_nud();
bool curr_starts_expr();
expr parse_numeral_expr();
expr parse_numeral_expr(bool user_notation = true);
expr parse_decimal_expr();
expr parse_string_expr();
expr parse_binder_core(binder_info const & bi, unsigned rbp);
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ name const * g_false_rec = nullptr;
name const * g_funext = nullptr;
name const * g_has_zero = nullptr;
name const * g_has_one = nullptr;
name const * g_has_zero_zero = nullptr;
name const * g_has_one_one = nullptr;
name const * g_has_add = nullptr;
name const * g_heq = nullptr;
name const * g_heq_refl = nullptr;
@ -188,6 +190,8 @@ void initialize_constants() {
g_funext = new name{"funext"};
g_has_zero = new name{"has_zero"};
g_has_one = new name{"has_one"};
g_has_zero_zero = new name{"has_zero", "zero"};
g_has_one_one = new name{"has_one", "one"};
g_has_add = new name{"has_add"};
g_heq = new name{"heq"};
g_heq_refl = new name{"heq", "refl"};
@ -341,6 +345,8 @@ void finalize_constants() {
delete g_funext;
delete g_has_zero;
delete g_has_one;
delete g_has_zero_zero;
delete g_has_one_one;
delete g_has_add;
delete g_heq;
delete g_heq_refl;
@ -493,6 +499,8 @@ name const & get_false_rec_name() { return *g_false_rec; }
name const & get_funext_name() { return *g_funext; }
name const & get_has_zero_name() { return *g_has_zero; }
name const & get_has_one_name() { return *g_has_one; }
name const & get_has_zero_zero_name() { return *g_has_zero_zero; }
name const & get_has_one_one_name() { return *g_has_one_one; }
name const & get_has_add_name() { return *g_has_add; }
name const & get_heq_name() { return *g_heq; }
name const & get_heq_refl_name() { return *g_heq_refl; }
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ name const & get_false_rec_name();
name const & get_funext_name();
name const & get_has_zero_name();
name const & get_has_one_name();
name const & get_has_zero_zero_name();
name const & get_has_one_one_name();
name const & get_has_add_name();
name const & get_heq_name();
name const & get_heq_refl_name();
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ false.rec
@ -112,4 +112,12 @@ optional<mpz> to_num_core(expr const & e) {
return optional<mpz>();
bool is_num_leaf_constant(name const & n) {
n == get_zero_name() ||
n == get_one_name() ||
n == get_has_zero_zero_name() ||
n == get_has_one_one_name();
@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ optional<mpz> to_num(expr const & e);
/** \brief If the given expression is a numeral encode the num and pos_num types, return the encoded numeral */
optional<mpz> to_num_core(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return true iff n is zero/one/
These constants are used to encode numerals, and some tactics may have to treat them in a special way.
\remark This kind of hard-coded solution is not ideal. One alternative solution is to have yet another
annotation to let user mark constants that should be treated in a different way by some tactics. */
bool is_num_leaf_constant(name const & n);
void initialize_num();
void finalize_num();
@ -490,19 +490,7 @@ public:
constraint_seq cs;
expr p1 = m_tc.whnf(p, cs);
expr t1 = m_tc.whnf(t, cs);
if (!cs && (p1 != p || t1 != t) && ctx.match(p1, t1)) {
return true;
} else if (!has_expr_metavar(p1)) {
// special support for numerals
if (auto p2 = unfold_num_app(m_tc.env(), p1)) {
// unfold nested projection
if (auto p3 = unfold_app(m_tc.env(), *p2)) {
p3 = m_tc.whnf(*p3, cs);
return !cs && p1 != *p3 && ctx.match(*p3, t1);
return false;
return !cs && (p1 != p || t1 != t) && ctx.match(p1, t1);
} catch (exception&) {
return false;
@ -1600,7 +1588,10 @@ class rewrite_fn {
} else {
auto aux_pred = full ? mk_irreducible_pred(m_env) : mk_not_reducible_pred(m_env);
return mk_simple_type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(), [=](name const & n) {
return is_projection(m_env, n) || aux_pred(n);
// Remark: the condition !is_num_leaf_constant(n) is a little bit hackish.
// It is here to allow us to match terms such as (@zero nat nat_has_zero) with
// The idea is to treat zero and as reducible terms and unfold them here.
return (is_projection(m_env, n) || aux_pred(n)) && !is_num_leaf_constant(n);
Add table
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