feat(lean-input): add some notation

This commit is contained in:
Floris van Doorn 2015-04-17 13:15:16 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent ee4cba4e0b
commit d4a929febb

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@ -202,15 +202,17 @@ order for the change to take effect."
("eq" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "=∼∽≈≋∻∾∿≀≃⋍≂≅ ≌≊≡≣≐≑≒≓≔≕≖≗≘≙≚≛≜≝≞≟≍≎≏≬⋕"))
("eqn" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≠≁ ≉ ≄ ≇≆ ≢ ≭ "))
("equiv" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≃⋍"))
("iso" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≅≌"))
("=n" . (""))
("~" . ("")) ("~n" . ("")) ("homotopy" . (""))
("~~" . ("")) ("~~n" . (""))
("~~~" . (""))
(":~" . (""))
("~-" . ("")) ("~-n" . ("")) ("equiv" . (""))
("~-" . ("")) ("~-n" . (""))
("-~" . (""))
("~=" . ("")) ("~=n" . ("")) ("iso" . (""))
("~=" . ("")) ("~=n" . (""))
("~~-" . (""))
("==" . ("")) ("==n" . (""))
("===" . (""))
@ -238,10 +240,10 @@ order for the change to take effect."
;; Inequality and similar symbols.
("leq" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "<≪⋘≤≦≲ ≶≺≼≾⊂⊆ ⋐⊏⊑ ⊰⊲⊴⋖⋚⋜⋞"))
("leqn" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≰≨≴⋦≸⊀ ⋨⊄⊈⊊ ⋢⋤ ⋪⋬ ⋠"))
("geq" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list ">≫⋙≥≧≳ ≷≻≽≿⊃⊇ ⋑⊐⊒ ⊱⊳⊵⋗⋛⋝⋟"))
("geqn" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≯ ≱≩≵⋧≹⊁ ⋩⊅⊉⊋ ⋣⋥ ⋫⋭ ⋡"))
("leq" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≤≦≲<≪⋘ ≶≺≼≾⊂⊆ ⋐⊏⊑ ⊰⊲⊴⋖⋚⋜⋞"))
("leqn" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≰≨≴⋦ ≸⊀ ⋨⊄⊈⊊ ⋢⋤ ⋪⋬ ⋠"))
("geq" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≥≧≳>≫⋙ ≷≻≽≿⊃⊇ ⋑⊐⊒ ⊱⊳⊵⋗⋛⋝⋟"))
("geqn" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "≱≩≯≵⋧ ≹ ⊁ ⋩⊅⊉⊋ ⋣⋥ ⋫⋭ ⋡"))
("<=" . ("")) (">=" . (""))
("<=n" . ("")) (">=n" . (""))
@ -322,6 +324,8 @@ order for the change to take effect."
;; Various operators/symbols.
("tr" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "⬝▹"))
("trans" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "▹⬝"))
("transport" . (""))
("con" . (""))
("cdot" . (""))
("sy" . ("⁻¹"))
@ -453,7 +457,6 @@ order for the change to take effect."
("t" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "▸▹►▻◂◃◄◅▴▵▾▿◢◿◣◺◤◸◥◹"))
("Tr" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "◀◁▶▷▲△▼▽◬◭◮"))
("transport" . (""))
("tb" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "◂▸▴▾◄►◢◣◤◥"))
("tw" . ,(lean-input-to-string-list "◃▹▵▿◅▻◿◺◸◹"))
@ -661,7 +664,7 @@ order for the change to take effect."
;; \omicron \Omicron
;; \pi \Pi
("Gr" . ("ρ")) ("GR" . ("Ρ"))
("Gs" . ("σ")) ("GS" . ("Σ"))
("Gs" . ("σ")) ("GS" . ("Σ")) ("S" . ("Σ"))
("Gt" . ("τ")) ("GT" . ("Τ"))
("Gu" . ("υ")) ("GU" . ("Υ"))
("Gf" . ("φ")) ("GF" . ("Φ"))